Muon Accelerator for the Neutrino Factory D. Douglas, L. Harwood, V. A. Lebedev#, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA Abstract A concept for a neutrino factory muon accelerator driver is presented. Such acceleration of a muon beam is a challenging task because of a large source phase space and short species lifetime. In the design concept presented here, acceleration starts after ionization cooling at 190 MeV/c, and proceeds to 50 GeV where the beam is injected into a neutrino factory storage ring. The proposed driver consists of a 3 GeV linac and two consecutive recirculating linear accelerators. A choice of accelerator technology, the machine layout and its main parameters are discussed. System Requirements A neutrino factory [1] is a facility that forms a narrow neutrino beam via decay of muons in a storage ring with long straight sections. This article is drawn from work supporting a Fermilab study [2] carried out to investigate the feasibility of such a system. It describes a concept for the acceleration of muons after ionization cooling at 190 MeV/c to the 50 GeV storage ring injection energy. A parameter set for such a muon accelerator driver (MAD) has been established by Fermilab and is presented in Table 1. The key technical Table 1:Main Parameters of the Muon Accelerator Driver requirements, beyond the 190/112 MeV basic physics parameters Injection momentum/Kinetic energy Final energy 50 GeV of Table 1, are 1) muon Initial rms normalized emittance, 1500 mmmrad survival, 2) the choice of Initial rms energy spread 0.11 acceleration technology Initial rms bunch length 12 cm and frequency, 3) the Number of bunches per pulse 4 batches of 30 bunches capture, acceleration, Batch duration 150 ns 250 ns transport and preservation Time between batches Number of particles per bunch/per pulse 2.51010 / 31012 of the large source phase space of the unstable Bunch frequency/Accelerating frequency 200/200 MHz rate 15 Hz species, and 4) Repetition Peak power transferred to the beam 40 GV accelerator performance Average beam power 360 kW issues such as potential collective effects (e.g., cumulative beam breakup) resulting from the high peak current The first requirement is a consequence of the character of the muon source itself. As the species is unstable, acceleration must occur at high average gradient in order to ensure survival rates, and thus flux into the storage ring, are adequate. Estimates suggest that a “real estate average” RF gradient of 15 MV/m will allow survival of in excess of 80% of source muons to the storage ring injection point [3]. The second and third issues also stem from the nature of the source. As muons are generated as a secondary beam of nuclear reaction products and ionization cooled to a volume that may most optimistically be described as “impressive”, the MAD must provide high average gradient acceleration while maintaining very large transverse and longitudinal accelerator acceptances. This circumstance drives the design to low RF frequency, particularly in the early stages of acceleration. Were normal-conducting cavities used, the required high gradients would demand unachievably high peak RF sources. Superconducting RF (SRF) cavities are a much more attractive solution. RF power can then be delivered to the cavities over an extended time, and thus RF source peak power can be reduced. Peak power is then determined by microphonics [4] leading to a choice of long pulse operation of the RF cavities and reducing total power consumption for both RF and cryogenics. The final, fourth, issue represents the traditional beam dynamics concerns associated with any high brightness accelerator. A very preliminary study suggests that the beam stability is not expected to be a severe problem [5] and with not be further discussed in this article. Machine Architecture Muon survival demands either a high-gradient conventional or recirculating linac. While recirculation provides significant cost savings over a single linac, it cannot be utilzed at low energy for two reasons. First, at low energy the beam is not sufficiently relativistic and will therefore cause a phase slip for beams in higher passes, thus significantly reducing acceleration efficiency for subsequent passes. Secondly, there are major difficulties associated with injection of a beam with the large emittance and energy spread associated with a muon source. Beam pre-acceleration in a linear accelerator to about 3 GeV makes the beam sufficiently relativistic and adiabatically decreases the phase space volume so that further acceleration in recirculating linacs is possible. Cost considerations favor multiple passes per stage, but practical experience commissioning and operating recirculating linacs dictates