Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
M. Mashinchi
Mehr 1393
October 2014
Citizenship: Iran
Faculty Member at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman Since1976.
Have Advised: The first Ph.D. dissertation in Mathematics in Iran, 1990.
Have Advised: About 43 M.S.c and 12 Ph.D. students in Fuzzy Mathematics and Statistics.
Have Authored: 3 Books, 63 Journal Papers, and well over 120 Conference Papers, and the
joint paper on Linear Programming with Fuzzy Variables in 2000 which has received over
238 citations to date.
Academic Activities
Founding Editor-in-Chief: Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, since March 2003
Founding Director, Center of Excellence on Fuzzy Systems and Applications, Shahid
Bahonar University of Kerman.
Founding Member of Iranian Fuzzy Systems Society
Founding Member of Intelligent Systems Scientific Society of Iran
Member of Iranian Mathematical Society of Iran
Member of Iranian Cryptology Society of Iran
Member of Iranian Mathematical Society
Member of Iranian Computer Society of Iran
Member of Iranian Statistical Society of Iran
The Iranian representative group member for the Asia Fuzzy System Society, since
June 1998.
Vice Chancellor for Research, Faculty of Science, Shahid Bahonar University of
Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Associate Director for Research, Mahanai Research Center, Kerman.
Visiting Scholar at the Department of Computer Science, Meiji University, Japan.
1992 – 1993.
Founding Member, Center of Excellence on Fuzzy Systems, Sistan and Balouchestan
Founding Member, Center of Excellence on Algebraic Hyper-Structures and Fuzzy
Mathematics, Mazandaran University.
Distinguished Research Award , Municipal of Kerman Province Iran, 2012.
Afzalipour Research Award, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2012.
Distinguished Faculty Award (National Award). Elected by Ministry of Science,
Research and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2006.
Member of Research council of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Distinguished Faculty Award, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Distinguished Research Faculty Award, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Associate Member, Third World Academy of Sciences, 1994 – 1997.
Awarded Fellowship for Foreign Researchers, Association of International Education,
Japan, 3 months, 1994.
Member of Editorial boards
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (Founding Editor-in-Chief)
Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center
Iranica Scientia
Mathematical Sciences Quarterly Journal, An Edition of Islamic Azad
University-Karaj Branch
Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems,
Algebraic Structures and Their Applications
International Journal of Mathematical Modeling & Computation
1974, B.Sc. In Mathematics (Stat.), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
1976, M.Sc. In Mathematics (Stat.), Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
1987, Ph.D. In Mathematics, Weseda University, Japan.
Books (In Persian)
1. Fuzzy Sets, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2000. Out of Print.
2. (With S.M. Taheri), An Introduction to Fuzzy Probability and Statistics, Shahid Bahonar
University of Kerman, First Edition 2009. Second Edition 2014.
3. (With A. Parchami), Statistical Quality Control, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman,
More than 43 M.Sc. thesis.
4 Mphil thesis.
14 Ph.D. Thesis ( * means jointly supervised).
Supervised PhD Thesis:
 M.M. Zahedi, Fuzzy algebra (Groups, Rings, Modules), 1990.
 Sh. Salili, Knowledge classifications, 1995.
 H. Mishmast Nehi, Fuzzy linear programming single and multiobjective
functions, 2005.
 E. Yazdani, Ordinary and interval valued fuzzy linear programming, 2005.
 M.A. Yaghoobi, Some contribution to multicriteria optimization, 2007.
 *M. Hossein Yazdi, Optimization over lattices, 2009.
 V. Amirzadeh, Construction of p-charts using degree of nonconformity, 2010.
 *S.M.A. Mohammadi, Optimal tuning of fuzzy controls of type two for nonlinear systems, 2010.
 *M.M. Nasrabadi, Iterative algorithms for linear programming problems under
uncertainty Portfolio, multi-objective and infinite-dimensional, 2011.
 *L. Pourkarimi, Efficiency in multiobjective linear programming and its
applications, 2011.
 *M. Keshavarzi, Classification based on similarity and dissimilarity, 2011.
 *R. Pourmosa, 2013.
 *A. Hamzeheei, 2014.
 *E. Valipour, Algorithms for multiobjective linear fractional programming and
generalized fractional programming problems, 2014.
Supervised Mphils Thesis:
 Ziaei
 R. Kamran
 E. Yazdani
 H. Mishmast Nehi
Journal Research Papers
(With M.Ghezelayagh, M.Bahrampour) A fixed point theorem on hazy space,
Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 10(1983)121-126. 309.
