PLAN OF STUDY - BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE BIOLOGY SECONDARY EDUCATION 2008-2011 REVISED Fall 2013 Student Name: Date Entered: Student ID #: Anticipated Date of Graduation: Course Number Sem. Cr. Grade Course Number AREA A: Essential Skills (9 Hours) ENGL 1101 3 ENGL 1102 3 MATH 1113 or 2450 3* AREA B: Institutional Options (4 Hours) LANG 1002 3 PSYC 1001 1 AREA C: Humanities/Fine Arts (6 Hours) ENGL 2xxx 3 3 Cr. Grade Courses Appropriate to Major (40 Hrs) BIOL 3220K Genetics 4 BIOL 3500K Ecology 4 BIOL 3240K Cell 4 BIOL 3321K Botany 4 BIOL 3325K or 3326K Zoology 4 BIOL 4390K Micro 4 BIOL 4340K or 4350K Physiology 4 BIOL 4450 Evolution 3 BIOL 4xxx BIOL 4xxx BIOL 4xxx AREA D: Science/Math/Technology (11 Hours) 3/1 3/1 3* AREA E: Social Sciences (12 Hours) HIST 1112 3 U.S. & State History/Constitution 3 Social Science Electives (6 Hours) (Group 1) 3 (Group 2) 3 Other Requirements (1 hour) CHEM 1212L ***PHYS 1111/1111L ***PHYS 1112/1112L AREA F: Courses Appropriate to Major (18 Hours) BIOL 1107K 4 BIOL 1108K 4 CHEM 1211/1211L 3/1 CHEM 1212 3 ** 3 U.S. & State Constitution Requirement: unmet U.S. & State History Requirement: unmet Regents’ English Exam: now met with A1 Sem. 1 3/1 3/1 Professional Education Major (36 Hours) EDUC 2110 3 EDUC 2120 3 EDUC 2130 3 SCED 3000 3 READ 3106 3 SCED 4002 3 SCED 4003 3 SCED 4005 3 EDUC 3540 3 EDUC 4103 3 EDUC 4104 3 EDUC 4105 3 Total Hours 137 Service Learning Requirement: Praxis I: or SAT: *If Calculus is taken in AREA A or D, the additional hour(s) will count in AREA F or as an Elective, depending on the student’s major. **3 CR hours of lower division courses chosen from physics, geology, mathematics not taken as part of Areas A and D, foreign language not taken as part of Area B, or computer science *** Could be met in Area D This is not a contract binding NGCSU to offer a given course at any specific time. Arrangements concerning the scheduling of courses will be made between the student and the advisor based on the information at hand. These arrangements will not be binding on the student or NGCSU. APPROVED: APPROVED: Student APPROVED: Department Head APPROVED: Major Advisor Registrar