Our goal is to provide each student with opportunities to grow and learn in a safe, caring, enjoyable environment. We encourage you become involved in the activities offered by our school and community.
This handbook sets forth our expectations and guidelines we believe will promote successfulness. We encourage all parents and students to read the handbook together and become familiar with the rules and regulations.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to share those with us.
Working together, we will have a great year!
We look forward to ensuring that your child receives the best education possible.
Supervision is provided for EES students from 7:10am-3:35pm. Do not drop off your child at the front of the school prior to 7:10am.
Breakfast begins at 7:30am and students who plan to eat breakfast need to arrive by that time. All students who arrive prior to 7:45 should report to the cafeteria. Homeroom begins at 7:45 and all students should be in class by 8:00am. Students who ride in cars are dismissed at 3:00pm. Late car riders should be picked by 3:35pm. Students who ride the bus home will be dismissed at 3:35 (or as soon as the buses arrive). Pre-K students must have an adult meet them as they get on and off the bus. If your child doesn’t have someone to supervise them before or after school we may contact other agencies to create a plan of action to best help your child.
Forms for updating information are given to each student at the beginning of school. These forms supply pertinent information for the computer program. Forms should be completed as indicated and returned as soon as possible. If emergency phone numbers or other information changes during the year, the school should be notified immediately.
EES is a Title One School. Therefore resources are used to benefit all students.
All visitors must enter through the front door and report to the front office immediately upon arrival at the school to sign-in and receive a visitor’s pass. Anyone wishing to visit the school should make prior arrangements with the principal, teacher, or secretary.
Students that attend other Heard County Schools may not attend functions at EES unless it is pre-approved by both principals (such as coming back for Olympic Day when they are a senior). Any visitor who disrupts, disturbs, or distracts will be asked to leave. They could be banned indefinitely from campus.
Students will be expected to walk themselves to class after the first week of school. If you wish to walk them to the door, please do, but we ask that you say goodbye at the front door of the school.
Volunteers must have a signed agreement on file in the office and have the background check completed at the Board of Education office in Franklin. In order to attend a fieldtrip, this must be completed prior to the trip. Background checks are good fo r five years unless otherwise notified. Volunteer situations must be pre-arranged with the teacher and office.
Students should be at school every day unless they have a lawful reason for being absent. All attendance records are kept on computer.
Repeated absences will be reported to the attendance protocol committee.
You will be contacted to pick your child up if they are suspected of having a communicable illness.
Please know that students that miss more than five days (regardless of the reason) will not be eligible for the Principal’s Attendance
Rewards. Accumulation of 15 or more tardies and/or early checkouts can also result in loss of the Principal’s Attendance Rewards.
During the school year we have activities such as PTO, Survivor, Dances, etc. If a child is out of school that day- they may not participate in those activities.
Habitual tardiness is a bad habit. A reasonable allowance will be made for unavoidable tardiness. Students should be in homeroom before 8:00am. Repeated tardiness will be reported to the attendance protocol committee.
A student is expected to remain in school for the entirety of the school day unless there is a justifiable reason for him/her not to do so.
Only parents, legal guardians, or adults designated and authorized in writing by a parent or legal guardian should check a student out of school. Students checking out prior to 11:30am will be counted absent for the day unless it is a special event such as Parent Day, field trip, etc. (If you check your child out of school, they may not attend another classroom/activity within the school day). Repeated check outs will be reported to the attendance protocol committee.
Students are allowed and encouraged to make up work missed due absences. Make-up work should be done as soon as possible after returning to school and arrangements must be made with the teacher for all make-up work. Students must request make up work from the teacher. Teachers may not be able to send some make-up work home with students. Therefore, students will need to complete that work during recess or exploratory times
Students, employees, and visitors are prohibited from using / possessing tobacco products or paraphernalia at school-sponsored events and on school property. This includes the car rider line. Please set a good example for our children.
Student insurance is available at the beginning of the year. Information is available at www.heard.k12.ga.us
Under normal circumstances, only the parent/guardian who enrolled the child may withdraw them. Please allow 24 hours for the information to be gathered and completed. Textbooks and library books must be turned in and all fines and lunch charges should be paid. A withdrawal form, with current grades and attendance information, will be given to the parent/guardian, thus making entry into a new school easier. Copies of records will be mailed upon request from that school.
Gifts of balloons and/or flowers may only be delivered to students during the school day on the student’s birthday. (They may not be transported on the bus.)
Parents are asked to designate the usual means of transportation for their child. Students will be sent home by their usual means of transportation unless they have a dated note, signed by the parent. Arrangements for your child’s transportation should be made prior to them coming to school each day. When you make multiple changes, errors are more likely to occur. Make a plan and stick to it whenever possible. When children aren’t sure about how they are going home it makes them uncomfortable and anxious.
Transportation changes made by phone should occur only in case of an emergency.
Students are not allowed to use school phones except in emergency situations (with permission from a staff member). Neither students nor teachers should be called and expected to talk during the regular school day, except in cases of emergency.
Parents or guardians may request information regarding their children’s teachers, including information on completion of state requirements for licensure and certification; emergency or provisional status; educational background; and whether paraprofessionals are serving the child, and if so, the paraprofessional’s qualifications. If interested in obtaining this information, contact Mrs. McRae.
We have maintenance personnel and custodians who work very hard to keep our buildings and grounds in good condition. However, the appearance of our buildings and grounds also depends on our students and visitors. We encourage our students to feel proud of our campus and to help keep it clean and neat. Parents or guardians shall be responsible for damage done by their child to the school building, furniture, grounds, textbooks, or other school property. Students committing acts of vandalism of school property will be subject to suspension and law involvement. If students are responsible for creating a mess, they will be responsible for cleaning it up.
Students are prohibited from carrying entertainment devices and electronic communication devices including cell phones and other similar devices on school property. Any student found in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action. Exceptions to this policy must be approved. The school/system will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. Students are prohibited from buying, selling, trading, or exchanging merchandise. Toys, games, card collections and similar merchandise are not allowed. Items taken up at school may be held until a parent can pick them up.
Solicitation of funds by students on school property during school hours is prohibited without prior approval from the Superintendent.
Superintendent approval for fundraising will be given only to charitable organizations. Elementary school students shall not participate in any fundraising activity which involves them in selling or distributing merchandise of any kind without prior approval of the Board.
Textbooks are furnished to students free of charge. They become the student’s responsibility when issued. Payment for lost/damaged textbooks is expected.
Students having to take medication of any kind should bring the medicine in the original container with complete dosage instructions to the School Nurse along with a note from the parent giving the school permission to give the medicine. First aid supplies for minor cuts and scratches are kept in the office. In case of a severe accident or health problem, the school will attempt to contact the parents, the
County Health Department, or the Heard County Emergency Services for assistance. A copy of the accident report will be sent home as soon as possible and a copy filed at school.
If a student is screened and found to have head lice or several nits at school….
1. Student is sent home for treatment with informative letter. Student will not be permitted to ride the bus to or from school until cleared by school personnel. 2. Upon return to school, the student will not be readmitted until he/she has been rechecked and treatment is verified. (Bring the empty bottle or box with you to the school). 3. Ordinarily students should not miss more than one day due to treatment. 4. If absent three days, the student will be referred a social worker.
STUDENT DRESS CODE pPlpp0 l. Students shall be expected to groom themselves in a neat, orderly manner.
0 2. Students are required to wear appropriate shoes at all times.
0 3. Students are not allowed to wear halter tops, midriff shirts, net shirts, see-through shirts, shirts that expose excessive amounts of the back or shoulders, tank or camisole tops, etc- unless a top is worn underneath.
4 4. No clothing should be worn that exposes inappropriate cleavage, midriff, abdomen, or buttocks.
0 5. No caps, hats, or other head attire (including sunglasses) inside buildings.
0 6. No articles of clothing with inappropriate slogans (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, abusive or inappropriate messages, etc.) may be worn.
0 7. Skirts, dresses, and shorts should be no shorter than fingertip length.
0 8. Bicycle clothing (skin tight, spandex shorts, pants, tops, etc.) are prohibited unless covered by skirts, shorts, etc.
9. Jeans or pants with holes (“Hobo” jeans) should be avoided.
10. Clothes should be worn in the manner in which they were intended. Underwear (including bras) should not be visible. Pants should be worn at waist level.
11. Hair must be groomed in such a manner that the student’s eyes are visible, and may not be a distraction to others.
12. No trench coats are allowed.
13. Spiked bracelets, wallet chains, or distracting jewelry are prohibited.
14. Pants with writing or pictures on the ‘back-side’ should be avoided.
The above list in no way relieves school administrators of the responsibility of carefully evaluating other dress styles that appear to be inappropriate and/or distractive in a school setting. Interpretation of the dress code is left to the discretion of the principal. Students who fail to meet dress code will have to change clothes. They may be sent home, and possible discipline actions may also be necessary if it continues to be a problem.
