ANNEX 1.1 No. Recommendation Related recommendation/s Timescale Chapter 1 All of the recommendations in the Executive Summary appear in the relevant Chapters Chapter 2 There are no recommendations in this Chapter Chapter 3 3.1 R3.1 Further Consultation Hold further meetings and consultations with stakeholders, especially LAs and HA (and equivalents), as product of the recommendations 8.5 5.8. 6.3 and 6.4 Short-term Chapter 4 4.1 Publications R4.1 Undertake further investigations into requirements for (a) quarterly statistics and (b) their frequency of publication Short-term R4.2 Develop revisions strategy Medium-term Chapter 5 5.1 Road lengths R9.2 R5.1 Agree definitions of types of thoroughfare with key users R5.2 SR2 to move from OSCAR to ITN road network,working closely with ITN users in the Dept and OS; SR2 to maintain and update ITN in similar manner to OSCAR 6.1 Short-term SR2 to seek, through OS, separate identification of C roads on ITN 6.1 Short-term R5.3 5.2 Core Census (outside London) Medium-term R5.23 and R8.4 R5.4 Extend Core Census sites to locations previously considered problematic, particularly motorways and in urban locations Medium-term R5.5 The Expansion Factor categories should be reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate. Short-term R5.6 Estimate selection probabilities of all Core Census sites and use inverses of these quantities in calculations for Expansion Factor categories Short-term R5.7 When a Core Census site changes its road-class category, it can continue to be used in calculations for the new category Short-term 5.3 R5.8 5.4 London Core Census DfT to review with TfL statisticians, to consider appropriate stratification of sites, renewing ATC equipment, devising methods of obtaining classifiied counts, and deciding responsibility for processing data R10.2 Short-term Manual Counts R5.9 Review the coverage of the "neutral" counting days, the case for 16-hour counts and the merits/demerits of counting for only 6 in every 15 minutes Short-term R5.10 Review different methods for calculating expansion and growth factors Short-term 5.5 Minor Roads and Pedal Cycles R5.11 Use panel of minor road sites to estimate year-on-year changes, combined with benchmark exercise as soon as practicable and at 5/6 year intervals Short/mediumterm R5.12 Include some sites chosen to represent high pedal cycle flows, and some of those sites should involve counts in summer months and at weekends Short-term R5.13 Major road pedal cycle traffic can continue to be estimated as at present, and cycle traffic on off-road sections of the National Cycle Network should continue to be covered by SUSTRANS Short-term R5.14 Review continued publication of provisional quarterly estimates for pedal cycles and HGVs on minor roads, once confidence intervals for these estimates have been calculated Medium-term 5.6 R5.15 5.7 Seasonal Adjustment The Quarters of Cyclical Dominance diagnostic from X11 ARIMA should be reported, along with advice on the use of seasonally adjusted figures Short-term Disaggregated Outputs R5.16 Vehicle kilometres by main (major roads) speed-limit bands can be calculated straightforwardly using the AADF data Ongoing R5.17 Vehicle kilometres by main time-periods can be disaggregated using a combination of AADF and ATC data Ongoing 5.8 Local Authority and HA data R5.18 Local Authority ATC data for major roads should be used to provide AADFs, along with LAs estimates of AADFs based on shorter counts 3.1, 6.3 and 6.4 Medium-term R5.19 There is a need for greater standardisation of traffic counting practice across and between LAs and HA regions, and DfT should play its part in co-ordinating this 3.1, 6.3 and 6.4 Medium-term 5.9 Data Quality R5.20 Check counts are needed for the ATCs and manual counts. These would indicate the need for corrective action and, in the case of manual counts, would allow the variance due to random counting error to be calculated R8.1 Short-term R5.21 Standard errors of AADFs should be calculated, as should standard errors of the total vehicle-km estimates and disaggregations of these totals; it is further recommended that DfT commissions work to develop these in view of the complexities involved R8.1 Medium-term 5.10. Vehicle Types R8.3 R5.22 Some tidying up required to achieve consistency between the ATCs and manual counts in the treatment of vans and lorries with draw-bar trailers R5.23 Trials of revised loop signatures should be undertaken to improve ATC classification between buses and rigid lorries R5.24 Bus and motorcycle traffic estimates can be presented separately in the quarterly tables, if necessary as moving averages R5.25 Explore feasibility of linking ANPR data with traffic counts, with view to exploiting finer classifications available on the DVLA website Medium-term 5.2 and R8.4 Medium-term Short-term 6.2 and 7.1 Medium-term R3.1 Medium term Chapter 6 6.1 R6.1 Mapping Data DfT to work towards setting mechnisms in place to ensure ITN traffic-related features meet LA users' requirements 6.2 Technologies R6.2 DfT to consider needs of national and local monitoring and commission, collate and disseminate research into the accuracy, reliability and costs (equipment and human resources) for existing and new technologies R5.25 and 7.1 Long Term R6.3 Establish mechanism, with LAs, to systematically trial new technologies R5.25 and 7.1 Long Term 6.3 R6.4 R6.5 6.4 LA data DfT to work with LAs with view to using their AADFs for major road links in the road traffic estimates DfT to explore how LA data on minor roads traffic can best be exploited 3.1 and 5.8 Short/Medium term Short/Medium term 3.1 and 5.8 Highways Agency (and equivalent Scottish and Welsh) data R6.6 Undertake trials of HA data to test their reliability for DfT monitoring 3.1 and 5.8 Short term R6.7 If trials are successful, identify most cost-effective means of disaggregating HA data by vehicle-type, eg special manual counts, "twinning" with nearby DfT sites, use of existing ANPR data (subject to availability) 3.1 and 5.8 Medium Term R6.8 DfT should aim to maximise its use of HA data, subject to the above trials [referred to in other recommendations]. The aim would be to obtain data on AADFs on as many motorway and trunk road links as possible. The more ambitious aim would be to use HA data to extend the coverage of continuous counting throughout the year, so that the Core Census extended its reach to the more 'difficult' sites that it cannot currently handle. 3.1 and 5.8 Long Term R6.9 DfT to exploit any traffic data that the Highways Agency collects for its own ad hoc operational purposes 3.1 and 5.8 Medium Term 6.5 VOSA data R6.10 6.6 R6.11 Monitor availability of MOT test and other data to compare mileages against road traffic estimates Long Term RIF DfT to play key role in development of RIF, including with the aim of ensuring a common network referencing system is implemented Ongoing Chapter 7 7.1 Assessment of new technologies R7.1 Assess possible use of new technologies against defined set of criteria R5.25 and 6.2 Long -term R7.2 Identify when and how data from the new technologies can be incorporated into the road traffic estimates R5.25 and 6.2 Long -term Chapter 8 8.1 Manual Traffic Counts R8.1 Establish systematic programme of spot checks R5.21 Medium-term R8.2 Introduce indicators of manual counts' data quality R5.21 Short-term R8.3 Update guidance on vehicle classifications 5.10 Short-term 8.2 R8.4 8.3 Automatic Counters outside London Implement improved vehicle classification algorithms used by ATCs outside of London Quarterly Provisional Estimates 5.2 and R5.23 From 1 January 2007 (subject to satisfactory assessment of the impact) R8.5 8.4 R8.6 8.5 R8.7 8.6 R8.8 8.6 R8.9 8.7 R8.10 Implement more automated and systematic mechanism for checking and patching data when move to new IT system Medium-term Automatic Data Quality Introduce indicators of automatic counters' data quality Maintenance of ATCs DfT, HA, WAG, SE and local authorities to explore the potential for closer working on ATC issues Short-term 3.1 Short-term Medium-term Heavy Goods Vehicle Estimates Investigate discrepancies between HGV mileage estimates based on CSRGT and the Road Traffic Estimates Long-term BuiltUp/NonBuilt Up Splits In view of the poor accuracy of the BU/NBU split, it is suggested that SR2 ceases to supply these data to users. However, before a final decision is made, further consultation should take place with LGF, SR3 and other users. Short-term Road lengths SR2 move to the latest version of the ONS Urban/Rural polygons Chapter 9 9.1 R9.1 IT systems Medium-term R9.1 9.2 R9.2 9.3 R9.3 Explore the possibility of transferring the current provisional quarterly estimates' systems to a system accesssible to both SR1 and SR2 R8.5 and R9.3 Medium-term 5.1 Medium-term R9.1 Medium-term GIS: road lengths Investigate the necessity and practicality of a benchmarking exercise for road lengths in England Risk Assessment of Current Procedures Complete risk assessment of current procedures, focusing on documentation of procedures and staffing continuity Chapter 10 10.1 R10.1 10.2 R10.2 Manual counts and automatic counters Undertake further trials and research into possible replacement of manual counts with automatic counters Long-term London traffic counts Agree way forward with TfL on replacement of London data collection system R5.8 Short-term ANNEX 2.1 Road Traffic Statistics Quality Review Project Initiation Document Project Name: Road Traffic Statistics Quality Review Date: September 2004 Author: John Garnsworthy, TSR2, DfT Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Aims and scope of the review 3. Nature of the review 4. Roles and responsibilities 5. Quality Review Procedures 6. Communication and Consultation Plan 7. Project Timetable 8. Project Risk Register 9. Quality Assurance 10. Annex - Background note on road traffic estimates methodology 1. Introduction 1.1 The Government’s White Paper – Building trust in statistics – includes a commitment to assure the quality of national statistics and refers to a programme of reviews of outputs. The Road Traffic Statistics are part of the Quality Assurance programme. 1.2 The Department for Transport produces annual and quarterly traffic estimates with varying degrees of disaggregation by road and vehicle type. The Annex sets out key aspects of the methodology that the Department uses to produce its estimates. In essence, it hinges on combining Annual Average Daily Flow data (AADF) with road lengths to produce an estimate of the distance travelled in Great Britain by different vehicle types. 1.3 The Department collects a large volume of data to estimate AADFs for 22 road categories. It undertakes, through contractors, around 10 thousand manual counts of traffic each year across both the major and minor road networks. However, manual counts only take place for 12 hours on a given day and the sites represent just a tiny proportion of the road network. The Department also funds around 190 automated traffic counters that collect traffic data by 20 different vehicle types 24 hours a day. These are used to estimate expansion factors that can transform data from the manual counts into a 24 hour AADF for the 22 road categories. 1.4 Road length data are derived from a number of sources. Estimates of road length for major roads were agreed two years ago with key stakeholders and remain in use with minor maintenance by the Department to take on board changes to the major road network. Data for minor roads are estimated from Ordnance Survey data, which is agreed annually with local authorities through the Department’s R199b return. 1.5 The Department produces its own annual and quarterly publications of traffic estimates. The outputs are of significant interest to policy colleagues within the Department and feed into the Local Government Finance Settlement for allocating Government grant to local authorities. Business finds the figures useful in their own development and planing decisions. These are but a few uses. The importance of sound, reliable and valued traffic estimates extends far beyond the headline publications that the Department produces. 1.6 The current methodology is designed primarily to provide robust and sound statistics at a national and regional level. It does this through a "bottom up" approach by aggregating data for individual roads and local authority areas. The Review will address how best to handle the considerable and growing demand for statistics for these building blocks. Allied to this is the need for detailed data to feed into measures of congestion. Ideally these are required for individual road links and specific times of the day. Local authorities have a key role to play, both as providers of data for such estimates and as end-users to meet their Public Service Agreement requirements. 1.7 This paper sets out the proposed arrangements for this review and outlines its scope. 2. Aims and Scope of Review 2.1 National Statistics, the umbrella under which Road Traffic Statistics fall, is a badge of confidence. It must be able to signal to users that the statistics produced under the label have been rigorously prepared to the highest standards, are free from bias and, as such, can be relied upon and generate confidence from users. 2.2 The ultimate aim of this review, therefore, is to ensure that Road Traffic Estimates are fit for purpose by ensuring that the Department produces traffic outputs which: Meet the need for information at a variety of geographic levels; Are sufficiently robust and reliable for the purposes that they are used; Are consistent with other traffic information; Are competitive in terms of cost and efficiency; Use sound methodology, systems and techniques. 2.3 It is recognised that there might be insufficient time to address all relevant issues during the course of the review itself. Recommendations for follow-up work will therefore be made as appropriate. 3. Nature of the Review 3.1 The National Statistics (NS) Planning Board decided that all NS outputs or sources earmarked for review should be allocated to one of the following categories of review: Strategic Review – this would apply to a group of related outputs or cross-cutting sources which involve major risks and areas of significant or changing user demand. Fundamental Review – this would apply to a ‘key’ NS output which has generated known concerns, has not been subject to a recent review or where the risk of not conducting a review is deemed to be high. Standard Review – this would apply to any output which is important and where the purpose of the review is to ensure that the output is (still) of good quality and fit for purpose. Targeted Review – this would apply to any output which may have already been the subject of a broader review but which has since generated a specific area of concern. 3.2 Road Traffic Statistics will be subject to a Standard Review carried out over a period of around nine months. The review will cover traffic in Great Britain only and be based on five strands of investigation and consideration: Producing the right outputs – this is about better understanding who the customers are for Road Traffic Statistics and what outputs they need from the Department to effectively conduct their own business. It will require examination of whether existing outputs meet this need, including the growing demands for statistics at more disaggregated geographic levels. The review will also examine how the outputs are being used, the understanding that customers have of them and what problems customers perceive there to be with the outputs. The review will look at what other outputs are being used by customers and whether or not the Department needs to consider specialist products for diverse customers; Quality inputs – the quality of the Department’s outputs will be significantly driven by the quality of the data it collects. The review will seek to establish the quality and accuracy of the data from both the manual and automated traffic counts and consistency with data from other sources (e.g. Highways Agency, local authorities, and Transport for London). Consideration will be given to the possible means for different agencies to pool resources and utilise each others data for traffic estimation A key element of this will be the need for close liaison with local authorities to maximise the consistency of their data collection methodologies. The potential of new technology (e.g. satellites, traffic control systems, aerial photography) to collect more timely, cost effective and accurate data will also be explored. An important aspect of this strand will be the storage and handling systems that the Department uses when it receives the data to ensure they are robust, effective and efficient. Sound methodology and reliability – this strand will be about the methods employed to produce estimates and the quality of the outputs. It will examine international approaches to producing traffic estimates, what completely new approaches may be available and the robustness of the Department’s existing methodology (e.g. how it estimates expansion and grossing factors, understanding urban and rural definitions). The review will seek to establish the reliability of current outputs by examining revisions to the estimates, reconciling the outputs with other known results, including CSRGT, and calculating confidence intervals for estimates. An important output of the review will be to establish a definition of quality for Road Traffic Statistics which will necessarily consider balancing an easily understandable methodology against the high level of robustness that customers rightly require. Storage, handling and analysis systems will be a feature of this strand, very much linked to some of the work within strand two. Communication – good, robust outputs only have worth if they are effectively communicated to the audiences they seek to serve. This strand will establish how well the Department communicates its outputs to its customers: does it sufficiently and effectively explain its methodology to customers, are results readily available in a helpful and informative format and could more use be made of new technology, particularly the internet? The review will look at ownership and supply issues surrounding data and results and will consider the issues of charging. Future development – the estimates are currently made using manual and automatic traffic counters only. This strand will focus on how the Department will position itself to take advantage of new technological developments to further improve Road Traffic Statistics. In addition, this strand will recommend how the Department can best keep pace with customer views on its outputs and their changing needs. Currently, the road traffic estimates are made using a well-established methodology, defining what data are collected and how. However, there is no overriding rationale for this to continue. A possible outcome of the review might therefore be for TSR to set out its requirements for road traffic statistics and invite contractors to provide an appropriate service to meet them. This could include data collection and perhaps subsequent handling and analysis. 4. Roles and responsibilities 4.1 A Review Board will oversee the work of a Review Team that will be led by a Review Manager. A Review Sponsor will oversee the review as a whole and has ultimate responsibility for the review. Details of the roles and responsibilities of the teams and their members are outlined below: Alan Oliver Tom Worsley DfT, Transport Statistics Roads, Chief Statistician Integrated Transport and Economic Analysis Division, DfT Chair, Review Sponsor Internal user John Disney Nottingham Trent University External Adviser Nick Fenton Highways Agency External User Frank Dixon Scottish Executive External User Sarah Demery Welsh Assembly External User Ray Heywood Leeds City Council, LA representative External User External Consultant: methodologist Martin Dale John Garnsworthy DfT, Head of TSR2 Review Manager Louise Buckle DfT, TSR2 Assistant Statistician Secretariat Review Board 4.2 The composition of the Review Board is: 4.3 The responsibilities of the Review Board are: to ensure the Review Team utilises all its resources such that the review meets its objectives (including agreeing any changes to the timetable), and resolves any difficulties that may arise; to agree scope of the review and the PID; to assure the review's technical and business integrity, to ensure that effective quality assurance is in place and check the review is being conducted according to specified guidelines; to consider emerging findings throughout the review taking account of wider issues related to the areas of the review; to consider the possible sensitivity of the report findings and ensure that stakeholders are appropriately consulted throughout the review; to consider and agree the final report, containing recommendations for the future of the Road Traffic Statistics, to be submitted to the National Statistician; to commission an initial implementation plan to take forward the recommendations, to be produced within 3 months of the final report being released. 4.4 In addition, the External Adviser will: Provide advice on the consultation with users, including the consultation documents Comment on the proposals arising from the methodological advice. Review Sponsor (Alan Oliver) 4.5 The responsibilities of the Review Sponsor are: to identify and manage risks to the project in the context of corporate management responsibilities; to help overcome barriers to the successful completion of the review which are brought to his attention to oversee the work of the Review Team; and to chair the Review Board. Review Team 4.6 The composition of the Review Team is: DfT, Head of TSR2 John Garnsworthy Review Manager Martin Dale External Consultant, Methodologist * HA representative David Pearce User representative LA representative William Bryans, Surrey County Council User representative ITEA representative Malcolm Jay and Russell Harris User representative TSF representative Chris Overson User representative TSPT representative Stephen Reynolds User representative TSR4 representative Mouna Kehil User representative Scottish Executive representative DfT, TSR1 Frank Dixon User representative Andy Lees DfT, TSR2 Andrew Smith Topic Manager: Automatic Traffic Counts Topic Manager: Manual Traffic Counts DfT, TSR2 Kate Thomas Topic Manager:- Dissemination and GIS issues DfT, TSR2 Louise Buckle Statistical Methodology/Data Quality, User Requirements and Secretariat * Co-opted member of the Review Board 4.7 The responsibilities of the Review Team are: to draw up the PID and make any subsequent changes to it; to prepare additional documents and consult with users; to develop options and future recommendations for road traffic statistics; to report progress to the Review Board 4.8. It is envisaged that most of the work of the Review Team will be undertaken by small subgroups addressing specific, well-defined issues. Review Manager (Head of TSR2) 4.9 The review manager is responsible to the Review Board for the following: to assign tasks to individual team members and ensure that they deliver to the agreed timetable; to ensure the effective day-to-day management of the Review Team; to produce and maintain a record of changes to the plans and timetable; to ensure that the Project Risk Register is maintained; to prepare the draft PID and reports for discussion by the Review Team; to regularly inform the Review Team and Review Board of progress; to consult as necessary with team members and other interested parties on the subject matter of the review; to report regularly to the Review Sponsor progress and any problems encountered; to produce necessary papers for the Review Board; and to maintain a document and decision log. Review Team Members 4.10 The responsibilities of the Team Members are: to take forward individual work strands and deliver on time; to contribute papers, as necessary, on issues of particular interest or importance; to provide data, details on methodology and its rationale as required; to represent the views of colleagues where appropriate; and to advise the Review Manager of any problems which may affect their participation. 5. Quality Review Procedures 5.1 The conduct of a quality review is a key element of the National Statistics approach as set out in the Framework document (available from In each case, the reviews should involve thorough consultation with data users and incorporate a quality assurance procedure involving external experts. 5.2 The procedure for the review is: i. ii. Review Board considers and agrees the scope of the review; Review Manager/Team consults users and suppliers and identify the major issues to be reviewed; iii. Review manager/team consults users and suppliers and prepares a report of emerging findings; iv. Review Board considers/agrees emerging findings; v. Review manager/team produces final report and recommendations; vi. vii. Review Board considers/agrees final report Ministers notified that review completed and appraised of key recommendations viii. Final report submitted to National Statistician and published on NS website. 5.3 If the quality review shows areas of Road Traffic Statistics that need to be changed and improved the Review Team will assess the various options in turn. In each case a preliminary assessment of the costs and operational practicability and other information will be provided. Where appropriate the Review Team will make recommendations to the Review Board with regard to the desirability and priority that should be attached to each improvement taking account of user preferences. 5.4 Any recommendations for change that emerge from this review would be subject to the usual processes of consultation with users before implementation. 5.5 The review is being managed using project management techniques. A project risk register has been developed (section 8) and will be updated and amended as necessary during the course of the review. A timetable for the review is given at section 7; this may be revised and updated as the review progresses. 6. Communication and Consultation Plan 6.1 The main aim of the review is to assess whether Road Traffic Statistics are fit for purpose and of good quality. This is about ensuring that the right products are produced well. Consultation with key customers and stakeholders is critical to the success of the review. The review will not be able to ensure Road Traffic Statistics are fit for purpose if it has not fully considered the views of those most in need of and affected by the Department’s outputs. 6.2 The Review Team will ascertain views on (amongst other things): The breadth of use of Road Traffic Statistics; What outputs customers require; Do existing outputs meet customer needs; Are any specialist products required; How are Road Traffic Statistics being used; How well do customers understand the outputs; What other data do customers use; What problems are encountered with Road Traffic Statistics; How reliable do customers find the Department’s outputs; Does the Department’s perceived reliability compare favourable with other data; Do customers understand or want to understand the underlying methodology; How well does the Department communicate Road Traffic Statistics; How do customers wish to receive outputs and data; What should the Department make available to customers; How much should the Department charge for specific services. 6.3 One particular area that the review will focus on is estimates of pedal cycling which individual local authorities and other organisations, as well as the Department, have considerable interest in. The estimates of cycling levels display a substantial degree of volatility, rendering their interpretation difficult. It is possible that this, at least partly, reflects deficiencies in the current methodology, especially lack of representativeness of the sample, rather than genuine variations in cycling levels. 6.4 In order to address these issues, DfT is preparing a pilot study with a limited number of local authorities for the installation of automatic pedal cycle counters within their areas. It is proposed that LAs will maintain the equipment, with the Department analysing the data and feeding back results to them. Local authorities will be closely consulted on this and related issues. These will include what types of journey should be covered by the estimates, eg on roads only (as currently collected) or off-road journeys on tow-paths and designated cycleways in parks also? 6.5 It is therefore vital that input from a wide variety of users on the quality of the Road Traffic Statistics is obtained. The Review Team will draw up a questionnaire that will gauge users’ thoughts on the quality of the data as well as ascertaining the uses made of the statistics and identifying areas of particular importance to them. The questionnaire will be circulated to a wide range of users. 6.6 The Review Team will use the questionnaire as a benchmark and starting point. This will be followed up through more detailed discussion with customers and stakeholders to fully understand and develop specific issues that emerge from the questionnaire and other review activity. The Department’s website will be actively used to openly publish Review Board papers and seek feedback on review activity and issues. 7. Project Timetable 7.1 The proposed timetable for the main stages of the review is outlined below: Review Team to draft PID, including scope of review (August) – The scope of the review presented in this PID will be discussed and agreed by the Review Team and presented to the Review Board for approval. First meeting of the Review Board (early September) – The main aim of this meeting will be for the Review Board to approve the PID, especially the scope of the review, the timetable and suggested procedures. The Review Board will note that after the PID has been approved it will then be published on the National Statistics website. Consultation Phase (mid-September to end December) – The initial plans for the consultation process are presented at section 6. In late October, a progress report will be produced and circulated to the Review Board for consideration. It will set out how the review is developing, reassess the timetable and suggest any changes that are necessary. Diagnostic Phase ( early October to December) – This phase of the review will consider how well the Road Traffic Statistics meet users needs, the quality of the input and methodological issues. The views that have been gathered in the consultation phase along with the knowledge of the Review Team will be used to produce a thorough assessment of the Road Traffic Statistics. A second ‘progress report’ will be circulated to the Review Board in November, This will consider similar issues to the first ‘progress report’ and include findings from the user and supplier consultation and methodological investigations. Second meeting of the Review Board (late November) - This meeting will provide the opportunity for the Review Board to consider how the project is progressing and initiate any necessary changes as well as review the preliminary findings from the consultation. Follow up work and future options (December to April) – During this stage the Review Team will follow-up any work arising from the second Review Board meeting. The Review Team will also begin considering whether there are any changes required to the Road Traffic Statistics and the costs and practicalities involved in any of the options suggested. It may be necessary to hold a third Review Board meeting to consider the results of any follow-up work and future work programme. Preparation of the Final Report (May) – The Review Team will prepare a final draft report, with a recommended course of action. This will be circulated to the Review Board in May. Third meeting of Review Board (May) - The Review Board will consider the draft of the final report. The main purpose of this meeting is to determine that the review has been carried out satisfactorily and to approve the final report. Final report and dissemination (early June) – The final report, after approval from the Review Board, will be presented to the National Statistician. The report will then be published on the National Statistics website. Within 3 months of the publication of the final report, a plan for implementation of the recommendations and/or progress made will be drawn up and made publicly available. This will allow users and suppliers to assess the progress that is being made on each recommendation. This plan will be published on the National Statistics website. 8. Project Risk Register Risk No: 1. Risk Likelihood Impact Staff changes and vacancies in the Review Team Low Medium 2. Other work is deemed higher priority High Medium 3. Unplanned expansion of the scope of the review New issues emerging during the consultation process Medium Medium Medium Medium 5. Inability of the Review Board to reach agreement Low High 6. Unexpected intervention at high level that has major implications on Road Traffic Statistics outputs, e.g. unexpected change to major policy need. Low High 4. Implication and Countermeasure May lead to delay in the completion of work. Solution: Ensure that adequate documentation of work is maintained. Review Manager to ensure that should staff leave, adequate resource is given from elsewhere. Delay and/or reduction of quality of the review. Solution: Ensure the key staff are aware of responsibilities and senior managers give adequate commitment to the review. More topics to cover will lead to an extension and/or reduction of the quality of the review. A low-level risk as key users have been consulted when drawing up the list of issues to be reviewed. The Review Manager should monitor the consultation process carefully and report any potential difficulties to the Review Board. It is vital that the members of the Review Board are fully committed to the review and its outputs. Solution: the Review Sponsor should be aware of any potential points of contention and will seek to find common agreement between members. A low-level risk, as policy colleagues are members of both the Review Board and Review Team. Solution: Members of Review Board and Review Team should inform the Review Manager of any likely events that may have a major impact on the review 9. Quality Assurance 9.1 It is important that the quality of the review itself is monitored. This will be done in the following ways: Members of the Review Team will hold one another accountable with regard to quality, assuring all documents that are sent out and that the Quality Review procedures are adhered to. Regular team meetings will help facilitate this. Records of the Review Team's key activities will be available to the Review Board on request. The Review Team will include an outside consultant. A representative from the ONS National Statistics Policy Division (NSPD) will be available, if required, to advise on the process of the review. Membership of the Review Board includes a member of the academic community. The Review Board will be responsible for quality assuring and agreeing the PID, the progress reports and final report. ONS will be advised about the progress of the review The implications of the review, including time and costs of any proposed changes to the Road Traffic Statistics, will be thoroughly investigated by the Review Team before being put forward to the Review Board. Annex How the National Road Traffic Estimates are madeAmendment History Version number 1.1 1.2 Date of Amendment March 2004 April 2004 1.3 1.4 May 2004 August 2004 Section amended Summary of change All sections Minor Roads paragraph 17 Paragraph 22 Paragraph 18 Completely revised Minor change to improve accuracy in methodology description. Amended link to CLIP web site Amendment made to description of minor road methodology How the national traffic estimates are made Introduction 1. In 2002, motor vehicles travelled about 485 billion kilometres while pedal cycles travelled 4.4 billion kilometres along the public roads of Great Britain. How do we know this? We know this from the traffic counts conducted about many different types of roads and information on road lengths. However it is not easy to convert count data to total traffic data 2. The road network consists of about 50,000 kilometres of motorways and class "A" roads, with a further 340,000 kilometres or so of minor roads. The road system as a whole is thus much too extensive to allow the collection of comprehensive traffic data for every part. Moreover, the density of traffic carried (and the mix of traffic by vehicle type) varies enormously from place to place and from hour to hour. Flows are less than 100 vehicles a day on many minor roads but exceed 150,000 a day on some motorway links. Even within a road class, one site may easily carry ten times as much traffic as another. Flow also varies by time of day, by day of week and by month of year. Furthermore, there is variation within the variation - car traffic levels, for example, may change relatively little over the seven days of the week, but goods traffic is usually at far lower levels on Saturdays and Sundays than on other days. These characteristics mean that estimating national traffic volumes requires a fairly complicated sampling design, the collection of substantial volumes of data and complex computational procedures. This note describes the new methodology used for the traffic estimates from 1993 onwards. 3. Estimation of traffic levels uses information from both manual and automatic counts. They are each described briefly below. The manual counts (previously referred to as the rotating census and the biennial counts) 4. These counts operate somewhat differently for major and minor roads. The major roads are split into five road classes: motorways, trunk roads and principal roads with the latter two divided into urban and rural roads. Urban1 roads are defined as those within the boundaries of the Urban Area polygons for settlements of 10,000 population or more, based on the 2001 Population Census. On the outskirts of urban areas, bypasses are normally treated as rural even if part of the road may lie within the urban area polygon. Conversely, roads between urban areas with short lengths outside the polygons are normally treated as urban. Minor roads are divided into 6 classes: B class, C class and U (unclassified) roads, each subdivided into urban and rural. 5. For major roads (motorways and A-roads), the traffic on every link - normally a section of road between consecutive junctions with other major roads - must be regularly assessed. This is done by counting the traffic at a statistically random point on most links at regular intervals – traditionally, once every three years in England and Wales and once every six years in Scotland2. It is recognised that with the exception of motorways, traffic levels will 1 Before 8 May 2003, roads were, instead, classified as built-up and non built-up. Built-up roads were those with a speed limit of 40mph or less. Non built-up roads were those with a higher speed limit. 2 Since 1999, the frequency of counting has been broadly based on the variance of the traffic of the link (variance of average flow * link length). Intervals are every one, two, four and eight years in England and Wales. In Scotland they are two, four, eight and sixteen years. However, Scotland is proposing to increase its budget for traffic counting and so may come into line with level of counting in England and Wales. vary along the length of a link. However, the procedure of counting at a statistically random point on each link can be expected to lead to good estimates at national level although estimates on some individual links may be less reliable. 6. In total, about 5,300 major road sites are scheduled to be counted in 2004. In addition to traffic count data, information is collected about the characteristics of each link, such as its length and the road class and road width at the place of the count. At each chosen point, trained enumerators count vehicles of each of eleven types (pedal cycles, two-wheeled motor vehicles, cars and taxis, buses and coaches, light vans, and six separate categories of goods vehicle) for the 12 hours from 7am to 7pm. These counts are all scheduled to take place on weekdays, but not on or near to public holidays or school holidays. To minimise the effects of possible seasonal factors, counting is confined to the so-called "neutral weeks". These are namely most weeks in March, April, May, June, September and October. 7. Some major road links are unsafe to count or are too short to be worth counting in the normal way. In these cases, traffic estimates are derived from the judicious use of flow data on adjacent links. These are called derived links. Further, because all links are now defined as ending at a local authority boundary, some links are treated as dependent links. In these cases, it is assumed that the flow is the same along all of the link. So, a count in one local authority can be used as a proxy for the flow on the dependent link. In 2003, there were 15,500 normal links, 1,200 derived links and 1,000 dependent links. Complete coverage of the minor road network is not attempted as it is too extensive. It is not practicable to define the minor road network in terms of individual links; even if all the links could be identified, their number would be far too great to allow traffic data for each link to be collected. Minor road traffic estimates are therefore made by grouping minor roads into one of the six road classes3. An attempt is then made to measure the average flow on each of these road types by carrying out a number of counts along them. A random sample of approximately 4,500 sites across GB is visited each year. These same sites are counted each year. Most of these counts are carried out in neutral weeks. However about 200 counts per year, the "summerwinter counts", are carried out in non-neutral weeks and on weekends. These 200 sites are visited each year and are mainly used to provide extra information about two-wheeled traffic throughout the year. This is because pedal cycles and motor cycles are not always accurately identified by automatic counters (see paragraph 9). 8. The manual counts have the advantage over automatic counts of complete coverage of major road sites and moderately good coverage of minor roads. However, the data (hourly by vehicle type), are very sparse since traffic is counted for only 12 hours on each visit. Thus these counts give no information about traffic at night, at weekends, over public holiday periods, and little about the seven non-neutral months. In calculating national traffic estimates, therefore, use must be made of data from automatic counters. The automatic counts (previously referred to as the core census) 9. The automatic counters fill the gaps left by the manual counts. There are some 160 sites in GB outside of London where traffic is monitored continuously using automatic sensors, which classify the traffic into vehicle type. The numbers of vehicles of each type detected are combined into hourly totals and stored on-site until it is downloaded during the night to a computer in the DfT headquarters building. The automatic counting equipment recognises 3 These include: urban and rural 'B' roads, 'C' roads and unclassified roads 22 different types of vehicle; these are then combined to provide estimates for the eleven vehicle types4 used by DfT. 10. The automatic counters do not give 100% accuracy. For example, the equipment cannot classify vehicles into their different types when the traffic is moving very slowly (5mph or less). They also have a tendency to malfunction, though the new sensors recently introduced, are more reliable than the previous ones. The equipment cannot distinguish between cars and car-based vans and can also have difficulty distinguishing between some types of buses and coaches and goods vehicles having similar axle spacing and chassis height. The equipment is also prone to failing to identify two-wheeled vehicle traffic, both bicycles and motorcycles5. Nevertheless, they do have the big advantage over manual counts that they operate continuously and so can give a complete picture of traffic at the points where they are sited. 11. The automatic counters in London are slightly different to those outside London. There are 56 automatic counters in London and they are "volumetric" classifiers that only distinguish between short (up to 5.2 metres) and long (greater than 5.2 metres) vehicles. They need 24hour manual counts every three months to provide estimates of the breakdown of traffic by vehicle type in each hour of the day. These counters suffer from similar problems as those outside London, but are more reliable than the automatic counters used outside London. Annual Average Daily Flows (AADFs) 12. The data for all manual counts done in neutral months6 are combined with information from automatic counters on similar roads to provide an estimate of the AADF at that site. This is normally done by multiplying the raw count data by factors derived from the automatic counts in that same year. There are a large number of such expansion factors since there are separate factors for each vehicle type, day of counting and expansion factor group7. Because these counts are done in neutral weeks, the expansion factors used do not usually vary too much from year to year, except when bad weather has restricted traffic during the winter months. For cars, the factors are usually between 1.15 and 1.25 (except on motorways and in London where the factors are higher) while for goods vehicles the factors vary between 0.75 and 0.9 - lower because of the greater drop in traffic at weekends. 13. The automatic counters provide a reasonable guide to changes in traffic over time. This information is used in two ways. Firstly it is used to provide provisional quarterly estimates of traffic, which are published on the sixth Thursday following the end of a quarter. Secondly they are used to provide growth factors between consecutive years. These growth factors are used for links not counted, or not counted satisfactorily in the latest year. In these cases, the AADF for the previous year is multiplied by the appropriate growth factor to give a reasonable estimate of the AADF for the latest year. 4 These include: Pedal cycle, two-wheeled motor vehicle, car, light goods van, bus, rigid 2 axle lorry, rigid 3 axle lorry, rigid 4 or more axle lorry, 3 axle or 4 axle articulated, 5 axle articulated and 6 axle or more articulated. 5 This deficiency underpins the need for the extra sites for manual counting on minor roads in the summer and winter months 6 Counts done in the summer and winter months are not grossed-up: the sites are normally counted at the same time of the year each year and so are compared directly with each other. 7 There are now 22 expansion factors groups. These are based on type of area (from holiday area to Central London), road category and, in some cases, traffic flow level. Use of AADFs in Calculation of Annual Traffic Estimates 14. Different procedures are used for major and minor roads in converting AADF data to traffic estimates. The difference arises because the link concept cannot be applied to minor roads. Major roads 15. A major road link of length 2km with an AADF of 50,000 has a traffic figure of 100,000 vehicle-kilometres (2*50,000). This equates to 36.5 million vehicle kilometres a year. Because every major road link is counted, in principle, total traffic on major roads can be obtained by summing the traffic figures for every link. 16. As mentioned in paragraph 6, some links are not counted. In these cases, the traffic flows are derived from adjacent links using suitable formulae (derived links) or using the flow of the adjacent link as a proxy (dependent links). Minor roads 17. In the base year (currently 1999), for each minor road class in each local authority an AADF is estimated based on a sample of traffic counts, including those projected forward from counts done in earlier years. These AADFS are then multiplied by the total road length for the relevant minor road category to give an estimate of traffic for that road category. 18. Traffic for the latest year is then obtained by calculating changes in traffic flows derived from the automatic minor road counts, after taking into account any changes in road length. It is assumed that new minor roads have the same average flows as that of other minor roads. This is plausible, since some of the newest will be quiet roads on housing estates whilst others will be busy roads recently declassified from major road status. Quarterly and annual estimates of traffic 19. As mentioned in paragraph 12, the automatic counters are used to provide provisional quarterly estimates throughout the year. A first estimate for the year is published in early February, and this is largely based on automatic count data. A final estimate for the year is normally published in early May and this is produced by putting together the estimates for major and minor road traffic as detailed above. Availability of data 20. Basic quarterly data are included in the quarterly statistical bulletin Traffic in Great Britain, which can be obtained by contacting Road Traffic Statistics The data are also included on the DfT web site. They can be downloaded from the correct PDF file which can be located under _index.hcst?n=7405&l=4 21. More detailed information are available from the annual publication. This again is available free, but also available from the DfT web site. This can be found at the following site: x.hcst?n=8170&l=4 22. Advice on how to conduct local transport surveys can be found at the following web site: 23. Some users need more detailed data for particular areas or particular roads. These can be supplied, though there is a charge payable by external customers. TSR 2 August 2004 Annex 4.1 User Consultation Report Introduction 1. A key element of the Quality Review was consultation with users. This was undertaken through two complementary mechanisms: First, a seminar was held with users, under the auspices of TSUG, on 4 October 2004. At the seminar, key speakers explained the background and purposes of the Review. More importantly, it provided users with the opportunity to present their views on, and requirements, for the statistics. To aid the discussion, attendees were invited to participate in one of four groups, covering different topics. The first part of this Annex describes the key points to emerge in discussion. Second, a questionnaire was circulated to users seeking their views, in a more structured manner on key issues relating to the statistics and users' requirements. The questionnaire was circulated at the seminar and attendees encouraged to complete it. The findings from the questionnaire are reported on pages 6 to 17. USER SEMINAR 2. The results of the seminar were used to inform the design of the user questionnaire and the drawing up of the work packages as part of the Project Plan. Limited weight was placed on the results as it was felt that the attendees might not be representative of all users. There were 42 participants including Review Board members and branch members. DfT and Agencies HMCE Review Board members Consultants LAs Academics Journalists Others 18 5 4 3 2 2 1 7 35 Note of User Seminar 3. John Disney of Nottingham Trent University chaired the seminar. 4. The first part of the seminar involved three introductory speakers from the Quality Review Board: Alan Oliver and John Garnsworthy of the DfT and Ray Heywood from Leeds City Council. This was followed by a brief discussion. The attendees then convened into their pre-chosen discussion groups to cover one of four topics in detail. After these discussions the groups then reconvened in a plenary session to present their findings and highlight key issues raised. 5. Group A - Supplying Data for Local Needs Chair: Ray Heywood Scribe: Kate Thomas Many local authorities undertake their own traffic counts with some also acting as DfT manual count contractors. In some cases there might be unnecessary duplication of effort and different approaches can lead to inconsistent results. In addition to local authorities' data, a number of other current and potential data sources have been suggested to meet the growing demands for traffic statistics. Key points from the discussion: LAs generally use all of the published traffic and road length data The LAs undertake their own counts to ‘fill in the gaps’ left by the National Traffic Census. The main areas of concern are with the minor roads data. Most LAs have long term systematic traffic monitoring programmes and often monitor cycle traffic. There are some inconsistencies between DfT and LA data, especially in relation to expansion factors and minor road flows. There is some consistency of manual counting practice across LAs and the DfT could make more use of LA data. There was, however, a need to promulgate consistent definitions and count practice and to give guidance on sampling methodology. On opportunities afforded by new technologies, group A identified GPS/IT IS, mobile phones and image recognition. They were very much interested in journey times. There were, however, implications for data protection and for storing large volumes of data. 6. Group B - Quality Counts Chair: John Disney Scribe: Chris Overson A key element of the review is the quality of the outputs. It is essential that the statistics produced are fit for purpose and as consistent as possible with estimates from other sources Key points from the discussion: There was some scepticism about the need for quarterly data. The main need was for good annual data. There was a need for both absolute figures (vehicle-kilometres and AADFs) and percentage changes. Even those primarily concerned with traffic growth rates needed to know the base line. Single ‘point’ estimates were not sufficient. Each estimate should have a 95% confidence limit. Where there was more than one source of information about a variable, guidance should be given on which data were appropriate for particular uses. The need for revisions was recognised, in particular quarterly data, but users should be given clear warnings when data were revised stating what had changed. Revisions that are trivial for some users may be important for others. There was a need to exploit Highways Agency and LA data. Incentives might be needed to persuade others to pool their data. There could be benefit in examining practice on presentation of outputs in other European countries and in the EU 7. Group C - Delivering the Outputs Chair: Nick Fenton Scribe: Andrew Smith Good, robust outputs only have worth if they are communicated effectively. DfT publishes traditional paper-based quarterly and annual road traffic bulletins. These are also disseminated on its website with other key statistics, including estimates for individual local authorities. Whilst these dissemination mechanisms meet many users' needs, some 1,500 individual ad hoc requests per annum are dealt with too. Key points from the discussion: DfT should show how the quarterly and annual data were linked together. More generally, they should show how the outputs were derived and how the various inputs fitted in. This could be done by a flow diagram There were some doubts about the value of the quarterly bulletin All bulletins should show a full list of sources. Also a commentary on the trends would be useful. Need for greater consistency in the breakdowns between the various publications. Explain more about what is available (and how this links to other data), what the stats are normally used for and why certain stats are not available. Although road length data was not viewed as essential by many of the syndicate members, it was regarded as essential by those who did require it. The DfT website can appear rather user-unfriendly. Tables should be downloadable to Excel and other text to PDF. AADFs should be on a website. Frequency of publications is about right. However, could the Annual Estimates be published earlier? The syndicate suggested looking at the neighbourhood statistics web site, part of the ONS web site, for ideas regarding formats of downloadable material and other possible items of good practice. The syndicate also thought that the web site should encourage user feedback and include a section on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). This latter item might also be replicated on the (DfT hosted) TRS2 web site 8. Group D - The Devil’s in the Detail Chair: Tom Worsley Scribe: Frank Dixon Demands for traffic statistics vary enormously from broad aggregate statistics to detailed requests relating to individual road links, and breakdowns by vehicle type and time periods. Clearly, the robustness of the data suffers at the more disaggregated levels, particularly affecting the less common vehicle types. Key points from the discussion: On classification of HGVs, the ATCs deliver what is needed for most purposes. However, there was a need for different strands of information, for example gross vehicle weight and links to the VOSA vehicle definitions. If ANPR cameras were also being deployed there could be links to DVLA categories and speeds in specifics lanes related to flows. Whether these strands could be addressed solely by the National Traffic Census was uncertain, but it was important to recognise these potential linkages. Car traffic was generally satisfactory. However, if linkage could be made to the DVLA database, then make- and model-specific traffic estimates could be made and be used as measures of exposure in calculating traffic accident rates. A research study could explore this. Linkage to the DVLA could also establish the sizes of cars used at different times during the week More details on bus sizes would be useful as a guide to bus loadings. On geographical detail, there was some concern that the ‘rural’ definition was too coarse. There were probably too few ATC counts in rural areas Similarly there were concerns about the adequacy of the ATC coverage for urban areas, all of which had distinct characteristics. ATCs were probably a cost-effective way of obtaining local traffic information but they could not provide the full picture. Traffic data should be available by 15-minute periods. Manual counts should be used for this. There were mixed views on quarterly data: some wanted them and used them extensively; others only used the annual figures. There was concern that caveats attached to figures were often removed or downgraded when the data were assembled for publication by organisations outside the DfT. Confidence limits should be shown so that users know how to treat the results. Tighter limits could be obtained if the data from other sources were used to boost the sample. LAs need guidance on standard counting practice. 9. In the plenary discussion following the groups’ reports the following points were made: i. Rather than displaying 95% confidence limits, it might be best to show standard errors, together with guidance on how to construct confidence limits. ii. Given that LA and HA traffic counting might often be ad hoc, some means needed to be found to integrate these counts within the national system without biasing the results. This might be straightforward for the major road AADFs but more complex for the minor road system. iii. It was assumed that the traffic counts could not per se handle vehicle occupancy. However this would be useful and the possibility of roadside occupancy counts could be considered. iv. There was a general consensus for greater integration and standardisation of traffic data across the network. v. Likewise there was a consensus that the opportunities offered by new technologies needed to be explored as part of the review. The recommendations could point the way to useful research rather than early implementation. 