SPECIAL EDUCATION PERFORMANCE GRANT 2015 - 2016 Co-Teaching Action Research Project: Getting Beyond “One Teach – One Assist” APPLICATION 1. Title of Application/Program: 2. Funding Level Requested Total Amount Requested (not to exceed $3,500 per LEA and $1,500 per IU): 3. IU Applicant (on behalf of Consortium) Name of IU: IU TaC facilitating the Co-Teaching PLC for Administrators: Address: Phone: Email: 4. LEA Consortium Member Applicants (Note: If multiple administrators from the same LEA are participating, list each individual on a separate line): LEA 1 LEA Location (urban, rural, suburban) Name and Position/Title Administrator Participating in PLC Mailing Address Work email Phone 5. Program Proposal Background (to be completed jointly by the IU TaC and LEA Consortium Administrators): a. Describe the rationale for convening the PLC and conducting Action Research Projects related to co-teaching: b. Describe the current status of co-teaching in the school sites where Action Research Projects will be conducted: c. Summarize the professional development related to co-teaching that has been provided in the IU and LEAs: d. List the outcomes that Consortium members anticipate as a result of their participation: 2 6. LEA Program Commitments (Note: Each LEA listed in item 4 above must complete section 6 of the application) Commitment Statements 6.a. The LEA’s Administrator(s)’ participating in the PLC commit to conducting an action research project in conjunction with at least one co-teaching team for the purpose of: 1. Examining the appropriateness and efficacy of current co-teaching practices 2. Exploring and assessing options for co-teachers to implement various co-teaching models 3. Implementing varied co-teaching models based on identified student needs 4. Assessing the implementation of varied co-teaching models based on quantitative and qualitative data 6.b. The LEA’s Administrator(s)’ participating in the PLC agrees to: 1. Recruit one or more co-teaching team(s) comprised of one general and one special educator to participate in the project 2. Develop the Co-Teaching Action Research Project Action Plan (Appendix B) 3. Submit the completed action plan, in addition to baseline data and progress notes at a mid-year interval determined by the grantor 4. Collect, analyze, and submit, at an interval determined by the grantor, the following required data elements: Observational data from Administrator Walk-Throughs (sample to be provided by grantor) Pre- and Post- Educator Survey (sample to be provided by grantor) Individual Student Profile for each student in the co-taught classrooms where Action Research is conducted (required profile form to be provided by grantor) Co-Teaching Student survey (sample to be provided by the grantor) Pre- and Post- Student achievement data (e.g., benchmark measure, engagement measure, work samples, etc.) 5. Submit a written action research report that documents the status of each planned activity, summary and analysis of required data elements and reflections on implementation. 3 Yes/No 6.c. School site(s) in which Action Research Projects will be conducted: LEA School School Administrator Name and Title (if different from listed in #4) Grades Served # Students enrolled # Students with IEPs (insert additional rows if needed) 6.d. Budget Include a line item budget for this project with narrative explaining projected expenditures for each budget category. Allowable expenditures include staff salaries, substitute salaries, materials and supplies, professional development and related travel. NOTE: Equipment costs, clothing, gift cards, out of state travel and food are not allowable expenses. Suggested Budget Categories 131 (Salaries, Professional) 151 (Salaries, Clerical) 200 (Benefits) 320 (Professional Contracted Services) 330 (Other Professional Services) 390 (Other Purchased Professional Services) 550 (Printing and Copying) 580 (Travel & In-State Conferences) 610 (General Supplies – not to exceed 25% of the overall budget request) 640 (Books & Periodicals) Total: Amount Brief Narrative NOTE: Total award amount for any LEA consortia member not to exceed $3,500 (November, 2015 through June, 2016), in which the following terms apply. 1. Through March 15, 2016, the LEA is eligible to request reimbursement of expenditures attributed to this project up to half of the overall grantee’s award contingent upon the submission of the project’s completed action plan, in addition to baseline data and progress notes (See Application Item 6.b.3). 4 2. Through June 20, 2016, the grantee is eligible to request reimbursement of expenditures attributed to the whole of the project contingent upon the submission of the action research report that documents the status of each planned activity, summary and analysis of required data elements and reflections on implementation (see Application Item 6.b.5) in addition to the submission of the project’s the completed action plan, in addition to baseline data and progress notes (See Application Item 6.b.3). 6.e. Assurance Statements The LEA’s Chief Academic Officer is required to check each statement and sign below providing assurances of conformance with the specific provisions listed: ____ Assurance that all activities and expenditures of funds conducted in association with the program are in direct compliance with the provisions of the funding authorities. ____ Assurance that the reporting requirement outlined in the application package will be submitted in a timely manner. ____ Assurance that program staff will participate in all required IU and PDE/PATTAN training and technical assistance activities. ____ Assurance that collaboration with appropriate partners to strengthen and extend impact will be a priority of the project. (signature) (Title) 5 (Date) 7. IU Program Commitments Commitment Statements 7.a. The IU TaC(s) commit to facilitating a group of LEA Administrators to participate in the Co-Teaching PLC by: Recruiting PLC participants and ensuring that they understand the commitments Developing readiness to implement the co-teaching PLC utilizing the package provided by PaTTAN Providing materials and resources necessary for participation to PLC participants Seeking assistance/support from PaTTAN, as needed Participating in periodic updates to PaTTAN on the PLC activities Developing a plan for sustainability and expansion of a Co-Teaching PLC for administrators in the IU 7.b. The IU participating in the PLC agrees to support PLC participants in completing the Action Research Project, as specified by PaTTAN, by providing technical assistance to each participant as they: Identify co-teaching team(s) comprised of one general and one special educator to participate in the project Develop and submit the Co-Teaching Action Research Project Action Plan (Appendix B) to PaTTAN Collect, analyze, and submit, at an interval determined by the grantor, the required data elements: Submit a written action research report that documents the status of each planned activity, summary and analysis of required data elements and reflections on implementation. 7.c. The IU will participate in periodic scheduled feedback sessions with PaTTAN to report on progress of Action Research Projects. 6 Yes/No 7. c. Budget Include a line item budget for this project with narrative explaining projected expenditures for each budget category. Allowable expenditures for IUs include: materials and supplies, books and printing/copying. NOTE: Equipment costs, clothing, gift cards, out of state travel and food are not allowable expenses. Suggested Budget Categories 550 (Printing and Copying) 610 (General Supplies – not to exceed 25% of the overall budget request) 640 (Books & Periodicals) Total: Amount Brief Narrative The funding available to each successful grant application is not to exceed $1,500 (November, 2015 through June, 2016), in which the following terms apply. 7.d. Assurance Statements The IU Executive Director is required to check each statement and sign below providing assurances of conformance with the specific provisions listed: ____ Assurance that all activities and expenditures of funds conducted in association with the program are in direct compliance with the provisions of the funding authorities. ____ Assurance that the reporting requirement outlined in the application package will be submitted in a timely manner. ____ Assurance that program staff will participate in all required IU and PDE/PATTAN training and technical assistance activities. ____ Assurance that collaboration with appropriate partners to strengthen and extend impact will be a priority of the project. (signature) (Title) 7 (Date) Proposals must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 20, 2015. A single electronic submission of the application proposal and letters of agreement is preferred. Electronic submissions will only be accepted in Word (file extension .doc) or in Portable Document Format (file extension .pdf). Please send all electronic proposal submissions to grants@pattanpgh.net. Hard copy submissions may be addressed to: James Palmiero, Ed.D. Director PaTTAN Pittsburgh 3190 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238 8