Parents are encouraged to schedule conferences with teachers whenever needed. Conferences can be scheduled by writing a note, sending an e-mail, or leaving a message with the school secretary. Please do not attempt to have an unplanned conference with a teacher while they are supervising students. This includes homeroom time, recess, class time, etc. Teachers may be available during their planning time or after school, but it is best to plan ahead to ensure their availability.
Fire drills are conducted periodically during the school year. The signal for a fire drill is the buzzing of the fire alarm. When the signal sounds, students should go with their teacher to the designated area in an orderly manner, stay in the area until the roll is called, and return to the classroom with their teacher in an orderly manner. There should be no talking or disorderly conduct during a drill!!
Our school participates in the Georgia Tornado Preparedness Week every year in an effort to prepare our students for such an emergency. Students are to move to the designated area in an orderly fashion. When a WARNING is issued students should kneel in a
bowed position with head covered until instructed otherwise. Absolutely no talking or disorderly conduct is allowed during a tornado drill!!
Ephesus Elementary School recognizes the value of good nutrition for students. We have snacks which are available for purchase to students in grades 1-5 during their break that meet the Smart Snack guidelines. Snack time is a privilege for students that can be lost.
Students who have been identified with special needs are served in our school through resource programs designed to meet these needs. Resource programs are also provided for speech and language impaired, learning disabled, behavior disordered, and mildly mentally handicapped. The Heard Enrichment Program (HEP) serves our gifted students in grades K-5. All referrals for services in the area of exceptional children are channeled through our Child Study Team, which consists of professionals on staff that have special knowledge in each level of elementary education.
Accelerated Reader and Math, computerized programs, are available on our school-wide network. Students that meet their goals each nine weeks will receive some type of reward. There will also be a reward at the end of the year for those students that meet their yearly goal.
Students are encouraged to come to the media center throughout the day to use information sources, to read for pleasure, and to meet and work with other students and teachers. Students may check out two books per visit but may visit as often as the teacher allows them. If students are researching a topic for a report, more than two books may be checked out. We do not charge fines, but books should be returned when due or renewed if needed. Students are responsible for any lost or damaged books; students will be billed for the actual cost of the book. There will be no refunds for books that are found at a later date. Overdue notices are printed throughout the year.
Easy (picture books) are due in one week. Fiction and non-fiction books are due in two weeks. Reference books are to be used in the media center or classroom only and should be returned to the reference section at the end of the day. These books are generally more expensive and should not go home. Reference books are to be used primarily in the media center.
All students should have an Internet Agreement Form signed and turned in to their teacher. This form is found in the student handbook given at the beginning of the school year. Students will not be allowed to freely browse on the Internet in the media center.
Students must have specific Internet addresses and a time limit stated by their teacher on a signed and dated note to the media specialist or media assistant. Students should be prepared to take notes on the information they find and should bring paper and pens. Students will be encouraged to use books, encyclopedias and the network reference sources as first-choice research tools.
Media Center cards will be provided to all new students at no charge. Students will be expected to use these cards each time they visit the media center and use the automated check-out system. If cards are lost or damaged, students will be asked to pay $1 to help pay for printing/laminating costs. Those who forget their cards may check out two times without cards before being asked to pay for a new card.
Students, faculty, and staff are expected to follow copyright guidelines. Copyright folders are given to teachers to keep in their rooms, and copyright books are available for reference in the media office.
Media Center rules should be followed at all times. Use of the media center is a privilege. If the media specialist or assistant feels a student is not demonstrating proper behavior, the student will be sent back to their room with a note to the teacher. Orientations are offered at the beginning of each school year and media classes are conducted weekly. The media center is open each school day.
At the end of the school year, students in grades K-5 are recognized at the end of the year Awards Assembly. Students are encouraged to set goals and work toward academic excellence throughout the school year.
The Heard County Board of Education recognizes that each student is an individual with different abilities, interests, and needs. The
Board believes that as nearly as possible a program should be provided to fit each individual.
*Kindergarten- To be promoted from kindergarten to grade 1, a student must meet the following criteria: 1-. recommendation for promotion;2-Pass the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory Of Developing (GKIDS).
