Review sheet – Chapter 5

Review sheet – Chapter 5
Understand that microorganisms are the most important primary producers in the marine
Know that viruses are made of nucleic acid, either RNA or DNA
Know that viruses are a critical component of the marine food web because they parasitize
bacteria and plankton releasing organic matter into the marine environment for consumption by
Understand that viruses also release nutrients which can be used by photosynthetic organisms
Know that viruses are believed to be responsible for half of the bacterial mortality in aquatic
Know that the amount of viruses in any given marine environment is dependent on the
abundance of the host organisms which they invade
Know that for every liter of seawater, there are (on average) 100 billion (100,000,000,000)
Understand that all prokaryotes are unicellular
Understand that prokaryotes lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles
Know that organisms in domains Archaea and Bacteria are all prokaryotes (prokaryotic)
Understand that most organic matter in the marine environment is consumed (decomposed) by
Know that marine snow consists of detritus and the bacteria that is feeding on it
Know that detritus refers to non-living particulate organic matter
Understand that aggregates of material will sink much faster than individual cells
Understand that dissolved organic matter makes up most (90%) of the organic matter in the
Know that cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria which contain chlorophyll as well as
phycocyanin as their photosynthetic pigments
Know that cyanobacteria are also known as “blue-green algae” and were among the first
photosynthetic organisms on Earth
Know that Archaea (Domain Archaea) are prokaryotes
Know that Archaea include the “extremophiles” – microorganisms capable of living in extreme
or harsh environments
Know that some Archaea can survive (and thrive) at temperatures as high as 250°F (121°C), the
highest known of any organism
Understand that Archaea provide evidence for life on Earth
Understand that prokaryotic autotrophs derive energy from photosynthesis or chemosynthesis,
but that eukaryotic autotrophs can only derive energy from photosynthesis (no chemosynthesis)
Know that chemosynthesis is the process by which prokaryotic autotrophs derive energy not
from light by from chemical compounds
Know that hydrogen sulfide is an example of a chemical compound that chemosynthetic
organisms derive energy from (to convert carbon dioxide into organic matter)
Understand that the base of the food web at and near hydrothermal vents is based on
chemosynthetic prokaryotes that are using hydrogen sulfide as their energy source
Know that anaerobic bacteria do NOT use oxygen to respire, and are found in anoxic (no oxygen)
Know that all protists (Kingdom Protista) are eukaryotes (belong to the domain Eukarya)
Know that algae are photosynthetic protists which lack true roots, leaves and stems and other
specialized tissues, flowers, etc. (they are distinct from plants)
Understand that algae include unicellular organisms (e.g. ,diatoms, dinoflagellates, etc) and
multicellular organisms (e.g., seaweeds)
Know that diatoms have cell walls made of silica, and consist of 2 tightly-fitted halves
Know that diatoms are unicellular protists (unicellular algae)
Know that diatoms can sink dead to the seafloor forming diatomaceous oozes
Know that dinoflagellates have 2 flagella – one that wraps around a groove in its center and one
that hangs freely
Know that dinoflagellates are unicellular protists (unicellular algae)
Know that dinoflagellates are important in tropical (warm) regions, while diatoms are important
in temperate and polar regions
Know that dinoflagellates are responsible for many of the “red tides” that occur in marine
Know that zooxanthellae are symbiotic dinoflagellates that live in close association with coral,
giant clams, sea anenomes and sponges
Understand that zooxanthellae photosynthesize within the tissues of their host organism
receiving nutrients and shelter from the host, and providing organic matter in return
Know that coral bleaching occurs when a coral loses its symbiotic zooxanthellae
Know that coccolithophorids are unicellular protists (unicellular algae)
Know that coccolithophorids have plates made of calcium carbonate
Know that foraminiferans are unicellular protists (unicellular algae)
Know that foraminiferans have a shell made of calcium carbonate
Know that dead foraminiferans can form foraminiferous oozes
Know that radiolarians are unicellular protists (unicellular algae)
Know that radiolarians have shells made of silica, and that dead radiolarians can form
radiolarian oozes
Know that ciliates are unicellular protists (unicellular algae)
Know that ciliates possess numerous cilia which is used for locomotion and feeding
Know that tintinnids are ciliates that build vase-like structures
Know that fungi (Kingdom Fungi) are eukaryotic (domain Eukarya)
Know that all fungi are heterotrophic and absorb (not ingest) nutrients from their environment
Know that marine fungi include decomposers and parasitic (disease-causing) organisms