PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS OUT-OF-SEASON PRACTICE Rule – November 22, 2011 Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) Out-of -Season practice policy will go into effect November 22, 2011. After initial implementation, this policy will be reviewed in May 2012 to explore future recommendations and determine if necessary changes are needed. This policy is for HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS ONLY. DEAD PERIODS No activity, including open gyms, team camps, conditioning, and Weight training – August 1-10, November 7-17, February 20-29 (first 10 days of each season and first week of July). Weight training and conditioning – round except during VHSL Dead Periods. Weight training and conditioning that is not sport specific is permitted year OUT-of-SEASON OPEN DATES for COACH CONTACT Open Dates – Coaches will be permitted to coach or instruct their own team members 4 weeks in each season. Activities that are included in this open period include team competition, open gym/field, one on one skills development, and other activities that require sport specific participation. Open dates for the 2011-2012 school year are: Fall – October 17- November 2, 2011- (revised to allow winter teams time for activities upon final approval) – New dates for the fall open dates for 2012-13 will be selected in the spring of 2012. Winter – January 3 – 20 and February 6 – 10 (split to accommodate exam week); Spring – April 9 – May 5; and Summer – Second full week after school is closed for the summer and July 9-13 (two weeks only). These dates will be set each spring by the DSA of each high school and the Office of Health and Physical Education, Driver Education, Athletics, and JROTC for the upcoming school year. ACTIVITY GUIDELINES PWCS coaches that wish to coach teams that are organized for competitive play as “school” out-of-season teams that require the use of PWCS facilities….. i.e. baseball fall ball, basketball, Metro South League, may do so only during the specified open dates. Liability coverage is available only for specified activities allowable during the designated periods and for paid PWCS coaches. Only paid PWCS coaches may supervise or provide instruction during open dates. The school administration is responsible for the enforcement of the Out-of-Season Practice Policy. Violations and consequences for Out-of-Season violations will be reviewed or considered on a per sport basis. PWCS coaches coaching non-VHSL teams from government agencies, community organizations such as AAU, community leagues, or approved organizations by the Office of Health and Physical Education, Driver Education, Athletics, and JROTC, must meet the following criteria: o The league must have its own insurance; o The teams shall not use any school uniform, name or association; o The league must follow the appropriate field use process and related fees as all other non-school related agencies. Non-school organized league must meet the following criteria: o Show organization leadership and structure; have a commissioner, treasure and other officers forming a Board of Directors; o Use officials for games; o Show a season start and stop date; o Provide schedule for season. For safety purposes: Drills and instruction involving contact between two athletes are prohibited. Football may use helmets and mouthpieces in work outs. Lacrosse may use helmets and shoulder pads in work outs. Once helmets are used, they must be reconditioned prior to the start of the competitive season. Student Participation Student participation must be open to all students who meet the following requirements: o Completed physicals o Completed emergency cards o Attended concussion training o Meet academic eligibility requirements No student will be subjected to mandatory participation for any Out-of-Season activity. No students from outside of the school of attendance are permitted. Out-of-Season activity shall not be used for the purpose of try-outs or to determine team selection for In- Season activities. Actions that shall be decided by the School Administration Participation of an In-Season athlete participating in Out-of-Season activities of another sport. If an athlete discontinues participation on an In-Season sport, he/she will not be permitted to participate in Out-ofSeason activities of another sport until the end of the In-Sport season. Out-of-Season activities shall be open to all students from their school of attendance only. Activities must be advertised throughout the school. Violations and consequences for Out-of-Season violation will be reviewed or considered on a per sport basis. Summer Camps As per VHSL rules, no team will host or attend a camp in the week preceding the start of the respective sport season. Teams are limited to two team camps per year; attending camps during the VHSL Dead periods is prohibited. School may submit a request to sponsor camps for grades K – rising 9th grade only; no camps for rising 10th – 12th grade participants will be permitted. ACTIVITIES –Defining Sport Specific and Non-Sport Specific Participation Sport Specific activities are defined as activities that utilize specific equipment dedicated to individual sport. Non-Sport Specific includes conditioning/agilities and weightlifting only. Sport specific activities are permitted during Open Dates only; this includes Open Gym/Open Fields. Coaching a school team in a school sponsored or outside leagues is considered sport specific and is permissible during the designated Open Dates only. Conditioning – Non-sport specific does not count towards an out-of-season practice activity. When it becomes sport specific, it is considered coaching and instruction.