Lexile: 900 F Bri F Bro F Bro F Cab F Cha F Cla F Cra F Dun F Fer F Fer F Fra F Gri F Hob F Jac F Jac F Kin F Klu F L'A F LAm F McC F McD F McL F Nel - EV F Pat F Pau F Pec F Pie F Spe Notes for another life : a novel Bridgers, Sue Ellen. What hearts Brooks, Bruce. A Knight of the Word Brooks, Terry. Princess in training : V 6 Cabot, Meg Postcards from no man's land Chambers, Aidan Let me call you sweetheart Clark, Mary Higgins The red badge of courage Crane, Stephen Gallows Hill Ducan, Lois Ice Palace. Ferber, Edna, So big Ferber, Edna, Hot money Francis, Dick. The other Shepards Griffin, Adele. Ghost canoe Hobbs, Will. The Bellmaker : a novel of Redwall Jacques, Brian. Mariel of Redwall Jacques, Brian. The bean trees : a novel Kingsolver, Barbara. Last days of summer : a novel Kluger, Steve. To the Far Blue Mountains L'Amour, Louis, Down the long hills L'Amour, Louis, The member of the wedding McCullers, Carson, Shades of Simon Gray McDonald, Joyce Inside the walls of Troy : a novel of the women who lived the Trojan War. Earthshine : a novel Nelson, Theresa, East Pattou, Edith The car Paulsen, Gary. Blossom Culp and the sleep of death Peck, Richard, The woman who loved reindeer Pierce, Meredith Ann. Calico captive Speare, Elizabeth George 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 McLaren, Clemence. 900 900 900 900 900 900 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 900 Total: 28 Lexile: 910 F Age F Alv F And F Atw F Bar F Bos F Bri F Bro F Car - EV F Cla F Con A death in the family In the time of the butterflies Flowers in the attic Cat's eye The Ancient One The examination The postman The tangle box : a magic kingdom of Landover novel Seventh son The Roar The singer of all songs Agee, James Alvarez, Julia. Andrews, V. C. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, Barron, T.A Bosse, Malcolm. Brin, David. Brooks, Terry Card, Orson Scott. Clayton, Emma. Constable, Kate 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 900 F Dud In lane three, Alex Archer Duder, Tessa. 910 F Far Son of the Black stallion Farley, Walter 910 F Fas April morning Fast, Howard 910 F Hof Green angel Hoffman, Alice 910 F Hun Rising storm Hunter, Erin 910 F Kei Rifles for Watie. Keith, Harold, 910 F Ker The Cobra King of Kathmandu Kerr, Philip. 910 F Key Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel. 910 F Kin Pigs in heaven : a novel Kingsolver, Barbara. 910 F Kje Big Red Kjelgaard, Jim 910 F L'A The sky-liners L'Amour, Louis, 910 F Mac A river runs through it : and other stories Maclean, Norman 910 F Mau Of human bondage Maugham, William Somerset 910 F McC Crystal line McCaffrey, Anne. 910 F Ort An island like you : stories of the barrio Ortiz Cofer, Judith, 910 F Tay Walking up a rainbow : being the true version of the long and hazardous journey of Susan D. Carlisle, Mrs. Myrtle Dessery, Drover Bert Pettit, and cowboy Clay Carmer and others Taylor, Theodore, 910 F Wes The friendly persuasion West, Jessamyn 910 F Zah Heir to the empire Zahn, Timothy. 910 F Zah The last command : Star Wars Zahn, Timothy 910 F Zah Star Wars : The last command Zahn, Timothy 910 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 910 Total: 31 Lexile: 920 F Bro F Cab - EV F Chr F Cle F Coo F Cru F Des F Fla - EV F Gar F Hay F Hit F Hot F LAm F Law F LeG F McC F McC F Nol F Par The wishsong of Shannara The princess diaries : V 1 The White Mountains Where the lilies bloom The dark is rising Staying fat for Sarah Byrnes Dreamland Ranger's apprentice: book one: The ruins of Gorlan Grendel No effect It's nothing to a mountain