Grievance, Review and Appeals Policy

(Academic and Non Academic)
Central Institute of Technology has embraced a “Student Focus” ethos and consciously seeks to support
an ongoing culture of mutual respect between staff and students, which encourages meaningful
consultation and effective resolution of problems.
All students have the right to a transparent, fair and equitable grievance, review and appeals process that
enables them to pursue grievances or appeal decisions relating to either academic or non-academic
matters without fear of reprisal. Central is committed to ensuring that its process is easily accessible and
offered to all students at no charge regardless of their place of residence, the location of the campus at
which the grievance has arisen, or the mode of study. All staff will be informed of the grievance process
and fully trained in its application and use.
VET FEE-HELP and FEE HELP Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Form (Academic and NonAcademic) WI25A1
POLICY OWNER: Executive Director, Strategy and Development
Academic, student support
VET FEE-HELP, FEE HELP, Equal Benefits and
The purpose of the VET FEE-HELP and FEE-HELP Grievance, Review and Appeals Policy is to
establish a framework for the management of student grievances, reviews and appeals of decisions
relating to either academic or non-academic matters.
This policy applies to Central students that were granted FEE-HELP or VET FEE-HELP assistance and
students seeking to enrol, regardless of their place of residence, the location of the campus at which
the grievance has arisen, or the mode of study.
Academic Grievances: refers to matters that relate to a student’s progress, assessment, curriculum
and awards in a Central Course of Study.
ii. Non-Academic Grievances: refers to non-academic matters that could relate to discrimination,
harassment, student amenities and services, fees, management of personal information, administrative
processes etc.
iii. Appeal: may arise when a student is not satisfied or in agreement with a decision made and seeks to
have the matter reviewed.
Support Person: refers to a person nominated by the student to attend any meeting called to hear
their application.
Issue Date: Director Learning Portfolio Support, September 2009
Reviewed: Director Student & Delivery Support October 2014
© Central Institute of Technology 2015
(Academic and Non Academic)
v. Advocate: refers to an independent person that can provide support and guidance to a student; and
where the student is registered with Central’s Disability Services or Psychologist can assist the student
to present their case to the Appeals Committee. The advocate is not permitted to be a legal
vi. Student Grievance Support Officer: refers to an independent Central staff member who can provide
support, advice and guidance to students.
The principles underpinning the Institute’s grievance process are:
Transparency and accountability – this will be an overarching principle that is observed throughout
the whole process;
Respectful - students that lodge a grievance will be treated in a welcoming and respectful manner;
Confidentiality - all grievances will be managed in a discrete and confidential manner to minimize
distress to the student and others involved; and
Objectivity and fairness – grievances will be reviewed in an objective and fair manner with a view to
identifying solutions.
Supportive – the complainant and the respondent will have the option of being accompanied by a
support person at any relevant meetings.
Policy Provision
5.1 Stage 1 - Management of Informal Grievances
Central encourages students, wherever possible, to resolve grievances quickly and informally at the local
level, with the fewest people possible involved, to avoid the grievance escalating in scope and impact.
The student is encouraged to contact the person/s responsible for the grievance and discuss their concerns
and negotiate a resolution. Central’s independent Student Grievance Support Officer is also available to
assist the student to make this initial contact, and can accompany them to any meetings organised to
facilitate informal discussion to resolve the problem.
If the matter cannot be resolved, the student must be informed of their right to lodge a formal grievance.
5.2 Stage 2 - Management of Formal Grievances
Lodgement of Application
A formal grievance should be in writing and include a clear statement of the grievance, all the relevant facts
about the grievance and what resolution the student is seeking. Preferably, the student should lodge their
grievance by filling in the VET FEE-HELP and FEE HELP Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Form
(Academic and Non-Academic) and submitting it to Student Services. A grievance submitted via an email
or letter will also be accepted.
The Complaints Management Officer (CMO) acknowledges receipt of all formal grievances within 2 working
days of receipt, together with details of the timeframe for responding and the availability of a Student
Grievance Support Officer to help the student during the process. The CMO forwards the Grievance to the
relevant manager for resolution within a maximum of 30 working days.
Issue Date: Director Learning Portfolio Support, September 2009
Reviewed: Director Student & Delivery Support October 2014
© Central Institute of Technology 2015
(Academic and Non Academic)
Academic Grievances
Grievances of an academic nature are managed by the Learning Portfolio Manager of the relevant learning
area who is responsible for reviewing the facts of the grievance and determining the action to be taken. If a
grievance relates specifically to academic assessments, the Academic Appeals process is used to assess
the application.
The Learning Portfolio Manager will advise the student in writing, within 25 working days from the date of
lodgement of their grievance, of the outcome of their application (inclusive of the reasons for the decision)
and their right to request an Internal Appeal of the decision. A copy of the response will be forwarded to the
Complaints Management Officer for record keeping purposes.
Non-Academic Grievances
Grievances of a non- academic nature are managed by the Manager of the relevant business area who is
responsible for reviewing the facts of the grievance and determining the action to be taken. The Manager
will advise the student in writing, within 25 days from the date of lodgement of their application, of the
outcome of their application (inclusive of the reasons for the decision) and their right to request an Internal
Appeal of the decision.
Stage 3 – Internal Appeal
Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of Stage 2 are entitled to request an internal appeal on one or
more of the following grounds:
That relevant information and evidence was not considered in reaching the decision or that
irrelevant evidence was relied upon in reaching the decision;
That fresh information and evidence has become available, which was not available or not known at
the time the original grievance was considered; or
That the penalty imposed or decision made was excessive or inappropriate and did not take into
account all the circumstances of the matter.
