FAPE Indicator 1: - Ministry of Education

Special Education Program
(April 14, 2008 Revision)
For the period of
Federal Fiscal Year 2006-2007
Submitted by
Ministry of Education
Special Education Program
Ms. Ruth Ryder
U.S. Department of Education
ATTN: Janet Scire / Mail Stop 2600
7100 Old Landover Road
Landover, MD, 20785-1506
For more information contact: Ms. Helen Sengebau, Interim Coordinator
Special Education
(680) 488-2568 [phone]
(680) 488-5808 [FAX]
email: spedcor@palaunet.com
APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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Overview of Palau APR ................................................................................................
Indicator 1: Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a
regular diploma compared to percent of all youth in the State graduating
with a regular diploma. ......................................................................................................
Indicator 2: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to
the percent of all youth in the State dropping out of high school. .......................................
Indicator 3: Participation and performance of children with disabilities on
statewide assessments. ....................................................................................................
Indicator 4: Rates of suspension and expulsion. ............................................................
Indicator 5: Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21. .......................................
Indicator 6: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who received special
education and related services in settings with typically developing peers (e.g.,
early childhood settings, home, and part-time early childhood/part-time early
childhood special education settings). ...............................................................................
Indicator 8: Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services
who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving
services and results for children with disabilities. ..............................................................
Indicator 9: Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial
and ethnic groups in special education and related services that is the result of
inappropriate identification. ...............................................................................................
Indicator 10: Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial
and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate
identification. .....................................................................................................................
Indicator 11: Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were
evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 days (or State established timeline). ..........
Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are
found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by
their third birthdays. ..........................................................................................................
Indicator 13: Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes
coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will
reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals. ....................................
APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Indicator 15: General supervision system (including monitoring, complaints,
hearings, etc.) identifies and corrects noncompliance as soon as possible but in no case later
than one year from identification. ...................................................................................... 51
Indicator 16: Percent of signed written complaints with reports issued that were
resolved within 60-day timeline or a timeline extended for exceptional circumstances with
respect to a particular complaint. ......................................................................................
Indicator 17: Percent of fully adjudicated due process hearing requests that
were fully adjudicated within the 45-day timeline or a timeline that is properly extended by the
hearing officer at the request of either party. ..................................................................... 63
Indicator 18: Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that
were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements.....................................
Indicator 19: Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation agreements. ...........
Indicator 20: State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and Annual
Performance Report) are timely and accurate. ..................................................................
1. Table 6: Participation and Performance of Disabled Students on Statewide
Assessments (2006-2007)
2. Pre-school Parent Survey
3. Elementary/Secondary Parent Survey
4. Revised Monitoring Procedures
5. Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Justice (2008)
6. Procedures for Implementation of Procedural Safeguards
7. Table 7: Report of Dispute Resolution under the IDEA (2006-2007)
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Overview of Palau’s FFY 2006 Annual Performance Report Development
Palau’s FFY 2006 APR preparation process began with a one day working meeting in
Washington, DC on August 7, 2007 with assistance from OSEP staff, support from our
consultant with the University of Oregon Technical Assistance and Consulting Services (TACS),
and additional support from the Western Regional Resource Center (WRRC). Working teams
from the last APR cycle were reactivated to complete the work and a timeline was developed for
completion of the required sections by the February1, 2008 submission date. Palau staff
continued working on the documents upon their return with support from TACS, OSEP staff, the
WRRC, NECTAC and University of Guam CEDDERS.. During the first two weeks in November
2007, TACS staff and Palau’s 3rd party monitor were onsite to continue work on the documents.
Additional assistance was provided through regularly scheduled teleconferences with Palau’s
OSEP contact, Rich Steffan, and though offsite support from TACS/WRRC, NECTAC and
CEDDERS. On January 24, 2008, the Special Education Advisory Committee, reviewed final
drafts of both the SPP and the APR, new targets and revised activities were approved, and
suggested changes were completed. Both reports were submitted to OSEP by the February 1,
2008 deadline.
Public Dissemination and Reporting
As with the last APR, Palau will provide copies of the APR to Special Education Advisory
Committee members, public school principals, and hard copies will be made available at various
public sites throughout Palau. The FFY 2006 APR will be posted on the Palau Ministry of
Education Web site for public viewing. Presentations about the APR will be made at school
building meetings by the Consulting Resource Teachers (CRTs). The Special Education
Coordinator will report annually to the SEAC and to the public on the progress in meeting
Palau’s measurable and rigorous targets as specified in the APR and in Palau’s revised SPP.
The 2006 APR will be posted to the Ministry of Education website for public access, along with
the revised SPP.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LRE
INDICATOR 1: Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma
compared to percent of all youth in the State graduating with a regular diploma.
Measurement. Measurement for youth with IEPs should be the same measurement
as for all youth. Explain calculation.
Palau uses a ‘cohort’ calculation for determining graduation rate.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
30% of youth with IEPs graduate from high school
with a regular diploma
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
Table FAPE 1: Graduation Rate over the past 4 years
(Cohort 2000)
(Cohort 2001)
(Cohort 2002)
(Cohort 2003)
Total High School
Graduation rate for all
64% (146)
Graduation rate for
students without a
68% (143)
Graduation rate for
students with a
18% (3)
APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Figure FAPE 1. 2006-2007 Cohort Graduation Rate
2006-2007 Cohort Graduation Rate
Total HS Students
Nondisabled Students
Students w ith disabilities
2003-2004 2004-2005
2005-2006 2006-2007
Numbers used for the Percentage Calculations:
-Total number of all youth graduated in SY: 2006-2007
-Total Number of all youth enrolled in SY: 2003-2004
-Percent of all youth graduating in 2006-2007
*143/275 x 100 = 52%
-Total of all youth without a disability enrolled in SY: 2003-2004
-Percent of all youth without a disability graduating in 2006-2007
*140/272 x 100 = 52%
-Total of all youth with IEPs graduated in SY2006-2007
-Total of all youth with IEPs enrolled in SY: 2003-2004
-Percent of youth with a disability graduating in SY: 2006-2007
*03/03 x 100 = 100%
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
Improvement Activities
Activity #1:
Convene a workgroup to consider the definition of graduation with a
regular diploma.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
A Committee was convened to develop a handbook for the entire high
school. Currently there are two graduation options for students with
disabilities (regular high school diploma, and IEP diploma).
It has been decided that only the regular high school diploma will be
considered a ‘regular’ diploma. A regular diploma is defined as
completion of 25 credits in required courses and electives. An IEP
diploma is a diploma awarded to students who successfully complete
their IEPs. This is now reflected in Palau’s Eligibility Document currently
in the process of final revision.
Activity #2:
Update Palau High School’s Handbook to reflect any changes.
Not Completed: Palau High School Handbook is currently in draft form but not yet
Activity #3:
Hire more special education teachers in the high school to assist students
in the general classes.
Not Completed: Due to staff retirements special education has had to make the filling of
existing vacancies its top priority. As the available pool of qualified
applicants is quite small in Palau, it has been difficult to fill newly created
Activity #4:
Provide general education teacher training on how to teach students on
IEPs especially on the provision of more accommodations to students in
the general education classes and continue thereafter.
Partly Completed: An accommodation guideline and manual were recently completed
through our GSEG grant on alternate assessment. General education
teachers received training on the four step process for adapting curricula
for students with disabilities using MOE achievement standards. Other
activities will be investigated.
Activity #7:
Explore the GEAR UP opportunities available in the high school and
encourage students with disabilities to participate in the program
Student participated in this program last school year. Resource teachers
monitored progress and attendance through the program tutor. There
were times when the venue was congested; student was provided
services at Resource center by the same resource teachers as per
student’s request.
Progress / Slippage
MET TARGET FOR 2006: Based on the data given, 3 students with disabilities graduated
last school year (2006-2007) with regular diplomas. These are students who entered during
school year 2003-2004 as freshmen. The result is a dramatic 85% increase as compared to
the result of the last reporting period of 15%. This is also an additional 70% increase based
on our target for this reporting period of 30%. Over the course of the last three years, the
graduation rate has been fluctuating and this is due to our small population; therefore, slight
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
change in numbers can result in a drastic change of percentage. Palau understands that in
the future we will no longer have to report comparative data for all youth. However, since
we had already run these comparisons we are including them in this year’s submission.
This comparison will likely be dropped in future reports.
Measurement for youth with IEPs should be the same measurement as for all youth.
Explain calculation. Palau uses a ‘cohort’ calculation for determining graduation rate. At
present this calculation has no adjustment for repeaters or transfers Palau Ministry of
Education will continue to use a Cohort System to determine graduation rate for all students.
However, Palau High School, which is the only public high school in the Republic, is
currently updating its system to accommodate the Western Association of Schools and
Colleges (WASC) priority, to ensure that its accreditation will continue to be in effect in
March 2010 and beyond. With the accreditation in place, the PHS WASC team is currently
monitoring students’ absenteeism and progress to ensure that students pass and complete
the courses. This procedure will allow an opportunity for students who need assistance to
acquire help from teachers before failing the courses. This will also help account for
repeaters, transfer students and potential dropouts.
From the OSEP response table for FFY 2005
 In the FFY 2006 APR, the ROP must provide an explanation that addresses whether
there are substantive differences in the two diplomas and the requirements for earning
each diploma
To clarify graduating with a regular diploma and IEP diploma, a Committee was
convened to develop a handbook for the entire high school. Currently there are two
graduation options for students with disabilities (regular high school diploma, and IEP
diploma). It has been decided that only the regular high school diploma will be considered a
‘regular’ diploma.
A regular diploma is defined as completion of 25 credits in required courses and electives.
An IEP diploma is a diploma awarded to students who successfully complete their IEPs.
This is now reflected in Palau’s Eligibility Document currently in the process of final revision.
For individualized education diploma: the student must earn 25 credits and complete the
requirements of the student’s special education IEP. The reference to earning 25 credits is
related to instructional time completed, i.e., one credit is earned for every class period for an
entire year, or two class periods for one semester. These updated definitions are being
included in the updated High School handbook.
The ROP should report in the FFY 2006 APR, due February 1, 2008, an update on
MOE’s plans for changing the cohort formula to include repeaters.
Palau Ministry of Education does not currently have plans to change the cohort formula.
This is used as a completion rate for the number of students who enter as freshmen and
those who graduate four years later. It is used literally for this purpose that does not
account for repeaters, dropout, withdrawals and transfers.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for 2006-2007
Activity #2:
This activity will continue but change timeline to ongoing until 2010.
Activity #3:
Change improvement activity to only hire one sped teacher for now.
Change timeline to ongoing until a qualified teacher is hired.
Activity #4:
Change timeline to August 2008 since the Guideline was recently
developed last October 2007.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LRE
INDICATOR 2: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to the percent
of all youth in the State dropping out of high school.
(20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(A))
Measurement: Measurement for youth with IEPs should be the same measurement as
for all youth. Explain calculation.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
Only 17% of youth with IEPs will drop out of high school
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
Table FAPE 2: Drop Out Rate
Total High School Students
8.2% (64)
Students without disabilities
6.3% (47)
Students with a disability
32% (17)
Numbers used for the Percentage Calculations:
Total of all youth dropped out in SY: 2006-2007
Total high school students in SY: 2006-2007
*32/810 x 100 = 4%
Total high school IEP students dropped out in SY: 2006-2007
Total high school IEP students in SY 2006-2007
*5/43 x 100 = 12%
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Table FAPE 3: Special Education Weekly Activity Form
School Year
Students with
Remained in School
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007:
Improvement Activities
Activity #1:
Develop forms and distribute to all sped and regular ed. teachers to keep
track of IEP student attendance and submit to school counselors and
CRTs weekly to allow for immediate follow up.
Completed: for 2006. This is an ongoing activity and will continue each year.
Activity #2:
Follow up immediately with students and their families on verge of
dropping out or who have dropped out and explore options for staying in
Completed for 2006: This is an ongoing activity and will continue each year.
Activity #3:
In Process:
Establish a better transition service between elementary and high school
to increase the number of students with disabilities who enroll in high
See revised activity below.
Activity #4:
Review improvement activities, continue those that increase retention rate
and identify others as needed.
