Foreign Language Evaluation

Foreign Language Evaluation
Part I:
To be completed by the applicant. Please provide the evaluator with this form and a copy of your
"Language Background Report" at least one week in advance of your evaluation. These two forms will
help provide some context to your service and language preparation.
Applicant Name:
Host Country for Service:
Language Being Evaluated:
Part II:
To be completed by the language evaluator. In order to compete this form, you should schedule
approximately one hour to perform the assessment and determine the applicant's language proficiency.
1. Please comment on the applicant's present language ability in relation to the proposed project in each of the
following categories:
Aural Comprehension:
Reading Ability:
Limited to slow, uncomplicated sentences
Limited to simple vocabulary and sentence structure
Understands simple conversation
Understands conventional topics and non-technical
Understands conversation on simple academic topics
Understands sophisticated discussion of academic topics
Speaking Ability:
Understands materials whose content contains idioms and
specialized terminology
Understands with idiomatic ease of expression and feeling
for the style of the language
Writing Ability:
Can only frame structurally simple, short utterances
Uses basic grammatical structure, speaking with limited
Uses structural patterns, but not with consistent accuracy;
adequate to handle conversational subjects
Has control over structural pattern; can handle a wide
range of conversational situations.
Writes simple sentences on conventional topics, with some
errors in spelling and structure
Writes on academic topics with few errors in structure and
Writes with idiomatic ease of expression and feeling for the
style of the language
2. Please indicate your general opinion of this applicant's ability in the language evaluated relative to the language level
needed to carry out the proposed service project.
Will require considerable training before necessary competence can be obtained
Should be able to manage adequately after some additional formal language training
Should be able to manage adequately after a short period of adjustment abroad
Should have no difficulty
3. Is the applicant's present language competence adequate to carry out the proposed service project?
-- (OVER) --
4. Indicate briefly how the evaluation was determined.
Evaluator Name:
Evaluator Position/Title:
Evaluator Phone Number:
Evaluator Address:
Evaluator Signature and Date:
In order to be considered with the student's application, this evaluation must be completed
and emailed to Lauren Caldarera,, before 9:00AM on Friday, October 16, 2015.