September 16 – Managing Brands – Required Readings

1. September 16- Managing Brands
Required Reading
Morgan, Neil A and Lopo Rego (2009), “Brand Portfolio Strategy and Firm Performance,” Journal
of Marketing, 73(January) 59-74
Commuri, Suraj (2009), “The Impact
of Counterfeiting on Genuine-Item Consumers'
Brand Relationships,” Journal of Marketing, 73(May), 86-98.
Völckner, Franziska and Henrik Sattler (2006), “Drivers
Journal of Marketing, 70(April), 18-34.
of Brand Extension Success,”
Brakus, J. Joško; Bernd H Schmitt and Lia Zarantonello (2009), “Brand
Experience: What Is
It? How Is It Measured? Does It Affect Loyalty?” Journal of Marketing, 73(May),
Additional reading
Keller, Kevin Lane (1993), “Conceptualizing, Measuring, Managing CustomerBased Brand Equity,” Journal of Marketing, 57 (1), 1-22.
Kusum Ailawadi, Scott Neslin, and Donald Lehmann, “Revenue Premium as an
Outcome Measure of Brand Equity,” Journal of Marketing, 67( Oct2003), 1-17
Schau, Hope Jensen; Albert M Muñiz; and Eric Arnould(2009), “How Brand
Community Practices Create Value,” Journal of Marketing, 73(September), 3051.
Srinivasan, V., Chan Su Park and Dae Ryun Chang (2005), “An Approach to the
Measurement, Analysis, and Prediction of Brand Equity and Its Sources,”
Management Science, 51 (9), 1433-1448.
Mizik, Natalie and Robert Jacobson (2008), “The Financial Value Impact of
Perceptual Brand Attributes,” Journal of Marketing Research, 45 (1), 15-32.
Thompson, Craig J., Aric Rindfleisch, and Zeynep Arsel (2006), “Emotional
Branding and the Strategic Value of the Doppelganger Brand Image,” Journal of
Marketing, 70 (January), 50-64.
Berens, Guido, Cees B.M. van Riet, and Gerrit H. van Bruggen (2005),
“Corporate Associations and Consumer Product Response: The Moderating Role
of Corporate Brand Dominance,” Journal of Marketing, 69 (July), 35-48.
Brown, Stephen, Robert V. Kozinets, and John F. Sherry, Jr. (2003), “Teaching
Old Brands New Tricks: Retro Branding and the Revival of Brand Meaning,”
Journal of Marketing, 67 (July),
Chadhuri, Arjun and Morris B. Holbrook (2001), “The Chain of Effects from
Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand
Loyalty,” Journal of Marketing, 65 (April), 81-93.
McAlexander, James H., John W. Schouten, and Harold F. Koenig (2002),
“Building Brand Community,” Journal of Marketing, 66 (January), 38-54.
Roehm, Michelle L., Ellen Bolman Pullins, and Harper A. Roehm, Jr. (2002),
“Designing Loyalty-Building Programs for Packaged Goods,” Journal of
Marketing Research, 39 (May), 202-213.
Everyone. Make up one hypotheses concerning brands or brand management.
The hypotheses should be of the form “X causes Y.” A more advanced
hypothesis might be X cause Y and Z moderates the relationship between X and
Y. Email the hypothesis to me before class.