A circle unbroken Hanging woman creek Women in love The farthest shore. Dragonsinger Moreta : dragonlady of Pern Born blue A single shard Brooks, Terry, Cabot, Meg. Christopher, John. Cleaver, Vera Cooper, Susan Crutcher, Chris Dessen, Sarah Flanagan, John Gardner, John Champlin, Hayes, Daniel. Hite, Sid Hotze, Sollace. L'Amour, Louis. Lawrence, D. H LeGuin, Ursula. McCaffrey, Anne. McCaffrey, Anne. Nolan, Han. Park, Linda Sue 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 F Tay F Tol F Tur Roll of thunder, hear my cry Taylor, Mildred D The return of the king : being the third part of The lord of the rings The thief Turner, Megan Whalen 920 Tolkien, J.R.R 920 920 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 920 Total: 22 Lexile: 922 F Ant F Coo F Mar F Mom F Nai A spell for Chameleon King of shadows Nectar in a sieve House made of dawn Chain of fire Anthony, Piers. Cooper, Susan, Markandaya Momaday, Natachee Scott, Naidoo, Beverley. 922 922 922 922 922 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 922 Total: 5 Lexile: 930 F Asi F Atw F Bra F Bur F Car F Car F Cat F Coo F Cor F Doc F Dum F Gre F Hen F Hil F Hun F Lef F Mar F McC F Orl F Pau F Phi F Rod F Ste F Tan F Vis F Wou The robots of dawn Asimov, Issac Hawksong Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia Hawk of May Bradshaw, Gillian, Cold Sassy tree Burns, Olive Ann. The crystal city Card, Orson Scott Red prophet Card, Orson Scott O Pioneers! Cather, Willa The grey king Cooper, Susan. 8 plus 1 : stories Cormier, Robert Ragtime Doctorow, E. L., The Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, Alexandre, Looking for Alaska : a novel Green, John Quest for a maid Hendry, Frances Mary. Goodbye, Mr. Chips Hilton, James No promises in the wind Hunt, Irene. Rumors of peace Leffland, Ella. Christy Marshall, Catherine, The ship who sang. McCaffrey, Anne. The man from the other side Orlev, Uri. Dogsong Paulsen, Gary. Max The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman Lucy Peale Rodowsky, Colby F. Cannery row Steinbeck, John. The joy luck club Tan, Amy Visions : nineteen short stories by outstanding writers for young adults The winds of war Wouk, Herman 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 Donald Gallo, ed 930 ___________________________________________________________________________ 930 Lexile 930 Total: 26 Lexile: 934 F Bel F Cus F Hau F Swa F Zah Henderson, the rain king : a novel. White death : a novel from the NUMA files The Samurai's tale Bless the beasts and children Dark force rising Bellow, Saul. Cussler, Clive Haugaard, Erik Christian Swarthout, Glendon Fred. Zahn, Timothy. 934 934 934 934 934 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 934 Total: 5 Lexile: 940 F Ald F Bon F Con F Dan F Fei F Fei F Gor F Har F Hei F Hem F Ker F Ker F Kip F L'Am F Lew F McC F McC F McC F McC F McG F Moe F Pey F Smi F Sto F Tha - EV The King's shadow Looking after Lily The prince of tides Behind the mountains Magician Magician : apprentice Waiting for the rain My sister the moon Stranger in a strange land. The old man and the sea When Hitler stole pink rabbit The blue Djinn of Babylon Kim Ride the dark trail The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe Damia Damia's children Dragonquest All the pretty horses The moorchild The forty-third war Prove yourself a hero Nightwing Cezanne Pinto: a memoir with related readings Knights of the hill country Alder, Elizabeth. Bonner, Cindy, Conroy, Pat Danticat, Edwidge Feist, Raymond E Feist, Raymond E. Gordon, Sheila Harrison, Sue. Heinlein, Robert