SimClim data requirements

Open Architecture Feature of the SimClim:
1) An open framework for user to import the climotology and GCM patterns for a
given region;
2) The facility for user to import site specific climate data into the system;
3) The facility for user to import climate change impact models into the system.
Basic Data Requirement for developing SimClim
With Open Architecture, the scenario generation component of the SimClim can be
developed free by IGCI if following data is available/provided for a region:
1) Spatial distribution of climate data, i.e., long term normal of rainfall, maximum
temperature, minimum temperature that has been interpolated into the required
resolution. If solar radiation is used in the any of the impact models, the spatial
distribution of solar radiation or sunshine data is also required;
2) GCM patterns, i.e., the standardized Global Climate Model projections for the
above climatology for the region, with the same resolution.
The scenario component of the SimClim can be developed by IGCI at the cost of
developing time only, if the following data is available/provided for a region:
1) Appropriate site specific monthly climate data, i.e., 30 years monthly rainfall,
maximum temperature, minimum temperature record, ideally from 1950s to
2) GCM patterns, i.e., the standardized Global Climate Model projections for the
above climatology for the region, with the same resolution;
3) Appropriate number of the above data. This depends on the complexity of the
topographic and climatic feature of the region, and the resolution the model is
going to use.
4) The topographic data with appropriate resolution for developing the DEM digital elevation model for the region.
Further development of SimClim
Any further development of SimClim, including the development of impact models, can
be carried out by consulting with IGCI.