ESM: Thompson et al. Blackmail by fledgling location Electronic supplementary material The influence of fledgling location on adult provisioning: a test of the blackmail hypothesis Alex M. Thompson, Nichola J. Raihani, Philip A.R. Hockey, Fiona M. Finch, Adam Britton and Amanda R. Ridley PREDATORS There are a variety of predators at the study site: the main aerial predators are raptors (gabar goshawk Micronisus gabar, pale chanting goshawk Melierax canorus) [1] and the main terrestrial predators are mammals (yellow mongoose Cynictis penicillata, slender mongoose Galerella sanguinea, meerkat Suricata suricatta) [1,2]. Reptiles (rock monitor Varanus albigularis, Cape cobra Naja nivea, puff adder Bitis arietans,) pose a lesser threat. METHODS a) Additional information about focals Focal observations were not carried out during inter-group-interactions or immediately after major predator alarms, and focals were terminated if one of these events occurred after the focal had started. Focal data collection was paused when the bird was obscured from view and resumed when the bird was again in clear view. If the break in observation was longer than 5 minutes the focal observation was aborted. b) Equipment All sound was recorded using a RØDE™ NTG-2 shotgun microphone onto a Microtrack II digital sound recorder. All playbacks were group-specific to avoid the group responding to the playback as if it were a neighbouring group. Playbacks were created using Raven Pro 1.3© (Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA) and normalized to levels appropriate for the experiment. c) Statistical analyses We created a series of linear mixed models (LMMs) with normal distributions and identity link functions to investigate the response terms of interest. The effects of fixed terms were considered using maximum-likelihood estimation, and random terms were included to account for the potential influence of repeated measures. We used the Akaike’s Information Criterion for small datasets (AICc) [3] as our model selection criteria [4,5]. We created a set of models to investigate a priori hypotheses and a basic model that contained only the constant, random terms and residual variance. Co-linearity was checked for all explanatory terms and correlated terms were never included in the same model. We then ranked the models in order of their AICc values: models with lower AICc values were considered to have more explanatory power. Overall the model with the highest Akaike weight (wi) and lowest AICc value was considered the best model, but all models within ΔAICc <5 were considered to have at least some support [4]. When more than one model appeared to have some support (i.e. ΔAICc <5), the importance of explanatory terms was evaluated by calculating the predictor weight [6] for each term. RESULTS a) Candidate models tested For tables S1-S3: Deviance = -2 log-likelihood output of each model; K = number of parameters tested in each model; AICc = Akaike information criterion for a small data sets; ΔAICc = the models AICc minus the minimum AICc among candidate models. For each candidate model: Basic = basic model with no predictor terms, only constant, the random terms and residual variance (σ²); Fage = ESM: Thompson et al. Blackmail by fledgling location fledgling age (days post hatching); Anum = adult number (individuals >1 year old); Fnum = fledgling number; ADFL = adult:fledgling ratio; dCov = distance to cover (m); trPrv = provision rate while in tree (g/min); grPrv = provisioning rate while on the ground (g/min); toPrv = total provisioning rate (g/min); Loc = fledgling location (ground or tree). Table S1. Difference in response time to alarm calls N=68 Explanatory terms Fage + Anum Fage Fage + Anum + Fnum Basic Fage + Anum + dCov Anum Fage + Fnum Fage + ADFL Fage + dCov Fnum ADFL Anum + Fnum dCov Anum + dCov