A. Hemingway, Ernst Kerr, Judith. Kerr, Philip. Kipling, Rudyard L'Amour, Louis, Lewis, C. S McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey, Anne McCarthy, Cormac McGraw, Eloise Jarvis Moeri, Louise. Peyton, K. M. Smith, Martin Cruz, Stolz, Mary, Tharp, Tim 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 940 Total: 25 Lexile: 945 F Ant Demons don't dream Anthony, Piers 945 F Bro F Buj F Car F Cus - EV F Dre F Hol F Nay The Elfstones of Shannara Cetaganda : a Vorkosigan adventure Earthborn Catherine, called Birdy. Sister Carrie Slake's limbo The women of Brewster Place Brooks, Terry, Bujold, Lois McMaster. Card, Orson Scott. Cushman, Karen. Dreiser, Theodore Holman, Felice Naylor, Gloria. 945 945 945 945 945 945 945 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 945 Total: 8 Lexile: 950 F Alv F Ann F Bro F Bry F Buc F Car F Cur F Dic F Ell F For F Gil - EV F Jub F L'Am F Low F McC F Pul F Row F Ryl F Sag F Twa F Uri F Zin How the Garcia girls lost their accents Alvarez, Julia. Annie's baby: the diary of Anonymous, a pregnant teenager The voyage of the Jerle Shannara: Ilse witch : book one Kaleidoscope eyes Bryant, Jennifer. Greenmantle Buchan, John The Call of earth Card, Orson Scott Bud, not Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul The ropemaker Dickinson, Peter, Invisible man Ellison, Ralph. A passage to India Forster, E. M. Nathan's run Gilstrap, John. Alice, I think Juby, Susan Galloway L'Amour, Louis, The entomological tales of Augustus T. Percival : Petronella saves nearly everyone Pegasus in flight McCaffrey, Anne. The amber spyglass Pullman, Philip Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix : Year 5 Rowling, J.K. I had seen castles Rylant, Cynthia. Flyte Sage, Angie. The adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark Qb vii Uris, Leon. The pigman Zindel, Paul. 950 Sparks, Beatrice, ed. Brooks, Terry 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 Low, Dene. 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 950 Total: 22 Lexile: 957 F Ant F Bro F deT Question quest The druid of Shannara I, Juan de Pareja Anthony, Piers. Brooks, Terry. Treviño, Elizabeth Borton de 957 957 957 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 957 Total: 3 950 950 950 Lexile: 960 F Blo F Blo F Cab F Cho F Cho F Cis F Cla F Coh - EV F Cor F Dum F Gut F Kin F Kin F Led F Mal F McC F Pau F Ste F Upd A gathering of days : a New England girl's journal, 1830-32 : a novel A gathering of days: a New England girl's journal, 1830-32 : a novel with related readings 960 Valentine princess : a princess diaries book Cabot, Meg The awakening, and selected stories Chopin, Kate, The awakening with related readings Chopin, Kate, Woman hollering creek and other stories Cisneros, Sandra. All through the night Clark, Mary Higgins. Gingerbread Cohn, Rachel Tenderness Cormier, Robert The three musketeers Dumas, Alexander The Big sky Guthrie, A. B. The poisonwood bible Kingsolver, Barbara The poisonwood Bible : a novel Kingsolver, Barbara The ugly American Lederer, William J. The fixer. Malamud, Bernard. Dragonsong. McCaffrey, Anne. The river Paulsen, Gary The Crystal Cave Stewart, Mary. Rabbit, run Updike, John. Blos, Joan W. 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 960 Total: 19 Lexile: 968 F Ant F Bri F Bro F Bro F Cad F Kin F Kla F McC F McD Ogre, ogre First rider's call The scions of Shannara : the heritage of Shannara The talismans of Shannara Heat Insomnia Alien secrets The white dragon Charming Billy Anthony, Piers. Britain, Kristen Brooks, Terry Brooks, Terry Cadnum, Michael King, Stephen, Klause, Annette Curtis. McCaffrey, Anne. McDermott, Alice. 