The appeal should be lodged (to the Director Student & Delivery Support) by completing the necessary
appeal form, within 10 working days from the date the complainant was advised of the outcome of their
On receipt of the appeal, the Director Student & Delivery Support will assess the application, and where it is
deemed that sufficient claims against the grounds have been provide, will convene an Appeals Committee
Meeting within 13 working days to hear the appeal. Where insufficient information has been provided, the
complainant will be asked by the Director Student & Delivery Support to submit further details within 4
working days. If the required information is not received, the application will be dismissed.
The Appeals Committee will review all the evidence submitted, the decisions made together with the
process used to arrive at the original decision, and make recommendations on their findings to the relevant
Executive Director or Managing Director, within 5 working days from the date the Appeals Committee was
held. The Committee can meet with the aggrieved parties where necessary.
All complainants are advised in writing within 5 working day (of the date the recommendations are
submitted to the relevant Executive Director managing Director) of the resolution/outcome of a grievance
and their options to seek an external appeal, if they are not satisfied with the resolution to their grievance
offered at Stage 3.
Issue Date: Director Learning Portfolio Support, September 2009
Reviewed: Director Student & Delivery Support October 2014
© Central Institute of Technology 2015
(Academic and Non Academic)
Stage 4 – External review or appeal
A prospective or current student with a grievance against the Institute may seek an external appeal or
review of their case at any stage of the Student Grievance process. If the Institute receives notification that
a grievance is the subject of a formal external enquiry or legal action, the application of Stages 1 -3 of the
process will be suspended until the external enquiry or action is completed.
If a student’s grievance has been dealt with under Stage 3, and the student is dissatisfied with the outcome,
they are advised in writing of the following options for an external appeal:
Request Central appoints their external mediation agency LEADR to review their case. The
appointment of LEADR is organised by the Director Student and Delivery Support and is provided at
no cost to the student.
Lodge a complaint to the WA Ombudsman (free service). Website:
Request a review by the International Education Conciliation Service: a free independent service for
international students
Central Institute of Technology will implement recommendations arising from the external review.
Privacy and Records
Central Institute of Technology acknowledges and respects the privacy of students and complainants and
complies with the Australian Privacy Principles in respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal
information from individuals. Records of all grievances, applications for review of decisions and outcomes
of the grievance process are kept for a period of five years. These records are kept strictly confidential and
stored securely by Central’s Corporate Information Unit. All students are able to access their personal
information held by Central Institute of Technology.
This procedure sets out the steps that must be following in administering grievance applications. Staff are
required to observe the procedure when responding to grievances, and participate in training on its
application. Students can seek the assistance of the Student Grievance Support Officer at any stage
during this process.
Students are encouraged to discuss their grievances with the person/s involved in the first instance
and seek the assistance of the Student Grievance Support Officer where needed.
If a student or person seeking to enrol does not wish to raise the matter with the person/s involved,
or if a student or person seeking to enrol is dissatisfied with the response to the complaint or the
time taken to resolve the matter under (1), the student or person seeking to enrol may submit the
complaint/grievance in writing on the VET FEE-HELP and FEE-HELP Grievances, Complaints and
Appeals Form (Academic and Non-Academic) available from Student Services.
Student Services to forward the form to the Institute’s Complaints Management Officer, who
acknowledges receipt within 2 working days (including advice on the availability of the Student
Grievance Support Officer) and coordinates a response within 30 working days from the date of
receipt of the grievance.
Issue Date: Director Learning Portfolio Support, September 2009
Reviewed: Director Student & Delivery Support October 2014
© Central Institute of Technology 2015
(Academic and Non Academic)
The responsible Manager will review the grievance and advise the student, within 25 working days
from the date of lodgement of their grievance, of the outcome of their application (inclusive of the
reasons for the decision) and their right to request an Internal Appeal of the decision. A copy of the
response will be forwarded to the Complaints Management Officer for record keeping purposes.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision derived at in Stage 2, the complainant may
request an appeal by submitting an Appeal application to the Director Student and Delivery Support
within 10 days from the date they received the original decision on the outcome of their grievance.
The Director Student & Delivery Support will assess the application, and where it is deemed that
sufficient claims against the grounds for appeal have been provided, will convene an Appeals
Committee Meeting within 13 working days to hear the appeal.
The Appeals Committee will review all the evidence submitted, the decisions made together with the
process used to arrive at the original decision, and make recommendations on their findings to the
relevant Executive Director or Managing Director within 5 working days from the date the Appeals
Committee was held. The Committee can meet with the aggrieved parties where necessary.
The Director Student & Delivery Support will advised the complainant within 5 working day (of the
date the recommendations are submitted to the relevant Executive Director managing Director) of
the resolution/outcome of the grievance and their options to seek an external appeal, if they are not
satisfied with the resolution to their grievance offered at Stage 3.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision derived at in Stage 3, the complainant may
request the Director Student & Delivery Support to refer their grievance to the external agency
(LEADR) Central Institute of Technology engage to conduct their external appeals. If the external
provider makes recommendations in relation to a grievance they have reviewed, the external
provider will forward these recommendations within 14 days to the Director Student and Delivery
Support at CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY who will ensure that the recommendations
are implemented within 21 days.
The procedures set out in this grievance procedure do not replace or modify procedures or any other
responsibilities, which may arise under other Higher Education Provider policies or under statute or any
other law.
This grievance policy and procedure will be made available through publication on Central Institute of
Technology’s website at:
Issue Date: Director Learning Portfolio Support, September 2009
Reviewed: Director Student & Delivery Support October 2014
© Central Institute of Technology 2015