5th Grade Explicit Vocabulary Sample Lessons

5th Grade Explicit
Vocabulary Sample
These are sample ideas for explicit Tier 2
vocabulary lessons. Not all anthology selections
are represented. Please feel free to modify or
adapt to suit your own classroom needs.
Explicit Vocabulary: Earthquake Terror
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board. The teams (two teams,
tables, whichever is an easy way to divide the classroom) discuss and one student
representing the team stands. The rest of the team must be totally silent. If anyone on the
team talks, the team loses the chance to respond. When all teams have a representative
standing, the answer is given and supported. The support of the team answer must be
given by someone other than the person standing. Assign the job of reporter to each
group before beginning. The remaining team members do NOT know who will be asked
to support the answer so all must be in the discussion and ready to respond. When all are
standing, poll all the groups as to their response starting with the fastest standing. Then
after polling, the fastest team supports their answer. You may give teams points and keep
1. Which would you probably be if you get separated from your group on a hike?
2. Which would you probably be if you had the chickenpox?
3. Which would you probably be if your class was going to Disneyland and because you
got sick you couldn’t go?
4. Which would you probably do with your arms if you were falling down?
5. What would remain after an explosion?
6. What would you find in the path of a tornado?
7. What would you probably find at a construction site?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
Choose from: devastate, isolate, thrust, debris, devastated, frantic
1. They both tell about the aftermath of a hurricane. Why? (devastate, debris)
2. One word tells how a person is feeling the other tells about a person’s action. Why?
(thrust, frantic)
3. These words tell how a person might feel. Why? (isolated, devastated, frantic)
Give an example and non-example of the word.
Have the students choose which is the example and which is the non-example of the word
and say why.
The scientist works to find the single bacteria to find a cure.
The scientist puts the various strains of bacteria together to see what will happen.
As the crowds left the celebration there were cups, plates, bits of food, charcoals from
grills everywhere. You could not see the blacktop.
As the crowds left the celebration they picked up their trash and left the area as they had
found it.
The boy placed the book gently into his desk.
The boy tossed the book roughly into his
The child was here a moment ago said the mother wild with worry as she searched.
The child was here a moment ago said the mother as she laughed at the child’s pranks.
The tornado touched down and left as quickly as it had come.
The tornado touched down in Alabama leaving a trail of destruction.
Below is the copy for the overhead
1. The scientist works to find the single bacteria to
find a cure.
2. The scientist puts the various strains of bacteria
together to see what will happen.
1. As the crowds left the celebration there were cups,
plates, bits of food, charcoals from grills everywhere.
You could not see the blacktop.
2. As the crowds left the celebration they picked up
their trash and left the area as they had found it.
1. The boy placed the book gently into his desk.
2. The boy tossed the book roughly into his
1. The child was here a moment ago said the mother
wild with worry as she searched.
2. The child was here a moment ago said the mother
as she laughed at the child’s pranks.
1. The tornado touched down and left as quickly as it
had come.
2. The tornado touched down in Alabama leaving a
trail of destruction.
Friday, Quick review or assessment
You might have them write these completions:
1. How are devastation and debris related?
2. How could isolated and frantic be possibly connected?
3. The boy thrust his books into his desk and ran outside. How was the boy
probably feeling? Why?
In the story Earthquake Terror, Jonathon felt isolated
when he was alone with Abby after his parents left for
the hospital. Isolated means to place or put something
off by itself.
 Say the word.
 Sometimes when an animal is suspected of
having rabies, the vet isolates him to be sure no
one else gets sick.
 Tell about a time you have felt isolated from a
group or felt isolated. (Have three share, ask
 What word? Isolated
In the story at the start of the earthquake, Jonathan
stumbled forward, thrusting an arm out to brace himself
against a tree. Thrust means to push something forward
with a sudden force like thrusting my hands into my
pockets. Thrust also means to have so much force it
pierces or stabs something.
 What is the word?
 At the beginning of the Florida State Football
game, a Seminal Indian gallops on the field and
thrusts a spear into the 50 yard line and the
crowd goes wild.
 Can you think of a time when you have thrust
 What was the word? thrust
When Jonathan thought about earthquakes, he
remembered people being trapped under debris. Debris
is the bits and pieces of rough broken stones, broken
glass, wood and paper left after some kind of
destruction or disaster.
 What is the word?
 I saw debris on the empty lot after the building
had been imploded to make way for the new
 When might you have seen debris?
 What word are we working on?
In the story when the dog, Moose, barked, he has a
frantic look in his eyes. Frantic means to have a
wild, excited feeling from being worried, angry,
afraid, or in pain.
 Say the word
 Sometimes when I can’t find my keys in the
morning I become frantic that I won’t find
them and I’ll be late for school.
 Was there a time when you were frantic?
 What was the word? frantic
In the story, Jonathan remembered the terrible
devastation from the earthquake. Devastate means
to totally destroy something or to make someone or
something feel helpless.
 What is the word?
 When my grandkids come to visit, they
totally devastate my family room—toys are
everywhere, sofa cushions on the floor,
spills, etc.
 I was devastated when I heard that my
granddaughter had been taken to the
hospital with food poisoning. I felt
 What was the word?
 Can you think of a time when you were
devastated or saw devastation?
What five words have we been working on?
 Which word goes with rubble?(why)
 Which word goes with a football player
quickly tossing the ball to another player?
 Which word goes with the timeout room?
 Which word goes with tornado? (Why)
 Which word goes with test when I forgot to
study? (why)
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary: Eye of the Storm
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. The teams then had to applaud if the correct word was posted under their team’s
1. Which would probably describe how you would feel if you discovered the secret
formula for the fountain of youth?
2. Which would describe the kind of punishment you would receive if you got in big, big
trouble at school?
3. Which word would describe the necessary things such as right amount of moisture,
sandy soil, and enough sun for plants to grow?
4. Which word do you use to describe the room suddenly becoming filled with rowdy
5. What would describe a girl spotting her aunt at the store?
6. How would you feel if you were in the path of a tornado?
7. What might severe weather produce?
8. The football player will not be back for the rest of the season. What word describes
his injury?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
Choose from: devastate, isolate, debris, devastated, frantic, encounter, erupts, conditions,
astonished, severe
1. These words tell about what is left after a volcano erupts. (devastation, debris) Why?
2. These two words tell about when something is really really bad. (devastation, severe)
3. These words tell how a person might feel when they encounter a bear. ( frantic,
astonished) Why?
If time permits, write the five new words in a vocabulary notebook or LA notebook.
Give an example and non-example of the word.
Overhead copy is below.
Friday Quick review or assessment
You might have them write these completions:
4. How are isolated and encounter related?
5. How could isolated and frantic be possibly connected?
6. The boy thrust his books into his desk and ran outside. How was the boy
probably feeling? Why?
Which number shows the example?
1. The scientist stumbles upon a strange bacteria
2. The scientist works with several strange bacteria
1. The volcano has a molten core.
2. The volcano shoots out molten lava and hot ash.
1. Exercise, fresh air, plenty of sleep and a balanced
diet are necessary for children to grow up healthy.
2. New clothes, CDs and the latest electronic toys
make children happy.
1. The child opened the door and saw an unbelievable
2. The child opened the door and saw several old
1. The football player fractured his arm and required
surgery to repair the injury.
2. The football player fractured his arm. After being
treated with an air cast, he returned to practice the
next day.
Friday, Quick review or assessment
You might have them write these completions:
How are isolated and encounter related?
How could isolated and frantic be possibly connected?
The boy thrust his books into his desk and ran outside. How was the boy
probably feeling? Why?
In the book, Eye of the Storm, Warren had his first
encounter with windstorms when he was a boy (60).
Dusty whirlwinds formed in vacant lots of his
neighborhood. Encounter means to meet someone or
something unexpectedly. Sometimes it can mean just to
meet with someone face to face.
 Say the word.
 One time when my family camping in the
woods we encountered a bear.
 (Have three share, ask why.)
 Have you ever encountered something
 What word? encountered
In the book, Eye of the Story, it talks about storm
chasers who head for the mountain, prairies, or seacoast
whenever weather conditions are right. Conditions are
the necessary things required for an event to happen.