M. Mashinchi, Retracted neighbourhood spaces, Ars Combinatoria, 20
(1985) 83-90,
M. Mashinchi, An intermediate value theorem in neighbourhood spaces,
Tokyo J. of Math., (1986) 181-186.
M. Mashinchi, Neighbourhood spaces, Ph. D. Thesis, Waseda University,
Japan, (1987).
M. Mashinchi, A note on hazy manifolds, Topology and Computer Science,
Kinokunya Pub1. Co., (1987) 331-333.
M. Mashinchi, On function neighbourhood spaces, ArsCombinatoria
23(1987), 171-184.
(With M. M. Zahedi) Some results on redefined fuzzy subgroups, J. Sci. I. R.
Iran, Vol. 1, No. 1,(1988) 66-67.
(With M. M. Zahedi), On fuzzy ideal of a ring, J. Sci, I.R. Iran Vol. 1, No. 3
(1990) 208-210.
(With M. M. Zahedi) A Counter-Example of P.S. Das’s paper, J. Math. Anal.
Appl., Vol. 152. No.2 (1990) 208-210.
(With M. M. Zahedi), On L-fuzzy primary submodules: Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 49(1992) 231-236.
(With M. Mukaidono), Algebraic Knowledge Classification, The Journal of
Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol. 2, No.2 (1994) 233-247.
M. Mashinchi, On Convexity of fuzzy sets, The Journal of Fuzzy
Mathematics, Vol. 2, No.3 (1994) 655-669.
(With M. Mukaidono) Generalized fuzzy quotient subgroups, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 74(2)(1995)245-257.
M. Mashinchi, An Application of fuzzy set representation, International
Journal of Science and Technology, ScientiaIranica, Vol. 2, No. 4(1996) 342346.
M. Mashinchi, My life and research in Japan (A report), Journal of Japan
Society for Fuzzy Theory and systems, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1996) 29-32.
(with S. A. Ziaie and H. V. Kumbohojkar) On cardinality of truth-value set
of a fuzzy subgroup, International Journal of ScientiaIranica, Vol. 3, No’s 1-3
(with Nguyen Cat Ho) On lattice implication operations, NCST Vietnam,
Vol. 8, No.1 (1996) 15-33.
(with S. A. Ziaie, S.Ray and R. Kamran) Boolean structure of triangular
norms, Mathware \& Soft Computing, Vol. 6, No. 1(1999)63-78.
(With M. B. Tata and H. R. Maleki) Linear programming with fuzzy
variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems Vol. 109, No. 1 (2000) 21 – 33.
(with E. Yazdani and H. R. Maleki) A method for solving a fuzzy linear
programming, Korean J. Comput. & Appl. Math. Vol. 8 (2000), No. 2, pp.
(With M.A. Yaghoobi and H.R. Maleki) An Algorithm for Selection
Problems with Quantitative and Qualitative Data, Journal of Science
University of Tehran, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2002) 259-274 (in Persian).
(with M. Tahami and Y. Bahrampour) A model for fuzzy plane projective
geometry, Arab Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9, No 1 (2003) 1-14.
(With H. R. Maleki), Fuzzy Number linear programming: A probabilistic
approach (3), J. Appl. Math. & Computing Vol 15(2004), No. 1-2, pp. 333341.
(With M. A. Yaghoobi, H.R. Maleki), An Integer programming model for
PROMEETHEE II, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No.17
(With H. MishmastNehi, H. R. Maleki), A canonical representation for the
solution of fuzzy linear systems, J. Appl. Math. & Computing, Vol. 20,No. 1
– 2, (2006) 345 – 354,
(With A. SoleimaniNasab), Lattice structure of generalized fuzzy subgroups,
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), 20(1)(2006)101-120.
(With M. Bakhshi and R. A. Borzooei), Representation theorem for some
fuzzy algebraic hyperstructures, International Review of Fuzzy
Mathematics(IRFM), Vol. 1, No. 1 (2006) 73-87.
(With A. Parchami, H. R. Maleki), Fuzzy confidence interval for fuzzy
process capability index, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 17
(2006) 287-295.
(With A. Parchami, H. R. Maleki), Fuzzy confidence interval for fuzzy
process capability index, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 17
(2006) 287-295.
(With M. T. Moeti, A. Parchami), A note on fuzzy process capability indices,
IranicaScientia, Vo. 13, No. 4 (2006) 379-385.
(With Kh. Solimni), Review of fixed points for fuzzy if-then rules, Advances in
Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2006) 67-82.