10. Finally the chairman again reminded participants that it was essential that they completed the questionnaire as soon as possible and returned it before the end of November to the DfT. USER QUESTIONNAIRE 10. User Profiles Profiles of Users: Questionnaire vs Enquiries Database vs Bulletin mailing lists 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Questionnaire responses Enquiries Database Other (includes Police for Quality Review) Consultants Commercial Academic/Students Local Authorities Other Gov Departments Other gov regional bodies Annual and Quarterly Bulletin mailing lists DfT (Central & Agencies) Percentage of Total When the profile of the users who responded to the questionnaire was compared to that of the users who request data directly from the branch, it was reassuring to note that the profiles are similar except in the case of Commercial users where there is a far higher percentage of commercial responses than enquiries. The profile of users who are on the Annual and Quarterly Bulletin mailing lists was then added to this comparison and it can be seen that the general profile remains the same except for the very high percentage of DfT recipients and the very low percentage of Consultants. Both these differences seem reasonable as it would be expected that many recipients from within DfT would receive the bulletins as a matter of protocol. It is also makes sense that consultants would request data as and when it was required rather than receive the bulletins regularly. Categories of Users Analysis of User Questionnaire Introduction 11. As part of the user consultation, 240 questionnaires were sent out by e-mail to individuals and organisations believed to be users. Further copies were sent to user groups such as the Transport Statistics User Group which distributed them on to their members. A further 50 copies were sent out by post including to members of the Annual Bulletin mailing list. In addition a number of questionnaires were circulated to Local Authorities in Scotland. Thus the total number of questionnaires sent out was believed to be around 400. 12. The questionnaire was also made available on the DfT website, in both Excel and PDF format, for users to complete. 13. There were two e-mail reminders sent out to those on the consultation list. Purpose 14. The aim of the questionnaire was to identify key requirements from Users. Recommendations were made on requirements that were deemed to be within the scope of the Review. These recommendations were passed onto the appropriate work package team leaders. Those requirements that were out of scope were passed to appropriate colleagues within the department where possible 15. A comprehensive analysis of the results of the questionnaire can be found in Annex 4.1.A and the key findings are highlighted below. The questionnaire itself can be found at Annex 4.1.B. Findings: CURRENT AND FUTURE REQUIREMENTS 16. Breakdown of responses - 85 responses were received. Of these, the majority of the responses were from Local Authorities (31) who comprised 36% of the total. The responses were analysed by the following groups (strata) of respondents: DfT - central, DfT - agencies, Other Government Departments, Consultancies, Miscellaneous #1 - Organisations categorised as 'other' in the user questionnaire Miscellaneous #2 - Other government regional bodies (e.g. Regional Development Agencies), Academic, and Commercial were grouped together due to the small number of responses from these users. 17. Question 1 Use of Road Traffic vs. Road Length Statistics - The vast majority (92%) of respondents use the Road Traffic Statistics (RTS) while 61% use the Road Lengths Statistics (RLS). Similar proportions were evident in each stratum analysed. 18. Question 2 Frequency of use of statistics - 46% of respondents use the statistics at least once a month, while 66% use them at least every quarter, emphasising the statistics' importance to a wide range of users. 19. Question 3 Disaggregated Statistics by Road Type and Urban/ Rural split – The majority of respondents for both Road Traffic Statistics and Road Length Statistics will have the same requirements in the future as they do currently. (Question 3.a) For the level of disaggregation of RTS by road type, there is a fairly even demand across all of the requirements - for both current and future uses. Demand is greater for Urban/Rural than Built-up/Non built-up splits. Small changes only were recorded between current and future uses except for Individual road Links with future demand for the latter 350% of the current level. This is driven by the LAs and Consultants, with 5 and 3 responses of the 10 extra responses respectively. Overall the numbers do not suggest any significant increase in demand for our statistics in the future. (Question 3.b) For the RLS by road types it seems as if the demand for statistics is currently centred on Principal A roads, Trunk A roads and motorways, followed by B, C and unclassified roads, and from there tailing off to individual road links which in itself is not insignificant. The main change from Current to Future use occurred for Urban/Rural splits, with 8 and 9 more respondents requiring Urban and Rural splits respectively. 7 more respondents will require individual road links in future than now. Overall the numbers suggest an increase in demand for RLS across all the levels of disaggregation. For both the RTS and the RLS there was an unexpectedly high demand for the statistics to be split by Built Up/ Non Built Up definitions. DfT is moving towards splitting the estimates by the Rural/ Urban Polygon definitions. The demand for the Built Up/ Non Built Up statistics by user is detailed in the table below. It centres on LAs and Consultancies. It was not clear from the free text answers why this demand exists and so a number of respondents were contacted. These subsequent enquiries indicated that the responses were not, in fact, a true reflection of the actual (lower) demand. RTS Local Authority Consultancy Other Government Other Police DfT Central Regional Government DfT Agencies Commercial Academic RLS 19 8 5 5 4 3 14 7 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 0 50 2 0 0 0 32 20. There is a high demand for both the RTS and the RLS to be split by all the road types that were listed and as such none can be discarded. Proposed Way Forward: Local Authority Demand for Built Up/ Non Built Up statistics to be investigated. Other results to be passed to team leader of WP7- Demand for Disaggregated Statistics. Note: The demand for the BU/NBU statistics was investigated for the RLS and the following results obtained: Out of the 32 respondents: 15 Were unavailable to contact 6 Answered the question by mistake or said that their answer is no longer correct 4 Said that that data supplied in the BU/NBU split would be easier to analyse 3 Said that such data would be useful for future comparisons 2 Mentioned that they used the data for the Revenue Support Grant 2 Said that their users requested BU/NBU data from them From those that were contactable: a third of the respondents had made a mistake in answering the question and did not in fact require the BU/NBU split and from the answers of the remainder the demand for these statistics is far less that initially perceived. None of the contacted respondents said that the BU/NBU split is essential to their work. It may be that the need for the BU/NBU split is being perpetuated by the fact that SR2 still supplies data in this format to Local Government Finance (LGF). Should LGF decide to move to the Urban/ Rural split then the small demand that currently exists would in all likelihood disappear. 21. (Question 4) Disaggregated Statistics by time periods - A significant proportion (32%) of respondents, including ten LAs and five DfT Central, require traffic estimates for shorter time periods. Of these, a substantial number suggested they would find both hourly and daily data useful. 64% of respondents do not require shorter time periods. Proposed Way Forward: Results to be passed to team leader of WP7- Demand for Disaggregated Statistics. 22. (Question 5) Demand for Seasonally Adjusted Data - The overwhelming majority (92%) of respondents do not specifically use the seasonally adjusted data. Of those 4 respondents who do, only one was specific as to the use of the data stating that seasonality has road safety implications due to varying light and weather. Proposed Way Forward: In view of the overwhelming lack of interest in seasonally adjusted data it may be worth considering whether or not it is worth calculating the adjusted figures. Results to be passed to team leader of WP12.c - Dissemination 23. (Question 6) Vehicle type disaggregation - There is a high demand for all the vehicle types listed to be supplied separately, with the lowest demand being for HGV rigid and articulated (28 responses, 33% of all respondents). All the respondents who wanted the HGV total to be split required both articulated and rigid totals. Of particular interest is the high demand for the Bus and Motorcycle figures (currently combined in the Quarterly Bulletin) to be published separately (62% and 60% respectively). Proposed Way Forward: Bus and motorcycle figures to be published separately. Results to be passed to team leader WP9.b Quarterly Estimates Issues 24. (Question 7) HGV disaggregation - Of those who require the HGV estimates separately, 18 of these require these estimates to be further split by number of axles. This is 21% of all the respondents and as such is a significant requirement. Proposed Way Forward: Published HGV estimates to be further split by number of axles. Results to be passed to team leader WP9 - Methodological Issues 25. (Question 8) Uses of RT and RL statistics - There were 81 responses to this question. The uses can be classified into seven broad categories: Monitoring/understanding traffic levels/trends including for LTP purposes - 37 responses (of which 20 were Local Authorities) Calculate/ inform casualty statistics - 14 responses Specific policy/ enforcement purposes - 11 responses Traffic/ transport modelling – 8 responses Manage/ maintain the Road network - 6 responses Calculate/ inform other (non-casualty statistics) - 4 responses Commercial use - 2 responses 40 100% 90% 35 80% 30 Frequency 70% 25 60% 20 50% 40% 15 30% 10 20% 5 10% 0 s ng tat ori sS nit o a C M 0% licy Po f. Tra t en s ta t m sS ge a a mm n n-C Co Ma o N Cumulative frequency as a percentage Pareto Analysis of the uses of RT and RL statistics ial e rc As demonstrated by the Pareto Analysis above it is clear to see that over 80 % of the suggestions fall into the first four categories. Proposed Way Forward: Efforts to improve the statistics should be informed by these uses. This result to be passed to all work package team leaders. 26. (Question 9) Additional statistics - 31 respondents identified 44 additional requirements, including some respondents who identified more than one requirement. The comprehensive list of requirements with a decision on whether they are in or out of scope can be found in Annex 4.1.C. Many of the requirements depend on being able to match ANPR data to DVLA records e.g. Vehicle make. Proposed Way Forward: Should DfT be able to match ANPR data to DVLA records it will be necessary to reassess the requirements subject to this constraint. At this stage they have been judged to be out of scope. The other requirements judged to be in scope will be passed on to the relevant WP team leaders. 27. (Question 10) Alternative sources of statistics - 49% of respondents indicated they are aware of other sources. A wide variety of sources were highlighted although most were presumably to supplement DfT data. Sources of similar or potentially useful data for DfT identified are the Camera Partnership, information collected by Bus Operators, the Scottish Roads Traffic Database and Traffic Master Proposed Way Forward: Results to be passed to team leader WP3 - Investigating existing data sources: Highways Agency and other non-LA sources. ACCESSING THE STATISTICS 28. (Question 11.a) Use of publications - Most (86%) respondents obtain their data from the Annual Transport Statistics Bulletin with 59% using the Quarterly Bulletin. 36% obtain statistics through adhoc queries while 19% said that they used other publications. The other most frequently mentioned publications are Transport Statistics Great Britain and Road Casualties Great Britain, both produced by DfT. There were no publications recorded that had not been heard of and needed investigating. Proposed Way Forward: Sufficient demand to justify continued publication of both Quarterly and Annual Bulletins. 29. (Question 11.b) Frequency of publication of Annual and Quarterly Bulletins - 96% of all those that responded (72) felt that the frequency of publication was satisfactory. The remaining 4% of respondents asked for more prompt publication. Proposed Way Forward: Sufficient evidence to justify keeping frequency of publication the same. 30. (Question 12.a) Obtaining the statistics - There appears to be a fairly even spread between the different media and methods of obtaining the statistics, with a majority (76%) of respondents obtaining their statistics from the DfT website. It is also worth noting that 58% of respondents also obtain the statistics from paper publications. 19 respondents said that they obtained road traffic/length statistics from a source other than those listed explicitly in the question. However, it appears that this question was misinterpreted by most respondents and no significant other sources were identified. 31. 12.b Publication format - A clear majority of users (over 80%) feel that the publications are both clear and easy to read and easily comprehensible. There were however a number of comments on how improvements might be made, these have been listed in the text box for Question 12.b. Proposed Way Forward: List of comments to be passed to team leader WP12.c – Dissemination 32. (Question 12 c and d) Website accessibility - 88% of respondents are aware that the statistics are available on both the DfT and ONS websites. What is apparent is that there are some difficulties in accessing the publications on the website. 10 respondents described the problems that they encountered. 8 of the responses suggest that it is difficult to navigate through the website, that the search facility is poor and that this can make it difficult to locate the data. One of the respondents requested that the tables from the bulletins are provided in an Excel/Word format and one mentioned connection difficulties. All the above suggest that there are improvements to be made in this area. Proposed Way Forward: The tables are already provided in Excel format and it is not felt necessary to additionally provide them in Word format. The other concerns to be forwarded to the web publishing team SLAM5. 33. (Question 12.e) Telephone enquiries - Of those who use this mechanism it appears that the process is satisfactory. 34. (Question 12.f) Email/letter enquiries - There were 4 respondents out of 30 who felt that the time taken to process the request was not satisfactory. However 26 respondents were satisfied with the time taken and on balance it appears that overall the process is satisfactory in terms of time taken, price and statistics supplied. 35. Contact point - 98% of respondents who have attempted to contact the enquiry point succeeded in doing so, with only one respondent unable to get through. This is highly satisfactory. 36. Overall it appears that the main concern for accessing data is through the website, whereas all the other means of access are satisfactory. OTHER ISSUES 37. (Question14.a) Note describing how the National Traffic estimates are made - Only 54% of respondents were aware of the note's existence and availability. .Of these, only half had tried to obtain the note and nearly all were successful. Overall this result seems satisfactory as not all respondents would need this information and if they did require the information they would be able to make an enquiry which should be resolved satisfactorily. 38. (Question15.a) Quality of RTS 15% of respondents who answered this question (80 responses) "Strongly Agree" that the RTS have a level of accuracy appropriate for their purposes, while 50% "Agree". 23% “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 10% “Disagree” and just 3% “Strongly Disagree”. It is interesting to note that it is the “Other government regional bodies", Local Authorities and Consultants who have the most neutral responses. This may be because users have no way of knowing how accurate the figures are. It is envisaged that the provision of quality measures may provide a solution to this in the future. From the text answers that were received the most common reason for doubting the SR2 statistics appears to be issues with the methodology including the sample size and revisions. There were some who raised issues regarding the minor roads figures, some the accuracy of the statistics at LA level and lastly those who questioned the accuracy of pedal cycle stats and the lack of quality measures. Proposed Way Forward: The concerns about methodology, sample size, minor roads and Local Authority level statistics to be passed on to team leader WP9 – Methodological Issues (Annual Estimates Issues and Sampling). Concerns over pedal cycle statistics to be passed on to team leader WP14 – Cycling. The demand for quality measures to be passed on to team leader WP10 - Quality Measures/ Quantifying Uncertainty 39. (Question 15.b) Quality of RLS 66 respondents answered this question, 9% of those "Strongly Agree", while 33% "Agree". 47% are neutral while 11% "Disagree". No one "Strongly Disagreed". Again it is the "Other government regional bodies", Local Authorities and Consultants who have the most neutral responses. With respect to the LA responses, of those who responded 14 agreed (of which 2 "Strongly Agreed") and 10 were neutral and 1 "Disagreed". From the five text answers received the main reasons for doubting the quality of the RLS related to the methodology used to calculate the RLS and the frequent revisions to the RLS. Proposed Way Forward: It is felt that the response to this question indicates that efforts need to be made to improve the confidence of users in the RLS. This recommendation along with these results and those from the text answers to be passed on to the team leader WP11 - GIS and Road Network. 40. (Question 16) Opinions on revisions - A total of 40 responses were given. Most of the respondents regard revisions as inevitable but 7 explicitly refer to the problems and confusion such revisions cause. 10 respondents support the revisions to varying degrees. A further 10 respondents suggest that an accompanying explanation and notification of any revision should be made, 8 suggest consistency can become an issue and 4 suggest users should be consulted about revisions. There were also suggestions for measures of quality, the legacy time series to be made available and revisions to be backdated. 12 100% 90% 10 80% 70% Frequency 8 60% 6 50% 40% 4 30% 20% 2 10% ke r Q ui c ea su re s Q ua l ity M St at us t Co ns ul Pr ob le m s te nc y Co ns is Su pp o Ex pl a rt 0% na t io n 0 Cumulative frequency as a percentage Pareto Analysis of opinions on revisions As can be seen from the Pareto Analysis above more than 80% of the comments were made from just 4 categories. If we remove the category “Support” then it can clearly be seen, in the chart below, that just less than 80% of the comments were made in the three categories: Explanation, Consistency and Problems. 12 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 8 6 4 2 ke r Q ui c ea su re s ity M St at us Q ua l t Co ns ul Pr ob le m s te nc y Co ns is na t io n 0 Ex pl a Freqency 10 Frequency as a cumulative percentage Pareto Analysis of opinions on revisions without support category Proposed Way Forward: Efforts are concentrated on addressing the comments in the three categories: Explanation, Consistency and Problems. The original comments made in each category to be passed to the team leaders WP9 - Methodological issues and WP12 – Dissemination. 41. (Question 17) Other issues - There was an overwhelming request for quality measures for the statistics, specifically cited in (21 out of 28) 75% of responses. A further two raised the timeliness of the output, one suggested more detailed explanations of the methodology, one requested information on the sources used, one suggested that there are issues with minor roads and one requested forecasting traffic flows figures. Quality Measures – addressed by WP10 - Quality Measures/ Quantifying Uncertainty Timeliness – As this was requested by only one user, and the majority of other users were satisfied with the timeliness of the publications, it has been decided not to pursue this requirements further due to limited resources. Detailed explanations of the methodology – This is already available and mentioned in all publications Information on the sources used – This information is freely available on request from the branch but a note will be added to the Annual and Quarterly publications. Issues with Minor roads - addressed by WP 9 Methodological issues, Annual estimates issues. Forecasting Traffic flows - This is out of scope but it is worth noting that ITEA produce National Road Traffic Forecasts. Proposed Way Forwards: Pareto analysis confirms that requirement for quality measures to be passed to team leader WP10 - Quality Measures/ Quantifying Uncertainty. Other requirements either already addressed or judged to be out of scope due to lack of demand. Pareto Analysis of other requirements 100% 90% 20 80% Frequency 70% 15 60% 50% 10 40% 30% 5 20% 10% Fo re ca st M in or R oa ds og y et ho do l M So ur ce s m Ti Q ua l el in es s 0% ity 0 Frequency as a cumulative percantage 25 Conclusions 42. It is believed that most of the major User requirements had been anticipated and considered in the work already undertaken. However additional user requirements identified from the analysis have been passed to the relevant Work Package leaders to take into consideration. LB April 2005 Annex 4.1.A Department for Transport Road Traffic and Road Length Statistics Quality Review National Statistics User Consultation: Questionnaire The tables below show the breakdown of the questionnaire responses. The first column shows the totals of all 85 responses. There then follows eight categories as listed below. Three of the categories on the original questionnaire have been combined in this analysis as there individual results were felt to be too few to provide significant data. A number of questions show the number of respondents who did nt answer the question or for who it was not applicable. What type of organisation do you work for (or what type of work are you involved in)? 1. Department for Transport (DfT) - central 9 2. Department for Transport (DfT) - agencies 5 3. Other Government Departments 12 4. Local Authority 31 5. Consultancy 10 6. Police 5 Misc. # 1: Organisations categorised as 'other' in the user 7. questionnaire 5 Other government regional bodies (e.g. Regional Development Agencies) 3 Academic 3 Commercial 2 Total YOUR CURRENT AND FUTURE REQUIREMENTS *One response gave two differing time periods presumably one for use of RTS and one for use of RLS Misc. # 1 Misc. # 2 Consult. Police DfT Ag. Oth Gov. Misc. # 1 Misc. # 2 3 2 3 0 1 0 0 Consult. Police 18 21 17 12 9 3 6 LA 2 Generally how often do you use the statistics? About: Every week Every month Every quarter Every six months Every year Less than once a year No answer given 3 7 10 3 3 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 4 19 6 2 3 5 DfT Cen. 3 0 6 All 33 6 46 DfT Ag. Oth Gov. All DfT Cen. Number of Responses 1 Which of the following statistics do you use? Road traffic statistics Only Road length statistics Only Both 85 LA 8. Misc. #2 : 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 7 7 5 5 5 0 2 1 3 3 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 3 2 2 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 0 3 3a If you use the road traffic statistics, please indicate which of the following levels of disaggregation of our road traffic statistics you currently use and which you may require in the future for Road Traffic Estimates? 25 36 37 34 41 44 46 4 1 3 3 5 4 4 1 0 2 1 3 3 0 0 4 7 6 2 3 4 13 18 10 9 11 14 18 2 6 7 6 9 9 9 1 2 0 0 2 2 2 Misc. # 1 Misc. # 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 4 3 5 5 4 4 2 5 5 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 6 6 7 7 7 14 10 9 5 10 8 9 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 5 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. DfT Cen. All Misc. # 2 Future Only Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. DfT Cen. All Both Current and Future Consult. Police 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 LA 4 14 14 9 11 13 12 11 11 9 13 13 9 Individual Road Links Local Authority Level English region(s) or Wales or Scotland Great Britain as a whole Motorways Trunk A roads Principal A roads B Roads C Roads Unclassified Roads Urban areas Rural areas Built up/ non-built-up (based on speed limit) DfT Ag. Oth Gov. All DfT Cen. Current Only 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 9 14 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 6 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Misc. # 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 Misc. # 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 Consult. LA Oth Gov. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 14 13 12 14 15 15 6 5 5 5 2 4 Consult. 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 3 3 2 LA 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 DfT Ag. 6 6 5 7 7 7 Gov. Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Gov. DfT Ag. All DfT Cen. 3 1 All 3 5 4 2 6 7 7 5 4 3 5 5 3 Individual Road Links Local Authority Level English region(s) or Wales or Scotland Great Britain as a whole Motorways Trunk A roads Principal A roads B Roads C Roads Unclassified Roads Urban areas Rural areas Built up/ non-built-up (based on speed limit) 15 26 16 14 13 12 10 7 DfT Ag. 3b If you use the road length statistics, please tell us which of the following levels of dissaggregation you currently use and which you may require in the future? 2 2 2 3 3 1 DfT Cen. 0 0 0 0 1 1 DfT Cen. 2 2 2 3 3 2 All 36 32 30 35 31 26 3 0 1 1 1 3 3 2 5 6 7 6 7 7 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 5 4 7 9 9 7 7 7 13 14 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 3 Currently, most of the traffic estimates are made for annual (and quarterly) intervals. Do you require estimates in respect of shorter time periods, such as hourly, daily, weekly or monthly? Yes No No answer/Not Aplicable 27 54 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 4 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 2 3 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 9 1 10 19 2 3 6 0 1 4 0 1 4 0 Misc. # 2 2 3 6 7 7 6 5 5 5 2 4 Misc. # 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 Police 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Consult. 5 4 7 7 6 6 6 5 4 4 6 LA 7 6 9 9 14 14 13 12 7 6 8 Oth Gov. 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 DfT Ag. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 DfT Cen. 18 19 31 31 35 32 30 28 23 18 24 4 5 1 If "Yes", please specify what time periods you require statistics for and why. Conclusions from free text answers Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. Do you specifically use the seasonally adjusted series which we currently provide? DfT Ag. 5 DfT Cen. All A substantial number of respondents suggested they would find both hourly and daily data useful for reasons including seasonal variability analysis, casualty related statistics, congestion monitoring and commercial uses. There were also responses requesting weekly figures, a high number requesting monthly figures and other responses for 15-minute and peak periods. Yes No No answer 4 78 3 0 9 0 0 4 1 1 10 0 3 27 1 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 4 1 0 9 0 If "Yes", please explain why seasonally adjusted rather than unadjusted figures are used. Conclusions from free text answers Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. DfT Cen. 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 2 2 4 4 7 5 59 4 4 7 23 6 2 4 9 Misc. # 2 9 9 10 4 4 5 5 9 5 Misc. # 1 26 23 27 15 15 24 25 24 23 Police 7 5 7 2 2 6 6 8 6 Consult. 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 LA Do you require the HGV estimates (as you have indicated above) to be further split by number of axles? 7 6 6 2 2 6 2 5 3 Oth Gov. 7 65 57 64 28 28 53 51 61 53 DfT Ag. Cars Light Vans Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) - total HGVs - Rigid only HGVs - Articulated only Buses Two wheeled motor vehicles All Motor Vehicles Pedal Cycles All Traffic DfT Cen. Please indicate which of the following vehicle types (or categories) you require separate traffic estimates for: All 6 All While four people indicated they did use the seasonal adjusted series only three reasons were given. Of these only one was specific as to the use of the numbers stating that seasonality has safety implications due to varying light and weather Yes No No answer/Not Apllicable 8 18 57 10 0 7 2 0 5 0 1 8 2 11 18 2 4 0 0 0 3 2 1 2 2 1 14 0 Please describe what you use or will use road traffic and road length statistics for, including the requirements indicated in response to questions 3 to 7. Conclusions from free text answers Yes No No answer/Not Apllicable If "Yes", please describe briefly what you require and why Conclusions from free text answers Not all respondents answered this questions of those who did 47% required some additional stats, of these some were clearly out of scope. A list of the balance of the requirements follows: Motorcycle engine capacity Make & Model Vehicle/Axle Weights 31 35 19 2 5 2 1 2 2 5 4 2 10 13 8 4 0 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. Are there any other statistics/analyses/data that you would use if we were to provide them? DfT Cen. 9 All There were 81 responses to this question. The uses were divided into 5 categories: Traffic, transport modelling, monitoring/understanding traffic levels/trends including for LTP purposes 37 Specific policy/enforcement purposes 11 Calculate/ inform casualty statistics 14 Calculate/ inform other (non-casualty statistics) 5 Management/ maintenance of the Road network 6 Commercial use 2 6 6 2 Yes No No answer/Not Apllicable 42 37 6 2 6 1 3 2 0 5 5 1 14 15 2 6 4 0 4 1 0 1 3 1 Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. Do you use or are you aware of other sources of statistics that meet your current needs? DfT Cen. 10 All Smaller MGV Company Cars Fuel type London Borough Disaggregation 2 Pedal Cycle usage Goods Vehicles broken into MGV and over 7.5T Disagg. By Unitary Authority Data on B, C and U roads LA Disaggregation Separate figures for Scotland Emissions data Regional flows International Freight (country of owner) Public transport data 7 1 1 If "Yes", what are the sources? 11.a Do you obtain your information from: Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. All ACCESSING THE STATISTICS DfT Cen. Conclusions from free text answers A wide variety of other sources were highlighted though most were presumably to supplement our data. Some sources of similar or pontentially useful data wer the Camera Partnership, information collected by Bus Operators, the Scottish Roads Traffic Database and Traffic Master i. Quarterly Transport Statistics Bulletin: Traffic in Great Britain ii. Annual Transport Statistics Bulletin: Road traffic Statistics iii. Other Publications iv. Ad hoc queries v. Other 50 73 25 31 16 5 7 5 7 1 3 3 1 1 0 7 8 3 4 3 16 29 9 9 11 6 9 5 3 0 4 5 0 2 1 3 5 0 2 0 6 7 2 3 0 Conclusions from free text answers A number of other publications were identified which could be catergorised into three groups; SR Publications, DfT Publications and Other. By far the most common were DfT publications which included TSGB and RCGB which were mentioned on a number of occasions. There were then more SR Publications identified than other. If you answered "i" or "ii", please go to Question 11b. Need less frequent publication Frequency is satisfactory Need more frequent publication *Not all people responded to part b even when it was apllicable to their previous answer Please explain your answer Conclusions from free text answers Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. If you answered "i" or "ii", does the frequency of publication meet your current needs and future requirements? DfT Cen. 11.b All If you did not answer "i" or "ii", please go to Question 12a. 1 69 0 6 0 4 0 8 0 27 0 9 0 5 0 4 1 6 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 i. Paper Publication ii. DfT Website iii. ONS Website iv. Telephone enquiry v. Email enquiry vi. Personal contact with someone within DfT vii. Letter viii. Other Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. How do you obtain the statistics? DfT Ag. 12.a DfT Cen. All There were few responses that were not currently satisfied with the frequency of our publications. The most notable comment albeit from just three respondents, did not regard the frequency. These resonses requested a more promt publication. Other comments regarded the usefulness of the Quarterly Bulletin with two respondents suggesting it wasn't necesary and one response indicating that it was vital. 49 65 14 5 6 1 2 2 0 6 6 1 23 26 7 4 9 2 3 5 0 3 5 1 3 6 2 14 29 25 2 5 6 0 0 0 4 6 4 6 13 10 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 19 3 0 1 5 2 1 0 7 Conclusions from free text answers No other significant sources were identified in this question Consult. Polic e Misc. # 1 Misc. # 2 LA If you have used any of the publications (whether paper copy or Internet version found on the DfT website) DfT Ag. Oth Gov. 12.b All DfT Cen. The following questions are dependent on wether or not users use a particular method and therefore we do not expect the number of responses to total 85. We have excluded the no/answer row from our tables. Is the publication clear and easy to read ? Yes No 74 2 8 0 4 0 9 0 28 0 9 1 4 1 5 0 7 0 70 3 8 0 4 0 8 0 26 0 8 2 4 1 5 0 7 0 Is it easily comprehensible? Yes No How could it be improved? Conclusions from free text answers 11 0 26 3 10 0 4 1 5 0 Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. 3 0 7 3 Consult. Polic e Misc. # 1 Misc. # 2 If you obtained statistics from the DfT website were you able to obtain them easily? 9 0 LA 12.d 75 7 DfT Ag. Oth Gov. Yes No DfT Cen. Were you aware that the statistics published by DfT are available on the DfT and ONS websites? All DfT Cen. 12.c All The responses fell into three distinct catergories regarding the format, contents and web related issues. Seven comments on the content of the publications proved the most common. There were then six issues regarding the online publication and a further three who had suggestions on the format. A list of the problems and suggestions will follow. Annual Bulletin Yes No 57 6 7 1 2 0 5 2 20 1 7 1 4 1 5 0 7 0 Yes No 42 6 4 2 1 0 4 1 15 1 5 0 3 2 4 0 6 0 25 9 0 3 0 0 3 0 13 3 0 1 3 2 2 0 4 0 Quarterly Bulletin Local Authority Traffic Estimates Yes No If "No" for any of the above, please describe any problems you encountered. Conclusions from free text answers Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. If you obtained statistics by telephone enquiry: DfT Cen. 12.e All Eight of the ten responses suggest the navigation of the web site including the search facility is poor and this can make it difficult to locate the data. Two other comments include one who requested the provision of Excel files, which has been mentioned in previous questions and another who had previously had connection difficulties. Were you satisfied with how long it took to process your request? Yes No 21 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 10 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 Did you feel the price you paid was reasonable? Yes No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 11 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. If you obtained statistics by email or letter enquiry: DfT Ag. 12.f DfT Cen. Yes No All Did the statistics provided meet your needs? Were you satisfied with how long it took to process your request? Yes No 26 4 5 1 0 0 6 1 11 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 24 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Did you feel the price you paid was reasonable? Yes No Yes No Not applicable 13.b If "No" please explain briefly what happened. Conclusions from free text answers 40 1 44 6 0 3 2 0 3 6 0 6 17 0 14 4 0 6 0 0 5 2 1 2 Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. Have you successfully reached the contact point within the Department for queries about the Road traffic Statistics? DfT Ag. 13.a DfT Cen. Yes No All Did the statistics provided meet your needs? 3 0 5 Only one of the respondents had not successfully reached the contact point within the Department citing problems with accessing information concerning what data was available. Yes No No answer 14.b Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. 46 38 1 6 3 0 1 4 0 4 7 0 19 11 1 6 4 0 4 1 0 3 2 0 3 6 0 24 20 40 1 4 3 0 1 4 1 2 8 13 7 11 6 0 4 0 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 7 21 4 60 1 0 8 0 0 5 1 0 10 12 3 16 5 1 4 0 0 5 2 0 3 0 0 9 If, "Yes", have you tried to obtain this note? Yes No No answer 14.c DfT Ag. Are you aware that a note describing how the national road traffic estimates are made is available on the DfT website or on request from the DfT? DfT Cen. 14.a All OTHER ISSUES If "Yes", have you been successful in obtaining either a hard copy or a print-out from the DfT website? Yes No No answer If you have not been successful, please state the reason why Conclusions from free text answers Of the free text answers given only one was relevant. This was simply to say Misc. # 2 Misc. # 1 Police Consult. LA Oth Gov. DfT Ag. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "The road traffic statistics have a level of accuracy appropriate for my purposes?" All 15.a DfT Cen. that it would be easier if there was a complete document available as opposed to several individual documents. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 12 40 18 8 2 2 5 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 1 5 4 1 0 3 17 5 3 0 1 3 6 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 3 2 0 2 0 No Answer 5 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 If you 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree' please state why. Conclusions from free text answers Police Misc. # 1 Misc. # 2 LA Consult. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "The road DfT Ag. Oth Gov. 15b. All DfT Cen. The most common reason for doubt in our statistics appears to be issues with the methodology including the sample size and revisions with five responses. There were four who suggest issues reagrding the minor roads figures, three who question the accuracy of the statistics at LA level and two each who question the accuracy of pedal cycles and the lack of quality measures. length statistics have a high level of accuracy" Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 6 22 31 7 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 2 12 10 1 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 3 1 1 0 No Answer 19 3 1 4 6 2 2 0 1 If you 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree' please state why. Conclusions from free text answers The only responses citing lack of confidence in the road length statistics were due to the methodology including sampling size and revisions. Out of these five responses the revisions were the most common reason. 16 From time to time, the statistics are subject to revision as new data and/or improved methodology is introduced. Please let us have your comments on this. Conclusions from free text answers A total of forty free text responses were given for this question. Most of the respondents regard revisions as inevitable but seven explicitly mention the problems and confusion such revisions induce. Nine respondents support the revisions to varying degrees. A further ten respondents suggest an accopnaying explanation and notification of any revision is important, eight suggest consistency can become an issue and three suggest users should be consulted about revisions. There were also suggestions for a measure of quality, status of the figures and quicker publication of revisions. 17 Please describe any other issues that you wish to raise, e.g. would you be interested in measures of quality, such as standard errors of the estimates? Conclusions from free text answers There was an overwhelming request for quality measures of our statistics. Twenty-one of a total of twenty-eight responses specifically cite this. A further two suggested more detailed explanations of the methodology and sources used, another two the timeliness of the output, one suggesting issues with minor roads and one requesting forecasted figures Note from Q12 = Note: while 14 people answer cite telephone enquiries as a source from which they obtain the statistics 22 choose to comment in part 'd'. Therefore there is a discrepancy between the two questions. Note from Q14b = Note: while 24 people answer 'yes' in part 'b', 25 respond in part 'c'. On closer inspection it became apparent that there were in fact 27 people who answered one or the other. Annex 4.1.B Department for Transport Road Traffic and Road Length Statistics Quality Review National Statistics User Consultation: Questionnaire YOUR DETAILS Name Organisation Job title Address Telephone Fax E-mail What type of organisation do you work for (or what type of work are you involved in)? Department for Transport (DfT) - central Department for Transport (DfT) - agencies Other government regional bodies e.g. Regional Development Agencies Other Government Departments Local Authority Academic (mark only one option) Commercial Consultancy Other (please specify) YOUR CURRENT AND FUTURE REQUIREMENTS 1 Which of the following statistics do you use? (mark as appropriate) Road traffic statistics Road length statistics 2 Generally how often do you use the statistics? About: (mark as appropriate) Every week Every month Every quarter Every six months Every year Less than once a year 3a If you use the road traffic statistics, please indicate which of the following levels of disaggregation of our road traffic statistics you currently use and which you may require in the future for Road Traffic Estimates? (mark one or more boxes in each column) Curre nt Use Future Use Individual Road Links Local Authority Level English region(s) or Wales or Scotland Great Britain as a whole Motorways Trunk A roads Principal A roads B Roads C Roads Unclassified Roads Urban areas Rural areas 3b Built up/ non-built-up (based on speed limit) If you use the road length statistics, please tell us which of the following levels of dissaggregation you currently use and which you may require in the future? (mark one or more boxes in each column) Curre nt Use Future Use Individual Road Lengths Local Authority Road Lengths Road lengths for English region(s) or Wales or Scotland Road lengths for Great Britain as a whole Motorways Trunk A roads Principal A roads B Roads C Roads Unclassified Roads Urban areas Rural areas Built up/ non-built-up (based on speed limit) 4 Currently, most of the traffic estimates are made for annual (and quarterly) intervals. Do you require estimates in respect of shorter time periods, such as hourly, daily, weekly or monthly? Yes If "Yes", please specify what time periods you require statistics for and why. No Not applic able 5 Do you specifically use the seasonally adjusted series which we currently provide? Yes No If "Yes", please explain why seasonally adjusted rather than unadjusted figures are used. 6 Please indicate which of the following vehicle types (or categories) you require separate traffic estimates for: Cars Light Vans Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) - total HGVs - Rigid only HGVs - Articulated only Buses Two wheeled motor vehicles (mark all that are appropriate) All Motor Vehicles Pedal Cycles All Traffic Yes No 7 Do you require the HGV estimates (as you have indicated above) to be further split by number of axles? 8 Please describe what you use or will use road traffic and road length statistics for, including the requirements indicated in response to questions 3 to 7. 9 Are there any other statistics/analyses/data that you would use if we were to provide them? If "Yes", please describe briefly what you require and why Yes No Not applic able 10 Do you use or are you aware of other sources of statistics that meet your current needs? Yes No If "Yes", what are the sources? ACCESSING THE STATISTICS 11.a Do you obtain your information from: i. Quarterly Transport Statistics Bulletin: Traffic in Great Britain ii. Annual Transport Statistics Bulletin: Road traffic Statistics iii. Other Publications (please specify) iv. Ad hoc queries v. Other (please specify) (mark all that are appropriate) If you answered "i" or "ii", please go to Question 11b. If you did not answer "i" or "ii", please go to Question 12a. 11.b If you answered "i" or "ii", does the frequency of publication meet your current needs and future requirements? (mark as appropriate) Need less frequent publication Frequency is satisfactory Need more frequent publication Please explain your answer 12.a How do you obtain the statistics? i. Paper Publication ii. DfT Website (mark all that are appropriate) iii. ONS Website iv. Telephone enquiry v. Email enquiry vi. Personal contact with someone within DfT vii. Letter viii. Other (please state) 12.b If you have used any of the publications (whether paper copy or Internet version found on the DfT website) Yes Is the publication clear and easy to read ? Is it easily comprehensible? How could it be improved? (Please state which publication you are referring to) No 12.c Were you aware that the statistics published by DfT are available on the DfT and ONS websites? 12.d If you obtained statistics from the DfT website were you able to obtain them easily? Yes No Yes No Annual Bulletin Quarterly Bulletin Local Authority Traffic Estimates If "No" for any of the above, please describe any problems you encountered. 12.e If you obtained statistics by telephone enquiry: Yes No Yes No Were you satisfied with how long it took to process your request? Did you feel the price you paid was reasonable? Did the statistics provided meet your needs? 12.f If you obtained statistics by email or letter enquiry: Were you satisfied with how long it took to process your request? Did you feel the price you paid was reasonable? Did the statistics provided meet your needs? 13.a Have you successfully reached the contact point within the Department for queries about the Road traffic Statistics? 13.b If "No" please explain briefly what happened. Yes No Yes No OTHER ISSUES 14.a Are you aware that a note describing how the national road traffic estimates are made is available on the DfT website or on request from the DfT? 14.b If, "Yes", have you tried to obtain this note? 14.c If "Yes", have you been successful in obtaining either a hard copy or a print-out from the DfT website? If you have not been successful, please state the reason why Not applic able 15.a To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "The road traffic statistics have a level of accuracy appropriate for my purposes?" (Mark only one option) Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree If you 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree' please state why. 15b. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "The road length statistics have a high level of accuracy" Strongly Agree Agree (Mark only one option) Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree If you 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree' please state why. 16 From time to time, the statistics are subject to revision as new data and/or improved methodology is introduced. Please let us have your comments on this. 17 Please describe any other issues that you wish to raise, e.g. would you be interested in measures of quality, such as standard errors of the estimates? Yes No Yes No 18 If we were to hold a seminar in you region would you like to attend? 19 We may wish to contact you to clarify your responses. Would you be happy for us to contact you again? Please return completed questionnaires as soon as possible, by 30 November 2004 at the latest, via email, with "User Questionnaire Completed" in the subject heading. Alternatively, completed paper copies of the questionnaire should be returned to Martin Trevor, Department for Transport, Zone 2/14, Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DR. Contact Louise Buckle for enquiries at: E-mail: Telephone: 020 7944 6389 Annex 4.1.C REQUIREMENTS IN/OUT OF SCOPE Organisation Requirement Significant from quesionnaire Individual road links split Significant from quesionnaire traffic estimates for shorter time periods (hourly & daily) Significant from quesionnaire separate bus & motorcylce figures Significant from quesionnaire HGV estimates split by number of axles Significant from quesionnaire easier access to publications on the website Significant from quesionnaire higher level of accuracy Significant from quesionnaire explanation and notification of revisions made Significant from quesionnaire measures of quality Significant from quesionnaire forecasting traffic flows Seminar give consistent definitions and count practice Seminar give guidance on sampling methodology Seminar journey times Seminar absolute figures and percentage change Seminar 95% confidence limit or standard errors for estimates Seminar exploit Highways Agency and LA data Seminar show how the quarterly and annual data are linked together. Seminar show how the outputs were derived and how the various inputs fitted in Seminar bulletins should show a full list of sources Seminar greater consistency in the breakdowns between the various publications Seminar explanation of what the stats are normally used for and why certain stats are not available Seminar Annual Estimates published earlier Seminar More details on bus sizes Seminar more ATC counts in rural areas Seminar Traffic data available by 15-minute periods In/Out of Scope Contraints Seminar greater integration and standardisation of traffic data across the network Academic Age distribution of vehicle fleet Academic Intermodal Traffic Academic International Freight (country of owner) Academic Regional flows Commercial Pedestrian flow data Commercial Pedestrian flow data Commercial Public transport data Commercial Public transport data Consultancy LA disaggregation O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible O I O O I Consultancy Make & Model Consultancy Smaller MGV Consultancy Speed Limit information Consultancy Speed Limit information Consultancy Vehicle/Axle Weights DfT Agencies Detailed breakdown of Road Traffic Accidents with regard to nation of drivers licence DfT Central Daylight/Darkness DfT Central Emissions data Local Authority % over 30mph on urban roads Local Authority Adjustment factors by month Local Authority Company Car statistics Local Authority Congestion levels Local Authority Data on B, C and U roads O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible I O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible O O I Local Authority Goods Vehicles broken into MGV and over 7.5T Local Authority Graphical representation of link based network Local Authority LA Disaggregation Local Authority Peak hour disaggregation Local Authority Public transport data Other Government Other Government Consistent Road Length statistics Other Government Fuel type Other Government Other Government Regional Government Regional Government TfL Hard copy of statistics TfL Comprehensive data on cycling TfL London Borough Disaggregation TfL London Borough Disaggregation TfL More effort to monitor walking TfL Pedal Cycle usage TfL Pedestrian Exposure O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible I I I I Disagg. By Unitary Authority I O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible I Stats for non-principle roads at LA level I Pedestrian flow data O Speed Limit information Alternative adjsustment factors for cycles I I I O I Organisation Requirement TfL Vehicle Occupancy included in traffic surveys SUSTRANS Comprehensive data on cycling and walking (not currently provided) SUSTRANS Cycle/Pedestrian figures on non-traffic routes SUSTRANS Development of mechanisms for monitoring the levels of walking in both road (adjacent) and traffic free route context. Greater transparency in the methodological details of cycling levels O In/Out of Scope O Cycling I, Walking O O SUSTRANS O I Contraints SUSTRANS SUSTRANS Improved coverage of cycling monitoring on the road network Monitoring of cycling on traffic-free routes Police Motorcycle engine capacity (for road accidents) Police Seatbelt use NCSB (National Cycling Strategy Board) NCSB (National Cycling Strategy Board) NCSB (National Cycling Strategy Board) NCSB (National Cycling Strategy Board) ITEA Accurate national picture of cycle traffic on all routes ITEA Traffic estimate on every link of the roads network, including minor roads Road length disagg. Into carriageway standards I O O O I Cycle traffic data broken down by type of route I Increased number of sites from which data is collected I More reliable data collected from individual count sites is not always reliable Inclusion of Bus Lanes in road length statistics I? Government Office ATOC I I? Congestion measures O Subject to ANPR links to DVLA Database - to be reevaluated if this should become possible SUMMARY OF USER REQUIREMENTS Annex 4.1.C Requirement Quality of Statistics Data collected from individual count sites is not always reliable Increase number of sites from which data is collected Consistent Road Length statistics Greater transparency in the methodological details of estimating cycling levels Development of mechanisms for monitoring the levels of walking in both road (adjacent) and traffic free route context. Improved coverage of cycling monitoring on the road network Access to statistics A web link, rather than hard copy, of the Annual Traffic Statistics Bulletin would suffice Disaggregated statistics by geographic area Regional flows LA Disaggregation Organisation Disagg. By Unitary Authority Separate figures for Scotland Stats for non-principal roads at LA level London Borough Disaggregation by vehicle type Smaller MGV Company Car statistics Pedal Cycle usage Intermodal Traffic Accurate national picture of cycle traffic on all routes Monitoring of cycling on traffic-free routes by time interval Seasonal Adjustment factors by month Peak hour disaggregation Hours of Daylight/Darkness by type of route Cycle traffic data broken down by type of route Cycle/Pedestrian figures on non-traffic routes Relating to vehicle itself Age distribution of vehicle fleet International Freight (country of owner) Make & Model Vehicle/Axle Weights Fuel type Emissions data Motorcycle engine capacity (for road accidents) Other traffic (and-occupancy) related requirements Vehicle Occupancy included in traffic surveys Seatbelt use Congestion levels Congestion measures Detailed breakdown of Road Traffic Accidents with regard to nation of drivers licence National Cycling Strategy Board National Cycling Strategy Board Other Government Departments SUSTRANS IN or OUT of Scope IN IN IN IN SUSTRANS SUSTRANS OUT IN Other Government Departments IN Academic Consultancy LA IN IN Other Government Departments Other Government Departments Other Government Departments Transport for London IN IN IN IN Consultancy LA Transport for London Academic National Cycling Strategy Board SUSTRANS IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT LA LA DfT Central IN IN IN National Cycling Strategy Board Other IN OUT Academic Academic Consultancy Consultancy Other Government Departments DfT Central Police OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Transport for London Police LA Other OUT OUT OUT OUT DfT Agencies OUT Comprehensive data on cycling Transport but not Traffic Public transport data Methodological Requirement Alternative adjustment factors for cycles Traffic estimate on every link of the roads network, including minor roads Road Network Inclusion of Bus Lanes in road length statistics Road length disagg. Into carriageway standards Speed Limit information Transport for London IN Commercial LA OUT Transport for London ITEA IN IN ITEA Gov Office Consultancy Regional Government IN IN IN % over 30mph on urban roads Data on B, C and U roads Graphical representation of link based network Pedestrians Pedestrian flow data LA LA LA IN IN IN Regional Government Commercial OUT Pedestrian Exposure Transport for London SUSTRANS OUT Cycling IN, Walking OUT OUT Comprehensive data on cycling and walking (not currently provided) More effort to monitor walking Transport for London Annex 5.1 ANNUAL TRAFFIC ESTIMATES METHODOLOGY ISSUES 1. Introduction 1.1 Under this task we consider the way that the annual vehicle-kilometre estimates are derived. We concentrate upon the estimates for major roads, because minor road procedures are covered separately. 1.2 Estimates of major-road vehicle-kilometres are based on the product of estimated Annual Average Daily Flow [AADF] and the road length on individual links. Therefore the reliability of the vehicle-kilometre estimates depends directly on the reliability of the AADFs, since the road-lengths are now obtained accurately from digital maps. Issues associated with road lengths, such as newly built roads not being included in the more recent versions of the OSCAR dataset, will be addressed in the near future as SR2 introduce OS's ITN dataset and derive their road length information from it. ITN is continually updated by OS with information relating to the road network, including sites where new roads are opened. 2. Estimating AADFs for sites counted in the current year 2.1 The 12-hour manual classified counts taken each year are converted to AADFs by multiplying by expansion factors [EFs] and the EFs are derived from Core Census ATC data for the appropriate expansion factor categories [EFCATs]. These EFs are derived for each vehicle-type and each EFCAT, although for certain vehicle-types some of the 22 EFCATs are combined. 2.2 Various methods can be used to calculate EFs, some of which are summarised below. To derive an EF for [say] Wednesday 13 May: [Flow-weighting]. We can simply divide the total of all the AADFs for the ATC sites in the relevant EFCAT by the total of the ATC counts between 0700 and 1900 on 13 May; [Site-weighting]. We can calculate the EF for 13 May for each ATC site and then take the mean of these factors or the median. The latter is currently the procedure used by SR2; [Regression-based]. We can calculate an EF for each ATC site and then regress this factor against the 12-hour count. 2.3 Each of these approaches has its own rationale. Flow-weighting relates the average of all the AADFs to the average of all the 12-hour counts, and as such allows an unbiased estimate of overall average flow. But it does not provide an unbiased estimate of the EF at a random site on the network, because it places most weight upon the high flow sites’ data. 2.4 Site-weighting, on the other hand, does provide an unbiased estimate for the EF at a random site, if the mean of the site factors is taken. The rationale for taking the median is that this discounts the influence of ‘unusual’ sites with very high or low factors, although the median factor may be slightly biased. 2.5 The regression approach is able to cope with the situation where the size of the EF is found to be related to the size of the flow at the site. If this is the case, then a significant regression coefficient will be found and the bias in the AADFs for the various sites will be reduced. Examination of ATC data for some of the EFCATs indicates that this approach could provide more robust EFs. 2.6 The decision on the appropriate calculation method is not straightforward. In principle it could vary depending on the date of the manual count, or between vehicle-types or between EFCATs; however, it is hard to envisage circumstances where we would allow such inconsistency. Given the need to provide unbiased AADF estimates for major roads as a key output from the RTS system, this tends to favour the site-based or regression approaches, but if the flows at the various sites are of a similar order the three approaches are likely to produce similar EFs. 2.7 It will be worthwhile calculating the standard errors of the EFs for each vehicletype. This can be achieved directly for most methods of calculation, but if medians are derived, Jack-knife or Bootstrap procedures may be needed. Any method tending to produce large standard errors would be avoided. 2.8 In Annex 5.3: Sampling Methodology Issues, we emphasise the importance of weighting the ATC site data by the inverse of the probability of the site being selected. This applies whenever the ATC data are used to derive EFs and whichever method of calculation is used; similarly these weights would apply when standard errors were obtained. 