Earth Science Olympiad competition 2013 A

Sri Lankan Earth Science Olympiad Competition - 2013
Third Sri Lankan Earth Science Olympiad Competition (SLESOC) will be jointly organized
by Geological Society of Sri Lanka (GSSL) in collaboration with Department of Geology,
University of Peradeniya. The competition will be open to Sri Lankan school students under
18 years by 1st October, 2013 and those who obtained their G. C. E. (O/L) results by the
application deadline. The competition test will be arranged during March, 2013.
Best four students will be selected to be participated at the 7th International Earth Science
Olympiad competition will be held in India, during August 2013 (subject to availability
of funds).
Medium : English
Duration of the competition Test: 3 hour written test (multiple choice & short answer questions)
Subjects :
Date and the Venue of the competition: Will be announced in due course (during March)
Awards and certificates : Medal will be awarded to the best student (conditions apply) and all
participants will be provided a participation certificate
Application fee : Rs 250/=
Completed application form (can be downloaded at , photocopies of the application
will be accepted) to be send under the registered post to following address. A receipt of a money order of
Rs. 250/= (in favor of “Treasurer, Geological Society of Sri Lanka” and the post office to be filled as
“Peradeniya”) has to be included with the application. A receipt for the application fee will be issued to all
applicants in due course or can be collected at the competition day. All applicants and the principals of their
schools will be informed their Application number, venue for the competition test and the date of the
competition after the application deadline.
Examination Centers : It is expected to arrange the examination in Nine Provinces
a) Central
f) Sabaragamuwa
b) Eastern
g) Southern
c) Northern
h) Uva
d) North Central
i) Western
e ) North Western
If more than 100 applicants requested to sit for the examination in a same province, it is
possible to arrange this competition in that province. If not, examination center can be changed
according to his / her choice of preferences.
Application Deadline : 28th February, 2013
Web Site :
For more details, please contact :
Mr. AshvinWickramasooriya
Chairman / Sri Lankan Earth Science Olympiad Competition
Geological Society of Sri Lanka
Dept. of Geology
University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya
Email :, Telephone No : 077-9406168
Sri Lankan Earth Science Olympiad
Competition - 2013
Application Form
(Fill all information in this application)
Name of the applicant
Male / Female
Date of Birth
: Year .……….. Month ………… Date …….
Age at 01st October, 2013
: Years …………. Months …………
Class : ……………………………….... (E.g. year 12 B, Biology if sat for O/L in 2012, not needed)
G.C.E. (O/L) Results : No of A s : ……... No of B s: .............
Address of the school :
No of C s: …..........
Preference of the Examination center / province (please mark only three, 1, 2 and 3 for first, second and third
a) Central
e ) North Western
i) Western
Telephone No
b) Eastern
f) Sabaragamuwa
c) Northern
g) Southern
d) North Central
h) Uva
: a) School - …………………..…………. b) Home - ……………………………..
Money order No (Rs 250/= )
: …………………………………
I certify that the above particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
Date : ………………………
Signature of the applicant :……………………………..
a) Class teacher’s : Name - ………….………………………… Signature - ……….………..……
b) Signature of the Principal (with official seal) : …………………………………………………
Application Deadline is 28th February, 2013
For office use only
Application No
Money Order No
Signature of the Chairman / SLESOC :
Receipt No
Date :