Completed for 2006: This is an ongoing activity and will continue each year.
NOTE: Staff will review reasons for drop out and from that develop some possible
new improvement strategies to be included here.
Progress / Slippage
Met Target for 2006: According to current data 5 of 43 high school students (12%) dropped
out of High School last school year (’06-’07). This represents slight slippage from last year
(8%) but still below our goal of 17% dropout rate for SY 2006-07. As has been noted
previously, a change in just a few students can cause major swings in percentage rates. For
example, only two more students dropped out in 2006-07 (5) when compared to 2005-06 (3)
but this resulted in a difference of 4%. Still, when we look at our progress over time, we
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
have reduced our dropout rate significantly from the 32% rate of 2003-04 and the trend is
The Special Education Weekly Activity form was used by the High School CRT and
resource teachers to collect data from last school year (2006-2007). The form was revised
to accommodate such needs as well as to provide flexibility for ensuring that all students are
continually monitored and remained in school. Last school year, there were 43 special
education students who were monitored by their teachers and the CRT. Thirty-eight (38) out
of 43 students (88%) remained in school while 12% dropped out. Those who dropped out
have had health/medical and/or social related issues. One student did not register for high
school but preferred to work full time to help parents support the family. The other parents
refused services due to their son’s medical reason. Service providers gave them an option
to provide services at home but parent refused due to lack of venue. These are some
examples or reasons why student dropped out from school. Palau Special Education
Program will continue to monitor this system annually to ensure success and to continue to
decrease the drop out rate. We wish to also note that as a result of our indicator 14 followup activities, two of the students who dropped out last year were persuaded to return to high
school. This shows how these activities can interact to help improve results for our
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for 2006-2007
Activity #3 revised: Establish a better transition service between elementary and high
school to increase the number of students with disabilities who enroll in
high school. To aid in this process a Transition guideline is under
development and will be finalized before the end of the FFY 07 school
year (May 2008).
Activity #5 (NEW): Distribute the Transition Guideline to the school principals once it is
completed (by August 2008).
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LRE
INDICATOR 3: Participation and performance of children with disabilities on statewide
A. Percent of districts that have a disability subgroup that meets the State’s minimum “n”
size meeting the State’s AYP objectives for progress for disability subgroup.
B. Participation rate for children with IEPs in a regular assessment with no
accommodations; regular assessment with accommodations; alternate assessment
against grade level standards; alternate assessment against alternate achievement
C. Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level standards and alternate
achievement standards.
(20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(A))
A. Percent = [(# of districts meeting the State’s AYP objectives for progress for the
disability subgroup (children with IEPs)) divided by the (total # of districts that have
a disability subgroup that meets the State’s minimum “n” size in the State)] times
B. Participation rate =
a. # of children with IEPs in assessed grades; 73
b. # of children with IEPs in regular assessment with no accommodations
(percent = [(b) divided by (a)] times 100); Math: 6/73 X 100 = 8% Reading:
6/73 X 100 = 8%
c. # of children with IEPs in regular assessment with accommodations (percent
= [(c) divided by (a)] times 100);Math: 42/73 X 100 = 58% Reading: 45/73 X
100 = 62%
d. # of children with IEPs in alternate assessment against grade level
achievement standards (percent = [(d) divided by (a)] times 100); N/A
e. # of children with IEPs in alternate assessment against alternate achievement
standards (percent = [(e) divided by (a)] times 100): 15/73 X 100 = 21%
Account for any children included in a but not included in b, c, d, or e above.
Math: 10 students were absent the days of test administration
Reading: 7 students were absent the days of test administration
Overall Percent = [(b + c + d + e) divided by (a)].
Math: (6 + 42 + 0+ 15)/73 or 63/73 = 86%
Reading: (6 + 45 + 0+ 15)/73 = 90%
C. Proficiency rate =
a. # of children with IEPs in assessed grades; 73
b. # of children with IEPs in assessed grades who are proficient or above as
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
measured by the regular assessment with no accommodations (percent = [(b)
divided by (a)] times 100); Math: 0 Reading: 0%.
c. # of children with IEPs in assessed grades who are proficient or above as
measured by the regular assessment with accommodations (percent = [(c)
divided by (a)] times 100); Math: 0%; Reading: 7/73 X 100 = 10%
d. # of children with IEPs in assessed grades who are proficient or above as
measured by the alternate assessment against grade level achievement
standards (percent = [(d) divided by (a)] times 100); N/A
e. # of children with IEPs in assessed grades who are proficient or above as
measured against alternate achievement standards (percent = [(e) divided by
(a)] times 100). Math: 11/73 X 100 = 15%; Reading: 10/73 X 100 = 14%
Account for any children included in a but not included in b, c, d, or e above.
Overall Percent = [(b + c + d + e) divided by (a)].
(0 + 0 + 0 + 11)/ 73 = 15%
Reading: (0 + 7 + 0 + 10)/ 73 = 23%
Measurable and Rigorous Targets
3B (a)
Increase participation of IEP students in the PAT to 82%
3B (b). 100% of alternate assessment for IEP students will be
3C (a). Performance of IEP students in Statewide Assessments with
no accommodation will increase to 40% proficiency
3C (b). Performance of IEP students in statewide assessment with
accommodation will increase to 40%
3C (c). Alternate Assessments will be scored
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006 (2006-2007) - (refer to attached 618 Table 6)
Measurement A: Does not apply to ROP.
Measurement B: ROP actual data based on targets for 2006-2007. (refer to participation tables
(a) ROP overall participation in PAT, including AA-AAS: 86% (63/73) in Math and 90%
(66/73) in Reading.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
(b) ROP overall participation in an AA-AAS: 20% (15/73) for both Math and Reading. It
should be noted that based on the IEPs, the 15 students who took the AA-AAS
represented 100% of those students with IEPs requiring an AA-AAS.
Palau Achievement Test
Children with IEPs
Regular assess with
NO accommodations
Regular assess with
AA against gradelevel achievement
ROP does not have an alternate assessment (AA) that tests
children against grade-level achievement standards.
AA against alternate
Overall: [(b+c+d+e) divided by
(84%) (100%)
Children with IEPs included in “a” but not included in the other subcategories:
Other (list reasons)
*HS: High School grade used for this calculation is not identified as the cell size (7) is
less than the minimum ‘n’ established for purposes of confidentiality.
Palau Achievement Test
Children with IEPs
Regular assess
with NO
Regular assess
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
AA against gradelevel achievement
ROP does not have an alternate assessment (AA) that tests
children against grade-level achievement standards.
AA against
Overall: [(b+c+d+e) divided by
(89%) (100%) (95%)
Children with IEPs included in “a” but not included in the other subcategories:
Other (list reasons)
*HS: High School grade used for this calculation is not identified as the cell size (7) is
less than the minimum ‘n’ established for purposes of confidentiality.
Measurement 3 C: NOTE: New Baseline Data for Proficiency for 2006-07 (see discussion of
data below)
ROP actual data based on targets for 2006-2007. (refer to proficiency tables below)
(a) ROP overall performance of proficiency in (a) Regular assessment with NO
accommodations: 0% in Math and 0% in Reading.
(b) ROP overall performance of proficiency in (a) Regular assessment with
accommodations: 0% in Math and 10% (7/73) in Reading.
(c) ROP scored and reported all AA-AAS. Results appear in the tables below.
Palau Achievement Test
Children with IEPs
Proficient or above in
regular assess with
NO accommodations
Proficient or above in
regular assess with
Proficient or above in
AA against gradelevel achievement
ROP does not have an alternate assessment (AA) that tests
children against grade-level achievement standards.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Palau Achievement Test
Proficient or above in
AA against alternate
Overall: [(b+c+d+e) divided
by a]
*HS: High School grade used for this calculation is not identified as the cell size
(7) is less than the minimum ‘n’ established for purposes of confidentiality
Palau Achievement Test
Children with IEPs
Proficient or above in
regular assess with
NO accommodations
Proficient or above in
regular assess with
Proficient or above in
AA against gradelevel achievement
ROP does not have an alternate assessment (AA) that
tests children against grade-level achievement
Proficient or above in
AA against alternate
Overall: [(b+c+d+e) divided
by a]
*HS: High School grade used for this calculation is not identified as the cell size
(7) is less than the minimum ‘n’ established for purposes of confidentiality.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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APR Template – Part B (4)
Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007
Improvement Activities
3 B&C: Participation and Performance of IEP Students in Statewide Assessment
Activities with no Accommodation.
Activity #1:
Special Education Office will submit a list of all students with IEPs who
will participate in the statewide assessment test to Research and
Evaluation Division.
Completed for 2006: Sped Data Manager submitted the list on April 2007.
Activity #2:
CRTs will meet with Resource Teachers to review IEPs and align them
with learning targets when and if necessary.
Completed for 2006: There have been ongoing meetings to address this issue since
March 2007. This is an ongoing activity.
3B&C: Participation and Performance of IEP Students in Statewide Assessment
Activities with Accommodation.
Activity #1:
Collaborate with Ministry of Education’s Research and Evaluation Division
to identify accommodations and modifications to be used by students with
IEPs during the test.
This activity was completed in April 2006 as reported in the last APR.
3B &C: Participation and Performance of Students in Alternate Assessment activities
Activity #1:
Activity #2:
Special Ed. Resource Teachers will meet with CRTs (Elem. and H.S.) to
review portfolio documents for all students involved in Alternate
It was reported in the last APR.
Establish Policy and Procedures with MOE Research and Evaluation
Staff for the grading of alternate assessment portfolios
It was reported in the last APR. Additional development of participation
guidelines was completed in October 2007.
Activity #3:
Align current Palau grade level standard with alternate assessment
portfolio process.
Completed for 2006: ROP participated in a series of technical assistance activities to
address the development of an alternate assessment based on alternate
achievement standards designed for students with significant cognitive
disabilities. The GSEG Pacific Assessment Consortium (PAC6), an
OSEP-funded grant for the Pacific Basin entities administered through the
University of Guam Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Education, Research, and Service (Guam CEDDERS), has provided
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
technical support for ROP to improve capacity for reporting accurate
participation and performance data of students with disabilities in the
PAT, and as appropriate, an AA-AAS. The GSEG PAC6 has been able
to access expertise from within the region, as well as U.S. mainland
technical assistance providers in the field of special education and largescale assessments, such as the National Center on Educational
Outcomes (NCEO), University of Kentucky’s Inclusive Large Scale
Standards and Assessment (ILSSA) and the National Alternate
Assessment Center (NAAC), the National Center for Improving
Educational Assessments (NCIEA), and the Western Regional Resource
Center (WRRC). These “experts” in the field provided on-site technical
support during the regional training, institutes, and entity-site visits.
In July 2006, ROP key leadership personnel participated in the initial
PAC6 training held on Guam. This one-week training provided an
overview of an inclusive assessment system including the critical
components of an AA-AAS. A follow-up on-site technical assistance visit
was conducted by Guam CEDDERS and WRRC staff in Fall 2006 to
meet with ROP’s key leadership and stakeholders, including special
education teachers of students with significant cognitive disabilities.
In January 2007, a one-week Institute was held on Guam to further the
knowledge and skills of the Pacific Basin Leadership Assessment Teams
on content and strategies for developing and/or improving their inclusive
assessment system. ROP’s Leadership Assessment Team of 4 key
leadership personnel participated in the Institute, resulting in an increased
understanding the critical components of an inclusive assessment
system, including the development and implementation of an AA-AAS. A
follow-up on-site technical assistance visit conducted by Guam and
WRRC supported the implementation of ROP’s AA-AAS, a portfolio-body
of evidence-system, which uses the 4-Step Process for instruction to
gather relevant evidence.
In July 2007, 11 ROP Leadership Assessment Team members and key
stakeholders participated in the GSEG PAC6 Institute held in Pohnpei,
FSM. The Institute focused on standard setting with the development of a
rubric and scoring system for the student portfolios from the
implementation process for reporting AA-AAS performance data.
The GSEG PAC6 technical support will continue in 2007-2008 with
regional institutes and on-site technical support to ensure full
implementation of an inclusive assessment system, including an AA-AAS.