3 Standard errors of AADFs 3.1 To derive the standard errors of the AADFs, we note that AADF = EF * 12-hour count. Here both the EF and the 12-hour count are subject to random error. The standard error of the EF can be derived directly from the ATC data for the relevant EFCAT sites, as described above. 3.2 The 12-hour counts are also subject to error because of mis-counting and misclassification. To measure these effects it would be necessary to undertake trials at some typical sites, where a normal counting team’s data were duplicated by a dedicated team whose error-rate was assumed to be negligible. The normal team should not be aware of the dedicated team’s presence, so that the latter would need to locate themselves at a different spot on the link. If an ATC site were chosen, there would be the added benefit of a further comparison, as well as a check on the reliability of the ATC itself. To obtain a completely reliable set of counts, a video-film could be obtained. The classified counts for each hour or half-hour from the normal team can then be compared with those of the dedicated team [or the ATC or the video-film if available] and the mean of the sum of the squares of the differences computed. This gives us an estimate of the variance of the counting error for each hour or half-hour, from which can be derived the variance and standard error of the 12-hour count. 3.3 To derive the variance of the AADF we use the formula for the variance of the product of two random variables, which is based upon the means and variances of the individual variables, X and Y: Var [ X * Y ] = YBAR * Var[X] + XBAR * Var[Y] + Var[X] * Var[Y]. This holds provided that X and Y are independent, which applies in this case. Hence we can obtain the standard error of the AADF on a link, from which we derive the standard error of the overall mean flow and of the overall vehicle-kilometres. Confidence limits for the AADFs and vehicle-kilometres can then be derived. 4. Estimating AADFs for sites counted in earlier years 4.1 Where a site is not counted in the latest year, it is possible to estimate the AADF by updating the AADF calculated in an earlier year, using the growth-factor derived from the Core Census ATC sites. 4.2 These year-on-year growth factors [gfacs] are obtained from the AADFs for the ATC sites in each EFCAT. As with EFs there are alternative methods for deriving gfacs. In each method we should take account of the weights [the inverse of the selection probabilities] attached to the different sites. The decision on the appropriate method of deriving gfacs would again take account of the standard errors. 4.3 When the AADF for the latest year is estimated from the AADF for an earlier year, there is clearly an additional source of random error as a result of using the gfacs. We have [AAFDF latest year] = [AADF counting year] * gfac. We have the means and variances of the AADFs in the counting year, and of gfac, so again we can apply the formula for the product of two random variables, because the two quantities are independent. 5. Assessing the performance of the AADF estimates 5.1 For a site that is counted in the latest year we can derive its AADF directly using EFs. But we can also look at the AADF that would have been ‘predicted’ from an AADF obtained for an earlier year. If we take a set of these sites and plot the latest AADFs against the predictions in a scatter diagram, we will be able to assess whether the predictions are systematically high or low, and obtain an estimate of the variance of the ‘prediction errors’. These comparisons will tell us how well our growth-factors are performing. 5.2 We could also investigate whether alternative methods for calculating these factors would have proved more robust, which might lead in turn to a revision in the methodology for future years. 6. Need to revise AADFs and vehicle-kilometres for earlier years 6.1 We have stressed the need to compare the performance of the growth factors in predicting AADFs from those in earlier years. When bias is found to be statistically significant, then some revisions will need to be made to the traffic estimates for the years covered by these growth factors. The revised vehiclekilometre figures for the intervening years can be obtained by scaling the growth factors for individual years up or down so that the overall growth is correct. 6.2 It is not always necessary to issue revised AADFs for individual links when the overall vehicle-kilometres are revised. If the 95% confidence ranges for the AADFs are large [say of the order +/- 40% of the mean] and the implied change in traffic levels relatively small [say, 3%], the change in the overall limits becomes trivial. 7. Bias-correction factors 7.1 Bias-correction factors are used currently: Because the Core ATC sites do not cover the full range of high-flow/lowspeed sites on motorways and trunk roads and therefore have biased expansion factors. The factors are in fact too low, because the ‘missing’ sites tend to have higher than average proportions of traffic in the periods before 0700 and after 1900 and at weekends; Because comparisons with the CSRGT suggest that the RTS counts of goods vehicles may be biased and involve some misclassification. 7.2 In Annex 5.3: Sampling Methodology Issues, we have recommended extending the ‘reach’ of ATC sites to all parts of the network. If satisfactory arrangements can be made for the difficult sites, then the need for correcting biased expansion factors should diminish. Also if we follow the recommendation to weight the data by the inverse of site-selection probability, this should also tend to reduce bias in the expansion and growth factors. 7.3 Under discussion of the findings of the CSRGT review (Annex 8.4), we recommend some trial counts of goods vehicles, in order to assess the extent to which the manual counts are biased and hence provide improved guidance and training for the enumerators. If successful, this would allow us to dispense with the corresponding correction factors. 7.4 It may be optimistic to anticipate eliminating the need for bias correction-factors, and we should continue to draw comparisons between AADFs and other sources, such as the CSRGT and AADFs produced by LAs and the Highways Agency. 8. Summary of Recommendations 8.1 For the annual estimates our recommendations are as follows: The different methods of calculating expansion factors should be reviewed, and their standard errors calculated; In calculating expansion factors, growth factors and their standard errors, the ATC site data should be weighted by the inverses of the site-selection probabilities; Standard errors of 12-hour manual counts should be estimated using counting trials at a few sites; Standard errors of AADFs should be derived from the standard errors of the 12-hour counts and the expansion factors; Standard errors should be obtained for AADFs derived from growth factors applied to AADFs for earlier years; The standard errors of AADFs should be used to derive standard errors for vehicle-kilometres. These standard errors should be shown alongside published statistics; Comparisons should be made between AADFs based on current year counts and AADFs ‘predicted’ by growth factors from earlier years. Significant differences could lead to revisions in methodology and to revised vehicle-kilometre estimates for earlier years; When revisions to overall traffic levels are required, this does not necessarily require revisions to individual AADFs; Whilst we would hope to eliminate the need for bias-correction factors, by various improvements in sampling and other measures, there is a continued need for cross-comparisons with other sources, such as CSRGT, LA data, and Highways Agency data. Annex 5.2 QUARTERLY TRAFFIC ESTIMATE METHODOLOGY ISSUES 1. Introduction 2.1 Quarterly traffic statistics are published on a provisional basis six weeks after the end of the quarter in question. The figures comprise A breakdown of vehicle-kilometres by the main vehicle-types: cars, vans, lorries [which are somewhat misleadingly described as ‘goods vehicles’], pedal cycles and other vehicles [these being the total of buses and motorcycles]. These are also shown in seasonally adjusted form as indices based on 1993=100; A breakdown of motor vehicle traffic by the major road-classes and a total for minor roads, both split between urban and rural areas; For cars and lorries only, a similar breakdown by road-class. 2.2 These figures are necessarily provisional, being based solely on trends derived from the Core ATC sites, applied to an earlier set of finalised annual figures. Figures for the full calendar year depend also upon the estimated AADFs, and this further information can cause revisions to the quarterly figures some 5-6 months after the end of the year. 2.3 Provisional quarterly figures are needed as an adjunct to the quarterly road casualty and congestion figures: casualty-rates are expressed in terms of casualties per 100 million vehicle-kilometres and changes in speed and travelrate are negatively correlated with changes in traffic level. There is also interest in the evolving trend of traffic growth or decline, and the latest trends can be deduced from the rolling 12-month total or from the seasonally adjusted quarterly data. 2.4 In reviewing the provisional quarterly statistics, we consider the following questions: Are the figures sufficiently reliable? Are the potential revisions so large that we risk providing misleading pointers to traffic trends in the intervening period before the figures are revised? Do we show too much detail, given the likelihood of revision? [An example might be the quarterly pedal cycle figures]. Or do we obscure some of the key messages by excessive aggregation? [An example is the aggregation of bus and motorcycle figures]; Can the provisional figures be improved as data from the 12-hour manual counts come available during the year? Is the seasonal adjustment process sound? 3. Reliability of the provisional figures 3.1 Provisional estimates for Q1 of 2005 will depend upon growth factors between Q1 2003 [this being the latest years with final figures] and Q1 2005. Using procedures similar to those recommended for the annual growth-rates, we could in principle estimate the standard errors of these growth-rates and therefore be able to assign 95% confidence limits to the year-on-year changes in the quarterly figures. If there were sufficient demand from users, it would be helpful if Table 1 of the Bulletin showed these confidence limits, alongside the percentage changes. 3.2 We cannot expect the quarterly changes necessarily to be significant at the 95% confidence level, especially when these are based purely on the ATC data. By implication, if we present provisional changes as being significant, we would expect the final figures to show changes in the same direction. So for example, if we say that provisional car traffic has grown by 2.9% and the 95% confidence limits for the change are +/- 2 percentage points, then we would expect the final figures also to show an increase in car traffic [though the final increase might not be significant]. It would be instructive to see a table comparing provisional figures with final figures for the years 2000 onwards. 3.3 Provided that the confidence limits were published, we need not be too concerned about showing summary figures for the main vehicle-classes, including buses and motorcycles. Combining these two vehicle-types together is conceptually unhelpful, even though the combined total may be more robust than the component parts. 3.4 On the other hand we have some concerns about publishing provisional pedal cycle figures. Even the annual pedal cycle figures have proved volatile and we cannot rule out significant revisions to the quarterly results. Until a reliable panel has been established [as we have recommended elsewhere], it seems likely that the standard errors of the quarterly changes will be large. It may be best to publish quarterly cycle traffic figures only when they have been finalised, ie for past years. 3.5 There must be some doubts about the figures for lorries on minor roads in Table 4 of the Bulletin, given the low flows on minor roads. It would not be surprising to find that the standard errors of the percentage changes were very large, or that quite large revisions might occur when the figures were finalised. 3.6 It seems unlikely to be worthwhile attempting to use the manual count data to refine the provisional quarterly estimates, in advance of the AADFs being calculated. This is partly because timing considerations: the counts require validation, so that reliable data from the spring surveys could not be used until the autumn, by which time the provisional Q2 estimates would have been prepared. But more fundamentally, the full implications of the manual data cannot be absorbed until AADFs have been estimated, and final annual estimates of vehicle-kilometres prepared. 4. Seasonal Adjustment 4.1 The quarterly figures are input to the X11 seasonal adjustment program, which examines the series for potential turning points and irregularities, and then provides seasonal adjustment factors that take account of normal seasonal movements. Table 1 of the Bulletin shows the seasonally adjusted series. 4.2 X11 allows for the effects of Easter to be modelled. Given that Easter can occur in Q1 or Q2, depending on the year, it will be important to include these effects in the X11 model. One way of doing this would be to have a dummy variable which takes the value 0 if the quarter does not cover Easter, 1 if it covers only Good Friday or Easter Monday, and 2 if it includes both days. However, this will have a comparatively small effect on the seasonal adjustment. 4.3 One of the diagnostics from X11 is the QCD [Quarters of Cyclical Dominance]. This expresses the intrinsic reliability of the quarterly figures, ie whether real trends from one quarter to another dominate irregular movements. A QCD=1 implies that a single quarter’s seasonally adjusted figure is robust, but if the QCD=2, then it would be safer to average together two successive quarterly figures. 4.4 The final quarterly figures are derived by scaling the seasonally adjusted provisional figures, so that they agree with the final total. 5. Summary of Recommendations 5.1 Our recommendations can be summarised as follows: Table 1 in the Quarterly Bulletin could show standard errors or confidence limits for the percentage changes if there were sufficient User demand; The Bulletin should show bus and motorcycle figures separately, unless it was shown that the figures were likely to undergo major revisions; On the other hand, it seems hard to justify publishing provisional quarterly figures for pedal cycles, and for lorries on minor roads, unless the confidence limits are shown to be tight; It is not worthwhile attempting to use the available manual count data to refine the quarterly vehicle-kilometre estimates; The seasonal adjustment process should take account of the possibility of Easter holidays occurring in Q1 or Q2; The Quarters of Cyclical Dominance diagnostic from X11 should be reported, along with advice on the use of seasonally adjusted figures. Annex 5.3 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY ISSUES 1 Introduction 1.1 In this section we cover a number of issues relating to sampling within the Core Census and within the one-day manual count programme. These relate to the location of sites within and between the various road-class categories [usually referred to as EFCATs], and the times of year when manual counts occur. 1.2 Inevitably there is overlap with other issues. For example 1.3 Site location in the Core Census is related to suitability of sites for ATC equipment and with the need for bias correction in the quarterly and annual estimates; The overall size of the Core Census affects the precision [ie the size of the standard errors] of the quarterly and annual estimates; The frequency of counting of major road counts in the one-day manual count programme affects the precision of the quarterly and annual estimates; How we choose to sample minor roads affects the annual estimates for all traffic and for pedal cycle traffic on these roads. Minor road and cycle traffic estimation deserve special attention and are covered elsewhere. We will tackle the following issues under the Sampling heading: Core Census: historical basis for sampling; the need for sampling probabilities to be established and used in calculations; site location bias and need to extend the ‘reach’ to low-speed sites; sampling within London; size of the Core census and allocation between road-class categories; One-day Manual Count Programme: frequency of counts on major road sites; allocation of sites between months; possibility of sub-sampling within 15 minute periods; alternatives to link-based counts. 2 Core Census sampling issues 2.1 The Core Census is based mainly upon ATCs which classify traffic at 190 sites in GB outside London, plus a further set of 56 non-classifying ATCs within London. The main outputs from the Census are Factors that relate a 12-hour flows [usually on a weekday in a neutral month] to the annual average weekday flow. These are known as expansion factors [EF] and are used to convert 12-hour manual counts taken at various sites to AADFs. Similar factors could also be derived relating other counting periods to other annual averages; Factors that relate the average daily flow in one period [for example a calendar year or a quarter] to the average flow in some later period. These are known as growth factors [gfac]. The importance of sampling probabilities 2.2 These factors are calculated for ‘expansion factor categories’ [EFCATS] which are defined in terms of road-classes, urban and rural areas as defined for the 2001 Population Census, and type of region [in particular in relation to London and holiday-areas]. These categories have been drawn up within SR2 in order to achieve reasonably homogeneous factors within EFCATs. They have been developed with experience over the years and, not surprisingly, are different from those used in drawing up the original sampling-frame. 2.3 Hence the ATC sites found within a particular EFCAT will originally have belonged to a number of different categories as originally defined; they will also be associated with different likelihoods of selection, because the sampling rates varied between the original categories. All this suggests that we should take account of the site selection probabilities in calculating our factors; if we ignore these probabilities [as is currently the practice], then we risk giving too much weight to data from sites with a high probability of selection and insufficient weight to sites with a low probability. It is therefore important to examine the ways in which sites were selected and added to the Core Census and to assess the corresponding probabilities. 2.4 The ATC sites were selected at different times by different methods: An original batch of about 120 were selected in 1980 randomly throughout GB within 11 road-classes, where the 5 non-motorway roadclasses were split between built-up and non built-up sections [built-up roads being those with 40 mph or lower speed limits]. The chance of a link being selected was proportional to its length and generally the sampling rate was higher for built-up roads than for non built-up roads. However, a handful of low-speed sites had to be abandoned and replaced by sites more suitable to ATCs and therefore a slight element of non-randomness was introduced; In 1986 a set of about 50 sites were randomly selected within inner and outer London and by road-class. These were volumetric ATCs supplemented by manual counts to provide a split by vehicle-type; In the early 1990s a second batch of about 13 sites was added [outside London], apparently at random; In the mid-90s a third batch of 70 sites was introduced, about half of which were in Scotland. The basis of selection was a perceived need for more sites on certain road classes on urban or rural roads [urban/rural being defined in terms of agglomerations of Census output areas] in certain regions. The sites were not selected completely at random; the chosen links were found by the engineers looking for suitable ATC sites, and typically were in areas with a power supply nearby and uncongested traffic. 2.5 It is clear that the chances of selecting particular ATC sites vary considerably. Those in the first batch, and the London sites, can be assigned probabilities fairly accurately, these being related to the number of sites on the relevant roadclass, the length of the link on which they are situated, and the total length of road of the given class. [The probability is approximately equal to the number of sites selected, times the length of the link, divided by the total road-class length. The lengths of the 11 road-classes can be found by examining past road-length figures]. 2.6 Similarly it should be possible to assign probabilities to the second batch of nonLondon sites, provided that the basis for their selection can be determined; a slight complication is that, strictly speaking, these probabilities should be multiplied by the probability that they were not selected in the first batch. 2.7 With the third batch of non-London sites, assigning probabilities is much more difficult, because the method of selection is perhaps less apparent. One could take the view that these sites were picked out deterministically, so that each site represents only itself and that the probability of selection was therefore 1; but this is an excessively restrictive approach, given that the engineers could have chosen different sites. An alternative approach would be to examine the context in which each set of sites was chosen. Suppose, for example, that there was a need for 3 more urban motorway sites in the West Midlands. Then the probabilities for these sites will be approximately 3 times the link length divided by the length of urban motorway in the West Midlands not already covered by existing sites, provided that this total length is suitable for ATCs; if parts of the network are unsuitable for ATCs, then the total length has to be reduced accordingly. In general the probabilities for the different sites in the third batch will be larger than those in the first two batches, because they have already been passed over in the first 2 batches [which has to be reflected in the probabilities] and because the new sites were normally directed towards specific localities. 2.8 Suppose we now want to calculate an expansion factor based for a particular EFCAT. If we do this with a flow-weighted calculation, the formula is EF = AADFi / Ci where AADFi is the AADF for site i and Ci is the count on the day for which the factor is required; the summation is over all sites i within the EFCAT. But taking account of the site selection probabilities, the formula becomes EF = [AADFi / pi ] / [ Ci / pi ] where pi is the probability that site i was selected originally. Similar considerations would apply if the expansion factor was first calculated for each site, and then the mean or median taken; the calculation of the mean or median would need to weighted by [1/ pi]. 2.9 The need for weighting by the inverse of site-selection probabilities becomes apparent when we define Expansion Factor Categories [EFCATs] in ways that cut across the categories used as a basis for selecting the ATC sites. This is because, for example, a category defined in terms of urban roads will contain sites from the original 120 that were selected by built-up and non built-up areas, using different sampling rates for these two types of road. If the original sampling-rates are not taken into account, then we are likely to have ‘too many’ built-up sites in our expansion factor categories and our EFs will be excessively influenced by these sorts of site. 2.10 This is also relevant when we have a site on a link which changes its category, for example from class A to class B. If we know its selection probability, then the site data can now be used alongside data from other class B sites, provided that they are weighted by the inverse of this probability. Site location bias: need to extend the ‘reach’ of Core Census sites 2.11 The Core Census was established to provide continuous traffic monitoring, classified by vehicle-type, at a set of representative sites on all types of road. The need for continuity arose because EFs need to relate counts taken on any day of the year to an annual average [AADF] for the whole year and gfacs need to relate AADFs for different years. Therefore when a Core census site is elected, the presumption is that it will be covered by a classifying ATC. 2.12 The latest generation of ATCs have been found to function well at the majority of sites, but there were two factors that gave rise to problems: 2.13 If there was no mains power supply, then the ATCs would have to rely on batteries, which required frequent site visits; If the traffic was very slow-moving [eg below 5 km/hour] or in stationary queues, then the classification algorithms were unable to distinguish individual vehicles properly. Given these difficulties, there has been a tendency to avoid sites with these characteristics when new sites are selected. Whereas one would want to select sites on links that have been selected randomly in order to obtain a ‘probability sample’ [ie one which gives an equal probability to all potential sites within a stratum], in practice compromises have been made. Three examples are On M1 southern sections and on M25 the problems of getting ATC sites installed [both because of electrical supply problems and slow-moving traffic] have prevented any Core Census sites covering these sections of the motorway network. As a consequence the EFs and gfacs for motorways have become biased, given that the data do not take account of these busy sections. Bias correction factors have had to be introduced to allow for this. [This has been feasible because non-classifying volumetric counts on these sections are available from the Highways Agency]. However, the use of correction factors is a comparatively crude adjustment process; When further Core Census sites were being selected for principal roads during the mid-1990s, the site selection was in part governed by the need to avoid sites with slow-moving traffic. The possible bias induced by these considerations is not known; it could only be quantified by conducting some other type of counts at the ‘unsuitable’ sites and comparing the factors for these sites with those based upon ‘suitable’ sites; Within London it was considered probable that a large proportion of the Core Census sites would prove difficult, because slow-moving conditions frequently arise. Therefore in 1986 it was decided to use simple volumetric ATC equipment, which is less susceptible to the slow traffic problem [although under extreme conditions this also can fail to distinguish all the vehicles passing the site]. To obtain the vehicle-classification, the ATCs divide traffic into short and long vehicles, and manual classified counts are mounted 4 times a year, to provide the further breakdown by the standard vehicle-classes. The London sampling issues are considered separately below. 2.14 This is an unsatisfactory situation, because it effectively ‘writes off’ important parts of the network, notably those parts most subject to congestion and those parts remote from electricity supply. It also makes the assignment of siteselection probabilities difficult because some sections of the network are not available for sampling and the precise length of such sections is not known. And, as we have seen above, it gives rise to bias, some of which cannot be quantified or identified. 2.15 How can we address these problems? The electricity supply problem can now be overcome by the use of independent power sources, ie solar panels and windmills which charge batteries at the sites. It appears that virtually any location in GB would be suitable, so that we can now consider re-selecting sites that were chosen randomly but then rejected because of the power-supply problem. This should allow a number of potential motorway sites to be introduced. 2.16 The low-speed sites are more difficult to deal with, because the technical difficulties remain. In the meantime three alternative approaches should be considered: 1. Volumetric [non-classifying] ATCs could be installed and the breakdown by vehicle-class handled in the same way as in London. This is a comparatively expensive option because of the use of manual classified counts; 2. Volumetric [non-classifying] ATCs could be installed and the breakdown by vehicle-class handled by data from ANPR cameras. Whilst ANPR systems are currently expensive and do not identify every vehicle that passes, they could provide sufficient data to provide the split by vehicle-type. Furthermore ANPR cameras have already been installed at a large number of motorway and trunk road sites, and within central London for congestion charging. It is worth investigating the possibilities of using these data, provided that the appropriate assurances can be given on commercial confidentiality and privacy; 3. On motorways and trunk roads the Highways Agency ATCs could be used. This would be a similar option to 1. above but the split by vehicle-type might be assisted by the classification by vehicle-length at some HA sites. [This is discussed further in Annex 6.4]. 2.17 The respective merits of these approaches [and any other technologies that look promising] could be investigated by undertaking trials at known low-speed sites on motorways and in urban areas. The economic factors, such as the cost of ANPR systems, are likely to change from year to year, so that, for example, manual counting might be the most cost-effective approach in the next 5 years but ANPR might be preferred from 2010 onwards. As regards data quality, ANPR is likely to provide the best vehicle-type split, because it is based on DVLA records and is available for any 24-hour period; manual counts are limited to just a few days. Sampling within London 2.18 As noted above, ATC sites within London are based upon random sampling. The sites were selected within road-classes in Inner and Outer London, and hence can be assigned probabilities. Therefore from a sample selection viewpoint, the existing sites are probably representative. 2.19 The ATC equipment at the London sites is known to be ‘falling apart’ and the central processing system for handling the London data is also in need of replacement. So the options for the London Core Census will have to be considered. The three main options would be To use the standard Core Census classifying ATCs. This may be the right approach for the sites that do not suffer from low-speed or queuing problems, perhaps up to a third of the sites; To use volumetric ATCs supplemented by MCCs, as at present; To use volumetric ATCs supplemented by ANPR camera systems. 2.20 Whichever approach is adopted, it should be possible to integrate the London Core Census more closely with the non-London Core Census. The London sites would remain as separate strata within the GB system. There is no obvious need to revise the current sample of sites, since these form a ‘probability sample’. However, the current number and distribution of sites between strata could be reviewed as part of a more general review of the GB sampling and stratification. 2.21 The important consideration within London is to take into account the information requirements of Transport for London. TfL organise three cordon surveys, covering traffic which crosses the external boundaries to central, inner and outer London; these long-standing surveys are normally conducted at 2/3 year intervals. These surveys are complemented by counts across strategic screenlines at the River Thames and at other lines designed to detect orbital traffic. Regular counting with ATCs takes place on the strategic network for which TfL is responsible. 2.22 Currently TfL are carrying out extensive monitoring related to congestion charging. This involves both ATCs and manual counts at sets of random points within the charging area and on its boundary road. The congestion charge monitoring is expected to cover the proposed Western Extension to the charging area. However, it is unlikely that these counts will continue indefinitely; the primary aim has been to monitor the effects of the scheme during its first three years of operation. 2.23 2.24 In 2001 TfL commissioned a review of its transport flow monitoring activities. This review recommended that TfL discuss with DfT the best means of monitoring road traffic volumes within London as a whole. Pending the work on congestion charging, these discussions have been put on one side, but the current RTS review provides a good opportunity for them to get underway. The aim of any joint monitoring programme would be To continue to monitor trends in strategic movements in different parts of London [in effect maintaining at least some of the long-term time-series of cordon and screenline surveys]; To develop further the system of random ATC counts [currently undertaken by the London Core Census and by one-day counts at other sites] so that it can produce reliable trends on overall travel by major roads [vehicle-kilometres]. The TfL strategic network counts would also be part of this process. The second aim specifically mentions major roads, because it is unlikely that sufficient minor road sites could be covered in the London Core Census to produce reliable trends for minor roads. However, this might be achievable using some other survey programme and this is discussed separately under the topic of Minor Roads [see Annex 5.4]. For major roads the initial task is to assess the standard errors of the AADFs and hence the overall vehiclekilometres, based upon the current DfT programme and the TfL strategic network counts. It is then for TfL and DfT to consider whether the resulting confidence limits are adequate, bearing in mind that traffic estimates for London will be used – in conjunction with speed surveys - to measure changes in congestion. Overall size of the Core Census and its distribution between strata 2.25 The overall ‘size’ of the Core Census is governed by the number of sites. Table X shows the current number of active sites. Table X: Number of Automatic Count Points in each Expansion Factor Category for CARS (as at November 2004) EFCat Total 2-way 1-way 01 2 2 0 Motorways in holiday areas 02 3 3 0 Motorways in other rural areas with an estimated AADF of of up to 59,999 03 3 3 0 Motorways in other rural areas with an estimated AADF of 60,000 or more 04 10 9 1 Motorways in part rural and part urban areas and conurbations 05 4 4 06 10 10 0 Motorways in mostly urban areas and Greater London Rural A roads in holiday and very rural areas with an estimated AADF of up 0 to 4,999 07 5 5 08 7 7 Rural A roads in holiday and very rural areas with an estimated AADF of 0 between 5,000 and 7,999 Rural A roads in holiday and very rural areas with an estimated AADF of 0 8,000 or more 09 9 8 1 Rural A roads in all other areas with an estimated AADF of up to 13,999 10 10 10 0 Rural A roads in all other areas with an estimated AADF of 14,000 or more 11 1 1 12 4 4 13 5 5 0 Urban A roads in holiday areas Urban A roads in all other areas except Greater London with an estimated 0 AADF of up to 19,999 Urban A roads in all other areas except Greater London with an estimated 0 AADF of 20,000 or more 14 15 15 0 Urban A roads in Outer London 15 14 13 1 Urban A roads in Inner London 16 2 2 0 Urban A roads in Central London 50 5 5 0 Minor rural roads in holiday areas with an estimated AADF of up to 399 51 5 5 0 Minor rural roads in holiday areas with an estimated AADF of 400 or more 52 7 7 53 8 8 0 Minor rural roads in all other areas with an estimated AADF of up to 2,499 Minor rural roads in all other areas with an estimated AADF of 2,500 or 0 more 54 9 9 0 Minor urban roads in all areas except Greater London 55 19 157 18 153 1 Minor urban roads in Greater London 4 2.26 The total number of sites and their distribution will affect the accuracy and precision of the two sets of factors derived from the Core Census; it will also affect the capital costs and the annual running costs. 2.27 To assess the precision of the EFs we can look at the variation between the EFs for different sites within each EFCAT, where these factors are averaged over the ‘neutral’ months, or alternatively we can simply use factors for a typical neutral month such as May. Let the standard deviation of these factors within EFCAT s be denoted by SDs and let VKs be the total vehicle-kilometres within EFCAT s. Then the optimum distribution of sites between the EFCATs [ie the distribution which minimises the overall confidence limits for the expansion factors] will be proportional to [SDs * VKs]. [It may not be possible to include all 22 EFCATs in this review of the expansion factors, because several have only 3 or fewer Core sites with which to estimate variances]. 2.28 But even using this ‘mechanistic’ approach there may be conflicting indications; for example, it may indicate different balances of sites for cars and lorries, or for different neutral months. Similar calculations can be made to obtain the optimum distribution of sites for estimating growth factors. Whilst there may be a number of conflicting criteria, and other considerations such as site-costs come into play, nevertheless it will be worthwhile reviewing the distribution of sites between the different road strata. Indeed the review might lead to the strata themselves being revised, with certain strata which contributed excessively to the overall variance being split, and with other strata that had similar factors being combined. Analysis packages such as CHAID would probably be helpful. 3 Sampling for the One-day Manual Count Programme 3.1 This programme used to be called the Rotating Census, because the objective was to cover around 3000 sites in ‘neutral’ months each year, and after a fixed cycle of five or six years, to ‘rotate’ through all the potential sites in GB. In this way the Rotating Census would provide a basis for estimating the average levels of flow in different regions and on different classes of road. This the Core Census, with its limited number of sites, could never do; on the other hand the Rotating Census could not estimate year-on-year trends reliably, because by definition the set of sites surveyed was always changing. 3.2 In the light of experience a number of modifications were made to the Rotating Census during the late 1980s and subsequently. First it was always recognised that it would be impossible to cover the complete set of possible minor road sites, so a finite set of just over 4000 was used to represent minor roads, equivalent to 800 per year over a five year cycle. It became increasingly obvious that minor road flows varied enormously even within a single road-class, and that some of the very low-flow sites were not worth covering, because they wasted resources [eg sending a surveyor to count fewer than 100 vehicles over a 12-hour day] and because these sites actually contributed very little either to the overall average flow or to changes in average flow from year to year. Consequently a number of changes were made to the make-up of potential counting sites on minor roads, the most recent change being at the 1999 benchmark review. Following the review by Vic Barnett in the early 1990s, it was decided that cycle and motorcycle counts on minor roads needed to be undertaken in winter and summer months and at weekends, because these vehicles had profiles distinctly different from other vehicles. This review and the Scottish review in 2001 [??] also recommended an increase in the number of minor road sites. 3.3 The other important change to the Rotating Census was for major roads. Instead of a fixed rotation cycle, this was made to vary depending upon the level of flow at each site. Thus the high-flow sites are now covered annually, and others at intervals of two, three or four years. The lowest flow sites are covered only once in eight years. Frequency of counts on major roads 3.4 If we wanted to review the counting frequency for road links belonging to the different strata, this could be addressed in a similar way to the method we have suggested for the Core Census sites. The ‘optimum’ strategy would minimise the size of the confidence limits for estimates of overall vehicle-kilometres. This would be achieved if the number of sites counted each year in an EFCAT s was proportional to the product of the vehicle-kilometres [VKs] and the standard deviation of average flow [SDs]. Both of these quantities can be calculated using the data from the latest year. 3.5 Such a review would also allow us to consider the balance between major and minor roads sites. The procedures for minor roads are considered separately, because a number of alternatives need to be considered. [See Annex 5.4]. Allocation of counts between months 3.6 The one-day counts on major roads are spread between the ‘neutral’ weeks and months in such a way that nearby sites tend not to be counted in the same month. There is no attempt to count a site on the same day of the week or the same month on each year it is included. This is because the primary objective of the one-day counts is to cover a wide range of locations and dates. This tends to minimise bias in the estimates of average flow over the main cycle of surveys. 3.7 From time to time it would be worthwhile reviewing the range of weeks on which the one-day counts are taken. This would be undertaken by examining the corresponding EFs derived from the Core Census. Possibility of sampling within 15-minute count periods 3.8 At present the one-day counts are taken for 12 hours continuously. An alternative procedure, which has been used in London for over 30 years, would be to count for 6 minutes in every 15 minutes and multiply this count by 2.5. It is important that in taking these 6 minute counts, the counting starts at a random time, rather than at an arbitrary point such as the beginning of a green trafficsignal cycle. 3.9 This of course makes the counts less precise: the confidence limits for the hourly or daily totals would be multiplied by the square-root of 2.5, ie by 1.58. The increase in the standard error of the AADF would be less than this, because the random errors from the counting process would be compounded with those from the expansion factors. The benefit from 6-minute counting is that the surveyors can carry out another 6-minute count during each 15 minute period. Typically, for example, it is possible to cover two directions at busy sites with fewer surveyors than would be needed for continuous counts. Another possibility is to use the same surveyors to conduct counts at two arms of a junction in a 15 minute period. 3.10 The implications of this type of sampling should be considered by DfT, with a view to increasing the overall coverage of the one-day count programme. 4. Summary of Recommendations 4.1 The following recommendations are made under the heading of sampling: The sampling probabilities of all the Core Census ATC sites need to be determined. These can be derived from considering the lengths of the links on which sites were chosen, and the total length of road that was available for sampling [allowing for the fact that some links were ruled out as unsuitable] , at the time the samples were chosen; Calculations of expansion factors and growth factors using Core Census data should weight the data from each site by the inverse of its selection probability. Failure to carry out this weighting may cause bias in our estimates; To overcome locational bias in the Core Census, we need to extend its ‘reach’ so that it can cover sites where ATC operation has proved difficult. These ‘difficult’ sites include M25, southern sections of M1, and congested links in conurbations. Electricity supply problems can be met by using solar power or windmills, which would allow a number of motorway sites to be covered; Low-speed site problems will have to be addressed. The most viable approaches currently are: [a] a combination of volumetric ATC counts, supplemented by classifying manual counts, [b] a combination of volumetric counts and existing ANPR data, used to disaggregate by vehicle-type, or [c] on motorways and trunk roads, by similar methods using Highways Agency data. None of these options is straightforward, and site trials will be needed; London Core ATC monitoring should be reviewed with Transport for London statisticians, to devise a programme that meets both national and London monitoring needs. There is no apparent need to revise the ATC monitoring sites, but given that many of the sites are low-speed, the counting options at these locations will be as above; The overall size of the Core census, and the balance of sites between expansion-factor categories [EFCATs], should be reviewed, based upon achieving satisfactory standard errors of the expansion factors; Within the one-day manual count programme, the counting frequency [ie the number of counts per year] within each EFCAT should be reviewed, based upon minimising the standard errors of the AADFs; The allocation of counts between weeks and months is satisfactory, but we could review the range of weeks and months over which counts might be taken, based upon the requirement for satisfactory expansion factors; The arguments for and against counting for only 6 minutes in each 15 minute period should be quantified in terms of their effects on standard errors and costs. Annex 5.4 MINOR ROAD TRAFFIC ESTIMATES METHODOLOGY 4 Introduction 4.1 Minor roads cover all public roads other than motorways and class A roads. They account for 87% of total road length but only about 36% of total vehiclekilometres. In terms of traffic counting they account for 29% of the Core Census ATC sites and 20% of manual counts. Minor road traffic is therefore sampled much less intensively than major road traffic: allowing for the grossing-up process, 3.1 billion vehicle-kilometres per year are represented on average by each minor road ATC site, compared with 2.3 billion for each major road ATC site. The figures are shown in Table 5.4(i). 4.2 The main reason for the less intensive sampling is that there is much less interest in obtaining AADFs for individual sections on the minor road network. Links on the major road system provide for inter-urban travel and act as major distributors within towns and conurbations; as such they have high flows and attract considerable attention when problems of capacity, safety or environmental concerns arise. Minor roads, by contrast, have lower flows and the problems of individual sites attract only local interest. Therefore the need for AADFs on individual sections is normally purely statistical: as a means of estimating the overall volume of minor road traffic within a local area or region. 4.3 Nevertheless with over one-third of the total traffic, any problems arising from the estimation of minor road traffic will have a significant effect on the estimates of total traffic. It is clear that minor road traffic is difficult to monitor satisfactorily, mainly because traffic flows vary considerably over its 340,000 kilometres and any sample of sites will represent only a tiny fraction of the whole. 4.4 One class of vehicle for which minor roads are particularly important is pedal cycles. If we improve minor road traffic estimates, then ipso facto we improve pedal cycle traffic estimates. But pedal cycle traffic is different from general minor road traffic and there are other dimensions to be considered. These are handled separately in Annex 5.5. 5 Alternative approaches to monitoring minor roads 5.1 In Table 5.4(ii) we review some of the alternative approaches that have been, and might be, adopted for minor roads. In each case we summarise the methodology and the positive and negative aspects. Every approach involves some sort of compromise. The ‘standard’ approach 5.2 The ‘standard’ approach to estimating minor road traffic was used when the Core and Rotating Censuses were established in the early 1980s. The approach was to treat minor roads the same way as for major roads. A random sample of sites – of the order 3000 initially but growing over the years to over 4000 – was selected on all types of minor roads. Each year one-sixth of the sample was counted for one day and AADFs estimated using expansion factors derived from the Core Census sites for the same class of road or site. For sites counted in earlier years AADFs were updated to the latest year using growth factors from the Core Census. The resultant set of AADFs was then weighted together to provide the estimated vehicle-kilometres. 5.3 The difference between the procedures for minor and major roads is that for major roads it is possible to rotate through every major road link over a cycle of five or six years, whereas with minor roads we can handle only a small sample of sites. This is arguably the weakest feature of the ‘standard’ approach. The sample counted will vary from year to year and in a purely random sample we have no control over the types of sites we select, which might range from busy shopping roads to cul-de-sacs. Often the sites will have very low flows which are likely to exhibit large percentage changes. Also of course these low flow sites offer poor value for money in terms of traffic counted and can give rise to comment in the media. 5.4 The other problem is that we have very few ATC sites on minor roads from which to compute expansion and growth factors. All of this implies that we run the risk of obtaining volatile estimates from one year to another, based on the traffic changes at just a few sites. 5.5 Prior to the Core and Rotating censuses being established in the early 1980s, there was a need for major benchmarks to be established every 5 to 7 years. These covered a wide range of sites, to ensure that the set of monitoring sites represented average flows correctly within each road-class. With the revised systems there was less need for benchmarks on major roads, because a complete sample of links was covered over a cycle of about 6 years. But for minor roads benchmarks have to be undertaken periodically. Using Core Census trends 5.6 Over the years there have been attempts to improve the robustness of minor road estimates. In 1999 a benchmark study was undertaken, examining in detail the make-up of the minor road system in different types of locality and using a relationship between flows on principal roads and flows on different types of minor road to establish more reliable figures at the local authority level. As a result the overall level of minor road traffic in 1999 was obtained robustly and that the main need from that point onwards was to monitor the year-on-year changes accurately, based upon that baseline. [Some minor revisions were made to the earlier minor road figures for the 1990s, for consistency]. 5.7 Two different ways of monitoring year-on-year changes have been considered. The first is to use the Core Census ATC sites to estimate the trend for the minor road categories, which are Minor rural roads in holiday areas with an estimated AADF of up to 399 [5 ATC sites] Minor rural roads in holiday areas with an estimated AADF of 400 or more [5 ATC sites] Minor rural roads in all other areas with an estimated AADF of up to 2,499 [7 ATC sites] 5.8 Minor rural roads in all other areas with an estimated AADF of 2,500 or more [8 ATC sites] Minor urban roads in all areas except Greater London [9 ATC sites] Minor urban roads in Greater London [19 ATC sites]. This procedure has been used from 1999 to 2003. It is comparatively straightforward to work out growth-factors from the Core Census site data and apply these to the baseline vehicle-kilometres, and there is no need for AADFs to be calculated. However, the trends within some of these categories are based upon very few sites and there is a risk that oddities could arise for certain types of vehicle which tend to have low flows on minor roads. Using a panel of higher-flow sites 5.9 When the 1999 benchmark was carried out, a special panel of 2300 sites was selected with the intention of using these to track the year-on-year changes from the 1999 baseline. The sites were chosen to avoid the very low-flow sites, on the basis that the main changes in flow would be exhibited more clearly at the higher-flow locations. The flows at the panel sites would be compared with the baseline to provide updating factors for each year. 5.10 Various methods have been suggested for calculating the trends using the panel: One can use either AADFs or the raw counts. The latter are taken on the same weekday and the same week in each year, so should provide a like-for-like comparison. Using AADFs takes into account the actual seasonal patterns at the ATC Core Sites; One can use the change in mean flow or median flow within each category to estimate the change from the baseline. It is usual to use the mean in applications where the results for each stratum are weighted up; but given that the panel is not a random sample of minor roads, there is also a case for using the median, which is less affected by extreme observations; One can work out the percentage change at each site and take the mean or median of those percentages changes as the overall change for each road category. This method gives equal weight to each site in a stratum, regardless of its flow. 5.11 A wide range of different figures can be obtained from these methods, which is one reason why this panel was not used to derive minor road trends between 1999 and 2003. [However, the change from 2003 to 2004 was based upon these sites, using AADFs]. There is also some concern that the concentration on higher-flow sites could bias the estimates. Nevertheless the panel approach may offer the best method of maintaining stability in the estimates of year-on-year trends, while covering a reasonably wide range of locations, and we suggest a modified panel below. Treating class B sites like major roads 5.12 Before we resume the theme of a panel survey, we can consider a completely different approach for class B roads. These roads have higher flows than other minor roads and account for a slightly shorter length than class A roads. Could we consider a rotating sample of B road links, similar to that used for A roads? 5.13 If we were to divide the B road network into links between junctions with other B roads or with A roads or motorways, then we might find we had about 9-10,000 links in total. If this network were covered over a 6 year cycle, that would imply about 1500 B road links to be counted each year. This compares with only about 900 manual counts in the current panel. Clearly an expansion of this order would not be feasible. An alternative would be to cover only 1 in 5 [say] of the links in our total sample [selected by a systematic sample], and to count 1 in 6 of these each year, ie about 300-330 per year. By arranging a systematic sample, we would obtain a wide range of sites each year, although the sample would not be very large in each region. We would have expansion factors based upon the 8 rural and 17 urban ATC sites on B roads, and therefore be able to produce reasonably reliable AADFs. 5.14 If we were to treat B roads this way we would in effect be inventing two additional expansion factor categories: rural B roads and urban B roads. This of course would have implications for the treatment of other minor roads. The decision whether or not to treat B roads as an additional category would depend inter alia upon the standard errors of minor road AADFs produced by the alternative methods. A stratified panel of sites based upon a new benchmark 5.15 The potential use of the panel of sites was discussed above. We expressed some concerns that the selected sites were not representative of sites in general, being based mainly on higher-flow sites. 5.16 The last benchmark analysis of minor roads was for 1999 and it is time to consider an update. To do this we could repeat the 1999 methodology which looked in detail at certain prototypical local authority areas. But perhaps this process needs a more systematic approach, such as that described below. 5.17 We need to find out more about the taxonomy of minor roads, especially those in the unclassified stratum: for example the relative proportions of cul-de-sacs, other short links on housing estates, and the longer and busier types of unclassified road. [Alternatively we could define the sub-types simply to be high, medium and low flow-levels]. This would be impracticable for the whole network, but would be feasible if we took random samples of kilometre squares in each region, the samples being taken from conurbations, other urban areas and rural areas. Within those squares we would itemise and classify each link, probably with a different classification system for urban and rural areas. We would also count traffic on these links; for the very low-flow sites, the counts could be very short. This gives us a profile of average flows for each type of link. The sampled squares for each region can be weighted by road length and grossed up to the total regional road-length to provide an estimated profile for the sub-types of link we have found. This would also give us the basis for selecting a panel of sites. 5.18 An alternative approach would be to examine in depth the road system defined by an ‘envelope’ of major roads. Under this approach we could also examine whether flow levels on minor roads varied systematically with distance [or some other measure of separation] from the major roads forming the boundary. Another approach could be to associate flows with local land-use data, provided that the latter data could be related to the network. 5.19 The panel would not be a simple random sample within each road-class, but be stratified by sub-type. According to stratified sampling theory, the optimum weighting within each stratum would be determined by the product of the ‘size’ and the standard deviation of flow [SD]. The ‘size’ of the stratum is given by the vehicle-kilometres, or the average flow multiplied by the road-length. Earlier work on the 1999 benchmark suggested that the variance of minor road flow was of the order {flow}0.75, so that the SD would be of the order {flow}0.4 . Therefore the sample size within sub-type j would be of the order {Flow} *{length} * {Flow}0.4 = {Flow}1.4 * (length}. 5.20 This would imply that the panel was weighted towards strata with higher flows; road-length would also be a factor but flow-level would predominate. Some lowflow links would be covered, but these would not need to be counted for a full 12 hours. 5.21 The objective would be to estimate each year the growth in average flow within each stratum. This growth would be applied to the benchmark vehiclekilometres. The counts would be taken on the same day-of-the-week and the same week each year, to minimise any seasonality effects. 5.22 SR2 have used the panel data to estimate the growth between 2003 and 2004, using AADFs to establish the year-on-year change. The aim is to obtain as accurate estimate as possible for minor roads in total, so that the projections of vehicle-kilometres based upon the 1999 benchmark are as close as possible to those eventually obtained from the next benchmark; in that way we would minimise any revisions to the back-series. 5.23 It is not clear from the information currently available, which method will achieve this most effectively. One way of addressing this would be to select the method with the smallest standard errors. When the panel survey data are used then we need to be assured that growth-rates were unbiased, and this may be more likely if we work with AADFs rather than raw data, because the AADFs take account of actual seasonal variation. However, once a new benchmark had been obtained we would be able to establish by hind-sight which methodology would have proved most accurate in predicting the changes between the two benchmark years. Alternatives to a Benchmark Survey 5.24 Benchmarking has traditionally involved a large-scale survey, designed to exhibit the full range of flows on the minor road system. However, a full-scale survey might involve 10,000 to 20,000 sites and would be very expensive. 5.25 In the section above we have suggested various approaches to sampling that would help to build up a profile of the minor road network. The challenge is to devise procedures that allow this profile to be established robustly, but also offer good value-for-money. 