Simulation of electrochemical growth of polycrystalline deposit under galvanostatic conditions E. Zinigrad, D. Aurbach Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel ABSTRACT The electrochemical growth of polycrystalline lithium deposits under galvanostatic conditions was studied. An increase of the real surface area of the polycrystalline deposits is theoretically described as a function of time. The dependence of the number of simultaneously growing crystals on the current density was obtained. The experimental data confirm the validity of the model simulation for the growth of polycrystalline lithium deposits at constant current density in 1,3dioxolane (DN)/1 M LiAsF6 electrolyte solution. INTRODUCTION The electrochemical growth of single metals and alloys clusters under galvanostatic and potentiostatic conditions was theoretically studied and experimentally verified [1-3]. The relationship between the radius of the spherical cluster and the growth current was obtained theoretically [1] using mass balance of the deposited electroactive species. The theory that relates the number of crystals, applied to electrochemical growth of metals, was developed by Schottky [4, 5] and modified by Baraboshkin [6]. The electrochemical growth of polycrystalline lithium metal deposits under galvanostatic conditions was studied in the present paper. An increase of the real integral surface area of deposits was theoretically described. The verification of the theoretical assumption was carried out by investigating galvanostatic deposition of lithium in 1,3-dioxolane (DN)/1 M LiAsF6 electrolyte solution. The dependence of simultaneously growing crystals’ number on current density was obtained. THEORY According to Milchev [1] the growth of single metal cluster during galvanostatic deposition as a function of time is described by equation (1): r3 r3 0 3I ( 0 ) , 4 ( ) zF (1) where r is the cluster radius, I - current for a single cluster, I = const, v - molar volume of the metal deposited, - wetting angle of a single cluster growing on a foreign substrate under galvanostatic conditions, () = 1/2 – 3/4 (cos + 1/4 cos3), z - the electrochemical valence, F - the Faraday constant. 614 We neglect the initial mass of the critical nucleus and assume that the cluster has a hemispherical shape. For a hemisphere, the wetting angle equals to 900, cos = 0 and hence () = 1/2. According to our assumption r0 = 0 at 0 = 0, then, for a hemisphere, equation (1) takes the shape: r3 3I . 2 zF (2) The surface area of one hemispherical crystal equals: s = 2r2. (3) Substituting (2) into (3), we obtain an equation that relates the surface area as a function of time: s ( ) 2 ( 3I )2 / 3 . 2 zF (4) The deposits formation may be described in terms of the following consecutive steps: formation of the nucleus, its growth up to the final size, formation of new nucleus on top of its surface and so on. It’s impossible to measure the real surface area of simultaneously growing crystals of polycrystalline deposit by a direct microscopic observation as it is for a single crystal [1]. Therefore an indirect method for surface area growth estimation may be applied. As an example, a method can be developed for the studying of the electrochemical growth of a deposit, which chemically reacts with the electrolyte solution components as in the case of lithium deposition in 1,3-dioxolane (DN)/1 M LiAsF6 electrolyte solution. The rate of the chemical interaction of the deposited metal with the electrolyte solution is proportional to the real working surface. It is known that during electrochemical deposition of lithium from aprotic organic solution the deposited metal reacts with the electrolyte solution, namely – the solvent, the anion and the contamination. We assume that the interaction occurs only on the increscent surface area, i.e. on the surface of the crystals during the growth time from its formation up to achieving the final size. In fact, the rate of the solvent reaction on the bare Li surface is very fast and decreases quickly due to passivation. Nevertheless, we roughly approximate average chemical interaction rate (V) as a constant. The average rate represents the reaction of the solvent with the lithium exposed to the solution during the cluster growth time (c) from its formation up to its final size. The number of the moles of solvent reacted at time c with one cluster equals: c M V s( ) d . (5) 0 After the integration we obtain the number of moles of solvent that reacted with one growing cluster as a function of its growth time: 6 3Iv M V 1 / 3 ( ) 2 / 3 c 5 / 3 . 5 zF 615 (6) We express c using the final radius of the cluster from equation (2) and obtain the number of the moles of solvent reacted with one growing cluster as a function of its final radius: M V 0.8 2 zF 5 r . I v (7) The total number of moles of solvent that reacted with the growing deposit of metal over the whole experiment (Mtotal) can be calculated assuming that each of the clusters has the same final size: Mtotal = M .N, (8) where N is total number of the grains in the deposit that have grown over the time of the constant current application. It’s possible to calculate N from the experimental data: N=Vtotal/Vsingle, (9) where Vtotal –volume of all formed grains and Vsingle= 2 r 3 - volume of one 3 hemispherical crystal. The volume of all grains, which is formed during the deposition process is determined by the current density i and the test time τtotal: Vtotal i total . zF (10) At this point the total number of the grains in the deposit equals: N= 3 i total . 