It was clear that the ROP is implementing an AA-AAS for students with
significant cognitive disabilities and not an AA based on grade-level
achievement standards. For 2007-2008, updates to the participation
guidelines with specific plans for continued training with key stakeholders
will be conducted.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Activity #4:
Activity #5:
Collaborate with Ministry of Education data management system on
getting special education student data related to participation and
performance in statewide assessment.
A new process is in place and will be reviewed periodically.
Meet with responsible MOE staff to identify needed assessment data and
provide procedures for generating needed reports by APR timelines
Data is being received for the APR annually.
Activity #6:
Provide training annually for all teachers on participation in the statewide
assessment (PAT and Alternate Assessment). Conduct mini training
sessions at each individual school as needed.
Completed for 2006: 4-Step process, an instructional structure that strongly links
instruction with grade-level content, provided for the evidence in the
portfolio system. Training on 4-Step was conducted in March 2007
followed by mini trainings to targeted schools. A second training was
conducted in October 2007 and will be documented in the next APR.
Progress / Slippage
3B (a). Increase participation of IEP students in the PAT to 82%
MET TARGET - Progress
Calculation for 3b: (b + c + d + e)/a
Math: (6 + 42 + 0 + 15)/73 or 63/73 = 86%
Reading: (6 + 45 + 0+ 15) or 66/73 = 90%
3B (b). 100% of alternate assessments for IEP students will be completed
MET TARGET: All 15 students participated in the AA-AAS (4-STEP Process) last
school year.
Note: Palau has revised its whole scoring system for the PAT which has
resulted in a much more rigorous standard for determining proficiency. This
has resulted in dramatic decreases in the number of students who are
identified as proficient. As a result this year’s data are considered new
baseline data and Palau has proposed revised targets based on the new
scoring system and FY 2006 data. Comparisons to last year’s targets are
presented here, however, the new data are actually not comparable with
targets previously established.
3C (a). Performance of IEP students in Statewide Assessments with no
accommodation will increase to 40% proficiency.
Math: 0%
Reading: 0%
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
3C (b). Performance of IEP students in statewide assessment with accommodation
will increase to 40%.
DID NOT MEET TARGET: Some progress for reading
Math: 0%
Reading: 7/73 X 100 = 10%
3C (c). Performance of IEP Students in Alternate Assessment: 2006 target, Alternate
Assessments Portfolios will be scored.
DID NOT MEET TARGET: Results for only 12 of the 15 students were scorable.
Participation. Last school year, 2006-2007, there were a total of 73 students in grades
assessed who were supposed to participate in Statewide Assessment. 58 out of the 73
students participated in the Palau Achievement Test (PAT), with and without
accommodation, and 15 students participated in the PAT 4 STEP Process alternate
Math Portion of Test: There were 48 of 58 students who participated in Math test with and
without accommodations, while 15 participated in the alternate for a total of 86% (63/73).
The other (10) students were absent on the day of testing. Our ‘participation’ target was
exceeded by 4% when compared with the projected target of 82%.
Reading Portion of Test: For Reading, 51students participated with and without
accommodation, 15 in the alternate and 7 were absent the day of testing. Our ‘participation’
target was exceeded by 8% (90%) when compared with the projected target (82%).
The PAT test with and without accommodation is administered in a 3 days period and two
content areas were covered each day. To ensure participation, CRTs and the Data Manager
tracked down students ahead of time. Special Education teachers also assisted to make
sure that students participated.
Alternate Assessment: all 15 identified students participated in the alternate Assessment
Process this year (100%)
Performance. Palau did not meet its targets for students with and without accommodation
because previous targets were based on average scores across all content areas and not
on a subject specific proficiency rate. Palau has changed the way it scores these
assessments which does not allow for valid comparisons with the original baseline data.
For this reporting period we are providing proficiency scores for Reading and Math based on
a revised scoring system adopted by the MOE. Palau is changing its targets to more
accurately reflect its revised proficiency scoring and new baseline data.
The performance of students with IEPs in Math who participated in Statewide Assessment
did not meet proficiency level. However in Reading, the data show that there are 2 students
who met basic, 4 students who met proficiency level and 1 student whose score was
advanced; a total of 7 students who were identified as meeting “proficiency” levels. Ministry
of Education now categorizes scores as follows:
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Please note that the Republic of Palau receives no Title I funds and is not bound by the
reporting requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Although the MOE has
adopted the scoring categories found in NCLB, they are applied somewhat differently in
Palau for scoring purposes. In Palau, the ‘Basic’ category is considered a proficient/passing
grade. With our small population, Palau is having a difficulty meeting its targets because
slight change in numbers can result in a dramatic change of percentage.
Alternate Assessment. As stated above, a total of 15 students were participating in the
alternate assessment, however only 12 were scorable. Three were not scored due to
insufficient evidence. Since AA-AAS is fairly new, the teachers still need more training on
how to accommodate students and collect appropriate data. Last year, some principals and
CRTs conducted AA-AAS workshops at targeted schools. In addition, CRTs continually met
with each school team, including the parents to address AA-AAS. Even though we have
had trainings on AA-AAS, we still need additional training on the area of accommodation to
ensure success and better outcomes for student with disabilities.
Response to Issues From Palau’s FFY 2005 Response Table
Item #1: “OSEP noted discrepancies between page 14 of the APR and Table 6 (ROP’ 618
Response: Table 6 of the 618 data collection only requires states/jurisdictions to submit data
for one high school grade level. The PAT draws data from two high school grades and
those data were included in our calculations for the FFY 2005 APR, thus showing data
slightly different from the 618 data submission. The data used, however, were valid and
reliable data. To avoid further confusion, in this APR and future APRs, Palau will use only
those data reported in the 618 data collection for its calculations. Table 6 is attached. See
Attachment #1.
Item #2: “The targets for this indicator appear to be based on an average score not on
proficiency rates. The ROP must revise its targets to meet the requirements of this indicator
and to more accurately reflect its data on proficiency. In addition, the instructions for this
indicator require States to report proficiency rates by content area for each of the grades
shown in Table 6 of the 618 data, and the ROP did not provide data by content area”.
Response: Prior to the FFY 2005 school year, the PAT was scored for all students using an
average score across any content areas tested. Palau’s original SPP targets were based on
this scoring rubric. As also noted in the SPP, Palau is not bound by the NCLB Act, does not
publicly report data for any students, and is only required to report participation and
performance data for students with disabilities in the same manner as that done for all
students. Palau has voluntarily revised it scoring of the PAT so that test data are now
reported across content areas. Palau has now also voluntarily adopted the four NCLB
grading categories of “developing, basic, proficient and advanced” for scoring purposes.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Given these changes, Palau is revising its targets as requested by OSEP in its response
table. Revised targets are described below and are noted in Palau’s revised SPP.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for 2006-2007
3c (e). NEW: Performance of IEP students on Statewide Assessments as measured
by the alternate assessment against alternate achievement standards
New Targets Now Set. Now that Palau has put a system in place for alternate assessment,
and has baseline data for FFY 2006 for student participation in alternate assessment
against alternate achievement standards, it has set targets which appear in its revised SPP.
Revised Improvement Activities
3B&C: Participation and Performance of IEP Students in Statewide Assessment
activities with accommodation
Activity #1:
Change time line to continue annually to 2010 because it is required to
conduct assessment annually.
3B&C: Participation and Performance of IEP Students in Alternate Assessment
Activity #1:
Change timeline to continue annually to 2010 because it is required to
conduct assessment annually.
Activity #3:
Maintain this activity but report it whenever revisions are made to the
standards by the Ministry of Education.
New Improvement Activities
Activity #4:
Revisit Accommodations Guideline that was developed in October 2007 and
revise it.
Activity #5:
Develop Performance level Descriptors (PLDs) for other core subject areas.
REVISED TARGETS: Note that the numbering of the revised targets is being changed to
align with the actual measurements for this indicator.
3C (b). Performance of IEP Students in Statewide Assessment with no
accommodation for 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010
We are changing this target to reflect proficiency rates as requested by OSEP. Last
reporting period we based our targets on average scores of all students instead of
proficiency rates: New proposed targets are:
2007: Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with no accommodation will
increase to 3% proficiency.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
2008: Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with no accommodation will
increase to 4% proficiency.
2009: Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with no accommodation will
change to 5% proficiency.
2010: Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with no accommodation will
change to 6%proficiency.
3C (c). Performance of IEP Students in Statewide Assessment with accommodation
for 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010
We are changing this target to reflect proficiency rates as requested by OSEP. Last
reporting period we based our targets on average scores of all students instead of
proficiency rates. New proposed targets are:
2007: Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with accommodation will
increase to 11% proficiency.
2008: Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with accommodation will
increase to 12% proficiency.
2009: Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with accommodation will
change to 13% proficiency.
2010): Performance of IEP students in Statewide assessment with accommodation will
change to 14% proficiency.
3C (d). Performance of IEP students on Alternate Assessments against grade level
As we worked through the process of developing our Alternate Assessments with our
consultants, it became more clear that we were actually developing alternate assessments
based on alternate achievement standards. Now that we have baseline data for alternate
assessments against alternate achievement standards, we are submitting targets for
alternate achievement standards.
3C (e). Performance of IEP Students on Alternate Achievement Standards
Palau will now concentrate on 3C (e), which is Performance of IEP students on Alternate
Achievement Standards. These will be reflected in our revised SPP.
The new proposed targets are:
2007: Performance of IEP student on AA-AAS will increase to 30%
2008: Performance of IEP student on AA-AAS will increase to 32%
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
2009: Performance of IEP student on AA-AAS will increase to 40%
2010: Performance of IEP student on AA-AAS will increase to 45%
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LRE
INDICATOR 4: Rates of suspension and expulsion:
A. Percent of districts identified by the State as having a significant discrepancy in the rates
of suspensions and expulsions of children with disabilities for greater than 10 days in a
school year;
A. Percent = [(# of districts identified by the State as having significant discrepancies in
the rates of suspensions and expulsions of children with disabilities for greater than
10 days in a school year) divided by the (# of districts in the State)] times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
Maintain 0% suspension and expulsion rate.
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
Table FAPE 6: Number of suspensions and expulsions
School Year
Total Students
Total % of suspension
or Expulsion
Students with disabilities
Student w/o disabilities
48 = 1.5%
Students with disabilities
Students w/o disabilities
3,086 (Public
2006 -2007
Students with disabilities
2006- 2007
Students w/o disabilities
(Public School)
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Numbers used for the Percentage Calculations:
SY 20042005
SY 20052006
SY 20062007
Public High School enrollment
Elementary School enrollment
High School suspension/expulsion
Elementary School suspension/expulsion
Numbers used for the percentage calculation:
Students with disabilities: 0/193 = 0%
Students without disabilities: 42/2752 x 100 = 1.5%
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007
Activity #1:
Forms will be developed and distributed to all special education teachers
to collect data on any related activity to IEP student on suspensions and
expulsions and submit to special education office when they occur for
each school’s IEP Team’s immediate follow up.
Forms have been developed and are being used to collect this data
Activity #2:
Acquisition of testing instruments for assessing students with behavioral
Not Completed: We need assistance to identify appropriate assessment tools.
Activity #3:
All school principals and school personnel, parents and/or guardians will
be made aware of suspension and expulsion regulation for students with
All school principal, school personnel, parents and/or guardians are
continually informed during IEP and PTA meetings.
Activity #4:
Conduct training for general and special educators related to
identification, assessment, and strategies for working with students with
emotional disabilities and developing behavioral intervention plans.
Not Completed: One proposal has been received and is now under review while the
program solicits other proposals. However, on September 2007 a CRT &
a couple of special ed. teachers attended a one-day training on Autism.
CRTs also attended a-one day training on Harassment and Bullying on
September 2007.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Activity #6:
Activity #7:
CRTs and Early Childhood staff will schedule regular follow-up to ensure
improvement as addressed in the behavioral intervention plans and make
necessary changes and/or recommendations on a quarterly basis when
We are reviewing intervention plans that have been developed and are
using the training and resources we have until additional training is
Review targets and activities annually.
It has been done for 2006.
