Homewood Institutional Review Board Research Protocol Review This form is designed to be completed electronically – tab to next entry, use the spacebar to select/deselect YES or NO responses, type unlimited text in the COMMENTS field. If completed manually, you are limited to the available space for comments in the printed form. Protocol No. Principal Investigator: Title of Project: Reviewer(s): Please answer all questions below. If you have any questions, please contact the HIRB office. A. Research Design 1. Is the hypothesis clearly stated? Yes No 2. Does the study contribute to generalizable knowledge? 3. Is it worth exposing participants to risk? Yes Yes No No Comments: B. Risk/Benefit Analysis 1. What is the level of risk? Minimal Risk (A risk is minimal where the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the proposed research are not greater, in and of themselves, than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examination or tests.) Greater than Minimal Risk (requires Full Board review) High Risk 2. Identify any risks that may apply (check all that apply) -- explain more fully under Comments: Physical Harms (pain, discomfort, injury or loss of function; direct result of procedure or side effect; permanent or transitory) Psychological Harms (emotional distress; Psychological trauma; Invasion of privacy) Social Harms (breach of confidentiality) Economic (employment status, financial standing) Other: 3. Does the research design minimize risks? (Are precautions, safeguards or alternatives in place to minimize risks?) Yes No 4. Are the risks reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits? 5. Is there a benefit to participants? 6. Is there a benefit to society? Yes Yes Yes No No No Comments: Page 1 of 3 New10/21/09 C. Selection of Participants 1. Are the participants appropriate to the research? Yes No 2. Is there an equitable selection of participants? (gender, age, race) Yes No* (*) If selection of participants is not equitable, was there adequate justification for studying a certain population? Yes No N/A Comments: D. Informed Consent 1. Whether documented or oral, the informed consent process is Adequate needs revision. (Informed consent is not a single event or just a form to be signed. It is an educational process that takes place between the investigator and the prospective participant.) 2. Whether documented or oral, all the basic elements* of informed consent (and additional elements as appropriate) are: included in the consent text or language insufficient/ needs revision (explain in Comments) (*) http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/45cfr46.htm#46.116 If Written consent - Is the consent document written at a level that will be understood by these participants? Yes No If Oral Consent – - Is the Request for Use of Oral Consent adequately justified? Yes No missing request - Should a consent short form be provided to participant? (information presented to the participant when a signed consent document is not used - must be signed by a witness) Yes* No missing *If provided, is the short form disclosure adequate? Yes No If Waiver or Alteration of consent requirements is requested - Does the research meet the criteria for a waiver or alteration? Yes No Comments: E. Children 1. If children are participants in the research, Parental Permission (consent) must be obtained – - is the Permission form (or text) adequate? Yes No must provide 2. If a child is capable, the investigator should obtain the child’s ‘Assent’ to participate in the research in addition to Parental Permission, either orally or documented. - The Assent process - The Assent language - is adequate needs revision omitted from protocol is appropriate to the age or comprehension of the child needs revision Comments: F. Compensation for Participation 1. Is the compensation provided to the participants appropriate/ reasonable based upon the complexities and inconveniences of the study and the particular participant population?) Yes No N/A Comments: Page 2 of 3 New10/21/09 G. Privacy and Confidentiality 1. Will personally-identifiable research data be protected to the extent possible from access or use? 2. If access to medical records is requested, is a medical records release from the participants required? 3. Should a Certificate of Confidentiality be obtained? (Will information about an illegal behavior be obtained?) Yes Yes No Yes No N/A No Comments: H. Additional Protections 1. Should additional safeguards be included to protect the rights and welfare of participants who are likely to be vulnerable to coercion or undue influence? (Pregnant Women, Prisoners, Children, Decisionally-Impaired Individuals) Yes No N/A 2. Are recruitment procedures designed to assure that informed consent is freely given? 3. Are advertisements to be used to recruit participants? Yes* No N/A *If Yes, is the advertisement non-coercive (free of undue influence)? Yes No Yes No N/A N/A Comments: I. International Research 1. If the research is conducted outside the U.S., should investigators obtain local permissions? Yes No n/a 2. Is the consent process conducted in English local language? If non-English, is a translated consent form/script provided? Yes No n/a 3. Should an expert in conducting local research be consulted about potential risks to participants? Yes Comments: Reviewer Recommendation The research is: Approved Approve pending revision – see additional comments Disapprove - !! see additional comments To be reviewed by the Full Board The review period is: One year Less than one year, the recommended interval is (specify): Following the enrollment of a specified # of participants (specify #): Other Additional Comments: ________________________________________ Reviewer’s Signature Page 3 of 3 Date New10/21/09 No