To be conducted at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre 20th, 21st & 22nd of November 2015 50th VICTORIAN PONY STUD SHOW Friday 20th, Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd of November, 2015 To be held on the General Purpose Area at WERRIBEE PARK NATIONAL EQUESTRIAN CENTRE On-Line entries will close at 11.30pm on Sunday 4th of October, 2015 All Postal Entries close at 4.30pm on Friday 2nd October 2015 – and incur an additional $15 Data processing fee. The Secretary, APSB (Vic Branch), PO Box 2132, Geelong Vic 3220 Cheques to be made payable to the APSB Society Enquiries: Ph: 0408 100 973 (Lorraine) or (03) 5978 8294 (Marion), Fax: 03 5229 8244, email: ENTRY FEES: All Entries: - $14.00 per class (unless otherwise stated) Code Red Cancellation & Refund Policy Code Red Extreme Weather & Cancellation Policy – in accordance with the APSB Vic Committee Ruling, if cancellation is required due to predicted or existing severe and dangerous conditions such as Code Red Fire Warnings/Flood/travel warnings or disease outbreaks, a recorded message will be available on the number as advised on the Stud Show Exhibitor Information Sheet, which is sent out to all Exhibitors with the Timetable. If the event has commenced and has to be abandoned, there will be no refunds. If the event is cancelled prior to commencement of the event – costs incurred by the Committee prior to the show will be paid and remaining funds will be reimbursed to the member if the amount per exhibitor is $10 or more. If the event is postponed, entries will be transferred to the new date. Conditions of Entry These regulations govern all shows conducted by, or affiliated with, the Australian Pony Stud Book Society Inc (Victorian Branch). 1. 2. 3. 4. Entries are subject to the rules and conditions hereinafter set out and also those appearing at the head of each section or in each class. The Committee of the Society or the Secretary shall have the power without assigning any reason to: (a) Reject or cancel any entry at any time. (b) Prohibit the participation by any person or exhibit in any event or class for which it is entered. (c) Cancel any event or class. (d) Alter the time at which any class or event is to take place. (e) Alter the conditions of entry. (f) Remove any exhibit from the venue. (g) Alter the date or time for the closing of entries for any section or class or for any particular entry. (h) Transfer an exhibit or exhibitor from any class to any other class. (i) Split any event or class. (j) Empowered to substitute a judge. The Society shall not be responsible for the loss of or for any damage or injury caused to any exhibit or the property of any exhibitor from any cause whatsoever. In this context the word Society shall be held to be all members of the Committee, its Trustees, Secretary, Manager, Registrar, Judges, Stewards and any other person authorised by the Committee to assist in the conduct of the Show, and all such persons shall be indemnified out of the funds and assets of the Society for any risk, expense or liability incurred by them in the conduct of their various duties. The Exhibitor enters entirely at his own risk. In case any exhibit, whilst on the Society's venue shall cause or be the cause of injury or damage to any other 5. 6. 7. exhibit or exhibitor or to the person or property of any member of the Society or the general public. The owner of such exhibit shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Society, its officers, officials and members from and against all damage costs, claims, expenses or liabilities incurred in connection with such exhibits. The Exhibitor shall be liable to the Society and its employees, officers and officials for any damage or loss occasioned to any of them by the exhibit of the exhibitor or his agent. The Exhibit shall at all times comply with the directions or requests of the Committee of the Society or the Secretary. This shall without limiting the generality of the foregoing apply to the entry of the pony, the exhibitor, the conditions of such, the conduct of the exhibitor, the conducting of the event, the decisions of the Judge and the awarding of the prize. The Committee of the Society and the Secretary reserve the right to adjudicate on any entry or upon any question in dispute or doubt and to make any determination upon any matter whether covered by the conditions of entry or not and the decision so made shall be final and binding. The Society shall thereby have sole and absolute control of all matters affecting the conduct of the show and the exhibits and exhibitors. There shall be no right of appeal to any court of law or other body from any decision made by the Committee or the Secretary. An exhibit or exhibitor shall not be eligible to compete in any class by reason of the Society's acceptance of the entry and/or the inclusion of the exhibit or exhibitor in the Society's catalogue or by reason of any Exhibit Ticket or number or other document having been printed allotted or issued by 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. the Society. Unless otherwise stated all exhibits must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor at the time of entry. The owner or lessee hereby indemnifies the Society against all claims from any cause made against the Society in respect of such animal at the instance of any other persons. An exhibit sold after the date of entry and before the time of judging shall not be entitled to compete unless the transfer is finalised. No entry can be changed by the exhibitor after entries close. The Secretary and the Society shall however have the power to do so at any time and in doing so may without limiting the generality of the foregoing alter the class for which the animal is entered. Lodgement Of Entries Close of entries: On-Line Entry close 11.30pm, 4th of October 2015 Postal Entries -close 4.30pm, 2nd of October 2015. IF Entries are sent into the Office a Data Entry Fee of $15 will be incurred. Entries must reach the Secretary, A.P.S.B. Vic, P.O. Box 2132, Geelong 3220 on or before 4.30 pm on Friday 2nd October, 2015, and must be on the Official entry forms supplied by the Society unless otherwise permitted by the Secretary. The appropriate entry fee/s as set out in the schedule must be paid with each entry. Please ensure that Entry Forms are correct and the correct fees have been paid, as incomplete entries may be automatically rejected. A penalty fee of $11 may be incurred should the secretary's office be required to correspond with any exhibitor. There will be an Administration Fee of $40 per Exhibitor. This Administration Fee will also provide Exhibit numbers and a Catalogue. All entries are $14.00 per class. No refund of fees for withdrawn entries will be made. Exhibitors must be current members of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. Exhibits must be registered or recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. As entering on-line is linked to the Stud Book, no copies of Registration Certificates or Membership cards will be required for these entries. If posting entries - Registration/recording certificates need not be supplied as these details will be checked when data is entered. Membership must be current. All entries, whether made on-line or by post, will be deemed to be acceptance of the Rules & Regulations by the Exhibitor. If appropriate, a duly signed Society Waiver should be provided. Exhibits shall be parked where directed by the Secretary and in accordance with the instructions issued by the Society. Note: Stable bookings will be the responsibility of the Exhibitor. Note: If you wish to stable Ponies prior to the Show and/or after the show, you MUST apply direct to Werribee Park Secretary. 17. 18. 19. 20. Arrival and admittance to ground Arrival time from 6am, Friday 20th November, 2015 Enter via K Road, Werribee. The General Purpose Area is on the Left as you drive in. The Secretary's Office will be open during the following hours: Friday – 7.30am to 9.00 p.m. Saturday - 6.30 a.m. to noon, 1.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Sunday - 6.30 a.m. to noon, 1.30 p.m. until end of Show. Standard of Exhibits Exhibits which in the opinion of the Committee are not in reasonable Show condition or Standard shall not compete in the classes entered, and may at the direction of the Committee be removed from the venue without refund of entry fee. Ponies may be inspected by Committee prior to entering the ring as to suitability for exhibition. All classes indicate ponies of pure breeding, unless otherwise stated. Eligibility (a) No pony/horse may be exhibited under a judge who is the breeder of that pony. (b) Appointed Judges and members of their family are not able to exhibit at the Show. (c) Ponies/horses must be exhibited according to their Australian Pony Stud Book Society registration or recording. (d) All ponies/horses must be branded in accordance with the Regulations of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society (foals excepted). (e) Ponies/horses recorded in the APSB Partbred Register or as APSB Riding Ponies are not eligible for any other sections. All APSB Partbreds & APSB Riding Ponies must be recorded at time of entry (f) All foals not eligible for Championships. (g) All foals must be led in the ring. (h) Broodmares which do not have a foal at foot must be due to foal in the current breeding season and may be required to produce a Veterinary Certificate. (i) Broodmares may only compete in Led classes. (j) All unborn foals may be nominated. (k) All foals must be recorded by the day of Judging. (l) Geldings may compete in progeny groups unless otherwise specified. Age of Exhibits The breeding year commences on 1st August in each year. All yearlings