6 Summary of Recommendations 6.1 The following recommendations are proposed for the monitoring of minor road traffic: A further benchmark exercise for minor roads is recommended as soon as is practicable. The extent of any data-collection during this benchmark will need to be determined, with a view to obtaining good value-for-money. Existing information will need to be exploited to the maximum; Like its counterpart for 1999, the benchmark will need to apply in-depth studies in sample areas within urban and rural areas in each region, to estimate the main sub-types within each road-class and the corresponding road-lengths and average flows; Based upon the benchmark strata, a panel of minor road sites should be established, where the number of sites in each stratum within each region will be influenced mainly by the average flow, but also by the relative length of road; The panel sites should be counted for one 12-hour day each year, using the same day-of-the-week and week within the year. Low flow sites would be counted for shorter periods; Until the new benchmark is processed, SR2 should continue to use the existing panel of higher-flow sites. The method which produces the lowest overall standard errors of year-on-year trend is to be preferred; When the benchmark is complete, it will become clear which method of estimating year-on-year trends was most successful in ‘predicting’ the outcome. The lessons from that comparison should then inform the methodology to be used over the following years. The expectation is that the panel method will prove the most robust, but there are concerns about possible bias, and there are different methods of estimation to be compared; As a separate consideration, SR2 should review the possibility of treating B roads as a further class of major roads, where a network of links is established and a rotating sample of links is surveyed over a cycle of [say] 6 years. This should improve the estimates of class B traffic, but would incur extra expense; possibly there is an acceptable compromise position that offers good value-for-money; Pedal cycle monitoring is considered separately in Annex 5.5. TABLE 5.4(i) Major and Minor Traffic and Road-length Road Class Motorway Vehicle kms (millions) 92899.6 Length (kms) 3476.4 Average flow Number of (veh/day) automatic counters 73214 60 Number of manual counts 1026 Vehicle-km covered per ATC per MCC 1548 91 Rural A roads Urban A roads 139428.6 81634.2 35516.8 11115.7 10755 20121 46 29 7707 8857 3031 2815 18 9 Rural B roads Urban B roads 20666.0 15760.3 24546.5 5641.5 2307 7654 8 17 542 326 2583 927 38 48 Rural C roads Urban C roads 22166.3 18372.6 73878.4 11098.0 822 4536 9 5 665 403 2463 3675 33 46 Rural unclassified Urban unclassified 21587.4 77811.9 112231.5 114816.1 527 1857 7 10 607 1761 3084 7781 36 44 Sub-totals Major roads Minor roads 313962.4 176364.5 50108.9 342212.0 17166 1412 135 56 17590 4304 2326 3149 18 41 All roads 490326.9 392320.9 3424 191 21894 2567 22 Table 5.4(ii) Approaches to estimating minor road traffic Data sources Positive aspects Negative aspects 1. Standard approach [as Should produce unbiased Many low flow sites: originally proposed]. Use estimates over longer counting these is poor AADFs from a set of term, provided that the value-for-money and gives random sites on minor total number of sites is volatile results. Volatility roads, a proportion of large. will also arise because the which is counted each sites will vary from year to year. AADFs are derived year and because the using Core census number of minor sites in expansion and growth the Core Census is small. factors. 2. Use Core Census only. May produce reasonably Based upon so few Core Use minor roads Core stable trends for the main census sites, the trends sites to give year-on-year vehicle-classes. Method are unlikely to be trends. These are then currently used in SR2. representative. A firmer applied to a benchmark grounding is needed. total of minor-road vehicleAlso depends upon a km. reliable benchmark of minor roads. 3. Use a panel of higher- Should produce stable May be biased because flow sites. This panel estimates, because panel panel represents only provides various methods is fixed. Can also arrange high-flow sites. Different to estimate year-on-year for each site to be counted methodologies produce change: using mean or at fixed day/week to allow different results. Does not median % change, and raw counts to be handle seasonal effects based upon either raw compared. Avoids the properly, even if AADFs data or AADFs. [Such a volatility of low-flow sites. are used, because panel was constructed expansion factors are around 2001, and annual based upon very few Core counts taken; but results sites. have not yet been used in Also depends upon the minor road estimates] 1999 benchmark of minor roads. 4. Treat B roads like major roads. The B road network would be divided into links, and a proportion counted each year over a cycle of [at least 6] years. AADFs would then be calculated as for A roads. Should produce stable and unbiased estimates, based upon a systematic sample. For many B roads, AADFs would be of interest in their own right. If it was too expensive to count all class B links over a cycle, we could decide to cover a random fraction [say half] without drastically affecting accuracy. 5. Use a stratified panel As with 3. above, should of sites, taking account produce stable trends, MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 105 Would probably increase costs unless we were prepared to accept a very long cycle [eg 15 years] over which to ‘rotate’ the sites. Increasing the number of annual one-day counts would also imply increasing the number of Core sites, otherwise the AADFs would be unreliable. Similar to 3. above, but should be less likely to be Data sources of different ‘sub-types’ of link. The panel would represent the different subtypes within the urban/rural B/C/UC road-classes. The number of sites in each stratum would be governed by its size and the standard deviation of flow. Positive aspects using various methods of estimation. Takes some account of low-flow sites. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 106 Negative aspects biased. Also depends upon a reliable benchmark of minor roads, to be taken in 2006/7. Annex 5.5 CYCLE TRAFFIC STATISTICS METHOLOGY 7 Introduction 7.1 Under this heading we consider ways in which cycle monitoring might be improved. It is generally accepted that cycle counting and cycle traffic estimation sits uneasily alongside general traffic monitoring. Cycle traffic represents only a small proportion of total traffic, so that it has not been thought worthwhile to adopt distinctive monitoring and estimation procedures to cover it. As a result there is a perception that cycle trends from the RTS system are volatile, producing erratic changes from year to year, and that these are possibly biased. 7.2 Below we consider ways in which cycle traffic statistics could be made more robust, while at the same time developing the monitoring programmes undertaken by SUSTRANS and by local authorities. Inevitably this means treating cycle traffic as a phenomenon in its own right, rather than as an adjunct of general traffic monitoring. 7.3 If the costs of a programme dedicated to pedal cycle monitoring are deemed to be too high, then some compromises will be necessary: in effect cycle traffic will have to continue to be counted alongside general traffic. 8 User Requirements and Interests 8.1 The main policy interest of central government is to increase the amount of cycling, in absolute terms and as a percentage of all journeys. Cycle traffic estimates [cycle-kilometres] are also required to measure exposure to accidents, enabling the numbers of cycle casualties and cycle involvements in accidents to be expressed as casualty- or involvement-rates per cyclekilometre. 8.2 LAs are asked to promote cycling and improve facilities for cycling in their LTPs, and LEAs are to encourage more cycling to school, mainly at secondary level. 8.3 SUSTRANS is a charity established to encourage cycling, inter alia through the promotion of cycles routes. It is supported financially by government. 8.4 All of the above interests imply the need to monitor the amount of pedal cycle usage from year to year. Estimates of cycle usage are needed at the aggregate level [such as all GB and for regions of GB], at the local level [trends within LAs] and at individual facilities [cycle lanes and routes]. 8.5 Cycling takes place mainly on public roads but also on dedicated cycle routes, in parks, by canals and rivers, and on footways at the side of roads. The latter is illegal except for small children, but is observed to be quite common. There is interest in distinguishing where cycling takes place, as a guide to investment MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 107 and provision of cycling facilities. We assume that investigating the extent of illegal cycling on footways is outside the scope of this review. 9 Current Monitoring Systems 9.1 The National Travel Survey should in theory provide the best means of covering total cycling activity. But the sample size of active cyclists amongst overall respondents is small and it appears that not all trips are recorded. For 2002 the NTS found an average of 33 miles per person, which equates to 2.9 bn veh-km overall. This is actually less than the estimate from the Road Traffic Statistics surveys, which reported 4.4 bn veh-km on public roads alone. It appears that only direct observation in places where cycling takes place can provide full coverage. 9.2 The RTS surveys operate on the basis of sampling sites on different types of public road. They do not cover cycle paths on non-public roads, or other offroad locations. Nor do the traffic counts on public roads include cycles using the footway. In 2003 it is estimated that 83% of cycling on public roads occurs on minor roads [below class A] and the vast majority of usage is in urban areas. Within the major and minor road classes it is found that cycling is concentrated on a few sites with relatively high flows; at the majority of sites cycle flows are very low and volatile. 9.3 The RTS surveys, however, are designed to monitor general traffic trends, rather than cycling per se. The main preponderance of monitoring sites, both on the Core/ATC census and the annual one-day counts, is towards major roads, which carry two-thirds of total traffic. As a consequence the estimated year-on-year trends in cycle traffic have proved to be volatile and subject to revision. If the RTS surveys were to be designed specifically to cover cycling, the balance of survey effort would be entirely different. They would be focussed principally on minor roads and within the minor road classes they would attempt to distinguish sites where cycling tends to be concentrated. In this sense some of the problems of cycle monitoring are common to the monitoring of minor road traffic in general [see task 9c]. But even within the minor road classes [B, C and unclassified roads] the places where cycle traffic is high do not normally coincide with places where general traffic is high. 9.4 SUSTRANS undertakes surveys at sites on the National Cycle Network. Many of these sites are on cycleways off the public road system. The monitoring sites are concentrated mainly at places where cycle usage is believed to be highest. In this way they can detect the main changes in cycle usage, although it is more difficult to estimate average flows over the whole network when most monitoring is at the high-flow sites. SUSTRANS has limited resources to undertake the processing and validation of the survey data, and this may inhibit the expansion of their monitoring system. 9.5 LAs are encouraged to undertake their own cycle monitoring. DfT suggests – in its advice notes - that it is best to concentrate LA monitoring effort on roads, corridors and screenlines where higher flows might be expected. This is understandable, given the poor value-for-money involved in counting small MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 108 numbers of cycles and the likelihood that the greatest increases – at least in absolute terms – are likely to occur at the higher flow sites. 9.6 Currently most cycle counts are undertaken manually. Whilst automatic counters are available, their performance in mixed traffic conditions is patchy; cycles may be missed if they do not cross the detectors at the expected place near the edge of the road, and ‘ghost’ signals can arise from larger vehicles nearby. Trials of cycle detector equipment are underway in two LAs. Also a general-purpose counter which may be able to detect cycle usage at certain sites is being tested. 10 Objectives 10.1 Given this background, the main objectives of a review of cycle monitoring can be summarised as follows: To improve estimates of the year-on-year trends on public roads To improve estimates of the absolute level of cycle usage [cyclekilometres] on public roads To estimate the proportion of cycling that takes place away from public roads To estimate trends on the SUSTRANS/National cycle Network To estimate trends within LAs. 10.2 All of the above objectives have to be considered in the light of the costs involved and the weight of policy interest. 11 Options for Improvement 11.1 A number of approaches can be adopted to improving estimates of cycle usage, based upon surveys within the DfT RTS system and building on the SUSTRANS and LA initiatives. The main approaches are summarised in Table A, which shows how each approach might be used to estimate trends and absolute levels of cycling; some of the arguments supporting each approach [positive aspects] and casting doubt on it [negative aspects] are shown in the table. 11.2 The approaches are as follows: 1. The ‘standard approach’. We could adopt the standard approach to estimating AADFs, ie using a set of one-day counts of all vehicletypes which are converted to AADFs by expansion factors derived from the Core/ATC sites. Under this approach we would have a set of about 4500 thousand minor road sites, a fraction of which were covered by rotation each year; sites counted in earlier years would be updated using Core/ATC trends. Whilst this might in the longer term produce unbiased estimates, it has already been found to produce MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 109 volatile figures for minor road traffic in general, mainly because the sites change from year to year. It is even less reliable for cycle traffic because the balance of sites does not reflect the balance of cycle flows. Nevertheless it appears to estimate effectively the small amount of cycle traffic that uses major roads. 2. Using Core Census ATC sites. We could use the Core Census ATC data to measure the year-on-year trends, based upon the current set of major and minor road sites. Provided that these sites are representative, then the trend estimates will be unbiased. Provided that we also have a reliable benchmark for a past year, this also gives us a measure of absolute cycle-kilometres. However, the ATC sites are generally weighted towards major roads and are probably unrepresentative of cycle traffic even on minor roads. Therefore this approach seems unsuitable, although it was, up until recently, being used to estimate minor road traffic in general, and hence the bulk of cycle traffic. 3. Using a Minor Road panel. Under this option we would maintain a fixed panel of one-day counts for minor road sites, rather than a varying set, and use these to estimate year-on-year trends for traffic in general. This is the approach we have recommended for estimation of general traffic on minor roads. This approach would tend to reduce the volatility problem, but the panel of minor road sites will tend to be representative of general traffic, rather than of cycle flows. The correlation between general traffic flows and cycle flows is not very high. 4. Fixed Panel of Cycle Monitoring Sites on Minor Roads. Here we would devise a special panel of minor road sites, based upon historical benchmarks and other data, where the panel was slanted towards sites known to have higher-than-average cycle flows. [This panel would be entirely separate from any panel used for general traffic monitoring, as in option 3 above, although some of the sites might coincide]. These sites would be counted on one weekday per year in a neutral month. By comparing counts year on year [assuming that these were taken at similar times] trends in cycle usage could be obtained using a larger cycle-flow count than could be obtained from the more general sites used in options 1 and 3. These would produce more stable trend and cycle-km estimates, although care would need to be taken to ensure that the sample was indeed representative. 4a. Cycle Panel supplemented by Weekend and Summer/Winter Counts. Under this variation of 4. we extend the concept of a special panel of cycle sites, to include weekend counts and counts in non- MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 110 neutral months in the winter and summer at a proportion of the sites. These are needed to take account of the fact that a large proportion of cycle usage takes place at weekends [more, for example, than the proportion of car traffic] and that unusual summer or winter weather can distort the annual profile; these counts were recommended by an earlier review. However, options 4 and 4a are expensive, involving probably over 1000 extra counting sites. And option 4a multiplies the number of counts by a further factor. Under options 4 and 4a, we have the option of comparing the raw count data from year to year, or converting the counts to AADFs using the Core Census expansion factors. Using AADFs would exploit the seasonal patterns already recorded by the Core/ATC sites, and hence reduce the need for comprehensive coverage of weekends and summer and winter months [although probably some such counts would remain]. If raw data comparisons were to be used, it would be necessary to do the counts on the same weekdays and weeks, to avoid some of the complications of seasonal and day-to-day variation. There would also be benefits in standardising the counting days if AADFs were used. 5. SUSTRANS monitoring. The numbers of sites covered by SUSTRANS monitoring could be expanded, to provide better coverage. Ideally the set of sites would include some lower-flow points [so that all types of the network are represented] and each site could be assigned a grossing-up factor to represent the proportion of the network it covered. There may be a need for central processing of the data by some agency, eg DfT or a consultancy, in which case further costs would be incurred. 6. LA monitoring. As the number of sites covered by LA surveys expands, there will be a need to exploit this large dataset to determine trends at the regional and sub-regional level. Initially the imperative would be to draw out the main findings of the LA data, bearing in mind that the sites concerned might not be representative of all cycling in the areas concerned. 11.3 For major roads the standard approach [option 1] is sufficient. For minor roads the most promising approach would appear to be the special panel surveys of options 4 or 4a. The panel approach depends upon a benchmark in some earlier year; the most recent benchmark was in 1999 and we have recommended a further benchmark in 2006. At the same time further encouragement could be given to expand the SUSTRANS and LA monitoring programmes. However, all these approaches require considerable extra expenditure [mainly on manual enumerator staff] and might be deemed to be poor value-for-money compared with the more general traffic monitoring; for example, the cost per vehicle counted would be much higher. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 111 11.4 In the section below we suggest an approach based upon a fixed panel of cycle-monitoring sites, such as option 4a. We consider how this panel might be made statistically representative and then consider whether it might be possible in the longer term to integrate this panel with the SUSTRANS and LA panels. 12 Establishing a Panel of Cycle Monitoring Sites on Minor Roads 12.1 The objective would be to establish a ‘Cycle Panel’ of up to 2000 sites on minor roads. Most of these would be on minor urban roads, where the objective would be to classify sites within each region or sub-region by [a] urban road-class B, C or UC and [b] within those classes by high /medium /low pedal cycle flow. Because rural cycle flows are very low, the selection of rural sites would be much more aggregated, being based only on road-class. 12.2 For the urban minor roads stage [a] is straightforward because road-class is known [although OS maps unfortunately do not distinguish C and UC roads]. The classification by flow level is much more difficult because we do not know the flow until we have conducted a count. However, there exist historical data based upon samples of minor roads. These could be used to establish a first estimate of the proportion of sites having high/medium/low cycle flows, with the dividing lines between these levels defined within each road class. This initial estimate could be refined by taking a random sample of sites within each region or sub-region and conducting short counts at these sites. 12.3 We would aim to set up the three tables below. Table B is established from the historical and other site data, as described above. Table C then applies the percentages in Table B to the known total mileage in each road-class, to derive the road-lengths. Table D is an estimate of the average flow, again obtained from the historical and other data. These figures do not have to be obtained with great accuracy at this stage, since they will be used only as a guide to the balance of the panel sample. 12.4 Stratified sampling theory tells us that the optimum weighting for our panel of urban minor road sites is then governed by the ‘size’ of each cell multiplied by the standard deviation of the estimate based on that cell. The ‘size’ of our cell is the volume of cycle traffic, ie the cycle-kilometres or the average flow in Table D multiplied by the length of road in Table C; this is given by Table E. Earlier work by SR2 suggested that typically the variance of a daily flow on minor roads was of the order [flow] 0.75; hence the standard deviation would be of the order [flow]0.4. If we take the product of the cycle-km and the standard deviation of daily flow, we get [cycle-km] * [flow]0.4 which is equivalent to [average flow]1.4 [length of road]. This formula could be used as a guide to the proportion of cycle monitoring sites that should be in each cell of our panel for urban minor roads [see Table F]. This means that the number of sites in one of the flow-level groups would be influenced mainly by the average flow, but also by the total length of road with this flow-level. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 112 12.5 For rural minor roads it would probably be sufficient to repeat the process without the subdivision by flow-level, because the cycle traffic, and hence the number of sites, will be much smaller. [As already recommended, the estimates of cycle traffic for major roads could continue to be based upon the AADFs derived from the standard one-day manual counts]. 13 How the Cycle Panel could be used 13.1 The panel would first be established on the basis of data that were already available, and it must be recognised that the percentages in Table B would be approximations. However, we know that SR2 did design a panel of cycle monitoring sites in 2001, and these could be a useful starting point. 13.2 Further information on flow levels on the urban minor road network might come to hand from LA sources, enabling these figures to be refined. But the main source of information about the pattern of cycle flows would be benchmarks undertaken to underpin the monitoring of general minor road traffic [see Task 7g]. We can therefore expect the balance of counts between the different strata to be improved year by year, as new sites are added to the panel and more up-to-date information on flows becomes available. 13.3 We may find that the panel contains a large number of very low flow cycle sites, although the weights in Table F for the low-flow sites would tend to be small relative to the high and medium flow sites. We would not expect to conduct 12-hour counts at these very low flow sites, because they would represent poor value for money and the changes from year to year would be very erratic. The best approach may be to take short [eg one-hour] counts in the morning peak, in order to establish whether the flows continue to be very low. To establish year on year trends at these sites we might have to assume that these were the same as for either trends for the other [higher-flow] sites within the low-flow category or, if there too few of the latter, trends within the medium flow category. 13.4 In general the approach would be to establish AADFs at the panel sites, based upon a 12-hour count taken in a neutral month, together with some counts at weekends and in summer and winter months; expansion factors from the Core ATC census would also be used in establishing AADFs. Various methods could be considered to reduce the costs of one-day counts: for example, using ‘rotating’ cycle detection equipment; counting for 6 minutes in every 15 [to allow a 6-minute count at another nearby site in the same 15-minute period]; or counting only in the peak periods at some sites. 13.5 Having established the AADFs in each minor road ‘cell’, we then multiply by the relevant road-length to establish cycle-kilometres. At this stage we can then update Table F to improve the balance of the panel for the following year. 14 SUSTRANS monitoring 14.1 SUSTRANS has already established a panel for sites on the National Cycle Network [NCN]. It would be of interest to compare trends on this network with MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 113 trends based on a Cycle Panel similar to that described above. There would be some differences, because some of the SUSTRANS sites are off-road and the emphasis is on higher-flow sites. Nevertheless we would expect to see a general coherence between similar categories of sites, and any discrepancies would need to be investigated, with a view to correcting any imbalances that existed in either the SUSTRANS or DfT panels. 14.2 In the medium term the aim could be to integrate the SUSTRANS and DfT panels, to provide a representative panel for the whole cycle network, covering both public roads and the off-road network [although ‘informal’ tracks such as those in parks and by rivers and canals could not be covered systematically]. Whether this integration was worthwhile would depend upon [a] whether DfT policy interest was sufficiently strong to extend the monitoring to tracks off public roads and [b] whether SUSTRANS felt confident that an integrated system would provide proper coverage for the NCN. 15 Local Authority Monitoring 15.1 We can expect the number of pedal cycle monitoring sites counted by LAs to increase, if LAs follow government advice to encourage cycling within their localities. However, this expected growth in cycle monitoring may only continue if the planned growth in cycling actually occurs on the ground. 15.2 If the majority of LAs produce annual monitoring reports, there would be a role for DfT in collating these reports and correlating their findings with those from its own panel. The LA reports will tend to be based on higher-flow sites, rather than the full range of locations, so the main findings of interest from a national viewpoint will be the year-on-year trends. Trends for LAs could be collated and plotted against trends derived from the DfT’s own cycle Panel. Given that the emphasis of local monitoring will vary from one LA to another, there are likely to be contrasting trends. 15.3 It is possible that growth at LA sites will be higher than at more general locations, because there will be a tendency to monitor sites where improvements have been made and cycling has been made more congenial. If so, the comparisons will be of value in demonstrating the potential growth that can be achieved by local initiatives. 15.4 It seems unlikely that the set of LA monitoring sites could be used directly to supplement the DfT panel, unless an LA had decided to count at a randomly chosen set of sites. Possibly in some cases the LA sites could be taken to represent the ‘high-flow’ cells in the national panel, in which case these sites could be ‘adopted’ within the national panel and their data used to improve the national estimates. 15.5 Whether DfT should undertake this role of collating and comparing the LA trends depends upon continuing policy interest in these comparisons. Given staff resourcing constraints there could be a trade-off between time spent on improving national cycling estimates through the national Cycle Panel and in co-ordinating the reports from the LAs. One point to be borne in mind is that MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 114 information from the LA reports will inevitably be less timely than information from the national panel, because the LA dataset will depend upon reports being received from a large number of individual authorities. 16 Summary of Recommendations 16.1 Given a requirement to improve the accuracy and precision of cycle monitoring and given resources to do this, we would recommend that a National Panel of up to 2000 cycle sites be established for minor roads. In particular this Panel would be a stratified sample based upon flow-levels within each road-class on urban roads in each region. For rural roads it would be based upon road-class alone. The flow data will be obtained from historical benchmark surveys, such as the 1999 benchmark and the 2006 benchmark we have recommended for 2006; cycling on major roads would continue to be covered by the general traffic estimation procedures, ie using AADFs for each link of the network; DfT should consider extending the minor road Panel to cover cycle tracks on the National Cycle Network which are not on public roads, thus encompassing the existing SUSTRANS monitoring; provided that sufficient local authorities undertake regular cycle monitoring, DfT should collate these statistics, comparing trends with those based on the national Panel. But it seems unlikely that a large proportion of the LA monitoring sites could be incorporated in the national Panel. 16.2 All the above recommendations carry cost implications, both for processing within the Statistics Divisions at DfT and for the dedicated manual counting at Panel sites. The cost per vehicle counted would be much higher than for general traffic, and by implication the policy interest in developing the statistics would have to be strong. 16.3 If the costs of a dedicated Cycle Panel were deemed to be too high, then the compromise approach would be to rely entirely on improvements to the general traffic estimates for minor roads. Minor roads are the subject of discussion in Annex 5.4. Under this option the SUSTRANS programme would continue independently, because the sites away from public roads would continue to be covered. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 115 Table A Comparisons of Approaches to Pedal Cycle Monitoring Data Source Positive Aspects Negative Aspects 1. ‘Standard approach’. Works reasonably for This approach has proved A set of ‘rotating’ sites on general traffic on major unreliable for minor roads: each road-class is roads. Can also be used for general traffic and counted for on-day each for cycle traffic, given that especially for p/c traffic year and an AADF is only 17% of p/c traffic is estimated. Average on major roads. AADF is multiplied by road length to give overall vehicle-km. 2. Use Core ATC data This approach was, until Not satisfactory for p/c alone to estimate trends recently, being used for all trends, because flows at based on previous minor road traffic trends. ATC sites are low and benchmark. volatile. 3. Use a fixed panel of Would improve coverage Sites suitable for general minor road sites, as of minor road sites and minor road traffic are not recommended under this would benefit p/c in general suitable for p/c Minor Roads traffic, 83% of which is on traffic. Also does not these roads. cover cycle-tracks etc off public roads. 4. Use fixed panel of Would allows proper Expensive. Would require pedal-cycle sites on balance of sites based special p/c sites where minor roads, counted for upon p/c flow. Could be only cycles were counted, one day each year. extended to cover NCN and therefore poor valueoff-road sites. for-money. The one-day counts would miss weekends when much cycling occurs. Core Census expansion factors for cycling would not be very robust as estimators of seasonal effects. 4a. As above but with Would provide a Would increase costs at additional weekend and comprehensive picture of least threefold, depending summer/winter counts cycling trends, if 2000 or on what was covered. more sites in the panel. 5. SUSTRANS Covers sites off public Sites will tend to represent monitoring roads. Provides a panel higher-flow locations and that can be monitored therefore cannot be used regularly. to estimate total cyclekilometres 6. LA monitoring If all LAs participate, If mainly high-flow sites provides a vast amount of chosen, trends may be data to estimate trends. biased. And it would be Would indicate effects of difficult to gross up to local initiatives. provide estimates of overall cycle kilometres. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 116 Table B: % of sites by P/c flow-level and Urban road-class in Region A Road-class % of high % of medium % of low flow All sites in flow sites flow sites sites region A B %BH %BM %BL 100 C 100 UC 100 Table C: Length of road by P/C flow level and Urban road-class in Region A Road-class High flow Medium flow Low flow All sites in sites [km] sites [km] sites [km] region A [km] B LB_H = LB_M = Etc LB LB * %BH LB * %BM C LC UC LUC Table D: Average P/C flow by flow-level group and Urban road-class in Region A Road-class High flow sites Medium flow Low flow sites [cycles/day] sites [cycles/day] [cycles/day] B FB_H FB_M FB_L C UC Table E: First estimate of Cycle-kilometres by flow-level group and Urban roadclass in Region A Road-class High flow sites Medium flow Low flow sites sites B CB_H = FB_H CB_M = FB_M CB_L = FB_L * * LB_H * LB_M LB_L C UC Table F: Target ‘weights’ for Urban road-class panel in Region A Road-class High flow sites Medium flow Low flow sites [cycles/day] sites [cycles/day] [cycles/day] B WB_H = [cycle- WB_M = CB_M * WB_L = CB_L * km] * [av.flow]0.4 = [FB_M]0.4= [FB_L]0.4= 0.4 1.4 CB_H * [FB_H] = [FB_M] * LB_M [FB_L]1.4 * LB_L [FB_H]1.4 * LB_H C UC MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 117 Annex 5.6 Road length and vehicle kms by class of road 2005 Percentage of roadlength Percentage of vehicle-km 1% Total million vehicle-km p.a. 97,049 Road Class Motorway Length (kms) 3,523 Rural A roads Urban A roads 35,530 11,138 9% 3% 141,532 81,779 28% 16% Rural B roads Urban B roads 24,639 5,550 6% 1% 21,450 15,873 4% 3% Rural C roads Urban C roads 73,581 10,878 19% 3% 23,046 18,304 5% 4% 109,426 28% 22,309 4% 113,757 29% 78,299 16% All major roads All minor roads 50,192 337,832 13% 87% 320,361 179,280 64% 36% All roads 388,023 100% 499,640 100% Rural unclassified Urban unclassified 19% QUALITY REVIEW: KEY STATISTICS TO INFORM THE SAMPLING STRATEGY Vehicle kms Length Average flow Road Class (millions) (kms) Motorway 97,049 Rural A roads Urban A roads (veh/day) Number of automatic counters Number of manual count points1 3,523 75468 60 141,532 81,779 35,530 11,138 10914 20115 Rural B roads 21,450 24,639 Urban B roads 15,873 Rural C roads Vehicle-km covered per ATC per MCC 1072 1617 91 45 30 7880 8941 3145 2726 18 9 2385 8 2681 31 5,550 7835 18 694 404 882 39 23,046 73,581 858 9 2561 29 Urban C roads 18,304 10,878 4610 5 803 459 3661 40 Rural unclassified Urban unclassified 22,309 109,426 559 7 736 3187 30 78,299 113,757 1886 10 2017 7830 39 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 118 Sub-totals Major roads Minor roads 320360.5144 179279.7 50191.71 337831.5 17487 1454 135 57 17893 5113 2373 3145 18 35 All roads 499640.2 388023.2 3528 192 23006 2602 22 1 Only a sub-set of these are counted every year. Rural Urban 207645.7 180378 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 119 Annex 5.7 Vehicle kms 2005: proportions by vehicle and road type Vehicle-type Pedal cycles Motorcycles Cars and taxis Vans Rigid 2-axle lorries Rigid 3-axle lorries Rigid 4+ -axle lorries Articulated 3 and 4-axle lorries Articulated 5-axle lorries Articulated 6+ -axle lorries All Lorries Buses/coaches Percentage of Vehicle-km on Major Minor Roads Roads 15% 85% 48% 52% 64% 36% 60% 40% 78% 22% 75% 25% 83% 17% 93% 98% 96% 87% 49% MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 120 7% 2% 4% 13% 51% Percentage of Vehicle-km on Urban Rural Roads Roads 23% 77% 42% 58% 51% 49% 54% 46% 62% 38% 68% 32% 72% 28% 79% 86% 84% 71% 32% 21% 14% 16% 29% 68% Annex 5.8 DEMAND FOR DISAGGREGATED STATISTICS 1. Introduction 2.1 In the course of consulting users about information needs, some respondents suggested that more detailed results should be published by DfT. 2.2 In this note we consider the benefits and costs involved, taking account of the reliability and precision of the results, and the resource implications for SR2. 2. AADFs for weekends and weekdays 2.1 Currently SR2 produce AADFs which are literally Annual Average Daily Flows, based upon every day of the year, including weekdays, weekends and public holidays. This has the merit of summarising all traffic for the year, and can be translated directly into vehicle-kilometres by multiplying the AADF by the total length of road. But because weekdays and weekends are so different in their traffic make-up and profile, the AADFs themselves do not usually represent typical travel days. 2.2 Annual Average Weekday Flows [AAWDFs] could be calculated using the ATC data. This would involve SR2 in deriving a separate set of expansion factors, based upon weekdays only. These factors would relate the average annual weekday flow to the 12 hour count on the counting day; for these factors we might choose to exclude weekdays that were bank holidays. The additional costs involved would be the resources involved within SR2 in deriving a separate set of factors. 2.2 AAWDFs would probably be more reliable [have smaller standard errors] than AADFs, because the variable element resulting from weekend traffic would be removed from the expansion factors. 2.3 Annual Average Weekend Flows [AAWEFs] could then be derived algebraically from the AADFs and the AAWDFs, given that we know the numbers of days of each type, using the relationship AADF = {Number of weekdays * AAWDF + Number of weekend days * AAWEF}/365. 2.3 However, a more reliable way to estimate AAWEFs would be to derive special weekend expansion factors from the ATC data, based upon the ratio of the annual average weekend flow to the average flows on ‘neutral month’ weekends. We would then have two sets of expansion factors, one based upon weekdays and one based upon weekends, and these would replace the current set of factors covering both types of day. Each of these expansion factors would be more reliable than the single expansion factors because they would each be based on more homogeneous data. But this would also imply that we carried out manual classified counts on Saturdays and Sundays at the sites where we required AAWEFs, implying additional costs for these counts. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 121 It seems unlikely that these counting costs could justify the improved precision of the AAWEFs. 3. 16-hour AADFs 3.1 Traffic engineers and planners frequently operate with 16-hour flows [06002200]. It is feasible to produce 16-hour AADFs [AA16DFs], by calculating a simple adjustment factor. This adjustment factor is the ratio of the annual average 16 hour flow and the average 24-hour flow, both of which can be derived directly from ATC data. It has to be derived entirely from the ATC data because the manual count data cover only the period 0700-1900. 3.2 Special adjustment factors could be derived to derive 16 hour AAWDFs and AAWEFs, again using the ATC data. 4. Estimates of annual average flows for each hour 4.1 Traffic management and road safety considerations sometimes require an hourly profile of traffic for a link on the network. For hours during the weekday manual counting period [0700-1900] the manual counts themselves provide the best estimate of the hourly profile. For the other, night-time, hours [19000700] the only information comes from the annual average weekday profile derived from the ATC data. 4.2 So the procedure would be to start with the Annual Average Weekday Flows [AAWDFs] and divide this into the flow during 0700-1900 and the rest, using the proportions given by the annual ATC data. Then the total flow during 0700-1900 would be split into single hours using the manual count profile. And the rest would be split using the annual ATC data. 4.3 This procedure would be worthwhile only if we also produced AAWDFs, because the individual hourly flows would differ markedly between weekdays and weekends; for example, the average flow from 0800-0900 represents the morning peak for weekdays but a quiet period for Saturdays and Sundays. There is no prospect of producing hourly traffic estimates for weekends unless we were to carry out manual counts at weekends at the sites concerned. 5. More detailed geographical and locational breakdown of traffic volumes 5.1 Some users have asked for more detailed geographical breakdowns, such as those produced in Scottish Transport Statistics [STS]. 5.2 STS provides [a] major road vehicle-kilometres in Scotland by vehicle-type and roadclass; [b] major road vehicle-kilometres by over 30 LA s and 6 road-classes; [c] average flows for each of the Scottish ATC sites and each month. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 122 5.3 [a] is already published by DfT at the GB level. Could this be extended reliably to the regional level, bearing in mind that there are 11 regions, including Scotland? On the whole the answer should be yes, with the possible exception of some minor road categories in some regions. Standard errors of these estimates should be calculated and published. 5.4 [b] is calculated by DfT but the figures for LAs are not broken down by roadclass in DfT publications. No doubt some of the individual cells would have wide standard errors and the estimates might vary considerably from year to year; these would need to be examined carefully. But the presumption would be in favour of publication, together with the standard errors, if necessary with ‘health warnings’. 5.5 [c] is done by DfT and Highways Agency, but there is no published breakdown by month. Since the ATC data are validated site by site, it seems reasonable to show the data month by month. The question arises whether the figures should relate to weekdays, weekends or all days in the month. 6. Publishing hourly count data for each counting point 6.1 Some users have asked for the raw count data obtained at ATC sites or in manual counts, so that they can undertake their own specialised analyses of the data. 6.2 There are good reasons to support such requests, because DfT undertake quality checks on the data and can therefore release them to public scrutiny. However, we must emphasise that they relate only to the single day [in the case of MCCs] or some longer period [for ATCs] when the data were collected. 6.3 Obviously there would be costs involved for DfT staff. Given that release of the raw data is not a normal output in standard DfT publications, it would be reasonable to make a charge for such data; this would be the full cost of retrieving and delivering the data to the enquirer, not their collection cost. 7. Summary of Recommendations 7.1 The main recommendations on publishing disaggregated results are Annual Average Weekday Flows [AAWDFs] should be produced, provided that the resource implications within SR2 can be accommodated. ; Annual Average Weekend Flows [AAWEFs] could be obtained as a byproduct of AADFs and AAWDFs. But it would not be worthwhile refining AAWEFs by undertaking manual counts at weekends; 16-hour AADFs, AAWDFs and AAWEFs can be derived straightforwardly from the corresponding 24-hour figures; As with AADFs, standard errors of the above disaggregated figures should be produced; MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 123 Annual average hourly flow profiles for weekdays [and weekends] can be derived straightforwardly for individual links, provided that AAWDFs [and AAWEFs] are produced; More detailed geographical breakdowns, such as those produced in Scotland, should be produced and published along with their standard errors; Raw data from ATC and manual sites should be made available on request, provided that users pay for the marginal costs of retrieving and distributing these data. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 124 Annex 6.1 Department for Transport Road Traffic and Road Length Statistics Quality Review LA Data Sources: Questionnaire YOUR DETAILS Name Organisation Job title Address Telephone Fax E-mail Your Local Authority: (mark as appropriate) a) collects most/all of its own traffic data? b) outsources the collection of most/all traffic data c) neither collects nor outsources the collection of traffic data If you answered "a" please continue with the questionnaire If you answered "b" please liaise with the company who does your counts to complete the questionnaire If you answered "c" please return the questionnnaire to us with the box for "c" marked. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 125 1 If you collect traffic data regularly for what purpose do you use it? (mark as appropriate) DfT road traffic estimates Monitoring for LA purposes For other LA purposes (please describe) 2 If you collect traffic data on an ad-hoc basis; for what purpose do you use it? RAW DATA COLLECTION 3 What method/s do you employ to count vehicles? (mark as appropriate) Manual Counts Automatic Traffic Counters(ATCs): fixed Automatic Traffic Counters(ATCs) :'mobile' tube Video counts Pedal cycle counters Other (please specify) MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 126 4 Do you conduct: Yes No Cordon counts? Link counts? Other types? (please specify) 5 What type of counts do you conduct? Fixed means that the same sample is counted every year Rotating means that different parts of the sample are counted every year covering the whole sample over a number of years One-off means that the site is counted, not as part of a sampling strategy, but for other purposes Please mark all applicable boxes Fixed Motorways 'A' Roads 'B' Roads MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 127 Rotating One-off counts None 'C' Roads 'Unclassified' roads Urban Rural How do you define urban and rural? 6 How do you count on the following road types, if at all? Motorways 'A' Roads 'B' Roads 'C' Roads 'Unclassified' roads Urban Rural Please complete questions 7 and 8 if you have MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 128 Fixed Mobile Manual ATCs ATCs Counts Do not count any Automatic Traffic Counters (ATCs) Please fill in the relevant number e.g. 30 7.a How many ATCs do you have? How many, if any, of your ATCs classify by vehicle type? 7.b Which of the following vehicle types are classified separately? (mark as appropriate) Cars Buses/ Coaches Light Vans (up to 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight) Two Wheeled Motor Vehicles All Heavy Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles - Articulated Heavy Goods Vehicles - Rigid Pedal cycles Other types/ combinations? (please specify) MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 129 Please fill in the relevant number e.g. 30 7.c How many, if any, of your ATCs are fixed counters 7.d How many, if any, of your ATCs are mobile counters 7.e Please describe the scheme for your mobile counters e.g. One counter is used for one week per annum on each of 25 sites Please fill in the relevant number of days 7.f If applicable, how many days per annum do most of your fixed and/or Fixed Mobile ATCs ATCs mobile counters count for? 8 In which of the following intervals do you normally store your (mark as appropriate) count data? 15 minutes 30 minutes Hourly Other (please specify) MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 130 Plese complete questions 9,10 and 11 if you do any Manual Counts 9.a How often do you count at each site? 9.b Why do you do it this way? 10 In which of the following intervals do you normally store your (mark as appropriate) manual count data? 15 minutes 30 minutes Hourly Other (please specify) 11 Vehicle type: Do you count Yes All motor vehicles only? MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 131 No Disaggregated by individual vehicle types? If individual vehicle types, which of the following do you count separately: (mark as appropriate) Cars Buses/ Coaches Light Vans (up to 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight) Two Wheeled Motor Vehicles All Heavy Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles - Articulated Heavy Goods Vehicles - Rigid Pedal cycles Other types/ combinations? (please specify) Automatic Traffic Counter and Manual Count Sites 12 Please describe how you select which road links to count MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 132 13 Please describe what the distribution of sites is (e.g. 50 sites on A roads 30 sites on B roads, 20 sites on unclassified roads) 14 What do you define to be a road link? 15 Do you count traffic in both directions (of a road link) combined or in each direction separately? Both directions combined Each direction separately 16 Do you geographically reference your Count Points by: (mark as appropriate) Ordnance Survey Grid reference Name of Road Road Number Other (please specify MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 133 Yes 17.a 18 No Does the data you collect fully meet your requirements for traffic information? Please describe any planned major changes to the way in which you collect traffic data. OTHER DATA/ INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 19 Yes No Yes No Do you have SCOOT ? (Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique) 20 Do you use Automatic Number Plate Recognition technology? 21 Do you collect the following data (including those derived from real time traffic information systems) Incident data (road accidents etc) Roadworks (planned and unplanned) Planned large scale events (e.g. concerts) Traffic management interventions (e.g. diversions due to roadworks or an accident) Inventory data (road gradient, condition, number of lanes etc.) MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 134 Weather STATISTICS CALCULATED FROM THE RAW DATA Yes 22 No Do you calculate aggregate statistics from the data collected? If "Yes" please describe what aggregate statistics you calculate from the raw data? e.g. Annual Average Daily Flows, Total Vehicle kms Yes 23 No Do you calculate separate aggregate statistics for Minor roads (B, C and Unclassified roads)? If "Yes" please describe the statistics calculated in more detail (if necessary) than may have been described in question 22. 24 Yes Do you have a system or process that provides for the aggregation and analysis of different data sets, and if so, how developed is it? (The DfT and HA are developing a Roads Information Framework that will aggregate journey time, asset and external events data, enabling performance management reporting and analysis at operational and strategic levels.) MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 135 No If there were any questions where you felt you hadn't been given the opportunity to respond fully, please feel free to do so now, making clear refererence to the Question number. Please return completed questionnaires as soon as possible, by 18 February 2005 at the latest. Electronic copies would be greatly preferred, email to:, with "LA Questionnaire Completed" in the subject heading. Alternatively, completed paper copies of the questionnaire should be returned to Martin Trevor, Department for Transport, Zone 2/14, Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DR. Contact Louise Buckle for enquiries at: E-mail: Telephone: 020 7944 6389 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 136 Annex 6.2 Road Traffic Statistics Quality Review Local Authorities Data Consultation Introduction 43. This note reports on the results of a questionnaire sent out to Local Authorities in England, Scotland and Wales, to establish what data they collect. 44. It is intended that the findings, covering a total of 64 responses received, will prepare the groundwork for future discussions with Local Authorities on data sharing, with a view to Local Authority data contributing to DfT estimates and DfT data being accessible for Local Authorities uses. Questionnaire Findings 3. 64 responses were received and these fall into the following groups: English LAs County London Borough Metropolitan County Metropolitan District Unitary Authority Transport for London Scottish LA Welsh LA 16 responses 7 responses 2 responses 7 responses 19 responses 1 response 8 responses 4 responses Of these, one of the LAs neither collects nor outsources the collection of traffic data. Thus for the purposes of this analysis a total of 63 responses will be used. As only one LA out of the 64 neither collects nor outsources the collection of traffic data it is possible that the responses might not be representative of LAs as a whole. Moreover it is possible that the response was biased to those LAs with efficient and established traffic data collection or outsourcing programs. 4. A map illustrating from which areas responses were received highlights that no responses were received from the South West Government Office Region, but they were sent the questionnaire and a reminder. There are relatively few LAs in the South West. The detailed breakdown of all responses received are held in a database for further analysis as required. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 137 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 138 6. Of the 63 responses : a. 32 (51%) of LAs use the data they collect exclusively for monitoring their own traffic levels, b. 7 (11%) use the data for DfT estimates and their own monitoring purposes, i.e. all LAs who collect data for the DfT, use those same data for their own monitoring purposes, c. while11 (17%) LAs use the data for monitoring and other LA purposes and, d. 10 (16%) use the data for DfT road traffic estimates as well as monitoring LA traffic and for other LA purposes. e. 3 (5%) use the data they collect for their own ad hoc purposes only, eg assessing the impact of a traffic scheme These results show that of the 63 LAs who responded 97% (60 LAs) monitor their own traffic levels of which 33% (21 LAs) use the data for other LA purposes. Of the 60 LAs who use the data that they collect, 43 (70%) do so independently of the DfT. 7. Of those who collect traffic data on an ad hoc basis the overwhelming use is for scheme feasibility studies, scheme specific monitoring, requests and investigations (eg into speeding or rat-running, location of pedestrian crossing). 8. There is a wide spread of methods used to count traffic 92% (58) use Manual counts 87% (55) use fixed ATCs 89% (56) use mobile tube ATCs 51% (32) use video counts 67% (42) use pedal cycle counters 21% (13) use other methods Of the other methods, Radar (5), Surveys and/or interviews (4) and SCOOT (3) were mentioned. One mention was made of pedestrian surveys. 9. Many of the LAs conduct Cordon and Link counts (73% and 79% respectively). There were a variety of other methods mentioned of which Screenline, Turning and Junction counts were frequently mentioned. 10. 62 of the LAs count on each of A roads, B roads, C roads and Unclassified roads, 55 count on Urban roads and 40 count on Rural roads in some manner. The most common types of counts appear to be a combination of two or three of Fixed, Rotating and One-off counts. One of the potential benefits to DfT would be data collected on Minor roads and it appears as though there is a source of this data collected by LAs. Few LAs count on Motorways (12) and the majority (9) of those counts are conducted manually. 11. The manner in which the LAs count on these road types seems to be concentrated on a combination of Fixed ATCs, Mobile ATCs and Manual counts. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 139 12. Responses from the LAs on how many ATCs (fixed and mobile) they have, how many days they are used for and how the data from them is stored were comprehensive and form part of the database referred to above. Comprehensive answers about how the mobile counters are used are also in the database. 13. Similar responses about the manual counts also form a substantial part of the database. 14. The majority of the LAs distinguish between the different vehicle types although question 11 which asked this directly may have been slightly misunderstood as some LAs ticked both options in response to the question: "Vehicle type: Do you count All motor vehicles only? Dissagregated by individual vehicle types?" This is not necessarily an issue as it is clear to see that the great majority collect disaggregated statistics. A breakdown follows: ATCs Cars Buses/Coaches LGVs Motorcycles Heavy Goods Vehicles Total Heavy goods vehicles articulated Heavy goods vehicles rigid Pedal cycles 36 37 28 28 29 31 31 21 Manual counts Cars Buses/Coaches LGVs Motorcycles Heavy Goods Vehicles Total Heavy goods vehicles articulated Heavy goods vehicles rigid Pedal cycles 54 55 50 54 39 41 41 54 Although this clearly shows that not all LAs collect data on all the vehicle types, it does indicate that there are substantial sources of data available on all the vehicle types used in DfT's traffic estimates. 15. Discussions on technical issues such as definitions of road links and sampling distribution of sites are recorded in the database. 16. Many of the LAs have SCOOT (A traffic management system) which may prove to be a source of data for DfT. Some further investigation into the possibilities of SCOOT will have to be carried out. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 140 17. 58 of the LAs do not use ANPR technology. Of the 5 that do, some may prove a source of information on the possibilities and challenges of this technology. 18. There is also a rich source of additional data such as: Incident data, Roadworks (planned and unplanned), and Inventory data that may prove very useful in validating ATC and Manual counts. 19. 76% of the LAs (48) calculate aggregate statistics from the data that they collect, and 33% (21) of LAs calculate separate aggregate statistics for Minor roads. 