prudence. Experience at Jefferson Lab suggests that for given large initial emittance and energy spread, a ratio of final-to-injected energy well below 10-to-1 is deemed prudent [6] and number of passes should be limited to about 5. We therefore propose a machine architecture (see Figure 1) featuring a 0.2-to-3 GeV straight “preaccelerator” linac, a 3-to-11 GeV four pass recirculating “compressor” linac (RLA1), and a 11-to-50 GeV five pass recirculating “primary” linac (RLA2). The preaccelerator captures the large phase space coming from the cooling channel and accelerates it to relativistic energies. At this point, the increased muon lifetime () allows use of a compressor (RLA1). During compression, the longitudinal and transverse phase spaces are shaped (while further raising the energy) for injection into the high-energy primary (RLA2), which then generates the 50 GeV beam for the storage ring. 4 pass Preaccelerator recirculator linac p=190 MeV 2.8 GeV 11 GeV 3.4 GeV 200 MHz 1.23 GeV 1.23 GeV 200 MHz 5 pass recirculator 50 GeV 4.25 GeV 400 MHz 4.25 GeV Figure 1. The layout of the MAD The large acceptances (longitudinal and transverse) determined by muon cooling, combined with the fact that the source beam is bunched at 200 MHz, imposes a minimum RF-frequency requirement of 200 MHz for both the preaccelerator and the compressor. This choice also provides adequate stored energy to accelerate multiple passes of a single-pulse bunch train without need to refill the extracted energy between turns. The 2 choice of frequency is less obvious for RLA2, inasmuch as the phase space is smaller and rather more manageable. Preliminary studies suggest that the second harmonic, 400 MHz, may provide adequate aperture, acceptance and the stored energy. If so, the higher frequency is desirable in that it provides significant cost savings for construction and operation. Detailed calculations affirm that although acceleration at 400 MHz yields larger energy spread due to the smaller stored energy and the shorter RF wavelength, the energy spread is still adequate at 50 GeV. However, it is not clear that the 400 MHz scenario can meet the performance requirement for transverse phase space conservation. Because of significant cost savings, it is however our baseline frequency choice for RLA2. If further studies indicate that 400 MHz will not provide an adequate performance, the 200 MHz solution used in the preaccelerator and compressor will be used for the primary as well. Accelerator System Design The initial longitudinal acceptance of the linear accelerator is chosen to be 2.5, i.e. p/p=27% and RF phase =72 deg. To perform adiabatic bunching, the RF phase of the cavities is shifted by 75 deg at the beginning of the preaccelerator and gradually changed to zero by the linac end. In the first half of the linac, when the beam is still not sufficiently relativistic, the offset causes synchrotron motion, allowing bunch compression in both length and momentum spread to p/p=6.6% and =19 deg. The synchrotron motion also suppresses the sag in acceleration for the bunch head and tail. The first frame in Figure 1 shows how the initially elliptical boundary of the bunch longitudinal phase space will be transformed by the end of the linac. To perform a further bunch compression in RLA1 (see Fig. 2) the beam is again accelerated off-crest with phase offsets in the range of 22 – 45 deg for different passes and M56 in the range of 50 to 60 cm for different arcs. Similar RF gymnastics for RLA2 yields the final total energy Recirculator entrance 1 0.9 Arc1 entrance 1 20 0 20 0.9 1 20 Arc3 entrance 20 20 0 0.9 20 20 0.9 0 20 1 20 0 20 0.9 20 0 20 Recirculator exit 1 0 20 Arc7 entrance 1 20 0.9 Arc5 entrance 1 Arc6 entrance 0.9 0 Arc4 entrance 1 0.9 Arc2 entrance 1 20 0 20 0.9 20 0 20 Figure 2. Longitudinal phase space through RLA1 for 400 MHz scenario; axis: horizontal – RF phase in deg, vertical - p/p0. 3 spread of 1%. The synchrotron motion in the Main recirculator exit recirculators also strongly suppresses the beam loading effect. At 400 MHz a single pass of the beam takes away about 2.4% of the energy 1 stored in cavities, thus reducing the accelerating gradient for the last bunch in the train by 1.2%. 