COMMON DOG POISONS Chemicals & household nasties: Antifreeze This causes the formation of oxalate crystals in the kidneys, resulting in kidney failure Drugs (e.g. prescription medications, illicit drugs, panadol and nurofen) These can damage the nervous system, heart muscle, red blood cells, stomach lining Signs include seizures, muscle tremors, pale gums, vomiting, diarrhoea, wobbly gait Rat bait (e.g. ratsack, bromakil) - can even poison pets if they eat poisoned rats/mice These baits cause problems with blood clotting so signs include bleeding from gums, lethargy, pale gums. Signs usually appear a few days after ingestion Rabbit bait (1080) - can even poison pets if they eat poisoned rabbits Rapidly causes vomiting, loss of bladder and bowel control, seizures and death Lead (including lead paint if eaten) Damages the red blood cells, gut, and nervous system Signs include pale gums, blindness, seizures, vomiting, diarrhoea Other chemicals e.g. (petrol, oil, grease, detergents) These can cause irritation and ulcers on contact with the gums, tongue or skin. They can also cause vomiting if ingested Garden Nasties: Pesticides (including pyrethrin products) These can cause muscle tremors, seizures, loss of bladder and bowel control, small pupils, trouble breathing Snail Bait (e.g. Defender, Baysol, Multigard) These rapidly cause damage the nervous system causing tremors and seizures Multigard claims to be dog-safe but can cause vomiting and diarrhoea Garbage, compost, & fertilisers Toxins in these can cause stomach upsets (vomiting and diarrhoea), muscle tremors, & seizures Toadstools Toxins in these can damage the liver and kidneys if ingested, and this may take several days to become apparent. Gut upsets can also occur Blue-green algae Algal blooms can cause liver failure and severe intestinal wall damage if ingested Foods and Drinks: Alcohol This can affect animals in the same way it does with humans, causing wobbly gait, vomiting, & lethargy Nuts - especially macadamias (which cause wobbly legs and abdominal pain) Chocolate & coffee The caffeine (and other chemicals) in these can cause muscle tremors and seizures like us after 15 cups of coffee! Some fruits e.g. grapes, raisins, avocado, tomato stalks and leaves, rhubarb leaves These can damage the heart, kidneys, and gut Some vegetables e.g. onions, green potatoes Uncooked yeast dough - this can expand in the stomach creating abdominal pain, and can also ferment to create alcohol which is in itself toxic If you suspect that your pet has come into contact with any toxin, or is showing signs of toxicity, please contact the clinic immediately. Prompt treatment is the key to a quick recovery in many cases.