20. There are 4 LAs who have "… a system or process that provides for the aggregation and analysis of different data sets…" None of these LAs was Leeds which is acting as a pilot for the RIF project. Although this is a small number, these authorities may have useful advice to offer on how a system for sharing data may be set up. 21. Although a lot of the data collected by the questionnaire is not immediately useful, it is clear from these results that there is a great deal of data collection and traffic monitoring going on, and that there is in fact data which could be used in DfT estimates. April 2005 SR2 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 141 Annex 6.3 CLIP-TS Paper on potential for Local Authority data sharing Prepared by John Marriott Leicestershire CC Introduction This paper is based largely on my own experience working for Leicestershire CC and a personal interest in new technologies. A number of LA traffic data collection officers in the midlands, including me, meet from time to time to share experiences through a group known as LATDAG. I have taken some soundings from members of that group. Over the last 2 to 3 years the County Council and Leicester City Council have spent several hundred thousand pounds conducting surveys collecting traffic data. A significant proportion of that has been used to create and validate traffic models for Leicester and the surrounding area and other county towns. It is evident that most local authorities spend very considerable time and resources collecting traffic data. It seems likely that expenditure by LAs on traffic data will far exceed that spent by central government on collecting traffic information for statistical purposes. While much of the data could theoretically be used to supplement data collected for DfT there are a number of quite significant issues that would need to be addressed before local data could be used for this purpose. Some of these include: the wide variety of purposes for which data is collected; the different types of technology employed; choice of sites; and data format issues. Clearly, this would require some centralised co-ordination which would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to achieve through LA organisations so the lead would inevitably have to be taken by DfT. From a LA perspective, the process could involve considerable additional work and time and LAs may be very reluctant to join in any scheme on a voluntary basis unless there are seen to be some real benefits to them and/or adequate financial compensation. Purpose National or local It appears that the main purpose of the Quality Review is to improve traffic data for National Statistics purposes. Most local authorities appear to collect a reasonable amount of data subject to the resources available to them, which is often dictated by local priorities. It is evident that there is quite a disparity in the way LAs collect data and some of this can be attributed to historic reasons and levels of funding. The LTP process has encouraged a fundamental review of data collection in many authorities. Local authority data can be targeted at specific schemes or it can take the form of more general monitoring to establish general trends. In many cases a knowledge of absolute traffic levels or growth is not necessarily regarded as that important because it is not major cause for concern. Even where it is a cause for concern, there may be comparatively little that can be done about it. Monitoring small year on year changes that may be very hard to detect with any reliability may not be regarded as a high priority. Motor vehicles flows and traffic Nearly all authorities are likely to collect volumetric flow data as this is relatively easy to collect and avoids problems of vehicle classification. The extent to which authorities collect additional information on speeds and vehicle classes seems to vary considerably. Estimation of traffic, in terms of, requires flows to be applied to network links and some knowledge of the lengths of those links. The estimation of traffic on M, A and B roads is MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 142 relatively straightforward since there are only a limited number of links and junctions. It is much more problematic to estimate traffic levels on lower category roads and it seems likely that a number of authorities do not attempt to do this. Cycles Monitoring cycle flows appears to be problematic for all authorities. The current generation of cycle counters all seem to have some technical problems to a greater or lesser degree in terms of reliably identifying and counting cycles. This applies particularly to counters in mixed traffic lanes. It is also difficult to find sites where all cycles will be intercepted and the majority of cycle counters seem to be located in off-road sites. Their seems to be scope for more research aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of cycle counters in order to try and detect what are often relatively small changes, usually in fairly low flows. This would provide a better basis for understanding why such changes are (or are not) occurring. Format of surveys Automatic Most authorities collect data automatically and many have moved to using loops rather than tubes, particularly for permanent or semi-permanent sites. Different automatic counters offer different options for classifying vehicles. Some attempt to determine classes by reference to an electro-magnetic “profile”, axle spacing or length. There are many different ways of classifying vehicles and local authorities tend to choose either a consistent methodology or vary the classes according to particular requirements or the limitations of available equipment. The number of automatic counters in each LA appears to vary considerably and it seems likely that the extent to which the sample is representative of the road network will also vary. Some flow data is now being derived from traffic signal SCOOT loops and this could provide a rich source of data, particularly in urban areas. There seems to be very little published data on the accuracy of different types of counters in terms of total traffic or accuracy of classification. Some types of detectors e.g. radar are primarily designed to measure speeds but can provide some volumetric or classification information that while not being 100% accurate can provide an indication of change if used consistently or can be calibrated to provide a better estimate. Manual. Manual surveys offer great flexibility in the way data is collected but most are confined to single days usually for a maximum of 12hours during the working weekday. It seems likely that few LAs would choose to use this type of survey for long term monitoring purposes because of the day to day variability. While it is possible to factor up such data using data from automatic counters this may or may not provide good results. It relies heavily on the skills and local knowledge of individuals and a number of other factors. Vehicle Classification A number of LAs find it useful to use a Medium Goods class which is not separately identified in the DfT 12hr surveys. Some authorities are more interested in the physical size of a vehicle, rather than the load it is carrying so they do not observe whether all axles are actually lowered onto the road. In theory, if a large number of classes are counted initially then the data could be aggregated to provide a smaller number of more consistent classes. However, the variation between authorities means that classes, even when aggregated, may not be entirely consistent. Moving from volumetric to classified data will increase data volumes significantly and this has implications for data storage. With some systems the time taken to collect and download the data can become extended. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 143 Coverage and analysis Road network For many authorities it could be a considerable challenge to devise a statistically robust sampling methodology. Not all authorities are likely to need this sophistication and the monitoring network may have been devised to monitor specific local issues. The road network can be described in many ways but only M, A and B roads have a nationally recognised numbering system. (Nevertheless, there are some A roads in different parts of the country with the same number!) For un-numbered classified roads and unclassified roads each LA may have adopted its own referencing system. Such systems may not embrace all roads and are unlikely to be included in any national data sources, including those produced by the OS. Computerised road networks are split at different points depending on what the particular network is used for. The NSG is broken at District boundaries whereas for other purposes it is convenient to split links at speed limits. The OS centreline network (OSCAR) has link and node references but these appear to have change from issue to issue and so cannot be used as the basis for a local referencing system. The OSCAR reference numbers are also long and cumbersome to use. It is not possible to use the OSCAR based road network to calculate road lengths because of the way the product was originally specified. When creating new networks based on products such as OSCAR it would be desirable to achieve consistency regarding numbering, the level of complexity used for junctions, the extent to which the public have access as well as information on the maintaining authority. The would appear to be a case for establishing a definitive national link and node traffic network which could be used specifically for traffic statistical purposes, so that it could be used to calculate road lengths, flows, accident rates and speed limits. Some authorities have already devoted considerable time and effort to the creation of such networks and are unlikely to want to change unless it offers some very considerable benefits. The specification for the OS’s Integrated Transport Network (ITN) suggests that it will show many traffic related features including signs, speed limits, traffic calming and restrictions. However, it would seem that there are no mechanisms in place to ensure that such data meets LA users’ requirements in terms of accuracy or definitions. A more integrated approach involving data sharing between the OS and mainstream users, such as Highway Authorities, would appear beneficial to everyone but may require a lead from Central Government. Analysis A particular problem with automatic data arises when data is missing or appears erroneous. If data is not collected regularly from automatic sites several months may go by and problems will only become evident when data is next collected. One of the advantages of telemetry is that errors might be noticed far more quickly and actions taken to rectify problems thereby considerably reducing the amount of suspect data that needs to be patched or rejected. There would appear to be a need for better software tools to clean or reject suspect data. Smaller authorities may lack staff with the necessary statistical or software skills to carry out robust analysis of data. This would not be a problem if the raw data was to be transferred to others for subsequent analysis. Any transfer process would require some form of standardisation of the data format. Software tools would need to in place to automate the process to reduce the time taken and minimise the need to involve skilled staff. Technology opportunities ANPR The technological advances in video and software processing would appear to make this an increasingly attractive technology not just for counts but also for providing speed and routeing information. There are, however, some concerns about Data Protection issues which need to be clarified. The linking of registration numbers to the DVLA vehicle database MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 144 allows a far more detailed breakdown of vehicle types than is possible using other methodologies. It could also be used to monitor the age of vehicles in particular areas, which might be useful for estimating Air Quality emissions. With regard to foreign registered vehicles it is understood that vehicles are already logged using ANPR at ports. It should be possible to link such data to the national vehicle database, preferably including some information on vehicle type. This would provide additional information on cross border traffic and have advantages in terms of enforcement of traffic offences and security. Image recognition Military image recognition systems appear to be quite advanced but do not seem to have found their way into mainstream traffic collection systems. Assuming that the price of cameras and video storage and transmission systems continues to fall, their would seem to be an opportunity to consider mass producing the necessary recognition systems to reduce costs and open up new collection opportunities. Radar The emergence of moderately priced radar detectors that are claimed to be able to count and classify (mainly by length) offers the potential to avoid some of the limitations of loop counters. While these might not be as accurate as some other methods, no methodology appears to be 100% accurate and in many cases it is the change rather than the absolute number that may be more useful so good consistency is potentially just as useful as accuracy. Electronic number plates ENPs would appear to be another technology that would offer the ability to count and classify vehicles, assuming this is still under consideration. Road User / Congestion charging There would appear to be the potential to build in traffic data collection systems into any national charging scheme. This would seem to depend on whether such information was retained within the vehicle “black box” or processed centrally. (It is noteworthy that various recent articles on RUC, which appear to be based on DfT press releases, refer to vehicles being “tracked” implying that data would be collected centrally. Surely it would be easier “to sell” a system to the public if the tracking and fee calculations were carried out entirely within the vehicle). However, the latter approach would appear to limit or rule out RUC for many traffic data collection purposes. DfT role on technology LAs are probably spending quite a bit of time and resources on evaluating new technologies. It would It would be useful for DfT to take a more pro-active lead in researching new technologies and assisting LAs in the development of future data collection strategies. Potential for LAs to share data with DfT The main problems regarding data sharing appear to be : Much LA data is not collected for purposes that could be used for consistent national monitoring although clearly there is quite a lot that could be used. Multiple technologies which classify vehicles differently. Unreliable counters and data patching / rejection issues. Referencing and categorising the network and achieving a statistically robust sampling methodology for it. Limited technical and statistical skills in some authorities. An apparent reluctance within LAs to share what they have learnt (good or bad). Data stored in various formats in each authority. Lack of standardised data transfer protocols. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 145 Limited analysis software to do data aggregation. Time and resources, particularly given all the other pressures being put on LAs by Central Government. Suggested way forward DfT to consider the needs of national and local monitoring and commission, collate and disseminate research into the accuracy, reliability and costs (equipment and human resources) for existing and new technologies. Instigate a programme of trials and controlled monitoring of promising new technologies to determine the most appropriate solutions for the medium and longer term. It is suggested that central government should fund the development of any new technologies taking into account the benefits to all levels of government. Some LAs should be encouraged (and assisted) to work with DfT on piloting some elements of this process. John Marriott June 05 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 146 Annex 6.4 LOCAL AUTHORITY DATA: POTENTIAL USE BY DfT 1. The table below sets out the various types of traffic data that may be collected or compiled by Local Authorities. For each type of data we suggest ways in which DfT can use the information. 2. The ideal situation is where the LA has a full year’s ATC data at a major road site, classified by vehicle type, so that a precise AADF can be obtained and there is no need for DfT to mount its own survey. This can also apply when the LA has estimated the AADF from shorter-period counts. 3. In cases where the data are not fully compatible with DfT vehicle-types, it is suggested that DfT estimates the AADF using a combination of its own data and the LA data. In such cases the AADF will be a weighted average of the two sources. The weights to be applied would ideally be the inverses of the variances of the two estimates, but if the LA source does not have a standard error calculated, then a subjective estimate will have to be substituted. 4. It does not matter if the major road sites surveyed by the LAs are not a random selection, because DfT estimates AADFs for every major road link each year. Those links that are surveyed by the LAs will potentially have tighter confidence limits than those surveyed only by DfT, because they can be based upon two sets of data. The fact that the LA sites might have higher than average flows, or higher than average growth-rates, would not induce any bias in the overall estimates of vehicle-kilometres. 5. It seems unlikely that DfT will be interested in LA traffic data for minor roads, unless there is an attempt to estimate AADFs for a representative sample of links on the minor road network; in most cases the LA would probably have selected the minor road sites for local traffic management purposes, rather than as part of a statistical sample. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 147 Type of data AADFs Potential use by DfT For Major roads, derived If AADFs are classified from continuous ATCs using DfT vehicle-types, over full year no need for DfT to mount its own one-day count. AADFs For Major roads, established from ATCs for periods less than one year, or from manual counts ATCs for periods shorter For Major roads than one year. Manual count data, in neutral months For Major roads If AADFs are not classified or if they use non-standard vehicletypes, DfT can use the AADFs in conjunction with its own one-day counts to derive AADF by vehicle-type. DfT to check methodology; if compatible with DfT approach, can proceed as above. DfT can estimate AADFs based upon ‘neutral month’ data from the ATCs, factored by usual expansion factors. If the ATC data are not classified, still need to undertake the one-day manual count. If classified using DfT vehicle-types, can estimate AADFs. If not classified or uses non-standard vehicletypes, can use in conjunction with DfT one-day counts to derive AADF. Other data Traffic counts for minor roads Cordon and screenline counts MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 148 Probably of little interest to DfT, unless part of a random sample. Can use the counts for individual major road sites on the cordons and screenlines Vehicle-kilometre Major or minor roads estimates for local areas Counts of cycle traffic at a collection of sites Major or minor roads MD 28 March 2005 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 149 If sites selected randomly by road-class, can use to improve estimates of average flow in LAs. Need to establish basis of monitoring. If aim is year-on-year trends, can use along with similar data from other LAs to compare trends at LA cycle-monitoring sites with national trends based upon DfT panel. Annex 6.5 POTENTIAL USE OF EXISTING DATA SOURCES 1. Introduction 1.1 This annex considers how some existing, or potentially, data sources might be used to improve estimates of annual traffic. Potential use of Highways Agency traffic data 2.1 2.2 2.3 What HA produce HA currently produce volumetric counts [ATCs] at some 1500 motorway and trunk road sections, generally for 365 days * 24 hours. HA and its contractors validate and patch the data, though on occasions the data can be declared ‘bad’ and are not used in the subsequent analysis. Traffic is not classified by vehicle-type [VT] but usually there is some classification by vehicle-length [VL]. The number of classes varies with the contractor but typically there are 4 or 2 VL-classes, and in some cases no split at all. Data are held in the Highways Agency’s Traffic Flow Database System (TRADS). The usual site-specific output is the AADF plus the percentage of Heavy Goods Vehicles. The latter is derived from the nearest DfT manual counts. Potential use by DfT 2.4 Instead of using 12 hour manual classified counts [MCCs] and factoring these to produce AADFs, DfT might take the AADFs directly from TRADS. This would be possible at a very large number of sites, though it would not directly provide the VT-split. 2.5 The TRADS data might provide a more representative set of sites from which to derive counting-day-to-year expansion factors. Currently the set of ATC sites is biased towards uncongested sites. With more soundly based factors, from a more representative sample, DfT could produce better AADFs for the sites where MCCs had to continue. Preliminary investigations required 2.6 Before HA data could be exploited a number of preliminary trials would be required. First there would be check counts to test the reliability of traffic counts. Of particular interest are whether there are under-counts due to lanechanging, whether the counts fail when the traffic is very slow-moving, and whether the VL classification is reliable. HA may be able to obtain results of video comparisons from one Design, Build, Finance, Operate (DBFO) scheme, but other checks would be needed over a range of sites. 2.7 Provided that the basic HA counts were found to be reliable, crosscomparison counts would be taken to establish relationships between VL and VT, ie the probability that a vehicle recorded in VL category j belongs to VT category i. These relationships might vary by hour of day and by type of site; and of course by the different types of VL-classification. The aim would be to MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 150 establish robust ‘transition probabilities’ that could be used with confidence at a large number of sites. [Obviously there would be no point in establishing separate ‘transition probabilities’ for each site, because this would be more onerous than the current MCCs]. 2.8 An alternative approach to deriving VT breakdowns would be to ‘twin’ an HA site with a nearby DfT site and use the latter’s VT-classification. But such twinning would need to be justified on a case by case basis, with rigorous cross-checks on its reliability. Perhaps a more promising approach would be to exploit the many ANPR camera sites that are springing up on motorways and trunk roads, but this would depend inter alia on the data owners’ willingness to share these data. 2.8 No doubt the results of these trials would depend on particular site conditions. The objectives would be to build upon the positive findings, ie the cases where the counts were reliable and where robust transition probabilities could be established. How DfT could derive traffic estimates for motorway and trunk roads in England For sites that were covered directly by TRADS, DfT would take the AADFs from TRADS and apply the ‘transition probabilities’ to derive the split by VT. However, if there was a need to apply an adjustment for undercounting in certain hours, or if the ‘transition probabilities’ varied by time-period, then there would be a need to apply these adjustments to the data for individual days. For those [comparatively few] sites not covered by TRADS, DfT would continue to do 12-hour MCCs, although the possibility of longer counts could be considered for the busier sites. DfT would use data from a range of HA sites, and from its own ATC sites, to establish expansion factors and growth factors; to derive these factors by VT, adjustments would be applied to the HA data. The factors would then be applied to the MCCs to produce AADFs. Thus AADFs would be obtained for all sites on the motorway and trunk road system, based upon data for the latest year; there would be no need to update figures from earlier years using growth factors. Furthermore the AADFs would be more reliable than those currently produced, being based upon many times more data and on sites that covered the full range of conditions. However, whether this is a practicable proposition depends crucially on [a] whether the HA volumetric counts are sufficiently accurate and [b] whether robust ‘transition probabilities’ can be established to determine the split by VT. More ambitiously, it might be possible to envisage using the HA ATC data to extend the core census monitoring, in particular to sites which the current core census is unable to cover. Whether this was feasible would again depend upon the trials. One difficulty could be in obtaining the vehicle-type ‘transition MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 151 probabilities’, because these would be likely to vary over the year. ANPR data might provide the best means of obtaining these data. 3. Potential use of mileage data from annual MOT tests 3.1 There is a likelihood that the mileometer readings on MOT test forms will be recorded centrally at DVLA for all non-goods vehicles. It should therefore be possible to deduce the mileage undertaken over the previous 12 months, and hence the overall mileage by these vehicles, split by vehicle-type. This could be a useful cross-check on the DfT vehicle-kilometre figures, although there would be no breakdown by road-type, month, time of day or region [though area of licensing would be available]. The main problem in using centrally-held MOT mileometer readings is that newer vehicles under 3 years old are excluded from MOTs, so that the total mileage derived from this source would significantly undercount the overall total. However, the mileages from these cars would be available when they had an MOT test, and there might be opportunities for some modelling/assumptions about mileages in the initial 3 years. There would also be some concerns about the reliability of the mileometer readings, given the possibility of tampering. We could not be certain that all vehicles in use had MOTs conducted regularly every 12 months; also when vehicles are scrapped, this final period’s mileage would not be covered by MOTs. In conclusion, therefore, it seems unlikely that any aggregate mileage statistics derived from MOT records could provide a substitute for the DfT traffic statistics. It would nevertheless be useful to compare the two sets of figures: the percentage shortfall between the DfT figures and the MOT-based figures might indicate the proportion of overall mileage covered by newer and very old vehicles. 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. Potential use of satellite images 4.1 At some stage satellite imagery may be able to present a snapshot ‘photograph’ of traffic on all roads in GB. Given that this would cover all roads, could it provide a more efficient and effective substitute for point-based traffic counts? 4.2 Let us assume that such images could readily be converted into numbers of vehicles on each road link [or in the case of minor roads, perhaps the numbers of vehicles on the totality of these roads], and that this process can weed out parked vehicles [as opposed to vehicles sitting in stationary traffic queues]. We could then derive traffic densities, ie vehicles-per-kilometre. If we knew the average vehicle speeds on each road, we could then derive the vehicle flows from the formula Vehicles–per-hour = Vehicles-per-km * Km-per-hour. 4.3 Using assumed speeds for different classes of road, one could therefore deduce approximate estimates of hourly flows during the period when the images were obtained. Given that the relevant data were available in the right MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 152 form, this would provide an effective geographical profile of traffic flow levels across the regions and across the different road-classes. 4.4 5. However, it seems unlikely that this process could be extended to all hours of the day, given the costs involved and the ‘data-explosion’ involved in processing the information. Also the need to make assumptions about average speeds may limit the accuracy of any derived traffic flows, though knowledge about the distribution of speeds over the network is being extended as new survey techniques become available. Summary of Recommendations 5.1 The main recommendations on the use of Highways Agency data are: 5.2 That trials be undertaken of HA data, to test their reliability for DfT monitoring; If the trials are successful, some cost-effective means of disaggregating HA data by vehicle-type must be found. These might involve special manual counts, ‘twinning’ with nearby DfT sites, or use of existing ANPR data, if the latter could be made available; DfT should aim to maximise its use of HA data, subject to the above trials. The aim would be obtain comprehensive annual data on AADFs on motorways and trunk roads. The more ambitious aim would be to use HA data to extend the coverage of continuous counting, so that the Core Census extended its reach to the more ‘difficult’ sites. As regards other data sources: The main use of annual mileages derived from comparisons of MOT test would be to compare annual mileages with the RTS figures. The MOT figures would relate mainly to older vehicles; Satellite imagery might provide comprehensive information at some stage, but there are a number of practical requirements to be satisfied first. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 153 Martin Dale Annex 7.1 Road Traffic Statistics Quality Review Exploring New Technologies Introduction 1. The road traffic estimates are currently derived from two sources of data: manual counts and automatic counters. Whilst these are tried and tested data collection instruments, recent years have witnessed a number of new and emerging technologies that might also be used in the estimation process. Background 2. The DfT traffic estimates are currently calculated using data from some 190 automatic traffic counters outside London and 56 counters in London, together with manual traffic counts. The automatic counters outside London are the Piezo sensor and inductive loop type which can classify by 21 vehicle types to a good level of accuracy. The London counters can only distinguish between “short” and “long” vehicles, therefore supplementary data from manual counts is required for more detailed breakdowns. 3. In addition to counting the number of vehicles, the automatic counters are used to provide data about vehicle speeds, published by the Department. It costs around £0.9m pa to maintain and run the automatic counters compared with some £2.6m pa to undertake the manual traffic counts. 4. The attached note describes the main current and new technologies. It concludes that each technology has a number of advantages and disadvantages with none best for all situations. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 154 5. A number of factors need to be taken account of in considering which technologies to employ, including: (a) User requirements for traffic statistics, including: flows at different geographic levels, eg individual links, and for individual time periods for congestion monitoring purposes breakdown by vehicle type breakdown by road class (b) Methodological and sampling issues, ie appropriate combination of data from automatic counters, manual counts and other sources (c) Data from other providers, including Local Authorities and the Highways Agency (d) Consistency with data used for traffic management purposes (e) Costs: purchase, installation, and subsequent maintenance (f) The level of accuracy required (g) Reliability (h) The practicalities of installation and maintenance (i) The storage and processing of data collected (j) Timescales for introduction 6. Some work has already been undertaken to consider the potential of new technologies in the context of road freight activity. Road freight data are currently collected through the Continuing Survey of Road Goods Transport and related surveys. The DfT surveys request hauliers to record details of their journeys over a week or shorter time period, including the origin, destination and distance travelled. Unlike the road traffic estimates, data are not required about the route, though this would be useful for some purposes. Annex B summaries a consultancy project undertaken for the Department on the potential use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to provide road freight data. The study concluded that the current ability of ITS applications to deliver useful data for statistical purposes is extremely limited. Conclusions 7. Clearly, the new and emerging technologies described offer a number of opportunities to enhance the availability of data used to produce the traffic estimates. In order for such technologies to be exploited effectively, decisions will need to be made about how many to employ and where to locate them. This, in turn, depends to a large extent on the review’s conclusions relating to methodological and sampling strategy issues. Further work will be needed to assess the new technologies, perhaps against the criteria listed at paragraph 6, together with any others identified. Timing will need to be carefully considered. Whilst some technologies might be introduced in the short or medium term, others will have a longer timeframe. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 155 ANNEX A AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTION CURRENT TECHNOLOGY AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Synopsis 1. This paper is submitted to the review board as part of the Review into the Quality of National Road Traffic Statistics. This paper aims to provide a relatively brief view into the technologies available and recent developments in the field of automatic traffic counting. 2. It is generally assumed that inductive loop data counting is the most widely used of the currently available technology and is considered to be highly accurate, only beginning to drop off in performance when traffic speeds drop below 5kph. 3. As a result, most evaluations of advanced or newer non-intrusive detectors compare with inductive loops because loops are a proven, successful and mature technology, and when properly installed, serve as an adequate benchmark for test purposes. The main downfall in the use of inductive loops is the expense of traffic management and the danger in exposing installation crews to traffic. Available Technology Inductive Loop 4. As discussed above, this is the most widely used and generally accepted method of automatic traffic data collection. The pure loop only system is capable of collecting volumetric and speed data, and depending on the sophistication of the data recorder connected to the loops, can drop vehicles into a number of different categories based on the length of the vehicle. The vast majority of these length based bins work on the ‘short’ and ‘long’ vehicle types, i.e. +/- 5.2m in length as used in the London core census. 5. Recent developments in this field have focused on the need for loop profiling from the counters attached to the loops. This is a method of ascertaining the ‘magnetic shape’ of the vehicle from underneath as it passes over the loop. So far trials are proving to be reasonably accurate, although there is still a need for a higher degree of refinement before it can be said to MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 156 good enough for accurate classification purposes. This could certainly be looked upon in the future as a relatively ‘cheap’ method of getting automatic classified traffic counts. 6. Loops are highly reliable in terms of maintenance and operational performance. Most failures originate in the loop wire, but the wire itself is not necessarily the initiating cause of failure. Generally the failure arises because of improper sealing, pavement deformation or foreign material in the slot. An example of the reliability of such equipment is that some of the inductive loops used on the current DfT automatic traffic count system described below, have been in place, untouched since 1986. Piezo sensor and inductive loop 7. This system is the one currently being used by the Department in its collection of data with automatic traffic data collection system. This system has all the benefits of the inductive loop system, described above, plus the added benefit of two piezo axle sensors installed in combination with the loop. This allows an accurate count of the number of axles and a higher degree of accuracy in calculation of vehicle speed. Depending on the type of classifier attached to the array, through a complex set of algorithms it can provide a high degree of vehicle classification to a good level of accuracy. 8. Again, as mentioned above, it is hoped that with the new developments with loop profiling it will be possible to include profiling into the algorithms to improve classification further. The aim will be to iron out the current ‘grey’ areas of classification such as the separation of the shorter ‘city hopper’ type buses from the rigid 2 axle lorries and the larger transit type vans from the rigid 2 axle lorries. Pneumatic tube counting 9. This is probably the cheapest and simplest method of counting on an automatic basis. The system relies on either one or two hollow rubber tubes placed across the road, relying on axle impacts from the vehicles as they pass over. This system is only as intelligent as the counter attached to them, so they can either be reasonably reliable as a straight volumetric traffic counter or more a sophisticated method employed from a counter such as the Australian manufactured Metrocount system. This relies on a complex algorithm written into the manufacturers software that allows a reasonable degree of classification for the user. 10. Due to the relatively crude method of deploying the tubes, these counters can only be used for temporary traffic surveys of periods up to a month or so. Their ideal target locations would be for relatively low trafficked roads such as country lanes. The counters can be deployed for a designated period to provide counts over a 24-hour period in situations where a similar manual count would either be impractical or prohibitively expensive. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 157 Passive infrared sensor 11. This type of sensor can usually only monitor one lane at a time and can be either mounted overhead or slightly to the side of the road. It must also face oncoming traffic. The alignment needs can cause problems in obtaining optimum performance, so installations should normally prefer overhead mounting. 12. Tests have found that it is apparently simple, straightforward, small and easy to mount. The detection accuracy was better during free-flow conditions, but it undercounted by 10 per cent during heavy traffic. The device also consistently underestimated speed by 10 per cent on average. Passive infrared and pulse ultrasonic 13. Again, a single lane detector that incorporates the two technologies of infrared and ultrasonics. This can be deployed either overhead or from the side, and is designed to detect vehicles at a short distance (no more than 13 metres). Ideally it should be installed at no higher than 6 metres above the lane and 6 metres to the side. Tests undertaken have shown that it undercounts by approximately 9 per cent from overhead, but only 1 per cent from the side. However, it did demonstrate unstable performance during parts of the sidefire tests. Unfortunately, speed comparisons are unavailable for this method. Passive infrared, pulse ultrasonic and Doppler radar 14. As can be assumed by the title, this employs a combination of three technologies. This type of counter must be mounted overhead as sidefire is not an option. Tests have shown that it was easy to set up, taking only 30 minutes. Count results from these tests were good, showing an absolute percent difference between sensor and baseline of 2.8% at a height of 7 metres and 4.9% at a height of 5 metres. For speed accuracy, its absolute average percent difference between sensor and loops was 4.4% at 7 metres and 3% at 5 metres. It appears that height of the mounting is therefore crucial, with a higher accuracy in speed at lower heights but greater accuracy in counting when placed higher. Video imaging 15. Cameras can be mounted either overhead or from the side. Tests have shown when mounted at 9 metres over the centre of the lanes that performance was good. The absolute performance difference between the sensor data and the loops were under 5% for all three lanes. The detector also performed well for speed detection. The absolute average percent difference was 7% in lane 1, 3.1% in lane 2 and 2.5% in lane 3. When checked at mountings from other locations, either overhead or from the side, the equipment performed best when mounted high and closest to the road. Active infrared sensor MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 158 16. This is a system that can monitor only one lane at a time and must be mounted at a height between 6 and 7 metres. Volumetric tests indicated excellent agreement with the baseline loop system. The absolute percentage difference averaged 0.7%, which falls within the normal accuracy tolerance of inductive loops. On a 24-hour test, the percentage difference of average speed between sensor and loops was 5.8%. Speed was consistently overestimated. Microwave detector 17. Tests carried out on behalf the Federal Highway Administration in the USA indicated that it did not function properly. It is a relatively new form of detection and needs further development. Passive acoustic detector 18. This type of detector monitors vehicular noise, (primarily tyre noise) as vehicles pass the detection area. The detector can monitor as many as 5 lanes and it must be mounted from a sidefire position. Precise alignment is not critical because the sensor can cover a wide area. Tests carried out found this type of equipment provided good results under free-flow conditions but undercounted during congested flow with slow speeds. During free-flow the difference between from the baseline count provided by loops ranged between 0 and 5% but during congested periods this figure rose to between 10 and 50%. Speed accuracy was reasonable during free-flow conditions where they were usually within 5mph of the baseline but this rose to 20-25mph during some peak periods. In summary, it performs well in free-flowing traffic but its slow-speed accuracy need to be addressed. Non-invasive microloop probe (magnetometer) 19. Microloop probes measure the distortion in the earths magnetic field caused by the passage of a vehicle and then convert the change to an inductance change. These can then be used to monitor traffic from a 3 inch non-metallic conduit 18 to 34 inches below the road surface or from underneath a bridge structure. Installers must use a magnetometer underneath bridges to determine proper placement of the probes, otherwise it becomes a case of trial and error. One of the requirements of this system is that the probes remain relatively vertical so keeping the horizontal bores straight is critical to ensure accurate detection. In tests when compared with the baseline loop system, the difference in volume was under 2.5%, which is within the accuracy capability of most loop systems. For speeds, the absolute average speed difference varied between 1.4 to 4.8%. Satellite tracking (GPS) MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 159 20. GPS was originally developed for defence purposes. Satellites orbiting the earth at 12,500 miles emit signals to track military ships, aircraft and ground vehicles. The 24 satellites monitor location, direction and speed. The navigation advantages of GPS have now expanded into the field of transport field technology. To work satisfactorily, every vehicle would need to be equipped with a GPS receiver to pick up signals from the satellites. The positional information determined from the GPS signals is then transmitted to a control centre to display the real-time position of the vehicle. It is likely that the sheer quantity of data and current economical level of computing facilities would make this prohibitive at this stage. However, this could well be a viable option some years down the line. Conclusions 21. Each detector technology and particular device has its own limitations, specialisations and individual capabilities. No single device is best for all applications. The successful application of detector technologies largely depends on proper device selection. Within the same technology, the performance and capabilities of each device can be quite different. A number of factors impact upon detector selection, including data type, data accuracy, ease of installation and calibration, cost, reliability, maintenance, communication, power and installation site. Therefore, selecting an appropriate device should be viewed upon as more important than choosing a specific technology. 22. A summary table is shown below, for ease of reference, to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the available detector technologies. Technology Inductive loop and piezo sensor Advantages Flexible design to satisfy large variety of applications Mature well understood technology The equipment cost is lower when compared to non-intrusive detector technologies Provides basic traffic parameters (e.g., volume, presence, occupancy, speed, headway, gap, length and axle count) High frequency models provide classification data Operability in harsh environment Quality of data high Pneumatic tube counting Quick installation for temporary data recording MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 160 Disadvantages Disruption of traffic for installation and repair. Installation and maintenance require lane closure. Failure associated with installation in poor road surfaces Resurfacing of roads and utility repair can also create the need to reinstall Subject to stresses of traffic and temperature Can decrease pavement life Routine maintenance requirement Inaccurate axle counting when traffic volume is high Infrared Low power usage Low cost Simple to maintain Active sensor transmits multiple beams for accurate measurement of vehicle position, speed and class Multi-zone passive sensors measure speed Multiple lane operation available Multiple lane operation available Easy installation Ultrasonic leading to poor data quality Cut tubes resulting from vandalism and wear produced by vehicles Operation of active sensor may be affected by fog or blowing snow Passive sensor may have reduced sensitivity to vehicles in its field of view in rain and fog. Data quality low Some environmental conditions such as temperature change and extreme air turbulence can affect performance. Large pulse repetition may degrade occupancy measurements when vehicles travelling at moderate to high speeds Data quality poor Inclement weather, shadows, vehicle projection in adjacent lanes, occlusion, day to night transition, water and other detritus on lens can affect performance Requires a certain mounting height for optimum performance Strong winds can cause camera shake Cost effective only I many detection zones are required in the field of view Antenna beam width and transmitted waveform must be suitable for application Doppler sensors cannot detect stationary vehicles Poor quality of data Cold temperatures may Video Monitors multiple lanes Easy to add and modify detection zones Rich array of data available Provides wide-area detection when gathered at one camera Locations can be linked Quality of data good Microwave Insensitive to inclement weather Direct measurement of speed Multiple lane operation available Passive Passive detection MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 161 acoustic Insensitive to precipitation Multiple lane operation available Magnetometer GPS Can be used where loops are not feasible (e.g. bridges) Less susceptible than loops to stresses of traffic Some models transmit data over wireless link Less disruption to traffic flow than inductive loop Data quality within loop accuracy capability Will pick up every vehicles position Clean and non-invasive technology Data quality high MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 162 affect data accuracy Some models are not recommended with slow moving vehicles in congested areas Data quality low in congested areas Installation requires road cut Installation and maintenance require lane closure Some models have small detection zones Induction magnetic detectors cannot detect stationary vehicles Sheer quantity of data could prove unwieldy Cost and processing required to deal with volume would prove prohibitive at present Potential "big brother" political issues Annex B The use of Intelligent Transport Systems to provide data on road freight activity 1. DfT currently undertakes a number of continuous surveys in order to collect data on both the domestic and international road freight activity of UK registered heavy goods vehicles. The main data collected relate to distance travelled, weight and type of goods carried, and origin and destination of journey. These surveys are carried out by sending questionnaires to road haulage companies and to companies operating in other sectors who own their own vehicles. 2. The surveys are fairly resource-intensive, both in terms of the compliance burden on respondents and their administration by DfT. Therefore, DfT contracted TRL Ltd to investigate the scope of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), particularly vehicle tracking systems, for collecting data from such sources rather than the current paper-based methods. The study, in 2004, involved a combination of a detailed desk-based review of the telematics industry and a data gathering exercise, based on both the use of questionnaires and on face to face interviews with senior staff in telematics system providers and logistics companies. 3. The main conclusion of the study was that the current ability of ITS applications to deliver useful data for statistical purposes is extremely limited. A number of relevant specific key findings were identified. 4. In particular, the UK telematics industry covers only a small proportion of the UK HGV fleet *. The stock of vehicles in which ITS systems have been installed is unlikely to be representative of the stock of all HGVs in the United Kingdom. Therefore any data collection methodology based upon these vehicles only would not produce representative results. An option might be to collect the ITS-based data from this subset of the HGV stock, and to continue paper-based methods for other HGVs. However, organising such a dual approach and then reliably combining data obtained from different ITS systems with other data could present considerable difficulties. * This low take-up is reflected in a survey of domestic hauliers undertaken for the Road Freight Statistics Quality Review in 2002. Of the 396 respondents, 21 per cent said that they currently used either ITS or telematics and 6 per cent planned to do so in the future. A further 25 per cent said they would consider its possible use but 48 per cent had no plans to do so. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 163 5. The data currently available will allow only partial analysis of road freight journeys due to the limited nature of the data collected. For example, a number of the systems investigated could not provide information about the weight or type of goods carried. These are key variables in DfT road freight surveys. Some respondents considered this information of low importance, suggesting that it was unlikely that in future much effort would be devoted to collecting it. For Road Traffic Estimates purposes it is important to note that all systems investigated provide the origin and destination, though in some cases this is just the place name. However, not all systems routinely record the route, road type, and distance travelled. 6. The study found it difficult to predict future long term developments in the industry because of a number of unknown variables, including technical and financial issues. 7. In view of the above broad conclusions, DfT has no immediate plans to change the way in which it carries out its road freight surveys, although it will continue to monitor ITS developments in order to identify future opportunities. SLAM4 January 2005 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 164 Annex 8.1 INDICATORS OF QUALITY 1. Introduction 1.1 This note suggests a number of indicators of traffic data quality, together with indicators of the quality of the resultant traffic estimates. The aim has not been specifically to define performance indicators that might be used to compare progress against some absolute standard or from one year to another. Rather the aim is to summarise the results of quality checks, to indicate that these checks have been done and by implication that the appropriate remedial actions have been taken. 1.2 For convenience the suggested indicators are divided into three groups: Data quality Coherence of data-sources Effectiveness of estimates and statistical reliability. 2. Data Quality 2.1 The ATC data undergo two main sets of checks: First, as the data are summarised as hourly totals each day, these totals are compared with the ‘expected’ values based upon the previous five weeks’ data for the same days and hours. Where the figures lie outside the acceptable range [which varies according to the vehicle-type], they are patched automatically. Each time this occurs a flag is set. This automatic patching can occur when a site [or lane] is not producing data at all, and this situation could last a number of months before engineers are able to access the loops or axle-sensors; when eventually ‘real’ data are obtained, the patched data may or may not prove acceptable, and might then be revised; Secondly, when the ATC data are used to derive expansion factors, further patching may occur if the resultant factors appear to be implausible. At this stage the data are graded in terms of plausibility; only if the data appear to be at the extremes of implausibility are they patched. 2.2 Appropriate indicators for the ATC data could be the proportion of hourly data figures to be patched during the year, for each vehicle-type. This shows where the data-collection system has been deemed to have failed; MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 165 the proportion of hourly figures to breach the ‘warning’ levels. These cases are not ‘failures’ but may indicate a general instability in the data. 2.3 Both indicators would of course be monitored on a site-by-site basis, as a means of diagnosing problems. 2.4 The Manual Counts are also subjected to validity checks, based upon figures obtained in earlier counts, sometimes several years before. Given the comparatively thin track-record for these counts, the confidence ranges are comparatively wide. When the data are deemed to be extremely implausible, this may indicate that the wrong site has been surveyed, and usually a recount is specified. 2.5 Appropriate indicators could be similar to those for the ATCs: The proportion of manual counts requiring a re-count. This indicates an ‘inefficiency’ in the system, in the sense that it required a second count. However, if the re-count tends to confirm the original count, then the AADF can be based upon both sets of counts and will have a better standard error; The proportion of sites where various levels of warning were triggered. This does not indicate erroneous data, but a general lack of stability. In a year with a high proportion of warnings we might expect some lack of coherence between the trends indicated by the Core ATC sites and the more general trends from the one-day counts. We explore this further below. 3 Coherence of data-sources 3.1 The Core ATC data and the one-day counts are used together to estimate AADFs at sites on the network and overall vehicle-kilometres. The Core data provide direct evidence of day-to-day variation and of year-on-year changes, whilst the large set of one-day counts provide evidence of the absolute levels of traffic flow. However, these two functions are not entirely distinct: for example the average flow at the one-day count sites will provide some indication of the change from the previous year. It seems reasonable to provide indicators measuring the extent to which the two sets of data cohere; the greater the consistency, the more likely we are able to present a consistent and reliable picture of traffic levels and trends. 3.2 We have recommended elsewhere that there be annual checks on the coherence of the ATC and one-day count data. This can be done by computing, for each one-day count site, the ‘expected’ AADF, based upon the previous year’s AADF, trended forward by the ATC data. The overall expected vehicle-kilometres are of course an example of this, where provisional annual estimates are made before the full set of manual counts become available. 3.3 Occasionally the majority of one-day count AADFs may be found to be significantly higher [or lower] than expected, and this might lead us to revise MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 166 some of the vehicle-kilometre estimates for earlier years. The same could occur when we undertake occasional benchmark surveys for minor roads. Such revisions of past estimates are clearly undesirable, but sometimes inevitable. We may also discover mistakes that were made in past years [eg that the wrong road was counted in 2001] which will cause us to revise our figures. 3.4 Suitable indicators could therefore be The proportion of AADFs in each year found to be outside the confidence limits for their expected values. These proportions could be worked out for each vehicle-type. The calculations would be based upon the confidence limits for the difference between the latest-year AADF and the expected AADF, bearing in mind that each quantity has confidence limits. If the latter are 95% confidence limits and if the data are consistent, then we would expect no more than 5% of the differences to be significant; The percentage difference between the provisional and final annual vehiclekilometre estimates for each vehicle-type. Some differences are of course expected, so that this can be regarded as an indicator of how useful the provisional estimates were; The percentage revisions that have been made to ‘final’ data for past years. If the revisions affect only some vehicle-types, or some road-classes, this should be indicated. 4. Effectiveness of the estimates 4.1 In statistical terms there are two key requirements. The first requirement is for accuracy, ie that the traffic estimates be unbiased, ie not tending consistently to over- or under-estimate the vehicle-kilometres for each vehicle-type or road-class. The second requirement is for precision, ie that the confidence limits surrounding those estimates be as tight as practicable. 4.2 To address accuracy one needs independent figures against which the survey estimates can be checked. In practice such independent sources may also be subject to bias. Examples for the traffic data are the National Travel Survey [NTS], the Continuing Survey of Road Goods Transport and similar surveys of vans and foreign goods vehicles, Highways Agency ATC data, and Local Authority counts. Given the uncertainties involved, we cannot always draw definitive conclusions from simple cross-comparisons; for example, we may suspect that NTS and the CSRGT respectively miss some pedal cycle and goods vehicle journeys in their travel diaries, or that the HA data miss vehicles that straddle lanes. But there are good reasons for making these cross-comparisons every year, to expose problems in all the alternative sources and to assess whether differences tend to be consistent from year to year. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 167 4.3 Some indications of bias in our estimation procedures may also emerge from the indicators on coherence discussed above. For example, if our provisional estimates for car traffic are always too high, then our methods of estimating expansion- and growth-factors may be deficient. 2.1 4.4 To address precision we need to produce, and publish, confidence limits for all our principal outputs. This has been recommended in the Notes on methodology. These are not in themselves performance indicators, but the overall performance could be indicated by the 95% confidence limits for all motor vehicle traffic level and all motor vehicle year-on-year changes, both expressed as percentages. Initial work to explore the calculation of such confidence intervals suggests this will be a complex exercise in view of the number of stages and variables involved. It is therefore recommended that DfT commission work to develop these. 