___________________________________________________________________________________ 1 The Three-sector Growth Hypothesis: Application to the analysis of GDP relative dynamics of Brazil, 1994-2004-2014 Michael Sonis, Department of Geography, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and Regional Economic Application Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA, sonism@mail.biu.ac.il. Carlos R. Azzoni, University of Sao-Paulo, Department of Economics, Brazil, and Regional Economic Application Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA, cazzoni@usp, br Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Regional Economic Application Laboratory, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign USA, hewings@uiuc.edu Abstract: The paper describes the interpolation and extrapolation of annual relative growth of GDP in Agriculture, Industry and Services economic activities. The annual regional economic growth is evaluated with the help of the Euler-Malthus dynamic growth model in three different analytical realizations. As a regional example of annual economic growth in Brazil represents the results of interpolation and extrapolation of empirical dynamics of GDP in Brazil in the years 1994-2004-2014. Key words: Euler-Malthus non-linear dynamics model, Interpolation/Extrapolation procedure. The-sector growth hypothesis. Log-linear probabilistic chain of economic growth. GDP dynamics of Brazil. I. Introduction. The Three-sector Growth hypothesis is an economic theory which divides economies into three sectors of activity: Agriculture and extraction of raw materials (primary), Manufacturing (Industry – secondary) and Services (tertiary). In was developed by C. Clark and J. Fourastie (see Fourastie, 1949). According to the theory the main focus of economy's activity shifts from the primary, through the secondary and finally to the tertiary sector. Fourastie saw the process as essentially positive and writes of the increase in quality of life, social security, blossoming of education and culture, higher level of qualifications, humanization of work and avoidance of unemployment. We will try to measure the rates of change in Agriculture, Industry and Services. The three-sector GDP Growth hypothesis means that if the relative rate of change in some economic sector is lesser than 1 thus the GDP dynamic pointed on decrease; if the relative rate of change is bigger than 1 than the corresponding GDP dynamics is increasing. The situation corresponding to decrease of Agricultural production and to the increase of Manufacturing and Services (as in the end of forties when the Tree-sector Hypothesis first appeared) corresponds to the following inequalities: SRV IND 1 AGR . Historically, from 1960 to 1980, one observes an increase in the share of Services and parallel decrease in the Agriculture share, while the participation of Industry is increased and diminished in 1970. From 1980 to 1990, there was s significant grows in the share of Services mainly on the expense of Industry. After 1994 there was smaller increase of the share of Services and the reduction in Industry. (Da Fonceca, 2001) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2 As will be shown below the recent situation in Brazil corresponds to the inequalities SRV AGR IND >1 . This means the increase of the GDP dynamics in all of three sectors of activity; the difference in the position of Agriculture is connected with the extension of the area of sugar-cane for the production of ethanol for car fuel oil and with the fact that Agriculture outperformed the Industry continuing the pattern during 19801990 (Guilhoto and Hewings, 2001, p.5). In the next three chapters the analytical treatment of deterministic Euler-Malthus dynamic growth model and its modification can be represented in detail. I. The tree-sectors Deterministic Euler-Malthus dynamic growth model. Consider the three deterministic empirical