born between 1.8.14 and 31.7.15. All foals born on or after 1.8.15. Height of Exhibits Exhibits previously measured at the 2015 September Royal Show, or having E.F.A. Life Height Certificate need not be measured. However, they will still be required to produce proof of height record from above events to the Secretary’s office for endorsement. All 8.2 hh & under ponies will be subject to 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. measuring. Measuring of young-stock exhibits is required where height is stipulated. Exhibit neck number must be produced at time of measuring. Height cards will be issued by the official measurer. Measuring stand times will be advised at a later date. Ponies not presented for measurement may be barred from competition. Neck numbers will be available from the Secretary's Office. An exhibit over or under the specified measurement shall be transferred to its appropriate class by the exhibitor prior to the judging of the event – please see the Show Secretary. When measuring an exhibit, an allowance of 3/8 inch for shoes may be made by the measurer. Should an exhibit be measured with its shoes on the exhibit may if they so desire, have the pony re-measured without shoes. The measurer may at his discretion request the removal of shoes from any exhibit and re-measure the pony without shoes. Should the Society have appointed more than one measurer then an exhibit having been measured and issued with a measurer’s ticket shall not be submitted for measurement or re-measurement to one of the other measurers. Except as provided in the next rule the decision of the Measurer shall be final. The Judge or Steward of a class may request any exhibit to be re-measured. In such case the exhibit shall be re-measured in the presence of the Ringmaster or his appointed Deputy and the height then decided upon shall be final. Numbers (Wearing and Collection) Numbers corresponding to the number in the catalogue must be worn by each exhibit when appearing before the Judge. Neck numbers will be provided with entry of pony. Program Proposed Timetable Friday Leading Rein & First Ridden, Child’s Ponies, Junior Handlers, Smartest on Parade & Child Rider classes. Saturday All Open Saddle, Miscellaneous Saddle Newcomer, Intermediate, Junior Judging, APSB Partbreds & APSB Riding Ponies, Harness, Led Hackney Ponies, Show Hunters. Native Ponies & Foal Futurities. Pony Of The Year Show. Sunday Purebred Led Classes. The Committee reserves the right to alter the Judging format at any time without giving a reason. Conduct of Exhibitors Should the Committee or the Secretary be of the opinion that: (a) A fraudulent, false or erroneous statement has been made regarding an exhibit or, (b) That an exhibit has been tampered with or improperly dealt with, the exhibit or exhibitor may be dealt with in accordance with Rule 42. (c) Tinting of coats of any pony is prohibited. (d) Shetlands must not be clipped. (e) Australian foals must not be plaited or body clipped. Head Checks, Tail sets and/or weighted shoes may not be used on any Shetland Pony. ** Hackney ponies/horses may be shown in the following gear: (f) Stallion in hand - side reins, roller, tail set and over check, bearing or top rein; (g) Mare or Gelding in hand - open bridle only; (h) Harness - overcheck, bearing or top rein and tail set. The Judge may ask the exhibitor to remove all or part of the gear. 28. The Committee or the Secretary may change the Judge for any particular event at any time they deem necessary. 29. No person shall in any way consult or interfere with or attempt to interfere with the Judge or endeavour to interfere with his freedom of choice or judgment. Persons in charge of exhibits must not leave their exhibits unattended and such persons or exhibitors shall not address the Judge unless authorised by the Steward in Charge of the class or the Judge. 30. Awards to sixth place in all classes 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Trophies and sashes will be presented to all winners of Championship awards. The Judge may award a second or third prize instead of a first, or may withhold a prize altogether, where he/she considers the exhibits are not of sufficient merit. The Judge is requested to make a reserve number by marking it as such, of the exhibit next in merit beyond those to which the prizes are awarded in every class where the number of entries exceeds the number of prizes offered. No exhibit or person in charge thereof shall be equipped with, wear or display anything that indicates the ownership of the exhibit. All exhibitors and competitors shall accept the decision of the Judge as final as to the merits of the exhibit or competitor and no appeal shall be allowed there from to any court of law or other body on the question of merit of the exhibit. All stallions and colts to be handled by competent handlers. All colts from yearling onwards must be suitably BITTED. Protests An exhibitor or competitor may protest against an award won by an exhibit or competitor in the same class alleging infringement of the rules or ineligibility. Such protest shall be addressed to the Secretary in writing, and be lodged before the expiration of one hour after the conclusion of the class the award in question has been made. Such protest shall be accompanied with a deposit of $50.00, which may be forfeited to the Society, if the protest is found to be unfounded or frivolous. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Ringmaster The Ringmaster shall be in control of the Arena programme, placement of Stewards and the management of the regulations. If the regulations do not cover any situation the Ringmaster shall consult with the President and Secretary. Should it be deemed necessary, the Secretary shall convene the Jury of Appeal. Jury of Appeal The Jury of Appeal shall comprise the President and any three members of Committee with the Secretary and Ringmaster in attendance as non-voting members. Protests and all matters arising there from shall be determined by the Jury of Appeal, appointed by the Committee for the purpose. Should any exhibit which has been awarded a prize be disqualified the next in order of award does not necessarily become entitled to the prize. Suitability of Attire Riders, drivers and contestants must be suitably attired. A rider, driver or contestant not suitably attired shall be precluded by the Committee from competing in an event. a) All riders must wear helmets that comply with AS/NZS 3838, EN 1384, or ASTM F1163 and are less than five years old from date of manufacture. b) When handling horses (i.e. not riding) footwear must be worn that provides protection to the top of the foot and toes. Suitability of Vehicles In the Harness Classes, only Jinkers, Buggies, Viceroys and other vehicles that have been approved by the Committee of the Society may be used. Fire Regulations The use of primus or similar stoves or any heating or lighting appliances of a like nature or any naked light is strictly prohibited in or near any horse stall or pavilion. The alteration of or interference with any electrical wiring switch or plug is strictly forbidden. Control of Show Should the Committee or the Secretary be of the opinion that any rule or regulation whether set out in these rules or at the heading of a section or class has been broken or not observed or performed then the exhibit or exhibitor may be disqualified, suspended for any period, fined or otherwise penalised at the discretion of the Committee of the Society or the Secretary. The whole of the Show, the events thereat, the exhibits or exhibitors and their guests and their agents shall be under the complete control of and subject to the decisions and directions of the Committee of the Society and/or the Secretary. Any decisions or direction made by either shall be final and binding and no exhibitor shall have any right or cause of action against the Society or the Members of Committee or the Secretary or any right to approach or seek relief from any court because of any decision made by either the Committee or the Secretary. 43. 44. 45. 46. 45. Parking of Vehicles Vehicles must be parked in such a manner that any entrance/exits of the Show Grounds are CLEAR to allow the flow of traffic at all times. Failure to do so may result in your entries being disqualified from competing at the Show and at future shows, and/or a FINE may be imposed for any infringement of this regulation, which will be strictly adhered to. Free and unobstructed access must be available for access and egress of emergency vehicles at all times. No Smoking or Alcohol is allowed in the Stable Areas. Definitions "Secretary" means and includes the person holding the office of Secretary of the Society and includes a Deputy appointed by him/her. "Exhibitor" includes competitor and/or rider wherever the context permits and includes his agent or anyone acting or purporting to be acting on his behalf whether or not he is employed by the exhibitor. "Class" includes event and "Event" includes class. "Class" also includes trophy competition or any other award. All Entrants staying overnight are required to supply a Property Identification Code (PIC) number. Entries received without a PIC number risk being returned. RISK MANAGEMENT CONDITIONS 1. Approved Safety Helmets must be worn at all times when riding. 2. Riding of horses bareback is prohibited. 3. Riding of rugged horses is prohibited. 4. Stallions must at all times be in the control of a competent handler when led or ridden. 