5. The following sets of indicators are recommended for each year’s data: 5.1 5.2 Conclusions 1. The proportion of ATC hourly data that are patched 2. The proportion of ATC hourly data that breach the different ‘warning’ levels 3. The proportion of one-day manual counts requiring a re-count 4. The proportion of one-day manual counts that breach the different ‘warning’ levels 5. The proportion of AADFs found to be significantly different from their expected values, based upon trends applied to the previous AADFs 6. The percentage difference between the provisional annual estimates and the final estimates 7. The percentage revisions applied to past years’ estimates, identifying the vehicle-types and road-classes involved 8. Percentage differences in estimated vehicle-kilometres between RTS and other sources [NTS, CSRGT, surveys of van operators and foreign operators, HA and LA] 9. Confidence limits [expressed as percentages] for all motor vehicle traffic levels and year-on-year changes. For indicators 1 to 7, these should be produced by each vehicle-type. MD 27 March 2005 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 168 Annex 8.2 THE DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT TRANSPORT STATISTICS ROADS DIVISION OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENT DOCUMENT FOR THE MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTION (ENGLAND) 2005 & 2006 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 169 CONTENTS PAGE NO Background details 1 INTRODUCTION 3 2 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION 3 Requirements 3 AREAS TO COUNT 4 4 DATES AND LOCATIONS OF SITES 4 5 COLLECTION OF TRAFFIC DATA 5 6 SUPPLY OF DATA TO THE DEPARTMENT 6 7 QUALITY OF DATA 6 8 PRICE 7 9 SUBMISSION OF DATA AND DEADLINES 8 10 SUBMISSION OF INVOICES 8 11 SAFETY AT SITES 9 12 EVALUATION CRITERIA 9 13 CROWN COPYRIGHT 9 CONTACT POINTS AT DFT 10 ANNEXES Annex 1 How the annual traffic estimates are made 11 Annex 2 Days of the neutral weeks in 2005 and 2006 14 Annex 3 Areas for which bids are sought in each tranche 16 Annex 4 Timetable for each tranche 19 Annex 5 Detailed definitions of vehicle class 20 Annex 6 Detailed information on junction counts 22 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 170 Annex 7 National Manual Traffic Counts link information data 23 Annex 8 Format of data to be supplied 24 Annex 9 Format of itemised estimates to be supplied 25 Annex 10 Average number of sites to be counted in each year split by type of site 26 Evaluation criteria for DfT Traffic Count 2005-2006 tenders 28 Annex 11 Background details 1. Introduction 1.1 Estimates of national traffic are made using data from two main sources: manual counts and automatic counts. Both sources of data are used to determine annual average daily flows on the road network. Traffic estimates are then produced by taking account of road lengths by class of road for each authority. For 2003, the estimate of all GB motor vehicle traffic was 493 billion vehicle kilometres. 1.2 Data collection of the continuous Manual Traffic Counts Survey is currently carried out by Local Authorities and private contractors. The new contract is to start in January 2005 and will cover counting in all local authorities in England and will be for two years. 2. Method of data collection 2.1 The manual counts consist mainly of a series of 12-hour vehicle counts taken on the links of the major road network (motorways and ‘A’ roads) and at a sample of minor road sites. These counts are conducted between 7am and 7pm on weekdays during the ‘neutral’ periods of mid-March to mid-July and from mid-September to end-October, excluding Easter and school half-term weeks. Information from the limited number of DfT automatic counters are then used to gross up these 12-hour manual counts into annual average daily flows for each site. This information on traffic flows is then combined with information on road lengths to estimate total traffic in Great Britain. 2.2 There are 14,000 or so major road links in England. 1,900 of these sites are noncounting ones, which take their traffic flow values from neighbouring links. This could be because, for instance, they are unsafe to count. About 40% of the remaining 12,100 links are counted each year. The most important sites are counted every year and the least important ones are counted once every eight years. 2.3 In addition to this, each year there is a sample of about 4,000 English minor road sites counted, mostly during the neutral periods described above. These constitute a panel sample of sites, which are counted on the same week number and day of each year, with adjustments for the Easter period. Those counts which are done outside the neutral weeks period are termed Summer-Winter counts. Thus the total number of manual counts undertaken throughout Great Britain each year is about 9,000. A detailed description of the current system is given at Annex 1. 2.4 The summer-winter counts of minor roads include a few sites where weekend counting between 09:00 hours and 19:00 hours will be required i.e. 10 hours instead of the usual 12 hours for weekdays. (see also section 8.3) 2.5 The Scottish Executive and Welsh Assembly are responsible for counts in their own countries. The counts in Wales are currently carried out by the Welsh local authorities, but they generally follow the same guidelines as those issued to contractors in England. The MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 171 counts in Scotland are currently carried under the same guidelines as those issued to contractors in England. Requirements 3. Areas to count 3.1 England has been divided into 63 areas of approximately the same size 8 in terms of numbers of major road links. These areas have been divided into three groups and they are listed in Annex 3. 3.2 To assist tenderers in their planning, it is intended to notify all those invited to tender of the results of the tranche one competition before the deadline for the submission of bids for tranche two areas. Similarly, tranche two awards will be notified before the tranche three deadline for the submission of bids. The exact dates can be seen from the timetable given in Annex 4. 4. Dates and locations of sites 4.1 The contractor will be asked to carry out counts for both directions of traffic and by vehicle type at locations specified by the Department. The Department will also specify the date on which the count should be conducted and the expected minimum and maximum traffic flow to be found at each site, both in total and after weighting (see footnote to the table after paragraph 7.2). Each year, the contractors will be supplied with a schedule of data and locations for each count no later than end-October for the Summer-Winter survey and midJanuary for the neutral months survey. This schedule will reflect any changes in the major road network. The locations will be given as 12 digit grid references from the Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 Landranger Map series, though road names will also be provided to confirm the location. 4.2 All vehicle counts will be scheduled for a specific date, which will normally be a weekday during the period mid-March to mid-July and mid-September to end-October. The contractor must ensure that sufficient enumeration teams are available to undertake all counts scheduled by the Department within the prescribed period. 4.3 Every effort should be made to conduct counts on the scheduled date. However, where this is impracticable, because of extensive disruption to traffic caused by planned road works or some other factor, the contractor can reschedule counts for the same day of the week up to 2 weeks later (providing it is still within the counting season) without contacting the Department at the time. However, when a new date is selected the Department must be informed within 4 weeks of the new date being selected. This rescheduling should be carried out even on the day of counting, when a sudden, major change in traffic levels, e.g. due to a road accident, would make the daily total unrepresentative of normal traffic flow (see paragraph 8.5 for details of compensation for lost days of counting).The contractor must provide the appropriate local authority and Vanessa Kovacevic at the Highways Agency with details of the dates and expected locations of the counts to be undertaken within that authority’s area, not less than one calendar month prior to the date of the first count. DfT will work towards providing a list of suitable contacts for this purpose within each local authority in due course. -796063 or Email: 4.5 At frequent intervals, the contractor must ascertain from the local highway authority (and with neighbouring authorities for planned motorway roadworks,) whether they are 8 For administrative reasons, the Isle of Wight and the Scilly Isles are exceptions to this rule. Also, the London areas are smaller than those outside London, because there are so many different authorities within this region. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 172 aware of any factors which might affect traffic flows at count sites on the dates scheduled for counting. Temporary closures of roads on which counts are scheduled will necessitate rescheduling of such counts. Further details about planned roadworks and other disruptive events are being made available on the National Traffic Control Centre’s website: MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 173 5. Collection of traffic data 5.1 All weekday counts are to be for a twelve-hour period, between 0700 and 1900 hours. Vehicle flows should be totalled by hour, by vehicle type and by direction. Separate directional totals are not, of course, required for counts on one-way roads. 5.2 The following vehicle classifications are to be separately counted in each hour: Pedal cycles Motor cycles Cars and taxis Buses and coaches Light vans Rigid 2-axle goods vehicles Rigid 3-axle goods vehicles Rigid 4 or more-axle goods vehicles Articulated 3 or 4-axle goods vehicles Articulated 5-axle goods vehicles Articulated 6 or more-axle goods vehicles 5.3 Detailed definitions of vehicle class are provided in Annex 5. 5.4 The contractor should record pedal cycles on the main carriageway and on footways, shared use paths and segregated cycle lanes adjacent to the Census Point. 5.5 In the case of a new site without an expected traffic flow figure, the contractor is expected to inform the Department if they have reason to believe that the likely flow will be less than 1,000 vehicles per day, when surveying the site for the link information data. The Department will then decide whether or not the count should proceed. In sparsely populated areas where it is difficult to find minor road sites with flows over 1,000 vehicles, junction counts may be carried out instead with the permission of the Department. An explanation of how to count traffic at junction sites can be found at Annex 6. 5.6 If any count on a major road delivers a flow of less than 65 vehicles in the first three hours of counting the count should NOT be abandoned as all major road sites need to be counted (unless this is due to a road accident, or other such incident, in which case the count would need to be rescheduled). However, if any count on a minor road delivers a flow of less than 65 vehicles in the first three hours of counting the count should be abandoned and the Department notified, unless (a) the count point is already known to be a low-flow site (identifiable from the minimum flow data supplied by DfT), or (b) there is good reason for the low flow, eg introduction of home zones, speed bumps, pedestriasation methods. In the instance of (a) or (b) occurring, the count should proceed. 5.7 Video counts should only be considered as required in exceptional circumstance such as complex junctions on motorways where it is unsafe to count and only with permission from the Department who will supply Contractors with details of Count Points already known to require a video count. Contractors will need to contact the Department by email or letter to confirm that they have investigated the three possibilities below before a video count will be considered by the Department: It is not possible to find a safe place to do a manual count by moving the S reference to another point on the link. For example the start or end where there is a junction that may offer a vantage point overlooking the link. The contractor has checked that there is not a building, bridge or other structure on an adjacent road from which traffic on any part of the link in question could be counted. It would be more expensive to count the traffic on one of the adjacent links and at the same time to also count the traffic on slips roads leading onto and off of the link in question so that flows for the link under query could be ascertained. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 174 The contractor will also need to inform the Department of any extra costs involved in carrying out a video count so that a price can be negotiated and agreed between the contractor and the Department before the count is undertaken. 5.8 The Department will provide the contractor with the schedules and network information for all the count sites in the contractor's area. All new sites, as well as existing sites without maps, whether or not they are due to be counted in the year, will need to be fully surveyed and checked. For the remaining sites whether they are due for counting or not you will only need to visually check the Network Information sheet in the office for any obvious discrepancies –e.g. where carriageways are recorded as 2 and width as 7m. New sites are coded as normal two-way roads as the default setting and contractors will need to notify the Department of any new sites, which are skewed or one way sites. These checks should be carried out between February and end-April. The completed network information sheet should be returned to the Department by end-May with information being correct as at 1 April. Details of the information to be supplied on the sheet and what needs to be done are shown at Annex 7. The contractor is required to: confirm the information supplied is correct, or provide corrections and additions as necessary. Fields that have been altered should be coloured, using red text. 5.9 Maps prepared by previous contractors, will be provided to new contractors carrying out counts at sites that were counted during the period 1999 to 2004. Contractors who carried out the counts in the previous contract period (2002/2004) will be expected to use their own copies of their maps in these cases. For new sites, the contractor will be asked to provide DfT with a detailed map themselves. Maps will also need to be prepared by the contractor for all sites that have had major changes since the last map was provided. All maps should give details of the actual location of the enumerators (marked by a line across the road), place to park (if applicable), road number (if applicable), road name, local authority title, nearby refreshment and toilet facilities (if available) and any other information needed by an enumerator to carry out the work. All contractors will be provided with a list of Local Authority codes, which should be used to label the maps. This is needed by the Department to enable spot checks to be carried out without prior warning and to ensure that counts in future years are conducted from the same spot. The Department will supply maps to any new contractor to ensure continuity of data. 6. Supply of data to the Department 6.1 All count data should be sent by email to the Department’s ‘manual traffic count’ address ( in Excel format. Contractors covering more than one area should send a separate file or separate spreadsheet for each area. The data supplied should include all the information specified at Annex 8. Any data received not in the required format will be returned to the contractor for amendment. Explanations should be given (in the comments column of the itemised estimate) for abnormal hourly fluctuations, especially on high flow sites, and for 12-hour flows that are significantly outside the expected minimum and maximum figures. 7. Quality of data 7.1 The contractor should provide details of training provided to enumerators, equipment used, level of supervision applied, the length of shifts, method of allocating enumerators to sites and anything else related to ensuring that data supplied to the Department is of a high quality. As well as describing what steps are taken to obtain good data, contractors should also specify the checks that they will undertake on the data to ensure that accurate and complete hourly vehicle count data is supplied with link information sheet. 7.2 Sites will be allocated to one of six road types (6-lane motorway with 90,000+ AADF to minor road site with less than 5,000 vehicles per day). The minimum number of enumerators counting at any one time, will be : MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 175 Site category Weighted9 annual average daily flow 1. V. busy dual carriageway 2. Busy road 90,000+ Minimum no. of enumerators counting at any time of the day 6 (7 for peak hours) 60,000-89,999 4 (5 for peak hours) 3. Quite busy road 40,000-59,999 4 4. Ordinary road 20,000-39,999 2 (3 for peak hours) 5,000-19,999 2 Under 5,000 1 (2 for peak hours/safety reasons) 5. Fairly quiet road 6. Quiet road 9 Cars are allocated a weight of 0.8 and other vehicles are given a weight of 2. For most roads, the weighted flow will equal the unweighted flow, but those with a more difficult mix of traffic, with extra goods vehicles, will have a higher weighted flow. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 176 Annex 1 7.3 Whilst only one enumerator may be required for counting at any one time on a quiet road, it is expected that a second enumerator will be present for most of the day for health and safety reasons. For category 1,2,4 and 6 roads, DfT expect more enumerators to be used during the peak hours (7.00 hrs to 9.59hrs and 16.00hrs to 17.59hrs). 7.4 Contractors may specify higher levels of staffing than that shown in the table above. This should be accompanied in their tender by an explanation of why they feel this is necessary and how they will be deployed. This is needed so that the presumed better data quality from the arrangement can be judged against the likely extra expense of the proposal. 7.5 Spot checks will be carried out by DfT staff. If the specified number of enumerators are not counting at the site or the count data is later to be found to be frequently inaccurate, DfT has the right to terminate the contract with the contractor. In practice, there would be a warning to be followed up by extra spot checks before a final decision is taken. 8. Price 8.1 For each area of England, tenders will need to be expressed in terms of a price per site category (rounded to the nearest pound). These prices will then be matched with the number of different types of sites in the bid area, as given in Annex 10, in order to determine the overall price of the bid. Annex 10 gives details of the sites to be surveyed in an average year over the coming two years in each area, so that potential contractors can assess the mix of sites that will need to be counted. Contractors should also provide a price per site (rounded to the nearest pound) for both types of network information checks, on the assumption that about 5% of all sites will need a full check in any year. 8.2 Occasionally sites not previously counted will need to be counted. In these cases payment will be made on the basis of the weighted flow of traffic obtained from the actual count carried out. For this reason also, a price should be given for all types of roads, in case a new or relocated site has a weighted flow unlike those expected for the area (this need not be done for the areas of the Scilly Isles and the Isle of Wight). 8.3 Counting at weekend sites will be reimbursed at the normal fixed price per site, even though the counting period on these days is 10 hours not 12 hours. 8.4 Contracts will be awarded either for individual local highway authority areas or combinations of areas. 8.5 Where counting is disrupted and has to be abandoned or rescheduled for reasons outside the contractor’s control, the following percentage compensation payments will be made by the Department: Cancelled/Resched DfT/Other uled circumstances Either Major incident after 5 hours counting completed Notification from DfT n/a % compensation 100 Either Major incident before 5 hours counting completed n/a 50 Cancelled <65 vehicles in 1st 3 hours n/a 50 Cancelled DfT decision >2 weeks 0 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 177 Annex 1 Cancelled DfT decision Cancelled DfT decision Rescheduled Planned roadworks, etc. preventing counting beginning >=3 working days and <2 weeks <3 working days 25 100 n/a 0 n/a 50 Emergency roadworks, etc. Preventing counting beginning Rescheduled DfT decision >2 weeks 0 Rescheduled DfT decision 0 Rescheduled DfT decision >=3 working days and <2 weeks <3 working days 20 8.6 Payment for counting will not be made, if the count data or link information sheet data are incomplete or contain obvious errors. Price per site increases will only be made with prior consent from the Department. 8.7 The compensation for counts rescheduled because of roadworks preventing counting beginning will only be paid if the contractor can demonstrate that they took sufficient steps to check that counting was possible on the scheduled date. 9. Submission of data and deadlines 9.1 Data for counts carried out between January and end-April should be returned to the Department by end June. For counts carried out from May to mid-July, data should be sent by mid-September. For counts between mid-July and mid-December, data should be returned by end-December. Count data should be accompanied by an electronic itemised estimate, as described in Annex 9. 9.2 Contractors can provide data more quickly than this, on a monthly basis, if they wish. 10. Submission of invoices 10.1 Electronic itemised estimates for billing purposes should be submitted three times a year with the count data as described in paragraph 9.1 for approval by the Department before any invoices are issued. The estimate should include all the information specified in Annex 9. The Department will normally respond to estimates within 3 weeks providing the data and estimate have been sent in the correct format. Once an agreement has been reached between the Department and the contractor regarding the estimate, an invoice may be issued and will be paid within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. 10.2 Contractors can provide estimates more quickly than this, on a monthly basis, if they wish providing the data is submitted at the same time. 11. Safety at Sites 11.1 The Contractor shall at all times ensure that all staff employed on site are aware of and comply with, the Health and Safety at Work Act. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 178 Annex 1 11.2 The Contractor shall comply with all safety instructions issued to the Contractor by the Department, the relevant Highway Authority or the Police. 11.3 The Contractor's attention is particularly drawn to the hazards of working on motorway sites. The recommendations contained in guidance documents issued by the Department shall be followed at all times. 11.4 High visibility jackets must be worn at all times when working outside a vehicle. Vehicles must clearly show official notice or identification in car window. 12. Evaluation criteria 12.1 area. Annex 11 gives details of the criteria to be used in selecting the suitable agent for each 13. Crown Copyright 13.1 Raw un-validated data collected by contractors is the property of the Department. Contractors must not supply this to anyone other than the local authority in whose area the counts have been conducted. Private contractors may levy a nominal charge to cover the marginal costs of providing this information to the local authority if they require the data prior to the validated data being available from the Department. But they should bear in mind that they are dependent on the goodwill of authorities who provide them with information about forthcoming road works etc. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 179 Annex 1 Contact Points at DFT Further information, if required, may be obtained from: Ms Ann Seal ( 020-7944 6555) or Mrs Hashmia Cole ( 020-7944 6393) or Mr Brian Corbett ( 020-7944 6603) Department for Transport (DfT) TSR2 Zone 2/16 Great Minster House 76, Marsham Street London, SW1P 4DR Fax no: 020-7944 2164 Email: MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 180 Annex 1 How the annual traffic estimates are made 1. Introduction 24. In 2002, motor vehicles travelled about 485 billion kilometres while pedal cycles travelled 4.4 billion kilometres along the public roads of Great Britain. How do we know this? We know this from the traffic counts conducted about many different types of roads and information on road lengths. However it is not easy to convert count data to total traffic data 25. The road network consists of about 50,000 kilometres of motorways and class "A" roads, with a further 340,000 kilometres or so of minor roads. The road system as a whole is thus much too extensive to allow the collection of comprehensive traffic data for every part. Moreover, the density of traffic carried (and the mix of traffic by vehicle type) varies enormously from place to place and from hour to hour. Flows are less than 100 vehicles a day on many minor roads but exceed 150,000 a day on some motorway links. Even within a road class, one site may easily carry ten times as much traffic as another. Flow also varies by time of day, by day of week and by month of year. Furthermore, there is variation within the variation - car traffic levels, for example, may change relatively little over the seven days of the week, but goods traffic is usually at far lower levels on Saturdays and Sundays than on other days. These characteristics mean that estimating national traffic volumes requires a fairly complicated sampling design, the collection of substantial volumes of data and complex computational procedures. This note describes the new methodology used for the traffic estimates from 1993 onwards. 26. Estimation of traffic levels uses information from both manual and automatic counts. They are each described briefly below. The manual counts (previously referred to as the rotating census and the biennial counts) 27. These counts operate somewhat differently for major and minor roads. The major roads are split into five road classes: motorways, trunk roads and principal roads with the latter two divided into urban and rural roads. Urban10 roads are defined as those within the boundaries of the Urban Area polygons for settlements of 10,000 population or more, based on the 2001 Population Census. On the outskirts of urban areas, bypasses are normally treated as rural even if part of the road may lie within the urban area polygon. Conversely, roads between urban areas with short lengths outside the polygons are normally treated as urban. Minor roads are divided into 6 classes: B class, C class and U (unclassified) roads, each sub-divided into urban and rural. 28. For major roads (motorways and A-roads), the traffic on every link - normally a section of road between consecutive junctions with other major roads - must be 10 Before 8 May 2003, roads were, instead, classified as built-up and non built-up. Built-up roads were those with a speed limit of 40mph or less. Non built-up roads were those with a higher speed limit. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 181 Annex 1 regularly assessed. This is done by counting the traffic at a statistically random point on most links at regular intervals – traditionally, once every three years in England and Wales and once every six years in Scotland11. It is recognised that with the exception of motorways, traffic levels will vary along the length of a link. However, the procedure of counting at a statistically random point on each link can be expected to lead to good estimates at national level although estimates on some individual links may be less reliable. 29. In total, about 5,300 major road sites are scheduled to be counted in 2004. In addition to traffic count data, information is collected about the characteristics of each link, such as its length and the road class and road width at the place of the count. At each chosen point, trained enumerators count vehicles of each of eleven types (pedal cycles, two-wheeled motor vehicles, cars and taxis, buses and coaches, light vans, and six separate categories of goods vehicle) for the 12 hours from 7am to 7pm. These counts are all scheduled to take place on weekdays, but not on or near to public holidays or school holidays. To minimise the effects of possible seasonal factors, counting is confined to the so-called "neutral weeks". These are namely most weeks in March, April, May, June, September and October. 30. Some major road links are unsafe to count or are too short to be worth counting in the normal way. In these cases, traffic estimates are derived from the judicious use of flow data on adjacent links. These are called derived links. Further, because all links are now defined as ending at a local authority boundary, some links are treated as dependent links. In these cases, it is assumed that the flow is the same along all of the link. So, a count in one local authority can be used as a proxy for the flow on the dependent link. In 2003, there were 15,500 normal links, 1,200 derived links and 1,000 dependent links. Complete coverage of the minor road network is not attempted as it is too extensive. It is not practicable to define the minor road network in terms of individual links; even if all the links could be identified, their number would be far too great to allow traffic data for each link to be collected. Minor road traffic estimates are therefore made by grouping minor roads into one of the six road classes12. An attempt is then made to measure the average flow on each of these road types by carrying out a number of counts along them. A random sample of approximately 4,500 sites across GB is visited each year. These same sites are counted each year. Most of these counts are carried out in neutral weeks. However about 200 counts per year, the "summerwinter counts", are carried out in non-neutral weeks and on weekends. These 200 sites are visited each year and are mainly used to provide extra information about two-wheeled traffic throughout the year. This is because pedal cycles and motor cycles are not always accurately identified by automatic counters (see paragraph 9). 11 Since 1999, the frequency of counting has been broadly based on the variance of the traffic of the link (variance of average flow * link length). Intervals are every one, two, four and eight years in England and Wales. In Scotland they are two, four, eight and sixteen years. However, Scotland is proposing to increase its budget for traffic counting and so may come into line with level of counting in England and Wales. 12 These include: urban and rural 'B' roads, 'C' roads and unclassified roads MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 182 Annex 1 31. The manual counts have the advantage over automatic counts of complete coverage of major road sites and moderately good coverage of minor roads. However, the data (hourly by vehicle type), are very sparse since traffic is counted for only 12 hours on each visit. Thus these counts give no information about traffic at night, at weekends, over public holiday periods, and little about the seven non-neutral months. In calculating national traffic estimates, therefore, use must be made of data from automatic counters. The automatic counts (previously referred to as the core census) 32. The automatic counters fill the gaps left by the manual counts. There are some 160 sites in GB outside of London where traffic is monitored continuously using automatic sensors, which classify the traffic into vehicle type. The numbers of vehicles of each type detected are combined into hourly totals and stored on-site until it is downloaded during the night to a computer in the DfT headquarters building. The automatic counting equipment recognises 22 different types of vehicle; these are then combined to provide estimates for the eleven vehicle types13 used by DfT. 33. The automatic counters do not give 100% accuracy. For example, the equipment cannot classify vehicles into their different types when the traffic is moving very slowly (5mph or less). They also have a tendency to malfunction, though the new sensors recently introduced, are more reliable than the previous ones. The equipment cannot distinguish between cars and car-based vans and can also have difficulty distinguishing between some types of buses and coaches and goods vehicles having similar axle spacing and chassis height. The equipment is also prone to failing to identify two-wheeled vehicle traffic, both bicycles and motorcycles14. Nevertheless, they do have the big advantage over manual counts that they operate continuously and so can give a complete picture of traffic at the points where they are sited. 34. The automatic counters in London are slightly different to those outside London. There are 56 automatic counters in London and they are "volumetric" classifiers that only distinguish between short (up to 5.2 metres) and long (greater than 5.2 metres) vehicles. They need 24-hour manual counts every three months to provide estimates of the breakdown of traffic by vehicle type in each hour of the day. These counters suffer from similar problems as those outside London, but are more reliable than the automatic counters used outside London. Annual Average Daily Flows (AADFs) 35. The data for all manual counts done in neutral months15 are combined with information from automatic counters on similar roads to provide an estimate of 13 These include: Pedal cycle, two-wheeled motor vehicle, car, light goods van, bus, rigid 2 axle lorry, rigid 3 axle lorry, rigid 4 or more axle lorry, 3 axle or 4 axle articulated, 5 axle articulated and 6 axle or more articulated. 14 This deficiency underpins the need for the extra sites for manual counting on minor roads in the summer and winter months 15 Counts done in the summer and winter months are not grossed-up: the sites are normally counted at the same time of the year each year and so are compared directly with each other. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 183 Annex 1 the AADF at that site. This is normally done by multiplying the raw count data by factors derived from the automatic counts in that same year. There are a large number of such expansion factors since there are separate factors for each vehicle type, day of counting and expansion factor group16. Because these counts are done in neutral weeks, the expansion factors used do not usually vary too much from year to year, except when bad weather has restricted traffic during the winter months. For cars, the factors are usually between 1.15 and 1.25 (except on motorways and in London where the factors are higher) while for goods vehicles the factors vary between 0.75 and 0.9 - lower because of the greater drop in traffic at weekends. 36. The automatic counters provide a reasonable guide to changes in traffic over time. This information is used in two ways. Firstly it is used to provide provisional quarterly estimates of traffic, which are published on the sixth Thursday following the end of a quarter. Secondly they are used to provide growth factors between consecutive years. These growth factors are used for links not counted, or not counted satisfactorily in the latest year. In these cases, the AADF for the previous year is multiplied by the appropriate growth factor to give a reasonable estimate of the AADF for the latest year. Use of AADFs in Calculation of Annual Traffic Estimates 37. Different procedures are used for major and minor roads in converting AADF data to traffic estimates. The difference arises because the link concept cannot be applied to minor roads. 38. Major roads: A major road link of length 2 km with an AADF of 50,000 has a traffic figure of 100,000 vehicle-kilometres (2*50,000). This equates to 36.5 million vehicle kilometres a year. Because every major road link is counted, in principle, total traffic on major roads can be obtained by summing the traffic figures for every link. 39. As mentioned in paragraph 6, some links are not counted. In these cases, the traffic flows are derived from adjacent links using suitable formulae (derived links) or using the flow of the adjacent link as a proxy (dependent links). 40. Minor roads: In the base year (currently 1998), for each minor road class in each region a mean AADF is calculated as a simple average of all the available AADFs, including those projected forward from counts done in earlier years. These averages are then multiplied by the total road length for the relevant minor road category to give an estimate of traffic for that road category. 41. Traffic for the latest year is then obtained by calculating changes in traffic flows derived from the fixed sample of minor road sites, after taking into account any changes in road length. It is assumed that new minor roads have the same average flows as that of other minor roads. This is plausible, since some of the newest will be quiet roads on housing estates whilst others will be busy roads recently declassified from major road status. 16 There are now 22 expansion factors groups. These are based on type of area (from holiday area to Central London), road category and, in some cases, traffic flow level. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 184 Annex 1 Quarterly and annual estimates of traffic As mentioned in paragraph 12, the automatic counters are used to provide provisional quarterly estimates throughout the year. A first estimate for the year is published in early February, and this is largely based on automatic count data. A final estimate for the year is normally published in early May and this is produced by putting together the estimates for major and minor road traffic as detailed above. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 185 Annex 2 Days of neutral weeks in 2005 I. Dates for counting will be determined by internationally agreed week numbers17. This will mean that counts in each year will be related to particular days of particular weeks. Some local authorities are considering changes to term lengths and times. Contractors should check with the appropriate local authorities and inform the Department if counts are scheduled during such rearranged holidays, as appropriate. Week Exclusions numbe rs Description of counts 1 No counts 2 to 10.8 5 days - Week 8 or 9 (half-term week) Summer/Wint er counts 10 Jan to 17 Mar 12 to 21 11 days - Week before and week after Easter, Early May Bank Holiday Monday - Neutral month counts up to late May Bank Holiday week18 Summer/winte r counts Neutral month counts 18 Mar and 4 Apr to 27 May 22 18 - 29 to 37 1 day - August Bank Holiday Monday Summer/Wint er counts 18 Jul to 16 Sep 38 to 43.4 5 days - half term week Neutral month counts 19 Sep to 1 Nov 43.6 to 50 - Summer/Wint er counts 2 Nov to 16 Dec No counts Week 1 of a year is the week that contains the first Thursday of the year. May Bank Holiday week in non-leap year is always in week 22. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 186 Number of neutral days counted 40 30 May to 3 June 6 Jun to 15 30 Jul 23 to 28 51 to end 17 2005 dates 27 Annex 2 Days of neutral weeks in 2006 I. Dates for counting will be determined by internationally agreed week numbers19. This will mean that counts in each year will be related to particular days of particular weeks. Week Exclusions numbe rs Description of counts 1 No counts 2 to 10.8 5 days - Week 8 or 9 (half-term week) Summer/Wint er counts 9 Jan to 16 Mar 12 to 21 11 days - Week before and week after Easter, Early May Bank Holiday Monday - Neutral month counts up to late May Bank Holiday week20 Summer/winte r counts Neutral month counts 17 Mar to 7 April and 24 Apr to 26 May 22 20 - 29 to 37 1 day - August Bank Holiday Monday Summer/Wint er counts 17 Jul to 15 Sep 38 to 43.4 5 days - half term week Neutral month counts 18 Sep to 31 Oct 43.6 to 50 - Summer/Wint er counts 1 Nov to 15 Dec No counts Week 1 of a year is the week that contains the first Thursday of the year. May Bank Holiday week in non-leap year is always in week 22. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 187 Number of neutral days counted 40 29 May to 2 June 5 Jun to 14 30 Jul 23 to 28 51 to end 19 2006 dates 27 Annex 3 Areas for which bids are sought in each tranche Region First tranche Second tranche Third tranche North East Durham exc. Darlington Cleveland inc. Darlington UA Cumbria Cheshire Northumberland North Tyne and Wear South Tyne and Wear North Gt. Manchester South Gt. Manchester Lancashire North West Merseyside West Merseyside East Merseyside Yorkshire & West Yorkshire - East Humber North Yorkshire West Yorkshire West South Yorkshire North Humberside exc. E Riding Derbyshire South Yorkshire South E Riding inc. Goole West Midlands - West Warwickshire Shropshire Staffordshire Herefordshire South West Avon Cornwall Devon Scilly Isles Eastern Essex Suffolk Wiltshire Dorset Somerset Gloucestershire Bedfordshire Hertfordshire Cambridgeshire Norfolk South East Hampshire Oxfordshire Berkshire Surrey E Sussex Buckinghamshire W Sussex Isle of Wight Kent Greater London NW Outer London South Outer London Central London NE Outer London East Inner London SW Outer London South Inner London SE Outer London North Inner London East Midlands Lincolnshire Nottinghamshire West Midlands Worcestershire West Midlands - East MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 188 Leicestershire Northamptonshire Annex 3 TSR Area names Authorities included Avon Bath & North East Somerset, City of Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire Luton, Bedfordshire excl. Luton Bedfordshire Berkshire Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Central London Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire, Reading, Slough, Windsor & Maidenhead, Wokingham Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire excl. Milton Keynes Cheshire Peterborough, Cambridgeshire excl. Peterborough Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster Halton, Warrington, Cheshire excl. Halton & Warrington Cleveland inc. Darlington UA Cornwall Hartlepool, Redcar & Cleveland, Middlesborough, Stockton-on-Tees, Darlington Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Cumbria Derby City, Derbyshire excl. Derby City Plymouth, Torbay, Devon excl. Plymouth & Torbay Dorset Bournemouth, Poole, Dorset excl. Poole & Bournemouth Durham exc. Darlington UA East Inner London East Merseyside East Riding inc. Goole East Sussex Durham exc. Darlington Essex Gloucestershire Southend, Thurrock, Essex excl. Southend & Thurrock Gloucestershire Hampshire Portsmouth, Southampton, Hampshire excl. Portsmouth & Southampton Herefordshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Humberside exc. East Riding Kent Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire NE Outer London Norfolk Hackney, Newham, Haringey, Tower Hamlets Knowsley, St. Helens, Sefton East Riding inc. Goole Brighton and Hove, East Sussex excl. Brighton & Hove Hertfordshire Kingston-upon-Hull, North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire The Medway Towns, Kent excl. The Medway Towns Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool, Lancashire excl. Blackburn & Blackpool Leicester City, Rutland, Leicestershire excl. Leicester & Rutland Lincolnshire Havering, Barking & Dagenham, Enfield, Redbridge, Waltham Forest Norfolk MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 189 Annex 3 North Gt Manchester North Inner London Bolton, Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Wigan Camden, Islington, City of London North Tyne and Wear North Yorkshire Newcastle, North Tyneside North Yorkshire excl. York, York Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottinghamshire NW Outer London Oxfordshire Northamptonshire Northumberland Nottingham, Nottinghamshire excl. Nottingham Barnet, Brent, Ealing, Harrow Oxfordshire Scilly Isles SE Outer London Shropshire Somerset Scilly Isles Bromley, Bexley, Greenwich The Wrekin, Shropshire excl. The Wrekin Somerset South Gt Manchester Manchester, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford South Inner London South Outer London Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark Croydon, Sutton, Wandsworth, Merton South Tyne and Wear Gateshead, South Tyneside, Sunderland South Yorkshire - North South Yorkshire - South Barnsley, Doncaster Rotherham, Sheffield Staffordshire Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire excl. Stoke Suffolk Surrey Suffolk Surrey SW Outer London Warwickshire Kingston-u-Thames, Richmond-u-Thames, Hounslow, Hillingdon Warwickshire West Merseyside Wirral, Liverpool West Midlands - West Sandwell, Dudley, Walsall, Wolverhampton West Midlands- East West Sussex West Yorkshire - East West Yorkshire - West Wiltshire Worcestershire Birmingham, Coventry, Solihull West Sussex Wakefield, Leeds Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees Swindon, Wiltshire excl. Swindon Worcestershire MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 190 Annex 4 Timetable For Each Tranche TRANCHES DATES Invitation to tender for all tranches sent out 11 June 2004 TRANCHE 1 Deadline for receiving bids of first tranche only. 26 July 2004 Results of first tranche posted to all invited to tender. 20 August 2004 TRANCHE 2 Deadline for receiving bids of second tranche only. 06 September 2004 Results of second tranche posted to all invited to tender. 01 October 2004 TRANCHE 3 Deadline for receiving bids of third tranche. 18 October 2004 Results of third tranche posted to all invited to tender. 19 November 2004 MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 191 Annex 5 The following vehicle classifications are to be separately counted in each hour: Pedal cycles Two-wheeled motor vehicles Cars and Taxis Buses and coaches Light goods vehicles Rigid 2-axle goods vehicles Rigid 3-axle goods vehicles Rigid 4-axle goods vehicles 3 or 4-axle goods vehicles (articulated or with trailer) 5-axle goods vehicles (articulated or with trailer) 6 or more axle goods vehicles (articulated or with trailer) The definitions for the above vehicle types are given below: Pedal cycles Includes all non-motorised cycles. Two-wheeled motor vehicles Includes motorcycles, scooters and mopeds and all motorcycle or scooter combinations. Cars and taxis Includes estate cars, all light vans with windows to the rear of the driver's seat and other passenger vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of less than 3.5 tonnes, normally ones which can accommodate not more than 15 seats. Three-wheeled cars, motor invalid carriages, Land Rovers, Range Rovers and Jeeps and smaller ambulances are included. Cars towing caravans or trailers are counted as one vehicle. Buses and coaches Includes all public service vehicles and works buses with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or more, often vehicles with less than 16 seats. Light goods vehicles Includes all goods vehicles up to 3,500 kgs gross vehicle weight. This includes all car delivery vans and those of the next larger carrying capacity such as transit vans. Included here are small pickup vans, three-wheeled goods vehicles, milk floats and pedestrian controlled motor vehicles. Most of this group are delivery vans of one type or another and it includes those vehicles that might previously have been coded as medium goods vehicles. This picture shows an example of a light good vehicle which has no side guards fitted, that can be difficult to classify. Goods vehicles over 3,500 kgs gross weight have sideguards fitted between axles. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 192 Annex 5 Heavy Goods vehicles: Rigid with two axles Includes all rigid vehicles over 3,500 kgs gross vehicle weight with two axles. Includes larger ambulances, tractors (without trailers), road rollers for tarmac pressing, box vans and similar large vans. A two axle motor tractive unit without trailer is also included. Rigid with three axles Includes all non-articulated goods vehicles with three axles irrespective of the position of the axles. Excludes two axle rigid vehicles towing a single axle caravan or trailer. Three axle motor tractive units without a trailer are also included. Rigid with four or more axles Includes all non-articulated goods vehicles with four axles, regardless of the position of the axles. Excludes two or three axle rigid vehicles towing a caravan or trailer. Articulated with three axles (or with trailer) Includes all articulated vehicles with three axles. The motor tractive unit will have two axles and the trailer one. Also included in this class are two axle rigid goods vehicles towing a single axle caravan or trailer. Articulated with four axles (or with trailer) Includes all articulated vehicles with a total of four axles regardless of the position of the axles, i.e. two on the tractive unit with two on the trailer, or three on the tractive unit with one on the trailer. Also includes two axle rigid goods vehicles towing two axle close coupled or drawbar trailers. Articulated with five or more axles (or with trailer) This includes all articulated vehicles with a total of five axles regardless of the position of the axles. Also includes rigid vehicles drawing close coupled or drawbar trailers where the total axle number equals five and articulated vehicles where the motor tractive unit has more than one trailer and the total axle number equals five. Articulated with six or more axles (or with trailer) This includes all articulated vehicles with a total of six or more axles regardless of the position of the axles. Also includes rigid vehicles drawing close coupled or drawbar trailers where the total axle number equals six or more and articulated vehicles where the motor tractive unit has more than one trailer and the total axle number equals six or more. Articulated goods vehicles Please note, it is important when a goods vehicle is travelling with one or more axles raised from the road (sleeping axles or hobos) that the vehicle is classified according to the number of axles on the road, and not the total number of axles. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 193 Annex 6 Detailed Information on Junction Counts 2.2 We are expanding our minor road sample to include counts undertaken at junctions, so that we can count at some quite remote locations but still achieve reasonable vehicle flows. A Junction Count should only be undertaken once it has been agreed with the Department that the existing location has flows that are too low, and there are no other suitable alternatives in the vicinity. A suitable junction should then be chosen, as close as is practical to the originally selected site location – i.e. within 20kms. The junction could be a T-junction or a crossroads. Characteristics Should only be needed for UR and CR roads The junction must be two roads of the same road class, and hopefully same speed (unless in exceptional circumstances DFT agree that the junction can be where a unclassified road meets a C road) Count any vehicle passing the centre of the junction in any direction, [so this is not a turning count which is a type of count some LAs commission for their own purposes] Recording sites on the network As Junction Counts only apply to CR and UR roads, we assume that most of the details will be the same for both of the roads at the junction. For example the : road class, speed, number of lanes, and number of carriageways are unlikely to differ A Junction Count should be indicated using the two new Types of Count codes that have been created - i.e. NJ & SJ. These show that the site is a Junction Count but still records whether the time of the count is a Neutral Week or a Summer Winter. The S ref should be located at the centre of the junction and needs to be as accurate as possible. Two road names should be recorded if they are known The width of both roads should be measured and recorded as an average of the two. Road numbers should be recorded if known, the first one [matching the number of the road that was originally selected] in the Road Number field and the second in the CP Location field) Returning data There should only be twelve rows of data. A new code J should be used in column E to identify a junction count instead of N, S, E or W as the count will be combined not directional. As there are only 12 rows of data for junction road counts column F should always contain the code 1 (even though the roads are not actually 1 way !). MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 194 Annex 8 National Manual Traffic Counts Link Information Data 21 Local Highway Authority Road Number Road Name (if available) Census Point Grid Reference A-REF Grid Reference (start of link) B-REF Grid Reference (end of link) [Motorways and major roads only] [Motorways and major roads only] Junction Number ( or identifier ) for start of link [Motorways only] Junction Number ( or Identifier ) for end of link [Motorways only] Road Class* Length of link built-up [Motorways and major roads only] (in kilometres to nearest 0.1 km) Length of link non built-up [Motorways and major roads only] (in kilometres to nearest 0.1 km) Number of Carriageways at Census Point Width [in metres] of Carriageway (s) at Census Point Number of Lanes at Census Point Speed Limit at Census Point [in MPH] * ROAD CLASS The contractor will need to confirm or provide a road class from one of the following:- Trunk Motorway Principal Motorway Trunk urban (formerly known as 'built-up') Trunk rural (formerly known as 'non built-up') Principal urban (formerly known as 'built-up') Principal rural (formerly known as 'non built-up') ] ] ] “A” roads ] ] “B” urban (formerly known as 'built-up') “B” rural (formerly known as 'non built-up') “C” urban (formerly known as 'built-up') “C” rural (formerly known as 'non built up') Unclassified urban (formerly known as 'built-up') Unclassified rural (formerly known as 'non built-up') 21 ] ] ] Minor roads ] ] ] Subject to change in the light of legislation MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ] ] ] ] Major roads ] ] ] ] 195 Annex 8 Format of the data to be supplied EXCEL COUNT DATA FORMAT When returning hourly data in EXCEL format please ensure that column contents are as follows:- COLUMNS DESCRIPTION OF FIELD CONTENTS A B C D E F CP number Area code 22(see footnote) Day (see below) Date/month/year e.g. 15/04/02 Direction (N, S, E or W) If count is one-way insert the digit 1 here If count is two-way insert the digit 2 here If count is skewed insert the digit 3 here Hour on 24 hour clock, e.g. 7, ...., 18. Pedal cycles Two-wheeled motor vehicles Cars and taxis Buses and coaches Light vans Rigid 2-axle goods vehicles Rigid 3-axle goods vehicles Rigid 4-axle goods vehicles 3 or 4-axle goods vehicles (articulated or with trailer) 5 axle goods vehicles (articulated or with trailer) 6 or more axle goods vehicles (articulated or with trailer) G H I J K L M N O P Q R Format of Days Mon Thur Sun Tue Fri Wed Sat 22Area numbers will be supplied along with schedules. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 196 Annex 9 Format of itemised estimates to be supplied When submitting itemised estimates for billing purposes in EXCEL format please ensure that column contents are as follows:- COLUMNS A B C D E F DESCRIPTION OF FIELD CONTENTS CP number Date Scheduled Date Counted Road Number Cost to be invoiced Comments (This should include explanations for rescheduling and cancellations, higher or lower flows than expected or any other information that the Department should be aware of regarding the count). Contractors covering more than one area should send a separate file or separate spreadsheet for each Area clearly marked with the TSR2 area number. MANUAL TRAFFIC DATA OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 197 Annex 10 Average number of sites to be counted in each year split by type of site The table below shows the number of sites likely to be needed to be counted each year in each area. They are provided here only for indicative purposes. TSR2 area Very busy Busy dual road carriageway Quite busy road Ordinary road Fairly Quiet quiet road road All roads AVON BEDFORDSHIRE BERKSHIRE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CAMBRIDGESHIRE CENTRAL LONDON CHESHIRE CLEVELAND inc. DARLINGTON CORNWALL CUMBRIA DERBYSHIRE DEVON DORSET DURHAM exc. DARLINGTON EAST INNER LONDON EAST MERSEYSIDE EAST RIDING inc. GOOLE EAST SUSSEX ESSEX GLOUCESTERSHIRE HAMPSHIRE HEREFORDSHIRE HERTFORDSHIRE HUMBERSIDE exc. EAST RIDING ISLE OF WIGHT KENT LANCASHIRE LEICESTERSHIRE LINCOLNSHIRE NE OUTER LONDON NORFOLK NORTH GT. MANCHESTER NORTH INNER LONDON 3 3 7 8 1 6 13 1 9 2 2 8 9 4 4 6 3 12 13 15 10 6 24 13 23 23 14 34 22 17 65 39 37 49 62 16 93 31 61 27 50 61 66 14 76 55 168 85 131 143 164 94 218 114 5 1 1 1 2 2 6 18 12 11 5 10 8 12 33 21 5 46 32 65 54 51 28 47 55 69 99 58 36 103 101 170 201 141 77 3 1 - 7 - 11 8 4 28 11 3 18 28 22 23 33 30 90 81 59 5 14 10 - 2 22 5 10 5 - 3 9 1 15 4 6 24 30 16 35 3 35 7 43 76 44 104 12 56 28 60 140 51 134 26 76 37 132 282 117 312 41 186 78 13 3 7 9 10 4 5 2 8 3 17 14 12 3 9 7 1 36 32 29 5 28 22 32 6 99 89 49 47 27 59 71 9 112 88 71 70 34 73 54 16 281 231 170 125 115 154 177 1 6 8 34 24 14 87 TRAFFIC CENSUS OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 26 Annex 10 All roads TSR2 area Very busy Busy dual road carriageway Quite busy road Ordinary road Fairly Quiet quiet road road NORTH TYNE AND WEAR NORTH YORKSHIRE NORTHAMPTONSHIRE NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAMSHIRE NW OUTER LONDON OXFORDSHIRE 1 1 8 4 23 34 71 4 1 5 2 4 5 1 2 7 6 11 10 8 7 8 12 23 6 34 26 7 68 44 21 62 29 61 84 51 31 60 29 53 179 137 59 167 103 137 S INNER LONDON SCILLY ISLES SE OUTER LONDON SHROPSHIRE SOMERSET SOUTH GT. MANCHESTER SOUTH OUTER LONDON SOUTH TYNE AND WEAR SOUTH YORKSHIRE – NORTH SOUTH YORKSHIRE – SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE SUFFOLK SURREY SW OUTER LONDON WARWICKSHIRE WEST MERSEYSIDE WEST MIDLANDS EAST WEST MIDLANDS WEST WEST SUSSEX WEST YORKSHIRE EAST WEST YORKSHIRE WEST WILTSHIRE WORCESTERSHIRE Grand Total 5 15 1 4 1 7 17 1 1 4 13 31 25 10 12 47 10 25 33 65 81 9 2 30 56 45 46 68 2 90 100 127 209 2 3 5 35 19 31 95 1 5 11 14 37 45 113 3 4 8 6 36 32 89 5 1 4 21 34 43 108 5 12 9 5 8 3 1 8 7 8 4 10 10 8 8 3 6 14 26 7 42 25 11 18 41 77 44 67 25 36 38 53 79 56 76 36 55 40 76 200 118 213 110 118 102 196 3 1 3 33 50 44 134 1 8 4 11 9 11 25 31 49 50 63 56 151 167 5 - 3 22 58 64 152 6 231 4 3 230 2 1 448 12 23 1,313 55 39 2,867 56 56 3,358 129 128 8,447 TRAFFIC CENSUS OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 27 Evaluation criteria for DfT Traffic Count 2005-2006 tenders I. Price II. Quality of enumerators A. Recruitment policy B. Training; C. Experience of staff carrying out the counts. III. Quality of data collected on-site A. Number of enumerators employed during the day on each type of site; B. Shift patterns employed; C. Supervision (number and timing of visits by supervisors); D. Site safety procedures. IV. Quality of final data A. Validation procedures at headquarters; B. Timeliness of sending data to DfT; C. Timeliness of sending invoices to DfT. V. Comprehension of requirement A. Satisfying requirements; B. Showing good understanding of what is required and how the service can best be delivered. 28 Annex 8.3 TRANSPORT STATISTICS ROADS DIVISION WORKS REQUIREMENT DOCUMENT FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE OUTSTATIONS OF THE AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTION (ATDC) SYSTEM (PPAD 9/63/68) Crown Copyright 29 CONTENTS Section No Page 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. CONTRACT PHILOSOPHY 4 3. SITE LOCATIONS 5 4. EQUIPMENT TO BE MAINTAINED 6 5. SCOPE OF CONTRACT 8 6. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 12 7. UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE AND ADDITIONS TO THE CONTRACT 13 8. GOOD DATA 16 9. PROCEDURES 17 10. CONTRACTORS PERFORMANCE 18 11. DOCUMENTATION AND TRAINING 22 12. MEETINGS 23 13. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 23 14. SAFETY MEASURES 24 15. CONTRACTORS VEHICLES 25 16. PAYMENT TERMS 25 30 APPENDICES APPENDIX A Table of Site Details APPENDIX B Site Map APPENDIX C List of Specialist Tools APPENDIX D List of Spares APPENDIX E Checks and Works during Routine Site Visits APPENDIX F Replacement of Axle Sensors APPENDIX G Electronic Documentation Procedure APPENDIX H Routine Site Safety Inspection Pro-forma APPENDIX I Site Fault Visit Pro-forma SCHEDULES 2.3 SCHEDULE A Bills of Quantities (fixed costs) 2.4 SCHEDULE B Bills of Quantities (additional costs) 2.5 SCHEDULE C Bills of Quantities (materials) 2.6 SCHEDULE D Bills of Quantities (equipment mark up) 2.7 SCHEDULE E Bills of Quantities (engineers rates) 2.8 Bills of Quantities (traffic management arrangement fee) 2.9 SCHEDULE F Depot Locations and CVs 2.10 31 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This document details the maintenance requirements for the outstations of the “Automatic Traffic Data Collection (ATDC) System”. 