0.99 Fortunately, that imposes only about 0.3% energy drop on the last bunch, because bunches with smaller energy arrive earlier and 0.98 20 0 20 experience larger acceleration due to the RF phase offset. The longitudinal phase space for Figure 3. Longitudinal phase space the first and last bunches at the exit of RLA2 is at the RLA2 exit for the first () and depicted in Figure 3. last (+) bunches; axis: horizontal – The initial transverse acceptance of the RF phase in deg, vertical - p/p0. linear accelerator is also chosen to be 2.5, which corresponds to 5200 mmmrad at injection energy. To keep the beam radius below the 200 MHz cavity radial aperture of about 20 cm, the beta-functions should be below 8 m. Small beta-functions also suppress a harmful effect of beam focusing due to cavity accelerating fields. To achieve such small beam envelopes, short 5 m cryomodules (2 two-cell cavities at 200 MHz) are used at the beginning of the linac. As the beam energy increases, a transition to 8 m cryomodules (8 two-cell 200 MHz cavities) occurs. Note that this RF building block is used through the remainder of the preaccelerator and throughout RLA1. The beta-functions and horizontal dispersion in the preaccelerator and RLA1 injection chicane are shown in Figure 4. Solenoid focusing is considered to be most appropriate to handle the huge initial emittance. At approximately 1.5 GeV energy the magnetic field of 50 cm SC solenoids achieves 5 T and their further use would not be prudent. Fortunately, at this point the beam radius is sufficiently small (~ ½ the initial beam size) and long cryomodules are introduced, thus reducing the fraction of the accelerator taken by the cavities. Quad triplets then become a preferable choice for the beam focusing. This combination of solenoidal and triplet focusing makes a smooth focusing structure and avoids chromatic growth of the beam envelopes. Despite the large initial energy spread, particle tracking through the linac and the injection chicane exhibits only a few percent emittance growth with 0.5% beam loss from particles at the phase space boundary. One family of four sextupoles is used in the injection chicane to correct its non-linear dispersion. 2 OptiM - MAIN: - E:\Optics\NeutrinoSource\Linac\Linac.opt 0 -2 DISP_X&Y[m] BETA_X&Y[m] 30 Tue Mar 28 11:43:36 2000 0 BETA_X BETA_Y DISP_X DISP_Y 575.779 Figure 4: The beta-functions and dispersion in the preaccelerator and RLA1 injection chicane 4 12 deg. 4.843 deg. 1.6 deg. 12 deg. 8.039 deg. 3.2 deg. 6.045 deg. 10 m Figure 5. Spreader (recombiner) layout The RLA1 beam transport system uses a horizontal separation of beams at the end of the linacs to allow independent recirculation of each pass. Individual recirculation arcs are based on a periodic triplet focusing structure, which allows use of longer straight sections (cryomodules as much as 10 m long), simplifies spreader/recombiner design (by easing beam envelop matching from linac to recirculation arc) and reducing vertical beam envelopes and chromatic effects. The required large momentum acceptance necessitates introduction of a three-sextupole family chromatic correction of the off-momentum orbit and path length. As in other recirculating linacs, and unlike storage rings and synchrotrons, correction of betatron “tunes” or beam envelopes is unnecessary. Figure 5 shows a spreader (recombiner) layout. Optics for a few first arcs has been built and tracking studies exhibited an acceptable emittance growth. Design of RLA2 is similar to that of RLA1. As discussed above, the optional use of 200 MHz or 400 MHz SRF systems remains open; longitudinal matching scenarios have been developed for both cases. As in RLA1, some longitudinal matching is still required and is provided by a proper choice of recirculator momentum compactions and linac RF phase profile. The 400 MHz option requires somewhat greater recirculator momentum acceptance, which may well lie within the realm of possibility and will be resolved as detailed design of the transport system progresses. Present RLA2 designs utilize horizontal beam separation, periodic arc focusing, and sextupole correction of appropriate aberrations, as in RLA1. Conclusions Results of this study suggest there are no obvious physical and technical limitations precluding construction of an accelerator-recirculator for muons. The use of 200 MHz accelerating frequency and SRF technology looks well justified. The use of 400 MHz in second RLA is desirable but a machine design should be developed to verify that the required performance (in particular, recirculator acceptance) can be achieved. References [1] See, for example, the Fermilab site at [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] N. Holtkamp and D. Finley, editors, “A Feasibility Study of a Neutrino Source Based on a Muon Storage Ring”, Fermilab Report, 31 March 2000. ibid. J. Delayen, private communication. J. Delayen et al., “Design of a Muon Accelerator Driver for a Neutrino Factory”, JLAB-TN-00-009, 29 March 2000. For a discussion of linac dynamic range (injected-to-final energy ratio) see, e.g. D. Douglas, “Lattice Design Principles for a Recirculated, High Energy, SRF Electron Accelerator”, Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, IEEE Catalog No. 93CH3279-7, p. 584 (1993). 5