Western Association of Women Historians

Western Association of Women Historians
2015 Founders’ Dissertation Fellowship Application
Send a scanned copy of the application and accompanying material, as well as a PDF of your
dissertation, to each committee member (listed below).
Last Name
First Name
Address (Circle One: Home or Work)
Institution (Of Degree)
Full Dissertation Title
Date Advanced to Candidacy
Required additional material:
On another sheet, include information about your education, fellowships and honors, conference papers,
publications, and professional activities.
All award recipients are required to be current WAWH members.
WAWH membership will be verified.
I certify that I am a current (2014-2015) member of WAWH. (Sign below)
Western Association of Women Historians
2015 Founders’ Dissertation Fellowship Application
Applicants must submit the following to each committee member:
1) One completed application form. A curriculum vitae is not an acceptable substitute.
2) One copy of a prospectus of the dissertation in no more than five double-spaced pages
consisting of: a summary of the dissertation project, an explanation of how the
dissertation project will advance our understanding of the issue(s) under study, a survey of
the major primary sources, a discussion of the historiography, a summary of research already
accomplished, and an indication of plans for completion of the dissertation.
3) One confidential letter of recommendation from a dissertation committee member sent
directly to each member of the Founders’ Dissertation Fellowship Committee. A file
maintained by a university office is not an adequate substitute for the specified letters of
4) It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that their materials have arrived, complete, to
each committee member, by the deadline. Emailed submissions should be followed up with
separate email requests to acknowledge receipt of application materials.
The awards shall be given to those graduate students who show promise of significant
contribution to historical scholarship. Funds from these awards may be used for purposes directly
or indirectly related to the dissertation such as research expenses, attendance at scholarly
conferences, and the preparation of the dissertation.
All recipients must be members of the Western Association of Women Historians at the time the
application is submitted. All recipients shall be graduate students engaged in scholarship that is
historical in nature, although the degree may be in related fields, have been advanced to
candidacy, and are writing the dissertation at the time of application. They should expect the
Ph.D. no earlier than December of the calendar year in which the award is made.
Recipients will be selected using the following criteria:
 Scholarly potential of the graduate student;
 Significance of the dissertation project for historical research;
 Originality and clarity of argument;
 Progress already made toward completing research for the dissertation;
 Timeliness of the topic.
Send all material to each committee member:
Western Association of Women Historians
2015 Founders’ Dissertation Fellowship Application
Elaine Marie Nelson
Department of History
University of Nebraska at Omaha
ASH 287S
6001 Dodge Street
Omaha NE 68182-0213
Sarah Keyes
Department of History
University of California, Berkeley
3229 Dwinelle Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-2550
Lauren Kientz Anderson
209 Koren Hall
Africana Studies and History Department
Luther College
700 College Dr.
Decorah, IA 52101