5. Speed limits must be adhered to at all time. 6. Power leads must not cross roads or tracks. Produce Stores Country Link Lara– delivers daily (03) 52821280 Vets Werribee Equine Vet Services 0418 385 223 Don’t Forget To book your tickets for the Saturday Night ... always a good night!! Show Judges – General Information for Members Miscellaneous Saddle Junior Handlers APSB Partbred Led and APSB Riding Ponies Saddle APSB Riding Ponies Led and APSB Partbred Saddle Hackneys, Led/Driven, Harness Ponies, Ride & Drive Saddle Ponies Show Hunters Junior Judging Foal Futurity Shetland Ponies – 8.2 and under Shetland Ponies – Over 8.2hh & not over 10.2hh Australian Ponies– Seniors Australian Ponies– Juniors 3rd Generation Ponies Welsh Ponies New Forest, Highland Fell Ponies Connemara, Dartmoor, Fjord, Gypsy Cobs, Timor Ponies Native Pony Qualifier Camping Helmets Camping is permitted at Werribee Park, subject to the observation of the Health & Safety Regulations, a copy of which is available from the APSB Vic Branch Office. No Smoking or Alcohol in the Stable Areas. A copy will be included with exhibitor information. Properly fitted helmets must be worn by all riders when riding on any part of the showgrounds. Stables & Yards Stables must be booked through Werribee Park office. Yards are available at no charge, but owners of smaller ponies will need to bring some means of filling in the sides to contain their ponies. DOGS are PERMITTED However a condition of use for Werribee Park is that NO dogs are allowed to be loose. Failure to observe may result in being asked to leave. NO DOGS are permitted in the Indoor Arenas Helmets that comply with AS/NZS 3838, EN 1384, or ASTM F1163 and are less than 5 years old from the date of manufacture are deemed to provide an adequate level of protection to the wearer in all circumstances. Helmets that have had significant impacts or have otherwise been structurally damaged must not be worn. The retaining harness must be secured and fastened at all times. When handling horses (i.e. not riding) footwear must be worn that provides protection to the top of the foot and toes. FRIDAY All classes on Friday are for children under 17 years - No stallions or colts allowed in any classes APSB PB & APSB RP are only eligible for classes 3, 6, 13 & 14 Junior Handler APSB PB & APSB RP are eligible LEADING REIN Handler's age to be calculated as at date of event. The pony used need not be property of the handler. However, the pony must be selected from exhibits entered at this show. Junior Handler Classes will not be judged on a points system but emphasis will be placed on the ability of the handler and the suitability of the pony to the handler. Junior handlers must be suitably attired. Jeans, open toed shoes, sneakers and joggers are not permitted. Note: The following classes will be split into 2 rings and may run concurrently Name of handler to be stated on Entry. 15 Handlers, 6 years & under – MAY be accompanied by an adult 16 Handlers, 7 and 8 years old – MAY be accompanied by an adult 17 Handlers, 9 and 10 years old BEST JUNIOR HANDLER - 10 YEARS AND UNDER 18 Handlers, 11 and 12 year old 19 Handlers, 13 and 14 years old 20 Handlers, 15 and 16 years old BEST JUNIOR HANDLER - 16 YEARS AND UNDER No stallions or colts. Snaffle bridle only. 1 2 3 Leading Rein Pony – Mare/Filly - 12hh & under Rider 3 years & under 8. Leading Rein Pony - Gelding - 12hh & under – Rider 3 years & under 8. Leading Rein Pony, APSB PB or APSB RP Mare/Gelding 12hh & under - Rider 3 yrs and under 8 FIRST RIDDEN No stallions or colts. First Ridden Classes - Snaffle bridle only. No spurs - whips not to exceed 75cm. Ponies will walk and trot on circle. Canter is only for individual workout. 4 5 6 First Ridden Pony – Mare/Filly -12.2hh & under Rider to be 12 years & under. First Ridden Pony - Gelding -12.2hh & under Rider to be 12 years & under First Ridden APSB PB or APSB RP, Mare or Gelding 12.2hh & under.- Rider to be 12 years & under CHILD'S PONIES – To be ridden in a Snaffle Bridle with cavesson noseband only. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Childs Saddle Shetland Mare or Gelding Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding 11.2hh & under Shetlands not eligible. Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding over 11.2hh & not exceeding 12hh Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding over 12hh & not exceeding 12.2hh Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding over 12.2hh & not exceeding 13.2hh Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding over 13.2hh CHAMPION CHILDS SADDLE PONY RESERVE CHAMPION CHILDS SADDLE PONY Childs Saddle Pony, Mare or Gelding - 13hh & under APSB PB or APSB RP Childs Saddle Pony, Mare or Gelding - over 13hh APSB PB or APSB RP CHAMPION CHILD’S SADDLE PONY – APSB PB or APSB RP RESERVE CHAMPION CHILDS SADDLE PONY APSB PB or APSB RP SMARTEST ON PARADE APSB PB & APSB RP are eligible 21 22 23 24 Rider Rider Rider Rider 6 years and under 7 years and not over 10 11 years and not over 14 15 years and under 17 CHILD RIDERS APSB PB & APSB RP are eligible 25 26 27 28 Rider Rider Rider Rider 6 years and under 7 years and not over 10 11 years and not over 14 15 years and under 17 CHAMPION RIDER RESERVE CHAMPION RIDER NATIVE COSTUME/FANCY DRESS APSB PB & APSB RP are eligible 29 Native Costume 30 Fancy Dress SATURDAY Newcomer Ponies - not to have competed in any open saddle or breed saddle class prior to 1/5/2015. Stallions eligible. Intermediate - not to have won a first prize competing singularly in breed or open classes at a Royal or Stud Show as at close of entries. Stallions eligible. NEWCOMER SADDLE CLASSES - PUREBRED To be shown in a snaffle bit. 31 Newcomer Saddle Shetland 32 Newcomer Saddle Pony 12hh & under 33 Newcomer Saddle Pony over 12hh & N.E. 13hh 34 Newcomer Saddle Pony over 13hh & N.E. 14hh 35 Newcomer Saddle Pony over 14hh, CHAMPION NEWCOMER SADDLE PONY RESERVE CHAMPION NEWCOMER SADDLE PONY ADULTS SADDLE PONIES - PUREBRED 36 37 Riders 17 years and over. Stallions eligible. Adults Saddle Pony 12.2hh & under Adults Saddle Pony over 12.2hh CHAMPION RIDDEN ADULT’S PONY RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN ADULT’S PONY INTERMEDIATE SADDLE PONIES - PUREBRED 38 39 40 41 Intermediate Saddle Pony over 13hh Intermediate Saddle Pony over 12hh & n/e 13hh Intermediate Saddle Pony 12hh & under Intermediate Saddle Shetland (not eligible for above class) CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE SADDLE PONY RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE SADDLE PONY APSB Partbreds Partbred Ponies are not eligible for any other section (except where stipulated) within the schedule and must be recorded at time of closing of entries with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society or any other APSB State Branch register. Exhibitors must be the current owner of the pony and be recorded as such on the reverse side of the Certificate of Recording. Proof (photocopy) of ownership and recording must be provided at time of entry if entering by post. *Ponies entered in Part-bred M & M classes are not eligible for any other ordinary class in this section. *Part-Bred Mountain and Moorland, - open to Part-Bred Connemara, Dartmoor, Welsh 'C' and 'D', Highland, New Forest, and Fjord. APSB PARTBRED LED 42 Best Presented (may be split depending on entries) 43 Partbred, Led 4 years & over - 12.2hh & under 44 Partbred, Led 4 years & over, over 12.2 & n/e 14hh 45 Partbred, Led 4 years & over - over 14hh CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY RESERVE CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY 46 Partbred, Led 3 years 47 Partbred, Led 2 years 48 Partbred, Led yearling 49 APSB Partbred Foal (not eligible for Champion) JUNIOR CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY PARTBRED MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND LED 50 *PB M & M Pony Mare or Gelding - n.e. 14hh 3 yrs & over 51 *PB M & M Pony Mare or Gelding over 14hh, 3 yrs & over 52 *PB M & M Pony Filly or Gelding 1 & 2 years, any height *Champion M & M PART-BRED Reserve Champion M & M PART-BRED SUPREME CHAMPION APSB PARTBRED PONY 53 Group of two APSB Partbred Ponies (Including M & M), owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor. APSB PARTBRED RIDDEN 54 Intermediate Saddle APSB PB 55 Partbred, Ridden, - 13hh & under 56 Partbred, Ridden, - over 13hh & n/e 14hh 57 Partbred, Ridden, - over 14hh 58 *Partbred Ridden M & M* - Mare or Gelding CHAMPION SADDLE PARTBRED PONY RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE PARTBRED PONY APSB Riding Ponies All exhibits in this section must be recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society as an APSB Riding Pony and are not eligible for any other section (except where stipulated) within the schedule. Exhibitors must be current financial members of the APSB and be the current registered owner of the exhibit entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Height not to exceed 14.2 hands. APSB RIDING PONY LED 59 Best Presented (may be split depending on entries) 60 Riding Pony Stallion Led, 4 years & over 61 Riding Pony Colt Led, 2 and 3 years 62 Riding Pony Colt Led, Yearling CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY STALLION OR COLT RESERVE CHAMP APSB RIDING PONY STALLION OR COLT 63 Riding Pony Mare Led, 4 years & over - n/e 13hh 64 Riding Pony Mare Led, 4 years & over - over 13hh & n/e 14.2hh 65 Riding Pony Foal (not eligible for Champion) CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY MARE RESERVE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY MARE 66 Riding Pony Filly Led, 3 years 67 Riding Pony Filly Led, 2 years 68 Riding Pony Filly Led, Yearling CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY FILLY RESERVE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY FILLY 69 Riding Pony Gelding Led, 3 years & under 70 Riding Pony Gelding Led, 4 years & over CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION APSB RIDING PONY EXHIBIT 71 Group