(With S. A. Ziaei and Gh. Khaledi), Lattice structures of e-implications on L*,
Information Sciences, Vol. 177 (2007) 3202-3214.
(With A. Parchami,) Fuzzy estimation for process capability indices,
Information Sciences 177(2007) 1452-1462.
(With R. Maleki), Multiobjective geometric programming with fuzzy
parameters, International Journal of Information Sciences and Technology,
Vol. 5, No. 2 (2007) 35-45.
(With M. Hosseinyazdi, A. Hassankhani), Fractions on a lattice, Italian
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 22 (2007) 75-94.
(With M. Hosseinyazdi, A. Hassankhani) Linear systems and optimization over
lattices, International Review of Fuzzy Mathematics, Serials Publications,
New Delhi, India, Vol. 2, No. 1, (June 2007) pp.27-50.
(With M. H Mashinchi, M R. Mashinchi), A two phased genetic algorithm for
linear and
quadratic fuzzy regression, Set-Valued Mathematics and
Applications, Global Research Publication, New Delhi, India, Vol. 1,
Number 2, December 2008, pp183-190.
(With R. Amirzadeh, A. Parchami), A fuzzy estimation of the reliability
function, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Number 24, 2008,
(With R. A. Borzooei, M. Bakhshi), Lattice structure on some fuzzy algebraic
systems, Soft Computing, Soft Computing – A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies
and Applications, Volume 12, Number 8 / June(2008).DOI: 10.1007/s00500-0070232-5.
(With Falsafain , SM. Taheri), Fuzzy estimation of parameters in statistical models,
International Journal of Mathematics Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2008) 58-64,
(With A. Parchami, V. PartoviNia), A consistent confidence interval for fuzzy
capability index, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Volume 7, Number
(With V. Amirzadeh, M.A. Yaghoobi), Construction of Control Charts Using Fuzzy
Multinomial Quality, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 (1): 26-31, 2008, ISSN
(With A. Parchami), Testing the capability of fuzzy processes, Quality Technology
and Quantitative Management, Vol. 6, Number 2 (June 2009)125-136.
(With V. Amirzadeh, A. Parchami), Construction of p-charts using degree of
nonconformity, Information Sciences, Volume 179, Issues 1-2, (2009) 150-160.
(With J.H. Nasiri), Rough Set and Data Analysis in Decision Tables, Journal of
Uncertain Systems, Vol.3, No.3(2009) 232-240.
(With L. Pourkarimi, M.A. Yaghoobi), Determining maximal efficient faces in
multiobjective linear programming problem, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications, Volume 354, Issue 1 (2009) 234-248.
(With Keshavarzi, M. A. Dehgan), Classification based on similarity and dissimilarity
through equivalence classes, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Volume 8,
Number 2 (2009) 203-215.,N2,2009/203215.pdf
(With A. Parchami, SM. Taheri), Fuzzy p-value in testing fuzzy hypothesis with crisp
data, Statistical Papers, Volume 51, Number 1 (2010)209-226.
(With A. Parchami, Sharayei), An effective approach for measuring the
capability of manufacturing process, Production Planning & Control, Volume
21, Issue 3 (2010) 250 – 257.
(With M. M. Nasrabadi, M. A. Yaghoobi) , Fuzzy programming approach for portfolio
optimization, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 37, (2010) 61-76.
(With A. Parchami), A new generation of process capability indices,
Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2010) 77–89.
(With M. M. Nasrabadi, M. A. Yaghoobi), Finding an efficient solution for
multiobjective fuzzy linear programming problems, International J. of Math. Sci.
&Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA), Vol. 4 No. 1(2010), 193-210 .
(With M. M. Nasrabadi, M. A. Yaghoobi), Solution algorithms for a class of
continuous linear programs with fuzzy valued objective functions, Fuzzy
Information and Engineering,Volume 2, Number 1 (2010) 5-26.
(With M. Hosinyazdi and Hasankhani), A Representation of a Class of
Heyting Algebras by Fractions, International Mathematical Forum, 5, )2010(,
no. 44, 2157 – 2164.
(With Najafi, Taheri), Likelihood ratio test based on fuzzy data, Journal of Intelligent
Technologies and Applied Statistics, Vol. 3, No. 3 (2010) 285-301.
(With Nasrabadi, Yaghoobi), Separated Continuous Linear Programs with Fuzzy
Valued Objective Function, IranicaScientia, Transactions D: Computer Science &
Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 2(2010), pp. 105-118.
(With Parchami, Taheri), Testing fuzzy hypothesis based on vague observation: a pvalue approach, Statistical papers. Online First™, 17 (2010).
