
Reusable Packaging Association
Strategic Plan
“A Blueprint for the Future”
October 2012
1. Introduction
This Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) Strategic Plan presents a blueprint for the future at
strategic and tactical levels. Stated differently, this plan:
Outlines a long-term course of development and strategic position for the Association as a
unique trade association in the packaging industry.
Identifies short-term implementation priorities needed to fulfill the expectations of current
and future reusable packaging supply chain members.
Addresses resource and related issues that influence RPA’s ability to serve members and
represent their interests in a superior manner.
Strategic Planning at RPA
The following items outline a variety of factors that frame or provide the rationale for the
development of the RPA Strategic Plan.
The Reusable Packaging Association has developed and gained organizational strength
since its founding. As a result, the RPA’s planning process focuses on “getting to the next
level” as a packaging industry trade association. RPA, stated differently, is not planning its
future from a position of current weakness or a need to “solve” a series of problems.
Rather, the Association’s current strength should be used as a catalyst or platform for
gaining and retaining members, fulfilling their expectations, and representing their
interests in a superior manner.
RPA must continue to differentiate itself from the offerings of other associations by (a)
pursuing important and value adding initiatives not being provided by other organizations;
(b) performing some functions “better” than other organizations; or, (c) by partnering with
other organizations to create value and leverage resources needed for innovative offerings.
Stated differently, RPA must continue to offer a membership value equation that is
distinct, unique, and compelling.
The RPA strategic planning process enables both volunteer leadership and professional
staff to create a shared vision for the organization; and, to identify how this vision will be
pursued over the short- and long-term. As in any organization, “getting everyone on the
same page” is always an important aspect of the planning process.
The preceding notions are incorporated in the Strategic Plan given in Section 2. In Section 2, a
clear definition of RPA’s unique role and focus is presented to secure the future success of the
Association and its members.
RPA Strategic Planning Process
The seven (7) steps shown below document the planning process used to formulate the Strategic
Plan given in Section 2. These steps, which are defined in more detail in Section 2, provided an ideal
vehicle for the RPA Board and staff to discuss a wide range of issues affecting the future of the
2. The RPA Strategic Plan
The following sections present all components of the RPA Strategic Plan. This Plan represents
the Association’s blueprint for the future in its member service and representation functions.
RPA Mission and Industry Vision
The Strategic Plan is anchored by the following Mission and Vision Statements. These represent
the overarching and long-term focus of RPA and, as such, guide decision-making processes on programs,
services, and resources. RPA’s Mission identifies the Association’s “reason for being” and the effective
pursuit of this Mission will yield achievement of the Industry’s Vision or its desired outcome.
RPA Mission Statement
The Reusable Packaging Association promotes the value and expansion of reusable
packaging systems.
Industry Vision Statement
Reusable packaging systems are recognized and accepted supply chain solutions for
targeted applications that produce economic, social, and environmental benefits.
RPA Value Equation
To achieve high levels of membership recruitment and retention, the Association will deliver the
following Value Equation. These Values will directly benefit current and potential members in a variety
of ways while also advancing the reusable packaging industry.
RPA provides a collective voice for all segments of the reusable packaging industry to
implement collaborative approaches that
Produce a growing and more profitable marketplace for member’s products and services.
Enhance the industry’s competitiveness compared to other packaging solutions.
Engage members and leverage member’s expertise to spur industry innovation.
Provide credible data and information to document the value of reusable packaging
RPA Core Objectives
The following Core Objectives identify the scope and focus of the Association.
Objectives help to transition RPA’s strategic focus (established in the preceding process steps) to a
platform for the development of Strategies and Tactics.
Industry Promotion: Increase marketplace acceptance of reusable packaging solutions
for continuous growth.
Membership and Member Engagement: Attract a growing and diversified membership
and create a collaborative environment to capitalize on opportunities by applying
members’ expertise.
Information, Data, and Education: Provide credible resources to accelerate the adoption
of reusable packaging systems.
