Shared Reading Lesson Plan Title: The Magic Hat Genre:F Author: Mem Fox Pub: Literacy Core Objective: L.A. Standard 4000-07 Objective 0702 Apply strategies to comprehend text Content Core Objective: Text Structure: Narrative Informational Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading Students will be able to make predictions before, during, and after reading. “I Can” Statements: Essential Questions I can make predictions using picture clues, title, and my background knowledge. ELL Language Objectives: Partners will recite the refrain with the teacher. Focus - Comprehension Strategies, Vocabulary & Text Structures/Features Comprehension Strategy: Questioning Predicting Making Connections Inferring, Visualizing, Background knowledge Determining Importance Clarifying and self-monitoring Summarizing Synthesizing Introducing the Text “I Do It” Modeling and Teacher Talk: “Today students We will be learning about a comprehension strategy good readers use. Good readers make predictions before, during, and after the read. (Before) As I read the title of the book The Magic Hat by Mem Fox, I’m wondering whom the magic hat belongs to. I’ll bet the hat is going to cause a problem in the story. I notice there are children on the cover of the book. I predict there will be children in the story.” Reading the Text “We Do It” Interacting with and reinforcing strategies and skills: (During) Read the book. Each time you come to the last two lines on the page really stress the words so the students are able to make a rhyming prediction (Like a bouncing balloon, and sat on the head of a hairy . . .). Give the students time to predict what the next animal may be. Remind them that thinking about a rhyming word will help them predict correctly. (After) As you finish the story, review the before reading predictions. Did I predict correctly? Good Readers predict in the their minds before, during, and after everything they read. Word Work – Model the “at” chunk. Extending the Reading “You Do It” Students practicing the strategies taught, rereading for fluency, and extending into writing: As students read during “guided reading,” they will make a prediction orally or in writing before they read. They will stop in the middle of their reading to again predict. As they finish the reading, they will reflect on their predictions and make additional one for their reading the next day. Word Work – Students will work with a partner sorting “at chunk” words and pictures. Strategies taught in Shared Reading should be gradually released and reinforced in Guided Reading Groups and Student Independent Practice Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.) Assessment: Activities: *This lesson could be a multiple day plan