Progress / Slippage
MET TARGET: Palau is a unitary SEA/LEA that directly administers services in all public
schools in the Republic. There are no schools districts in Palau. Therefore, there are no
school districts to report or compare for this indicator. As a result it does not apply to Palau.
However, we have chosen to voluntarily provide data for our system as a whole and have
set voluntary targets for our system.
Palau can report that there was no suspension and expulsion for students with disabilities
for the past 5 years, including FFY 2006, based on the 618 data submitted. Students with
behavioral problems can be referred to Behavioral Health for evaluation and possible
counseling services. Results of student’s evaluations are shared with special education
staff to review and design a behavioral intervention plan. The public school system in the
Republic of Palau does not show leniency regarding this issue to any student whether they
have a disability or not. However, school personnel are aware of the procedures that apply
regarding suspension and expulsion of students with disabilities and should special
education students face suspension or expulsion, these procedures will be followed.
Definition of Significant Discrepancy: The Republic of Palau did not previously submit a
definition of significant discrepancy for this indicator. For the purposes of the SPP and
annual reporting, the MOE identifies a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspension and
expulsion for students with disabilities as a relative difference that exceeds .5. This is
calculated as follows:
(a) % of suspensions > 10 days for students with disabilities equals # of students with
disabilities suspended/expelled divided by # of students with disabilities enrolled in school
(b) % of suspensions/> 10 days for students without disabilities equals # of students without
disabilities suspended divided by # of students without disabilities enrolled in school year
The difference in the rates of suspension between (a) and (b) equals (a) – (b).
The relative difference in the rates of suspension/expulsion) equals (a) – (b) / (b).
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for 2006-2007
Activity #1:
This activity’s wording will change to only state the collection of data on
suspension and expulsion since the forms have already been developed
and are being used.
Activity #2:
Revise Improvement Activity to also indicate the need to identify
appropriate assessment tool before acquisition. Change Timeline to
Summer 2008 and Resources to include Guam CEDDERS and WRRC.
Activity #3:
Include Special Ed. Resource Teachers under Resources for they attend
all IEP meetings at the schools.
Activity #6:
Revise wordings of this improvement activity to include regular and
special ed. teachers to be part of the team that follows up on the behavior
intervention plans and to change timeline to ongoing.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LRE
INDICATOR 5: Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21:
A. Removed from regular class less than 21% of the day
B. Removed from regular class greater than 60% of the day, or
C. Served in public or private separate schools, residential placements, or homebound or
hospital placements
A. Percent = [(# of children with IEPs removed from regular class less than 21% of
the day) divided by the (total # of students aged 6 through 21 with IEPs)] times
B. Percent = [(# of children with IEPs removed from regular class greater than 60%
of the day) divided by the (total # of students aged 6 through 21 with IEPs)] times
C. Percent = [(# of children with IEPs served in public or private separate schools,
residential placements, or homebound or hospital placements) divided by the
(total # of students aged 6 through 21 with IEPs)] times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
A. Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 to 21 removed from the
regular class < 21% of the day will increase to 32%.
B. Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 to 21 removed from regular
class >60% of the day will remain at 14%
C. Public separate placement (separate schools, homebound,
hospital) will remain in 5%.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
Table FAPE 7: Total number of students each for the three settings
<21% Outside
General Education
>60% Outside
General Education
Public Separate
Schools, and
Numbers used for the Percentage Calculations:
Total number of students’ with disabilities in SY 2006-2007 is 193.
A. 40/193 X 100
= 21%
B 38/193 X 100
= 20%
C. 06/193 X 100
= 3%
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007
Proposed Improvement Activities 5A: (<21% removed from regular classroom)
Activity #2:
Activity #3:
Activity #4:
Conduct training for CRTs on assessment and evaluation of students to
identify and determine proper disabilities and placements.
We are currently implementing these activities. Additional training may
be investigated as needed.
Special Ed. teachers and regular ed. teachers have to collaborate with
parents to discuss and identify possible improvements on academic
status on quarterly basis.
It’s being done on a quarterly basis throughout the school year.
Special Ed. Program will hire additional teachers as itinerant to
accommodate increased number of students in larger schools.
One new teacher was hired for Koror Elementary School during SY 200607.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Activity #5:
Provide training on inclusive practices to general, special education
teachers and parents related to determining appropriate services,
classroom modifications, support for school personnel and placement in
the least restrictive environment.
Partially completed: Even though training was not provided, some information on inclusive
practices was provided during IEP meetings.
Activity #9:
Review activities and continue training on inclusive practices,
assessment, and evaluation as needed.
Activities were reviewed and some information on inclusive practices was
provided during each IEP meeting.
Proposed Improvement Activities 5B: (>60% removed from regular classroom)
Provide quarterly training on specific disabilities – one at the district level
for preschool/Head Start, elementary schools, and one for the high
Not Completed: Palau Special Ed. Directory of Terms was distributed to MOE
Management Team, all school principals, sped resource teachers, and
Head Start Program.
Activity #2:
Activity #6:
Review activities and continue training on inclusive practices,
assessment, and evaluations needed.
Not Completed: Activities were reviewed and some information on inclusive practices was
provided during each IEP meeting. This is an annual ongoing activity
through the period of this plan.
Proposed Improvement Activities 5C: (Public Separate School and Homebound)
Activity #3: Solicit support from MOE to assist on additional classroom spaces appropriate to
accommodate increasing enrollment in larger schools.
Partially Completed: Additional classroom space has been added in some schools with
others to be done in the future.
Progress / Slippage
5A: <21% removed from General Education Classroom:
TARGET (32%) NOT MET: Some progress from 18% to (21%) for FFY 2006
21% of students with IEPs are removed from the General Education Classroom <21% of the
day. This is 9% less than our projected target of 32%. Reviewing the data, we could see
that there were students who came into the program who were placed in this category but
others who fell in other placement categories. Placements change accordingly depending
on individual student’s needs throughout the year.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
5B: >60% outside General Education Classroom:
TARGET (14%) NOT MET: Slippage to (20%)
20% of students with IEPs are removed from the General Education Classroom >60% of the
day. This is almost the same as last year (19%). This is 6% greater than our projected
target of 14%. Reviewing the data, we could see that there were new students who came
into the program who were placed in this category based on their individual needs.
Therefore this placement area increased accordingly
5C: Public separate placement will remain in 5%:
MET TARGET: Progress (3%)
There remained < 5% of students with IEPs in Public Separate placement. The numbers
went down slightly this year showing progress to 3%.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for 2006-2007
Proposed Improvement Activities 5A: (<21% removed from regular classroom)
Activity #5:
Change improvement activity to include Training on Accommodations.
Accommodation also supports students with disabilities in regular
Proposed Improvement Activities 5b: (>60% outside regular classroom)
Activity #2:
Rewrite improvement activity to provide annual training on basic
information on common disabilities in Palau. This will allow us to provide
some kind of training based on available information. Change timeline to
August 2008.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LRE
INDICATOR 6: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who received special education and
related services in settings with typically developing peers (i.e., early childhood settings, home,
and part-time early childhood/part-time early childhood special education settings).
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(A))
Measurement: Percent = [(# of preschool children with IEPs who received special
education services in settings with typically developing peers) divided by the (total # of
preschool children with IEPs)] times 100.
Overview: Due to proposed changes to this indicator not yet approved, OSEP has instructed
the states and jurisdictions that no information is required to be submitted in this year’s APR.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: FAPE in the LRE
Indicator 8:
Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report
that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and
results for children with disabilities.
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(A))
Measurement: Percent = [(# of respondent parents who report schools facilitated parent
involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities)
divided by the (total # of respondent parents of children with disabilities)] times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
88% of parents will report that the program facilitated parent
involvement as a means of improving services and results for
preschoolers with disabilities.
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
The results of the Belau Preschool Family Outcome Survey show that at least (15 of 16)
93.75% of parents indicated that the school/program facilitated parent involvement as a
means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. Therefore, this year’s
preschool family outcomes data exceeds last year’s baseline and meets the 2006 target of
Measurable and Rigorous Target
45.65% of parents will report that schools facilitated parent
involvement as a means of improving services and results for children
with disabilities (based on the NCSEAM Family Survey standard)
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
Percent at or above indicator 8 standard: 36%
Number of Valid Responses:
Mean Measure:
(SE of the mean = 4.9%)
Measurement reliability:
Measurement SD:
Percent at or above indicator 8 standard: 17%
Number of Valid Responses:
Mean Measure:
(SE of the mean = 0.7%)
Measurement reliability:
Measurement SD:
Discussion of Results
The results of the Belau Preschool Family Outcome Survey show that at least (15 of 16)
93.75% of parents indicated that the school/program facilitated parent involvement as a
means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. Therefore, this year’s
preschool family outcomes data exceeds last year’s baseline and meets the 2006 target of
Early Childhood (children aged 3-5):
# of Parents
# of Surveys
# of Complete
Surveys Returned
# of Surveys Not
Since 100% of the surveys were completed and returned to the Special Education office, the
results are representative of the families in the preschool program.
Survey Questions and Results:
1. To what extent has your child’s Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education
Program helped you know how to help your child learn?
(15 of 16) 93.75% of the parents indicated that the Head Start/ECSE program
provided good to excellent* help so that they could help their child learn.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
2. To what extent has your child’s Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education
Program encouraged you to be actively involved in your child’s education at the
Head Start Center, home, or community settings?
(15 of 16) 93.75% of the parents indicated that the Head Start/ECSE program
provided good to excellent* encouragement to be actively involved in their child’s
education at school.
3. To what extent has your child’s Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education
Program included you as a full partner in making decisions about your child’s
(16 of 16) 100% of the parents indicated that the Head Start/ECSE program did
a good to excellent* job of including them as full partners in making decisions
about their child’s education.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Family Outcome Data
Question 3
*Good to Excellent: Parents who gave ratings of 5, 6 or 7 on the 7-point scale
Statistical Summary
PART B Special Education Parent Survey Report For Data Collected in 2006
SPP/APR Indicator #8:
Percent of parents with a child receiving special education
services who report that schools facilitated parent
involvement as a means of improving services and results
for children with disabilities.
A .95 likelihood of a response of “agree,” “strongly agree” or “very
strongly agree” with the item on the NCSEAM survey’s
Partnership Efforts scale:
“The school explains what options parents have if they disagree
with a decision of the school.”
Percent at or above indicator 8 standard: 36%
Number of Valid Responses:
Mean Measure:
(SE of the mean = 4.9%)
Measurement reliability:
Measurement SD:
Percent at or above indicator 8 standard: 17%
Number of Valid Responses:
Mean Measure:
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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(SE of the mean = 0.7%)
Measurement reliability:
Measurement SD:
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Data Collection Methods
Pre School Family Outcome Survey
Data on Early Childhood Family Outcomes were collected using the Belau Preschool Family
Outcome Survey (see the full survey in Attachment #2). Surveys were distributed to all
parents of preschool children (3-5) receiving services during 2006-2007 school year and all
16 surveys were completed and returned to the Special Education office (100% return rate).
This survey was conducted with support from Belau Head Start Program to reach parents of
children with disabilities (3-5) enrolled in Head Start Centers. Head Start Family Service
Workers distributed and collected surveys from parents of their respective centers, under the
supervision of the Head Start Disability Service Manager, who submitted the completed
surveys back to the Early Childhood Special Education Program. A special education staff
person not connected with the Early childhood Program conducted the surveys for parents
of children with disabilities (3-5) who were not enrolled in any preschool setting but received
Special Education services at home.
Surveys were numbered and placed in envelopes so that parents would feel comfortable
completing them for they would be anonymous. A copy of this modified survey is attached.
Sixteen (16) surveys were distributed and collected from parents of children (3-5) receiving
services during the 2006-07 school year.
Elementary and Secondary Survey
The first section of the NCSEAM Part B Family survey, “Schools Efforts to Partner with
Parents” (25 questions) was selected for collecting information from parents of children 6-21
in Palau (see attachment #3). 97 surveys were collected and sent to Mainland US to be
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
scored by Avatar International in October 2007. These 97 collected surveys were from a
census of 181 students aged 6-21, and this year included surveys from parents of high
school students in addition to parents of elementary students. This high return rate (54%)
yielded results that were representative of our population of special education students and
parents in Palau.