RPA Strategies and Tactics
The following Strategies identify “what” the Association will do to achieve its Core Objectives
while Tactics indicate “how” each Strategy will be pursued. These Strategies and Tactics outline a range
of RPAactivity that provides a basis for the identification of implementation priorities and resource
Industry Promotion
1. Major Strategies
1.1 Pavilion Program
1.2 Collaborations with Other Associations
1.3 Speaking Engagements
1.4 E-Media Initiatives (website, social network)
1.5 Public and Media Relations
1.6 Government Affairs
2. Major Tactics
2.1 Deliver greater benefit for RPA members at all PACK EXPO events by strengthening the
presence and attendee awareness of RPA’s Reusable Packaging Pavilion. Establish a
subcommittee of the Marketing/Communications Committee to focus on trade show initiatives
and current and new pavilion programs
2.2 Develop a pavilion program to promote the reusable packaging industry and member services
and products at appropriate MHIA sponsored trade shows – Industry Affairs/Education
2.3 Identify and obtain speaking opportunities for RPA members to promotethe reusable
packaging industry at targeted trade show conference programs and other industry meetings –
Education/Industry Affairs Committees
Industry Promotion (continued)
2.4 Offer StopWaste style workshops around the country to promote the benefits of switching
from expendable to reusable packaging solutions – Industry Affairs/Education Committees
2.5 Establish opportunities for RPA members to benefit from participation in CSCMP sponsored
meetings and events – Industry Affairs Committee
2.6 Expand the reach and effectiveness of RPA’s industry information efforts through the use of
new electronic media/social networking processes like webinars – Marketing/Communications
2.7 Strengthen RPA’s public relations activities (through, for example, collaborations with other
associations and partnering with trade publications) to promote the industry to the trade press,
reusable packaging end-users and other media – RPA Staff
2.8 Use RPA’s General Counsel to monitor Federal legislative and regulatory activity that might
impact the industry and members’ business opportunities – RPA General Council
Membership and Member Engagement
1. Major Strategies
1.1 Council Structure
1.2 Membership Meetings and Events
1.3 Membership Recruitment – Retention for Diversity
1.4 Effective Member Communications
1.5 Networking Opportunities
2. Major Tactics
2.1 Establish RPA Councils to benefit members by establishing “communities of interest” to more
effectively address key issues and to increase member involvement levels in RPA –
Membership Committee
2.2 Sponsor an Annual RPA Membership Meeting to engage members in discussion of key
industry issues, report on RPA activities, and to build stronger relationships between RPA and
member companies – Executive Committee
2.3 Develop a Membership Welcome Kit to educate new members on the availability of RPA
programs and services; and, to encourage current and new members and their employees to
become involved in RPA activities – RPA Staff/Marketing and Communications
Committee/Membership Committee
2.4 Offer regional outreach programs to update members on RPA activities and to build working
relationships with members and potential new members – Membership Committee
2.5 Implement an ongoing membership development effort to increase RPA’s membership and
successfully retain RPA’s current membership
2.6 Host RPA receptions at major industry events to promote the industry and to facilitate member
customer interactions needed to create mutually beneficial business opportunities –
Membership Committee
2.7 Strengthen RPA’s ability to represent the reusable packaging industry and members business
interests by expanding RPA’s web presence and foster better communications through the
RPA’s electronic newsletter – Marketing Communication Committee
Information, Data, and Education
1. Major Strategies
1.1 Asset protection and recovery
1.2 Tools to demonstrate—document economic advantages of reusables
1.3 Research on economic and sustainability issues
1.4 University Outreach initiatives
2. Major Tactics
2.1 Establish a Working Group to address the issue of asset protection and recovery; and, to
propose an industry developed set of recommendations and action items to address this
important industry issues – Ad Hoc Working Group
2.2 Continue to build new business tools that educate users by documenting and demonstrating the
economic, environmental or other benefits of switching to reusable packaging solutions in
their supply chains – Marketing/Communications Committee/RPA Staff
2.3 Use the RPA web site to build a “Resource Center” or “Knowledge Center” that will inform
users about reusable packaging solutions appropriate to their company’s needs. For example,
gather case studies and other reports that document the practical “real world” business benefits
of reusable packaging solutions – Marketing/Communications Committee/RPA Staff
2.4 Establish a Working Group to determine how best to provide statistics and data to better
define the characteristics of the reusable packaging industry and to identify new opportunities
to document the positive economic and environmental impacts of reusables in the marketplace
– Ad Hoc Working Group
2.5 Structure relationships with faculty and staff at targeted universities to encourage research on
the advantages of reusable packaging from a technology and supply chain perspective.