of two APSB Riding Ponies - owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor. APSB RIDING PONY - RIDDEN 72 Intermediate Saddle APSB RP 73 Riding Pony Stallion, Colt or Gelding, Ridden 74 Riding Pony Mare or Filly, Ridden 13hh & under 75 Riding Pony Mare or Filly, Ridden over 13hh CHAMPION RIDDEN APSB RIDING PONY RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN APSB RIDING PONY Supreme Ridden APSB Part Bred or Riding Pony From CH PB and CH R/P & Champ M & M Partbred Only APSB Partbred & APSB Riding Ponies are eligible to compete in the following 4 Classes Newcomer Ponies not to have competed under saddle prior to 1/5/2015 in any open saddle or breed saddle class. To be shown in a snaffle bit. 76 Newcomer APSB PB/APSB RP - 13hh & under 77 Newcomer APSB PB/APSB RP - over 13hh Champion and Reserve APSB PB or APSB RP Not eligible for Supreme 78 Adults Saddle Pony APSB PB 79 Adults Saddle Pony APSB RP Champion and Reserve Adult’s APSB PB or APSB RP Not eligible for Supreme Hackney Ponies & Hackney Horses After Lunch Break All Hackney Ponies & Hackney Horses must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration Number must be shown on Entry Form. The height of Hackney Ponies shall not exceed 14 hands. Photocopies of ALL Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies/horses entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Harness Classes 80 Best Presented Hackney Horse or Pony HACKNEY PONIES LED 81 Hackney Pony Stallion Led, 4 years & over 82 Hackney Pony Colt Led, 3 years & under CHAMPION LED HACKNEY PONY STALLION OR COLT RESERVE CHAMPION LED HACKNEY PONY STALLION OR COLT 83 Hackney Pony Mare Dry or Brood Led, 4 years & over 84 Hackney Pony Foal - Progeny of mares eligible for above class. 85 Hackney Pony Filly Led, 3 years & under CHAMPION LED HACKNEY MARE OR FILLY RESERVE CHAMPION LED HACKNEY MARE OR FILLY 86 Hackney Horse Gelding, any age 87 Hackney Pony Gelding Led, 4 years & over - n/e 14hh 88 Hackney Pony Gelding Led, 3 years & under CHAMPION LED HACKNEY GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION LED HACKNEY GELDING BEST JUNIOR LED HACKNEY COLT FILLY OR GELDING The Bergaton Trophy, donated by Mrs. M. Wickham, will be awarded for the Best Junior Led Hackney Colt, Gelding or Filly 3 years & under. 89 Led Hackney – Bergaton Trophy Owned, bred, handled and trained by the Exhibitor. Luyten Perpetual Trophy Winner to receive the LUYTEN Perpetual Trophy, donated by Mr. and Mrs. P. Luyten. The Trophy will remain the property of the Society. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the winner. FREE ENTRY. HACKNEY HORSES LED 90 Hackney Horse Mare or Filly Led 91 Hackney Horse Stallion or Colt Led CHAMPION LED HACKNEY HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION LED HACKNEY HORSE SUPREME CHAMPION HACKNEYHORSE OR PONY The Denzildon Perpetual Trophy, donated by J.D. and D.C. Stewart, will be awarded to the Supreme Champion Hackney The Trophy shall remain the property of the Society. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the winner. Groups – Hackney Pony or Hackney Horse 92 Group of two Hackney Ponies/Horses any age - owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor 93 Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Two progeny by the one sire or out of the one dam. The progeny only to be shown, which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the Exhibitor. The nominator/s of the prize-winning sire or dam will be awarded the prizes. Name of Sire or Dam to be stated on the Entry Form. All Entries must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. Harness Classes - drivers are permitted to have an attendant available to assist in the prevention of accidents. The height of Shetland Ponies shall not exceed 10.2hh Head Checks, Tail Sets and/or weighted shoes may not be used on any Shetland Pony. 94 CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE – Open to all harness competitors, this class may be split dependent on entries. 95 Ride & Drive – may be split. Open to all Harness Exhibits To be judged in Harness and then under Saddle as the LAST class in the Harness ring. NOVICE HARNESS PONIES Ponies must not have won singly in harness at a Royal Show or Stud Show. For Stallions, Colts, Mares, Fillies and Geldings. Winners not eligible for Open Championship. 96 Novice Harness Shetland Pony 97 Novice Harness Pony - n/e 14.2hh Shetlands not eligible BEST NOVICE EXHIBIT 98 Novice Harness APSB PB/APSB RP OPEN HARNESS PONIES 99 Harness Shetland, Stallion or Colt 100 Harness Shetland, Mare or Filly 101 Harness Shetland Gelding CHAMPION HARNESS SHETLAND PONY RESERVE CHAMPION HARNESS SHETLAND PONY 102 Harness Pony, Stallion, Colt or Gelding - n/e 14.2hh (Hackneys and Shetlands not eligible) 103 Harness Pony, Mare or Filly, - n/e 14.2hh (Hackneys and Shetlands not eligible to compete) CHAMPION HARNESS STALLION, MARE OR GELDING NON HACKNEY (Shetlands not eligible) RESERVE CHAMPION HARNESS STALLION, MARE OR GELDING - NON- HACKNEY SUPREME CHAMPION HARNESS PONY KEVIN DEMPSEY MEMORIAL– awarded by APSB Vic Br Winners of Champion Harness Shetland & Champion Harness Non-Hackney eligible. DRIVEN HACKNEY CLASSES 104 Hackney Pony Stallion or Colt, Driven 105 Hackney Pony Mare or Filly, Driven 106 Hackney Pony Gelding, Driven CHAMPION DRIVEN HACKNEY PONY RESERVE CHAMPION DRIVEN HACKNEY PONY DRIVEN HACKNEY HORSE CLASSES 107 Hackney Horse Male, Driven 108 Hackney Horse Female, Driven CHAMPION DRIVEN HACKNEY HORSE RESERVE CHAMPION DRIVEN HACKNEY HORSE SUPREME CHAMPION DRIVEN HACKNEY EXHIBIT MARY HEALY HACKNEY AWARD Winners of Champion Harness Hackney Pony & Champion Harness Hackney Horse eligible Sponsored by the Victorian Branch in memory of Mrs Mary Healy OBE DRIVEN GYPSY COB CLASS 109 Best Gypsy Cob, Driven DRIVEN APSB PB/APSB RP CLASS 110 Harness Pony APSB PB/APSB RP - (not eligible for Championships) - Partbred Hackney eligible Saddle Ponies - Purebred Open to ponies, registered in the Purebred Sections of the APSB (unless otherwise stated). APSB Partbred or APSB Riding Ponies are not eligible to compete in this section. Ponies entered in Saddle Classes must be suitably mounted in comparison to size of pony to rider. * Mountain and Moorland, Larger Breeds and Fjord, classes open to Connemara, Welsh 'C' and 'D', Highland, New Forest, Australian New Forest, Fell, Dartmoor and Fjord. *Ponies entered in M & M classes are not eligible for any other ordinary class in this section, and must be shown according to their Breed Standard – including no plaiting. ^ Shetland Ponies are not eligible for any other ordinary class in this section. Stallions Stallions may only complete in classes specified. 111 Saddle Pony, Stallion or Colt – n/e 12.2hh (Shetlands not eligible) 112 Saddle Pony, Stallion or Colt – over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh CHAMPION SADDLE STALLION – not exceeding 14hh RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE STALLION– n. e.14hh Mares & Geldings 113 114 115 116 117 118 Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly - over 13.2hh & n/e 14hh Saddle Pony Gelding - over 13.2hh & n/e 14hh Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly - over 13hh & n/e 13.2hh Saddle Pony Gelding - over 13hh & n/e 13.2hh Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly - over 12.2hh & n/e 13hh Saddle Pony Gelding - over 12.2hh & n/e 13hh CHAMPION SADDLE MARE PONY, over 12.2hh The Karamea Award in memory of the late Les Brien, will be presented to the winner of the Champion Saddle Pony Mare, over 12.2 hands. RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE MARE PONY - over 12.2hh CHAMPION SADDLE PONY GELDING - over 12.2hh RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE PONY GELDING - over 12.2hh 119 Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly - over 12hh & n/e 12.2hh 120 Saddle Pony Gelding - over 12hh & n/e 12.2hh 121 Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly - over 11.2hh & n/e 12hh 122 Saddle Pony Gelding - over 11.2hh & n/e 12hh 123 Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly - n. e. 11.2hh (Shetlands not eligible) 124 Saddle Pony Gelding - n/e 11.2hh (Shetlands not eligible) CHAMPION SADDLE MARE PONY - 12.2 hh & under RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE MARE PONY - 12.2hh & under CHAMPION SADDLE PONY GELDING - 12.2hh & under RES. CHAMPION SADDLE PONY GELDING - 12.2hh & under * Mountain and Moorland Saddle* 125 *Ridden Mountain & Moorland, Stallion or Colt * 126 *Ridden Mountain & Moorland, Mare or Filly * 127 *Ridden Mountain & Moorland, Gelding * *CHAMPION SADDLE - Mountain & Moorland & Fjord (Larger Breeds) or Fjord The Geoff Mashiter Memorial Award will be presented to the Champion Ridden Mountain & Moorland Pony. Note: Champion Ridden M & M eligible for Supreme Champion Ridden *RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE - M & M (Larger Breeds) or Fjord ^Saddle Shetlands^ 128 129 130 131 132 133 ^Shetland Saddle Pony, Stallion or Colt 9.2 and Under^ ^Shetland Saddle Pony, Stallion or Colt over 9.2hh^ ^Shetland Saddle Pony Gelding - 9.2hh & under^ ^Shetland Saddle Pony Mare or Filly^ - 9.2hh & under^ ^Saddle Shetland Pony Gelding - over 9.2hh & n.e. 10hh^ ^Saddle Shetland Pony Mare or Filly over 9.2hh & n.e. 10hh^ 134 ^Saddle Shetland Pony Gelding over 10hh & n.e. 10.2hh^ 135 ^Saddle Shetland Pony Mare or Filly over 10hh & n.e. 10.2hh^ ^CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND – Stallion or Colt^ ^RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND – Stallion or Colt^ CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND - Gelding^ ^RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND - Gelding^ ^CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND - Female^ ^RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND - Female^ SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE PONY – MARE, OR STALLION - Narada Pony Stud Award The "Roy and Sadie Jolly Narada Pony Stud Trophy" for the Supreme Champion Saddle Pony Mare or Stallion. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the winner. To be judged from Champion Saddle Stallion/Colt Champion Saddle Mare/Filly over 12.2hh, Champion Saddle Mare/Filly 12.2hh and under Champion M & M (if a Stallion/Mare/Filly) Champion Saddle Shetland - Stallion or Colt) Champion Saddle Shetland - Mare or Filly SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE GELDING To be judged from Champion Saddle Gelding over 12.2hh, Champion Saddle Gelding 12.2hh and under Champion M & M (if a Gelding) Champion Saddle Shetland Gelding) Show Hunters The Show Hunter Pony should be a quality pony with more substance than a show pony. They should move out well combining good hock and shoulder movement to produce a free-flowing forward action suitable for the hunting field. A Show Hunter Pony should wear a bridle with a plain front (browband) and noseband. Riders should preferably wear Tweed jackets although those made of plain navy or black fabrics are acceptable. NOTE: Exhibitors entering in this section should note that there is a possibility that these classes will clash with the rest of the program and must be prepared to choose which section they will compete in on the day as classes WILL NOT BE HELD. * Mountain & Moorland classes open to Connemara, Welsh C & D, Highland, New Forest and Australian New Forest, Dartmoor, Fell and Fjord. May be split on numbers entered. LED SHOW HUNTERS – non Mountain & Moorland (APSB Partbred and APSB Riding Ponies ineligible unless otherwise stated). 136 Best Presented (may be split depending on entries) 137 Led Show Hunter Stallion/Colt The following 3 classes are for Mares, Fillies & Geldings 138 Led Show Hunter Pony n/e 12hh 139 Led Show Hunter Pony over 12hh & n/e 13hh 140 Led Show Hunter Pony over 13hh & n/e 14hh CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER PONY (non Mountain & Moorland) RESERVE CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER PONY LED MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND SHOW HUNTERS* Ponies in this section must be shown according to their breed standard and will therefore be excused from plaiting if this is a requirement of their breed. 141 Best Presented M & M Show Hunter* 142 Led Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland* Mare 143 Led Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland* Gelding 144 Led Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland* Stallion CHAMPION LED MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND SHOW HUNTER * RESERVE CHAMP LED MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND SHOW HUNTER * 145 Best Presented APSB PB/APSB RP Show Hunter 146 Led Show Hunter Pony APSB Partbred 147 Led Show Hunter APSB Riding Pony CHAMPION LED APSB P/BRED OR R/PONY SHOW HUNTER RESERVE CHAMPION LED APSB P/B OR R/P SHOW HUNTER RIDDEN SHOW HUNTERS - non Mountain & Moorland 148 Ridden Show Hunter Stallion The following classes are for Mares, Fillies & Geldings 149 Ridden Show Hunter Shetland Pony n/e 10.2hh 150 Ridden Show Hunter Pony n/e 12hh (Shetlands not elig.) 151 Ridden Show Hunter Pony over 12hh & n/e 13hh 152 Ridden Show Hunter Pony over 13hh & n/e 14hh CHAMPION RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY (non Mountain & Moorland) RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY RIDDEN SHOW HUNTERS - Mountain & Moorland* Ponies in this section must be shown according to their breed standard and will therefore be excused from plaiting if this is a requirement of their breed. 153 Ridden Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland* Mare or Filly 154 Ridden Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland* Gelding 155 Ridden Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland* Stallion CHAMPION RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND* RES CHAMP RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND* 156 Ridden APSB PB or APSB RP Show Hunter 13.2hh & u 157 Ridden APSB PB or APSB RP Show Hunter over 13.2hh CHAMPION RIDDEN APSB PB OR RP SHOW HUNTER RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN PB OR RP SHOW HUNTER Junior Judging Competition No Entry Fee 158 Junior Judging Competition - 16 years & under 159 Junior Judging Competition - Over 16 yr & not over 25 yr Native Pony Qualifier 160 The Ridden Native Pony Championships is a WPCSA initiative that is open to APSB purebred ponies to compete. It was inspired by the huge interest in Mountain & Moorland classes in the UK. Its purpose is to encourage interest and demand for all Native Pony Breeds by showcasing them through qualifying shows leading to a major final with great prize money for finalists. This Event will be judged on correctness of breed type, conformation, performance and freedom of action. Highest placed pony of each breed (not previously qualified) will qualify for WPCSA Ridden Native Pony Championship to be held in February 2015 at Werribee Park during The Barastoc Horse of the Year Show. *These classes will run on Sunday. Please nominate a time on the timesheet available in the Show Office. *Exhibitors may present at a time that fits in with their other classes. *A finishing time will be broadcast during the day. RULES All ponies will be judged under saddle and then stripped for judging in hand. (2 judges) Ponies may be shown plaited at this Qualifier, but must be shown unplaited at the Final competition at Barastoc. A bridle path plait is permitted at this Show & the Final. Ponies to be 4yo & over, and registered with the APSB for this Qualifying round. Correct attire must be worn. Spurs are not allowed Whips must not exceed 75 cms. Marks awarded as follows Show, freedom of action - 50 maximum Breed type, conformation - 50 maximum Equal points will be split by highest show, freedom of action points. NATIVE PONY STALLION CLASSES 159 160 161 Shetland / Dartmoor / Welsh A Australian / Welsh B Welsh C & D, Highland, Fjord, Connemara, New Forest NATIVE PONY MARE & GELDING CLASSES 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Shetland / Dartmoor Pony Mare & Gelding Welsh A Pony Mare & Gelding Welsh B Pony Mare or Gelding Australian Pony Mare & Gelding New Forest Pony Mare or Gelding Connemara Pony Mare & Gelding Welsh C Pony Mare & Gelding Welsh D Pony Mare or Gelding Highland / Fjord Pony Mare or Gelding FOAL FUTURITY No Entry Fee Entries in the Foal Futurity classes must be included on the Entry Form. No entry fee is required. However, if no other classes are entered, a fee of $15 will apply to cover Catalogue & admin costs. All prize money will be forwarded by mail after the show. See specific classes as listed hereunder. All entries in these classes must have entered and paid the appropriate nomination fees. 2 YEAR OLD FUTURITY 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Australian Pony Colt - 2 years Australian Pony Filly - 2 years Australian Pony Gelding - 2 years Welsh Mountain Colt, Filly or Gelding - 2 years Welsh B Pony Welsh Section 'C' and 'D' Shetland Colt or Gelding- 2 years Shetland, Filly - 2 years Shetland Filly, Colt or Gelding - 2 yrs, 8.2hh & under New Forest Colt, Filly or Gelding - 2 years Third Generation Pony Colt, Filly or Gelding - 2 years Fjord Horse, Colt, Filly or Gelding - 2 years Dartmoor, Colt, Filly or Gelding - 2 years APSB Riding Pony, Colt, Filly or Gelding - 2 years Partbred APSB Pony, Colt, Filly or Gelding - 2 years SHETLANDS - SUNDAY Shetlands Not exceeding 8.2 hands All Shetland Ponies must be registered or Foal Recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. Registration number must be shown on Entry. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates must be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Please Note: the 8.2hh and under Shetland classes will be judged on Saturday. Measuring is compulsory for entries in this section. 186 187 188 Best Presented (may be split depending on entries) Shetland Stallion, 4, 5 & 6 years - not exceeding 8.2hh Shetland Stallion 7yrs & over, not exceeding 8.2hh CHAMPION SHETLAND STALLION n.e. 8.2hh RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND STALLION n.e. 8.2hh 189 Shetland Colt 3yrs, not exceeding 8.2hh 190 Shetland Colt 2yrs, not exceeding 8.2hh 191 Shetland Yearling Colt, not exceeding 8.2hh JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND COLT, n. e. 8.2hh RES. JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND COLT n.e. 8.2hh 192 Shetland Mare 4, 5 & 6 years, not exceeding 8.2hh 193 Shetland Mare 7yrs & over, not exceeding 8.2hh 194 Shetland Broodmare, not exceeding 8.2hh 195 Foal colt, filly or gelding progeny of mare in above class CHAMPION SHETLAND MARE n.e. 8.2hh RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND MARE n.e. 8.2hh BEST FOAL 196 Shetland Filly 3yrs, not exceeding 8.2hh 197 Shetland Filly 2yrs, not exceeding 8.2hh 198 Shetland Yearling Filly, not to exceed 8.2hh at maturity JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND FILLY, n.e. 8.2hh RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND FILLY n.e. 8.2hh 199 Shetland Gelding 4 yrs & over, not exceeding 8.2hh 200 Shetland Gelding 2yrs & 3yrs, not exceeding 8.2hh 201 Shetland Gelding Yearling, not to exceed 8.2hh at maturity CHAMPION SHETLAND GELDING n.e. 8.2hh RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND GELDING n.e. 8.2hh SUPREME CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY - 8.2hh & under Lordonvale/Otway View Trophy BEST YEARLING EXHIBIT Owner’s group (2 ponies from above classes) Sire’s or Dam’s Progeny group (2 ponies from above classes) Two progeny - male and/or female - by one sire or from one dam. The progeny only to be shown, which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. Name of the sire/dam to be stated on the Entry Form. 202 203 SHETLANDS - SUNDAY Shetlands over 8.2hh – 10.2hh All Shetland Ponies must be registered or Foal Recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. The height of Shetland Ponies shall not exceed 10 hands, 2 inches. Registration number must be shown on Entry. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates must be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Please Note: the 8.2hh and under Shetland classes will be judged on Saturday. 204 Best Presented Stallion/Colt SHETLAND STALLIONS AND COLTS OVER 8.2HH 205 206 Shetland Stallion, 4 years & over - over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh Shetland Stallion, 4 years & over - 9.2hh & under CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY STALLION RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY STALLION 207 Shetland Colt, 3 years 208 Shetland Colt, 2 years 209 Shetland Colt, yearling JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY COLT RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY COLT 210 211 Best Presented Mare (may be split depending on entries) Best Presented Filly (may be split depending on entries) SHETLAND MARES AND FILLIES OVER 8.2HH Mares entered in the Broodmare classes which do not have a foal at foot must be due to foal in the current breeding season and may be required to produce a Veterinary Certificate. Broodmares may only compete in Led classes. 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 Brood Mare - over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh Shetland Foal, Colt, Gelding or Filly. Progeny of above. Shetland Brood Mare - over 8.2hh & n/e 9.2hh Shetland Foal, Colt, Gelding or Filly. Progeny of above. CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY BROOD MARE RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY BROOD MARE BEST SHETLAND PONY FOAL Shetland Mare, 4, 5 & 6 yrs - over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh Shetland Mare, 7 years & over - over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh Shetland Mare, 4 years & over - over 8.2hh & n/e 9.2hh CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY MARE RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY MARE Shetland Filly, 3 years - Class will be split as necessary Shetland Filly, 2 years – Class will be split as necessary Shetland Filly, yearling - Class will be split as necessary JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY FILLY RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY FILLY LED SHETLAND PONY GELDINGS – OVER 8.2HH 222 223 Best Presented Shetland Gelding (may be split) Led Shetland Pony Gelding, 4 years & over - 10hh & n/e 10.2hh 224 Led Shetland Pony Gelding 4 years & over - over 8.2hh & under 10hh 225 Led Shetland Pony Gelding,2 & 3 years, over 8.2hh 226 Led Shetland Pony Gelding, yearling, over 8.2hh CHAMPION LED SHETLAND GELDING – over 8.2hh RES. CHAMPION LED SHETLAND GELDING – over 8.2hh SUPREME CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY - MALE OR FEMALE over 8.2hh - Colmaur Perpetual Trophy The 'Colmaur' Perpetual Trophy, donated by C.C. and M.A. Goldsmith will be awarded to the Supreme Champion Shetland Pony. The Trophy will remain the property of the Society. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the winner. BEST JUNIOR SHETLAND PONY BEST SHETLAND PONY YEARLING 227 Two Shetland Ponies, any age Owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor 228 Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Two progeny - male and/or female - by one sire or from one dam. The progeny only to be shown, which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. Name of the sire/dam to be stated on the Entry Form. Australian Ponies All Australian Ponies must be registered or recorded in the Australian Section of the APSB Society. The height of Australian Ponies shall not exceed 14 hands. APSB Registration numbers must be shown on Entry Form. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. 229 Best Presented Stallion/Colt AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLIONS AND COLTS STALLIONS 230 231 Australian Pony Stallion, 4 years & over - 12.2hh & under Australian Pony Stallion, 4 years & over - over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION The APSB Victorian Branch will present the ‘Orana Prince Glen’ award in memory of Mrs Beryl Andrews for the Champion Australian Pony Stallion RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION COLTS 232 233 234 Australian Pony Colt, 3 years old Australian Pony Colt, 2 years old Australian Pony Colt, yearling JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY COLT The Russ Deppeler Memorial Award presented by the APSB Victorian Branch will be awarded to the Junior Champion Australian Pony Colt. JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY COLT 235 Best Presented Mare/Filly (may be split depending on entries) AUSTRALIAN PONY MARES AND FILLIES MARES Mares which do not have a foal at foot must be due to foal in the current breeding season and may be required to produce a Veterinary Certificate. Broodmares may only compete in Led classes. . Refer to the Regulations. 236 Australian Pony Brood Mare (eligible for height Championship) 237 Australian Pony Foal, Filly, Colt or Gelding progeny of mares in previous class BEST AUSTRALIAN PONY FOAL - Bourchier Trophy The Best Australian Pony Foal will be awarded a Trophy, donated by P. & B. Bourchier. 238 Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 13.2hh & n/e 14hh 239 Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 13hh & n/e 13.2hh 240 Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 12.2hh & n/e 13hh CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE - OVER 12.2 HANDS The Deirdre Naylor Memorial Award will be awarded to the Champion Australian Pony Mare, over 12.2 hands. RES CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE - OVER 12.2HH 241 Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 12hh & n/e 12.2hh 242 Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over - 11.2hh & n/e 12hh 243 Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over - n/e 11.2hh CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE - 12.2HH & UNDER The Peter Collins Fairlight Acres Championship Award will be awarded to the Champion Australian Pony Mare, 12.2 hands & under. RES. CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE 12.2HH & UNDER FILLIES 244 Australian Pony Filly, 3 years old - over 12hh 245 Australian Pony Filly, 3 years old - 12hh & under 246 Australian Pony Filly, 2 years old - over 12hh 247 Australian Pony Filly, 2 years old - 12hh & under 248 Australian Pony Filly, yearling - over 11.2hh 249 Australian Pony Filly, yearling – 11.2hh & under JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY - OVER 12HH JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY OVER 12HH JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY 12HH & UNDER JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY 12HH & UNDER GRAND SENIOR CHAMPION AUST PONY MALE OR FEMALE - Birrahlee Trophy ELIGIBLE: Champion Australian Pony Stallion, Two (2) Champion Australian Pony Mares The Birrahalee Trophy in memory of the late Margaret McIntyre ‘Birrahalee Stud. for the Grand Senior Champion Australian Pony (male/female). Donated by Mr. S.D. Ryan. Grand Senior Champion will receive a Garland donated by Moorooduc Park Stud - Miss H Green & Mrs M Costello A Commemorative Award will be presented to the Winner. GRAND JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MALE OR FEMALE ELIGIBLE: Junior Champion Australian Pony Colt Two (2) Junior Champion Australian Pony Fillies The Colmonell Award will be presented to the Grand Junior Champion Australian Pony. Donated in memory of the late Mr. J.W. Hannah "Colmonell Stud" by Mrs. J. O'Brien. Grand Junior Champion will receive a Garland donated by Moorooduc Park Stud - Miss H Green & Mrs M Costello A Commemorative Award will be presented to the Winner. LED AUSTRALIAN PONY GELDINGS 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 Best Presented Australian Pony Gelding (may be split depending on entries) Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over - over 13hh & n/e 14hh Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over - over 12.2hh & n/e 13hh CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING OVER 12.2HH & N/E 14HH RESERVE CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING OVER 12.2HH & N/E 14HH Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over - over 12hh & n/e 12.2hh Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over - 12hh & under CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING – 12.2HH & UNDER RESERVE CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING 12.2HH & UNDER Led Australian Pony Gelding, 3 years old - over 12hh Led Australian Pony Gelding, 3 years - 12hh & under Led Australian Pony Gelding, 2 years - over 12hh Led Australian Pony Gelding, 2 years - 12hh & under Led Australian Pony Gelding, Yearling JUNIOR CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING JUNIOR RES CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING GRAND CHAMPION GELDING BEST AUSTRALIAN YEARLING, COLT, GELDING OR FILLY The Glen Valley Award will be presented to the Best Australian Yearling, Colt, Gelding or Filly. SUPREME CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MALE OR FEMALE - Bimbadeen Trophy ELIGIBLE: Grand Senior Champion Australian Pony, and Grand Junior Champion Australian Pony. Grand Champion Australian Pony Gelding JUNIOR RES. CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUST PONY FILLY 3RD GENERATION MARES 275 Judged between Grand Junior Champion, Grand Senior Champion and Grand Champion Gelding in SENIOR RING at completion of Grand Champion Gelding. The "Bimbadeen" Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the Supreme Champion Australian Pony. Donated by the late Mr A. and Mrs. A. Ferry. The trophy remains the property of the Society. