Computer Programming II COP 3337 Instructor: Greg Shaw The Standard Java Exceptions I. The Throwable Class A. The class Throwable describes anything that can be thrown as an exception. B. There are two types of Throwable objects 1. The Error class represents compile-time and system errors that you usually don’t worry about catching. 2. The Exception class represents objects that can be thrown from any of the standard Java library class methods and from programmer-defined methods and runtime accidents. The name of the exception thrown describes the problem that occurred. II. The RuntimeException Class A. RuntimeException is the base class for a group exceptions that are thrown automatically by Java. B. RuntimeExceptions do not need to be included exception specifications (i.e., “throw lists”). C. Because they indicate bugs, you seldom catch a RuntimeException – they are dealt with automatically -, although you might still choose to throw them in your own packages. D. If a RuntimeException is thrown and not caught, printStackTrace() will be called for that exception and the program will terminate. This is a big help in debugging. (See program E. The compiler because allows you to ignore in of your RuntimeExceptions 1. They represent programming errors you cannot catch. For example, receiving a null pointer handed to your method by a client programmer (which will generate a NullPointerException), or 2. They represent programming errors checked for in your code, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. you should such as have an