MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE PROTOCOL FOR CONTAMINANTS IN LOWPERMEABILITY ZONES David Adamson, Steven Chapman, Nicholas Mahler, Charles Newell, Beth Parker, Thomas Sale, Seth Pitkin, Michael Rossi, and Mike Singletary SUPPORTING INFORMATION Groundwater Data Collection Methods To complement the MIP and soil data, groundwater data were collected (see Figure S.2 for results). Groundwater samples were collected at all six of the MIP locations (Figure 1) using one or both of the following methods: WaterlooAPS TM : Stone Environmental Inc.’s proprietary subsurface data acquisition system was used to collect both discrete-depth groundwater samples and an integrated set of companion data in a single, continuous direct push. Groundwater samples were collected by pumping water through screened ports located in the profiler tip; with stainless steel lines leading from the downhole tooling to 40-mL VOA vials for CVOC analysis using EPA Method 8260 at Stone’s off-site analytical laboratory. Profiling was completed at all six locations where MIP screening was completed, and a total of 56 samples were collected from these locations. However, due to system limitations in collecting water from finer-grained soils, no samples were collected from the lowerpermeability clay intervals that are the focus of the current study. During advancement, this system was also used to generate real-time relative k data in the form of an index of hydraulic conductivity (Ik) at all locations. Groundwater Sampling using Geoprobe SP16 and Temporary Piezometers: At three locations where MIP screening was completed, groundwater was collected from at least 3 depths within the lower permeability zone at each location, along with at least 1 sample from both the higher permeability sands above and the below this interval. In higher-permeability zones, Screenpoint (SP) groundwater sampling, consisting of the installation of protected screens within standard Geoprobe rods with an expendable drive point, was used. Once reaching the desired depth, the screen is held in place with extension rods while the drive rods are retracted. For this project, the SP16 system custom screens (1.0-in PVC, 2.5-ft long, 0.010-in slot size) was used. At intervals with lower-permeability soils, temporary piezometers with similar screen characteristics were instead installed to provide more adequate time for well development. Using these two methods, groundwater was collected from a total of 6 to 7 different depths at each location. Groundwater was collected from each of the points using a peristaltic pump after sufficient water was present. All CVOC analyses were completed at the University of Guelph. QA/QC Procedures QA/QC checks were made throughout the MIP sampling program, including. pre- and postresponse tests. These involved measuring detector response (trip time and total response) when the probe is placed in a solution of known concentration (in this case PCE at 1 mg/L for ECD response and benzene at 5 mg/L for PID response). Although the MIP was operated using non-standard conditions (e.g., varying flow rates, drive rates, and temperatures), nearly all of the pre- and post-response tests were within standard acceptance criteria (greater than 150 mV for ECD and greater than 2 mV for the PID). Parameters such as flow rates, temperature and pressure were monitored continuously and were also mostly within acceptance criteria. Soil sample QA/QC included collection of field duplicates (minimum 5%), field blanks (methanol blanks to identify pre-existing contamination in methanol used for soil sample preservation and extraction, trip blanks and equipment blanks), lab storage blanks (used to replace trip blanks which were analyzed on arrival at the lab, and kept with the samples during the extraction period), lab method blanks, lab duplicates (minimum 5%), continuing calibration checks, matrix spikes and matrix spike duplicates. Data Normalization Procedures The statistical comparisons of MIP data to CVOC concentrations in soil required establishing a quantitative method for assessing the “accuracy” of the MIP contaminant distributions under the various operating conditions. Of the various statistical methods that could be appropriate for this type of evaluation, two relatively simple methods were chosen. The first was to calculate the relative percent difference (RPD) between soil concentrations and the MIP “concentrations” at corresponding depths. The following stepwise procedure was employed at each location were MIP data was collected: 1. At each depth, the concentrations of individual constituents were summed to obtain a total CVOC concentration from the soil data. The total CVOC concentration served as the “known” value (i.e., assumed to be the accurate benchmark). 