Contents 1 General 1.1 Start and restart phases 1.2 LPU display 2

Fault locating with the aid of an LPU
Start and restart phases
LPU display
Display codes
The display codes 10-116
The display codes 5xx-90aa
Sequence diagrams for correct processes
Sequence diagram for initial load of I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for initial load of non-I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for reload of I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for reload of non-I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for initial load of standby side
Sequence diagram for reload of standby side
The display board is to be used at fault locating when the initial start or restart of the
exchange has failed, see Figure 1-1.
The display board is plugged in the front of the LPU board, see Figure 1-2.
If no display code is obtained (blank display) after the restart button has been pushed, replace
the LPU board.
Next follows a short description of what is dealt with in each section in the document.
Section: Display codes
All display codes are there enumerated in number sequence. For every display code
the meaning and any applicable measures for fault situations are stated.
Section: Sequence diagrams for correct processes
This section contains 6 sequence diagrams for correct loading processes. For each
sequence diagram a description is given of the order in which the applicable display
codes are presented on the LPU display.
The sequence diagrams for initial loading contain the display codes that are generated
by the different commands used in the loading process.
The six sequence diagrams describe the following loading processes:
Initial load of I/O LIM
Initial load of non -I/O LIM
Reload of I/O LIM
Reload of non -I/O LIM
Initial load of standby side
Reload of standby side
Some display codes are sometimes displayed during such a short time that they may
not be seen.
Start and restart phases
Initial start phase 1:
Phase, where program units initiate reload and dynamic data and request time
Device boards are to be blocked.
Restart phase 1:
Phase, where program units initiate dynamic data and request time measurement.
Device boards are to be blocked.
Regional restart phase 1:
Phase, where program units initiate dynamic data, except from those which indicate
external linkage, and are established during phase 1.5. Time measurement is
Phase 1.3:
Phase where program units shall send and receive information about static data. The
data shall only be changed when reconfiguration is made e.g. add of LIM, or exchange
of program unit. The data shall be reload marked.
Phase 1.5:
Phase where program units shall provide dynamic data necessary for execution.
Initial start phase 2:
Phase, where routine supervision is started. Program units must be ready for traffic.
Restart phase 2:
Phase, where routine supervision and the activation of device boards is to be started.
Start after data reload:
Phase, where program units can check the connections between reload data and
dynamic data.
LPU display
Figure 1-1. The LPU display board
A toggle switch is placed to the upper left on previous boards. This switch has no function. It
can be set in any position.
Figure 1-2. The connection of the LPU display in the LPU board front
Display codes
The display codes 10-116
10 I/O board is found. PLF activates the I/O board and searches for load directories.
15 NIU/NIU2 board is in service mode.
The service mode is initiated or ended by NIUX commands, and this function is used to
update the loading volume from a remote maintenance centre. When the service mode is
ended, PLF will start loading the system. The service mode on an NIU/NIU2 does not
make any effect on a running system.
20 Waiting for contact
Executing side, non-I/O LIM:
PLF initiates a signalling path and waits for contact with I/O LIM.
Standby side:
PLF initiates a signalling path and waits for contact with the executing side.
Executing side, I/O LIM:
No I/O board is found.
30 Action described in code 20 has been completed successfully.
Executing side, non-I/O LIM:
The supervising program in I/O LIM has reached contact with the LIM.
Standby side:
The supervising program in the executing side has reached contact with the standby
40 A load order has been obtained.
50 The LIM disposition table is being loaded.
51 The LIM disposition table has been successfully loaded.
6x Program code and data files are being loaded.
Initial load:
Program units from external backup are being loaded.
Load of standby side:
Program units from the memory of executing side are being loaded. DS data are
also being loaded.
70 Local backup is being updated from external backup.
71 Local backup has been successfully updated.
8x Reload:
Program code from external backup are being loaded.
90 Create logical memory
Initial load:
Memory space for DS data is being reserved and address references are being
created for loaded program units.
Memory space for DS data is being reserved, data from local backup are being
loaded and address references are being created for loaded program units.
Load of standby side
Address references are being created for loaded program units.
91 Actions described at display code 90 has been successfully completed.
92 The loading program (PLF) has requested start of the LIM after loading.
93 The loading program (PLF) has requested start of the LIM after main failure.
94 The loading program (PLF) has requested start of the LIM after unexpected watchdog
95 The loading program (PLF) has requested start of the LIM after two pushes on the reset
button on the LPU board.
x is incremented one step to maximum 9, then starts from 0 again, repeating itself
while the tens digit remains fixed.
Increment takes place every second if any program unit has been successfully loaded
during this time.
The display shows code 83.
The tens digit (8) display that reload of program code from external backup is in progress.
The units digit is incremented every second if any program unit has been successfully loaded
during this time.
99 LIM has received a start request in some phase.
100 Initial start phase 1 is ready.
101 Phase 1.5 is ready.
102 Restart phase 1 is ready.
103 Initial start phase 2 is ready.
104 Restart phase 2 is ready.
105 Phase 1.3 is ready.
106 Regional restart phase 1 is ready.
11x Start after data reload is ready. To be able to keep information about the last restart x will
not be overwritten by a start after data reload.
The display codes 5xx-90aa
Display codes (4-digits) which are described with two introductory digits + 2
arbitrary digits, designated with xx or aa, gets their main meaning from the two
introductory digits.
The meaning of the two arbitrary (subcode) digits (xx) can be obtained from the display codes
with 2 digits. If the previous written display was a subcode it is kept.
If an additional information (aa) is obtained, the previous code is overwritten.
The display shows code 9016. Memory test is in progress. The memory size is 16 Mbyte.
The display shows code 1009. Memory fault has been detected. The fault is in a memory
position between 9 and 10 Mbyte.
The display shows code 1265. The two introductory digits (12) indicate buffer transfer error.
The digits (65) indicate, during load of program code from external backup, that received data
block exceeds maximum block size.
3 Sequence diagrams for correct
Sequence diagram for initial load of I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for initial load of non-I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for reload of I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for reload of non-I/O LIM
Sequence diagram for initial load of standby side
Sequence diagram for reload of standby side
x is incremented one step to maximum 9, then starts from 0 again, repeating itself
while the tens digit remains fixed.
Increment takes place every second if any program unit has been successfully loaded
during this time.
The display shows code 9016. Memory test is in progress. The memory size is 16 Mbyte.
The display shows code 83.
The tens digit (8) displays that reload of program code from the I/O LIM's memory or
program code from external backup is in progress.
The units digit is incremented every second if any program unit has been successfully loaded
during this time.