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
Improvement Activities
During 2006-2007, a number of improvement activities (described below) were conducted to
improve preschool, elementary and secondary family involvement and their ability to help
their child learn.
Activity #1:
Belau Preschool Family Outcome Survey will be conducted to all parents
of children with special needs (3-5).
Surveys were conducted with all parents of children (3-5) with special
needs in May 2007.
Activity #2:
Training on family outcome data analysis.
Not Completed: CEDDERS staff (Elaine Eclavea) who worked with Pre-School program
was contracted by NECTAC. This contract ended. Pre-school requested
assistance from Special Ed. Office to put in place a new contract with
Guam CEDDERS for the same person who has been working with them.
Special Ed. Office was considering other options. A proposed contract
with Guam CEDDERS is currently under negotiation as of November
Activity #3:
Activity #4:
Training on roles & responsibilities of parents/guardians of children with
special needs (3-5).
With support of school principals and special ed. teacher/s of target areas
(villages, hamlets and islands) parents/guardians and other family
members were informed and invited for training. Location of each training
was at schools - late afternoon to early evening. Trainers traveled to
these locations by either car or boat. All trainings were conducted in June
Teachers and Service Providers Training on roles and responsibilities on
supporting children with special needs (3-5) and their families.
Training was planned and invitations sent out to Head Start Director from
Ministry of Education for teachers to join in the training which was
conducted at one of the central elementary schools at Koror State (most
populated island in Palau). Training took place in June 2007.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
*Participants given evaluation form to complete. Will help plan for next
years training.
Activity #5:
Review results of parent’s survey and identify activities annually.
Results of the parent survey have been reviewed and new topic has been
identified for 2007-2008 parents training.
Activity #1:
NCEAM surveys were conducted with parents of children/youth (6-21)
with special needs.
Completed 2006-2007 and ongoing. Surveys were conducted with parents in all villages
and islands. 97 were completed and collected.
Activity #2:
Parent training to all villages and islands on their roles and responsibilities
as parents/guardians of children with special needs.
Completed 2006-2007 and ongoing: With school principals’ support, a letter of invitation
was sent out to all parents. Trainings planned, scheduled and conducted
at all villages, islands and hamlets within Koror States (most populated
island in Palau). Training took place in June 2007.
Activity #3:
Special Education Coordinator requests authority to arrange trainings with
school principals.
Completed 2006-2007 and ongoing: Special Ed. Coordinator wrote to the Director of
Education with copy to Chief of School Management requesting school
principals support in training arrangements and related issues.
Activity #4:
Teachers/Principals training on their roles and responsibilities to students
with special needs and their families.
Completed 2006-2007 and ongoing: On June 18, 2007 a whole day training was
conducted for principals of both elementary and secondary schools. Out
of 17 principals, 14 attended the training.
Teachers for both elementary and high schools as well as special ed.
related service staffs were informed and invited to a whole day training.
Training took place on June 28, 2007 at Koror Elementary School.
Evaluation forms were given to participants of both trainings to evaluate
training. This will help determine topics for training next year.
Activity #5:
Review results of parent surveys and identify activities annually.
Completed for 2006-2007 and ongoing. The results of the 2006-07 parent surveys were
received from Avatar Associates and analyzed by our TA consultants
from the University of Oregon TACS/WRRC. This analysis will be used to
focus our parent and family activities for the future.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Progress / Slippage
EXCEEDED TARGET for FFY 2006 – Progress
The results of the Belau Preschool Family Outcome Survey show that (15 of 16) or 93.75%
of parents indicated that the school/program facilitated parent involvement as a means of
improving services and results for children with disabilities. The average across the three
measures was actually 96% agreement. Therefore, this year’s preschool family outcomes
data exceeds last year’s baseline and, in addition, exceeds the 2006 target of 88%. Our
program will continue to work closely with our families to maintain our partnership to improve
the lives of our young children with disabilities in Palau.
DID NOT MEET TARGET for FFY 2006 – Slippage
The results of the Palau Parent Survey, as interpreted by Avatar International and based on
a response of 97 surveys, shows that for 2006-2007 36% of Palau parents responding are
at or above the indicator standard set by the NCSEAM pilot study that is used to determine
the “percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report that
schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for
children with disabilities”
When compared with last year’s score (43%) and with our target of 45.65% for FY 2006, this
represents slippage. Palau’s results, however, are still considerably above the average of
17% found in the NCSEAM pilot study and in general show continuing positive views of the
program’s efforts to facilitate parent involvement. In fact the mean score this year went up
from 569.6 last year, to 586.41 for 2006. This indicates that some families are very positive
about their involvement but that there is broader disagreement than indicated last year.
Some part of this slippage is explained by the inclusion of returns from parents of high
school students in addition to elementary this year. If we look at these groups separately,
satisfaction is at 38.1% for elementary and 16.7% for secondary. Still our results show an
overall drop from last year. This may be in part also explained by the extended medical
absence of the special education Coordinator last year, which affected many aspects of our
program and services.
We will work with consultants from the University of Oregon to better understand these
results. One consideration will be to look at the results by school, and other ways to look at
the results, to see if there are any patterns that may help us in directing our improvement
Also, now that we have a truly representative response set, we have decided to reset our
targets so that our targets are more representative of our entire parent population.
From OSEP Response Table
The ROP must submit a copy of the survey for parents of children ages 6 to 21
years in the FFY 2006 APR, due February 1, 2008.
Response: Since Palau indicated in the SPP that it used the NCSEAM Family Survey last
year, and this survey was widely distributed and available on the NCSEAM
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
website, Palau did not understand the need to attach it, For this and all future
APRs, Palau will annually attach the Parent Surveys used for this indicator. This
survey can be found as Attachment #3 to this report
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Target / Improvement Activities/
Timelines/ Resources for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
Revised PRE-SCHOOL Improvement Activities
Activity #2:
Improvement Activity Timeline
Change timeline to Summer 2008. Insert NECTAC as an additional
Resource for this activity.
Justification: As stated above, the training on family outcome data analysis was not
completed in 2006-2007 because the contract with CEDDERS staff (Elaine Eclavea) who
worked with Pre-School program ended. Pre-school requested assistance from Special
Education Office to put in place a new contract with Guam CEDDERS for the same person
who has been working with them. Special Education Office was considering other options.
A proposed contract with Guam CEDDERS is currently under negotiation as of November
2007, and the timeline for conducting this activity is now scheduled for Summer of 2008.
New PRE-SCHOOL Improvement Activities
Activity #6:
Conduct parent training to improve their understanding and participation
in IEP development and implementation. June-July 2008. Resources:
Special Ed Coordinator; Child Find/Parent Involvement Team, CRTs.
Activity #7:
Conduct training on practices to promote partnership between parents
and teachers to better meet the needs of students with IEPs. Summer
2008. Resources: Special Ed. Coordinator, Head Start Director, CRTs,
TA Provider (e.g., NECTAC, Guam CEDDERS, etc.).
Justification: The program received feedback from professionals and families in 2006-2007
to guide future training options for preschool teachers and families in the program. Based
on stakeholder input, it was decided that in 2007-2008, the best training topics would focus
on improving parent participation in their child’s IEP development and implementation, and
training to promote partnerships between parents and teachers. These trainings are
designed to support continued high performance on this indicator.
Revision to Targets for Remainder of SPP timeline: Now that Palau has a truly representative
response set we are revising our targets in the SPP so that they more accurately reflect our
student and parent population and the intent of this indicator. The new targets, calculated
using the NCSEAM calculator and our new FFY 2006 baseline data, are as follows:
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
FFY 2006 Data
Percent at or above indicator 8 standard: 36%
Number of Valid Responses:
Mean Measure:
(SE of the mean = 4.9%)
Measurement reliability:
Measurement SD:
Percent at or above indicator 8 standard: 17%
Number of Valid Responses:
Mean Measure:
(SE of the mean = 0.7%)
Measurement reliability:
Measurement SD:
New Targets
From Calculator:
Difference 2006 and
Annual difference (5
Baseline 2006
Year 1 (FFY 2007)
Year 2 (FFY 2008)
Year 3 (FFY 2009)
Year 4 (FFY 2010)
36 %
Revisions to Elementary/Secondary Activities:
Activity #1:
Topic for training will change to reflect current need of parents to improve
and promote involvement in education of child with special needs.
Timeline change to June – July 2008(SPP).
Activity #3:
Topic for training will change to address need to continue to facilitate
parent involvement as means of improving services for children with
disabilities. Timeline change to May – June- July 2008.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Disproportionality
Indicator 9:
Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic
groups in special education and related services that is the result of inappropriate
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(C))
Percent = [(# of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic
groups in special education and related services that is the result of inappropriate
identification) divided by the (# of districts in the State)] times 100.
Include State’s definition of “disproportionate representation.”
Describe how the State determined that disproportionate representation of racial and
ethnic groups in special education and related services was the result of
inappropriate identification, e.g., monitoring data, review of policies, practices and
procedures under 618(d), etc.
Palau is not required to report on this indicator as determined by the US Office of Special
Education Programs.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Disproportionality
Indicator 10:
Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic
groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(C))
Percent = [(# of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic
groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification)
divided by the (# of districts in the State)] times 100.
Include State’s definition of “disproportionate representation.”
Describe how the State determined that disproportionate representation of racial and
ethnic groups in specific disability categories was the result of inappropriate
identification, e.g., monitoring data, review of policies, practices and procedures
under 618(d), etc.
Palau is not required to report on this indicator as determined by the US Office of Special
Education Programs.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / Child Find
INDICATOR 11: Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated
within 60 days (or State established timeline).
# of children for whom parental consent to evaluate was received. (21)
# of determined not eligible whose evaluations were completed within 60 days
(or State established timeline). (0)
# determined eligible whose evaluations were completed within 60 days ( or
State established time). (14)
Account for children included in a, but not included in b or c. Indicate the range of
days beyond the timeline when the evaluation was completed and any reasons for
the delays.
There were 7 students whose parents consented for evaluation and were evaluated
but did not meet the timeline of 60 days. Range of days beyond timeline is from 1- 65
Percent = [(b+ c)] divided by (a)] times 100
0 + 14 divided by 21 x 100 = 67%
Measurable and Rigorous Target
100% of children with parental consent to evaluate
are evaluated within 60 days.
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006-2007
67% of children with parental consent to evaluate were evaluated within 60 days.
There was a total of 21 students whose parents consented for evaluation and were evaluated.
14 students met timeline of 60 days for evaluation.
7 of them did not meet timeline. Range of days beyond timeline was from 1 to 65 days.
4 students were removed from the calculation that met the criteria under section 300.301 where
delays were due to parents not making their child available. All were pre-school referrals.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
# of Student
with parents
consent to
within timeline
of 60 days
evaluated who
passed timeline
number of
student not
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
Improvement Activities
Activity #1:
Quarterly review of collected data to monitor and report on timeliness and
further plan on ways for improvement.
Completed for 2006-2007 and ongoing. Team facilitator did review collected data.
Reminded special ed. staff who receive referral and initiate evaluation
process of the 60 days timeline (Pre-School, Elementary and High
Activity #2:
Review system being put into place and adjust activities annually.
Completed for 2006-2007 and ongoing. System was continually reviewed and involved
special ed. staffs reminded of the use of the form and the 60 days
timeline and requested to assist other agencies that also evaluate, to
adhere to the timeline.
Activity #3:
Provide individual parent/guardian in-service relating to purpose of Early
Intervening Service (EIS) process and follow-up activities.
Incomplete for 2006-2007. Ongoing. Early Intervening Services (EIS) was not part of
school’s special education procedural process. Principal training (June
18, 2007) - this issue was included in the process that would be a practice
in public schools to provide early interventions to students at risk of failure
in education. Parents become members of the EIS. Purpose of this
activity will be explain to the parent/s (initial EIS process) before school
proceeds with discussions of next steps to take to help a student.
Schools principals are now forming teams to address this issue.