2. The total CVOC concentration data was log transformed to be more consistent with its expected distribution. 3. At each depth, the MIP ECD and PID values were converted to the geomean of values obtained across the nearest 1-ft interval (e.g., the equivalent MIP signal at 20 ft bgs was calculated by taking the geomean of all MIP signals measured from 19.5 ft to 20.5 ft). This ensured a more representative dataset and minimized signal abnormalities that might have occurred at a single depth. 4. Each MIP dataset (ECD and PID) was log-transformed and then adjusted to account for the baseline signal (i.e., the minimum response for the detector over the interval being characterized). 5. The MIP datasets were then normalized using the maximum signal response at any depth at that location. This established a set range for each dataset between zero (no response) to one (maximum response) across the entire depth interval. 6. A similar normalization procedure was followed on the depth-discrete total CVOC concentrations obtained from the soil data. 7. The RPD between the normalized MIP data and the normalized soil CVOC concentration was then calculated at each depth. Values below zero indicated the MIP data generally underestimated the soil concentration, while values above zero indicated that the MIP data overestimated the soil concentration. The median RPD value across the entire depth interval was used as an overall indicator of accuracy. directional median RPD. This is the A second metric—the non-directional median RPD—was obtained by finding the median of the absolute value of the individual RPD calculations. The non-directional median RPD disregards signs, such that it is a measure of the overall variability associated with the dataset. Table S.1 Matrix for MIP Operating Conditions and Rationale High Concentration Area Run ID Operating Conditions Rationale Heated Trunkline (HTL) Baseline MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C PEEK MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C HTL Up-Log - Probe pulled MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. from bottom of hole to the top. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C. HTL system deployed to determine if the heated and non-sorbing stainless steel carrier gas line would allow the MIP to be more effective at mapping the contaminant distribution and relative concentrations than that of the PEEK system. Fast Drive Rate MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. Drive rate = 2 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C By increasing drive rate through potentially heavily contaminated zones, there would be less time available for the system to become overloaded with contamination. High Flow Rate MIP Flow = 80 ml/min. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C By increasing the flow rate, via an increase in delivery pressure, it was hypothesized that 1) there would be less of a pressure gradient for driving contaminants into the tool and 2) the contaminants that did enter the tool would be more diluted than normal due to the higher volumetric flow rate. Low Temperature MIP Flow = 80 ml/min. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 100 degrees C By decreasing probe temperature, the amount of VOC volatilization would decrease and the zone of influence would also likely decrease. These two factors would likely result in less contaminant mass entering the gas phase and being available for migration across the membrane. By conducting the MIP in reverse, from the bottom up, the true bottom of the contamination could be determined. MIP detector signals should be at or near basline conditions prior to starting uplogging procedure. Low Concentration Area Run ID Operating Conditions Rationale Heated Trunkline (HTL) Baseline MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C PEEK MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C HTL system deployed to determine if the heated and non-sorbing stainless steel carrier gas line would allow the MIP to be more effective at mapping the contaminant distribution and relative concentrations than that of the PEEK system. HTL Up-Log - Probe pulled MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. from bottom of hole to the top. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C. By conducting the MIP in reverse, from the bottom up, the true bottom of the contamination could be determined. MIP detector signals should be at or near basline conditions prior to starting uplogging procedure. Slow Drive Rate MIP Flow = 40 ml/min. Drive rate = 0.5 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C. By decreasing the drive rate through the lesser contaminated zones, there would be more time available for the volatilization and hence more gas phase contamination available for migration into the tool. Low Flow Rate MIP Flow = 20 ml/min. Drive rate = 0.5 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 120 degrees C. By decreasing the flow rate, via an decrease in delivery pressure, it was hypothesized that 1) there would be more of a pressure gradient for driving contaminants into the tool and 2) the contaminants that did enter the tool would be less diluted than normal due to the lower volumetric flow rate. High Temperature MIP Flow = 20 ml/min. Drive rate = 1 foot/min. Probe temperature set to 140 degrees C. By increasing probe temperature, the amount of VOC volatilization would increase and the zone of influence would also likely increase. These two factors would likely result in more contaminant mass entering the gas phase and being available for migration across the membrane. . Table S.2. Evaluation of Accuracy of MIP Data Relative to Soil CVOC Concentrations: Linear Regression of Normalized Datasets R2 for Regression ECD Dataset PCE+TCE High Concentration Location (OU3-3) Heated Trunk Line (Baseline) PEEK Trunk Line Uplogged Data Low Temperature Fast Drive Rate High Flow Rate Combined Data from All Runs PID PCE+TCE+DCE PCE+TCE PCE+TCE+DCE 0.11 0.25 0.25 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.02 0.004 0.48 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.47 0.43 0.006 0.52 0.44 0.37 0.23 0.59 0.21 0.14 0.22 0.32 0.35 0.23 0.20 0.23 0.15 0.34 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.02 0.04 0.32 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.22 0.17 0.06 0.29 0.28 0.33 0.12 0.07 0.22 0.20 0.07 0.12 0.16 0.09 0.28 0.03 0.04 0.21 0.62 0.29 0.41 0.02 Low Concentration Location (OU3-6) Heated Trunk Line (Baseline) PEEK Trunk Line Uplogged Data Low Temperature Fast Drive Rate High Flow Rate Combined Data from All Runs Other Locations OU3-4-PK (Baseline) OU3-5-PK (Baseline) Table S.3. Evaluation of Accuracy of MIP Data Relative to Soil CVOC Concentrations: Relative Percent Difference Between Normalized Datasets Relative Percent Difference (%) ECD PID PCE+TCE PCE+TCE PCE+TCE+DCE Median (Non-Directional) Median (Directional) Median (Non-Directional) Median (Directional) Median (Non-Directional) Median (Directional) Median (Non-Directional) Median (Directional) 61 55 52 56 57 56 56 47 55 52 40 50 36 47 62 47 52 56 60 56 56 41 42 52 30 41 26 39 39 18 69 47 56 129 57 -2 -11 -67 -44 -41 -118 -39 39 18 67 47 51 118 53 -14 -15 -67 -46 -48 -118 -47 109 116 121 93 113 145 121 57 87 -23 65 79 82 65 42 40 102 40 54 38 48 13 8 -90 -37 24 5 -9 160 103 200 99 100 112 143 -54 23 -134 19 40 37 14 156 90 193 95 106 110 128 -149 -90 -185 -95 -57 -110 -113 44 93 17 52 36 57 13 10 50 76 -40 22 48 76 -48 -76 Dataset High Concentration Location (OU3-3) Heated Trunk Line (Baseline) PEEK Trunk Line Uplogged Data Low Temperature Fast Drive Rate High Flow Rate Combined Data from All Runs PCE+TCE+DCE Low Concentration Location (OU3-6) Heated Trunk Line (Baseline) PEEK Trunk Line Uplogged Data Low Temperature Fast Drive Rate High Flow Rate Combined Data from All Runs Other Locations OU3-4-PK (Baseline) OU3-5-PK (Baseline) Table S.4. Evaluation of Accuracy of MIP Data Relative to Soil CVOC Concentrations: Impact of Data Corrections on Linear Regression 2 R for Regression ECD Dataset Data Correction Applied High Concentration Location (OU3-3) All MIP Runs None Corrected with Uplogged Data PID All Soil Types Low Permeability Soils Only All Soil Types Low Permeability Soils Only 0.09 0.21 0.004 0.002 0.23 