 What is the word?
 For a plant to grow certain conditions are
necessary. Some plants require moisture and
plenty of sun, others need shade.
 Can you think of a time when conditions were
not good enough for you to read? Tell me about
 What was the word? conditions
In the book, Eye of the Storm, Warren watched for
20 minutes while lightning erupts from the clouds.
(62) Erupts means to burst out of something
suddenly and probably violently.
 Say the word
 Sometimes a shoving match erupts between
teams when cheating occurs.
 Can you think of a time your classroom
erupted into laughter? Tell about it.
 What is the word? erupts
In the Tornado Chase Diary, Warren says that the
reports are saying that there is a moderate chance of
severe weather. Severe means weather that would be
hard to endure…really bad distressing weather.
 What is the word?
 The mother did not think severe punishment
was needed when the toddler misbehaved.
 Can you think of a time when you were severely
 What word are we working on? severe
In the book, Eye of the Storm, What five words
have we been working on?
Conditions, astonished, severe, encountered,
 Which word goes with molten lava pouring
out of volcano?(why) erupt
 Which word goes with a second string
football player who completes a 35 yard l
erratic pass for a touchdown?(why)
 Which word goes with being sent to your
room without supper?(why) severe
 Which word goes suddenly bumping into
an old fried at the mall? (Why) encounter
 Which word goes wet feet, cold drafts, no
sleep causing a cold? (why) conditions
In the book, Eye of the Storm, after Warren
photographed the lightning strike from under the
underpass, he was astonished by what he saw. He
had the closest picture ever taken of lightning bolt.
Astonished means totally amazed
 What is the word?
 I was astonished to learn that a house in a
neighboring development burned to the
ground in just 53 minutes! It was just three
years old. How could that be!!!
 Can you think of a time when you were
 What was the word? astonished
It is important to always ask the students “why”?
Explicit Vocabulary---Volcanoes
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game(Ready, Set , GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. The teams then had to applaud if the correct word was posted under their team’s
name. Or make up your own rules.
1. Which would you probably be if you cut, styled and dyed you hair?
2. Which would describe you if you were able to lift 200 pounds?
3. Which would describe you marching across the field?
4. Which would you do if you described the 2 foot fish you caught while fishing alone?
5. You felt really, really awful when you heard some very bad news.
6. What would you be doing if you were able to change straw into gold?
7. What would you probably do at the end of running a marathon which is 25 miles?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. How are collapsed and debris related?
2. How are advance and thrust related?
3. How might astonished and incredible be related?
4. How might erupts and transformed be related?
Give an example and non example of the word.
Friday (assessment or review)
1. How would a new paint job transform a car?
2. Why would a six foot high sunflower plant be incredible?
3. What would cause a tower build out of blocks to collapse?
4. Why would the child need an advance on his allowance?
5. The milk was spilt all over the floor. When the mother comes into the room, what
might the children claim?
Which is an example of the word?
1. The sculptor turned a chunk of marble into a beautiful
Madonna and child.
2. The sculptor created a Madonna and child that was
1. The army moved across the border and marched into the
city as the crowds cheered.
2. The crowds cheered for the Army as they marched in the
1. The child could add and subtract.
2. The child could read a novel fluently and he was only in
first grade.
1. The student said he found a pencil lying on the floor.
2. The student said the pencil he found belonged to him.
1. The runner broke the record by well over three seconds.
2. The runner broke the record for the first time.
1. The wind storm pounded the old house.
2. The waves cause the house to fall from its foundations.
In the Folktale, The Princess and the Warrior, one of
the gods transformed the warrior and the princess into
two volcanoes. Transformed means to change the shape
of something or even change how someone acts.
 Say the word.
 I always think snow transforms my
neighborhood into a winter wonderland. A
lollipop can transform my crying grandchild
into a smiling happy toddler.
 Tell about a time you have seen someone or
something transformed. (Have three students
share, ask why.)
 What word? transformed
In Seymour Simon’s book VOLCANO, it describes
how the entire top of Mount Mazama in Oregon
collapsed forming a lake inside. Collapsed is when
something falls in or breaks down. When people sort of
just fall down and they are not pushed down but fall
because they are weak, tired, or sick we say they
 What is the word?
 On Saturday after returning from an all day
shopping trip with my daughter, I came home
and collapsed in a chair.
 Can you think of a time when you collapsed or
saw something collapse?
 What was the word? collapsed
In the Folktale, The Princess and the Warrior, the
jealous warrior said the Aztec chief was dead and
claimed the right to be the next emperor and the
husband of the princess. When you demand or say that
something rightfully belongs to you, we say you claim
it. Also when you say something is true that someone
else might not totally agree with you or question it we
say you claim it happened.
 What is the word?
 I claimed I was late because I stopped to help
someone. I claimed my lost keys at the check
 Have you ever claimed to be somewhere when
you weren’t?
 Have you ever claimed a prize?
 What word are we working on? claimed
In Seymour Simon’s book VOLCANO, it told how
Mount St. Helens erupted with incredible force.
Incredible means something is so extraordinary
that you can hardly believe it.
 Say the word
 I think my Pop Pop is incredible. He is 91
years old, as sharp as a tack. He still
volunteers at church, drives a car, and never
forgets a birthday.
 Have you ever seen or done something
 What was the word? incredible
In Seymour Simon’s book VOLCANO, fire
fighters sprayed water on the lava to slow down its
advance. Advance can mean to move something
forward like the lava was moving forward. It also
means to lend someone something, like an advance
on an allowance.
 What is the word?
 When I watch football, I want my team to
advance down the field and not get stopped.
Sometimes I order a book in advance of the
publication date and get a discount.
 Can you think of a time when you did
something in advance?
 What was the word?
What five words have we been working on?
 Which word goes with a person sitting on a
broken chair?(why)
 Which word goes with saying the book
belongs to you?
 Which word goes with paying your lunch
money at the cafeteria for the week on
 Which word goes Cinderella? (Why)
 Which word goes with winning the lottery?
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary: Michelle Kwan
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. The teams then had to applaud if the correct word was posted under their team’s
1. Which would probably describe a dress worn by a queen? Why?
2. Which would you probably be if your school work is always neat with no mistakes?
3. Which would you probably have done if you had too much of something and wanted to
share it?
4. Which would you probably be if you doing your homework and nothing seemed to be
going right and you were already late for school, then your mom tells you she needs you
to do something?
5. What word would describe a Nobel Prize winner?
6. What would describe folks after winning the lottery?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
Choose from: elegant, elite, distributed, overwhelmed, perfectionist
1. They both usually tell about a queen. Why? (elite, elegant)
2. One word tells how a person is feeling the other tells about a person’s action. Why?
(Overwhelmed, perfectionist or distributed)
Which is an example of the word?
1. The shop girl walked with a grace that made heads turn.
2. The rich young woman had on very expensive clothes.
1. The boy did his homework carefully; making sure the work was
both neat and accurate. He then he rechecked it to be sure that it
contained no errors.
2. The boy did his homework right after school, put it in his book
bag and then went out to meet his friends.
1. The flood victims opened the packages from the Delaware
students and were very thankful for the supplies they had sent.
2. When the flood victims received the packages from the
Delaware school children they were filled with such emotions of
gratitude that kids would do this for them.
1. The policeman ran after the thief and tackled him to the ground.
2. The policeman ran after the thief chasing him a good way before
he caught him.
1. Politicians have special privileges. For one thing, they get
special parking spaces. They also have the power to vote for laws
that affect everyone.
2. Politicians are elected by the people.
1. The farmer planted the seeds before the rains came.
2. The farmer scattered the seeds evenly across the rows.
Friday assessment or review
1. Why did the guide distribute snacks before the kids left for the
2. George felt he was part of an elite group when he joined the
club. Could anyone join? How do you know?
3. Tell about a time you were overwhelmed.
4. Who do you think is elegant? Why?
5. Are you a perfectionist? Why?
6. The speaker lulled us to sleep. His voice was _______________
In the autobiography, Michelle Kwan, Michelle says
when she was twelve her skating was good but it wasn’t
elegant or beautiful. Elegant means skating with skill
and grace. You can play tennis with elegance. It can
also mean sophisticated and graceful… like someone
with good taste.