2 zF r 3 (11) By substituting (7) and (11) into (8), we obtain: M total Vtotal 1.2 n r 2 total , (12) where n = i / I, n is the number of the grains simultaneously growing on 1 cm2 of the geometrical surface of an electrode. EXPERIMENTAL The growth of a lithium deposit was studied in 1,3-dioxolane solution containing 1 M LiAsF6. The ready-made AA Li metal cell was used as two electrodes electrochemical cell. AA cells are characterized as a system with standard conditions and highly reproducible properties. AA cells were subjected to deposition-dissolution cycles at different deposition current densities: 0.3, 0.75, 1.25, 1,75, 2.25 mA/cm2, up to the end of life state, which was defined as cells’ capacity equals to zero. In all tests the dissolution current density was the identical: 1.25 mA/cm2. The morphology of the lithium deposits obtained at different current densities was studied by Scanning Electron Microscope. To determine the mean grain size at the its final size, we treated photomicrographs of the deposits using Scion Image software. At least 100 grains were measured for each current density. All the tests were carried out at room temperature. 616 After 10 cycles After 110 cycles Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of lithium deposits formed at a deposition current density 1.25 mA/cm2. 617 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mean grain diameter, micron One of the several approximations that were assumed by us was the hemispherical shape of the growing crystals. As seen in Fig. 1, in the dioxolane based electrolyte solution, lithium crystals have a shape similar to the spherical one in the investigated range of the current density. Figure 1 shows typical Li deposits obtained at a deposition current density 1.25 mA/cm2 at different magnifications. As can be seen, most of the crystals have indeed hemispherical shape. The morphology of the lithium deposits was found to be practically independent on the cycle number. With the increase of current density, the final grain size reduces (Fig. 2). It is known [7] that the cathodes and the separators of exhausted batteries were usually dry. In fact, the whole solvent disappeared due to its reduction by growing lithium deposit. It is possible to calculate the mean rate of the interaction of the lithium deposit with dioxolane (v) using the deposition time i. e. the total accumulated time of the deposition processes in all cycles until the cell is exhausted. It is important to note that the initial content of the dioxolane in AA cell is constant. The mean rate of interaction between solvent and growing Li deposit can be obtained as: v = Mtotal /τtotal , (13) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Current density, mA/cm2 Fig. 2. Grain size variation as a function of current density. where v is the mean interaction rate in mole/s; Mtotal – the total number of the moles of dioxolane reacted over the whole period of time of accumulated lithium growth and equals to the initial content of the dioxolane. As demonstrated at Fig. 3, the mean interaction rate grows with the increase the deposition current density. This phenomenon relates to the increase in the real surface area of the growing deposit. We assume that the number of the grains growing simultaneously on 1 cm2 of the geometrical surface of electrode in the stationary state is constant for a given current density. In accordance to (12), the real average interaction rate V calculated for 1 cm2 of the real working surface area is: 618 V M total . 1.2 n r 2 total (14) The number of the hemispherical grains growing simultaneously on 1 cm2 of the geometrical surface of the electrode in the stationary state can be obtained from (14): n M total . 1.2 V r 2 total (15) The value of the real average interaction rate is not expected to depend on the current density at a constant temperature if the physico-chemical properties of the lithium deposit do not change. The value Mtotal was constant in all of our tests. Therefore, the variation of n with the change of the current density, depends on the value 1/ r2. τtotal only. In order to obtain an equation is suitable for interpretation of experimental data we rewrite the formula (15) to the next form: n 1.2 V 1 2 . M total r total (16) Interaction rate (v), mmole/s 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Current density, 2 2.5 mA/cm2 Fig. 3. Interaction rate (v) dependence on current density. Baraboshkin [6] obtained equations for calculating the number of crystals formed on the cathode during electrochemical deposition at a constant current density. In accordance to the theory of crystals’ number relevant to molten salts solution and can be adopted for this problem as well, Z is proportional to i3/2. Such dependence was obtained both for diffusion control: Z 0.27 K 1 / 2i 3 / 2 3/ 2 zF 1 / 2C1 / 2 D 3 / 2 (c0 cS )3 / 2max 619 , (17) where K W 2 / kT - the quantity, independent of overpotential ; W* - work of the formation of heterogeneous nucleus, η – overpotential, T – absolute temperature, k – the Boltzman constant; C –full electrode capacity is assumed independent of potential; D – diffusion coefficient; c0 and cs - concentrations of lithium ions in the bulk of electrolyte solution and near surface of the growing cluster correspondenly, the value of c0-cs is assumed constant during nucleus growth; max the highest phase overpotential at which nucleus is formed; and for the migration control: Z 84 z1 / 2 K 1 / 2i 3 / 2 3 1 / 2C1 / 2 3 / 2max , (18) where is the spesific electroconductivity of electrolyte solution. We assume that the n dependence on current density is correlated with Z dependence on one. The value n is proportional to i3/2 as well as Z. The reason for this correlation is the fact that n is as influenced by the nucleus formation rate as Z, for the number of grains growing simultaneously on 1 cm2, will increase with the growth of the nucleuses number, formed per time unit. In confirmation of aforementioned theory, the dependence of 1/ r2. τtotal (16) on the current density obtained in our tests, is shown in Fig. 4. 90 80 1/r2. ttotal, 1/cm2.s 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 i 3/2 3 4 (current density, mA/cm2) Fig. 4. 1/ r total vs. current density plot. Dots are the experimental data. Solid line is a result of calculation in accordance with equation (19). 2 The experimental data (dots) (Fig. 4) exhibit a good agreement with the following linear equation: 1 r total 2 26i 3 / 2 6 . 620 (19) 1/ r2. τtotal equals n 1.2V (16), therefore, by substituning (19) into (16) M total we obtain: n 1.2V 26i 3 / 2 6 . 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