Have a teacher
Although a child passes the GKIDS and may be eligible to be promoted to first grade, the child may be retained in kindergarten if a school-based committee determines retention to be appropriate. The child’s kindergarten teacher and the principal, as well as any other educators appointed by the principal, will serve on this committee. Parents will be informed of the committee’s decision.
Documentation must be kept in the child’s school records; this documentation must include the signatures of all committee members.
*Grades 1 through 5- To be promoted in grades 1 through 5, a student must pass all subjects for the year or the student’s teacher/s must recommend the student for promotion. The school principal or designee may retain a student who performs satisfactorily on the
Georgia Milestones, but who has not passed the required subjects.
* All third graders must also achieve grade level on the reading portion of the Georgia Milestones to be promoted to the 4th grade. *All
5th graders must also achieve grade level on both the reading portion and the mathematics portion of the to be promoted to the 6th grade.
Progress Reports are sent to parents near the mid-point of each quarter (nine week grading period). Parents are encouraged to read the report and contact the teacher(s) for a conference if needed Please have Progress Reports signed and returned within two school days.
Report Cards are sent home each quarter. In Kindergarten, grading is done by skills mastery.
In Grades 1-5, grades shall be numerical and any yearly average below seventy (70) shall be considered as failing.
At Ephesus Elementary, we believe that students should be recognized for their efforts. We have two (2) Honor Rolls for this purpose:
High Honor Roll recognizes all students who have grades of 90 or above or all subjects. Honor Roll recognizes all students who have grades of 85 or above for all subjects.
Ephesus Elementary is very fortunate to have an active PTO. Please feel free to share ideas or make suggestions that you feel would benefit our students. We encourage all parents to play an active roll in their child’s education by attending meetings and special events.
Volunteers are always needed to help with events.
EES recognizes the need to improve communication and participation of parents and the community in the management and operation of local schools. Parental and community support is critical to the success of students and schools. The intent of the school council is to bring the community and school closer together in a spirit of cooperation to solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators and bring parents into the school-based decision-making process. The management and control of public schools shall be the responsibility of local boards of education and the school leader shall be the principal. Everyone is invited to attend.
Students who violate a teacher’s discipline plan or commit other infractions which require more stringent disciplinary action will be referred to the office. Consequences will be determined by the administrator considering the age of the child and the severity of the offense. Whenever a student is referred to the office for disciplinary reasons, a discipline report is filled out as a record of the infraction(s) and the punishment rendered. A copy is sent home with the student on the day the referral is processed.
Our school discipline plan conforms to both state and local policies. (taken from the GA. Code 32-835 & 32-836) In keeping with the State laws and in order to maintain proper control and discipline of students, principals may administer corporal punishment to students under the following conditions: 1. The corporal punishment shall not be excessive or unduly severe
.2. Corporal punishment shall not be used as the first line of punishment for misbehavior unless the student was informed that specific misbehavior could result in its use. Corporal punishment may be used as a first line of punishment for those acts of misconduct which are so antisocial or disruptive in nature as to shock the conscience or upon parent request. 3. Corporal punishment must be administered in the presence of the principal and a designee that shall be informed beforehand, in the presence of the student, of the reason for the punishment. 4. The principal administering corporal punishment must provide the child’s parent, upon request, a written explanation of the reason for the punishment; provided that such an explanation shall not be used as evidence in any subsequent civil action brought as a result of said corporal punishment. 5. Corporal punishment shall not be administered to a child whose parents or guardians have, upon the day the child enrolls, filed with the principal of the school a statement from a medical doctor licensed in the Georgia stating that it is detrimental to the child’s mental or emotional stability 6. Corporal punishment may be used as punishment for repeated or severe misbehavior and as a deterrent to breaking the rules established.
A written record of administration of corporal punishment showing the student, reason, number of licks, and witnesses shall be kept by the principal
Unruly or uncooperative students may be suspended. Out of school suspension will be used in extreme cases or for repeated misbehavior. Students who have been a continual behavior problem require a cooperative effort between home and school to resolve their behavior problems. Severe disruptions or severe disrespect to faculty/staff members will not be tolerated from any student. Severe disruptions or disrespect will result in immediate suspension from the school. The number of days will depend upon the age of the student, the placement of the student, the severity of the offense, and the student’s previous record of misconduct. Proper authorities will be notified, if the incident warrants. Any suspension during the last three weeks of school may include Olympic Day, Awards Day, or any other day deemed necessary.