 Say the word.
 The dress the girl wore was very simple yet
 We thought the dancers were so elegant
because…….. (Have three completed the
sentence, ask why.)
 What word? elegant
. In the autobiography, Michelle Kwan, had to work
hard to bring her skating program up to the level of the
elite skaters. An elite skater is a top-level skater…one
of the most skilled skaters….. the cream of the crop
 What is the word?
 Babe Ruth belongs to an elite group of baseball
player who can hit lots of homeruns.
 The wealthy family belonged to an elite group
because……. Tell me about it.
 What was the word? elite
In the autobiography, Michelle Kwan, Michelle said
that her new skates made everything feel different
because the weight is distributed differently. You feel
out of balance. It means her weight was spread out
over the shoe.
What is the word?
 The teacher distributed the papers at the
beginning of class. In the gym I can lift a heavy
weight because the weight is distributed across
the bar so my two hands can lift it.
 Have you ever distributed anything?
 What word are we working on? distribute
In the autobiography, Michelle Kwan, Michelle’s
coach said she had to be a perfectionist in every
aspect of her skating. A perfectionist is someone
who wants everything to be perfect. If you are a
perfectionist as a student you want your work to be
perfect, neat and all the answers correct.
Everything you turn in would be as correct as
humanly possible. Some folks are perfectionists in
playing a their
 Say the word
 People tell me that when it comes to
hanging wallpaper, I am a perfectionist.
 Are you a perfectionist? Tell about it.
 What is the word? perfectionist
In the autobiography, Michelle Kwan we learned
that some skaters are overwhelmed by how intense
the skating becomes that they can’t even think
about their schoolwork. The skated are so affected
emotionally that they can’t think of anything else.
This is called overwhelmed. Someone who is very
strong can use their strength to defeat someone
else. We say they overwhelm them.
He was overwhelmed by what he saw.
What is the word?
 I was overwhelmed by the amount of work
I had to do to get ready to be able to go one
the trip. I couldn’t think of anything else or
get anything else done!
 Can you think of a time when you were
 What was the word? overwhelmed
In the autobiography, Michelle Kwan, What five
words have we been working on?
elegant, elite, overwhelmed, distributed,
 Which word goes a small group of very
intelligent people?(elite)
 Which word goes the graceful way the pro
tennis star swings her racket? why) elegant
 Which word goes with being frustrated with
too much homework that must be
completed by tomorrow and you have to go
to basketball practice tonight, too. ( why)
 Which word goes describes passing out
leaflets at the mall? (Why) distribute
Which word describes someone who writes
and rewrites a piece until they have it
exactly right? (why) perfectionist
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary---La Bamba
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. The teams discuss and one student representing the team stands. The rest must be
totally silent. When all teams have a representative standing, the answer is given and
1. Which would you probably be if you were giving a speech to all of the students in
Bayard school? Why?
2. Which would describe when you should begin your homework after school? Why?
3. Which would describe you feel when you got lost on the way to your friend’s house?
4. Which describes how you feel when your teacher has just taught you a new way to do
5. Which describes a driver moving quickly in and out of traffic?
6. What would describe when your mom wanted you to clean your room?
7. What would you probably be if you didn’t hear the directions clearly?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. How are humiliate and confident related?
2. How might confident and immediately go together?
3. How might maneuvered be used to describe people?
4. How might confused and humiliated be related?
Give an example and non example of the word.
Friday (assessment or review)
1. Why was the girl humiliated when she said the wrong name?
2. Why might a show not start immediately?
3. What happened when the woman couldn’t maneuver across the ice?
4. Why was the child confused when his mother did answer the phone when he called?
5. The boy was confident he will do well on the DSTP? Will he?
Which is an example of the word?
1. The driver used his map but didn’t find the correct street.
2. The driver used his map and arrived at the correct time.
1. The football team moved down the field many times but
could not score. They lost 43 to 3.
2. The football team moved down the field many times and
although they lost, they put up a good fight.
1. The child figured out a way to complete the puzzle by
moving the pieces carefully around until each piece finally
2. The child completed the puzzle quickly and with great
1. The child was sent to bed after his mom reminded him
three times.
2. The student went to bed as soon as he was told it was
1. The runner broke the record by well over three seconds.
2. The runner broke the record just as he knew he would
before he began.
In the introduction of the Theme, Give It All You’ve
Got, the author discussed how humiliating it was for
her to have her work rejected for two years. Humiliate
means her pride or self-respect was lowered by her
work being rejected.
 Say the word. humiliating
 Once in elementary school I fell off the merrygo-round and my skirt flew up. I was really
humiliated at the thought of anyone seeing my
underwear. It was a terrible feeling!
 Tell about a time you have either been
humiliated or seen someone else humiliated.
(Have three students share, ask why.)
 What word? humiliated
In the selection La Bamba, during the talent show, the
1st grade girls maneuvered onto the stage while
jumping rope. Maneuvered means to move carefully
around obstacles.
 What is the word? maneuvered
 Square dancing required skill to maneuver
around other dancers. It is so much fun to do!
 Can you think of anything that requires good
maneuvering? ( race car driving, parallel
parking, shopping carts in a busy store, people
can maneuver other people) Tell me about it.
 What was the word? maneuvered
In the selection, La Bamba, Manuel gave his dad an
explanation that seemed very technical and scientific
about what happened to his record at the talent show.
His dad felt proud from the smart sounding explanation
but he was also confused. Confused means to be
mixed up or unsure of what was said or seen.
 What is the word? Confused
 I was confused when my husband tried to
explain how to do an electrical hook up in our
house. I just couldn’t get it.
 Have you ever been confused about something?
 What word are we working on? confused
In the selection, La Bamba, Manuel felt confident
that nothing would go wrong at the talent show.
Confident means to have an assured trust or great
feeling about something or something. Manuel had
a strong feeling that nothing would go wrong.
 What is the word? confident
 I remember feeling confident that my mom
would always be home when I got out of
school. I also have memories of being very
confident that our choir would do well in
our school concerts.
 Can you think of a time when you were
confident about something or someone?
 What was the word? confident
In the selection, La Bamba, Manuel walked on
stage and the song started immediately Immediate
means it started right away or instantly.
 What is the word? immediately
 When you turn the key in the ignition in a
car, the engines turns over immediately.
 Can you think of something that starts
 What was the word? immediately
What five words have we been working on?
Confused, humiliating, confident, immediately,
 Which word goes with a mixed up person?
Why? (why) confused
 Which word goes with a bad feeling when
you tried to do something well? ( why)
 Which word goes with knowing everything
will be great? (why) confident
 Which word means to begin right away?
(Why) immediately
 Which word means to move around with
skill? (why) maneuvered
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary---The Fear Place
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. The teams discuss and one student representing the team stands. The rest must be
totally silent. When all teams have a representative standing, the answer is given and
1. Which would you probably be if you were stuck in knee deep mud and you couldn’t
move? Why?
2. Which would describe your leisurely stroll through the park? Why?
3. Which would describe you if you were totally and completely lost on the way to a
concert? Why?
4. Which describes the noise outside my window that kept me up last night? Why?
5. Which describes the darkness that totally covered the earth and caused the extinction
of the dinosaurs? Why?
6. What would describe when your mom told you about why you weren’t allowed to go
to your friend’s party? Why?
7. What would describe the old broken car in our driveway? Why?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. How are meandering and immobile related?
2. How might inconceivable and disturbance go together?
3. What might be entirely possible?
Give an example and non example of the word.
Friday (assessment or review)
1. Why was not following the meandering stream bed the fastest way to get home?
2. Why might have caused a disturbance at the mall?
3. The mother said her excuse was inconceivable? Did she believe her? Why?
4. The beautiful old car was immobile? Why couldn’t they go on a trip in it?
5. It is entirely possible that he could come again? Do you think he will come? Why?
Which is an example of the word?
1. Tiffany said she didn’t have her homework because a
giant bird swooped down and ate it as she walked to school.
2. Tiffany said she didn’t have her homework because she
her little brother spilled his juice on it this morning.
1. My friend and I left school and walked slowly home. We
stopped at the park, picked some flowers, observed some
rocks and wandered off the path.
