Faculty of Veterinary Science, BUDAPEST
Founded in 1787 * EU-accredited since 1995
International Study Programs
1078 Budapest, István u. 2
H-1400 Budapest, P.O.Box. 2., HUNGARY
fax: (+361) 4784-117
phone: (+361) 4784-106
Elective courses offered for the spring semester of 2011/2012
(20th Jan. 2012)
1. Selected Chapters of Human Anatomy ( all years )
Held by Professor Hajós Ferenc, 15 lectures / 3 credits,
Students have to sign up for the list at the Secretariat at Peter Lessi’s office till the end of
February. Course starts from March only.
Ends with written exam.
2. Physiological Basis of Cardiology ( year 2+3+4+5+inactives )
Held by Dr. Bartha Tibor, 30 lectures / 3 credits
Students have to sign up at the Physiology Department at Krisztina Nagy, Educational
Officer , email: szajbertne.nagy.krisztina@aotk.szie.hu.
Visit their webpage : http://www.vetphysiol.hu for announcement.
Ends with a written exam.
3. Radiobiology
( prerequisite: succesful Chemistry and Biophysics final exam, after the 1st year )
Held by Dr. Balogh Lajos , 24 lectures / 4 credits,
Ends with a written exam.
Students have to sign up at the Physiology Department at Krisztina Nagy (Educational
email: szajbertne.nagy.krisztina@aotk.szie.hu.Visit their webpage :
http://www.vetphysiol.hu. for announcement.
5. Stem Cells - from biology to therapeutic applications ( year 3+4+5+inactives )
Held by Dr. Jancsik Vera, 15 lectures, 3 credits ( email: jancsik.vera@aotk.szie.hu )
Sign up at Peter Lessi till 17th February.
Ends with written exam
6. Reptile Medicine ( year 3+4+5+inactives )
Held by Dr. Gál János ( 20 lectures + 5 practicals, held in modules – information later) ,
3 credits. Info: gal.janos@aotk.szie.hu. Sign up till 17th February at Peter Lessi.
Ends with a written test.
7. Hungarian and Latin language course ( all years )
No credit, contact the department: karvazy.balazs@aotk.szie.hu ( Latin ) or
tunkli.ilona@aotk.szie.hu. ( Hungarian ).
Faculty of Veterinary Science, BUDAPEST
Founded in 1787 * EU-accredited since 1995
International Study Programs
1078 Budapest, István u. 2
H-1400 Budapest, P.O.Box. 2., HUNGARY
fax: (+361) 4784-117
phone: (+361) 4784-106
Elective courses offered for the spring semester of 2011/2012
(20th Jan. 2012 )
8. Horse in the Farrier’s View ( year 3+4+5+inactives )
Held by Dr. Gerics Balázs , 15h lectures / 3 credits
Students have to send an email : gerics.balazs@aotk.szie.hu to sign up for the course.
Ends with a written exam.
9. Horse Breeding ( year 3+4+5+inactives )
Held by Prof. Zöldág László, 15 lectures / 3 credits
Sign up at the Secretariat, Péter Lessi’s office till 17th February.
Ends with a written exam. Contact: zoldag.laszlo@aotk.szie.hu
10. Hot Topics in Human Nutrition ( year 3+4+5, after attending Nutrition 1, but
successful Nutrition 1 exam is NOT required prior to participate!)
Held by Prof. Fekete Sándor ( 15 lectures / 3 credits ). Start from 2nd week!
Sign up by email: senyi.krisztina@aotk.szie.hu and fekete.sandor@aotk.szie.hu or on the
premises of the first lecture only! Ends with a written exam.
11. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
( after successful Virology and Bacteriology exam, after 5th semester )
Held by Dr. Tamás Bakonyi & Dr. László Makrai, 15 labs / 5 credits, limited
participation with maximum 16 students! 4 occasions:
Virology 1 (3×45 min): 23rd February (Thursday), 17:15.-19:30
Virology 2 (3×45 min): 1st March (Thursday), 17:15.-19:30
Bacteriology 1 (3×45 min): 13th April. (Friday), 15:00.-17:15
Bacteriológy 2 (3×45 min): 20th April (Friday), 15:00.-17:15
Only those should sign up, who WILL attend! (please)
Ends with an exam.
12. Molecular background of Pathogenesis of Viral Infections ( 4-5th years )
Held by Dr. Tuboly Tamás, 14 lectures / 3 credits, students can sign up at the
Secretariat, Péter Lessi’s office till 17th February ( Thursday). Ends with exam.
Email: tuboly.tamas@aotk.szie.hu
13. Companion Animal Dietetics ( prev. Cat & Dog Dietetics ) (year 4+5)
Held by Prof. Fekete Sándor ( 15 lectures + 4 practicals / 4 credits ). Start form 2nd
week! Sign up by email: senyi.krisztina@aotk.szie.hu and fekete.sandor@aotk.szie.hu or
on the premises of the first lecture only! Ends with a written exam.
Faculty of Veterinary Science, BUDAPEST
Founded in 1787 * EU-accredited since 1995
International Study Programs
1078 Budapest, István u. 2
H-1400 Budapest, P.O.Box. 2., HUNGARY
fax: (+361) 4784-117
phone: (+361) 4784-106
Elective courses offered for the spring semester of 2011/2012
(20th Jan. 2012 )
14. Clinical Pathology ( for 5th year )
Held by Dr. Vajdovich Péter, 30 lectures, 5 credits
Sign up: vajdovich.peter@aotk.szie.hu
Ends with a written exam.
15. Dermatology of Cats and Dogs ( prerequisite: final exam in Internal Medicine )
18 lectures + 2 practicals, 4 credits
Held by Dr. Noémi Tarpataki, sign up via email: tarpataki.noemi@aotk.szie.hu )
15. Operation Techniques. Manual practice on canine cadavers – soft tissues
6 credits, 5 lectures +10 practicals, for year 4-5, held by Dr. Szalay Ferenc (Anatomy Department)
Sign up: szalay.ferenc@aotk.szie.hu, limited participation
16.Aquaculture hygiene – Intensive fish culture
5 credits, 20 lessons, year 4-5, held by Dr. Baska Ferenc
Sign up emaling him: baska.ferenc@aotk.szie.hu
15. Special topics and demonstration in small animals
3X5 lessons, 9 credits, for year 5, held by Dr. Sterczer Ágnes ( Internal Medicine Department )
Sign up at the 5th year Classs Rep. Ends with written exam.