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.13 0.20 0.001 0.09 0.09 0.12 0.03 0.16 Low Concentration Location (OU3-6) All MIP Runs None Corrected with Uplogged Data (A) Location OU3-4 Depth (m bgs) Soil Total CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) MIP ECD (mV) MIP PID (mV) Electrical Conductivity (mS/m) Approximate boundary of low k zone based on soil lithology < 35, sand/gravel 35-70, silty sand 70-105, sandy silt 105-140, clayey silt > 140, silty clay Soil Total CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) (B) Location OU3-5 Depth (m bgs) Soil Total CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) MIP ECD (mV) MIP PID (mV) Electrical Conductivity (mS/m) Approximate boundary of low k zone based on soil lithology < 35, sand/gravel 35-70, silty sand 70-105, sandy silt 105-140, clayey silt > 140, silty clay Soil Total CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) Figure S.1. Baseline MIP Characterization Data vs. Soil CVOC Concentration Data at Location OU3-4 (top panel) and Location OU3-5 (bottom panel). (A) CVOC Concentration Data (including by-products); (B) ECD Data; and (C) PID Data; (D) Electrical Conductivity Data. (A) Location OU3-3 Index of Hydraulic Conductivity (Ik) Soil Lithology Depth (m bgs) Soil CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) Groundwater CVOC Concentration (mg/L) (B) Location OU3-4 Index of Hydraulic Conductivity (Ik) Soil Lithology Depth (m bgs) Soil CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) Groundwater CVOC Concentration (mg/L) Figure S.2. Groundwater and Soil Data Collected at (A) Location OU3-3; and (B) Location OU34. First panel shows total CVOC concentration data collected using Geoprobe SP16 and Temporary Piezometers vs. Waterloo APS (WP) vs. Soil cores. Second panel shows soil and groundwater (WP) concentration data for individual CVOCs. Third panel shows index of hydraulic conductivity data collected in real-time by Waterloo APS. Fourth panel shows soil lithography based on United Soil Classification System (SP = sand (poorly graded); CL = clay (inorganic with low plasticity; SP/CL = sand/clay mix, SC = clayey sands; NC = not collected). Other groundwater analyses (field and geochemical parameters) collected but not shown. Geoprobe SP16/temporary piezometers not used to collect groundwater at location OU3-4. (C) Location OU3-5 Index of Hydraulic Conductivity (Ik) Soil Lithology Depth (m bgs) Soil CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) Groundwater CVOC Concentration (mg/L) (D) Location OU3-6 Index of Hydraulic Conductivity (Ik) Soil Lithology Depth (m bgs) Soil CVOC Concentration (mg/kg) Groundwater CVOC Concentration (mg/L) Figure S.2. Groundwater and Soil Data Collected at (A) Location OU3-3; and (B) Location OU34. First panel shows total CVOC concentration data collected using Geoprobe SP16 and Temporary Piezometers vs. Waterloo APS (WP) vs. Soil cores. Second panel shows soil and groundwater (WP) concentration data for individual CVOCs. Third panel shows index of hydraulic conductivity data collected in real-time by Waterloo APS. Fourth panel shows soil lithography based on United Soil Classification System (SP = sand (poorly graded); CL = clay (inorganic with low plasticity; SP/CL = sand/clay mix, SC = clayey sands; NC = not collected). Other groundwater analyses (field and geochemical parameters) collected but not shown. Figure S.3. Relative Percent Difference between Baseline MIP Characterization Data and Soil CVOC Concentration Data at Location OU3-3. PID data are compared to sum of PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE soil concentrations. ECD data are compared to sum of PCE and TCE soil concentration Response Test Summary Results Large Change in Response between compounds, Minimal response to c-DCE Response/as Rise in Baseline Compound PID ECD c-DCE 19 22 TCE 23 690 PCE 16 1300 Notes: 1. Response Test solutions comprised of 1 mg/L of study compound. Small Change in Response between compounds, Response to all compounds very similar FIGURE S.4. Sensitivity of MIP Detectors for Individual CVOCs Present at NAS Jacksonville OU3. Tests were completed similarly to a standard response test for MIP operation (i.e., the probe is submerged in a container with a known quantity of the study compound (1 mg/L)) to account for diffusion across the membrane. All tests were performed twice.