2. My friend and I left school and walked directly home.
After we had a snack we played in the par,.
1. The Cafeteria was noisy from the children talking happily
at their lunch break.
2. There was some scuffling and noisy shoving outside the
cafeteria today. Mr. Green was disappointed.
1. The snow was falling and was beginning to dust the grass
but the streets remained clear.
2.The snow had been falling for an hour and everything in
sight was white.
1. The wind chime tinkled as it twisted and turned in the
2. The wind chine looked pretty as it hung quietly on the
back porch.
In the selection Fear Place, Doug wondered it was
conceivable that the cougar had a den up on the rocks
and visited him each day. Doug wondered it was
possible to imagine or believe that the mountain lion
could have a den up in the rocks. Al it can mean
possible to believe.
Say the word. conceivable
We tried every means conceivable to contact
her. We can add in to it and make it not possible
to believe or imagine. It was inconceivable to
me that he wouldn’t have told the truth. Or so
unlikely as to be beyond belief.
 Have you ever something was conceivable or
inconceivable?(Tell about it.)
 What word? conceivable
In the selection Fear Place, as Doug climbed the path
he came to a treeless point that was entirely covered
with rocks. Entirely means it was totally and
completely covered. If we say someone is entirely
committed to something we say they are in it
wholeheartedly or lock stock and barrel.
 What is the word? entirely
 When I was a girl, my mom used to say, “Be
careful, things are not entirely what they appear
to be.”
 Have you think of some things that are entirely
possible? Tell me about them?
 What was the word? entirely
In the selection Fear Place, when Doug reached the
edge of the cliff he could see the rocky floor of the
canyon and the meandering stream below. It means the
stream was winding and zigzagging. It can also mean
rambling or going in a roundabout way.
What is the word? meandering
Because his story was so meandering, it was
difficult to follow. I love to meander through a
store and window shop.
Have you ever meandered or seen something
that meandered? Tell me about it?
What word are we working on?
In the selection Fear Place, Doug’s dad had done a
paper on the formation of rocks. He told him that
the layers of rock had their beginnings in some
huge disturbance inside the earth. Disturbance
would mean that something had caused the
disruption or the order or the layers of rocks or
disrupted the peace in the ordered environment. It
can also mean noisy or violent behavior in public
 Say the word
 A disturbance of the ecosystem can cause
an animal to lose his food supply and
possibly become extinct.
 Can you think of a time when you saw or
 What was the word? Disturbance
In the selection Fear Place, when Doug reached
the ledge, he became immobile and tried to get a
grip on his fear. Immobile means Doug stood
perfectly still. He was unable to move or be moved.
 What is the word?
 When I broke my leg, the doctor kept it
immobile by putting it in a cast. The rusty
railroad car was immobile.
 Have you ever been or seen something that
was immobile? Tell me about it.
 What was the word?
What five words have we been working on?
Meandering, meandering, entirely, inconceivable,
conceivable, disturbance
 Which word describes a leisurely walk in
the park rather than going directly home?
 Which word goes with being frozen with
fear? Why?
 Which word goes with being involved in
every sense in the activity?
 Which word describes a stream bed? (Why)
 Which word describes a free for all after a
football game?
 Which word describes her whopper of a
story? (why)
It is important to always ask the students why?
In the biography of Mae Jamison, Mae said, “I was
one of the youngest doctors over there, and I had to
learn to deal with people and assert myself as a
physician. Fear Place, Doug’s dad had done a
paper on the formation of rocks. He told him that
 Say the word.
the layers of rock had their beginnings in some
 (Tell about it.)
huge asserting inside the earth. Disturbance would
 What word? frequently
mean that something had caused the disruption or
the order or the layers of rocks or disrupted the
peace in the ordered environment. It can also
means noisy or violent behavior in public place.
 Say the word
 A disturbance of the ecosystem can cause
an animal to lose his food supply and
possibly become extinct.
 Can you think of a time when you saw or
 What was the word? assert
In the biography of Mae Jamison, it said that after the
In the biography of Mae Jamison, when Mae
space shuttle trip, Mae went to Hollywood to accept the worked on the “biofeedback” techniques
Trailblazer award for being the first African-American
experiment to see if she could avoid space sickness
woman in space. If we say someone is entirely
without taking medication, the results of the
committed to something we say they are in it
experiment were inconclusive. Inconclusive means
wholeheartedly or lock, stock and barrel.
that the answer has not been found. The test results
are not 100% sure. It is from the word conclude.
 What is the word? entirely
 What is the word?
 When I was a girl, my mom used to say, “Be
carefully, things are not entirely what they
 When I broke my leg, the doctor kept it
appear to be.”
immobile by putting it in a cast. The rusty
railroad car was immobile.
 Have you think of some things that are entirely
possible? Tell me about them?
 Have you ever been or seen something that
was immobile? Tell me about it.
 What was the word? accept
 What was the word? conclude
In the biography of Mae Jamison, it told how and when What five words have we been working on?
Mae was in space and that she did a science
Intensely, inconclusive from conclude, accept,
experiment. In the experiment she had to concentrate
asserting, frequently,
intensely to bring her bodily functions back to normal.
On the floor of the canyon was the meandering stream
 Which word describes a leisurely walk in
below. It means the stream was winding and
the park rather than going directly home?
zigzagging. It can also mean rambling or going in a
roundabout way.
 Which word goes with being frozen with
fear? Why?
 What is the word? meandering
 Which word goes with being involved in
 Because his story was so meandering, it was
every sense in the activity?
difficult to follow. I love to meander through a
 Which word describes a stream bed? (Why)
store and window shop.
 Which word describes a free for all after a
 Have you ever meandered or seen something
football game?
that meandered? Tell me about it?
In the biography of Mae Jamison, it said that Mae was
an accomplished dancer and frequently performed on
What word are we working on? intensely
Which word describes her whopper of a
story? (why)
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary---Iditarod Dream
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. The teams discuss and one student representing the team stands. The rest must be
totally silent. When all teams have a representative standing, the answer is given and
1. Which would describe you when you watch your mother cook dinner and don’t help?
2. Which would describe your first attempt at cooking after adding too much if the
wrong spice? Why
3. Which would describe you if you really tried to memorize your lines for the school
play but just could seem to remember them? Why?
4 Which describes how the students returned from lunch? Why?
5. Which describes things in our life that prevent us from learning? Why?
6. What would describe how you move through a shopping mall? Why?
7. What would describe the students gathered around the playground watching the fight?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. How are straggled and discouraged related?
2. How might obstacles and discouraged go together?
3. What might be foul? Could something foul become an obstacle?
Give an example and non-example of the word.
Friday (assessment or review)
1. My brother and sister straggled into the campsite? Where they in a hurry to return?
How do you know?
2. There were many spectators at the play? Did many people attend the play? How do
you know?
3. After reading what she had to do to earn the award, Jessie was discouraged? Does
Jessie think she can earn this award? How do you know?
4. The beautiful walking path was dotted with many obstacles. Could the kids ride their
bikes there? Why?
5. I was so hungry. When I arrived home I smelled the foul odor of dinner cooking. Will
I eat much for dinner? How do you know?
Which is an example of the word?
1. Tiffany said she didn’t have time to clean her room for the past
three months. It was very, very dirty.
2. Tiffany said she didn’t like to clean her room so she didn’t do it
often. But, she never let it get out of control.
1. I didn’t get my work done because I listened to the radio, played
my computer game, talked on the phone, then watched my favorite
show on television.
2. I went home and did my homework before watching television and
talking with friends.
1. The children were excited about going to the magic show. They
heard there was a good magician.
2. The children gathered around the magician and watched him do
his magic show.
1. The ice skater has worked really hard, but no matter how hard she
tried she could not do the jump without falling. I’ll never get this she
2. The ice skater worked really hard, but no matter how hard she
tried she could not do the jump without falling. I’ll have to ask
someone to help me she thought.