(With SMA Mohammadi, AA Gharaveisi, SM Vaezi-Nejad), An evolutionary tuning
technique for type-2 fuzzy logic controller, Transaction of the institute of
Measurement and Control, August 3, )2010(10.1177/0142331209104480,
(With A. MahmodiNejad), Ranking fuzzy numbers based on the areas on the left and
the right
sides of fuzzy number, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 61 (2011)
(With Pourkarimi, Yaghoobi), Efficient Curve Fitting: An Application of
Multiobjective Programming, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 35, Issue 1
(2011) 346365.
(With M. Keshavarzi, M. A. Dehghan) Classification based on 3-similarities, Iranian
Journal of mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vo. 6, No. 1 (2011) pp. 7-21.
(With A. Parchami, R. Ivani), An application of testing fuzzy hypotheses: A
soil study on bioavailability of Cadmium, IranicaScienti C (2011) 18(3) 470478.
(With M. Hadi Mashinchi, Mehmet Orgun, WitoldPedrycz), A Tabu-Harmony
Search Based Approach to Fuzzy Linear Regression, IEEE Trans on Fuzzy
Systems,(3)(2011) 19 432 – 448
(With Parchami), Interval estimation of an extended capability index with
application in educational systems, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, An
Official Journal of Turkish Fuzzy Systems Association, Vol.2, No.2 (2011) 6476.
(With A. Parchami, A. Ramazani), Fuzzy Confidence Regions for the Taguchi
Capability Index, International Journal of Systems Science, (2011) 42(6) 977-988.
(With M. A. Yaghoobi, L. Pourkarimi), Efficient curve fitting: An application of
multiobjective programming, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(1)(2011)346-365.
(With Dolatshahi, H. Nezamabadi), Solving large instances symmetric
traveling salesman problem by hybrid discrete gravitational search algorithm,
The CSI Journal on Computer Science & Enjneering, Vol. 9 (1&3 (a))(1390,
2011) 1-11. In Farsi.
 (With M. A. Yaghoobi, L. Pourkarimi), A multiobjective based approach for
mathematical programs with linear flexible constrains, Applied Mathematical
Modelling, 36 (2012) 6264-6274.
 (With Gh.Khaledi), On lattice structure of the of the probability functions on L*,
Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM), Vol. 7 (1)
)2012( 71-98.
(With M. Keshavarzi, M.A. Dehghan), Application of classification based on
similarities and dissimilarities, Fuzzy Information and Engineering Vol. 4 (1)
(2012) 75-91.
(With R. Pourmousa), An interpretation of skew-elliptical distribution in terms
of fuzzy events, Scientia Iranica, Vo. 19(6) (2012) 1870-1875.
(With A. Parchami), The evaluation of educational systems: An application
study, Mathematical Sciences, Springer-Verlag (2012) Vol 6.
(M. Nourbakhsh, A. Parchami), Analysis of Variance based on fuzzy
observation, International journal of System Science, 44(4) (2013) 714-726.
(With A. Parchami), Confidence interval of generalized Taguchi index, Journal
of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 25(3)(2013) 1064-1264.
(With M. Alizadeh, A. Parchami), Unbiased confidence intervals for
distributions, ProbStat Forum, Volume 06, (July 2013), 29-34.
(With A. Jireyaei, A. Parchami), One-way anova and least squares method
based on fuzzy random variables, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 4 (1)
(2013) 18-33.
(With A. Jiryaei, A. Arabpour), Analysis of Covariance based on fuzzy test statistic,
Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center, Volume 2, Number 1, (Summer
2013), 29-41.
(With E. Valipour, M. A. Yaghoobi), An iterative approach to solve
multiobjective linear fractional programming problems, Applied Mathematical
Modelling, 38 (2014) 38-49.
(With A. Hamzehee, M. A. Yaghoobi), Linear programming with rough interval
coefficients, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 26(3) (2014)11791189.
(With Dolatshahi, H. Nezamabadi-pour), A discrete gravitational search
algorithm for solving combinatorial optimization problems, Information
Sciences, Vol. 258(10) (2014) 94-107.
(With M. Kargar, A. Parchami), A Baysian approach to capability testing based
on C_pk with multiple samples, Quality and Reliability Engineering
International, 30(5)(2014), 615-621.
(With F. Kuchakinejad. E. Khoram), Fuzzy optimization of linear objective function
subject to max-average relational inequality constraints, Journal of Intelligent and
Fuzzy Systems, Online date: September 10, (2014). DOI:10.3233/IFS-141361