1.2 The system comprises 183 core census classifiers (outstations) and 5 weighin-motion classifiers at 155 locations throughout Great Britain, linked via telecom lines to an instation located in London. At most motorway and some major road locations there are separate outstations covering each direction. Each outstation contains a single automatic classifier and associated equipment capable of collecting data. Of the 183 core census classifiers, 10 additionally collect data for weigh-inmotion purposes. 1.3 The contract shall be for the maintenance of the outstations, which are described in section 4. 1.4 The services required are detailed in sections 5 to 7 inclusive. 1.5 The site locations are described in section 3 and are given in Appendix A. 1.6 The evaluation criteria the Department will use to determine the successful tender are as follows: Proposed project maintenance procedures Quality of the bid and understanding of the works requirement document Technical competence and expertise of staff Proposed resources to carry out the work Price 1.7 The Department will evaluate the tenders on an 80 - 20 ratio in favour of overall quality and project management ability against price. 2. CONTRACT PHILOSOPHY. (The contained requirements form part of the Works Requirements). 2.1 The object of the Automatic Traffic Data Collection System (ATDC) Outstation Maintenance Contract is the continual production of accurate classified traffic data by all the outstation sites. The amount and quality of the data gathered is dependent upon the ATDC outstation sites being maintained to a high standard. The Department for Transport (The Department) wishes to pass the responsibility for the maintenance of the ATDC sites to a Contractor. 2.2 The Works Requirement Document contains information on the levels of maintenance performance, which the Contractor is required to achieve. The Contractor will provide performance records, which will be periodically reviewed against the contract requirements. There will be a major review after the first nine months and yearly thereafter. 32 2.3 It will be for the Contractor to determine, and employ, sufficient dedicated staff for the Contractor to meet the demands of the contract. As a minimum the contractor should have a project manager who is solely dedicated to this contract, who can also be an engineer, but does not have to be. Initially there should also be a minimum of three dedicated engineers assigned to the project, excluding the project manager. The Department require tenderers to quote for the number of dedicated and trained staff they intend to employ in their bids. 2.4 The contract will be charged according to the B of Q (Bills of Quantities) rates in Schedules A to F for all the maintenance (including wear & tear, fault and preventative maintenance) and also includes all associated costs with the exception that the cycle and axle sensor costs, over and above the provision included in the contract, will be reimbursed in accordance with Supplementary Condition of Contract 56 (Variation of Price). The contract prices will be fixed for the first two years and indexed for the remaining three years. The Department wishes to stress the importance of documentation throughout the term of this contract. The Contractor is expected to record details of all work, including serial numbers of items used and provide these to the Department. Details of the documentation required are given in section 10.2. 3. SITE LOCATIONS 3.1 The sites are located on all types of roads. Breakdown for the number of sites for each class of road is indicated below: ROAD TYPE Motorways Total No. of Site Locations 31 WIM Motorways* Class A Roads 58 2 67 WIM Class A Roads* Class B Roads Total No. of Classifiers 68 3 26 26 33 Other Minor Roads 31 31 Total 155 188 Note: those sites marked *, the locations are adjacent to an ATDC site. A table giving further site details is included in Appendix A and a map is included in Appendix B. 3.2 At each site there is electronic equipment housed in a roadside cabinet linked to sensors in the carriageway. A description of the site hardware is included in section 4. 3.3 Hut Locations At 6 of the sites, the roadside cabinet is installed inside a wooden hut. The huts are located as follows: Melmerby, Sparkford, Weston, Merthyr Tydfil, Prickwillow and North Nibley. 4 EQUIPMENT TO BE MAINTAINED 4.1 Each outstation site has a set of roadside equipment and a set of inroad equipment. 4.2 The roadside equipment comprises: a) A roadside cabinet b) A classifier c) A mains supply and distribution board d) A battery e) A heater and thermostat f) An earth spike and strap g) A modem and telephone line h) Up to 3 cabling looms i) At motorway sites the telecom line and electricity supply are fed from intermediate 609 cabinets in the fence line. These cabinets also form part of the outstation j) At six sites the equipment is located within a wooden Hut. 4.3 The roadside equipment is linked to the second category of equipment (inroad) installed at each site. 34 In each lane there is: a. One inductive loop, which is wound in two halves, shaped similar to two “D”s back to back. b. The vast majority of sites are equipped with non-removable class 2 piezo electric axle weighing sensors. c. At most non-motorway sites, there are also two non-removable cycle piezo sensors fitted in the near side lanes. d. A number of minor road sites, are currently equipped with two axle sensor housings, which are fixed using an epoxy resin into the road surface along with two removable piezo electric axle sensors, which fit into the housings. These are being currently used instead of the items specified in b.) above. e. At 13 sites there is an additional array of weigh-in-motion sensors and a single 2m square inductive loop in one lane. f. At two sites there is an additional array of weigh-in-motion sensors and a single 2m square inductive loop in two lanes. There is ducting and cabling between the sensors/loops and the roadside cabinet and on motorways also between the roadside cabinet and the 609 cabinets which also forms part of each outstation. This equipment is subject to wear and the axle sensors have a finite life dependent upon the traffic experienced. A gradual migration from the items at d. above to item b. will be completed over the period of the contract. Because of the harsh environment the in-road equipment is also more subject to premature failure than normal electronic components. However, it is expected that less failure will occur as the migration process, referred to above, is completed. 4.4 Any of the equipment detailed in 4.2 to 4.3 may also require maintenance because of loss or damage caused by third party actions, accidents, road repairs, public utility excavations etc. 4.5 At the 6 sites, where the roadside cabinet is installed inside a wooden hut, the huts are to be included as part of the equipment to be maintained in a secure manner. 4.6 Different materials have been used at some of the sites, e.g. ducting is usually made of a plastic material but sometimes metal tube is used. Armoured cable is used at some sites for loop cabling and/or power cabling dependent upon the nature of the site. 4.7 Steps have been taken to maintain the equipment in good order but these are not exhaustive and the equipment to be maintained may have defects, which are not 35 known to the Department at the commencement of the contract. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to correct such defects. 5. SCOPE OF CONTRACT. 5.1 As part of the fixed price element of the contract the maintenance Contractor shall fully maintain all the outstation sites within the area of the contract (however this number may be subject to additions or reductions). This maintenance shall include the engineering routine service and safety site inspection (RSI) visits, with each site being inspected and serviced twice a year. 5.2 Additions to the Contract. The Contractor, if required in writing by the Department, shall: 5.2.1 install and commission modifications. 5.2.2 reinstall equipment at an outstation site. 5.2.3 remove an outstation(s). 5.2.4 relocate an outstation(s). 5.2.5 install and commission a new outstation(s). 5.2.6 repair damage to an outstation site(s). 5.2.7 amend existing outstation(s) either by addition or removal (or both) of equipment. The Contractor may also be requested, by the Department, to assist with trials of equipment or maintenance facilities. For all additional works the costs shall be in accordance with those specified in Schedule B of the B of Q. 5.3 The Contractor shall supply from his own resources or through his subcontractor all necessary, labour, materials, equipment, tools, transport, subsistence and test and monitoring equipment for the rapid restoration of service and the repair of faulty units. 5.4 All equipment and spares supplied, by the Contractor, for this contract shall be to the latest version, available at the time of purchase. 5.5 The Contractor shall keep an itemised record of all equipment, including location, reference numbers, serial numbers and type, used on the contract both in 36 storage and where installed at outstations. A copy of this list is to be provided to the Department on a quarterly basis after the commencement of the contract. 5.6 The Contractor shall provide a project engineer and a team of site engineers. This team and any specialist or replacement staff must be technically competent and appropriately trained. All engineering staff must be willing to work unsociable hours, e.g. nights and weekends, if required to do so. The charges for work irrespective of the time of day and day of week will be specified in Schedule B of the B of Q. 5.7 Tenderers shall complete the appropriate table in Schedule F, which gives details of depot location(s). 5.8 The costs quoted in Schedule E, for engineers, shall include all overheads and back-up support for the engineers. 5.9 The Contractor shall supply the Department with a telephone number, which shall receive calls, to be called at any time for fault reporting, the answering of which shall be considered as being the time of reporting of the fault. 5.9.1 Telephone automatic answering and recording systems may be used providing the Contractor accepts the time of recorded messages as that stated by the Department. 5.9.2 The Contractor shall give the Department at least 14 days notice of any change to the telephone number supplied, including temporary numbers if required for use during public holidays. 5.9.3 The Contractor and its engineering team shall have the facility to send and receive electronic mail. 5.10 The Department shall normally report faults to the Contractor. They may also be identified by the Contractor during RSI visits or when visiting a site because of another reported fault. However, if the Contractor identifies a separate fault at an outstation this must also be recorded as a fault. 5.11 When the Contractor is notified of an outstation fault then the outstation will be deemed not to be providing “good data” (see section 8) from and including the day of the notification. If the fault is such that loss or corruption of the classifier data has not occurred and it is subsequently recovered by the in-station (after the fault has been repaired) then no loss of “good data” will be deemed to have occurred. 5.12 Response to Calls 5.12.1 The Contractor shall respond to calls, reporting outstation faults, as described below and shall liaise directly with any public utility operator, Highway Authority ( or their agents) and the Department as appropriate. 37 5.12.2 Where a fault or damage to equipment is causing a potentially dangerous situation the Contractor shall attend on site within 8 hours of notification to make the site safe. 5.12.3 Subject to paragraph 5.12.2 the Contractor shall attend on site, within 2 working days of the notification for a minimum of 90% of reported site faults, and achieve 100% attendance within 3 working days. The percentages shall apply over a period of a calendar month and for the annual periods. The Department may relax these criteria for a few of the more remote sites where exceptional circumstances prevent the Contractor attending within the above time scale. 5.13 When attending to a reported fault, the contractor will repair all off-road faults during the first visit (with the exception of B.T./Power faults that are diagnosed as being the responsibility of a third party.) The site engineer must carry equipment tools and materials, not only relating to the nature of the call but also to enable repairs to other replaceable equipment to be undertaken. The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, a car/portable telephone, portable computer and portable printer for each site engineer and for the project engineer when they are engaged in site visits. If it is found a fault was not repaired when an engineer attended site because he/she was not carrying sufficient spares for the task, no payment will be made by the Department for any subsequent visit required to rectify the fault. 5.13.1 All test equipment used for maintenance and measurement and setting up shall be re-calibrated against traceable standards at periods not exceeding 1 year. The dates of the last and/or the next re-calibrations shall be clearly marked on the equipment. 5.14 Upon completing any work the Contractor shall leave the site in a safe and tidy state, this shall include as applicable: a. Sweeping all debris from the carriageway. b. Levelling and firming any ground that was dug up, replacing slab paving and making good any damage to the site area. c. The collection and disposal, in the proper manner, of all waste material and debris. 5.15 The telecom line provided to each outstation shall only be used by the Contractor, or his subcontractor(s), for e-mailing information to the Contractors office, the Department, testing or in an emergency. 5.16 All fault visits determined as "No fault found" calls will normally be paid at the standard attendance rate. 5.16.1 No additional payment will be made for a call for service if no fault is found and the Contractor will be expected to visit the same outstation as normal if subsequent faults are reported. However, if no fault is again found (when the second or subsequent visit is requested within 28 days following the previous call) 38 then the Contractor shall be entitled to a compensation payment. This will be made as per the price schedule rates for travelling time, time on site, subsistence and mileage, for the second and subsequent visits. Any other consequential costs will not be reclaimable. 5.16.2 The Department may at any time instruct the Contractor not to attend on a particular site(s). 5.16.3 If a fault, reported at the time as “No Fault Found”, is later (within 3 months of the initial report) determined as a valid fault, then any claims for additional payment (paragraph 5.16.1) shall be cancelled and any payments made shall be refunded to the Department. 5.17 The maintenance charges for the outstation(s) shall be directly proportional to the time the outstation(s) is under the maintenance and at the rates included in the B of Q. 6. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE (Fixed Price Contract - see also Schedule A). 6.1 For a single fixed price (detailed in Schedule A) the Contractor shall be responsible for all routine maintenance of outstation equipment, including in addition the supply and replacement of all faulty components. 6.2 Routine maintenance of the outstation equipment shall entail: - a. Undertaking RSI visits; each outstation shall be visited twice a year, and carrying out the work detailed in Appendix E. An allowance (see paragraph of one day will be made, for each outstation, for the loss of “good data” consequent upon each routine site visit. RSI visits should still be carried out even if a site has a long-term fault to check on the safety of the equipment and site. Replacement of sensors is not part of the fixed element of the contract and will need to be invoiced separately. At some sites, where it is possible to do so safely, replacement of faulty sensors should be carried out during the RSI visit. b. RSI visits shall be carried out at regular intervals and the contractor shall prepare a schedule. This shall be presented to the Department within two weeks of the commencement of the contract. No RSI visits will be carried out during the months of August and February and the contractor shall complete a minimum of 30 visits per month and no more than 50 per month. No site shall receive an RSI within 4 months of its previous RSI. c. The scheduled replacement of classifier batteries as detailed in Appendix E. d Any small repairs, which can be done during the RSI, visit should be conducted. The Department will reimburse the cost of any materials used under the B of Q rates, along with a labour charge for the additional time required to undertake the repairs, in accordance with the relevant rates quoted in B of Q Schedule E. 6.3 Prior to every RSI visit to each outstation the Contractor shall contact the appropriate Highway Authority, and enquire if any road works are planned which 39 might affect the in-road equipment at the outstation. The Contractor shall also ask to be kept informed about any road works, which will affect the in-road equipment. The Contractor shall inform the Department about such road works. 6.4 The Contractor shall maintain the equipment, including spares and test equipment in good working order. He shall ensure that the level of performance and condition of the equipment is, as a minimum, not less than the level of performance and condition of the equipment at the commencement of the contract, having due regard to its current age and expected life span; (see also 6.5 The Contractor shall provide facilities so that all classifiers, replacement boards and modems can be fully functionally checked at the depot. 6.6 Spares and Storage Facilities 6.6.1 The Department will make available an initial quantity of free issue spares at the start of the contract. Appendix D lists all the spares that will be provided. An equivalent quantity of spares to those free issued at the commencement of the contract shall be returned to the Department at the completion of the contract. 6.6.2 The Contractor shall, at all times, ensure that sufficient spares are available to fully meet the maintenance requirements; at no time shall the stock level of those spares which were free issued fall to less than half the initial stock level prior to reordering. 6.6.3 The Contractor shall provide secure indoor storage facilities for the spares. A minimum floor space of 6m by 4m will be required with sufficient racking to a height of 2m along the complete length of one of the 6m sides to accommodate all the sensors. 6.6.4 Items returned as faulty or suspect shall be so labelled and stored separately from other spares items. 6.6.5 Faulty equipment identified under paragraph 6.6.4 may be repaired or replaced on application to the Department. On request the Department will raise an order number for the defective items either to be repaired or replaced at the B of Q rate in Schedule C. 7. UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE AND ADDITIONS TO THE CONTRACT 7.1 The following items are excluded from the fixed price of the contract and are chargeable according to the costs quoted in B of Q Schedule B. Costs quoted shall include labour, civil works, travel and subsistence and other incidentals. 7.1.1 Unscheduled maintenance - includes the repair of all faults occurring on any outstation equipment, followed by re-commissioning. The contractor’s attention is drawn to appendix F that gives details relating to sensor replacement. 40 Where practicable faults shall be identified and immediately cleared on site by the replacement of printed circuit boards, sub-units or assemblies and if relevant shall be chargeable under the costs quoted in the B of Q Schedule B. The Contractor shall ensure that defective units are returned to the depot and are promptly repaired or, if irreparable, replaced with new equipment. Equipment covered by the B of Q will be re-charged to the Department The Contractor himself may carry out, repairs to defective units removed from site, wholly or in part, provided that proper facilities are available and that the quality of the repair is equivalent to that which would be provided by the original manufacturer. Repaired items shall be separately inspected and marked prior to being made available for spares usage. If proper repair facilities are not available the units shall be returned to the original manufacturer for repair. Digitised format photographs should be used to record and advise the Department of the specific nature of problems found during site visits. 7.1.2 When the Contractor has advance information that an outstation will be damaged by road works he shall take measures to protect the in-road equipment. In cases when the equipment cannot be protected he shall take appropriate action to recover salvageable equipment before the road works commence. 7.2 Upon satisfactory completion of any additional works the equipment installed shall, at the request of the Department, become part of the system to be maintained and be included in the fixed price maintenance contract and a variation to the fixed price portion of the maintenance costs shall be made. The amount of the variation shall be either as quoted in the bills of quantities, or if the work was carried out by a third party, the variation shall not exceed 10% of the total cost of the equipment which has been installed, less the current cost of any removed equipment. 7.3 Removal/Relocation of an Outstation /Equipment 7.3.1 The Contractor may be required to relocate an outstation either wholly or in part. This involves the removal of equipment from site and perhaps placing the equipment into storage, then installing the equipment at a different site. The opportunity may be taken when installing the relocated equipment to change the configuration of the equipment. 7.3.2 When equipment is removed, this shall be carried out carefully and, where it is economical, the equipment shall be salvaged for future use. All equipment shall be functionally checked before being reinstalled. 7.3.3 Relocation shall not be deemed to have occurred where the in-road equipment and any associated ducting is reinstalled in a different position at the same geographical outstation site location. 7.4 Install New Outstation Site(s) 7.4.1 The Contractor may be required to install and commission, wholly or in part, additional outstation sites. 41 7.4.2 It will be the duty of the Contractor, when asked to install a new site, to arrange for all the BT (British Telecom) and power connections to the site. 7.4.3 The Department will pay the Contractor a sum of £1,000 to cover for the administrative costs involved when arranging for the installation of a new site. This sum will be payable upon successful commissioning of the site. 7.4.4 With reference to paragraph 7.3.3 above, a new site will be deemed to have been installed if a re-location is more than 100 metres from the existing position of the site. 7.5 Repair of Damage to an Outstation 7.5.1 Where accidental damage has occurred the Contractor shall: a. Make the site safe from dangerous electrical potentials, and physical hazards. The Contractor shall inform the Department of his actions and when the site is safe. b. Collect damaged equipment and retain pending instructions on salvage or disposal from the Department. The Contractor shall advise the Department that he is retaining damaged equipment. c. The Contractor shall repair the damaged site. If third party damage results in the loss of “good data”, from the damaged outstation, the site will be deemed not to be producing “good data” only after the third working day following the Contractor becoming aware of the damage. Other relevant allowances for the suspension of loss of “good data” given elsewhere in the contract documents shall also apply. d. After the restoration of the site equipment the Contractor shall re-commission the site, by the end of the next working day. 7.5.2 Where damage has been caused by a Third Party, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to recover the cost of rectifying the damage from the Third Party. 7.6 Amendments to Existing Site(s)/Equipment 7.6.1 The Contractor may be required to carry out alterations to an outstation site(s). The Contractor may also be asked to assist with trials. B of Q rates shall apply where relevant. 7.7 Payments for un-scheduled maintenance and fault rectification. 7.7.1 Payments for response to notified faults will be in accordance with B and Q quoted costs in Schedule E. A fixed payment will be made for attendance at a fault with further fixed payments being made for any subsequent visits required to the site for the completion of the fault repair i.e. attendance at required Traffic Management. The fixed payment will be at a reduced rate for attendance in excess of 3 working days as B of Q costs in Schedule E. Additional fault rectification off site (which will require prior approval by the Department) will be billed in accordance with B of Q rates in Schedule E. 42 7.7.2 Payments for the rectification of notified faults will be in accordance with the B of Q equipment costs in Schedule B. These costs are for the Removal/Install/Commissioning of complete units, the rectification of a fault by the replacement of an outstation discrete component or printed circuit board shall be covered by the fixed payment fault response charge. If the removal/replacement of a discrete component or printed circuit board requires the site to be re-commissioned this will be chargeable at the rate quoted in the B of Q costs in Schedule B. 7.7.3 A single payment will be made at the lower agreed visit rate if more than one fault is being attended to during a single fault visit. 7.8 Additional works, which are not covered by the B of Q rates shall be identified by the Contractor and notified to the Department. The Department will require the Contractor to submit relevant costings, which may require a variation in the contract to implement such works 7.9 It is important that the Department is made immediately aware when a loop related fault has been repaired. This is irrespective of whether it is the loop or the loop board. Any delay in informing the Department will count against the contractor. 8 GOOD DATA 8.1 The purpose of the ATDC outstation system is to provide continuous “good data” from each of the outstations to the in-station. The Department will advise the maintenance contractor of new sites, which have been successfully commissioned and ask them to be included in the contract (as per paragraph 7.2) 8.2 The data from each outstation is collected each night by the in-station and inspected for fault messages and for changes in the pattern of the traffic data that also indicate faults at the outstation. It is upon this information that the Department may report a fault to the contractor. 8.3 The criteria used for the inspection of the data from the outstations, which will be used to assess if the data is "good data" or to initiate a fault report to the Contractor(s), are as follows: For each outstation, for each day, midnight to midnight. 8.3.1 The number of hours in which the proportion of High N's (merely classification by axle count) exceed 5% of the total vehicle count, shall not be more than 2 in any 24hr period. 8.3.2 There shall be no negative values in any of the data. 8.3.3 The total for all motor vehicles for each day shall be greater than zero. 43 8.3.4 In any 24 hour batch of data there shall be no more than 2 hours of corrupted or missing data. 8.4 Delays may occur before traffic management can be implemented. Where the delay is outside the contractor’s control (see paragraph 10.4.2) then the site will be deemed to be producing “good data” during the period of that delay. 8.5 The Contractor shall ensure that every classifier provides 350 days of "good data" in each contract year, subject to the allowances provided for in paragraph 10.4.2. 9 PROCEDURES 9.1 All work shall be carried out according to procedures laid down in manufacturer’s handbooks and the documentation supplied by the Department. Any deviation from these procedures shall be agreed with, and demonstrated to, the Department prior to being implemented. 9.2 Upon arriving at a faulty outstation site the site engineer shall determine precisely the nature of the fault and take the appropriate action as indicated below: 9.2.1 Clear any problems/faults associated with the roadside cabinet equipment. 9.2.2 Make any traffic management arrangements, which are required. 9.2.3 If traffic management can be arranged without undue delay then the engineer shall remain on site and complete the repairs to the in-road equipment. 9.2.4 Report time of arrival on site, findings, action taken, any further actions which are required, and when work is completed or the time when he departs from site. 9.2.5 Notify any third party of faults, which are their responsibility and make arrangements for their rectification. Note: Arrangements may be made either directly by the site engineer or his depot staff. 10. CONTRACTOR’S PERFORMANCE 10.1 Quality of the Contractor’s Work 44 10.1.1 The quality of the work done by the Contractor, or his subcontractors, for both maintenance and additional works shall be to a good standard of engineering conforming to current techniques and practice unless otherwise prevented by the need to maintain compatibility with the existing practice. Work undertaken by the Contractor, or his subcontractors, shall conform to the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. 10.2 Reports required from the Contractor i) Quarterly itemised record of equipment, including location, reference numbers and type, used on the contract both in storage and where installed at outstations. (see paragraph 5.5) ii) Monthly report to be provided to the Department showing level of performance (see paragraph 10.4.) iii) Monthly update of the RSI schedule, listing sites where work is planned as well as completed. (see paragraph 10.6.1) iv) Weekly traffic management schedule (see paragraph 13.4) v) Notification of action which clears open faults on a daily basis (see paragraph 10.6.5) vi) Notification when a repair, overhaul or modification has exceeded two weeks and report at weekly intervals thereafter until the work is complete. (see paragraph 10.7) vii) With invoices copies of supporting documentation must be provided before payment will be authorised (see paragraph 16.1.1) 10.3 Fault Reporting and Recording. 10.3.1 The Contractor shall set up a fault reporting and recording system, which shall be agreed with the Department within one month of the contract commencing and be fully operational within two months. One of the main tasks of the system will be to provide information on the operation and performance of the maintenance contract. 10.3.2 The fault reporting procedure shall include the following information: i) Fault number ii) Date fault raised iii) Site number/location iv) Nature of fault v) Date of each visit and all actions taken during the visit vi) Date(s) and Duration of any 3rd party delays vii) Date(s) of any traffic management(s) request(s) and date(s) when traffic management(s) occurred 45 10.4 viii) Dates information about visits were e-mailed to or from the Department ix) Date fault was cleared by the engineer and date fault was confirmed cleared by the Department Performance Criteria. 10.4.1 When assessing the contractor’s performance the Department will consider the following areas: i) Safety of both personnel and equipment ii) The organisation of remedial work iii) Fault diagnosis capability and accuracy iv) Site set up accuracy v) Refurbishment/repair of site equipment and test equipment vi) Quality of repair work both electrical and civil vii) Traffic management organisation and implementation viii) Project management and reporting standard ix) Financial control and invoicing accuracy x) Spares provision and availability xi) Work done during preventative and routine maintenance site visits xii) The provision and quantity of "good data". 10.4.2 Allowances will be made for traffic management delays, accidental damage, RSI visits, Departmental checks and third party works. The Department will agree to a lowering of the requirements to take into account: The number of days between the date of traffic management and the date of access to the outstation provided that this is not excessive (traffic management should take no more than 3 weeks for a non-motorway site and 6 weeks for a motorway. If in some circumstances traffic management takes longer the Department will require copies of relevant correspondence before an allowance is made). Third party delays caused by power or telecom companies or emergency repairs to the road or utilities embedded in the road at an outstation may be permitted provided evidence is supplied that the relevant parties have been pursued. Delays requested by the Department for operational reasons. 10.4.3 The Department may agree to a lowering of these requirements for a particular outstation. The Contractor shall forward records, to the Department, giving a report to establish the level of performance on a month by month and cumulative basis throughout the 46 term of the contract. This report should be provided monthly in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 10.4.8. 10.4.4 Site visit response times. The requirement is that an engineer shall attend the outstation within two working days of the fault being known to the Contractor for 90 percent of the faults and within three days for 100 percent of the faults. Note that 10.4.3 may impose a much faster response than the maximum allowed if outstation data is being lost. 10.4.5 Time to repair. Each fault shall be logged separately, commencing at the time when the Contractor knows the fault and ending when the outstation fault is cleared and the Department confirm the date that it is producing “good data” again. The time shall include any delays while awaiting traffic management but these delays shall also be recorded separately. 10.4.6 Logging of faults and fault clearances. The Contractor shall log the times when he is advised or when his staff are aware of faults together with the nature of the fault(s) both as advised and as subsequently determined. The Contractor shall also log when his engineer arrives on site, when the engineer reports that the fault has been cleared and or whether further action (e.g. traffic management) is required and what that action is. The Contractor shall record when further action is due, when it actually commences and finishes. 10.4.7 Site visits and “No fault found” records. The Contractor shall record, on a site by site basis, the number and time of separate visits to each outstation from the time when the Contractor was aware of a reported fault up to and including the time when the outstation was again producing good data, and also record the number (and time) of “no fault found” visits made to each outstation site. 10.4.8 Documentation All documentation, photographs and test results generated by the Contractors engineers on site, and which is contractually required to be produced, will be e-mailed to the Department. Those e-mails shall meet the following criteria: 90% should be received within 2 working days of generation; and 100% will be received within 3 working days of generation. Note: Day 1 will be the first working day after the day of the visit. 10.4.9 The performance records, of paragraph 10.4, shall be forwarded monthly to arrive at the Department 5 working days before the monthly meeting (see paragraph 12.1) or not later than 10 days after the end of the month which ever is the earlier. 10.5 The Departments’ representatives will make, from time to time, sample site visits to check on the site related items in 10.4. 47 10.6 Additional Information to be supplied to the Department. 10.6.1 Within 2 weeks of the commencement of the contract the Contractor shall forward, to the Department, for approval, a schedule detailing when the routine maintenance visits will be carried out. The schedule shall itemise the work on a weekly basis. Once the contract is let the Contractor shall forward to the Department a monthly update of the schedule, showing work completed and new work planned. 10.6.2 The Contractor shall set up an information reporting system, details of which shall be presented and agreed with the Department within a month of the commencement of the contract. The system shall be based around ISO9001 or equivalent. 10.6.3 The Contractor shall provide the Department with the following information each month in accordance with the conditions of paragraph 10.4.9: a) A record of the outstations where a RSI visit has been made. The Contractor shall retain a record of the checks and adjustments made together with details of calibration values. A pro-forma will be used; the layout of which will be agreed between the Department and the contractor prior to the contract commencing. (see appendix F) This pro-forma will include spaces to list other work done and other work necessary but not to be done at the time. The pro-forma will be e-mailed to the Department after the completion of every visit 10.6.4 The contractors depot information system shall also include a method of recording the modification status of each outstation. The modification state shall also be recorded on the outside of the equipment affected using a suitable label supplied by the Contractor. During periods when modifications are actually being carried out the information shall be updated on a weekly basis. 10.6.5 When a fault has been cleared and the Contractor has restored the outstation to a fully operational state he shall immediately inform the Department by fax and request confirmation that “good data” is being received by the Department before the fault is fully cleared. The details to be supplied as per 10.3.2 and the electronic documentation procedure agreed between the contractor and the Department. 10.7 Delays 10.7.1 The Contractor shall inform the Department when a repair, overhaul or modification has exceeded two weeks and report at weekly intervals thereafter until the work is complete. 11 DOCUMENTATION AND TRAINING 11.1 The Department will provide the Contractor with the following information: 48 11.1.1 At the commencement of the contract the Department will provide the Contractor with a complete set of technical documentation as provided by the manufacturers of the electronic equipment. 11.1.2 The Department will also provide the Contractor with documentation covering the installation and commissioning of outstations. This documentation is provided on the basis of “best advice based upon Departmental experience”. The contractor must follow these instructions. 11.1.3 The Department will provide 5 copies of its maintenance software package, which will be installed on each engineer's laptop. The usage of this software is outlined in Appendix E. 11.1.4 Prior to the commencement of the contract the Department may hold a 3-day training course subject to staff availability. 11.1.5 Any training courses will be based in Bristol with some visits, for the engineers, to outstation sites. The Contractor shall provide transport for his staff. No payments shall be paid by either party to the other party for the costs involved in the training. 11.2 All documentation will be provided in good faith but the accuracy and adequacy cannot be guaranteed. Clauses 11.1.1 to 11.1.5 shall not diminish in any way the responsibility of the Contractor for the maintenance work. The Contractor shall feed back information as to any documentation errors or changes required in the documentation. 11.3 The Contractor shall keep all documentation provided the Department in a clean condition may take working copies of the original Applied Traffic manuals as well as the Department documentation. 11.4 At the end of the contract all original documentation, which shall be complete, together with any copies shall be handed back to the Department. 12 MEETINGS 12.1 Progress meetings will be held on a monthly basis. The venue for the meetings will be negotiated at the commencement of the contract. Representatives from the Contractor shall be the project manager and additional staff if deemed necessary by either party. 49 13 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 13.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging traffic management including that on motorways and trunk roads. The Contractor shall ensure that when arranging traffic management it fully complies with the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991. With larger repairs and where in-road work cannot be completed at a location in one day, traffic management should normally be arranged on consecutive days as one session to minimise delays. The costs for the Traffic Management shall be billable to the Department at cost; the contractor will be able to bill the Department for an arrangement fee at B of Q rates in Schedule B for each session in a given location 13.2 The costs quoted for any of the work detailed in this document shall exclude any associated traffic management costs. The Contractor will however be responsible for all recurrent traffic management costs if the need for traffic management results from: 13.2.1 Work which could have been done during a previous traffic management, at the same site, within the previous two months period, 13.2.2 The re-installation/replacement of equipment which proves faulty within two months of its installation. 13.3 Delays may occur before traffic management can be implemented. Where the delay is outside the Contractor's control then the outstation will be deemed to be producing "Good Data" during the period of that delay. The outstation will be (again) deemed not to be producing "Good Data" starting from and including the day traffic management or contra-flow is implemented until the maintenance contractor completes setting up the site. The site will then be deemed to be producing “good data” from the date the setting up has been completed. 13.4 The contractor will provide the Department with a weekly update of the traffic management schedule, which shall contain the following details: i) Date the traffic management order was placed ii) Date of the traffic management iii) Time of the traffic management iv) Fault number v) Site number vi) Location vii) Duration of the traffic management viii) Brief outline of the work to be carried out ix) Number and type of sensors required (if applicable) x) Name of the engineer assigned to do the work. 50 14 SAFETY MEASURES 14.1 The Contractor shall at all times ensure that all staff employed on site are aware of and comply with, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and with Chapter 8 of The Traffic Signs Manual. 14.2 The Contractor shall comply with all safety instructions issued to the Contractor by the Department, the relevant Highway Authority or the police. These instructions may be verbal or written. 14.2.1 Where compliance with an instruction results in work not being carried out the Contractor shall notify the Department verbally by the end of the next working day and in writing within a week. 14.3 The Contractors attention is particularly drawn to the hazards of working on motorways. The recommendations contained in guidance documents issued by the Department and its agencies shall be followed at all times. 14.4 The Contractor shall inform the Department of any aspects of the outstation system that he considers does not conform to the legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The Contractor shall, if so required by the Department, carry out the necessary modifications to meet the H&S Act. The cost of such work shall be subject to B of Q rates and or CVO (contract variation order) rates if not otherwise covered. 14.5 At site 886, Banbury, the Contractors staff are required to park their vehicles to the south of the cabinet and on the same side of the road. 15 CONTRACTOR’S VEHICLES 15.1 The Contractor shall supply each member of the dedicated team with a vehicle that possesses all round visibility and shall be capable of carrying the equipment required to enable the engineer to undertake the work of the contract. The vehicle shall be finished in a high visibility colour (e.g. white or yellow). 15.2 Each vehicle shall be equipped with sufficient flashing amber beacon(s) (not wired into the ignition system). The beacon(s) shall be clearly visible from the rear of the vehicle when the tailgate is fully opened. 51 16 PAYMENT TERMS 16.1 Fixed Price Payment for the fixed price maintenance shall be on a three monthly basis [Note: The quarterly invoice will be a quarter of the annual fixed price provided the RSI’s scheduled for that quarter have been completed. Invoices shall be submitted for payment not later than two weeks after the period to which the payment relates. These invoices shall itemise costs of: 16.1.1 Those outstations where routine maintenance has been carried out during the three month period. 16.2 Additional Work and Fault Visit Costs 16.2.1 Invoices shall be submitted within two weeks of the work being completed subject to Departmental acceptance to TSR1, Zone 2/14, Gt. Minster House, 76 Marsham St., London SW1P 4DR. 16.2.2 All invoices relating to additional work shall provide supporting evidence of costs and full details of the work carried out including serial numbers of equipment exchanged, labour, transport, equipment and material costs with any mark up together with traffic management costs and any identification numbers issued for this work where applicable. All work should be referenced to a fault number and the electronic documentation detailing the work undertaken during visits. 16.2.3 All invoices and supporting documentation shall also be copied to the Departments engineering support section in Zone 2/15A E, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6HA. 16.2.4 If the invoice relates to a contract variation order (CVO) item then the CVO reference shall also be quoted. 16.2.5 If, when carrying out additional work, the work is spread over different outstation sites and over a period exceeding three months then the Contractor may request that payment be made in stages. Each stage invoice shall be for a period of not less than three months and apply only to the outstation where the work has been fully completed. The details of the work completed during the period shall be detailed and supplied with the invoice. 52 Appendix A SITE ROAD No. 272 M9 273 M8 700 U/C 701 C 702 U/C 703 B1377 704 U/C 705 U/C 706 B3215 707 A25 708 C 709 U/C 710 B6020 711 M90 712 A327 714 U/C 715 A389 716 C 717 A49 718 C 719 C 720 A3054 TYPE M/W M/W U/N C/N U/N B/N U/B C/B B/N P/B C/B U/B B/B M/W P/N U/N P/B C/B T/B C/N C/N P/B ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION BANNOCKBURN J8-J9 HARTHILL LLANEGRYN, GWYNEDD KEYHAM, LEICESTERSHIRE HOLLOW LANE, RAMSEY, CAMBS LONGNIDDRY, LOTHIAN ST HELENS, MERSEYSIDE BEESTON, NOTTS OKEHAMPTON, DEVON GUILDFORD, SURREY OAKLEY, BEDFORDSHIRE BENTLEY RAINWORTH, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE KELTY J4-J5 ARBORFIELD GARRISON MILBORNE PORT, DORSET BODMIN, CORNWALL PENSILVA, CORNWALL HEREFORD EAST OF CLIBURN, NR PENRITH LOVER, WILTSHIRE ISLE OF WIGHT MAP GRID LANES REF. 57 28196881 4 65 4 124 26063058 2 141 46783063 1 142 52972847 1 66 45197663 2 108 35213982 2 129 45123368 2 191 25980958 2 186 49951508 4 153 50082532 2 111 45594061 2 120 45903580 2 58 31326945 4 175 47631660 2 183 36721194 2 200 20740670 2 201 22900700 1 149 35072394 4 91 36095242 2 184 42101198 2 196 45080904 2 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE W W E N E N S E W S W S S S S E S S N E S 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 53 SITE ROAD No. 721 U/C 722 B7020 723 A75 724 A91 726 U/C 729 A110 730 A5268 731 A6044 732 A1074 733 A651 734 A6050 735 A4 736 A58 737 A610 738 A638 739 A151 740 A56 741 A43 742 A374 743 A73 744 A96 745 A30 821 C 822 C 823 C TYPE U/B B/N T/N T/N U/B P/B P/B P/B P/B P/B P/B P/B P/B P/B P/B P/N P/N P/B P/B P/B P/B T/N C/N C/N C/N ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION LIGHTWATER, SURREYHEATH UPPER DORMANT, DUMFRIES EAST RIGGS, DUMFRIES MILNATHORT, TAYSIDE BETTWS CHINGFORD CHESTER PRESTWICH NORWICH GOMERSAL LYDGATE, NR OLDHAM READING LEEDS RIPLEY BARNBYMOOR, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE WHAPLODE, LINCOLNSHIRE THORNTON IN CRAVEN GEDDINGTON PLYMOUTH AIRDRIE BRODIE HONITON KIRKBY, MALZEARD 1 KM SW OF HACKTHORN, LINCS MAXWORTHY CROSS, CORNWALL MAP 175 85 85 58 170 177 117 109 134 104 109 175 104 120 120 131 103 141 201 64 27 192 99 121 190 GRID LANES REF. 49291620 2 30985765 2 32005677 2 31507068 2 29021863 2 53801945 2 34023666 4 38114024 2 62103093 2 42054270 2 39744037 2 47201729 3 42824324 2 44193500 2 46693842 2 53373247 2 39174493 2 48912830 4 25040555 4 98065715 31541009 42114720 49833816 22720947 2 4 1 1 1 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE E 2 S W S N 1 E 1 N 0 E 0 E 1 N 0 S 0 W 0 E 0 S 0 N 0 E 1 N 0 S 0 N 1 W W W E S 0 0 1 1 1 54 SITE ROAD No. 826 C193 827 C 830 C 833 U/C 841 U/C 846 U/C 847 U/C 850 A259 852 A39 853 A303 856 B430 857 A49 858 A446 859 A61 860 A16 863 A1174 865 A596 868 A465 869 A483 870 A75 871 A952 872 A77 873 A82 874 A12 875 A66 TYPE C/N C/N C/N U/N U/N U/N U/N T/N T/N T/N B/N T/N T/N T/N T/N P/B T/N T/N T/N T/N T/N T/N T/N T/N T/N ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION SAFFRON WALDEN, ESSEX SALTWOOD, NR HYTHE, KENT EUSTON, SUFFOLK HILLSIDE, GRAMPIAN BLUBBERHOUSES PENMON, ANGLESEY TARLAND, GRAMPIAN BEXHILL, SUSSEX FAIRY CROSS, NEAR BIDEFORD SPARKFORD, NEAR WINCANTON, MIDDLETON STONEY, OXON WESTON, SHROPSHIRE NEAR NEC, BIRMINGHAM DRONFIELD, DERBYSHIRE SWABY, LINCOLNSHIRE WOODMANSEY, HUMBERSIDE LEEGATE, CUMBRIA NR MERTHYR TYDFIL, MID GLAM NEAR WELSHPOOL, POWYS CASTLE DOUGLAS, GALLOWAY CRUDEN BAY, GRAMPIAN KILMARNOCK, STRATHCLYDE SPEAN BRIDGE, HIGHLAND EAST BERGHOLT TEMPLE SOWERBY MAP 154 179 144 45 104 115 37 199 180 183 164 126 139 119 122 107 85 160 126 84 30 70 41 155 91 GRID LANES REF. 55112380 1 61481362 2 59242810 1 39187978 1 41524570 1 26213800 1 34728058 1 56971078 2 24041243 2 36431265 4 45342232 2 35603292 2 42012854 4 43503776 5 53873765 2 50594376 2 31995462 2 30062057 2 32433092 2 28005691 2 41008392 2 24136339 4 21777796 2 60712366 4 36205265 2 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE S 1 S 1 N 1 N 0 S 1 N 1 S 0 W 0 W 2 W 0 S 0 N 0 N 1 S 0 S 0 S 1 W 1 W 0 S 1 W 0 W 0 S 0 W 0 E 0 E 0 55 SITE ROAD No. 876 A9 884 A338 885 A509 886 A361 889 A4103 890 A520 891 A607 892 A149 893 A553 894 A5 895 A686 897 A482 898 A698 899 A920 900 A890 901 A849 903 A82 907 A686 912 A477 914 A6119 917 A308 923 A617 926 A629 927 A658 933 A478 TYPE T/N P/B P/N P/B P/N P/B P/N P/N P/N T/N P/N P/N P/N P/N P/N P/N P/N T/B T/B P/B P/B P/N P/B P/B P/B ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION TOMATIN COLLINGBOURNE KINGSTON, WILTS OLNEY, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE NEAR BANBURY, OXON RIDGEWAY CROSS, HEREFORDS STONE, STAFFORDSHIRE NEAR MELTON MOWBRAY, LEICS STALHAM, NORFOLK BIDSTON, MERSEYSIDE HINTS MELMERBY, NEAR PENRITH NEAR ABERAERON, DYFED COLDSTREAM, BORDERS HUNTLY, GRAMPIAN STRATHCARRON, HIGHLANMD MULL, STRATHCLYDE DUMBARTON PATHHEAD LLANDDOWROR, NEAR ST CLEARS BROWNHILL, BLACKBURN MAIDENHEAD, BERKSHIRE NEW HOUGHTON DROPPING WELL, NR ROTHERHAM OTLEY ROAD, BRADFORD TENBY, DYFED MAP 27 174 152 151 149 127 129 134 108 139 91 146 74 29 25 49 64 66 158 103 175 120 111 104 158 GRID LANES REF. 78693225 2 42361568 2 48882509 2 43962322 2 37162474 2 39043344 2 47863221 2 63653253 2 32843906 4 15990329 2 35975360 2 24762599 2 38316393 2 35018405 2 19248385 2 16927387 2 41137540 2 33986638 2 22562140 2 36894308 4 48731827 2 44963652 4 43923944 2 41704340 2 21302010 2 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE S 0 S 0 N 1 S 0 W 2 E 0 W 1 W 0 W 1 E 0 N 0 N 1 N 0 W 0 E 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 E 0 E 0 E 2 S 1 S 0 S 1 N 2 56 SITE ROAD TYPE No. 940 B3082 B/B/ 941 B245 B/B 942 B4216 943 B2028 944 B195 945 B3058 946 B186 947 B4489 948 B810 949 B5259 950 C 951 952 B4512 953 B4034 954 B365 955 B3334 956 B2100 957 B5235 960 U/C 963 U/C 966 U/C 967 U/C 969 C 970 U/C B/B B/B B/B B/B B/B B/B B/B B/B C/B B/B B/B B/B B/B B/B B/B B/B U/B U/B U/B U/B U/B U/B ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION TARRANT KEYNISTON LONDON RD, TONBRIDGE (Nr Stacey Rd) NEWENT, GLOUCESTERSHIRE WEST COMMON, HAYWARDS HEATH WELWYN GARDEN CITY BASHLEY, HAMPSHIRE SOUTH OCKENDON MORRISTON, NR SWANSEA POLMONT, CENTRAL KIRKHAM, LANCASHIRE ORMESBY ROAD, MIDDLESBOROUGH HETTON LE HOLE THORNTON, LANCS BLETCHLEY WALTON ON THAMES ROWNER ROTHERFIELD WEST HOUGHTON CRAMLINGTON, NORTHUMBERLAND HINDLEY, WIGAN SANDY LODGE WAY, NORTHWOOD HUTTON COPTHORNE PARK, SHREWSBURY EAST KILBRIDE, LANARKSHIRE MAP GRID LANES REF. 195 93290457 2 188 55831475 2 162 198 166 195 177 159 65 102 93 88 102 165 176 196 188 109 88 109 176 182 126 64 37202261 53411252 25251313 42420970 59388054 26501981 29326784 34174320 45185184 35294694 34914178 86213335 10196598 57570246 55691302 65920376 42705761 36334039 50901923 34095862 34763128 26516540 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE S 2 W 2 S W S N N N S W S E N W S E W S W N S E E N 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 0 57 SITE ROAD TYPE No. 971 Unc U/B 976 B6478 977 B4494 978 B1382 979 B6225 982 A850 2521 M1 2523 M1 2531 M1 2533 M1 2542 M4 2544 M4 2552 M4 2554 M4 2571 M5 2573 M5 2581 M5 2583 M5 2591 M6 2593 M6 2611 M6 2613 M6 2632 M6 2634 M6 B/N B/N B/N B/N P/B M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION STANHOPE ROAD, SMETHWICK (nr Davison Rd) NEAR WADDINGTON, LANCS NEAR BRIGHTWALTON, BERKS PRICKWILLOW, CAMBS MILNROW, EAST OF ROCHDALE BROADFORD NOTTINGHAM BETWEEN J25-26 NOTTINGHAM BETWEEN J25-26 BARNSLEY BETWEEN J36-37 BARNSLEY BETWEEN J36-37 MAIDENHEAD BETWEEN J7-8/9 MAIDENHEAD BETWEEN J7-8/9 MEMBURY BETWEEN J14-15 MEMBURY BETWEEN J14-15 NORTH NIBLEY BETWEEN J13-14 NORTH NIBLEY BETWEEN J13-14 BROMSGROVE BETWEEN J4-5 BROMSGROVE BETWEEN J4-5 PENRITH BETWEEN J40-4 PENRITH BETWEEN J40-4 NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS, J22-23 NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS, J22-23 COVENTRY BETWEEN J2-3 COVENTRY BETWEEN J2-3 MAP GRID LANES REF. 139 40242873 2 103 174 143 109 32 129 129 111 111 175 175 174 174 162 162 139 139 90 90 108 108 140 140 37224457 44401776 55802820 39294139 16508231 45053429 45053428 43414012 43344039 49171797 49171796 43471737 43471736 37211975 37211974 39612747 39612747 35035301 35035300 35913963 35913963 43772829 43762828 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE N 0 S N W S S N S N S E W E W N S N S N S N S E W 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 SITE ROAD No. 2662 M3 2664 M3 2671 M11 2673 M11 2682 M50 2684 M50 2691 A1(M) 2693 A1(M) 2742 M56 2744 M56 2752 M40 2754 M40 2791 M18 2812 M55 2814 M55 2822 M20 2824 M20 2831 M3 2833 M3 2852 M180 2854 M180 2871 M25 2873 M25 2891 M1 2893 M1 TYPE M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION CAMBERLEY BETWEEN J3-4 CAMBERLEY BETWEEN J3-4 THEYDON BOIS J5-6 THEYDON BOIS J5-6 PENDOCK BETWEEN J1-2 PENDOCK BETWEEN J1-2 DURHAM DURHAM FRODSHAM J12-14 FRODSHAM J12-14 TETSWORTH BETWEEN J6-7 TETSWORTH BETWEEN J6-7 CANTLEY/COMMON BET J3-4 WOODPLUMPTON E/B BETWEEN J1-3 WOODPLUMPTON W/B BETWEEN J1-3 EAST SMEETH J10-11 EAST SMEETH J10-11 EAST STRATTON BETWEEN J8-9 EAST STRATTON BETWEEN J8-9 BRIGG BETWEEN J4-5 BRIGG BETWEEN J4-5 OCKENDON BETWEEN J29-30 OCKENDON BETWEEN J29-30 LEICESTER BETWEEN J21-22 LEICESTER BETWEEN J21-22 MAP 186 186 167 167 150 150 93 93 117 117 165 165 111 102 102 189 189 185 185 112 112 177 177 140 140 GRID LANES REF. 48941605 3 48941605 3 54661990 3 54661990 3 37782330 2 37782330 2 43125386 2 43145386 2 35123779 3 35123779 3 47012003 3 47012003 3 46344026 4 35154338 4 35154338 4 60691392 3 60691392 3 45351400 2 45351400 2 50184098 4 50184097 4 55831851 3 55841851 3 45163063 3 45163063 3 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE E 0 W 0 N 0 S 0 E 0 W 0 N 0 S 0 E 0 W 0 E 0 W 0 N 0 E 0 W 0 E 0 W 0 N 0 S 0 E 0 W 0 N 0 S 0 N 0 S 0 59 SITE ROAD No. 2902 M40 2904 M40 2911 A1(M) 2913 A1(M) 2922 M4 2924 M4 2931 M6 TYPE M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W M/W 2933 M6 M/W 7272 M27 7274 M27 7281 M1 7283 M1 8552 A14 8554 A14 30852 A39 30857 A49 30858 A446 32634 M6 32873 M25 M/W M/W M/W M/W T/N T/N T/N T/N T/N M/W M/W ATDC OUTSTATION SITE LOCATIONS LOCATION WARWICKSHIRE BET J15-16 WARWICKSHIRE BET J15-16 SAWTRY SAWTRY TRE-BRYN BETWEEN J35 & 36, MP266/6 TRE-BRYN BETWEEN J35 & 36, MP266/6 ALLOSTOCK BETWEEN J18 & 19, MP 281/4 ALLOSTOCK BETWEEN J18 & 19, MP 278/9 SOUTHAMPTON BETWEEN J4-4 SOUTHAMPTON BETWEEN J4-4 BOLSOVER BETWEEN J29-30 BOLSOVER BETWEEN J29-30 NEWMARKET NEWMARKET FAIRY CROSS, NEAR BIDEFORD WESTON, SHROPSHIRE NEAR NEC, BIRMINGHAM COVENTRY BETWEEN J2-3 OCKENDON BETWEEN J29-30 MAP 151 151 142 142 170 170 118 GRID LANES REF. 42302653 3 42302652 4 18277943 4 18347941 4 29421820 3 29421820 3 37413691 3 DIR. 1 CYCLE LANE E 0 W 0 N 0 S 0 E 0 W 0 N 0 118 37333715 3 S 0 185 185 120 120 154 154 180 126 139 140 177 44201171 44201171 44463713 44463713 56512661 56512660 24041243 35603292 42012854 43762828 55841851 2 2 3 4 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 E W N S E W W N N W S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 60 Appendix B Representational Map of National Core ATDC Locations in Great Britain 61 APPENDIX D Appendix C CONTRACTOR’S PROVISION OF SPECIALIST TOOLS Suggested list of equipment required for each site engineer a Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope Note: The Oscilloscope at present used by the current maintenance contractor is a 100M Samples/Second dual channel oscilloscope. A suitable Oscilloscope for the new contract would be one, which has a specification that either matches or betters.] b 1000v Megger also with a 100V range c Laptop computer fitted with and capable of running Windows 98 or better based programs, preferably Office 97 and having installed an ISP E-mail programme. Along with either an internal or external modem capable of communicating at, at least 19200 baud. d Lightweight portable printer and paper e Appropriate cables and connectors f Portable LCR meter LIST OF SPARES The Department will free issue the following spares. Item Quantity Mains Electrical Distribution boards 10 US Robotics Sportster Modem 20 Heaters with thermostats 12 Hi-Trac Classifier | | | |? | | | | | | | | | Hi-Trac spares: Power supply units Backplanes Front Panels Primary boards Secondary boards Dip boards Lead sets (for use with Hi-Trac classifier) 12V 38 Amp hour sealed lead acid battery (for use with the Hi-Trac classifier) Cabinets with plinths 8 Standard replaceable axle/BL sensors 2.5m “ “ “ “ 2.75m “ “ “ “ 3.0m “ “ “ “ 3.5m “ “ “ “ 4.0m “ “ “ “ 4.5m “ “ “ “ 5.0m 20 | | | | | | | Note 1* | | | | 62 APPENDIX D 2.11 NOTE: 1 The quantity of sensors will be finalised at the commencement of contract but will cover all lengths. 2.12 Continued Item Loop Cable 1000m drum Quantity 2 2.13 Contractor to collect the above spares from TSSD Depot at Kennedy Way, Yate and place them into storage (see storage provision item 6.6) 63 Appendix E CHECKS AND WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT AS APPROPRIATE DURING ROUTINE SITE SAFETY VISITS AT SITES EQUIPED WITH HI-TRAC CLASSIFIERS An outline version of the pro-forma to be used during RSI visits is included at appendix H. It is intended that information will be recorded by use of the pro-forma, which will be agreed before the start of the contract. The completed pro-forma is to be e-mailed to the contractors office prior to the departure of the engineer from the site. 2.14 At the six monthly visits the Contractor shall perform the following tasks. 1. Carry out a visual check of all the equipment on site, the condition of the road and road sensors array taking particular note whether: 1.1 There is any physical damage to any of the equipment on the site. Make safe if necessary. 1.2 The sensor(s) are secure in the road. If site fitted with old style replaceable sensors ensure guides are secure in road. 1.3 If fitted with old style replaceable sensors, the replaceable sensors are secure in the housings. 1.4 All back filling is satisfactory and intact. 1.5 The road surface is in good condition i.e. it is not cracking or forming potholes around the array. 1.6 Record the serial numbers of the classifier and modem. 2. Carry out an electrical safety inspection to check: 2.1 Earthing and earth bonding is satisfactory. 