1. Last
2. Last
week the children were collecting canned goods for the
Each day one or two kids brought in a can or two.
week the children were collecting canned goods for the
The first day every child had brought in several cans
In the selection Iditarod Dream, Dusty was nervous
because he had never done the part of the trail that was
crowed with obstacles. Obstacles refer to things on the
trail that blocked the way. An obstacle can also mean
something that prevents someone from doing
something. Being poor was an obstacle for Abraham
Lincoln but he overcame it.
Say the word. obstacle
My husband says my sloppy walk in closet is
like an obstacle course. The downed tree was an
obstacle that prevented me from going the
fasted way to work.
 Have you ever overcome an obstacle when you
were trying to do something or get somewhere?
(Tell about it.)
 What word? obstacle
In the selection Iditarod Dream, In Dusty was the first
to arrive at Yentna. The rest of the racers straggled in
over the next four hours. It means they came in
scattered groups. They didn’t come in all together.
One came in, then another, then maybe two. Straggle
can also mean to stray away from a path or group. In
the museum I straggled away from my friends.
 What is the word?
 The students straggled into the classroom after
breakfast. My husband straggled away from the
shoppers in the Mall.
 Have you think straggled into class? Tell me
about it.
 What was the word? straggled
In the selection Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid, T.J.
bunted the ball and hit it but it went foul. Foul in this
story meant that the ball went outside the foul lines.
But foul also mean very dirty or extremely unpleasant
or disagreeable.
 What is the word? foul
 The air by the factory had a foul smell.
 Have you every seen or smelled something
 What word are we working on? foul
In the selection Iditarod Dream, Dusty’s dogs
would sometimes get confused by the cars and
spectators along the trail. Spectators are the people
who watched the Iditarod.
 Say the word
 Three thousand parade spectators showed
up to watch the parade.
 Can you think of a time when you were a
 What was the word? spectator
In the selection Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid,
the boys’ father, who was once a professional ball
player, is discouraged when the team is trying to
make the play-offs. Discouraged means he was not
feeling very confident about their making it. If I try
to prevent you from doing something I would also
use the word discourages.
 What is the word?
 I was discouraged when my football team
was down 3-14 at the half. I didn’t want
my husband to go on a business trip so I did
my best to discourage him from going.
 Have you ever been discouraged about
something? Have you ever discouraged
someone? Tell me about it.
 What was the word?
What five words have we been working on?
Foul, discouraged, straggled, obstacle, spectator
 Which word describes something on the
path which made me walk around it to get
where I was going? why)
 Which word describes how I felt after I did
poorly on the science test?
 Which word describes the cheering football
crowd? Why?
 Which word describes a stream bed? (Why)
 Which word sometimes describes my
daughter’s bedroom? Why?
Which word describes the finish line at the
marathon? (why)
It is important to always ask the students why?
In the poem Early Spring, the author Begay wrote, “For
this generation, and many more to come, this land is
beautiful and filled with mysteries. Generation means
a group of people who were born at approximately the
same time and are considered a group. A generation
usually shared similar interests and attitudes
 Say the word. generation
 In my mother’s generation, woman stayed home
with their children and didn’t work outside the
home. Wearing jeans to school is unique to this
 Can you think of something that is unique to
your generation or your parents’ generation?
(Tell about it.)
 What word? generation
In the selection Iditarod Dream, In Dusty was the first
to arrive at Yentna. The rest of the racers straggled in
over the next four hours. It means they came in
scattered groups. They didn’t come in all together.
One came in, then another, then maybe two. Straggle
can also mean to stray away from a path or group. In
the museum I straggled away from my friends. .
 What is the word?
 The students straggled into the classroom after
breakfast. My husband straggled away from the
shoppers in the Mall.
 Have you think straggled into class? Tell me
about it.
 What was the word? straggled
In the selection Me, Mop, and the Moondace Kid, T.J.
bunted the ball and hit it but it went foul. Foul in this
story meant that the ball went outside the foul lines.
But foul also mean very dirty or extremely unpleasant
or disagreeable.
 What is the word? foul
 The air by the factory had a foul smell.
 Have you every seen or smelled something
 What word are we working on? foul
In the selection Iditarod Dream, Dusty’s dogs
would sometimes get confused by the cars and
spectators along the trail. Spectators are the people
who watched the Iditarod.
 Say the word
 Three thousand parade spectators showed
up to watch the parade.
 Can you think of a time when you were a
 What was the word? spectator
In the selection Me, Mop, and the Moon dance Kid,
the boys’ father, who was once a professional ball
player, is discouraged when the team is trying to
make the play-offs. Discouraged means he was not
feeling very confident about their making it. If I try
to prevent you from doing something I would also
use the word discourages. ..
 What is the word?
 I was discouraged when my football team
was down 3-14 at the half. I didn’t want
my husband to go on a business trip so I did
my best to discourage him from going..
 Have you ever been discouraged about
something? Have you ever discouraged
someone? Tell me about it.
 What was the word?
What five words have we been working on?
Foul, discouraged, straggled, obstacle, spectator
 Which word describes something on the
path which made me walk around it to get
where I was going? why)
 Which word describes how I felt after I did
poorly on the science test?
 Which word describes the cheering football
crowd? Why?
 Which word describes a stream bed? (Why)
 Which word sometimes describes my
daughter’s bedroom? Why?
 Which word describes the finish line at the
marathon? (why)
It is important to always ask the students why?
In the poem Early Spring, the last stanza went “For this
generation, and many more to come, this land is
beautiful and filled with mysteries... Generation means
for a group of people who were born at approximately
the same time…it means they probably have shared
interests and attitudes.
 Say the word. generation
 My generation wore dresses to school.
 Blue jeans are unique to your generation for
school attire.
 Can you think of some things that are unique to
your generation or your parent’s generation?
 What word? generation
In the poem Bat, Theodore Roethke says this about a
bat, “For something is amiss or out of place when mice
with wings can wear a human face.” Amiss means
something is wrong or inappropriate.
 What is the word?
 We knew immediately from the disorder in the
house that something was amiss. Things began
to go amiss after she left.
 Did you notice anything amiss in our room this
morning or at home? Tell me about it.
 What was the word? amiss
In the poem, The Shark, John Ciardi says that a
shark has drab manners and his thoughts are even
drabber. Here he means his manners are lacking or
very dull. And his thoughts are even duller or
 Say the word. drab
 The Amish man wore a dull grey suit. I
think some parties can be dull.
 What are some things that seem dull to
you? Why?
 What was the word? drab
In the poem Campfire, Janet Wong describes her mom
reaching in a bag and handing her a big, fat, luscious
marshmallow. Luscious means the marshmallow had a
rich sweet and juicy taste.
 What is the word? luscious
 I think only chocolate desserts are luscious.
 Can you name something you think is luscious?
 What word are we working on? luscious
What five words have we been working on?
Foul, amiss, luscious, precious, generation, dull
 Which word describes a peach? why)
 Which word describes your vision?
 Which word describes the power being
off when I got to school today?
 Which word describes the people who
are your mom’s age? (Why)
 Which word describes a boring movie?
In the poem, Be Glad Your Nose Is o Your Face,
Jack Prelutsky says, “Imagine if your precious
nose were sandwiched in between your toes. It
means your nose is very valuable and considered to
be very important.
 What is the word?
 The watch was a gift from my grandmother
and was very precious to me.
 Can you think of something that is
precious? Why do you think it is precious?
 What was the word?
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary---Paul Revere
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. One team member stands to represent them and is the speaker. The others must be
quiet for the team points to count.
1. Which would you probably be if doing if you caught up to your competition in a race?
2. Which would you probably do if you were hanging out with a group of friends? Why?
3. Which would you probably describe your parents not allowing you to go to a friend’s
4. Which would your earning four threes in a row on your writing pieces? Why?
5. What would describe how you are always listening to the music on your DC player?
6. What would your teacher always talking about the school rules? Why
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. They both tell about time. Why? (constantly, succession)
2. How might congregate, prohibit and overtake be related? Why?
3. How might congregate and prohibit be related. Why?
Give an example and non example of the word. Always ask why.
1Every few minutes he asked, “Are we there yet?”
2 The boy was curious so he asked, “Are we there yet?”
1. The sign said no smoking in public places.
2. The sign said Visitors are Welcome.
1. Tamika worked hard to be able to finally play the piano as well as or even better than
her brother.