sequences mtIND , mtAGR , mtSRV ; t 0,1,..., T , (1) representing the dynamics of annual GDP values generated by three major economic activities Industry, Agriculture and Services during the time intervals t 0,1,..., T . It is possible to write that mtIND mtAGR mtSRV M t ; t 0,1,..., T (2) where M t , t 0,1,..., T , are the annual GDP absolute values of economic region. The tree-activities deterministic Euler-Malthus dynamic Growth models (Euler, 1760; Malthus, 1798, Hoppenstead, Peskin, 1992} can be introduced in the form of the following iteration dynamic processes: AGR mtAGR , 1 AGR mt IND mtIND , 1 IND mt (3) SRV mtSRV . 1 SRV mt t 0,1,..., T , T 1, T 2,... where mtAGR , mtIND , mtSRV are the values of annual GDP for Agriculture, Industry and Services; the growth parameters AGR , IND , SRV are the average annual growth rates and m0AGR ,m0SRV ,m0SRV is the initial state of the iteration processes (3). It is easy to rewrite the tree sector Euler-Malthus model (3) in the simple form: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3 t mtAGR m0AGR AGR , t mtIND m0IND IND , (4) t mtSRV m0SRV SRV . t 0,1,..., T , T 1, T 2,... This form of the tree-sector Euler-Malthus model presents the interpolation/extrapolation procedure for the empirical sequences (1) [interpolation for t 0,1,..., T , ; extrapolation for t T 1, T 2,... ]. We will propose now the approximation procedure for the derivation of the annual growth parameters AGR , IND , SRV . Let us calculate the empirical annual growth parameters for each pair of sequential years i, i 1; i 1, 2,..., T i , AGR miAGR ; miAGR 1 i , IND miIND ; miIND 1 (5) miSRV miSRV 1 The average annual rates of GDP growth in Agriculture, Industry and Services are given by averages: i , SRV 1 T iAGR ; T 1 1 T iIND ; T 1 1 T iSRV T 1 AGR IND SRV The approximated initial state m0AGR , m0IND , m0SRV (6) of the Euler-Malthus model is given by the averages: AGR 0 m IND 0 m 1 T miAGR = i , T i 1 AGR 1 T miAGR = i , T i 1 AGR m0SRV = 1 T miAGR i T i 1 AGR ( 7) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4 The partial sectoral correlation coefficients RIND , RAGR , RSRV representing the goodness of fit between the empirical GDP dynamics (1) and the model (4) can be calculated with the help of formulae: T RAGR m AGR t t 0 mtAGR 1 2 AGR 2 AGR 2 mt mt t 0 t 0 T T 1 2 ; T RIND m t 0 IND t 1 2 mtIND IND 2 IND 2 mt mt t 0 t 0 T T 1 2 ; (8) T RSRV p t 0 SRV t 1 ptSRV 1 T 2 2 T SRV 2 SRV 2 mt mt t 0 t 0 II. The total GDP Euler-Malthus dynamics. The tree-sector Euler-Malthus dynamics (3, 4) gives the simple total GDP dynamics (2): M t mtAGR mtIND mtSRV t t t m0AGR AGR m0IND IND m0SRV SRV = (9) t t t M 0 p0AGR AGR p0IND IND p0SRV SRV where p0AGR m0AGR ; M0 p0IND m0IND ; M0 m0SRV p M0 is the initial probabilistic distribution of GDP dynamics. SRV 0 III. The probabilistic tree-sector GDP Euler-Malthus dynamics. The probabilistic tree-sector GDP growth dynamics (10) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 ptAGR mtAGR ; Mt ptIND m1IND ; Mt (11) mtSRV Mt can be written with the help of formulae (3, 4, 9, 10) in the following probabilistic chain dynamics: t m AGR p0AGR AGR ptAGR t AGR t ; t t Mt p0 AGR p0IND IND p0SRV SRV ptSRV IND t p t mtIND p0IND IND AGR t ; t t Mt p0 AGR p0IND IND p0SRV SRV (12) t mtSRV p0SRV SRV AGR t t t Mt p0 AGR p0IND IND p0SRV SRV This probabilistic chain dynamics is equivalent to the following Logistic growth probabilistic chain (see Sonis, 1987, 2003): AGR ptAGR ptAGR , 1 AGR ptAGR IND ptIND SRV ptSRV ptSRV ptIND 1 SRV t 1 p IND ptIND , AGR ptAGR IND ptIND SRV ptSRV (13) SRV ptSRV AGR ptAGR IND ptIND SRV ptSRV The system of difference equations (13) equivalent to the following system of difference equations: IND IND SRV SRV AGR ptAGR ptAGR pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 1 AGR AGR AGR AGR SRV SRV IND ptIND ptIND pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 1 IND IND (14) AGR AGR IND IND SRV