2.2 There are no frayed/corroded wires and the insulation is in good condition (particularly check heater cable). 2.3 All termination’s and connectors are secure. 2.4 Check the condition of the telecom socket and contacts and the operation of the telephone line. 2.5 Check the operation of the heater and set the thermostat to 5 C. 3. Check that: 3.1 The cabinet is securely fixed. 3.2 The locks are securing the cabinet effectively. 3.3 That the hinges are free. 4. Connect laptop to Classifier and download 3 weekdays data (including the data for the day of the visit). Using the Raw data analysis software supplied by the Department, undertake the following checks on the data and note any shortcomings: 4.1 That the average lengths for cars in all lanes is within tolerance bands indicated by the software. 4.2 Check the average length of cars is near to the expected length given by the software. 4.3 The average speed and overhang is within expected ranges. 4.4 Check and note that the lane distribution is consistent with accurate operation of the site. 4.5 Check the percentage validity code errors for the site are within acceptable limits (for a multilane site the % should be well below 10%). 4.6 Check that the Twmv percentages are within acceptable limits (for most sites the percentage should be well below 1%). 4.7 Check the Rigid Good vehicle data appears to be consistent with the accurate operation of the site. 4.8 Check the proportion of N classifications (for most sites the percentage should be well below 0.5% in all lanes and in total for all lanes). 4.9 Check the Lgv Car Ratios (for most sites the percentage should be between 10 and 15%). 4.10 Check the Class index counts and check that they are consistent with the accurate operation of the site. 5. Enter the real time view mode of operation using the laptop and examine the data produced to check for the accurate and consistent operation of the site. Also while in this mode try to diagnose the cause of any shortcomings that were noted whilst undertaking the data checks in paragraph noted in 4. Only when satisfied that the site is operating correctly or when diagnosis of the operational shortcoming noted in 4 has been made continue with the following equipment checks. 6. Using 100-Volt Meggar record the insulation readings of the loops in Meg Ohms, Using a LCR meter record the series resistance in Ohms and Inductance of the loops in Milli Henrys. Record the types of tails fitted to the inroad loops and note any conditions that may effect their performance. 7. Disconnect each sensor in turn including Cycle sensors and measure and record the following parameters:7.1 Resistance (Meggar 100 Volt range) between the signal and screen in Meg Ohms. 64 7.2 Resistance (Meggar 100 Volt range) between screen and earth in Meg Ohms. 7.3 The capacitance of the sensors should be measured using the LCR meter in Nano Farads. 8. Using a digital Storage Oscilloscope check and record the noise levels (peak to peak) in milli Volts produced by all the sensors (Axle and Cycles). All of the sensor measurements are recorded/undertaken at the BNC interface between the sensors and the Hi-Trac. 9. Inspect the vehicle-generated waveforms in the Waveform viewing mode with the Hi-Comm software package and optimise the waveforms using the Dip Gain boards. 10.Optimise the performance of the site using the software configurable modes of operation to overcome the performance shortcoming diagnosed by the checks undertaken in paragraph 4. 11. Undertake a 10-minute sensor check and record the Sensor, Loop and vehicles counts for each lane. Record the sensor waveforms for a light and heavy vehicle in each lane. 12. Observe the traffic for a period of 30 minutes to check if the classifier is operating correctly. If necessary make additional adjustments both software and hardware to further optimise the performance of the site if further deficiencies are seen. If any changes are required to be made to the set up of the Hi-Trac classifier after the start of the 30-minute block listing, the block listing must be re-started. During the block listing note all misclassified vehicles noting time and vehicle number and record reason for mis-classification. The start time finish time along with the starting vehicle and last vehicle serial numbers should be recorded. 14. After completing all operational checks on the Classifier the engineer will save on his laptop a copy of the configuration file. 13. Check the voltage and condition of the backup battery the voltage to be measured in Volts. 14. A minimum of three photographs of each outstation should be taken during every RSI visit and should be provided to Department in digital format. At least one photograph should confirm the road and sensor array conditions and one facing each direction to show the road condition approaching the site. The pro-forma (see Appendix H) should be used to note any significant changes at the site along with additional photographs where required to show specific problems. 15. Lubricate and check the operation of all locks and door hinges. 16. If a fault(s) is discovered on third party equipment, i.e. telecom or the electricity supplier, the Contractor shall make arrangements with the third party to rectify the fault. 17. If traffic management is required in order to rectify a fault this shall be arranged, and the necessary rectification work carried out as soon as possible. 18. Before departure from site notify the contractors office of the faults found and obtain fault number for this work. Complete the site logbook recording the results of all of the tests undertaken. In addition details of all minor works undertaken, faults that have been found for which further corrective action is required and any other points noted during the visit should also be recorded. Complete the site visit pro-forma (see Appendix H and I), including the details of traffic management required to undertake the additional works and lanes that will require access. Record any general comments on the site and print and leave a copy of the pro-forma in the cabinet. Immediately prior to departure from site all of the documentation required to be produced/generated including waveform files, data files, information files and photographs shall be E mailed to the contractors office to be forwarded on to the Department. 19. Check that the equipment is all connected and correctly configured for remote access; the modem is plugged into the telecom socket and fasten the doors firmly. 65 Appendix F REPLACEMENT OF AXLE AND CYCLE SENSORS. Axle sensors are to be replaced on an as required (i.e. when they become defective or wear out) rather than on a regular basis. During the replacement of an Axle sensor(s) the engineer shall undertake the following tasks. The results shall be recorded in the site logbook and on a site fault pro-forma (see annex H) 1 copy of which shall be retained by the contractor and a second copy will be sent to the Department. The pro-forma must include all details relating to the Fault and work previously undertaken on the outstation e.g. Fault Number, Date raised, date of visit and previous visits if relevant, Time on site/off site, findings, corrective action taken, test results, further corrective action required and any other comments. 1. Record the following parameters prior to the installation of the replacement sensor(s). 1.1 Serial number of new sensor(s). 1.2 Resistance as measured using Meggar 1000 Volt range between feeder cable screen and core. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms and shall not be less than 999M Ohms. 1.3 Resistance as measured using Meggar 1000 Volt range between feeder cable screen and earth. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms. 1.4 Capacitance between feeder cable screen and core. The readings will be recorded in Nano Farads 2. Record the following parameters after the sensor has been installed and the feeder cable has terminated and entered into a BNC connector within the ATDC cabinet. be cut to length, 2.1 Resistance as measured using Meggar 100 Volt range between feeder cable screen and core. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms. 2.2 Resistance as measured using Meggar 100 Volt range between feeder cable screen and earth. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms. 2.3 Capacitance between feeder cable screen and core. The readings will be recorded in Nano Farads 3. Inspect the vehicle-generated waveforms in the Waveform viewing mode with the Hi-Comm software package and optimise the waveforms using the Dip Gain boards. Optimise the performance of the site using the software configurable modes of operation to overcome the performance shortcoming diagnosed whilst the inspection is being undertaken. 4. The raw peak outputs should be recorded. In addition a waveform for a light and heavy vehicle in each lane, in which a sensor has been changed, should be recorded. 5. Only after the performance of the site has been optimised (as outlined in paragraph 3) set the local terminal to block listing mode. Observe the passage of traffic for a period of 1 hour on motorways and 2 hours on all other types of road and check if the Classifier is producing accurate vehicle classifications. If necessary make additional adjustments using both software and hardware to further optimise the performance of the site, if further deficiencies are seen. If any changes are required to be made to the set up of the Hi-Trac classifier after the start of the specified block listing periods, the block listing must be re-started and a further block listing period must be completed. During the block listing note all mis-classified vehicles noting time and vehicle number and record reason for mis-classification. The start time finish time along with the starting vehicle and last vehicle serial numbers should be recorded. [Note: A competent site engineer will validate the vehicle classification accuracy. This will be undertaken by the engineer comparing the ATDC classification produced following the passage of a vehicle, against the classification that the competent engineer would assign to that vehicle.] Cycle sensors are to be replaced on an as required (i.e. when they become defective or wear out) rather than on a regular basis. During the replacement of cycle sensor(s) the engineer shall undertake the following tasks. The results shall be recorded in the site log book and on a site fault pro-forma which shall be e-mailed to the contractors office prior to the engineers departure from site and a copy shall also be printed out and retained on site. The pro-forma must include all details relating to the fault and work previously undertaken on the site e.g. Fault Number, Date raised, date of visit and previous 66 visits if relevant, Time on site/off site, findings, corrective action taken, test results, further corrective action required and any other comments. 1. Record the following parameters prior to the installation of the replacement sensor(s). 1.1 Serial number of new sensor(s). 1.2 Resistance as measured using Meggar 1000 Volt range between feeder cable screen and core. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms and shall not be less than 999M Ohms. . 1.3 Resistance as measured using Meggar 1000 Volt range between feeder cable screen and earth. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms. 1.4 Capacitance between feeder cable screen and core. The readings will be recorded in Nano Farads 2. Record the following parameters after the sensor has been cut to length and for both types of classifiers terminated in a B.N.C. connector within the ATDC cabinet. 2.1 Resistance as measured using Meggar 100 Volt range between feeder cable screen and core. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms. 2.2 Resistance as measured using Meggar 100 Volt range between feeder cable screen and earth. The reading will be recorded in Meg Ohms. 2.3 Capacitance between feeder cable screen and core. The readings will be recorded in Nano Farads 3. Inspect the vehicle-generated waveforms in the Waveform viewing mode with the Hi-Comm software package and optimise the waveforms using the Dip Gain boards. Optimise the performance of the site using the software configurable modes of operation to overcome the performance shortcoming diagnosed whilst the inspection is being undertaken. 4. A waveform for a Light and Heavy vehicle in each lane in which a sensor has been changed should also be recorded along with if possible a waveform for a Pedal Cycle or a Motorcycle. 5. Only after the performance of the site has been optimised (as outlined in paragraph 3) set the local terminal to block listing mode. Observe the passage of traffic for a period of 1 hour and check if the Classifier is producing accurate vehicle classifications. If necessary make additional adjustments using both software and hardware to further optimise the performance of the site, if further deficiencies are seen. If any changes are required to be made to the set up of the HiTrac classifier after the start of the specified block listing period, the block listing must be re-started and a further block listing period must be completed. During the block listing note all mis-classified vehicles noting time and vehicle number and record reason for mis-classification. The start time finish time along with the starting vehicle and last vehicle serial numbers should be recorded. If the period between the sensors replacement and the previous RSI is more than 3 months then a complete set of routine checks as detailed in Appendix E, shall be carried out. 67 2.15 Appendix G Example of electronic documentation process to be followed for a fault raised by TSR 1) TSR contact maintenance contractor and obtain next fault number from the fault reporting system maintained by the contractor. 2) TSR insert the details of the fault on an electronic document and the file is named in accordance to a file naming structure agreed between the department and the Contractor. The Document is then sent by TSR to the maintenance contractor and Highways Agency. 3) Maintenance contractor sends the electronic document to the engineer assigned to attend the fault. 4) Engineer completes the form detailing diagnosis of the problem, the results of all tests undertaken, serial numbers of any equipment installed and removed along with the details and extent of additional works required along with the traffic management required to complete these works. Prior to departure from site the engineer “e mails” the electronic form to the maintenance contractor, TSR and Highways Agency. The engineer also prints off a form and it is retained on site in the site book. 5) If additional works are required a new electronic form should be generated, using the agreed naming procedure, by the engineer and paragraph 4) repeated for every visit made to site. 6) Maintenance contractor submits invoice details of information required to be submitted as (WRD paragraph 16.2.2). Copies of the electronic documents accompany the submitted invoice for every visit made. 68 Example of electronic documentation process to be followed for a fault raised by maintenance contractor. 1) Maintenance Contractor obtains next fault number from the fault reporting system they maintain the file is named in accordance to a file naming structure agreed between the department and the Contractor. Complete an electronic form detailing nature of the Fault “e mail” the form to TSR and Highways Agency. 2) Maintenance contractor sends the electronic document to the engineer assigned to attend the fault. 3) Engineer completes the form detailing diagnosis of the problem, the results of all tests undertaken, serial numbers of any equipment installed and removed along with the details and extent of additional works required along with the traffic management required to complete these works. Prior to departure from site the engineer “e-mails” the electronic form to the maintenance contractor, TSR and Highways Agency. The engineer also prints off a form and it is retained on site in the site book. 4) If additional works are required a new electronic form should be generated, using the agreed naming procedure, by the engineer and paragraph 3) repeated for every visit made to site. 5) Maintenance contractor submits invoice details of information required to be submitted as (WRD paragraph 16.2.2). Copies of the electronic documents accompany the submitted invoice for every visit made. 69 Example of electronic documentation process to be followed for a fault diagnosed by a maintenance engineer whilst undertaking a RSI or attending an unrelated fault. 1) Maintenance engineer contacts depot and informs them verbally of the nature of the fault and obtains the next fault number from the fault reporting system the maintenance contractor maintains. The engineer completes the normal RSI electronic form but also completes the fault paragraph on the form with the fault details. The electronic RSI form is named in accordance with the file naming structure agreed between the department and the Contractor. The completed form along with the WRD defined RSI documentation is “e-mailed” to the contractors depot, TSR and Highways Agency prior to departure from site. The engineer also prints off a form and it is retained on site in the site book. 2) During follow up visits the engineer completes a form detailing all works undertaken, the results of all tests, serial numbers of any equipment installed and removed along with the details and extent of additional works required along with the traffic management required to complete these works. Prior to departure from site the engineer “emails” the electronic form to the maintenance contractor, TSR and Highways Agency. The engineer also prints off a form and it is retained on site in the site book. 3) If additional works are required a new electronic form should be generated, using the agreed naming procedure, by the engineer and paragraph 2) repeated for every visit made to site. 4) Maintenance contractor submits invoice details of information required to be submitted as (WRD paragraph 16.2.2). Copies of the electronic documents accompany the submitted invoice for every visit made including the RSI sheet. 70 2.16 Appendix H R.S.I. REPORT SHEET ATDC CONTRACT SITE NUMBER: Location: VISIT DATE: Immediately Below only to be completed if a Fault is raised during the R.S.I. Visit DATE FAULT RAISED: FAULT NUMBER: DETAILS OF REPORTED FAULT: SITE CONDITION CHECK LIST FAULT RAISED BY: COMMENTS WORK UNDERTAKEN/REQUIRED Physical site damage Backfilling/Epoxy Road surface Cabinet doors locks And hinges Earthing and bonding Duct seals Wiring including Heater Terminations Telephone line including Phone socket 71 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST COMMENTS/SERIAL NUMBER WORK UNDERTAKEN/REQUIRED Classifier Modem Loop Test Results LOOP Impedance To earth Series Resistance Inductance Cable Type Remarks Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 72 Sensor Test Results (As tested at the BNC Connector at the back of the Equipment) Impedance Axle Sensor Sig/Scr Scr/E Cap NF Raw Noise MV Raw Peak Signal +ve -ve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sensor Type (B.L./T2000) Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Sensor Length (Metres) Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Cycle Sensor Test Results (As tested at the BNC Connector at the back of the Equipment) Cycle Sensor Capacitance (Nf) Noise (mV) Impedance Sig/Scr Impedance Scr/E Signal (mV) 1A 1B 2A 2B 73 Sensor Interval Test Results. (For 10 Minute interval Test) Lane Number 1 Sensor 1 Count Sensor 2 Count Loop Count Vehicle Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sensor Waveforms Lane 1 Light Vehicle Description Heavy Vehicle Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Activities Check List Activity Remarks/Comments Starting vehicle Record Number Finishing vehicle Record Number Take and monitor ½ hour V.B.V. block listing. Check heater Thermostat set to 5 C Check Voltage and condition of backup battery Lubricate Locks/Hinges Check and necessary clean B.T. socket connections if All Equipment switched on and Connected B.T.Line/Modem Connected 74 Classifier Check List Comments Speed Limit at classifier? Is there a different speed limit sign in sight? If yes, record limit and direction from classifier Is street lighting present at the classifier? Is car parking likely? Is a bus stop nearby? Is a school nearby? Is a works entrance nearby? Are there shops nearby? Is there a pedestrian crossing nearby? Are there traffic lights nearby? Approximate distance from nearest road junction Type of road surface Loading/Un-loading nearby? Other factors that may influence site data collection. Details of all minor work Undertaken During R.S.I. Details of All Outstanding Work 75 Details of Traffic Management Requirements and Lanes that need to be Accessed General Comments Pre-Site Departure Activities Comments Print out copy of R.S.I. for retention at site Complete Log book “E” mail R.S.I. sheet, Sensor Waveforms, Vehicle Record File and any photographs to Office Engineers Details Name of Engineer Attending R.S.I. Time of Arrival :- Time of Departure:- 76 2.17 Appendix I SITE FAULT VISIT REPORT SHEET ATDC CONTRACT FAULT NUMBER: DATE FAULT RAISED: DETAILS OF REPORTED FAULT: VISIT NUMBER FOR THE ABOVE FAULT: SITE NUMBER: LOCATION: VISIT DATE: SITE CHECK LIST FAULT RAISED BY: COMMENTS WORK UNDERTAKEN/REQUIRED Physical site damage Backfilling/Epoxy Road surface Cabinet doors locks And hinges Earthing and bonding Duct seals Wiring Terminations Telephone line including Phone socket 77 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST COMMENTS WORK UNDERTAKEN/REQUIRED Classifier Modem Loop Test Results LOOP Impedance To earth Series Resistance Inductance Cable Type Remarks Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Sensor Tests Prior to Installation Sensor Serial Number Date of Manufacture Impedance Core/Screen Cap NF Location Installed 78 Sensor Test Results (As tested at the BNC Connector at the back of the Equipment) Impedance Axle Sensor Sig/Scr Scr/E Cap NF Raw Noise MV Raw Peak Signal +ve -ve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sensor Type (B.L./T2000) Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Sensor Length (Metres) Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Cycle Sensor Test Results (As tested at the BNC Connector at the back of the Equipment) Cycle Sensor Capacitance (Nf) Noise (mV) Impedance Sig/Scr Impedance Scr/E Signal (mV) 1A 1B 2A 2B 79 Sensor Interval Test Results. Lane Number Sensor 1 Count Sensor 2 Count Loop Count Vehicle Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sensor Waveforms Lane 1 Light Vehicle Description Heavy Vehicle Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Details of All work Undertaken During Visit. Starting Vehicle Record Number 1 Hour Check Finishing Vehicle Record Number Details (Commencement and finish times) of Operational checks undertaken (if applicable). Starting Vehicle Record Number 2 Hour Check Finishing Vehicle Record Number Details of All Outstanding Work 80 Details of Traffic Management Requirements and Lanes that need to be Accessed General Comments Pre-Site Departure Activities Comments Complete Log book “E” mail Fault sheet, any Sensor Waveforms, Vehicle Record Files, photographs or site generated information to Office Engineers Details Name of Engineer Attending Fault:Time of Arrival :- Time of Departure:- 81 Schedule A 2.18 BILL OF QUANTITIES Sheet 1 ITEM 1. . FIXED PRICE COSTS Item Ref. Description Cost £ 1.1 Sects 6.1 and 6.4 Annual cost to undertake the routine and preventative maintenance of all the sites ..................... 1.2 Sects 7.1 and 7.2 Change in annual maintenance costs (items 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 as appropriate) for the addition or reduction of a site with 1 lane. + ..................... 1.3 Sects 7.1 and 7.2 Change in annual maintenance costs (items 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 as appropriate) for the addition or reduction of a site with 2 lanes. + ..................... 1.4 Sects 7.1 and 7.2 Change in annual maintenance costs (items 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 as appropriate) for the addition or reduction of a site with 3 lanes. + ..................... 1.5 Sects 7.1 and 7.2 Change in annual maintenance costs (items 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 as appropriate) for the addition or reduction of a site with 4 lanes. + ..................... 1.6 Sects 7.1 and 7.2 Change in annual maintenance costs (items 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 as appropriate) for the addition or reduction of a lane(s) of in-road equipment at a site, (costs per lane per site). + ..................... 1.7 Sects 7.1 and 7.2 Change in annual maintenance costs (items 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 as appropriate) for the addition or reduction of 2 cycle sensors at a site, (costs per lane per site). + ..................... Note 1. All costs to be exclusive of VAT. 82 NOTES FOR USE WITH SCHEDULE B All costs to be exclusive of VAT. Definition of Terms Definition of Terms “Removal” involves the following:2.19 All the civil, mechanical and electrical works required to complete the taking away of all the relevant equipment, the fittings and fixings from the place where they were installed. 2.20 Transportation of salvaged equipment from site to contractor’s depot. 2.21 The proper disposal of unusable and or unwanted equipment. 2.22 Storage of salvaged equipment. 2.23 Making good the condition of the site (see paragraph 5.15). 2.24 “Install” involves the following:2.25 Transportation of equipment and materials to site. 2.26 All the civil, mechanical and electrical works required to complete the site works and to position, interconnect and fix all the relevant equipment. 2.27 Removal of debris from site and making good the condition of the site. “Commission” involves the following : 2.28 Confirming that the equipment is physically installed in accordance with the appropriate drawings and requirement documents and that the correct materials have been used. 2.29 Confirming that the correct type and quantity of equipment has been installed and that the physical and electrical interconnections between all the installed equipment are correctly made. 2.30 Carrying out all adjustments and or rectification work which may be required. 2.31 Setting the equipment to operate correctly and functionally testing the installed equipment which shall include checking and recording the performance against defined levels.” Commission” includes all necessary engineering support if Site Set Up is required, see Appendix I, paragraph 1. 83 Schedule B BILLS OF QUANTITIES Sheet 1 ITEMS 2. TO 5. Inclusive ADDITIONAL COSTS ( see Paragraph 7 ) WORKS REQUIRED Item NOTES 1. 2. Description Qty Removal Costs £ Install Costs £ Commission Costs £ 2 Complete Outstation Site without Cycle Sensors and which has:- 2.1) 2.2) 2.3) 2.4) 1 Lane 2 Lanes 3 Lanes 4 Lanes 1 1 1 1 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. 3 Roadside Equipment 3.1) 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) 3.5) All equipment inc. 609 cabinet(s) All equipment no 609 cabinet(s) All equipment no classifier cabinet Classifier Cabinet (GKH010) 609 Cabinet 1 1 1 1 1 .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 4 All in-road Equipment at an outstation site (with cycle sensors) Per site 4.1) 4.2) 4.3) 4.4) 1 Lane Equipment * 2 Lanes Equipment * 3 Lanes Equipment 4 Lanes Equipment 1 1 1 1 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 5 All in-road Equipment at an outstation site (no cycle sensors) Per site 5.1) 5.2) 5.3) 5.4) 1 Lane Equipment * 2 Lanes Equipment * 3 Lanes Equipment 4 Lanes Equipment 1 1 1 1 ............... .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. The lane(s) referred to in items 2 ,4 and 5 shall be the number of running lanes. The costs for items 2 to 5 inclusive shall include the cost of labour. Also see note 3 on sheet 2 of Schedule B. 3. Install costs include provision of all materials other than those specified in items 9.1 to 9.31 inclusive of Schedule C. The relevant materials within items 9.1 to 9.31 inclusive shall be chargeable separately where appropriate. These shall also apply where lanes are added to an existing site. 84 Schedule B BILLS OF QUANTITIES ITEMS 6. AND 7. ADDITIONAL COSTS WORKS Item REQUIRED Description Qty Removal Costs £ Install Costs £ Commission Costs £ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...............…. .................... xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx .................... .................... ................... …................ …................ 6 Individual in-road Equipment Items, Per site 6.1) Permanent BL sensor 6.2) Additional permanent BL sensor 6.3) BL (cycle length) Sensor 6.4) Additional BL (cycle length) Sensor(s) 6.5) Double D Loop 1 Per Sensor 1 Per Sensor 1 Per Sensor 1 7 Trenching Per Metre 7.1) Through Earth 7.2) Through Asphalt/paving/concrete Per Metre NOTES 1. 2. 3. .............. .............. The costs for items 6 and 7 inclusive shall include the cost of labour. Install costs include provision of all materials other than those specified in items 9.1 to 9.31 inclusive of Schedule C. The relevant materials within items 9.1 to 9.31 inclusive shall be chargeable separately where appropriate. Items 2,3,4 and 5 all include the costs for items 6.1 to 6.9 where relevant. 85 Schedule C BILLS OF QUANTITIES Sheet 1 ADDITIONAL COSTS ITEM 9. Materials Unit cost £ Item Description 1 to 4 5 to 24 25+ 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 Applied Weighing Classifier Modem, US robotics Sportster V34 Wiring loom for Classifier Cabinet 12V 38 Amp hour Sealed Lead Acid Battery Cabinet Heater (60 watts) Mains Distribution Panel Classifier Cabinet c/w plinth Earth spike with clamp BL axle Sensor 1.50m (used as cycle sensors) BL axle Sensor 2.00m (used as cycle sensors BL axle Sensor 2.50m BL axle Sensor 2.75m BL axle Sensor 3.00m BL axle Sensor 3.25m BL axle Sensor 4.00m BL axle Sensor 4.50m BL axle Sensor 5.00m ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ........ ...... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............ .. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx Qty 9.18 9.19 9.20 Loop Cable per 100m reel 16mm oval EGA tube per 3 metre length 10mm copper tube per 40m reel 1 1 1 Cost £ ........... ........... ........... 2.32 NOTE Item 9.6 Mains distribution panel comprises a single way consumer unit (for electricity board termination), an earth leakage circuit breaker, a single and a twin 13 amp socket, a thermostat and a RC suppresser all wired and mounted on a wooden board, with 0.5 metre of heat resistant wire from the thermostat for connection to a heater. 2.33 ] 86 Schedule D 2.34 ADDITIONAL COSTS Sheet 1 ITEM 10. Equipment Mark Up Percentage mark up on equipment, not listed under item 9 and excluding test equipment, purchased specifically for the contract work, where the equipment is not provided by the Department. ............% 87 Schedule E Sheet 1 2.35 ITEM 11. Engineer’s Rates 2.36 Additional Costs Item Ref. 11.1 5.7 Project Engineer Dedicated Site Engineer Trained Site Engineer Engineer’s Hourly Rate ........ ........ ........ 11.2 Engineer’s Daily Rate ........ ........ ........ 11.3 Engineer’s Weekly Rate ........ ........ ........ 11.4 Travel Rate per mile ................. 88 Schedule E Sheet 2 2.37 ITEM 12. Fault Attendance and Traffic Management Unscheduled Maintenance/Additional Costs Item Ref 2.1 7.7 2.2 2.3 7.7 13.1 Description Fixed payment for attendance at site within 3 working days of notification of a fault and subsequent fault visits to correct same fault. Reduced fixed payment for attendance at site more than 3 working days after notification of a fault and subsequent fault visits to correct same fault. Cost in Pounds ................................. ... ................................. .. Arrangement fee for Traffic Management required to carry out any in-road work at a single location. ................................. ... 89 Schedule F Sheet 1 STAFF ALLOCATION AND DEPOT DISTRIBUTION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM Total System Allocation No of Depots Proposed Location of Depots Location of Project Manager Total No of Dedicated Field Engineers Total No of Trained Engineers Annual % of total time each trained staff member will spend on this contract [Note: We have specified the posts of Project Manager and Project Engineer as separate titles to allow potential contractors to employ a project manager who is not necessarily an engineer. However there is no reason why these posts cannot be allocated to one suitably qualified individual. The post of project engineer must be a dedicated post CVs, detailing experience and qualifications, to be supplied on separate sheets for:The Project Engineer Each Dedicated Field Engineer Each Trained Engineer Annex 8.4 International Road Traffic Statistics Review Dr John Disney Nottingham Business School Nottingham Trent University Aims This paper investigates Road Traffic Statistics worldwide so that the RTS QR is able to share international best practice. A subsidiary aim is to check that there is no impending directive / guidance from the European Commission (EC) regarding RTS which may affect GB in the immediate future. Objectives To investigate and review Road Traffic Statistics published internationally with particular reference to their collection methodology To investigate whether revisions or amendments are being proposed to these statistics Methodology The research was undertaken by internet searching and e-mail queries to appropriate personnel in the EC, Office for National Statistics (ONS), US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and elsewhere between November 2004 and February 2005. Some useful contacts were made which will enable future developments to be monitored. Global Findings Whilst the EC publishes copious numbers of transport related publications from the 2001 EC White Paper on European transport policy for 2010: time to decide to European Energy and Transport Trends to 2030 which all depend heavily upon statistics, these publications do not appear to be addressing the collection or calculation of these statistics to the extent that the RTS QR has undertaken. I searched the Energy and Transport in Europe Digest from April 2002 onwards and ordered the DVD released on Transport Statistics in January 2004 (Everything on transport statistics – DVD). This is the only reference to “Road Statistics” although there were references to both Rail and Air Statistics. The DVD is a repository of all public documents and data related to transport statistics in Europe and main partner countries with 20 million statistical data items and over 850 documents. However despite repeated email messages using the link provided I never received this DVD. It is disappointing to note that some EC publications appear to be so difficult to obtain. I also searched the Eurostat website and consulted with the ONS and the Eurostat Support Service concerning the methodology underpinning Road Traffic and Road Length Statistics collected across the EC. I only located rules on statistical compilation and data quality for road freight statistics; the response from Eurostat is that “the only data collection we have is a voluntary data collection on road lengths and on traffic at a very aggregated level. Since it is voluntary, we have some problems with completeness as well as definitions." I have studied the Summary Minutes of the 2004 meeting of the Coordinating Committee for Statistics on Transport (CCST) and am satisfied that there are no CSST developments likely to impinge on our review. Indeed, there is no Directive or Regulation requiring Member States to provide Road Traffic or Length statistics to Eurostat. Statisticians from DfT are represented on CCST. I have discovered that the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) has a programme of work in progress with the ultimate aim of “Improved international comparability of transport statistics”. Although it is understood that DfT makes only a limited contribution to this work, the Department keeps itself informed of developments. I recommend that the Review uses the Glossary for transport statistics (Third Edition, 2003) definitions of infrastructure, vehicle categories, traffic and transport measurement. This document was prepared by the UNECE's Intersecretariat Working Group on Transport Statistics. I also researched the European Union Road Federation (ERF) which is a Road User’s Group and is the European branch of the International Road Federation (IRF). The ERF publishes European Road Statistics 2004 and the IRF publishes World Road Statistics but both publications rely upon secondary data sources and give no information on the methodology used. Case Studies I investigated three countries in detail in December 2004 / January 2005: US, Germany and Netherlands. United States The US Department for Transportation Federal Highway Administration Traffic Monitoring Guide May 2001. is recommended; in particular the Executive Summary is a good overview. The US Federal Highway Administration Traffic (FHWA) recommended data collection plan is a balance between permanent continuous & temporary short term (48 hours recommended duration) counts. Manual counts are only used as a last resort. Vehicles are classified into thirteen types although short term counts are often aggregated as there is insufficient data in some categories. Overall the US seems to be most greatly concerned with truck movements and has instituted “Weight in Motion” surveys. US Traffic Statistics are issued monthly. The State of the Practice for Traffic Data Quality White Paper Dec 2002 oc looks forward to how Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can be utilised especially in an urban setting. Overall I am impressed with the work done in the US and recommend that DfT keeps a close eye on developments in the US. In particular there is a wealth of statistical detail regarding confidence intervals and required sample sizes and how to convert short term data into long term statistics. Germany The Federal Republic of Germany is very active in collecting data on traffic levels, probably prompted by the unification of East and West Germany. They undertake a nationwide road traffic count on a five year basis to monitor traffic development and determine traffic volumes on federal trunk roads, autobahns and other “main through roads”. This was last undertaken in 2000 so was presumably being repeated in 2005 (not confirmed). The methodology is reported only in German but my understanding is that this is essentially a survey using manual counts on 43 specified days during the year split across “Normal Working Days” in May, June and September together with some Fridays and Sundays in those months and some weekdays in the so called holiday period between late July and August. Counts are undertaken on a clockface hour basis between 0700 and 0900 and 1500 and 1900 with vehicles classified into seven types: bicycle; motorcycle; car and minibus up to 9 seats; bus (10+ seats); van / lorry up to 3.5t; rigid lorry over 3.5t; non-rigid lorries. Rural roads are excluded from this study. The report is supplemented by extensive maps showing the data collection points and the estimated traffic flows on “main through routes”. They also have continuous monitoring by 1170 permanent automatic traffic counters supplemented as necessary by manual counts. These ATC’s collect data 24/7 in clockface hours; they do not consider it necessary to use shorter time intervals. Vehicles are classified into eight distinct categories (note discrepancy with manual counts) plus “A N Other”. They do not consider that their current technology is capable of coping with further classifications nor that this is necessary. An annual evaluation of these ATC’s is undertaken; data for 2002 was published in August 2004 and was thus the most recent evaluation at the time of study. Whilst the term “rural federal roads” is used in these statistics, these account for over 50% of the total vehicle km recorded so the use of “rural” is different to GB. It is noteworthy that a charge is made to download information on Traffic Statistics from the German Government website. Netherlands In 1992 a new transport monitoring system was implemented in the Netherlands as a part of the 2nd National Transport Structure Plan 1990 – 2010. This system is named “To Measure = To Know”. Congestion (which is not the same as traffic) has been adopted as a key indicator; until 1998 this was monitored using manual counts taken by the police. Since 1998 electronic detection has been built into the road surface for monitoring purposes. To measure this a dynamic measuring network consisting of a high density of counters in congested areas measures traffic flow (categorized) and speed in 15 minute intervals. There is a data quality problem and also a problem with the vast amount of data generated. This is a very complex data collection process and there are difficulties in identifying and resolving causes of problems. Data is also collected continuously for monthly statistics (published six weeks later). Measuring on a rotational basis is accepted as having some cost savings but the risks and uncertainty which this can introduce are not considered worthwhile. A commercial contractor is employed to collect the data but it is validated by the Ministry of Transport. Data is collected at widely dispersed points throughout the Netherlands and categorised traffic flow and speeds are recorded at hourly intervals although the statistics are presented using eleven time periods per day. Problems encountered are mainly organisational but the need to repair damaged loops leads to missing data. There are also concerns about the time taken to process the data and publish the statistics. Regional Directorates undertake incidental measurements for local purposes. Conclusions This research confirmed that the RTS QR is not conflicting with any current or proposed European policies. The DfT is well ahead of the EC regarding the collection and publication of Road Traffic Statistics and indeed should not be afraid to suggest that the EC adopts its policies. Some EC members such as Germany and the Netherlands are more active and proactive than others, hence the reason for selecting them as case studies. In each case there are specific lessons to be learnt from them but no reason for DfT to make any radical changes. It is however recommended that the work of the US FHWA is studied and best practice derived from it, including both data collection techniques and statistical methodology. Frequency of publication of statistics varies; of more concern appears to be the time lag between data collection and publication of statistics. In all cases studied, it is evident that ad hoc statistics are produced at a “micro level” often specifically for a particular reason. Furthermore it is apparent that the overarching authority in each case finds it very difficult to co-ordinate and optimise these efforts. This does not mean that DfT should avoid this task but should serve as a warning of the barriers likely to be encountered. 2.38 Annex 8.5 2.39 2.40 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ESTIMATES FROM THE CONTINUING SURVEY OF ROAD GOODS TRANSPORT AND THE ROAD TRAFFIC STATISTICS (RTS) FOR HEAVY GOODS VEHICLE (HGV) KILOMETRES 1. Introduction 1.1 The review of the CSRGT compared some of the vehicle-kilometre results with those from the RTS. This note shows the comparisons and considers the implications for the current review of the RTS system. 1.2 Both the CSRGT and the RTS produce estimates of vehicle-km of HGV (lorries etc over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight (GVW)). However the coverage of the two surveys is slightly different, as shown below. RTS Based on goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gvw Includes foreign vehicles Includes cranes, ambulances, fire engines and agricultural vehicles 2. CSRGT Based on GB-registered goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gvw Excludes foreign vehicles Excludes cranes, ambulances, fire engines and agricultural vehicles Comparisons by vehicle-type 2.1 The total vehicle-km estimated by CSRGT between 1999 and 2001 is some 22% below that estimated by RTS, as shown below. Table Z Comparison of vehicle kms recorded on CSRGT and RTS Vehicle-type (as recorded by CSRGT) 1999 2-axle rigids (R2) 3-axle rigids (R3) 4 axle rigids (R4) 3 & 4 axle artics (A34) 5 axle artics (A5) 6 axle artics (A6) Total CSRGT RTS1 Difference Billions kms % difference 9.3 1.5 1.2 2.2 11.9 1.7 1.5 3.1 -2.6 -0.2 -0.3 -0.9 -22% -12% -20% -28% 5.3 3.6 23.1 7.4 3.3 28.8 -2.1 0.3 -5.7 -29% 8% -20% 2000 2001 2-axle rigids (R2) 3-axle rigids (R3) 4 axle rigids (R4) 3 & 4 axle artics (A34) 5 axle artics (A5) 6 axle artics (A6) Total 2-axle rigids (R2) 3-axle rigids (R3) 4 axle rigids (R4) 3 & 4 axle artics (A34) 5 axle artics (A5) 6 axle artics (A6) Total 9.1 1.5 1.2 1.9 11.7 1.6 1.5 2.9 -2.6 -0.1 -0.3 -1.0 -22% -4% -21% -33% 4.4 4.8 23.0 7.2 4.4 29.2 -2.8 0.4 -6.2 -39% 9% -21% 8.5 1.7 1.1 1.7 11.7 1.6 1.5 2.9 -3.2 0.1 -0.4 -1.2 -28% 5% -25% -41% 3.8 5.4 22.2 7.2 4.3 29.2 -3.4 1.1 -7.0 -47% 26% -24% 2.2 The RTS have been consistently higher than CSRGT veh kms for many years. Whilst we would expect this, given the RTS's wider coverage (foreign vehicles, and the miscellaneous vehicles), this difference is more than could be accounted for by the additional coverage, and the CSRGT Review concluded that CSRGT was undercounting overall HGV activity. This finding was based on comparisons with tachograph readings and other comparisons. 2.3 Detailed comparisons were made by vehicle-type and the conclusions were as follows: R2s. The actual difference in this group was probably greater than the 3.2 bn vkm recorded in 2001. This is because the RTS records activity by R2s pulling drawbar trailers as activity by articulated lorries. Drawbar trailers do not account for much activity by GB vehicles, although they account for a larger proportion of foreign lorry activity (which is not captured by the CSRGT) within GB. It was also likely that the RTS was mistakenly recording some activity by light vans as R2s because of limitations with the automatic counting equipment. R3. Here there tends to be reasonable agreement between the two sources, although any drawbar trailer pulled by a R3 will be recorded as artic. by RTS which means that the real differences may be greater than shown; R4. The RTS and the CSRGT should record activity the same way, so that the significant shortfall must be due to undercounting by CSRGT; A3/4. The substantial differences between the CSRGT and RTS estimates if thought to be partly due to two-axle rigids with drawbar trailers classified as three/four axle artics by RTS. Furthermore, there is a high incidence of foreign-registered two-axle rigids with two-axle trailers that are likely to be recorded as four-axle artics by RTS. A5s. The large difference is partly accounted for by foreign lorries captured in the RTS, plus A6 lorries with an axle retracted, which are recorded as A5 in the RTS; A6s. This is the only category that routinely shows more veh-km in CSRGT than in the RTS. This is probably because RTS records A6 lorries with an axle retracted as A5. 2.4 In general the main conclusions affecting RTS were that some further investigations were needed. From the above comparisons, the main areas are To investigate possible cases of misclassification, in particular between light vans and R2s. To consider the rules for classification of lorries towing drawbar trailers To consider the rules for classifying miscellaneous vehicles. 3. Counting trials 3.1 Provided that these concerns are viewed as potentially undermining the integrity of the RTS figures on HGVs, it is recommended that trials be undertaken over several hours at two or three ATC sites, concentrating on counts of van and lorry traffic (incl. Miscellaneous vehicles). These trials would compare (a) manual counts by a highly trained team of enumerators or possibly ANPR, (b) manual counts by a normal team of manual enumerators, and (c) counts form standard classifying ATC equipment. 3.2 The objectives would be to assess the extent of any misclassification in normal MCCs and ATCs, in particular between light van and R2 counts; to assess the amount of traffic accounted for by rigid lorries towing drawbar trailers; to assess the amount of traffic accounted for by miscellaneous vehicles not covered by CSRGT. 3.3 As a consequence we could then assess more accurately the extent of the misclassification between CSRGT and the RTS. In addition we should be able to improve the training of enumerators, and the programming of automatic classifiers, to obtain more accurate counts of light vans and R2s; and decide whether the incidence of drawbar trailer activity, and activity by miscellaneous vehicles is sufficient to justify recording these vehicles in separate categories. 4. Summary of Recommendations 4.1 Trials at a few ATC sites could establish whether mis-counting or misclassification is occurring in either manual counts or ATCs, and help to improve instructions for surveyors, and their training. Annex 8.6 Built Up/ Non Built Up Road Traffic and Road Length statistics: There was an unexpectedly high demand from Users for the Road Traffic (RT) and Road Length (RL) statistics to be split by the Built Up/Non-Built Up (BU/NBU) definitions. These geographic areas are defined by local speed limits. BU represents roads that have a speed limit up to and including 40mph. NBU represents roads that have a speed limit of over 40mph. In the past these areas were the closest available representation for what we would now call Urban and Rural areas. However Local Authorities generally set speed limits for road safety reasons and the BU/NBU areas are no longer an adequate approximation of Urban and Rural areas. For example, when an LA sets a 40mph speed limit on a rural road due to safety concerns, in terms of the BU/NBU definition this rural road now represents a built up area. A fuller explanation is given in the Glossaries of the Quarterly and Annual Road Traffic Statistics Bulletins. Added to this DfT does not have a comprehensive picture of the speed limits in Great Britain. Local Authorities set and change speed limits as necessary and no statutory obligation exists to inform a central point of these changes. It has proved extremely difficult to collect these data and as yet no solution has been brokered between Local Authorities, Ordinance Survey and DfT. Thus SR2 estimates of BU/NBU are based on incomplete data. Consequently this is an area needing improvement. Furthermore, when new links are added to the roads network they are assigned a BU/NBU status (solely for the purpose of providing these data to Local Government Finance division and SR3) which is decided on the basis of that link's Rural or Urban classification. (Rural = NBU, Urban = BU). There are a few exceptions to this rule where judgment plays a role, but in no cases are speed limits used to assign the BU/NBU status to the new link. This is because SR2 has no access to speed limit information. Although this is SR2's best estimate this clearly provides inconsistencies in the BU/NBU data. To remedy this DfT moved to a different way of defining Urban and Rural areas in 2002. The new definitions are based on Urban and Rural polygons. The urban area polygons used SR2 are based on the Office for National Statistics (ONS) 2001 urban area polygons, an estimated population based on the 1991 census, and Land Use Change Statistics. When the polygons were first used in 2002, the latest ONS urban area polygons were not available. For consistency SR2 has continued using the approximated polygons even though the ONS polygons were published in 2004. It has been recommended that SR2 move to the latest version of the ONS Urban/Rural polygons. This should happen at the same time as other revisions to methodology to minimise disruption. SR2 no longer publish the RT and RL statistics split by BU/NBU, the published statistics are split by the new Urban/ Rural definitions. The only data that we supply split by BU/NBU is to the Local Government Finance (LGF) branch in the Office of the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Road Maintenance Statistics branch (SR3), DfT. LGF use these, and other data, to determine what amount of funding Local Authorities' receive. SR3 use road lengths data split by built-up and non built-up areas in order to continue providing the National Road Maintenance Condition Survey (NRMCS) data on a comparable basis with earlier years. The roads defects index based on the visual survey has been running on more or less the same basis since 1977, and is currently disaggregated by road class and whether or not the roads are in built-up areas. Speed limits have been considered useful for splitting the NRMCS analysis as the required standards of road condition will vary with the speed of the road. However, as the current survey is due to be discontinued in the next two years and replaced by a new data source, this will be an opportune time for SR3 to consider whether there is now a more appropriate means of disaggregating the data. This will be considered as part of their forthcoming user consultation. From further investigation, it appears that demand for BU/NBU road lengths is much less than initially suggested by the User Consultation exercise. It is acknowledged that there is a well-recognised demand for traffic data split by speed-limit, especially for comparing with accident data. However, at the moment the BU/NBU split is the only basis for such analyses. Comprehensive speed-limit data may be available through Ordnance Survey's Integrated Transport Network in the future. Proposed Way Forward: In view of the poor accuracy of the BU/NBU split, it is suggested that SR2 ceases to supply these data to users. However, before a final decision is made, further consultation should take place with LGF, SR3 and other users, taking particular account of the road safety interests in traffic levels in the different speed-limit bands. Annex 10.1 A COMPARISON OF THE COSTS OF MANUAL AND AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC COUNTS Dr John Disney Nottingham Business School Nottingham Trent University Introduction The purpose of this paper is to compare the cost of performing manual (MTC) and automatic (ATC) traffic counts. The calculations in this paper are based upon data supplied in March 2005 by DfT and Leeds City Council. This comparison has been performed to assist the RTS QR in reaching a conclusion as to the medium term use of MTC’s and ATC’s (from 2007 at the earliest), given that the DfT is committed to the current level of MTC’s for 2005 and 2006. This implies that additional ATC’s will not be possible in 2005 or 2006 as the overall budget is constrained. Manual Traffic Counts This is the familiar, “tried and tested” method of data collection but there is a danger that familiarity is breeding complacency and it may well be time for MTC’s to follow Betamax VCR’s and Routemaster buses into the annals of history. MTCs are relatively expensive to undertake with the average cost of the 8447 counts in England being £308 for a 12 hour count. On the quiter roads (Categories 5 Fairly Quiet Road and 6 Quiet Road), which comprise 74% of the total counts in England, this is a potentially high cost per vehicle surveyed, whilst there is the additional problem that enumerators in such circumstances are prone to distractions and loss of concentration. Even if the enumerators’ readings are accurate, there is the possibility of data recording errors when hand written data (often itself written in poor weather conditions) is inputted into Excel spreadsheets before submission to the Department. Hand held electronic counters would only prove economically viable to contractors undertaking a large number of MTC’s. Furthermore there is an assumption that the counts taken in “neutral weeks” are genuinely representative. With lifestyle changes, including the major effects on working patterns generated by ICT developments, and widely varying school holiday patterns (with proposals for further changes over the coming years), this assumption is open to challenge and is becoming more difficult to defend without further research. There is also the likelihood that MTC costs will continue to increase faster than the RPI as they are based upon labour costs around the “Minimum Wage Threshold” together with private car user travel expenses. Both of these are likely to continue to increase above the rate of inflation given the competition for labour at these rates. Some tenderers, especially local authorities keen to retain traffic surveys “in house”, are actually tendering at loss leading rates especially where enumerators are required to travel even moderate distances, such as 10 miles each way from home to the survey site. This situation is clearly unsustainable. Automatic Traffic Counts To date, the major problems with these have been accuracy of classification, capital costs of installation and on-going maintenance costs. However new developments such as Metrocount (in the short term), ANPR and GIS / Satellite Monitoring (longer term) are likely to overcome the majority of these problems, especially on minor roads, providing accuracy (after fine tuning of the algorithms) to match that of current MTC’s. Such ATC’s are inconspicuous (therefore less prone to vandalism / sabotage) and easy to install on minor roads in one day (often without the need for a road closure). They only need to be visited approximately every six weeks to change the battery and download the data. The 190 current ATC sites provide the continuous data required by the Department for calculation of expansion factors and monitoring of overall traffic volumes. Therefore, since continuous monitoring of most minor roads is unnecessary, such ATC’s could actually be rotated around different sites at 1 to 4 week intervals. The advantages of ATC’s are numerous, not least of which is the ability to collect data over a much longer period of time. However, this has a major disadvantage in that the volume of data collected would be huge – the DfT Horizons Research Programme is currently commissioning research into handling such large data sets. ATCs do not necessarily substantially reduce the total employee hours involved in Road Traffic Statistics but transfer these from roadside data collection (a tedious outdoor occupation usually undertaken by part time employees) and mundane data inputting to data processing and analysis. This is in line with changes experienced by many occupations and professions as ICT advances have a greater impact upon the world of work. Recommendations 1. Undertake trials of new generation ATCs to test accuracy against MTC’s and actual traffic flows (possibly by use of video cameras) on minor roads. 2. Undertake research to compare estimated traffic flows from 12 hour MTC’s with actual flows monitored by ATC’s for minor roads and investigate any differences found. 3. Undertake research to determine the optimum duration and timing of ATC’s on minor roads. This can then be used to determine rotational patterns between sites and the number of ATC’s required to service the desired number of monitoring sites on minor roads. 4. Investigate the possibility of extending such ATC’s to Category 4 (Ordinary Roads) and possibly Category 3 (Quite busy roads). This would cover up to 90% of current MTC’s undertaken each year. 5. Research the longer term feasibility of both ANPR and GIS / Satellite Monitoring. Current evidence suggests that GIS / Satellite Monitoring is likely to prove to be the most feasible method especially if it is also used to facilitate any road charging schemes which the Department may introduce. Conclusions The cost of the current 3919 minor road ATC’s in England is approx £960k, leading to a conservative estimated cost of £5m for the next five years (200711) although inflationary pressures described above could see this approach £6m. This provides just 12 hours of data per site per annum. By comparison £4m would provide one week’s data per annum at 1000 minor road sites, allowing for 10% inflation each year in maintenance / rotation costs. This is a strong argument to move away from MTC’s to new generation ATC’s in the short term. Dr John Disney April 17 2005