2. Tamika worked hard to finally be able to play the piece without making any mistakes.
1. He earned many awards while he was in high school.
2. He earned one award after another while he was in high school.
1. The art lovers seemed to always hang out together by statue of Venus in front of the
2. The art lovers seem to like the statue of Venus that stands in front of the library.
In the selection And Then What Happened, PAUL
REVERE? people in Boston in 1735 were prohibited
from having dogs that were more than 10 inches high.
Prohibited that means to forbid somebody from doing
something by law. Big dogs were forbidden or not
 Say the word. prohibit
 Airplanes have prohibited air space around
military bases. They aren’t allowed to go there.
 Can you think of things that are prohibited now
in airplane carry on luggage? What things are
prohibited in school?
 What word? Prohibited
In the selection And Then What Happened, PAUL
REVERE? it told how Paul Revere rang the bell
whenever someone in the church congregation
died. Here congregation means a group of people
who attend church. A congregation is a group of
people who meet together. When they meet they
 Say the word. congregate
 The students congregate outside the school
before 8:20.
 Do you ever congregate with friends? Tell
me about it.
 What was the word? Congregate
In the selection And Then What Happened, PAUL
REVERE, when Paul went riding off on his BIG RIDE
English officers tried to overtake him. Overtake means
that the English officers tried to catch up with Paul.
Sometimes we use it to say we are trying to catch up
with someone and pass him up with work they are
doing. What is the word? overtake
 The number of folks using wireless phones
could overtake the number of folks using
landline phone in the next three years. When my
husband and I are doing power walks, I always
try to overtake him going down the hills.
 Can you think of a time you were able to
overtake someone? Tell me about them?
 What was the word? overtake
In the selection And Then What Happened, PAUL
REVERE, it described how ships were constantly
coming and going bring things from turtles to
chandeliers into the port. Constantly means ships were
always coming without interruption…they came again
and again.
What is the word? meandering
She has been constantly on my mind since I
heard the news.
What do you think about constantly? Or what
does your teacher tell you constantly? Tell me
about it?
What word are we working on?
In the selection And Then What Happened, PAUL
REVERE, when Paul was trying to move the trunk
to safety, he didn’t worry about a succession of
guns firing back and forth. Succession means that
the guns were firing one after another…in a series.
 What is the word? succession
 My favorite basketball team, Pitt, has now
won five games in succession. The poor
man rented a succession of dingy
apartments around town.
 Has a succession of good things ever
happened to you? Tell me about it.
 What was the word?
What five words have we been working on?
Prohibited, congregate, overtake, succession,
 Which word describes my mom telling me
again and again to button up my coat? why)
 Which word goes with a string of wins for
the Flyers? (succession)
 Which word describes a runner passing the
leader right at the finish line?(overtake)
 Which word describes a group of kids
hanging out?(Congregate) (Why)
 Which describes when your parents say NO
to your bringing your bike in the house?
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary---James Forten
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. One team member stands to represent them and is the speaker. The others must be
quiet for the team points to count.
1. Which would you probably describe you feelings about your best friend if you just
found out he/she lied to you? Why?
2. Which would you probably not have if you could never learn to play the piano? Why?
3. Which would you probably describe your actions if you were coming down the steps
from the top of the empire state building? Why?
4. Which would describe your experience with selling your old CDs? Why?
5. What would describe what happened to the folks who crashed on a mountain top and
had no food or fresh water for over a week? Why?
6. What word would describe you as a child of your parents and grandparents? rules?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. They both can describe a person. How? (dexterity, descent)
2. This word can describe where you came from but it also can describe how you move?
Why? (Descent)
3. A surgeon would Need this and not need this word. What two words? Why?
(Tentative, dexterity)
In the selection James Forten, we learned that James
was a free man of African descent. Here decent means
his ancestral background. Who his ancestors were.
Decent also mean going from the top to the bottom…a
way down such as a path down a mountain
 Say the word. descent
 Many Americans are not aware of the ancestral
descent but I know I am of English descent. The
fireman made a quick descent down the poll.
 Do you know your descent? Or Have you ever
been afraid when the airplane started its
 What word? descent
In the selection James Forten, it told how Captain
Beasley’s son formed a tentative friendship with
James Forten. It means it was formed in a slow
careful way. There wasn’t a lot of confidence in
the relationship.
 Say the word. tentative
 A baby’s first steps are tentative.
Sometimes when a teacher calls on a
student and they aren’t sure of the answer,
the student answers tentatively.
 Have you ever been tentative about trying
something new?
 What was the word? tentative
Give an example and non example of the word. Always ask why.
1Every few minutes he asked, “Are we there yet?”
2 The boy was curious so he asked, “Are we there yet?”
1. The sign said no smoking in public places.
2. The sign said Visitors are Welcome.
1. Tamika worked hard to be able to finally play the piano as well as or even better than
her brother.
2. Tamika worked hard to finally be able to play the piece without making any mistakes.
1. He earned many awards while he was in high school.
2. He earned one award after another while he was in high school.
1. The art lovers seemed to always hang out together by statue of Venus in front of the
2. The art lovers seem to like the statue of Venus that stands in front of the library.
In the selection James Forten, it described how sail
makers had to handle the heavy tread thy used with
dexterity. It means they had to have great skill with
their hands to manipulate the thread. If you have
dexterity with your brains…you are quick witted.
What is the word? dexterity
 A good basketball play must have dexterity to
handle the ball well. Can you think of a time
you were skittish or saw someone skittish? Tell
me about them?
 What activities require great dexterity?
Surgeons , seamstress, etc.
 Do you have great dexterity? why
At the end of the selection James Forten, it told us how
the Africans had languished on ships in chains. It
means they underwent many hardships and were
deprived when they were on ships because they were
chained and treated badly. They were neglected or
What is the word? languished
The plants in my garden languished and died
this summer when it was not watered for a week
in a 99 degree heat wave. Soldiers often
languish in prisons when they are captured
during a war.
What can you do to help animals from
languishing in cramped poor conditions? Tell
me about it?
What word are we working on?
In the selection James Forten, it stated that James
was a sail maker which was a profitable but
difficult job. This means his job was hard but he
could make a lot of money doing it. It could also
mean that something is useful or beneficial.
 What is the word? profitable
 Selling lemonade in the summer is not very
profitable because the lemons cost so much.
 I think it is profitable to do your homework
 Have you ever been involved in a profitable
Tell me about it.
 What was the word?
What five words have we been working on?
profitable, dexterity, tentative, descent, languish
 Which word describes the agreement
between two students after the teacher
broke up a fight? tentative
 Which word describes being able to make
money from doing a craft and selling it?
 What word describes my husband’s origin?
His grandparents came from
 Which word describes what someone
needs to be able to make ships in a
 Which word describes the rock climbers
return down the mountain?(descent) (Why)
 What work describes people suffering from
being deprived of freedom by being thrown
in prison? Why?
It is important to always ask the students why?
Explicit Vocabulary for Mom’s Best Friend
Day One: Introduce words following format. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words by sentence completion activity or game activity
Day Three-Four: Other activities (sentence completion, group definitions, how words are
alike or different, Game (Ready, Set, GO).
Day Five: assessment
Game, Day Two
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board, one under each team’s
name. One team member stands to represent them and is the speaker. The others must be
quiet for the team points to count. All must agree before team speaker stands. The team
must support the answer with the why, not the speaker to earn the point.
1. Which would you probably describe why you can quickly add and subtract numbers
from one to 16? Why?
2. Which word describes how you walked to school? Why?
3. Which word would describe how you found your way home after you were lost?
4. Which word describes when a cat licks himself clean? Why?
5. What word describes the feeling I have when I know exactly what to do and I have not
been taught by instructed
6. What did you change when you started walking faster on our way to school? Why?
Show on the overhead and work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. What is the difference between mastered and instinct? Why?
2. How might congregate, prohibit and overtake be related? Why?
3. How might pace and route be related. Why?
Which is the example and non example of the word? Always ask why.
