The Optimization of Fingerprint Parameters with Genetic Algorithms James Mark Kelly CPSC-6126 Columbus State University November 20, 2009 Abstract— An accurate Access Control System is critical in a wide range of application domains such as national ID cards, electronic commerce systems, and automated banking systems. A Biometrics based Access Control System based on a person’s physiological or behavioral characteristics is inherently more reliable and more capable in differentiating between an authorized person and a fraudulent imposter than traditional methods. The objective is to design a fingerprint-based biometric system which is capable of achieving a fully automatic “positive personal identification” with a high level of confidence. In the paper I’ve chosen, the authors suggest an optimization approach for fingerprint authentication using genetic algorithms to select the parameters used for fingerprint matching. Their application was planned so that it could be used without a great deal of effort for different biometric systems. Instead of estimating the required parameters, which is what most methods do, in this process the parameters are determined with the help of genetic algorithms. Their test database consisted of 1200 fingerprints of 12 persons. For the confirmation of the results, the databases of the Fingerprint Verification Contests of the years 2000, 2002, and 2004 were examined in addition. In the best case an improvement in the recognition performance of 38% was observed. Keywords; parameters; Biometrics; Equal Error Rate (EER); BioGINA; minutiae; genetic algorith; optimization I. INTRODUCTION Traditionally, users are authenticated by way of secret knowledge or personal possession. These traditional methods have several built-in disadvantages. Both of these traditional methods offer the possibility of someone handing over their authentication object to an unauthorized person, having their authentication object stolen, or even losing the authentication object. Also, there is really no way to make sure that the person who has the object is the legal owner. By using biometric systems, the person themselves are authenticated by using typical physiological and/or behavioral characteristics of the human being themselves. One of the disadvantages of biometric systems is that there are not two identical samples of a single biometric of the same person. Because of this, many tests are run to determine the correct parameters to test in order to achieve the desired security of a biometric application. These parameters are estimated in many systems. The systems that use estimated parameters have around a 2.3% Equal Error Rate (EER) [1]. The EER is the point at which false reject rates equal false accept rates. This paper introduces a method which determines optimal parameters for fingerprint recognition based on a genetic algorithm. This results in a much lower EER and a more robust system. Using human fingerprints for authentication purposes has been widely used since the end of the 19 th century. They are used because of their high acceptability, immutability and individuality. So far, fingerprint biometric systems are the only legally acceptable, readily automated, and mature biometric technique [1]. A brief comparison of the nine most popular biometric techniques is provided in Table 1 [1]. Immutability refers to the persistence of the fingerprints over time whereas individuality is related to the uniqueness of ridge details across individuals. Fingerprint based identification has been one of the most successful biometric techniques used for personal identification. A fingerprint is the pattern of ridges and valleys on the finger tip. A fingerprint is defined by the uniqueness of the local ridge characteristics and their relationships to one another. Minutiae points are these local ridge characteristics that occur either at a ridge ending or a ridge bifurcations as shown in figure 1 [2]. A ridge ending is defined as the point where the ridge ends abruptly and ridge bifurcation is the point where the ridge splits into two or more branches. Table 1-- Comparison of Biometric Technologies Figure 1- Ridge ending & Bifurcation [2] In current biometrics there are several approaches for optimizing recognition results, which are based on the supervised data acquisition or the combining of sever biometric systems or algorithms. Some of the current processes are sorting out low quality fingerprint images, habituating users, or combining two fingers or two representations of the same finger. Combining several biometric modalities for performance improvement is also possible. Optimizations using “evolutionary” approaches can be found in various technical systems today. The segmentation of medical brain images or the optimizations of aerodynamic shapes for supersonic airplanes are just two of the countless examples for problems that are being solved by using genetic algorithms. One recent example of using genetic algorithms in biometric systems is in the area of face recognition [3]. The approach presented in the paper I’m reviewing optimizes a fingerprint system by the use of a genetic algorithm. Through this the automatic optimization of the parameters of the system is possible. This paper is structured as follows: In the next section we discuss the fundamentals of the fingerprint recognition algorithm and genetic algorithm the authors used. Also the design of the genetic optimizer for biometric systems is presented in this section as well as an overview of the test database, methodology, test results and a discussion of their meaning. Section 3 gives an overview of our proposed solution to the accuracy and error rate of fingerprint systems. A summary of the paper and an outlook of future work are given in section 4. II. FINGERPRINT AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS A. BioGINA-Algorithm There are two basic types of fingerprint matching techniques: graph based and minutiae based. Graph based is the matching of whirl structures and image correlation which is commonly found in different biometric algorithms. Minutiae based matching is used by the BioGINA algorithm. Its matching algorithm uses a set of 15 different parameters to define allowed deviations for minutiae locations and orientations. During the matching process pairs of two minutiae in the verification sample are compared against minutiae pairs in the template. The first subset of the BioGINA parameters defines the maximum allowed deviation percentage for properties such as distance, ridge count between minutiae and angle between minutiae orientations. Measured deviations are then scaled into partial scoring values using a linear equation whose coefficients are defined in the second parameter subset. Other parameters then define minimum parital score values for minutiae to be counted for the overall score value as well as the maximum allowed deviations for global orientations of the fingerprint images. The BioGINA parameter set has been based on intuitive guesses only. Evaluations of performance using these default settings have shown that it has an error rate of 3.13% [4]. B. Genetic Algorithm The mechanisms of natural evolution such as natural selection, inheritance, mutation and recombination allow life to adapt to its environmental conditions by gradual random modifications of the genetic code. Similar strategies can be used to adapt parameters of a dynamic system to certain specified conditions. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search procedures that use the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. The genetic algorithm, first developed by John H. Holland [5] in the 1960's, allows computers to solve difficult problems. It uses evolutionary techniques, based on function optimization and artificial intelligence, to develop a solution. The basic operation of a genetic algorithm is simple. The algorithm is started with a set of solutions (represented by chromosomes) called population. Solutions from one population are taken and used to form a new population. This is motivated by a hope, that the new population will be better than the old one. Solutions which are selected to form new solutions (offspring) are selected according to their fitness the more suitable they are the more chances they have to reproduce [6]. The selection and reproduction cycle is repeated until a user specified termination condition is reached, such as a solution is found that satisfies the target criteria, an allocated amount of time has been spent or the algorithm did not create any new better solutions for a certain period of time. C. Design of the genetic Optimizer The BioGINA algorithm has to be extended by two functions to control its parameter settings to allow for optimization of the algorithm. To begin with, the genetic algorithm has to know about the number and range of values for all parameters. The second function changes the current parameter set. By adding these two functions, the algorithm can be implemented in an independent external application so that it will be possible to exchange the biometric interface with minimal effort and enable parameter optimizations on other biometric systems and other modalities. The basic architecture of the genetic optimization system for general biometric verification algorithms is shown in figure 2 [7]. Verification Competitions (FVC) from the years 2000, 2002, and 2004 [8]. Since the training sets of the FVC databases turned out to be too small to provide reliable results, the parameter set trained on the BioGINA database was used for performance evaluation on all databases. To compare the authentication performance of the algorithm using the different parameters, biometric error rates were used. The false non-match rate (FNMR) specifies how often authentic persons are rejected by the algorithm. How frequently non-authentic persons are accepted by the algorithm is indicated by the false match rate (FMR). The major point of interest in the error rate characteristics is the equal error rate (EER). This is where both error rates, FNMR and FMR, are equal. Figure 2 - Architecture of the genetic optimizer for biometric systems The optimization process starts with the creation of an initial population with randomly selected parameter sets. In order to achieve a wide exploration of the search space, about 10,000 individuals should be created. After the fitness values for the initial population is determined, a smaller set of the best solution candidates is selected to be the population for the actual optimization iteration. The final optimization process is done by a modified form of the steady state genetic algorithm which creates exactly one new individual in each generation using the following scheme: 1. Fitness based selection of one or two parent individuals 2. Mutation or crossover of the selected parents. 3. Calculate new fitness value 4. Replace a low quality individual in the current population 5. Repeat steps 1 – 5 until termination condition is reached D. Experimental Setup A new fingerprint database for the BioGINA algorithm was created for the tests. The database contained 10 fingerprints each of all 10 fingers of 12 test persons. For the tests, the database was divided into two test sets, set A and set B, containing 60 fingerprints each with 10 samples. Set B was used as a basis for the calculation of an optimal parameter vector using genetic algorithms. Set A was used for the evaluation of the generated parameter set. In order to crossvalidate their initial results, the authors also tested the optimized parameters with the data of the Fingerprint E. Experimental Results The second row in Table 2, titled standard, shows the EERs of the training set B and the evaluation set A using standard parameter set without genetic optimization on the BioGINA database. The third row (optimized) contains the EERs for set A and set B with optimization of the BioGINA database. As the table shows, the EER based on the optimized parameters is better than the EER without optimization. The resulting improvement is about 25% for set A and 41% for set B. Table 3 contains the EERs based on the databases of the biometric FVC of the years 2000, 2002, and 2004 using both standard parameters and genetically optimized parameters. For each database an improvement could be achieved using the genetic optimizer. Table 2 – EERs using BioGINA database Table 3 – EER using FVC databases of 2000, 2002, and 2004 III. OUR PROPOSED SOLUTION A fingerprint matching system based on a genetic algorithm is indeed an improvement over the current estimate based systems. The study has shown that improvements can be achieved with an algorithm that has the ability to adapt to deformations and inexact transformations between different fingerprints. The study also showed that a genetic based algorithm is capable of finding the correspondences between minutiae without resorting to an exhaustive search, which leads to a more “robust” (better performing) system. In my research for this paper, I have come to believe that in actual practice, a biometric system based solely on a single biometric feature may not be able to meet the practical performance requirements. It is our belief that by integrating two or more biometric features, overall verification performance may be improved. For example, it is well known that fingerprint verification tends to have a much larger false reject rate, but a very low false accept rate. Face recognition, on the other hand is not very reliable in establishing a person’s true identity, but is very efficient in searching large databases to find the top matches. By combining these two, we may be able to reduce the false reject rate of fingerprints while maintain the low false accept rate. We feel that more research should be done in possibly integrating two or more biometric measures which we feel would prove out our theory. IV. CONCLUSION This paper presented an optimization strategy for biometric parameters using genetic algorithms. The test showed that improvement was reached for all test databases including the new BioGINA database and past FVC databases. The authors plan on carrying out similar tests on other biometric modalities, handwriting and speech, in the near future. I agree with the authors of this paper that using genetic algorithms do indeed increase the instance of false positive and false negative authentications in fingerprint systems. The experiments carried out by the authors have shown that genetic optimization does indeed cause an improvement in fingerprint recognition systems over other methods, such as estimation. As more research and work is done in the area of artificial intelligence, I believe that genetic algorithms will play a large part in system intelligence. Genetic algorithms allow a system to adapt to changing environments and to provide a better computing experience for both users and administrators of these systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to take this opportunity to thank Coronicca Oliver for her invaluable peer review and editorial work on this article. Her insights were truly appreciated and this paper would not have been possible without her assistance. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Jain, A.K.; Lin Hong; Pankanti, S.; Bolle, R., "An identityauthentication system using fingerprints," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol.85, no.9, pp.1365-1388, Sep 1997 J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73. Mahadik, S., Narayanan, K., Bhoir, D. V., and Shah, D. 2009. 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