Activity #4:
Invite parent to join in School Child Study Team meeting as issues on
child’s education are discussed and team decisions are made to refer
child to Sp. Ed. for evaluation. Parent’s questions or concerns are
addressed before giving consent for initial evaluation.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Complete for 2006-2007 and ongoing. Parents are invited to initial School Child Study
Team meeting to join in discussion of child’s need in education, get
his/her questions or concerns addressed, then continue with special ed.
Progress / Slippage: No progress
Correction activities for FFY 2005 noncompliance. As this indicator was not in compliance
last year (67%) several procedures were put in place to address the identified causes of late
evaluations and eligibility determinations. Last year, most of the late evaluations were
children on outer islands whose evaluation timelines were delayed by bad weather and
getting staff to the children to do evaluations in a timely manner. So, Consultant Resource
Teachers, Related Service Providers and Pre-school Teachers who manage and initiate
activities of new referrals to the special ed programs, and staff from other agencies (who
provided evaluation to children/youth referred to Special Education) were informed in writing
or through a meeting of the 60 day timeline for parent consent, evaluation and determination
of eligibility. Consulting Resource Teachers (CRTs) made telephone calls to outlying islands
or villages to monitor 60 day timelines with school principals and special ed. teachers. CRT’s
also made calls to make sure of parents or guardians attendance at meetings of eligibility
determination. Meetings were scheduled based on parents’ convenience in all schools in
Koror, other villages and islands.
2006-07 data: Despite these efforts, Palau did not meet the target of 100%. 67% has been
calculated for this year. This is the same as the baseline (67%) FY: 2005. After reviewing
data, the team realized that slippage occurred at both Preschool and Elementary Levels.
Preschool students who did not meet the timeline live in remote villages. Many times
parents would not show up for meetings and so special ed. staff needed to reschedule
meetings and come up with ways of getting parents involved (provide transportation,
conduct meeting at the home, etc.). Young children also have a hard time complying with
evaluation instructions. Evaluators would spend time getting the child used to them until
actual evaluation activities could be carried out. Special education staff have also met with
the Head Start Policy Council to address this issue.
At the Elementary Level, a review of the data for FFY 2006 indicated that most of the noncompliance occurred in a specific district (elementary schools are divided into three district
areas, or regions, for administration. They are not actual school districts). New improvement
activities have been created to target additional interventions to staff and schools in this
region. A new memorandum has gone out to all public principals emphasizing the need to
support the referral process, prompt child study team meetings and to keep in mind school
break periods at holidays, testing periods, and other activities that may delay meeting the 60
day timeline.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Target / Improvement Activities/
Timelines/ Resources for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
New Improvement Activities
Activity #4:
Review school calendar and identify months that involve school activities
or breaks that would last a week or more. Special ed. activities involving
parent consent, evaluation and meeting to determine eligibility would be
schedule before or after these identified periods in certain months. A
memo will be sent out to all Principals, CRT’s, Related Service Providers
to inform them. Issue of timeline of 60 days will be one of the target
areas of training for both parents and principals next year.
Change timeline to 2007-2008, and ongoing.
Activity #5:
Change pre-referral process for Early Intervention Services. August
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / Effective Transition
Indicator 12:
Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for
Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B))
# of children who have been served in Part C and referred to Part B for
eligibility determination.
# of those referred determined to be NOT eligible and whose eligibilities were
determined prior to their third birthdays.
# of those found eligible who have an IEP developed and implemented by their
third birthdays.
# of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent caused delays in
evaluation or initial services.
Account for children included in a but not included in b, c or d. Indicate the range of
days beyond the third birthday when eligibility was determined and the IEP
developed and the reasons for the delays.
Percent = [(c) divided by (a – b – d)] times 100.
Palau is not required to report on this indicator as determined by the US Office of Special
Education Programs.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B/ Effective Transition
INDICATOR 13: Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated,
measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably
enable the student to meet post-secondary goals.
Measurement: Percent = [(# of youth with disabilities aged 16 and above with an IEP
that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will
reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals) divided by the (# of
youth with an IEP age 16 and above)] times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
100% of all youth with disabilities age 16 and above will have an IEP
that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and
transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet
post-secondary goals.
Actual Target Data for 2006-2007
There were 44 files reviewed for students age 16 and above enrolled at Palau High School
and elementary schools. 5 of these files did not have transition goals that would enable a
student to meet post-secondary goals.
files with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and
transition services: 39
total number of files for students age 16 and above: 44
Calculation: 39 divided by 44 times 100 = 89%
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
Improvement Activities
Correction of 2005 noncompliance. The file review for 2006-2007 showed that the 24
files that did not have an IEP with complete transition goals for SY: 2005-2006 were
2006-07 Data: This year’s review revealed 5 files that did not have transition goals that
would enable a student to meet post-secondary goals. These 5 files will be corrected within
a month after the Study Team meets to conduct annual IEP reviews of these students. As
soon as the meeting is conducted and a new IEP is developed for these 5 students then
Palau will meet the 100% target requirement.
Activity #1:
Activity #2:
All graduating students will have an ITP that is coordinated, measurable
and that will reasonably enable students to meet post-secondary goals
that meet the requirements asked for by the NSTTAC checklist.
This activity was completed. The high school staff made sure that the
students who graduated during SY: 2006-2007 had ITPs that were
coordinated, measurable and that would reasonably enable students to
meet post-secondary goals that meet the requirements asked for by the
All students 16 and above at high school or elementary would have an
ITP that is coordinated, measurable and that will reasonably enable
students to meet post-secondary goals that meet the requirements asked
for by the checklist.
The High school Study Team went through the process of reviewing files
and made sure that all students age 16 and above had ITPs developed
as part of their IEP to be in compliance.
Activity #3:
Create Transition Coordinator position to coordinate transition planning
from Early Childhood to Elementary, from Elementary to High School and
from High School to post-secondary employment, education and
independent living and to follow-up dropped out students.
Not Completed: This activity was not completed, as the position was not created. Due to
the illness of then Special Ed. Coordinator, it was impossible to process
the necessary requests to the Chief of Personnel for the Ministry to create
such a position.
Activity #4:
Activity #5:
Share checklist developed by National Secondary Transition Technical
Center with Elementary School CRTs.
The checklist was shared with the Elementary School CRTs after the
submission of SPP/APR.
CRTs need training on the new checklist and how to develop ITPs that
meet the requirements of IDEA.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Not Completed: Sped. Coordinator and TA providers did not communicate with one
another to find someone to come and conduct this training.
Progress / Slippage
Target (100%) not met for 2006-07.
Considerable Progress was made from 49% in 2005 to 89% in 2006.
Although the target of 100% was not met for this indicator in FFY 2006, progress was made
in improving Palau’s performance on this indicator from 49% last year to 89% this year. As
noted, only 5 files were found to lack the required information this year. This was a result of
the corrective actions put in place last year to bring ‘out of compliance’ files into compliance
using the NSTTAC checklist.
The file review for 2006-2007 showed that the files that did not have transition goals for SY:
2005-2006 were also corrected. This year’s review revealed 5 files that did not have
transition goals that would enable student to meet post-secondary goals. These 5 files will
be corrected within a month after the Study Team meets to conduct annual IEP review of
these students. As soon as the meeting is conducted and a new IEP is developed for these
5 students then Palau will meet the 100% target requirement.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for 2006-2007
Activity #1:
Palau will continue with this activity for the purpose of compliance. The
timeline for this activity is changed to ongoing.
Activity #2:
Palau will continue with this activity in order to be in compliance and to
meet the 100% target. The timeline for this activity is changed to
Activity #3:
Palau will continue with this activity, but change the timeline to ongoing
until position is filled. This position is very important because it will
guide the transition process and help make it more uniform throughout
the schools. This position will help us follow up with dropouts and those
exiting from high school a year after they leave high school. We have
decided to keep this activity and have used the same activity for Indicator
Activity # 4:
Palau will discontinue with this activity as it is completed. But the staff will
continue to share important documents regarding students age 16 and
above with Elementary CRTs.
Activity #5:
Palau will continue with this activity. Palau will change the timeline to
ongoing until training is conducted.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / General Supervision
Indicator 15:
General supervision system (including monitoring, complaints, hearings, etc.)
identifies and corrects noncompliance as soon as possible but in no case later
than one year from identification.
(20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(B))
Measurement: Percent of noncompliance corrected within one year of identification:
a. # of findings of noncompliance
b. # of corrections completed as soon as possible but in no case later than one year
from identification.
Percent = [(b) divided by (a)] times 100.
For any noncompliance not corrected within one year of identification, describe what
actions, including technical assistance and enforcement actions that the State has taken.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
In 100% of the schools monitored, where non-compliance is found,
non-compliance is corrected within one year of identification.
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006 (2006-2007)
Percent of noncompliance corrected within one year of identification:
a. # of findings of noncompliance: (1)
b. # of corrections completed as soon as possible but in no case greater that one year from
identification (1)
Percent = [(b) divided by (a)] times 100. 1/1 = 100%
As noted in last year’s APR, Palau resumed monitoring of its schools during the 2005-06
school year. Six schools were monitored in 2006. Correction of noncompliance data from
those visits is presented in the table that follows. It needs to be noted, however, that the
monitoring of these schools in FFY 2005 occurred before Palau’s monitoring procedures
were revised and these results do not reflect the new procedures now in place.
Based on feedback and technical assistance received from OSEP as a result of both the
verification visit process and the APR process, Palau now has a deeper understanding of
what constitutes a finding, given its unique unitary structure, and how to better use its
monitoring data to identify, correct and document the timely correction of noncompliance.
These processes are documented in the revised monitoring procedures attached
(attachment #4) which were implemented beginning with the monitoring conducted during
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
FFY 2006. They are, however, not reflected in the current monitoring findings presented for
FFY 2005.
For FFY 2005 one finding of noncompliance was identified, which was failure to conduct a
reevaluation in a timely manner (§300.303(b)(2). This noncompliance item was
subsequently corrected in a timely manner. At each of the six schools monitored a number
of areas ‘in need of improvement’ were also identified and were included in school
improvement plans.
Number of schools
Monitored for FFY
Corrective Action
School Improvement
Plans Required
School Improvement
Plans submitted
6 (5 elementary, 1
high school)
1. Percent of youth with IEPs
graduating from high
school with a regular
2. Percent of youth with IEPs
dropping out of high
13. Percent of youth aged
16 and above with IEP that
includes coordinated,
measurable, annual IEP
goals and transition
services that will
reasonably enable student
to meet the postsecondary goals.
# of
(a) # of Findings
of noncompliance
identified in FFY
2005 (7/1/05 –
on-site visits,
local APR,
desk audit,
(b) # of Findings
from (a) for which
correction was
verified no later
than one year from
Other: Specify
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
14. Percent of youth who had
IEPs, are no longer in
secondary school and who
have been competitively
employed, enrolled in
some type of
postsecondary school, or
both, within one year of
leaving high school.
3. Participation and
performance of children
with disabilities on
statewide assessments.
7. Percent of preschool
children with IEPs who
demonstrated improved
4A. Percent of districts
identified as having a
significant discrepancy in
the rates of suspensions
and expulsions of children
with disabilities for greater
than 10 days in a school
on-site visits,
local APR,
desk audit,
Other: Specify
# of
on-site visits,
local APR,
desk audit,
Other: Specify
5. Percent of children with
IEPs aged 6 through 21 educational placements.
6. Percent of preschool
children aged 3 through 5
– early childhood
on-site visits,
local APR,
desk audit,
(b) # of Findings
from (a) for which
correction was
verified no later
than one year from
Other: Specify
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
(a) # of Findings
of noncompliance
identified in FFY
2005 (7/1/05 –
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
7. Percent of parents with a
child receiving special
education services who
report that schools
facilitated parent
involvement as a means
of improving services and
results for children with
9. Percent of districts with
representation of racial
and ethnic groups in
special education that is
the result of inappropriate
10. Percent of districts with
representation of racial
and ethnic groups in
specific disability
categories that is the
result of inappropriate
on-site visits,
local APR,
desk audit,
Other: Specify
on-site visits,
local APR,
desk audit,
Each school developed a School Improvement Plan (SIP) to address these areas in need of
improvement in addition to any identified noncompliance. Our 3rd party monitor followed up
with the schools monitored to assure that all items identified in the plans, were addressed.