1 The toddler could finally tie his own shoes.
2 The toddler was learning to tie his own shoes.
1. The girl read the sign so she knew the cliff was dangerous.
2. The girl felt the danger before she read the sign.
1. Tamara took long steady steps as she raced across the grass.
2. Tamara jumped the steps two at a time before landing at the bottom.
1. Before school, he washes his face, brushes his hair and puts on clean clothes.
2. Before school, he collects his homework, puts on his coat and goes to the bus.
1. I ride the bus home. It is a long ride along busy roads.
selection, Mom’s Best Friend, we learned that the
Mom and Ursula mastered new routes together. They
got more and more complicated. The word master has
many meanings but the verb master means to be skilled
in something…you can do something very well.
 Say the word. mastered
 I mastered all the multiplication and division
 Can you think of a something you have
 What word? mastered
In the
Ursula, in Mom’s Best Friend learned not to follow
her instinct and chase other dogs when she was
working for Mom. Instinct is a powerful feeling
that animals and people have that tell them what
they should do rather than using reason in survival
situations. Say the word. instinct
 The lost boy followed his instincts and
found his way through the dark forest.
 Have you ever followed your instincts? Tell
me about it.
 What was the word? instinct
2. I turn left when I leave the building, walk up DuPont Street, turn left again and go to
the Dollar Store.
In the selection Mom’s Best Friend, Mom, on her first
day at the Seeing Eye walked with Pete Jackson so that
he could check her pace to be sure to place her with the
right dog. He was checking to see the speed and length
of her step when she walked. (You might want to model
your pace.)
What is the word? pace
 I usually walk at a fast pace because of my long
legs. A band marches at the same pace in a
 Can you keep pace with your brother or sister?
Tell me about it? Or do you every move at a
very fast pace? When?
 What was the word? pace
In the selection Mom’s Best Friend, we learn that Mom
fed and groomed Ursula every day. Groomed means to
care for an animal’s appearance usually by combing
and cleaning it. It can also mean to care for your own
personal appearance.
What is the word? groomed
I like to be well-groomed when I come to
school. It was a pain to constantly groom my
long-haired dog.
Have you ever groomed a pet? Tell me about it.
What word are we working on? groomed
Mom and Ursula in Mom’s Best Friend took a new
route on the trips they made around town when
they were learning at the Seeing Eye. The route is
the path or direction they walked to get from place
to place.
What is the word? route
 When I drive, I go on map quest to find the
best route to get to a place I have never
 What route do you follow to come to
school? Go to the library? To the cafeteria?
Tell me about it.
 What was the word? route
What five words have we been working on?
Pace, groomed, route, mastered, instinct
 Which word describes how I drove from
my home in Newark to Bayard School?
Route (why)
 Which word describes what I do to my dog
when he smells and is matted? (groom)
 What word tells what the students do when
they stay inside for recess? pace)
 Which word describes what I
accomplished when I get a perfect score on
a math test? (mastered)
 Which word describes how a mother bird
knows how to care for its babies when no
one has ever taught it?(instinct) (Why)
It is important to always ask the students “why”?
In the story, Dear Mr. Henshaw, the boy’s dad was a
truck driver who hauled grapes and other stuff. Haul
means to move something with effort. It is not easy to
move but take continuous effort.
 Say the word.
 Sometimes I have so much homework; I have to
haul all my books home at night.
 Tell about a time you hauled something. (Have
three share, ask why.)
 What word? hauled
In the story Dear Mr. Henshaw, the class talked to
the author and asked her if she ever had any books
rejected. Rejected means to the book was turned
down or not accepted because it wasn’t good
 Say the word
 I applied for the job but was rejected
because I didn’t have the qualifications.
 Was there a time when you were rejected
something that was given to you?
 What was the word? rejected
In the story, Dear Mr. Henshaw, the boy was picked by
Mrs. Neely to replace the girl who submitted the poem
that was not her own work. Submitted means to turn in
something like the poem to be judged or thought about.
 What is the word?
 The teacher submitted the names of the three
most improved students to the principal.
 Can you think of a time when you submitted
something? What? When?
 What was the word? submitted
In the story, Dear Mr. Henshaw, Barry’s mother
made him disconnect his burglar alarm because it
was driving her crazy. Disconnect means to
unhook something from the power supply or to
break the connection between two people talking
on the telephone.
 What is the word?
 I always disconnect my computer before a
thunderstorm. I was talking away to my
daughter on my cell phone when we were
 Can you think of a time when you were
disconnected or disconnected something?
 What was the work? disconnect
In the story, Dear Mr. Henshaw, the boy couldn’t turn
his disappearing lunchbox experience into a story
because he didn’t know who the thief was. Experience
is something that happens to a person or something you
are involved in. It could be an activity you exposed to.
I had the experience of flying to Kansas for Christmas.
 What is the word?
 I had a bad experience when I ate lunch at
McDonalds last week. I found a worm in my
 Have you ever had a bad experience? When.
 What word are we working on?
In the story, Elena Panchovilla offered condolences to
Elena on the death of her husband. Condolences are
words of sorrow or sympathy you tell another person
when they are very sad. You usually give a condolence
to someone when
 Say the word.
 When I heard that my friend’s dog died, I
offered him my condolences.
 Have you ever offered someone condolences?
(Tell me about it.)
 What word? condolences
In the story Elena, they tried to fool the soldiers
into thinking the horses had already been seized.
Seized means to take something away using force.
 Say the word
 I seized the letter from his hand because I
was angry.
 Have you ever seized anything from
someone? (Tell me about it.)
 What was the word? rejected
In the story, Elena, the narrator, Rosa, tells how she
looked out the window and saw the street transformed
into a river of sombreros. To transform means to
change something completely.
 What is the word?
 The ugly duckling transformed into a beautiful
swan. After he started doing his homework, he
transformed into an outstanding student.
 Have you ever seen something transformed?
What? When?
 What was the word? transformed
In the story, Elena, the soldiers at the border often
detained people at the border. Detained means to
keep someone from going somewhere. The people
were kept from going across the border.
 What is the word?
 I was detained in the office because I got in
trouble on the bus.
 Can you think of a time when you were
detained? When?
 What was the work? detained
In the story, Elena was afraid of Panchovilla because he
was notorious. He didn’t know who the thief was.
Notorious is someone who is well known for having a
bad reputation or it could just be someone who is wellknown. What is the word?
 The teacher across the hall is notorious for
giving a lot of homework.
 Can you think of any one who is notorious?
 What word are we working on?
What five words have we been working on?
Notorious, seized, transformed, detained, and
 Which word would you use if somebody
grabbed your lunch?(Why)
 Which word would you use if you were not
allowed to leave the cafeteria? (Why)
 Which word would you use to describe the
change in your friend from nice to mean?
(Tell me about it)
 Which word would describe a person who
is famous for telling bad jokes? (Tell me
about it.)
 What word would you use to describe what
you said to your little sister after her fish
died? (Tell me about it.)
It is important to always ask the students why or to
tell about it after the group gives consensus? Ask
individuals for details.
Explicit Vocabulary---Grizzly Bear Family Book
Day One: Introduce words using the vocabulary cards. Record words in their word logs.
Day Two: Review the words using a game format.
Day Three: Think-Pair-Share using extended response questions.
Day Four: Fill in the blank activity.
Day Five: assessment
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board. The teams discuss and one
student representing the team stands, the rest must be totally silent. The first
representative to stand must give the correct answer, with support, in order to earn a point
for the team. If he/she cannot do that, the other team has a chance to earn the point by
stating the correct answer, along with support. You can choose to do this without keeping
1. Which quality would you probably be showing if you needed encouragement to make
a speech? Why?
2. Which word would describe you if you invited a new student to eat lunch with you?
3. Which word describes a student who is working hard on an independent assignment?
4. Which word explains your ducking to avoid a ball flying in the direction of your head?
5. What word best describes a library patron who pores over the shelves in many
different sections? Why?
Show on the overhead and have students work in pairs to answer.
1. What do all the words have in common? (all are qualities a person may have)
2. How might selective and instinctive be related? Why? (ex. use instincts to make
3. How might tolerant and humility be related. Why? (ex. humble people do not think
they are better than others, therefore are more tolerant)
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term.
