Code Name The factors affecting wound healing Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 KRY 701 Skin anatomy and physiology, Wound healing and recovery phases of a short overview of the history, the phases of wound healing, cultured epidermal grafts, wound healing biochemical agents (growth factors), the role of collagen in wound healing, wound healing (positive or negative) related factors. Wound management and wound healing in different type of tissues Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 KRY702 The general principles of wound care, topical antimicrobial agents, antiseptic solutions, wound debridement, occlusive dressings, care and treatment of burn wounds, the healing properties of various body tissues, skeletal and heart muscle, artery and tendon and healing, cartilage, bone and nerve tissue healing, period of fetal tissue healing, surgical wound closure methods, poor wound healing, hypertrophic scars, keloids. Rehabilitation of the patients with chronic wounds Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 Definitions and classification of chronic wounds, the physical rehabilitation of injured KRY703 patients, the effects of community life in patients with chronic wounded, the latest situation in our country, the health system and chronic wounded patients, to society as labor and material costs, the social rehabilitation of patients with chronic wounded, psychological rehabilitation of patients with chronic wounds, Patients with chronic wounds and the patient seen near the possible psychological disorders, psychological support these patients and their relatives. Wound infections Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 KRY704 The definition and classification of surgical infections, basic microbiology, surgical infections, the most common micro-organisms, microbiological approach to diagnosis, treatment and anti-microbial agents, antibiotics, disinfectant agents and other disinfection methods, nazokomial infections, immunology in patients with chronic injuries, wound infections, surgical treatment. General principles of the surgery Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 KRY705 Philosophy and history of surgery, fluid-electrolyte and acid-base balance, hemodynamic disorders, and treatment of shock, surgical patients, nutrition, transfusion therapy, haemostasis, smoking, trauma, surgical patients, medical risk factors, anesthesia. Venous and arterial insufficiencies Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 KRY706 Circulatory disorder wounds etiology, incidence and pathophysiology, the most common wounds seen in circulation disorder in the anatomy of the regions, the general principles of vascular surgery, arterial and venous insufficiency in patients with chronic wounds: the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, complications Emergency response to circulatory disorders. Pressure sores Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 KRY707 Incidence and etiology, anatomy of the regions most frequent pressure sores, pressure sores prevention, classification of pressure ulcers, wound care and surgical preparation, the treatment of pressure sores, decubitus ulcers or complications, and postoperative care. Lymphedema Local Credit : 3 ECTS: 6 Lymphatic anatomy and physiology of the body, lymphedema etiology, KRY708 pathophysiology and diagnostic methods, complications of lymphedema, chronic wounds of the extremities lenfödemli pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of lymphedema (Medical-Surgical), lenfödemli wound care patients. Radiation wounds Local Credit : 3 ECTS: 6 Electromagnetic fields and radiation physics, radiation hasarınıngörüldüğü fields and KRY709 the etiology, biological effects of radiation (local-systemic), infections, malignant transformation and osteonekrosis, principles of treatment of radiation-induced wounds, the treatment of acute radiation injury, radiation or surgical treatment of wounds, protection from radiation damage. Diabetic foot Local Credit : 3 ECTS : 6 KRY710 The importance of diabetic foot, diabetes mellitus and its complications, diabetes and wound healing, and peripheral neuropathy in diabetic aretriosklerozis, microangiopathy, the diagnosis of diabetic foot, diabetic foot management: wound care, physical, enzymatic debridement, and treatment of osteomyelitis, infection and treatment. Principles of surgical treatment and flap surgery. 08/06/2011 A.Eksal KARGI,MD, Prof. Chairman of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery