
Vacancy Announcement:
Outreach and Coordination Minister – Fairfax Church of Christ
The Fairfax Church of Christ (“FXCC”), a congregation of approximately 700 members in
Fairfax, VA (Washington DC metropolitan area), is seeking a full-time Outreach and
Coordination Minister to lead and coordinate our efforts to share “God’s heart with this
community.” Specific leadership responsibilities include:
● Outreach: Equip, build, and inspire the FXCC family toward outreach in the local and
distant communities;
● Coordination: Lead the staff and integrate church ministries to achieve the church’s
mission, vision, and values; and,
● Teaching: Challenge the church to grow spiritually through preaching, teaching, and
The ideal candidate will hold a Master’s (or advanced) degree in Ministry, Bible, or similar
field and have significant experience in leadership, outreach, and equipping others. FXCC
will also consider candidates with other relevant educational backgrounds and work
histories, such as employment with a non-profit organization. Candidates holding a
Bachelor’s degree will be considered if the degree is coupled with compelling, relevant work
To learn more about our congregation, this opportunity, and how to apply, please visit our
website at http://www.fxcc.org/minister_search .
Church Description (where required):
Fairfax Church of Christ is a congregation of approximately 700 located in Northern
Virginia; an economically, ethnically, and culturally diverse part of the Washington D.C.
metropolitan area. Our vision is "to be God's heart to this community."
Outreach and Coordination Minister Position Description
Under the guidance of our shepherds this minister will coordinate the ministries of FXCC
and implement efforts to be “God’s heart to this community” as we attempt to fulfill the
Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Primary responsibilities include
facilitating outreach (i.e., engage, equip, and inspire the entire FXCC family toward
outreach in local and distant communities), teaching (i.e., challenge FXCC to grow
spiritually through preaching, teaching, and mentoring), and coordination (i.e.,
coordinate the staff to achieve the church’s mission, vision, and values).
Outreach Development: Through leadership, modeling, training, preaching, and
teaching, help the church grow and practice the mindset of reaching out to our
“neighbors” (both local and distant), including acts of service and kindness, and
sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Lead the existing church Outreach
Ministry team. Help identify Spirit-provided local and distant outreach
opportunities (“open doors”), and develop plans to equip and engage the church in
these opportunities. Help the church grow through the location and development
of new Christ-followers.
Ministry Coordination: Work with and support vision-consistent guidance to all
church ministries. Serve as the primary facilitator for the Ministry Coordination
teams. Maintain communication with elders, staff, and ministry leaders to prevent
overlap or gaps in ministry efforts. Create opportunities for emerging leaders and
servants to develop their gifts through mentoring and engagement in various
ministries. Provide training to identify and develop spiritual gifts and ministry
talents of all church members. In partnership with each staff member, set
individual professional ministry objectives, complete performance evaluations,
and help plan their training and development. Manage administrative support
capability for achievement of objectives.
Vision Setting, Preaching, and Teaching: Guide the church’s continual
refinement and refocusing of God’s vision for our body. Preach, and coordinate
rotational preaching with other ministers to achieve vision and facilitate a
meaningful worship experience. Through preaching and teaching Bible classes,
strengthen the church’s biblical literacy and application; help the church apply
biblical one-another relationship principles.
Master’s Degree (Bachelors degree will be considered depending on
experience) in Bible/Ministry-related field, or a relevant field (such as nonprofit management, public administration, etc.). Must have thorough
knowledge of Scripture, theology, and ministry principles regardless of
educational background.
Proven ability to preach and teach to populations with diverse cultures, age
groups, ethnicities, and education levels.
Experience supervising paid staff and volunteers including mentoring and
conflict management.
Excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to interact
professionally with culturally and linguistically diverse staff, clients and
Ability to prioritize conflicting demands.
Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
Excellent oral and written communication skills.
Fairfax Church of Christ, Fairfax Virginia
Ministry Overview
Outreach and Coordination Minister: This position will lead and coordinate our
efforts to share God’s heart with this community. Specific leadership responsibilities
● Outreach: Equip, build, and inspire the FXCC family toward outreach in the local
and distant communities;
● Coordination: Lead the staff and integrate church ministries to achieve the
church’s mission, vision, and values; and,
● Teaching: Challenge the church to grow spiritually through preaching, teaching,
and mentoring.
The ideal candidate will hold a Master’s (or advanced) degree in Ministry, Bible, or
similar field and have significant experience in leadership, outreach, and equipping
others. FXCC will also consider candidates with other relevant educational
backgrounds and work histories, such as employment with a non-profit organization.
Candidates holding a Bachelor’s degree will be considered if the degree is coupled
with compelling, relevant work experience.
To learn more about our congregation, this opportunity, and how to apply, please visit
our website at http://www.fxcc.org/minister_search.
Our Church:
Our congregation began in 1969 with seven families. Elders were first appointed in
1975. As the church moved into the 90's, attendance was around 600, reaching around
750 in 1997, requiring a major facility expansion. Soon after, the congregation grew
to over 900, spread over 2 Sunday morning services. Around this time, our elders
made a significant decision to make small groups a priority as a church, and we began
having groups meet on Sunday evenings. Fairfax draws members from multiple
counties in Northern Virginia & Maryland as well as Washington, DC.
In 2006 we undertook a strategic initiative to define our long range goals and plans for
God’s work here at Fairfax and in the surrounding communities. Over 50
congregational members engaged in a Vision, Mission & Values (VMV) effort. With
God’s leadership through the Holy Spirit, the team spent 9 months in prayer, creative
engagement, research & Holy Conversations to discover our VMV.
On March 31, 2008, the Fairfax Church of Christ (FXCC) Eldership declared that they
wanted to focus their energies on spiritual leadership and care of the FXCC church
family. To ensure that planning, administration, and operational functions of FXCC
continued, the Elders authorized the development of a team that has come to be
called the Ministry Coordination Team (MCT), to ensure that the Fairfax Church of
Christ’s vision to be God’s heart to our community becomes a reality.
MCT Functions:
To pray and dedicate ourselves to being Holy Spirit–led
To work in partnership with FXCC Elders
To synchronize activity with FXCC’s vision, mission, and values
To develop and integrate church operations within the ministry cluster structure
(ministry clusters are Equipping, Outreach, Spiritual Formation, Support, and
To help ministries function effectively and in harmony
To develop existing and future leaders
To ensure ongoing development and operational management
To anticipate, manage, and initiate change
Our Leadership:
Ten (10) Elders shepherd our congregation
Thirty plus (30+) ministry leaders serve our congregation
Six (6) Full Time Minister Positions:
a. Equipping Minister – Lisa Bosley
b. Spiritual Formation and Youth Minister – Phil McKinney II
c. Family Life Minister to Children – Logan Morris
d. Church Administrator – Ellyn Sergio
e. Worship Minister – Sam Souder
f. Lead Minister for Outreach and Coordination – Vacant
Two (2) Support Staff
Twelve (12) member Ministry Coordination Team
Our Vision, Mission & Values:
Vision: We will be God’s heart to this community. Connected to God, we will
live beyond our abilities, fears and imaginations. With God’s power flowing
through us, we commit to:
Deepen biblical understanding that increases spiritual maturity
Honor God as the center of our worship and invite others into His presence
Make the most of our unique location for local and far-reaching spiritual impact
Provide a home for people seeking unconditional love, peace, belonging, and
Reach out to diverse communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ
Mission: To boldly show Jesus, to love God, and to love others because God
first loved us.
The greatest truth: God loves us
The greatest commands: Love God and others
The great commission: Share the good news
Values: The following values express our most passionate and unyielding
priorities. They reflect our guiding commitments for vision implementation.
Connecting with God
■ Honoring the Authority of Christ
■ The Bible as the Inspired Word of God
■ Worship that Pleases God
Connecting with Christians
■ Loving Community
Connecting with others
■ Joyful Service
Our Objectives for 2013:
29 “The
most important one,” answered
Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our
God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind and with all your
strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself.’ There is no
commandment greater than these.”
(Mark 12:29-31—NIV)
19 Therefore
go and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always, to the very end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20—NIV)
Great Commission
Going outside our walls.
(Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16)
Developing people
in the image of Christ
(Romans 8:29)
LOVE Others
Caring for ALL, but
especially the
family of Believers
(Galatians 6:9-10)
Our Elders’ Philosophy:
As elders of the Fairfax Church of Christ, we want you to have a clear understanding of
the philosophy by which we try to live and lead. The benchmark of our leadership style
is Peter’s admonition to his fellow-elders in the early church:
“Be shepherds of God’s flock that are under your care, serving as overseers—
not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be;
not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording over those entrusted to
you, but being examples to the flock.” — 1 Peter 5:2-3
As shepherds of the flock of God, New Testament elders are committed to leading and
nurturing, not lording over; to demonstrating rather than demanding; to inspiring
rather than intimidating; to facilitating rather than fighting. They are concerned for
every member of the congregation and community, just as Jesus is concerned for each
of us as we struggle to follow him and even when we are lost in our sinfulness. We
seek to follow this New Testament model. We do not claim to have fully acquired
these desirable qualities of care and concern to which we aspire. However, we pledge
to keep learning and growing in the art and spiritual gift of New Testament leadership
and shepherding.