ptSRV ptSRV pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 1 SRV SRV AGR AGR p p The expression t 1 AGR t presents the relative increment of the share ptAGR pt 1 combination of the shares ptIND , ptSRV as a linear . The similar interpretation of the second and third row in (14) exists for relative increments of the shares ptIND , ptSRV the co-influence matrix .This gives the possibility of introduction of ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6 1 IND 1 SRV 0 ARG ARG (15) 1 AGR 0 1 SRV IND IND 0 1 AGR 1 IND SRV SRV representing the indirect influence of the shares of growth of different sectors of activity on the relative increments of the shares of other sectors. IV. Brazilian relative GDP growth dynamics, 1994-2004. Table 1 represents the relative distribution of Brazilian GDP during the decade, 19942004. t Year Total M t mtAGR mtIND mtSRV 0 1994 1387 135 921 331 1 1995 1429 122 853 454 2 1996 1503 122 871 510 3 1997 1585 122 918 545 4 1998 1582 125 899 558 5 1999 1591 125 922 544 6 2000 1543 116 915 512 7 2001 1583 152 947 504 8 2002 1593 153 957 483 9 2003 1660 172 1018 470 T 10 2004 1766 168 1098 500 Table 1. Brazilian sectoral GDP growth dynamics, 1994-2004 (billion R$). These empirical statistical data can be used for the evaluation of parameters of EulerMalthus models (3, 4). Formulae (6) give the aggregate relative growth rates AGR 1.025424; IND 1.018638 : SRV 1.048314 ; i.e. the aggregate relative change in Services is bigger then in Agriculture and Industry. The initial states of GDP dynamics calculated with the help of formulae (7) are: ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7 m0AGR 117.9, m0IND 854, m0SRV 390 . The interpolation and extrapolation GDP dynamics give the forecast of GDP relative dynamics for the Brazilian GDP, 1994-2004-2014 (see tables 2, 3, 4): Empirical GDP Agricaltial Dynamics Interpolation Extrapolation mtIND mtIND t 0,1,...T mtIND t T 1, T 2,... 1994 1995 1996 1997 135 122 122 117.9 120.9 124.0 122 127.2 4 5 6 7 8 1998 1999 125 125 116 2001 2002 132 130.4 133.7 137.1 140.6 153 144.2 9 T 10 11 12 2003 2004 172 168 147.8 151.6 13 2005 2006 2007 14 15 16 17 18 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 167.6 171.8 176.2 180.7 185.3 19 20 2013 2014 190.0 194.9 t Year Initial State t 0 1 2 3 2000 155.4 159.4 163.4 Table 2. Interpolation and extrapolation relative Agricultural GDP dynamics, Brazil, 1994-2004-2014 (billion R$). The goodness of fit between empirical Agricultural GDP relative dynamics and the model can be measured with the help of partial correlation coefficient (8), which gives us the following value: RAGR 0.748443 . ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Empirical GDP t Year Interpolation Extrapolation mtIND m t 0,1,...T mtIND t T 1, T 2,... Industrial Dynamics IND t Initial State t 0 1 1994 1995 921 853 854 870 2 3 1996 1997 871 918 806.1 902.6 4 5 6 7 8 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 899 922 915 947 957 915.4 936.6 954 971.8 989.9 9 T 10 11 12 13 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1018 1098 1008.4 1027.2 1046.4 1065.8 1085.7 14 15 16 17 18 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1105.9 1126.5 1147.5 1168.5 1190.7 19 20 2013 2014 1212.9 1235.5 Table 3. Interpolation and extrapolation Industrial GDP dynamics, Brazil, 19942004-2014 (billion R$). The goodness of fit between empirical Industrial GDP relative dynamics can be measured with the help of correlation coefficient (8), which gives us the following value: RIND 0.99927 . This high value of fitness is contrasted with a low value of fitness of Agriculture. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Empirical GDP t Year Dynamics of Services SRV t m Interpolation SRV t Extrapolation m t 0,1,...T mtSRV t T 1, T 2,... Initial State t0 1 2 3 1994 1995 1996 1997 331 454 510 545 390 409 428.7 449.4 4 5 6 7 8 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 558 544 512 504 483 471.2 493.9 517.8 542.8 569 9 T 10 11 12 2003 2004 2005 2006 470 500 596.5 625.3 655.6 687.2 13 2007 720.4 14 15 16 17 18 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 755.2 791.7 830 870.1 912.1 19 20 2013 2014 956.2 1002.4 Table 4. Interpolation and extrapolation relative Services GDP dynamics, Brazil, 1994-2004-2014 (billion R$). The goodness of fit between empirical Services GDP relative dynamics and the model can be measured with the help of correlation coefficient (8), which gives us the following value: RSRV 0.987104 . In the next Figure 1 we present the graph giving the geometrical presentation of the GDP empirical and model dynamics of Agriculture, Industry and Services in Brazil including interpolation for 1994-2004 and Extrapolation for 2005 till 2014 (cf. tables 1-4). We include into this figure also the total relative growth of GDP in Brazil calculated by formulae (9, 10). ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Interpolation/Extrapolation of Brazilian GDP dynamics: 1994-2004-2014 3000 2500 AGR 2000 1000 R$ billon 1500 AGR model IND IND model SRV SRV model Total Total model 500 0 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 Years Figure 1. Interpolation and Extrapolation of Brazil GDP dynamics in different sectors and total annual GDP dynamics. V. The probabilistic chain of growth in different sectors of economic activities in Brazil, 1994-2004-2014. Formulae (12) present the chain of probabilistic dynamics of relative growth GDP dynamics of sectors of main economic activities in. The co-influence matrix (15) based on the parameters of GDP growth of economic activities AGR 1.025424; IND 1.018638 : SRV 1.048314 has the following form ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11 0 1 AGR IND 1 AGR SRV IND 1 SRV ARG ARG 0 1 SRV IND 1 IND 0 SRV 1 0 0.006618 0.022322 0 0.029133 0.006662 0.021835 0.028308 0 (16) This co-influence matrix generates the chain of probabilistic distribution of GDP in the main sectors of economics in Brazil (see figure 2). This chain represent the growth of the relative portion (%) of GDP in Services, the stability of the relative portion (%) of GDP in Agriculture and the decrease of relative portion (%) of GDP in Industry. Probabilistic chain of main sectors in Brazil, 1994-2004-2014 0.7 0.6 0.5 pAGR pAGRmodel % 0.4 0.3 0.2 pIND pIND model pSRV pSRVmod 0.1 0 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 Years VI. Conclusion. The theoretical part of this paper includes the consideration of the Euler-Malthus dynamic growth model in three different forms: the three economic activities growth, the total economic growth and the log-linear probabilistic growth realizations. All these ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12 dynamic growth forms results in the interpolation/extrapolation procedure of relative, total and probabilistic non-linear growth dynamics. The second part of the paper presents the application of the interpolation/extrapolation technique to the analysis of three-sector growth of GDP in Brazil, based on empirical data of annual GDP in Agriculture, Industry and Services in the period of 1994-2004, interpolation of this data with the help of average annual rates of GDP growth and the extrapolation of Brazilian economic dynamics for 2004-2014. References Da Foncseca M A R, 2001.Analysis of Brazil's Macroeconomic Trends. In Guilhoto J J M, Hewings G J D, (eds), 2001. Structure and structural change in the Brazilian economy, Achgate, pp.9-31. Fourastie J, 1949. Le Grand Espoir du XXe siecle. Progres technique, progress economoque, progress social. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 224 p. (Reprinted in 1989 collection, Tel Gallimard.) Hoppenstead F C, Peskin CS. 1992. Mathematics in Medicine and Life Sciences. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Guilhoto J J M, Hewings G J D, 2001. 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