Fage + dCov + Fnum Fage + dCov + ADFL dCov + Fnum dCov + ADFL Fage + Fnum + dCov Deviance -40.53 -37.04 -36.07 K 4 3 5 AICc -35.90 -32.67 -31.10 ΔAICc 0.00 3.23 4.79 -34.23 -33.51 -32.85 -32.64 -32.19 -29.84 -29.08 -28.89 -27.9 -27.28 -26.01 -25.41 -25.04 -22.13 -22.02 -21.14 2 5 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 5 -30.05 -28.54 -28.48 -28.01 -27.56 -25.21 -24.71 -24.52 -23.27 -22.91 -21.38 -20.44 -20.07 -17.50 -17.39 -16.17 5.85 7.35 7.42 7.89 8.34 10.69 11.19 11.38 12.63 12.99 14.52 15.45 15.82 18.40 18.51 19.72 All LMMs were fitted with a normal distributions and identity link functions, individual identity was included as a random term to account for repeated measures. ESM: Thompson et al. Blackmail by fledgling location Table S2. Provisioning rate N=472 Explanatory terms Loc + Fage Loc + Fage + Anum Loc + Fage + Fnum Loc + Fage + ADFL Loc*Fage Loc*Fage + Fnum Loc*Fage + ADFL Loc Loc*Fage + Anum + Fnum Loc + Anum Loc + Fage Loc + ADFL Loc + Anum + Fnum Fage + Anum Fage + Fnum Fage + ADFL Fage + Anum + Fnum Basic Anum Fnum ADFL Anum + Fnum Deviance -1324.58 -1318.35 -1315.58 -1314.79 -1313.13 -1304.13 -1303.34 -1297.74 -1297.85 K 6 7 7 7 6 7 7 5 8 AICc -1318.40 -1312.11 -1309.34 -1308.55 -1306.95 -1297.89 -1297.10 -1291.61 -1291.54 ΔAICc 0.00 6.29 9.06 9.85 11.45 20.51 21.30 26.79 26.86 -1292.7 -1289.07 -1288.33 -1283.97 6 6 6 7 -1286.52 -1282.89 -1282.15 -1277.73 31.88 35.51 36.25 40.67 -1225.53 -1222.54 -1221.64 -1216.44 5 5 5 6 -1219.40 -1216.41 -1215.51 -1210.26 99.00 101.99 102.89 108.14 -1210.44 -1205.17 -1201.73 -1200.92 -1196.39 3 4 4 4 5 -1204.39 -1199.08 -1195.64 -1194.83 -1190.26 114.01 119.32 122.76 123.57 128.14 All LMMs were fitted with a normal distributions and identity link functions, individual and group identity were included as random terms to account for repeated measures. ESM: Thompson et al. Blackmail by fledgling location Table S3. Proportion of time fledglings spent on the ground N=307 Explanatory terms Fage + Anum Fage + Anum + Fnum Fage + ADFL Fage Fage + Fnum trPrv trPrv + ADFL trPrv + Fnum Anum grPrv Basic toPrv grPrv + ADFL adfl grPrv + Fnum Fnum Deviance -609.78 -603.65 K 5 6 AICc -603.58 -597.37 ΔAICc 0.00 6.21 -602.67 -601.44 -596.12 -432.56 -426.2 -425.35 -398.93 -385.31 -383.93 -382.72 -380.34 -378.86 -378.74 -377.43 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 -596.47 -595.31 -589.92 -426.43 -420.00 -419.15 -392.80 -379.18 -377.85 -376.59 -374.14 -372.73 -372.54 -371.30 7.12 8.27 13.66 177.15 183.58 184.43 210.78 224.40 225.73 226.99 229.44 230.85 231.04 232.28 b) Best models from each candidate model set Table S4: Factors affecting the difference in response times between adults and fledglings to alarm calls. Explanatory terms a) Fledgling age (days) + adult number b) Fledgling age (days) c) Fledgling age (days) + adult number + Fledgling number χ² 25.65 10.57 22.47 26.21 9.99 0.79 wi 0.69 0.14 0.06 Effect ± standard error Fage: -0.013 ± 0.003 Anum: 0.167 ± 0.051 -0.013 ± 0.003 Fage: -0.013 ± 0.003 Anum: 0.200 ± 0.063 Fnum -0.064 ± 0.073 Results for the best LMMs (n=68) in table S1 with normal distributions and identity link functions. The response term was the log10 of the difference in response time between adults and fledglings, the random term was individual identity (n=21 individuals). ESM: Thompson et al. Blackmail by fledgling location Table S5: Factors affecting provisioning rate (g/min) to fledglings Explanatory terms Location + Fledgling age (days) χ² 116.2 wi 0.939 44.19 Effect ± standard error gr: 0.000 ± 0.000 tr: -0.139 ± 0.013 Fage: -0.004 ± 0.001 Results for the best LMM (n=472) in table S2 with normal distributions and identity link functions. The response term was the square root of provisioning rate (g/min), the random terms were individual (n=82 individuals) and group identity (n=15 groups). Table S6: Factors affecting the proportion of observation time that fledglings spend on the ground Explanatory terms Fledgling age (days) + adult number χ² 374.27 19.84 wi 0.96 Effect ± standard error Fage: 0.022 ± 0.001 Anum: -0.039 ± 0.009 Results for the best LMM (n=307) in table S3 with normal distributions and identity link functions. The response term was the arcsine-square-root of the proportion of time that fledglings spend on the ground, the random terms were individual (n=93) and group identity (n=15 groups). c) Predictor weights for each candidate model set Table S7: Predictor weights for all variables investigated in each candidate model set Model Predictor terms Weight a) Fledgling response Fledgling age (days) 0.975 to alarm calls Adult number 0.791 Fledgling number 0.081 Adult:fledgling ratio 0.013 Distance to cover (m) 0.023 b) Provisioning rate Location (ground or tree) 1.000 (g/m) Fledgling age (days) 1.000 Adult number 0.040 Fledgling number 0.010 Adult:fledgling ratio 0.007 c) Proportion of time Fledgling age (days) 1.000 on the ground Adult number 0.958 Fledgling number 0.042 Adult:fledgling ratio 0.026 Tree prov. rate (g/min) 3.33x10-39 Total prov. rate (g/min) 4.69x10-50 Ground prov. rate (g/min) 2.00x10-50 Predictor weights for the all variables investigated in LMMs. Predictor weights for each variable were calculated by summing the Akaike weights for each model that contained that variable [6]. Variables that appear in all the top models will have weights that tend towards 1 and if variables only appear in unlikely models their weight will tend towards 0 [6]. All variables deemed to be important are in bold. ESM: Thompson et al. Blackmail by fledgling location Table S8: Results from paired analyses investigating the effects of increasing perceived predation risk Variables Time on ground (%) Terrestrial prov. (g/min) Arboreal prov. (g/min) Lead calls (s) Before 33.59 ± 4.73 0.13 ± 0.02 0.017 ± 0.003 3.03 ± 0.78 Control During 41.98 ± 4.82 0.12 ± 0.02 0.025 ± 0.007 1.76 ± 0.47 p-value 0.286 0.378 0.869* 0.120 Experimental Before During 44.90 ± 4.26 27.51 ± 3.12 0.14 ± 0.02 0.27 ± 0.06 0.022 ± 0.007 0.030 ± 0.009 1.98 ± 0.30 7.07 ± 1.06 Table S8 gives the means and standard errors for the behaviours investigated: time that fledglings spent on the ground (%); terrestrial provisioning rate (g/min) to fledglings; arboreal provisioning rate (g/min) to fledglings; and time that adults spent giving lead calls to terrestrial fledglings (%). Two treatments: control, with heterospecific contact calls; experimental, with heterospecific alarm calls. All paired analyses were conducted using paired t-tests, except for those labelled with * which were conducted using Wilcoxon Matched-pairs tests. All significant results (p<0.05) are in bold. N=24 pairs. Table S9: Results from paired analyses investigating the difference in provisioning behaviour Control Variables Experimental Before During p-value Before During p-value Biomass (%) 39.92 ± 8.32 52.96 ± 7.14 0.064 34.40 ± 6.84 45.17 ± 7.51 0.112 Feeds (%) 37.28 ± 8.03 47.19 ± 6.81 0.166 30.90 ± 6.34 41.11 ± 7.25 0.116 Table S9 gives the means and standard errors for the proportion of biomass fed to fledglings by dominants and the proportion of feeds to fledglings by dominant individuals. All p-values were generated by conducting using paired t-tests to compare feeding behaviours before and after control and experimental playbacks. REFERENCES 1 Ridley, A. R., Nelson-Flower, M. J. & Thompson, A. M. 2013 Is sentinel behaviour safe? An experimental investigation. Animal Behaviour 85, 137–142. (doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.10.017) 2 Ridley, A. R., Child, M. F. & Bell, M. B. V 2007 Interspecific audience effects on the alarmcalling behaviour of a kleptoparasitic bird. 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