Any food served to a student that is sent in from a student’s home must be store bought and individually packaged. We have students who have allergies, and we must know what ingredients are in the foods. We ask that if your child brings in food to eat (for themselves) that they not share with other students. Although that is a very thoughtful and kind idea, it could lead to serious health problems for others.
Students in grades K-5 are required to participate in P.E. If a student cannot participate because of a physical or health reason, they must bring a note. After three days of non-participation, a note from a doctor will be required excusing them from participating. All students are required to wear non marking tennis shoes during physical education. Eating and chewing gum are not allowed during P.E.
Fitness Gram is an assessment that is utilized in Georgia schools. All students as required by Georgia Department of Education to be evaluated. This includes but is not limited to) their height, weight, BMI, and physical performance.
It is our responsibility to ensure that your child is safe, learning, and in the best possible educational environment. Therefore, interruptions of class are a problem. Please make sure that you send money, notes, lunch boxes, etc. to school with your child..
At Ephesus Elementary School we consider Hoyt Rogers Field and Ephesus Public Library to be part of our campus. Periodically our classes will walk or ride the bus to these venues. If you do not want your child to participate when the class is traveling to these locations please notify the teacher and principal in writing upon enrolling your child in school, or at the beginning of each school year so that alternative arrangements can be made.
The Ephesus Elementary Parent Involvement Policy is developed by a committee that includes parents and staff. The School-wide
Title I Policy will be evaluated and updated yearly to meet the needs of the school. All parents will receive the most current version of the Parent Involvement Policy in the student handbook.
Annual Meeting- Ephesus Elementary will convene an annual meeting to inform parents of the school’s participation in the
School-wide Title I Policy, to explain the policy and its requirements, inform parents of their right to be involved, discuss the compact, and provide an opportunity for parents to serve on the School-wide Title I Committee. Notifications of parent meetings will be sent home.
Meetings- The school will offer evening meetings to ensure that all parents have the opportunity to be involved.
Parent Involvement- The School Council and PTO will be involved in organized, ongoing, and timely planning. Committee parents will be invited to all committee meetings to ensure opportunities for involvement.
Providing Parent Information- The school will provide parents with timely information either by conferences, meetings, phone calls, emails, Facebook, newsletter, etc. concerning:
Title I Programs
individual student assessment results and interpretation of those results
a description and explanation of the school curriculum and required curriculum-GPS
PTO meetings
responses to parent suggestions through oral or written communication
School Improvement Plan will be made available to the Local Education Agency (LEA), parents, and the public upon request.
Comment Availability- The School-wide Title I Committee assures that if the Parent Involvement Policy is unsatisfactory to the parents, parent comments on the policy will be made available.
Provide Assistance- Ephesus Elementary will provide all parents with information to facilitate understanding in the following areas:
school improvement process
state and local assessments
requirements of Title I parent involvement
ways parents can monitor their children’s progress and work with educators to improve student performance
Other resources and programs that are available to eligible children
Materials and Training Opportunities- The school will provide appropriate and feasible materials and training determined by parent input. Examples are as follows:
literacy and technology training, instructional strategies training and hands-on activities and materials to help parents work with their children to improve academic achievement
involve parents in professional learning opportunities to improve the effectiveness of such training, i.e. reading and math strategies, classroom management, etc.
At the time, our school does not offer any site-based adult training. However, adult high school programs and High School
Equivalency Diploma Test (GED) programs are available through West Georgia Technical College. Parents who desire this training will be assisted in getting the appropriate information.
Equal Partners- Ephesus Elementary will work as partners to implement and coordinate such programs as Parent Teacher
Organization (PTO), Parent Volunteering, Family Nights, etc.
Coordination With Other Parent Programs - Parent Involvement programs and activities will be coordinated and integrated with Head Start and local area preschool programs and agencies to the extent appropriate and feasible. Preschool agencies contact the school prior to pre-kindergarten registration with information concerning potential students. The school then arranges spring registration, and schedules a pre-kindergarten orientation.
Community/Business Partners- Realizing the value of outside resources, Ephesus Elementary will develop appropriate partnerships for involvement and activities with businesses, service organizations, and the community.
Parent Resources- When reasonable funding is available, the school may provide the following opportunities to parents when high interest is sufficient:
literacy training
parental involvement activities
providing other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents request
Parent Resource Center
Primary Language - Ephesus Elementary will send information concerning school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to the homes of all students in the language used in the home, to the extent practicable.
Communication Adaption- The school will provide, to the extent practicable, full opportunities for the participation of Limited
English Proficient parents, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children.