We also recognize that as a congregation grows in size it is advisable and necessary for
elders to change the focus of their attention and efforts. To give us more time for
spiritual leadership and shepherding, we intend to delegate as many administrative
and management functions as possible. Staff members, ministry leaders and volunteers
will become increasingly expected to shoulder most of the responsibility for these
functions. We seek to communicate the vision and mission that we believe God desires
for the church at Fairfax. We seek to be a congregation that impacts our community
by demonstrating the love of Christ. We seek to mentor, communicate and encourage
our sisters and brothers in service and faith – seeking what God wants us to be.
We commit ourselves to:
● Teaching the faith: guarding the integrity of Scripture, knowing and teaching
God’s word, reaching the lost in our communities with the good news of Jesus,
and promoting healthy belief.
● Shepherding members: protecting the church, ensuring that everyone gets the
scriptural knowledge they need to grow, and lovingly caring for members’
● Consoling those in affliction: consoling as we have been consoled by God,
facilitating Christians caring for one another, and gently dealing with all.
● Encouraging Christian formation: nurturing Christians as Christ is formed in
them, encouraging all believers to grow to fullness in Christ, and leading
members to progress in spiritual maturity.
● Building our congregational community: building into a household of faith,
facilitating “one another” ministries, and assisting believers in using their gifts
for common good.
● Equipping members for service: facilitating their God-given ministries,
encouraging each part of the body to join together in God’s work, and assisting
believers in being good stewards of the gifts they have received.
● Facilitating reconciliation: promoting oneness in mind and purpose, overseeing
the practice of confronting sin and false teaching, and offering wise judgment
to members in conflict.
● Enabling outreach: empowering members so that they may be led by the Holy
Spirit and a blessing to this church and surrounding community through their
● Ensuring that God’s vision for our church is the focus of our activities
When we make decisions necessary for the direction of the church’s journey with God,
we do so with consideration for the views of others, we seek prayerfully for God’s
guidance, and we show respect for the revealed will of God through the Bible. The
elders may not always share the same opinion as matters are discussed, but once a
decision is made we all accept and support that decision. We believe that the
collective judgment of the elders is superior to the individual judgment of any one
Please pray for God to bless us as we lead, that we may “prepare God’s people for
works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:11-12), and
we may help others learn about the good news of Jesus.
Our Heart (Ministries):
Worship: Our Worship Ministry exists to exalt God and tell His story in these ways:
singing, praying, reading scripture, sharing the Lord’s Supper, studying God’s
Word, and contributing to good works. Our corporate worship is transformational;
it prepares us for a mission ~ the individual worship we express daily in our
communities by God’s gifting and calling. During the year, we create special
events that help us tell our community about Jesus.
Small Groups: The purpose of the Small Group ministry at Fairfax is to minister to
people as individuals. The activities and character of each small group differ
according to the talents, interests, and personalities of its members, but all groups
share a common goal of studying God’s Word and praising Him. The groups provide
a safe environment to share, grow, and learn as Christians. This ministry offers
the opportunity for members to build lasting relationships with other Christians.
Children: The Children’s ministry exists to supplement the family’s desire to
establish a spiritual foundation. This will hopefully lead a child to know, love,
follow, and serve Jesus Christ. This is done through learning, serving, teaching,
and praying. Our children’s program concentrates on teaching the Bible through
age appropriate classes and worship experiences. Through prayer circles and
service opportunities our children get to know each other better and realize that
they are an important component to the family of God here at Fairfax.
Student: The Fairfax Student Ministry exists to transform the lives of Students for
the Service of the Savior. We consist of 7-12th graders excited about serving God
and one another through different programs and activities throughout the year.
“Through the study of the Word we find in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that we
are cleansed through water, atoned through Christ’s sacrifice, and called to
service as Jesus has called us through washing his follower’s feet. Throughout the
ministry we strive to immerse ourselves in God’s word, submit ourselves to His
greater will and provide a bold statement of faith in a lost world. It is our goal to
share what we believe with the world so that He may continue to work out His will
amongst those that follow Him into eternity.”
Young Adult: Through the Power of the Holy Spirit, this ministry seeks to unite
young adult believers, to encourage their walk with God, to emphasize a
connection with others in the community, and to empower them as servants in
God’s Kingdom.
Women’s Ministry: The Women’s Ministry is designed to encourage and meet the
needs of the women of this congregation for the purpose of glorifying God.