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the Winner. All Geldings must be registered in the APSB Federal Gelding Register at the time of entry. Proof of registration (photocopy) must be provided at the time of entry. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. 276 277 278 279 GROUPS 260 261 Two Australian Ponies, any age, owned but not necessarily bred by the exhibitor. Sire’s or Dam's Progeny Group Two progeny, male and/or female by one sire/out of one dam The Progeny only to be shown, which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. The nominators of the prize winning sire/dam will be awarded the prizes. Names of the sire or dam to be stated on the Entry Form. 3rd Generation Australian Ponies All ponies entered in this section must be registered or foal recorded in the Australian Section of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. To be eligible, ponies must be from APSB Registered Australian Parentage for the previous two (2) generations, i.e. Parents and grandparents. Exhibits must be recorded as "Third Generation" at the time of entry Photocopy of recording must be provided at time of entry. Failure to comply will result in non acceptance of entries. The height of Australian Ponies shall not exceed 14 hands. 262 Best Presented 3rd Gen Australian Pony Stallion or Colt (may be split depending on entries) 3RD GENERATION COLTS 263 264 265 3rd Gen Australian Pony Colt, 3 years old 3rd Gen Australian Pony Colt, 2 years old 3rd Gen Australian Pony Colt, yearling JUNIOR CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY COLT JUNIOR RES. CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUST PONY COLT 3RD GENERATION STALLIONS 3rd Gen Australian Pony Stallion, 4 years & over – over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh 267 3rd Gen Australian Pony Stallion, 4 years & over 12.2hh & under CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION RESERVE CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION 268 Best Presented 3rd Gen Australian Pony Mare or Filly (may be split depending on entries) 266 280 Best Presented 3rd Gen Australian Pony Gelding 3RD GENERATION GELDINGS All Geldings must be registered in the APSB Federal Gelding Register at the time of entry. 281 3rd Gen Australian Pony Gelding, 4 yrs+ over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh 282 3rd Gen Australian Pony Gelding, 4 yrs & over – 12.2hh & under 283 3rd Gen Australian Pony Gelding, 3 years & under CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY GELDING RES CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY (Stallion, Colt, Gelding, Mare or Filly) APOB Trophy A Perpetual Trophy, donated by the Australian Stud Pony Owners and Breeders Association, will be awarded to the Supreme Champion Third Generation Australian Pony. The Trophy will remain the property of the Society. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the Winner. GROUPS 284 Two 3rd Gen Australian Ponies, any age owned but not necessarily bred by the exhibitor. Welsh A,B,C& D BEST WELSH EXHIBIT - View Bank Award The View Bank Best Welsh Exhibit Award will be presented to the owner of the winning exhibit. Winners of the following are eligible to compete: (a) Supreme Champion Welsh Mountain Pony (b) Supreme Champion Welsh Pony (c) Best Exhibit, Welsh, Section C (d) Best Exhibit, Welsh, Section D The Trophy will remain the property of the Society. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the winner. WELSH MOUNTAIN PONIES – SEC A 3RD GENERATION FILLIES 269 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly, 3 years old - 12 hh & under 270 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly, 3 years old - over 12hh 271 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly, 2 years old - 12hh & under 272 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly 2 years old, over 12hh 273 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly 1 year old, over 11.2hh 274 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly, yearling, 11.2hh & under JUNIOR CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY 3rd Gen Australian Pony Brood Mare Mares which do not have a foal at foot must be due to foal in the current breeding season and may be required to produce a Veterinary Certificate. Broodmares may only compete in Led classes. .Refer to the Regulations 3rd Gen Australian Pony Foal. Foal must be eligible for recording as "Third Generation". Name of sire to be stated on Entry Form. 3rd Gen Australian Pony Mare, 4 & o – over 13hh & n/e 14hh 3rd Gen Australian Pony Mare, 4 & o – over 12hh & n/e 13hh 3rd Gen Australian Pony Mare, 4 yrs & over – 12hh & under CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE RES. CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE 285 286 287 288 289 All Welsh Mountain Ponies must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration Number must be shown on Entry Form. The height of Welsh Mountain Ponies shall not exceed 12h Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Best Presented Welsh Mountain (may be split depending on entries) Welsh Mountain Pony Stallion, 4 years & over Welsh Mountain Pony Colt, 3 years old Welsh Mountain Pony Colt, 2 years old Welsh Mountain Pony Colt, yearling CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN STALLION/COLT RES CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN STALLION/COLT 290 Welsh Mountain Pony Brood or Dry Mare, 4 years & over 291 Welsh Mountain Pony Foal, Colt or Filly Progeny of Mares eligible for the above class 292 Welsh Mountain Pony Filly, 3 years old 293 Welsh Mountain Pony Filly, 2 years old 294 Welsh Mountain Pony Filly, yearling CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY MARE/FILLY RES CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY MARE/FILLY LED WELSH SEC A GELDINGS 295 296 Led Welsh Mountain Gelding, 4 years & over Led Welsh Mountain Gelding, 3 years & under CHAMPION LED WELSH MOUNTAIN GELDING RESERVE CHAMP LED WELSH MOUNTAIN GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY MALE OR FEMALE - Cherrytree Perpetual Trophy (Eligible for Best Welsh Exhibit) The Winner shall be awarded the "Cherrytree" Perpetual Trophy. The trophy was donated by Mrs. R.F. Baker in memory of "Twyford Nutkin". The Trophy will remain the property of the Society. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the Winner. WELSH PONIES – SECTION C 311 312 313 314 315 WELSH PONIES – SECTION D WELSH PONIES – SECTION B All Ponies entered in this section are not eligible for the Australian Pony Section. Ponies must be registered or foal recorded in the Welsh Section of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration number must be shown on Entry Form. The height of Welsh Ponies shall not exceed 13.2 hands. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. 297 Best Presented Welsh B (may be split depending on entries) 298 Welsh Pony Stallion, 4 years old & over 299 Welsh Pony Colt, 3 years old 300 Welsh Pony Colt, 2 years old 301 Welsh Pony Colt, Yearling CHAMPION WELSH PONY STALLION/COLT RES CHAMPION WELSH PONY STALLION/COLT 302 Welsh Pony Brood or Dry Mare 4 years & over 303 Welsh Pony Foal Progeny of mare eligible for the above class 304 Welsh Pony Filly, 3 years old 305 Welsh Pony Filly, 2 years old 306 Welsh Pony Filly, Yearling CHAMPION WELSH PONY MARE or FILLY RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH PONY MARE or FILLY LED WELSH SEC B GELDINGS 307 308 Led Welsh B Pony Gelding, 4 years & over Led Welsh B Pony Gelding, 3 years & under CHAMPION LED WELSH B GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION LED WELSH B GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION WELSH PONY MALE OR FEMALE (Eligible for Best Welsh Exhibit) SECTION A/B GROUPS 309 310 Group of two - Welsh A and/or Welsh B - owned but not necessarily bred by the exhibitor. Sire’s or Dam’s Progeny Group Two progeny only to be shown which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. The nominators of the prize-winning sire or dam will be awarded the prizes. Name of Sire or Dam to be stated on Entry Form. All Welsh Section C Ponies must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration Number must be shown on entry. The height of Welsh Section "C" Ponies shall not exceed 13.2 hands. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Best Presented Welsh C or D Welsh Section C, male or female, 3 years & over Geldings not eligible Welsh Section C Gelding – any age Welsh Section C Colt, 2 years & under Welsh Section C Filly, 2 years & under BEST EXHIBIT, WELSH SECTION C (Eligible for Best Welsh Exhibit) 316 317 318 All Welsh Section D Ponies must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration number must be shown on entry. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Welsh D must exceed 13.2 hands Best Presented Welsh C or D – see class 255 Welsh Section D, Stallion or Colt Welsh Section D Gelding Welsh Section D, Female BEST WELSH D EXHIBIT (Eligible for Best Welsh Exhibit) SECTION C/D GROUPS 319 320 Group of two Welsh C and/or D Ponies - owned but not necessarily bred by the exhibitor. Welsh C or D Ponies - Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Two progeny only to be shown which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. The nominators of the prize-winning sire or dam will be awarded the prizes. Name of Sire or Dam to be stated on Entry Form. New Forest Ponies All New Forest Ponies must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration Number must be shown on Entry Form. The height of New Forest Ponies shall not exceed 14.2 hands. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. 321 Best Presented (may be split depending on entries) STALLIONS AND COLTS 322 323 324 New Forest Pony Stallion, 4 years & over New Forest Pony Colt, 2 and 3 years old New Forest Pony Colt, yearling CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY – STALLION/COLT RES. CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY - STALLION/ COLT MARES AND FILLIES 325 326 327 328 New Forest Pony Brood Mare, any age Mares which do not have a foal at foot must be due to foal in the current breeding season and may be required to produce a Veterinary Certificate. Broodmares may only compete in Led classes. . Refer to the Regulations. New Forest Pony Foal - Progeny of mares eligible for above class. New Forest Mare 4 years & over, over 13.2hh New Forest Pony Mare, 4 years & over, n/e 13.2hh 329 330 New Forest Pony Filly, 2 and 3 years old New Forest Pony, Yearling CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY, MARE/FILLY RES CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY MARE/FILLY Connemara Ponies All Connemara Ponies must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration number must be shown on Entry Form. The height of Connemara Ponies shall not exceed 14.2 hands. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. GELDINGS 331 332 333 New Forest Pony Gelding n/e 13.2hh, 4 yrs & over New Forest Pony Gelding over 13.2hh 4 yrs & over New Forest Pony Gelding 3 yrs & under CHAMPION NEW FOREST GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION NEW FOREST GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY Applewitch Stud Trophy The Winner is awarded the "Applewitch Stud Trophy", donated by A & K Bailey, Applewitch New Forest Stud, U.K. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the winner Best Junior New Forest Exhibit GROUPS 334 335 Group of two New Forest Ponies - owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Two progeny only to be shown which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. The nominators of the prize-winning sire or dam will be awarded the prizes. Name of Sire or Dam to be stated on Entry Form. 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 347 348 Two Highland Ponies, any age - owned by the exhibitor. Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Two progeny only to be shown which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. The nominators of the prize-winning sire or dam will be awarded the prizes. Name of Sire or Dam to be stated on Entry Form. Connemara Pony Brood Mare (any age) Mares entered in this class must have a foal at foot. Any mare without a foal at foot will be transferred. Refer to the Regulations. Connemara Pony Foal - Progeny of Mares from above class Connemara Pony Mare, Dry, 4 years & over Connemara Pony Filly, 2 and 3 years old Connemara Filly Yearling CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY MARE OR FILLY Dangan Lady Memorial Trophy The Winner shall be awarded the "Dangan Lady" Memorial Trophy. This Perpetual Trophy donated by Blandings Stud, will be awarded to the Champion Connemara Pony Mare or Filly. A Commemorative Award will be presented to the winner RES CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY MARE OR FILLY Connemara Pony Gelding 4 yrs & over Connemara Pony Gelding 3 yrs & under CHAMPION CONNEMARA GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION CONNEMARA GELDING SUPREME CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY MALE OR FEMALE GROUPS 360 361 Two Connemara Ponies, any age - owned by the exhibitor. Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Two progeny only to be shown which need not necessarily be bred or owned by the owner of the sire or dam, nor necessarily the property of the exhibitor. The nominators of the prize-winning sire or dam will be awarded the prizes. Name of Sire or Dam to be stated on Entry Form. Dartmoor Ponies SUPREME CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY Highland Pony Trophy The Supreme Champion Highland Pony shall be awarded the Highland Ponies Australia Trophy 345 Highland Pony Mare or Filly, - Appendix, FS, FS.1, FS.2 346 Australian Highland Gelding BEST FOUNDATION/AUSTRALIAN HIGHLAND EXHIBIT GROUPS Connemara Pony Stallion, 4 years & over Connemara Pony Colt, 2 and 3 years old Connemara Pony Colt, Yearling CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY STALLION/COLT RES CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY STALLION/COLT MARES AND FILLIES Highland Ponies All Highland Ponies must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration Number must be shown on Entry Form. The height of Highland Ponies shall not exceed 14.2 hands. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. 336 Best Presented (may be split depending on entries) 337 Highland Pony Stallion, 4 years & over 338 Highland Pony Colt, 3 years & under CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY STALLION/COLT RESERVE CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY STALLION/COLT 339 Highland Pony Mare, 4 years & over 340 Highland Pony Foal - progeny of mares eligible for above 341 Highland Pony Filly, 2 and 3 years old 342 Highland Pony, Yearling Filly CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY MARE/FILLY RESERVE CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY MARE/FILLY 343 Highland Pony Gelding, 4 yrs & over 344 Highland Pony Gelding, 3 yrs & under CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY GELDING RESERVE CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY GELDING Best Presented (may be split depending on entries) STALLIONS AND COLTS 362 363 364 365 All Dartmoor Ponies must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration Number must be shown on Entry Form. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL ponies entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. The height of the Dartmoor Pony must not exceed 12.2 hands. Best Presented Dartmoor Pony, Stallion, Colt or Gelding, any age Dartmoor Pony, Mare or Filly, any age CHAMPION DARTMOOR PONY RESERVE CHAMPION DARTMOOR PONY Two Dartmoor Ponies - Any age, owned by the exhibitor Fell Ponies 366 367 368 Best Presented Fell Pony – Male Fell Pony – Female CHAMPION FELL PONY 369 RESERVE CHAMPION FELL PONY Two Fell Ponies - Any age, owned by the exhibitor Fjord Horse 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 All Fjord Horses must be registered or foal recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. APSB Registration Number must be shown on Entry Form. Photocopies of APSB Registration Certificates MUST be supplied for ALL horses entered. Failure to comply will result in non-acceptance of entries. Best Presented ( Fjord Horse, Stallion - 4 years & over Fjord Horse, Gelding - 4 years & over Fjord Horse Colt or Gelding - 3 years & under CHAMPION FJORD HORSE MALE RESERVE CHAMPION FJORD HORSE MALE Fjord Horse Mare - 4 years & over Fjord Horse Filly - 3 years & under CHAMPION FJORD HORSE FEMALE RESERVE CHAMPION FJORD HORSE FEMALE Supreme Champion Fjord Horse Two Fjord Horses - Any age, owned by the exhibitor Timor Ponies 377 378 379 Best Presented Timor Pony, Male Timor Pony, Female Gypsy Cobs 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 Best Presented Gypsy Cob Male, 4 years & over Gypsy Cob Female, 4 years & over Gypsy Cob Male, 3 years & under Gypsy Cob Female, 3 years & under CHAMPION GYPSY COB RESERVE CHAMPION GYPSY COB Best Presented Partbred Gypsy Cob, 4 years & over Partbred Gypsy Cob, 3 years & under CHAMPION PARTBRED GYPSY COB RESE? MOST SUCCESSFUL GELDING The "SV CHANDLER MEMORIAL TROPHY" for Most Successful Gelding. This Award to be decided by aggregate points from a combination of the Stud Show and the following Action Pony Day (August). Ponies must compete at both competitions to be eligible. Eligible classes at the Stud Show are: all Led Gelding Classes, including Fjord, Dartmoor, and all Open Saddle Gelding Classes, and Open Harness Gelding Classes. The award will be presented at the Annual General Meeting each year. Points: 1st - 4 points, 2nd -3 points, 3rd - 2 points, 4th - 1 point Privacy Statement By completing your Entry you will be supplying the APSB with your personal information. Without this information we will not be able to process your entry. We collect this information for administration purposes including, but not limited to: where applicable, Membership Renewal Notices or recording your advice that you are an animal or commercial exhibitor at an APSB Show. We may also use your information to advise you about other member services or products. You may elect to stop receiving such information at any time. Your information will not be disclosed without your consent, unless required by law. You may request access to your information and request it to be amended at any time by contacting our office on (03) 5221 3099 or in writing to The Secretary, APSB Vic Br. PO Box 2132, Geelong Vic 3220 Property Identification Codes (PIC #) Exhibitors are reminded that we now require a Property Identification Code (PIC number) for any property that Equines are kept at. The APSB Vic Branch now asks that you quote your PIC number on your Entry If you do not have a PIC (or the property where your ponies are kept does not have a PIC, you can obtain one by contacting the Department of Environment & Primary Industries – Victorian PIC numbers are issued free of charge. Information is available online at or by phoning the PIC hotline 1800 678 779