Unfortunately, an anticipated report from the monitor did not arrive in time for this submission,
so his documentation of these corrections (areas in need of improvement) was not available.
However, a review of school improvement plans indicates that most of these areas in need of
improvement have been addressed. The monitor’s report, received after, the initial submission
of this document indicates that all areas identified in the school improvement plans (SIPs) were
corrected within one year of identification.
Areas ‘in need of improvement’ that were identified across several schools were addressed
system wide. These included:
consistent provision of ESY services
adequacy of appropriate facilities, instructional materials and supplies in some schools
a recommendation for a greater emphasis on early identification
Actions taken:
ESY: ESY services have been offered during the summer months for the last two years for
identified students and a checklist to aid in ESY decisions has been developed.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Facilities, instructional materials and supplies: Renovations and expansion of special education
classroom space in multiple schools has been in process now for a number of years through the
use of remaining SEPPIE grant funds. Accessibility to a water fountain in one school, restroom
in another, and classroom in a third school monitored in FFY 2005 were corrected in follow-up
visits to schools in 2006. Schools have been asked to submit requests for needed supplies and
these needs are now being met. Some problems still remain with the purchase of instructional
materials due to Republic purchasing requirements. These issues have been brought to the
attention of the Minister and Director of Education and they are working on the problem as it
affects all the Ministry of Education.
Early Identification: Efforts are being made to work more closely with Head Start and the
Interagency Council to improve early identification from other programs. In addition, Special
Education has focused on an awareness campaign across the islands to make parents aware of
services available. A video featuring parents of special education students also airs regularly on
Palau’s public access TV station.
Other ‘areas in need of improvement’ were corrected as soon as possible, but in no case later
than one year from date of identification. The corrections were verified and documented as
1. Individual files of the two students (of 133 cases reviewed in FFY 2005) who were not
reevaluated within the 3-year requirement contained completed (2006) reevaluations on
Form SE-6 (Integrated Evaluation Report Form) in FFY 2006 follow-up monitoring.
2. IEPs on Form SE-8 for three students whose IEPs were not reviewed by their one year
anniversary date were reviewed and revised within 30 days of citation.
3. Procedures were developed and are being implemented to ensure smooth and effective
transition from elementary school to high school. The six cases related to the FFY 2005
finding on transition planning were based on the earlier age 14 transition planning
requirement. Follow-up review of their IEPs indicated that item 17, (Statement of Needed
Transition Services), were completed In for each student.
4. FFY 2006 follow-up review of 12 of 38 IEPs at Palau High School indicate discussion of non
academic activities in IEP meetings. Three students with IEPs are members of PRIDE, the
school health club.
5. File cabinets with locks were purchased for the two schools cited in FFY 2005 monitoring to
safeguard confidential files.
6. As the revised Special Education Rights of Children, Parents, and Families, is now
distributed and discussed with parents annually, parents should be more aware of their
rights and about other services for their children.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for FFY 2006 (2006-2007)
Improvement Activities
Activity 1.
Identify and contract a third party Monitor for next cycle of monitoring:
By November 2005.
Activity 2.
Update monitoring forms and procedures. By May 2007.
Revised monitoring procedures are attached (attachment #4).
Activity 3.
Begin new 3-year cycle of monitoring. Schedule and complete monitoring of
one third of schools. By January 2006.
This activity was completed in April of 2006.
Activity 4.
Submit Monitoring Reports to School Principals Annually through 2010.
Completed for 2006. Monitoring reprorts were completed and submitted to principals.
Activity 5.
Review Monitoring Reports with CRTs and Special Education staff to
identify the school implementation needs to address. April 2006.
All schools received their reports but later due to the April monitoring.
Activity 6.
Develop school Improvement Plans based on current monitoring report. By
July 2007.
Not completed. School Improvement Plans are in development for schools monitored in
April 2007. This is due to delays in receipt of the reports from the 3rd party
monitor, and in turn, delays in getting the reports to principals. This
monitoring cycle will be reported on in the next APR due February 1, 2009.
Activity 8.
Coordinator establishes monthly meetings with CRTs to review school
Improvement Plan activities to be sure they are on track. Monthly.
Not completed. Due to the extended medical leave of the SPED coordinator and his
subsequent retirement, these meetings did not occur as planned. This
activity is needed and will be continued with a new timeline by the new
Activity 10.
Attend selected school PTA meetings quarterly (select schools with greater
improvement needs). Quarterly.
Not completed. Due to the extended medical leave of the SPED coordinator and his
subsequent retirement, these meetings did not occur as planned.
Activity 11.
Modify the School Improvement Plan template to include a column for
indicating the progress on the activities (date completed and verified). By
February 2007.
This form has been modified.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Activity 12.
Update monitoring forms and procedures to comply with IDEA ‘04. By June
30, 2007.
Revised procedures are attached.
Activity 13.
Review monthly all new complaints, mediations and due process hearing
issues to identify potential issues of noncompliance, Monthly beginning in
May 2006.
Not completed. Due to the extended medical leave of the SPED coordinator and his
subsequent retirement, these meetings did not occur as planned. This
activity is needed and will be continued with a new timeline by the new
Activity 14.
Continue monitoring practices and activities that ensure compliance with
federal requirements, 2006-2011.
Progress / Slippage
Met Target: 100% of noncompliance identified in FFY 2005 was corrected within one year
of identification. In addition, most of the areas identified as ‘in need of improvement’ and
found in school improvement plans have also been completed.
Issues Identified in the OSEP FFY 2005 Response Table
Issue:. The ROP must include a copy of the signed MOU with the FFY 2006 APR, due
February 1, 2008.
Response: A copy of the signed MOU currently in place with the Ministry of Justice is
attached as attachment #5. The updated MOU was delayed due to the medical leave and
subsequent retirement of the special education coordinator. It is now in place as of January
Issue: Although the (monitoring) procedures state that a monitor will schedule periodic visits
to verify the implementation of the SIP, it is unclear how the ROP determines when the
identified noncompliance has been corrected. The ROP must ensure that this issue is
addressed in the final copy of the ROP Monitoring Procedures to be submitted with the FFY
2006 APR, due February 1, 2008.
Response: We believe this issue is addressed in our revised monitoring procedures that are
attached. Palau will continue to review this process to ensure that it is verifying and
documenting correction.
Issue: The ROP must review its improvement strategies and revise them, if appropriate, to
ensure that they will enable the ROP to include data in the FFY 2006 APR, due February 1,
2008, that demonstrate compliance with the requirements of 20 U.S.C. 1232d(b)(3)(E) and
34 CFR §§300.149 and 300.600, including data on the correction of outstanding
noncompliance identified in FFY 2004.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Response: Palau has submitted data regarding the correction of noncompliance identified
in FFY 2005. Palau has also submitted revised procedures for the implementation of the
Procedural safeguards requirements in compliance with the requirements of 20 U.S.C.
1232d(b)(3)(E). These revised implementation procedures can be found in attachment #6.
In regard to outstanding noncompliance identified in FFY 2004:
Participation in assessment
Corrected: Palau has now put a system in place to conduct alternate assessments against
alternate achievement standards through its Pacific GSEG activities. Staff have been
trained, Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) have been identified and alternate
assessments scored this year. A more complete description of these activities can be found
in the response to indicator 3 in this document.
Behavioral intervention plans
Corrected but a continuing issue: Despite several training activities, an agreement with the
Behavioral Health to conduct behavioral assessments for IEP students and the completion
of BIPs for students who needed them, staff still indicate a need for further training on
strategies to use with students in the classroom. Special education is currently in the
process of negotiating a technical assistance contract with the University of Guam
CEDDERS program and this need is a priority to be addressed in that contract as noted in
indicator 4.
Issue: In its response to Indicator 15, in the FFY 2006 APR, due February 1, 2008, the ROP
must disaggregate by APR indicator the status of timely correction of the noncompliance
findings identified by the ROP during FFY 2005.
Response: All available data have been provided in the chart above.
Issue: In addition, the ROP must, in responding to Indicators 11 and 13, specifically identify
and address the noncompliance identified in this table under those indicators.
Response: Please refer to the narratives in indicators 11 and 13 for a description of
activities that have been conducted to address these indicators. In addition, as identified in
Palau’s revised monitoring procedures, as part of annual monitoring activities the 3rd party
monitor will check for compliance with any of the SPP compliance indicators identified as
noncompliant in the previous year’s APR.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for FFY 2006
Revisions or Additions to Improvement Activities
Activity 1.
Identify and contract a third party Monitor for next cycle of monitoring.
Change date to by March 2008. A new contract needs to put in place for the
next cycle of monitoring.
Activity 2.
Review and update monitoring forms and procedures as needed.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Change date to annually. This will help to ensure needed changes are made.
Activity 5.
Review Monitoring Reports with CRTs and Special Education staff to identify
the school implementation needs to address.
Change date to annually following receipt of monitoring reports. This will
help to ensure that systemic issues are addressed, as needed, across the
Activity 6.
Develop school Improvement Plans based on current monitoring reports.
Change date to annually within 2 months of receiving reports.
Activity 8.
Coordinator establishes monthly meetings with CRTs to review school
Improvement Plan activities to be sure they are on track.
Update to indicate new coordinator will establish regular meeting
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / General Supervision
INDICATOR 16: Percent of signed written complaints with reports issued that were resolved
within 60-day timeline or a timeline extended for exceptional circumstances
with respect to a particular complaint.
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B))
Measurement: Percent = [(1.1(b) + 1.1(c)) divided by 1.1] times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
100% of complaints will be resolved within 60-day timeframe.
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006 (2006-2007)
Only one complaint was received from parents during the 2006-07 school year. The
complaint had to do with a misunderstanding regarding one instance of transportation not
being provided for a student with a disability. The complaint was investigated and once the
facts were clarified with the parent, it was resolved informally. Table 7, the dispute
resolution table, may be found as attachment #7.
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed
Activity #1:
TA provider to conduct training for Sped Coordinator, Consulting
Resource Teachers CRTs) and others on new IDEA procedural
safeguards requirements.
A training on Palau’s revised due process procedures for implementing
the procedural safeguards requirements described in Palau’s special
education procedures was conducted in April 2007. Special education
staff, consulting resource teachers and other MOE staff attended the
training. The revised procedures are submitted as an attachment to this
APR, as required in the response table accompanying Palau’s
determinations letter.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Activity #2:
Conduct trainings with parents on procedural safeguards.
Activity #3:
Follow-up trainings with parents and principals will be conducted by
school areas.
Completed for 2006-07 and Ongoing. A team of special education and MOE staff
attended the OSEP regulations training held in CA in February 2007.
Parents, teachers, and principals were then provided training in June of
2007 on their roles and responsibilities related to the legal rights of
individuals B-21 with disabilities and their families. Resources utilized
were the Palau Special Education Eligibility Document and Procedural
Safeguard (Parents’ Rights Booklet).
Activity #4:
Maintain and report out number of complaints received and their status on
a monthly basis.
Procedures are in place for the data manager to track and report
complaints on a monthly basis. This system is now operating.
Activity #5:
Review procedures annually and adjust activities as needed.
Continuing as planned
Activity #6:
Update tracking forms and procedures for complaints, mediations and
due process hearing requests.
Our systems for tracking are reviewed annually with a consultant from the
University of Oregon to assure that any mediations, resolutions or due
process hearings are conducted in a timely fashion. These procedures
will be reviewed again in April 2008 to ensure that they are consistent
with all timelines as described in Palau’s revised due process procedures.
Progress / Slippage
MET TARGET: 100% compliance - As noted above only one complaint was received
during the 2006-07 school year. The one complaint was promptly investigated and found to
be a misunderstanding. It was resolved informally.
From the OSEP FFY 2005 Response Table: As indicated in Indicator 15, with its April 10, 2007
submission, the ROP provided OSEP a copy of its draft procedures, which address the dispute
resolution requirements. A copy of the final procedures must be submitted with the FFY 2006
APR, due February 1, 2008.
Response: Palau is submitting a final version of its procedures for implementation of dispute
resolutions requirements as detailed in Palau’s updated Policies for Special Education Program
Services (formerly Palau Eligibility Document for Special Education Services), that are in the
process of finalization by May 31, 2008, as assured in its FFY 2007 Application for Part B funds.