Men’s Ministry: The Men’s Ministry is focused on getting men of the congregation
together to share war stories, spend time in prayer with one another, and
encourage each one of us to step forward as leaders at Fairfax.
Local Missions: Fairfax is active in meeting community needs throughout the
week by opening church and leading many community mission needs: Deaf
Community Outreach; Vacation Bible School; Stepping Stones Preschool; Divorce
Recovery; Dynamic Marriage; ESL Classes; Home School Support; Chaplain
Endorsement; American Heritage Girls.
Distant Missions: Distant Missions is committed to changing the world one life,
one family, and one village at a time and expanding our vision efforts to a global
“community.” The team focuses on engaging FXCC members in the work of distant
missions. Our objectives include support focused on Dominican Republic, East Asia
and Scotland. Our support includes a Children’s Home and school in the Dominican
Republic, individual support for Josh Martin as he leads Bible studies and campus
fellowship groups, and family support for JR and Daisha Sheets in Scotland.
Deaf Ministry: Fairfax Deaf Ministry (FDM) is centered on communicating God’s
message visually in a personal way. We are a community with people from all
walks of life gathering regularly for Bible study, friendship, accountability and
support. Our main focus is to strive to become more like Jesus, not just on
Sundays, but in the way we live every day.
Ministry Support: Additional key areas focus on supporting these ministries
through communications, facilities, resource management (financial/strategic
planning), research and others.
Our Community:
Fairfax County, Virginia is a diverse and thriving urban county. As the most populous
jurisdiction in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the county's
population (1,096,798 as of 2011) exceeds that of seven states. The median household
income of Fairfax County ($105,800 in 2011) is one of the highest in the nation and
59.3 percent of its adult residents have four-year college degrees or more educational
● During the next 10 years, Fairfax County job growth is expected to increase
40.18 percent which is 8 percent higher than the expected national rate. In
2012 Fairfax County experienced a 2.09 percent growth rate increase versus
the previous year.
● The county’s population is aging in place. The median age of residents has
significantly increased since 1970 from 25.2 years to 37.6 years of age. The
number of residents over the age of 65 is expected to grow by 80 percent from
2000 to 2020. At the same time, while proportionally decreasing as a percent
of total population, it is expected that by 2020, the county will add nearly
43,000 new residents under the age of 19.
● Racial and ethnic minorities have grown from 6.8 percent of the population in
1970 to 37 percent in 2011 and 32.9 percent may speak a language other than
English at home.
● Fairfax County tends to attract highly educated foreign-born residents who
come from more than 100 countries; no one group forms a predominant
majority. Only New York City has a foreign-born population as diverse as
Northern Virginia. A larger proportion of Fairfax County’s foreign-born adults
have a four-year college degree than all adults nationwide.
● Despite all of the growth, a Fairfax County resident is less likely to be the
victim of either a violent crime or a property crime today than during the three
previous decades. As of 2010, the violent crime rate was 65.43 percent lower
and the property crime rate was 24.24 percent lower than the national rate.
● In 2011-2012 school year Fairfax County High Schools had 8 out of the top 10
High Schools in the state of Virginia and the number 2 ranked High School in
the nation.
● Fairfax County is 395 square miles in size and has 2,626 people per square mile.
Additional information on Fairfax and surrounding counties can be found on the
following websites:
Team Context
The Outreach and Coordination Minister position we are seeking will work in a team
leadership context, as described in the following.
The Fairfax Church of Christ acknowledges the Greatest Commandment (Mark
12:29-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) as God’s priorities for His
church. As members of His body, webelieve these should guide the leadership plan
for our congregation. We understand these passages to manifest four areas of
leadership and responsibility in the life of the church, as seen in the Figure below:
1. Go – The focus of this area is outreach: being salt and light (Matthew 5:1314) in the world, spreading the good news of Jesus, and making new
2. Love God – This area focuses on spiritual formation: beginning with the
SHEMA (Mark 12:29-30), help believers grow their walk of faith, and be
transformed each day into “the image of Christ” (Galatians 4:19).
3. Love Others – This area focuses on building up the body of Christ (Ephesians
4:15-16) by cultivating a growing, active, and loving Christian community.
4. Coordination – This area focuses on continually hearing and responding to
God’s calling for this church; leading and administering various aspects of
church life with the Holy Spirit’s unity and purpose (I Cor 12:4-11).
We envision a team of leaders supporting these four areas of responsibility,
including a minister guiding our “Go” work and a minister guiding our “Love God”
work. Both ministers will likely have some responsibility in the coordination area,
ensuring a vision for outreach and spiritual growth continually propagate through
the church and its ministries. Other staff, the elders, and various members of the
church will play key roles in these four areas as well, as God leads