Unit 2 –non-fiction

Unit 2 –non-fiction
Day 1:
What is the difference between fiction and no fiction? often work that has a thesis or
point that the author is trying to prove to the reader.
Handout- what is a thesis?
Methods of development
What are they-= what are they used for- handout + outlined on pages 438-440
need to be used with support –
logos, ethos, pathos
handout and discuss- helps connect the reader and subject.( Read pages 441-443 which
explains this in more detail.)
Day 2
Review yesterday
Discuss some methods :
Using: analogy. “An analogy is often used to explain a complex idea in terms of a
simpler one” (468). In “Going up (and Down) in the World” on page 157 Alex
Shprinsten uses the analogy of a simple elevator ride to describe something much more
complex. See if you can make sense of his comparison.
Identify the thesis of this essay. Quote from the essay to support your conclusion.
In 2-3 sentences describe the analogy Shprinsten is making in his essay.
Using a chart format similar to that in unit one complete question 3 on page 159.
Complete question 4 on page 159 (with a partner if available).
Day 3
What makes an ‘effective argument’? Argumentative essay
“Small Change Can Add Up to a Big Loss” by Ellen Roseman is a much more
straightforward piece of non-fiction writing. It is very clear to the reader what her thesis
is and she supports it in a traditional manner, by presenting a great deal of factual
evidence. Read the essay on page 121 of Elements of English 11.
1. Using evidence from the essay explain whether or not Roseman presents an effective
argument in her essay.
2. Refer to the glossary or reference shelf sections of the textbook and review the
definitions of a complex sentence, a compound sentence and a compound-complex
sentence. Complete question 4 on page 123. –do grammar worksheets for each of
Day 4: Informative essay+Anecdotes
Sometimes non-fiction writing can be more informative, rather than merely trying to
prove a point to the reader. Such is the case with “Getting Carried Away With Shoes” by
Alyse Frampton which describes a rather unique museum in downtown Toronto. Read
this essay on page 38 in Elements of English 11. While it is a very informative piece,
Frampton has also carefully crafted her essay, using many structural elements effectively.
Pay attention to her use of examples and description as you read.
1. Complete question 3 on page 43. (Work with other students if possible).
2. Complete questions 4 a and b on page 43. Use the glossary to review the definition of
anecdote if you need to.
3. Remember all good non-fiction writers tend to work from an initial outline. With this
in mind complete questions 5 a and b on page 43.
4. Use the reference shelf or glossary sections of the textbook to review definitions of an
adjective phrase and an adjective clause. Then complete question 6 on page 43 (work
alone). Do grammar handouts on these
Day 5: Opinion piece- emotion and fact
“Slaughtering Chickens” by Charles Finn is an interesting essay because it combines
personal experience with personal opinion about a controversial topic. See if you can
differentiate between the two as you read the essay on page 272 of Elements of English
1. Complete the following questions from the textbook page 274:
1 a&b, 3, 4, and 5. Your product for question 5 will be marked in terms of creativity,
effectiveness of message, effort and structure. Consult the media section in the
reference shelf section of the textbook before beginning this assignment.
Write a 1 paragraph op.piece on topics of your choice
Day 1:Eliciting an emotional response
As you may have realized non-fiction writing is often used as a way to draw attention to
controversial topics in our society. Most often this is writing designed to elicit a
passionate response in the reader. In “The Seeds of Pop Stardom” Ariel Teplitsky writes
about a phenomenon familiar to most young people- the marketing of a musical group.
The essay was originally published in 2000; consider whether or not the marketing
techniques proved effective for the musical group which is profiled. Before you begin
reading the essay, contemplate what marketing of popular singers or groups you have
witnessed in your lifetime.
1. Complete question 2 page 374.
2. Using a chart form complete question 4 on page 374. Work with a partner if possible.
3. Complete question 7 on page 374. Use a rising pop group or individual singer. Write
a 200 word summary of your observations.
4. There are a number of films which critique the marketing and creation of pop stars.
One of the most recent in this phenomena is Josie and the Pussycats but other
examples like This is Spinal Tap abound. In consultation with your instructor watch
one of these films; when you have watched the film write a short piece (300 words)
analyzing how the film comments on the marketing practices of the music industry.
Use extensive examples and some of the writing techniques presented so far in the
Day 2: Assignment Six: personal experience – effectively using style and tone
“Small Place” by Jamaica Kincaid is also written using personal experience. The essay is
interesting because she addresses it to an audience who would not have the same
background as her. It is a fascinating piece about what goes on “behind the scenes” in
Caribbean countries which have a high rate of tourism. This is done by contrasting the
familiar tourist experience with the hidden stories lying underneath it. Kincaid’s writing
style and tone is very different from the other essays you have read in this unit. Pay
attention to some of the differences as you read the piece starting on page 170 of
Elements of English 11. Consider too whether her ideas have made you think differently
about visiting a tropical tourist destination.
1. Complete question 1 page 177.
2. Complete question 2 with a partner and jot down notes about your discussion.
3. Complete question 3 a,b &c.
For your culminating assignment you will write an essay of your own of at least 500
words. You may choose to use one of the subjects you have already written on in this unit
or go in a completely different direction. The essay can be a factual one, an expository
essay, a personal narrative or a persuasive essay- the possibilities are endless! Meet with
your instructor after completing step one to ensure you are heading in the right direction.
Evidence of all steps must be submitted. The final copy will be marked using the “Senior
English: Formal Essay Rubric”.
Day 3: Voicing the opinion – writing your opinion piece and preparing to present
Presentation and Speaking skills –Reviewing rhetorical devices and body language
Listen to Obama’s speech
Determine m.o.d’s used, logic, pathos, ethos used, rhet. Devices used\
Day 4+5:
Step One: Brainstorm some options for writing your persuasive topic
Step Two: Using one of your choices, complete an outline for the essay. Consider what
arguments you will use (logic, fact or emotion) and what writing kind of stylistic choices
(tone, style, intended audience).
Step Three: Complete a rough copy and have it edited. Remember to document all
source material.
Step Four: Revise your rough copy and ensure it is also edited
Step Five: Word process a final copy.