The attached Procedures (attachment # 6) are for inclusion in Palau’s Special Education
Handbook for staff and are intended to be a practical guide for staff to implement the due
process requirement as detailed in Palau’s Special Education Policies.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Please note that references to homeless youth are not included in this document as Palau is not
bound by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. More importantly, Palau does not
have any homeless as our culture assures that anyone in need of shelter is provided such
through our extended family culture. Similarly, Palau has no agricultural economy and therefore
no migrant population.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources FFY 2006
Activity #2 & 3.
Timelines for activities 2 and 3 have been adjusted in the SPP to allow for
the process of revising Palau’s special education procedures to come into
full compliance with IDEA 04. That process is scheduled to be completed
by May 2008. After that time, additional trainings for MOE staff and
families will be scheduled.
Activity #6.
The timeline for this activity has been changed to ’annually’ to ensure that
all tracking procedures are in compliance with policies and timelines as
adopted and are functioning as planned.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / General Supervision
INDICATOR 17: Percent of fully adjudicated due process hearing requests that were fully
adjudicated within the 45-day timeline or a timeline that is properly extended
by the hearing officer at the request of either party.
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B))
Measurement: Percent = [(3.2(a) + 3.2(b)) divided by 3.2] times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
100% of due process hearing requests will be fully adjudicated
within the 45-day timeline or a timeline that is properly extended by
the hearing officer at the request of either party.
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
There were no due process hearing requests received during 2006-07.
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed
Activity #1:
Update procedures for hearing officers and due process hearings
Revised procedures for implementing Impartial Due Process for Palau
Special Education have been drafted and are attached to this submission
as required by OSEP. These implementation procedures reflect Palau’s
updated due process policies as found in Palau’s updated policies for
special education, formerly referred to as Palau’s ‘Eligibility Document’ for
Special Education. These procedures are intended to be included in a
handbook being developed for special education staff.
Activity #4:
Review the list of Hearing Officers and update annually as needed
This is an ongoing activity.
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Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Activity 5 & 6
Not completed
Activity #7
Not completed
Identify Coordinator and establish office location for Due Process
Due to extended medical leave and later retirement of the special
education coordinator during 2006-07, this activity was not completed. It
is under review currently to determine if this is needed.
Conduct HO Training in Palau.
Although an RFP was issued and Palau received one proposal for onsite
hearing officer training, this activity was not completed due to the special
education coordinators’ extended medical leaves. This activity is under
review by the new special education coordinator. It is likely that new
proposals will have to be solicited.
Progress / Slippage
MET TARGET. As there were no due process hearing requests in FFY 2006 in Palau, the
target was met.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for 2006
Activity #1.
Revised timeline for adoption of revised due process procedures to May
2008. The Due Process Procedures have been revised and are being
submitted as an attachment to this document for OSEP’s review.
Activity #5:
Identify Coordinator and establish office location for Due Process
activities by September 2007.
This activity is being revised to the following: Identify process for
coordination of procedural safeguards activities and identify staff
responsible. May 2008.
Activity #6:
Add Activity: Designate and establish Administrative staff for Due
This activity is deleted as it has been merged with indicator #5.
Activity #7:
Conduct HO Training in Palau.
The timeline for this activity is changed to June 2008.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / General Supervision
Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that were
resolved through resolution session settlement agreements.
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3(B))
Measurement: Percent = 3.1(a) divided by (3.1) times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
FFY 2006
Target to be set when the number of resolution
sessions exceeds ten, per OSEP guidance
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006: There were no due process hearing requests, and
therefore no hearing requests that went to resolution in FFY 2006.
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for FFY 2006
Activity #1
Finalize due process procedures including procedures for the conduct of
resolution sessions.
Revised due process procedures are attached for review. They will also
be included in Palau’s updated policies for special education and the staff
Activity #2:
Train staff in approved procedures.
A staff training was conducted in April 2007.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources for FFY 2006
Activity #1
Finalize due process procedures including procedures for the conduct of
resolution sessions.
Revise timeline to May 2008.
Activity #2:
Train staff in approved procedures.
The timeline for this activity is being changed to “ongoing.”
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / General Supervision
INDICATOR 19: Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation agreements.
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B))
Measurement: Percent = [(2.1(a)(i) + 2.1(b)(i)) divided by 2.1] times 100.
Measurable and Rigorous Target
No targets will be set until a minimum of ten mediations are
reached in a given baseline year
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
No complaints were received that met IDEA guidelines so no mediations were requested in
No targets will be set for this indicator until a minimum of 10 mediations are conducted in a
given year, per OSEP guidance.
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed
Activity #2:
Not Completed
Activity #3:
Update policies and procedures for qualifications and appointment of
the mediators.
Revised procedures for the implementation of procedural safeguards
are attached for OSEP’s review. These procedures are adopted from
Palau’s revised regulations for special education that are scheduled for
the public review process by May 2008.
Conduct trainings for Mediators.
No additional mediation training was offered this year. Palau does,
however, maintain a list of trained mediators who are available as
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Activity #4:
Update list of mediators with locally trained people.
Palau maintains a current list of trained mediators.
Progress or Slippage
No targets will be established for this indicator until the number of mediations exceeds ten.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources FFY 2006
Activity #2.
Timeline is revised to May 2008 to incorporate final adoption of Palau’s
revised special education regulations.
Activity #5.
Add activity. One of the Special Education Staff is being designated to be
administrative staff for processing Complaints, Mediations and Due
Process Hearing requests and is being trained to be familiar with the
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Monitoring Priority: Effective General Supervision Part B / General Supervision
INDICATOR 20: State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and Annual
Performance Report) are timely and accurate.
(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B))
State reported data, including 618 data and annual performance reports, are:
a. Submitted on or before due dates (February 1 for child count, including race
and ethnicity, placement; November 1 for exiting, discipline, personnel; and
February 1 for Annual Performance Reports); and
b. Accurate (describe mechanisms for ensuring error free, consistent, valid and
reliable data and evidence that these standards are met).
Measurable and Rigorous Target
100% of State reported data (618 data, State Performance Plan and
Annual Performance Report) are timely and accurate.
Actual Target Data for FFY 2006 [2006-2007]
All required Federal reports (100%) were submitted in a timely and accurate manner for FFY
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Indicator #20 Calculation
(using the Indicator 20 scoring rubric) – see attachment ( )
A. APR Grand Total =
B. 618 Grand Total =
C. APR Grand Total (A) + 618 Grand Total (B) =
D. Subtotal (C divided by 99 =
98 %
E. Indicator Score (Subtotal (D) x 100) =
Calculation for FFY 2006
(Number of cells checked for APR) plus (2 X Number of cells checked for 618 data) /
99 X 100 = percentage
49 + (2 x24)/99X 100=98%
APR Data
Valid and
Reliable Data
APR Indicator
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Valid and
Reliable Data
APR Indicator
618 State-Reported Data
Passed Edit
Responded to Data
Note Requests
Table 1– Child
Due Date: 2/1/07
Table 2- Personnel
Due Date: 11/1/07
Table 3– Ed.
Due Date: 2/1/07
Table 4– Exiting
Due Date: 11/1/07
Table 5- Discipline
Due Date: 11/1/07
Table 6- State
Due Date: 2/1/07
Table 7- Dispute
Due Date: 11/1/07
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
(OMB NO: 1820-0624 / Expiration Date: 08-31-2009)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or
Slippage for 2006-2007
Improvement Activities Completed
Activity #1:
Continue to work with MOE staff to implement the SIS system.
Completed for 2006 Special Education Program has been working with the Ministry of
Education Student Information System (SIS) to improve the quality of
school and student data. The Student Information System (SIS) is being
populated with student data as well as Statewide Assessment Data. This
is an ongoing activity to improve and streamline the generation of results
for various use by Ministry of Education and Special Education reports.
Activity #2:
Verify data for special education students entered at the school sites.
Completed for 2006 All data for students with IEPs at the school sites are meticulously verified
before they are entered into the system. Special Education Program will
continue to work with the secretaries who input the data to make sure that
students with IEPs are appropriately identified and entered into the
system. This is an ongoing process.
Activity #3:
Provide training as needed to school secretaries to ensure reliability to
data being imputed on SPED students.
Completed for 2006 All data for students with IEPs at the school sites are meticulously verified
before they are entered into the system. Special Education Program will
continue to work with the secretaries who input the data to make sure that
students with IEPs are appropriately identified and entered into the
system. This is an ongoing process. There have been trainings for
secretaries when we first launched the MOESIS. Since then, the
secretaries have been continuously informed of the new fields added into
the system. This will be MOE’s ongoing activity to train the secretaries
further, following any changes and improvement to the system.
Activity #4:
Review the improvement activities annually and design training as
Completed for 2006 Improvement activities are revisited all the time. As a result of this, we
know what training needs to be designed to accommodate specific
program needs. All trainings revolve around the improvement activities
we proposed. This has been going on and will continue in the coming
years.. There has been training with an outside consultant to help
understand new fields that have been imputed into SIS. The trainings will
be ongoing to help us familiar ourselves with all aspects of SIS.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
Progress / Slippage
Met Target: 100%. To the best of our knowledge we have submitted timely and accurate
data on the SPP and APR and have followed all instructions. All 618 data were also timely
and accurate and submitted on time.
Section 618 data submissions: All 618 exiting, discipline, and personnel data have been
submitted to Westat in October 2006, a month before their due date. All data are verified
meticulously through student’s files, CRT’s and the Data Manager. All 618 data required
for the February 1 data submission were also timely and accurate, and submitted on time to
The Ministry of Education Student Information System (SIS) has been a developing process
for a long time. There has been ‘add ins’ into the system to make it more ‘user friendly’.
Secretaries who input data in the school sites have been consistently trained on any new
fields in the system as they are added to the system. The Student Information System (SIS)
is being populated with student data as well as Statewide Assessment Data. This is an
ongoing to improve and streamline the generation of results for various use by the Ministry
of Education and Special Education. A consultant from outside has been coming down to
train us of the new data fields that have been imputed into the SIS.
In the meantime, Special Education data has been maintained using the Excel application.
A program called “Soe’s Add-Ins” with all these data will be entered into the SIS for
generating data for reporting needs in the near future. When the SIS is up and running, the
Special Education Data Manager will be able to verify the data input from the school sites.
As soon as all the glitches are worked out, special education data will be maintained in the
EXCEL program so that reports can be generated in a timely and accurate manner.
OSEP’s response letter asked that we provide in the APR information to verify that data are
timely and accurate. As noted above, although the SIS is not yet fully operational, Special
Education section 618 data and reports continue to be submitted in a timely and accurate
manner using the old system, until the new SIS system is totally operational.
SPP/APR Data Submissions: In the response table accompanying OSEP’s 2007
‘Determinations’ letter to Palau, several issues were identified related to the data submitted
for specific indicators. Palau has been working with OSEP staff and several consultants to
better understand what is required in the SPP and APR submissions and we believe we
have corrected the problems noted in OSEP’s comments found in the SP/APR response
table for FFY 2005.
This is a new process for many of us and some of the indicators require responses that are
unique to Palau’s system and status. Special Education and MOE Division of Research and
Evaluation staff now meet regularly to ensure timely and accurate data, particularly in the
area of assessment for indicator 3. In addition, special Education has worked closely with
consultants to understand and make sure systems are in place to annually provide timely
and accurate data for indicator 15. Palau staff were also able this year to include parents of
high school students in the parent survey data gathering process and we now have a
representative set of responses for indicator 8. We look forward to our continuing
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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Republic of Palau
Part B State Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2006 (2006-2007)
relationship with OSEP staff and TA providers to continue to have data that are timely and
accurate to help guide our program.
Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities /
Timelines / Resources FFY 2007 (2006-2007)
Activity #4:
Review the improvement activities annually and design training as
*Change timeline to ongoing.
New Activity #5: Maintain regular contact with OSEP staff and other TA providers to set up
an annual process for revising the SPP/APR in a timely and accurate
manner. Ongoing through 2011.
Part B State Annual Performance Report for (2006-2007)
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