The following are the 6 competencies* that the trainee would be expected to achieve by the end of
their placement in Psychiatry:
(* based on The Competency Checklist for psychiatry for core trainees; London Deanery 2012)
Competency 1:
To be able to elicit a clinical history on a common psychiatric disorder
Trainee should demonstrate a basic ability to elicit a psychiatric history, showing an
awareness of the key areas of importance
Competency 2:
Perform a mental state for a common psychiatric disorder
Trainee should demonstrate they are able to elicit major
Competency 3:
Perform a cognitive screening examination
Trainee should be able to perform and score a cognitive screening
assessment such as the MMSE
Competency 4:
Perform a risk assessment
Trainee must show an awareness of the importance of historical
identifiers and mental state that relate to risk
Competency 5:
Present a case with a basic management plan
Trainee to be able to summarise findings, offer a differential
diagnosis, and propose an initial safe management plan
Competency 6:
Write appropriate clinical notes, referrals or GP letters.
Trainee to demonstrate basic competence in language and
communication and accurately convey relevant clinical information
with clear plans
Name of Trainee:
Clinical Supervisor(s):
Date of starting post:
(This checklist should be signed off with a copy sent to your TPD at the end of the placement)
1. Elicit a basic clinical history for a common psychiatric disorder
Trainee has demonstrated a basic ability to elicit a psychiatric history, showing an awareness of the key
areas of importance.
How was competence assessed? e.g. toolkit OSCE, interview of an anxious patient.
Any learning objectives identified?
Assessor’s Name (PRINT):
Assessor Grade: Consultant
Assessor’s Signature:
Date competency was demonstrated
2. Perform a mental state examination (MSE) for a common psychiatric disorder
Trainee should demonstrate they are able to elicit the major psychopathology from a mental health patient,
showing an awareness of the components of the MSE.
How was competence assessed? e.g. toolkit OSCE, interview of an depressed patient.
Any learning objectives identified?
Assessor’s Name (PRINT):
Assessor Grade: Consultant
Assessor’s Signature:
Date competency was demonstrated
3. Perform a cognitive screening assessment
Trainee must be able to perform and score a competent cognitive assessment using MMSE
How was competence assessed? e.g. toolkit OSCE, with patient.
Any learning objectives identified?
Assessor’s Name (PRINT):
Assessor Grade: Consultant
Assessor’s Signature:
Date competency was demonstrated
4. Perform a risk assessment
Trainee must show an awareness of the importance of historical identifiers and mental state that relate to
risk. Risk assessment must include risk to self, neglect, risk to others, risk from others.
(If using toolkit it can be linked with competency 5)
How was competence assessed? e.g. toolkit OSCE, patient interview, completion of trust risk assessment form.
Any learning objectives identified?
Assessor’s Name (PRINT):
Assessor Grade: Consultant
Assessor’s Signature:
Date competency was demonstrated
5. Make a concise case presentation and initial management plan for a common psychiatric
Trainee must be able to summarise findings, offer a differential diagnosis, and propose an initial safe
management plan. (If using toolkit it can be linked with competency 4)
How was competence assessed? toolkit, case presentation of outpatient assessment
Any learning objectives identified?
Assessor’s Name (PRINT):
Assessor Grade: Consultant
Assessor’s Signature:
Date competency was demonstrated
6. Write an accurate and concise report, assessment or referral
Trainee should bring a clinic letter or assessment they have completed during the post. Assessor to ensure
that trainee demonstrates basic competence in language and grammar and can accurately convey relevant
clinical information with clear plan.
How was competence assessed? e.g. GP letter, discharge summary
Any learning objectives identified?
Assessor’s Name (PRINT):
Assessor Grade: Consultant
Assessor’s Signature:
Date competency was demonstrated
Trainee’s summary of the placement (eg. quality of teaching and training, level of supervision, clinically useful,
would recommend it to their colleagues?, include areas that could be improved) :