Lesson 18 Date: Monday, February 2nd to Thursday, February 6th , 2009 Team teachers: Mrs. Ali & Mrs. Al Sakhawy Grades: 6, 7, & 8 Class Room Objects and Chunk Language( the emphasis will be on oral practice ) Objectives : 1. Using previous words to learn and practice the new words as well as the old ones to form complete sentences. 2. Learning some of the classroom objects and using them in sentences including the verb have (3endi, 3endaha , 3endahou,3endak, 3endaki) i.e. in its present form with the five singular pronouns I , he , she , you ( feminine ) , and you ( masculine and Hatha and hathehe thus emphazing the concept of masculine and feminine and practicing it . 3. Writing the words in their note books without emphasis on the letters or reading the words this time as the emphasis will be on the oral practice . 4. Rhyming the sentences we say in order to be easy for the students to grasp them and memorize them 5. Using flash cards with the picture of the object and others with their names in Arabic letters and others with their Arabic names in English letters. 6. These cards will be used to introduce the word and its pronunciation in Arabic . Three students will hold them and pass around showing them to all students while the word is introduced in its rhymed dialogue!!! 7. Repeating the words whenever a new word is introduced 8. Using gestures and pantomiming in order to convey the meaning of the sentence used. Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Board Flash cards Real objects Dialogues sheet Over head projector Standards: 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information , and express feelings and emotions . 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. 3.1 Students reinforce their knowledge of other disciplines Through the foreign language students demonstrate. 4.1understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. 5.2 Students show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment . Procedures: 1. Greeting the students and asking them to get their notebook in Arabic. I’ll open one and show them the homework , saying to open their notebook on the homework in Arabic. (chunk Language ) 2. Thus , Daftar ( notebook) will be the first word in the class room objects they will learn . I will use it in the following dialogue : Hatha daftar ( name of the student ) example : Diane , Alex …etc. Hatha Daftar Jameel ( Name of a student) 3endaha (3endahou) daftar Jameel . 3. Introducing the word Ketab (book) Hatha Ketab 3arabi Ana 3endi Ketab 3arabi Hatha Al Ketab Jameel Hal 3endaki Ketab ? (directing my conversation to Mrs. Ali, asking her :) and she answers saying once : La , laysa 3andi Ketab . Then asking her again and she says : Na3am , 3endi ketab jameel. ( she shows her book) 4. Introducing the words Korsee and maktab (chair and desk )as follows : Ana 3endi Korsee Ana 3endi Maktab Ana 3andi Maktab w korsee Hwa 3endoh korsee Hwa 3endoh maktab Hwa 3endoh korsee w maktab Heya 3endaha korsee Heya 3endaha Maktab Heya 3endaha korsee w maktab Hal 3endak anta korsee w maktab ? Na3am , Ana 3endi korsee w Maktab . Hal 3endaki Anti korsee w Maktab ? La , laysa 3andi korsee w laysa 3endi Maktab. 5. Guess Game : I will ask a student to come and hold the picture of the three objects : Kalam , Mebbra and Mem7ah and then I will start the following dialogue with Mrs, Ali: Hal hathehee Mebbra ? La , hathehee laysat Mebbra Hal hatheyhee Mebbra ? La , hathehee laysat Mebbra! Hal hathehee Mebbra? Na3am, hathehee Mebra ? The same dialogue will be done with the other two objects then three students will be asked to come and match the two cards together : the picture of the object ,and its Arabic word in English letters then I will show them as well how it is written in Arabic. Closure : All the above dialogues will be given to the students and they will come to the front and do the dialogue themselves. Homework: An application sheet on these 7 words plus giving them three new objects names and asking them to create a Rhymed dialogue for these three objects , telling them that they can use the classroom practiced dialogues to help them create their Rhyming dialogues choosing three of the following objects , Bag ( hakkiba) , board ( saboura ) , classroom ( Fasl ) , school (Madrasa) or Mo3alema ( teacher feminine ) or Mo3alem ( teacher Masculine ) Classroom Practiced Rhyming Dialogues First Word : Daftar ( \ ) د فــترnotebook Hatha daftar Diane Al zakeyaa. Hatha Daftar Jameel . Diane 3endaha daftar Jameel . Hatha daftar Alex Al Tayeb. Alex 3endahou daftar Jameel. Second Word : Ketab ( \ )كــتابBook Hatha Ketab 3arabi Ana 3endi Ketab 3arabi Hatha Al Ketab Jameel Hal 3endaki Ketab ya Jocelyn ? La , Ana laysa 3andi Ketab . Hal 3endaka ketab ya Omar? Na3am , ana 3endi ketab jameel. Third and fourth: Korsee ( \ )كـرسيChair and Maktab ( \ )مكــتبDesk Ana 3endi Korsee Ana 3endi Maktab Ana 3andi Maktab w korsee Hwa 3endoh korsee Hwa 3endoh maktab Hwa 3endoh korsee w maktab Heya 3endaha korsee Heya 3endaha Maktab Heya 3endaha korsee w maktab Hal 3endaka anta korsee w maktab ? Na3am , Ana 3endi korsee w Maktab . Hal 3endaki Anti korsee w Maktab ? La , laysa 3andi korsee w laysa 3endi Maktab. Fifth , sixth and seventh words : Kalam ( \ )قلمpencil or pen , Mebbra ( \ )مبــراهSharpener and Mem7ah ( \ ) ممــحاهEraser Hal hathehee Mebbra ? La , hathehee laysat Mebbra. Hal hatheyhee Mebra ? La , hathehee laysat Mebra! Hal hathehee Mebra? Na3am, hathehee Mebra . Hal Hathehe mem7ah ? La , hathehe laysat mem7ah . Hathehe Mebbra Jameela. Hal Hathehe mem7ah ? La layset hathehe mem7ah? Hal hathehe Mebbra? La , layset hathehe Mebbra. Hal Hatha Kalam? Na3am, Hatha Kalam jameel . Peck Elementary School Name: ------------- Arabic Language Date: ----------------- Grades : 6 , 7 & 8 Room: -------------Arabic Homework Match the following sentences with its picture and writethe right sentence on the given line under the correct picture: Sentences to be written under the right picture: - أ نـــا عندي مكــتب هـــي عندهــا قـــلم هــــذا كــرسي هــــذه مــبراه أنــت عنــدك كــتاب هــــل هــذا دفـــتر ؟ هــــو عنــده مــمــحــاه II. Choose two of the following objects and write one or two Rhyming dialogues as the ones practiced in class: Bag ( hakkiba) حـــقيــبه, board (saboura ) ســـبوره, classroom ( Fasl ) فــــصــل, school (Madrasa) مــــدرســــهor Mo3alema ( teacher feminine ) م ـ ـ ـ ع لم ـهor Mo3alem ( teacher Masculine ) مــــعـــلــم Dialogues : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- شــــــكـــــرا