constitution of st stephen`s school

September 2008
The name of this organization is the St. Stephens School Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
The permanent address shall be that of the school.
The objectives of the PTA are:
a. to foster a close liaison between parents, staff and the community of St Stephen’s School;
b. to enhance our children’s education through PTA initiatives
c. to support St Stephens School in its efforts to provide value added resources and/or people
for the benefit of enhancing its programs.
The membership shall consist of any parents or guardians/family members of enrolled
students, and members of the staff of St Stephen’s School.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the following positions:
Secretary (2)
Assistant Treasurer (if possible)
School Administration
One Teacher
Elected members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of one year, covering
the period from September to June of the following year. Elections shall occur during the June
meeting of the whole. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor. Incumbent executive
members shall be eligible for re-election. The method of voting shall be by a private paper vote
tallied by administration and one member of the executive. If an elected member of the
executive is unable to complete their term, then Constitution of St. Stephen’s School Parent
Teacher Association September 2008 the executive for the remainder of the term shall appoint a
The duties of the Executive Committee are:
Preside and be responsible for the efficient running of meetings;
Over see all activities of the PTA; and create the agenda in consultation with the Executive
Committee for all meetings.
Signing officer for the account in absence of Treasurer.
Assist the President in the performance of their duties; and
Preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
Secretary (2)
Record proceedings of all general meetings;
Maintain a record of meeting minutes file;
Ensure minutes are made available to members of the Executive Committee within 3 weeks
of the PTA meeting;
Ensure minutes are approved at the next PTA meeting; and
Responsible to submit for posting to the St Stephen’s School website in a timely manner
If possible 2 people shall be appointed to the position of secretary. This will ensure full
coverage of minute taking and give each secretary an opportunity to fully participate in
meetings. The schedule of who is responsible on what meeting day will be the responsibility of
the 2 secretaries. .
Prepare and present a financial statement for each general and executive meeting;
Prepare and update annual budget
Ensure approved financials are posted
Over see the money collected and spent by the PTA;
Prepare year end reports for the HRSB, this is done on the year (April 1 – March 30, and
must be in by Mid April)
Maintain a bank account for the PTA; and,
Signing officer for the account
If possible 2 people
Constitution of St. Stephen’s School Parent Teacher Association September 2008
Shall advise the Executive Committee on matters pertaining to Halifax Regional
School Board Policy and guidelines;
Shall report on activities within the school;
Must approve all notices, agendas and website changes released to parents/public from the PTA;
Principal is chief signing officer for account.
Shall advise on matters pertaining to education, teachers, students and the school.
The financial period for the PTA shall be from September 1 to August 31st. All
expenditures less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) per single purpose must be
approved by the either President or the Treasurer and the Administration. Any above two
hundred dollars will be presented for majority approval at a general meeting.
Surplus funds at the end of the year shall be carried forward to the next year and must be
designated in some way within the Budget.
The annual budget shall include a Reserve Fund that is not to exceed $1000. Monies held in the Reserve
Fund can only be accessed following a majority vote at a general meeting. Some or all of the Reserve
Fund can be accessed for the following:
i. To cover a shortfall of annual fundraising in order to maintain available spending for the following
ii. To pay for unforeseen or uninsured expenses (for example to replace broken security equipment).
There shall be a general meeting in the following months:
September, October, November, January, February, March, April, May and June. A quorum
shall consist of at least:
a. President and/or Vice President;
b. Principal and/or Vice-Principal; and
c. At least one teacher (1).
Copies of the agenda shall be made available at the meeting. Each item on the agenda shall
be discussed.
Additional meetings and /or sub-committee meetings may be called when warranted.
The SAC (School Advisory Committee) is encouraged to have a representative attend the
meetings as an observer in an attempt to foster a close working relationship between the two
groups (PTA and SAC) in achieving the set goals. Similarly, the PTA will attempt to have a
member present at the SAC meetings.
This constitution may be amended by consensus of the group or if necessary, two-thirds majority
vote at a general meeting provided the item is on the agenda and the suggested amendment is
submitted in writing. All amendments, once passed, shall be effective immediately unless
otherwise stated.