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 968 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 968 Total: 9 Lexile: 970 F Ada F Cab F Dic F Eva The Restaurant at the end of the universe Princess in waiting : V 4 AK The horse whisperer Adams, Douglas Cabot, Meg Dickinson, Peter Evans, Nicholas 970 970 970 970 960 Blos, Joan W. F Fra F LeG F Lon F McC F McK F Pao F Pot F Pot F Tad F Tho F Tho F Uch F Woo The edge The Left hand of darkness. White fang All the Weyrs of Pern Beauty : a retelling of the story of Beauty & the beast Eldest The Chosen. Davita's harp Cane River Rats saw God A band of angels Picture bride : a novel The haunting of Alaizabel Cray Francis, Dick LeGuin, Ursula K. London, Jack McCaffrey, Anne McKinley, Robin. Paolini, Christopher Chaim, Potok. Potok, Chaim. Tademy, Lalita Thomas, Rob. Thompson, Julian F. Uchida, Yoshiko Wooding, Chris 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 970 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 970 Total: 17 Lexile: 979 F Ant F Tur - EV F Uri Night mare The Queen of Attolia Exodus Anthony, Piers. Turner, Megan Whalen Uris, Leon M 979 979 979 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 979 Total: 3 Lexile: 980 F Cad F Cru - EV F Dor F Gri F Hal F Jac F Jac F Joh F Kan F Kos F McC F McC F McC - EV F McM F Mor F Nix - EV F Row F Ste The book of the lion Ironman : a novel A yellow raft in blue water Jazmin's notebook The giver We have always lived in the castle. Pearls of Lutra The dragon's eye Andersonville The painted bird Dragonseye The masterharper of Pern The dolphins of Pern Comanche moon : a novel Jazz Shade's children Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows The last enchantment Cadnum, Michael Crutcher, Chris. Dorris, Michael. Grimes, Nikki. Hall, Lynn. Jackson, Shirley. Jacques, Brian. Johnston, Norma. Kantor, MacKinlay, Kosinski, Jerzy McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey, Anne. McCaffrey, Anne. McMurtry, Larry. Morrison, Toni Nix, Garth. Rowling, J.K. Stewart, Mary 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 980 Total: 18 Lexile: 990 F Alp F Cab F Car F Cat F Cla F Cla F Cla F Cor F Cus F Dos F Dun F Fit F God - EV F Jac F Kin F McC F McK F Mey F Mur - EV F Sta F Ste F Ste F Twa F Wal F Whi The perfect shot Alphin, Elaine Marie 990 Princess lessons Cabot, Meg 990 Prentice Alvin Card, Orson Scott. 990 Shadows on the rock. Cather, Willa, 990 2010 : odyssey 2. Clarke, Arthur C. 990 Childhood's end Clarke, Arthur C. 990 Rendezvous with Rama Clarke, Arthur Charles, 990 Fade Cormier, Robert 990 Sahara : a novel Cussler, Clive 990 Crime and punishment Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 990 Locked in time Duncan, Lois 990 Tender is the night Fitzgarald, Francis Scott Key 990 The Luxe Godbersen, Anna. 990 The haunting of Hill House. Jackson, Shirley, 990 The eyes of the dragon : a story King, Stephen, 990 Freedom's choice McCaffrey, Anne 990 The blue sword McKinley, Robin. 990 White lilacs Meyer, Carolyn. 990 Dairy queen : a novel Murdock, Catherine Gilbert 990 Shiva's fire Staples, Suzanne Fisher. 990 The acts of King Arthur and his noble knights : from the Winchester mss. of Thomas Malory and other sources Steinbeck, John, 990 The prince and pilgrim Stewart, Mary 990 The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark 990 Ben-Hur Wallace, Lew 990 Deathwatch White, Robb, 990 ___________________________________________________________________________ Lexile 990 Total: 25