1. My reaction was ____________________ to the fire alarm ringing loudly. (instinctive)
2. The Olympic Gold Medal winner stood on the podium with ____________________
as he smiled shyly toward the crowd. (humility)
3. Although the lot on which my house was built had been vacant for many years, my
neighbors were __________________ of my arrival. (tolerant)
4. Because there are many different brands of most food items, shoppers can be very
____________________ in the grocery store. (selective)
5. The crowd was ______________________ in the Presidential candidate’s speech.
Students should be able to write sentences of their own using all five words. The
sentences should reflect their understanding of the word meanings using context, not
In the selection The Grizzly Bear Family Book, we learned
that mother bears are usually quite tolerant of the cubs of
others. Here tolerant means to allow the presence of
something different without resistance. Some mother bears
are so tolerant of others’ cubs, they adopt strays and orphans.
Tolerant can also mean understanding and accepting.
 Say the word: tolerant
 Many Americans are tolerant of other cultures since
our country is made up of immigrants from around
the world.
 Are you tolerant of your classmates? Have you ever
met someone who is not so tolerant of people who
are different from them?
 What is the word? tolerant
In the selection The Grizzly Bear Family Book, it described
how selective bears can be at the height of salmon season.
Selective means choosy. When there is plenty of salmon for
the bears to eat, they can discard a fish they have caught and
choose one that appears to be better. If you are picky about
what you eat, you may tell your parents you are just being
selective. It can also mean careful.
 What is the word? selective
 College scouts are very selective when they choose
athletes for their programs. Candidates may have to
be extremely talented and meet other requirements
such as having a high grade point average. Are you
selective about choosing your friends?
 Tell me about some others who may need to be
 Say the word: selective
In the selection, the author tells about some frequently heard
advice in Alaska, “Don’t bump heads with a bear when you
go blueberry picking!” Humans need to be aware of their
surroundings because they can become so engrossed in
picking berries, they may not realize a bear has come nearby
to eat. Engrossed means completely occupied. A good
synonym for engrossed is absorbed.
 What is the word? engrossed
 I was so engrossed in a book, I didn’t hear what was
on the television or notice who was in the room with
me. Have you ever been so engrossed in a book
 What are some other activities that can keep you
completely engrossed? Why do they seem to absorb
your full attention?
 What’s the word? engrossed
The Grizzly Bear Family Book describes an instinctive
fear that we have when we are among bears in the
wilderness. Instinctive means naturally present at birth.
If something is instinctive to us, it is automatic. We do
not have to reflect on how we should feel, we
automatically become frightened if we encounter a
large, powerful animal.
 Say the word: instinctive
 If we are in danger, our actions are usually
instinctive, meaning we use our instincts. We
can respond to frightening situations without
 What would your instinctive reaction be if you
heard a loud sound? How about if you smelled
 What was the word? instinctive
In the story, the author describes a state of being
modest in the presence of nature and bears. He calls
this quality humility. This word means being meek
or modest. The opposite of humility is arrogance or
conceit. If you show humility, you do not show a
lot of confidence.
 What is the word? humility
 Think about how you could show humility in
nature. What do you think would be a better
choice if you encountered a bear? Would you
stay still and be quiet, or would you run at the
bear and swing a stick at it?
 Can you think of another situation in which to
shoe humility?
 Say the word: humility
What five words have we been working on?
tolerant, selective, engrossed, instinctive, and humility
 Which word describes you if you are taking
your time to decide on what type of pizza to
order? (selective)
 Which word explains our natural ability to
sense danger?(instinctive)
 Which word describes someone who is so
involved in something, they do not hear the
doorbell? (engrossed)
 Which word describes what a person shows if
they are hesitant to accept an award? (humility)
 What word describes a family who always
welcomes the children of the neighborhood into
their home? (tolerant)
Explicit Vocabulary: The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home
Day One: Introduce the words using the vocabulary cards. Students record words in their
word logs.
Day Two: Review the words with a game activity.
Day Three: Open ended questions for partners or independent assignment.
Day Four: Fill-in-the-blank activity.
Day Five: assessment
For each question, the teacher writes two words on the board. In teams, the students
discuss which word is correct and one stands to represent the group. Whoever stands first
must answer the question with support to earn a point for their team. If they cannot do so,
the other team has a chance to earn a point by answering correctly, with support.
1. Which would you probably be if you were stepping onto an airplane for the first time?
2. Which would describe a nest or hive filled with hornets? Why?
3. Which would describe someone who captures and sells a giant panda? Why?
4. Which describes what the makers of virtual reality software do to make games
realistic? Why?
5. Which describes the possibility that robot maids could be in every household of the
Show on the overhead and have students work alone or in pairs to answer.
1. Explain the difference between poachers and hunters.
2. How are hesitant and potential opposites? (ex. To reach full potential, you may have to
take a chance on something uncertain.)
3. Finish this statement: A school is teeming with…
1. I am going to _________________ the arctic when I decorate my daughter’s
room with blue walls and stenciled snowflakes. (simulate)
2. The small mound of dirt is _________________ with red ants that will bite you.
3. There were several _________________ arrested last week when a police search
resulted in the recovery of several elephant tusks that had been in their possession.
4. The small children were __________________ to speak to the stranger and their
mother was relieved that they had heeded her many warnings. (hesitant)
5. Gasoline costs have the ___________________ of rising even more over the
summer months. (potential)
1. The astronauts were hesitant to leave the spacecraft? Were they confident?
2. The poachers were killing animals for food? Were they breaking the law?
3. The actor simulated walking a dog in a game of charades? What exactly did he do?
4. The report card comment indicated that Susan was working to her potential. Was she
doing well?
5. The courthouse was teeming with reporters when the verdict was delivered. Was it a
big case?
In the selection The Golden Lion Tamarin, we learned that
the tropical rain forest is teeming with life. Teeming means
full of things. In the beginning of the story, three siblings are
surrounded by the many living things in the rain forest. Note
that the root word teem is not spelled t-e-a-m as this is a
completely different word.
Say the word: teeming
The old cardboard boxes on the floor of the garage
were teeming with cockroaches. The stores were
teeming with shoppers as the holiday approached.
Can you think of another thing or place that is
teeming with something?
What is the word? Teeming
In the selection The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home
poachers trap the tamarins to sell for a high price illegally.
Poachers are people who catch fish or hunt game illegally.
When I hear the word poachers, I think of trappers who kill
animals and sell their fur illegally for the making of
expensive coats. This practice is against the law because of
the animal’s endangered status.
What is the word? poachers
What do you think of when you hear the word
poachers? Can you think of any other animals that
may be in danger from poachers?
Say the word: poachers
In the selection, the author explains that many of the farmers
were hesitant to have the tamarins on their land. Hesitant
means reluctant or uncertain. Eventually the farmers became
at ease with the monkeys. Many students are hesitant to
answer questions in class because they fear their answer may
be incorrect.
What is the word? hesitant
I often feel hesitant to speak when I am around
people that I do not know.
Have you ever felt hesitant about something other
than answering questions?
What’s the word? hesitant
The Golden Lion Tamarin Comes Home describes how
the National Zoo simulates the natural habitat of the
monkeys. Simulate means imitate. For instance, they
use ropes to simulate vines of the rain forest. Video
games use animation to simulate actions, such as
driving and playing football.
 Say the word: simulate
 At JA Biztown, a community is simulated to
teach students the role of working, banking,
voting, etc.
 If you were making a diorama of the rain forest,
what could you use to simulate its appearance?
 What was the word? simulate
In the story, as the monkeys are reintroduced into
their natural habitat, they have to learn about their
potential prey. Potential means future capability or
possibility. The potential prey of the monkeys will
be small reptiles, mammals, and insects.
What is the word? potential
Have you ever heard a teacher say that you or
another classmate is not working to their
potential? That means that the teacher expects
more from the student based on his/her ability.
Name a potential predator of the golden lion
Say the word: potential
What five words have we been working on?
Teeming, hesitant, poachers, simulate, and potential
 Which word describes you if you are afraid to
enter a dark room? (hesitant)
 Which word explains the possibility of
inexpensive space travel for Americans?
 Which word describes a crowded restaurant?
 Which word describes people who sell fish they
never should have caught? (poacher)
 Which word describes what a zookeeper does to
make the animals feel at home? (simulate)