RPA Short-Term Priorities
To launch its Strategic Plan in a manner that benefits current and future members as well as the
reusable packaging industry, the Association should focus on the following Implementation Priorities
over the short-term. Stated differently, the annual RPA business plan and budget should focus on the
accomplishment of these priorities while not sacrificing the ability of the Association to address
unexpected opportunities or challenges; or, to extend current initiatives that have produced the current
strength of the Association.
Short-Term Priorities
1. Tier 1 Priorities
1.1 Sponsor the Reusable Packaging Pavilion at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2013 and establish
RPA’s presence at ProMat 2013 and Modex 2014 shows
Short-Term Priorities (continued)
1.2 Offer the first Annual RPA Membership Meeting in spring 2013 to:
a. Inform members about RPA activities, outcomes and benefits
b. Disseminate important industry related information, and
c. Provide significant networking opportunities
1.3 Establish a working group to address asset protection and recovery issue
1.4 Create Membership Orientation packet for distribution to all current and future RPA members
1.5 Establish “issue management” focused RPA Councils to address key industry issues by
defining “best Practices” and other approaches that will strengthen the industry and promote
user acceptance of reusable packaging solutions
2. Tier 2 Priorities
2.1 Continue to build ongoing RPA communications programs including PR, electronic media,
web and other means to promote the industry and to keep RPA members, trade press and
others aware of key initiatives and industry developments
2.2 Continue efforts to attract new members to the Association and to retain current members
2.3 Strengthen outreach efforts to key industry groups seeking to build closer working relationship
and obtain speaking opportunities for RPA to represent the industry and build new business
opportunities for member companies
RPA Resource Availability
The Association must ensure that adequate volunteer, staff, and financial resources are available
to support accomplishment of its implementation priorities and to strengthen its long-term position in
security management. It is recognized, or course, that the provision of membership value must be inplace if adequate resources are to be generated from a blend of internal and external sources.
Resource Availability
1. Retain current dues structure for all membership categories for FY 2013 and 2014. In 2014,
conduct a review and analysis of dues structure and recommend modifications needed to secure
adequate long-term funding for RPA
2. If approved by Board ensure adequate funding is available to support the work of new RPA “issue
management” focused Councils
3. Assess opportunities to generate non-dues income from RPA members through:
a. Annual and other meeting fees
b. Pavilion fees
c. Member sponsorship support for special RPA activities or programs
d. Industry advocacy fund
Resource Availability (continued)
4. Identify opportunities to generate additional non-dues income from non-member constituencies
(i.e., government grants and contracts and partnerships with for-profit entities)
5. Leverage RPA’s industry position to generate additional funding support for special studies and
other industry economic analysis
6. Utilize outsourcing and other cost containment strategies to increase RPA’s overall effectiveness
and efficiency
7. Assure professional staff leadership, development, and continuity needed by RPA over the shortand long-term
8. Identify and cultivate volunteer leaders who exhibit the skills and commitment to lead RPA in the
Strategic Plan Evaluation and Refinement Processes
At the Reusable Packaging Association, strategies and business planning functions are regarded
as a process. In other words, the RPA Strategic Plan should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis
to: measure performance against the Plan’s priorities; reflect changes in the expectations of current and
future members; and, to accommodate on-going changes in the reusable packaging industry.
Evaluation and Refinement
1. Develop metrics to measure RPA’s annual performance in the following activity areas:
Program effectiveness
Implementation of plan objectives and priorities
Achievement of financial goals
Attainment of annual membership development goals
Increased member satisfaction levels
2. The RPA Strategic Plan should be:
Reviewed each year to identify current initiatives that should be improved; and, to determine
needs for the launch of program-service innovation
Updated on a more intensive basis every three (3) years.
The Strategic Plan presented in the preceding section is a blue print for the continuing success of
the Reusable Packaging Association at strategic and operational levels. As such, the Strategic Plan must
be the focus of the Association’s decision making process; and, also communicated to members in order
to build grass roots member recognition understanding of the Association’s future course of development
and expected achievements.