Table S1 Summary statistics, and their correlations with the neutral parameter ln( ). 2 Adjusted Summary Statistic Definition Reference R² S Species richness. Magurran (2003) – B1=(1/Mi), where for each node i except the root, Mi Shao & Sokal B1 0.54 = maximal number of nodes between the node i and (1990) the terminal species of the tree subtended by node i. Shannon's Index. H=-(Ni * ln(Ni))+N * ln(N), where H Ni is the abundance of species i and N is the total Magurran (2003) 0.45 abundance of the sample. Mean number of nodes connecting two individuals in Dist_node This paper 0.43 Simpson's index. 1-D=1-(( Ni/N)²). Magurran (2003) 0.35 Inv(Ni) (1/Ni) This paper 0.37 Var(Ni) Variance of Ni This paper 0.35 Inv(Ni²) (1/Ni²). This paper 0.31 Webb (2000) 0.21 This paper 0.19 This paper 0.17 Sackin (1972) 0.14 This paper 0.11 Colless (1982) 0.11 the subtending phylogenetic tree 1-D Similar to Webb (2000)’s mean pairwise nodal Dist_node_spec distance, except that the phylogeny of the sample alone is considered. Variance of the number of nodes connecting two Var(node) individuals in the subtending phylogenetic tree Variance of the number of nodes connecting two Var(node)_spec species in the phylogenetic tree of the community. (Nbar) Standard variation of Hi, where Hi is the number of internal nodes between species i and the root Fourth(Ni) (((Ni-mean(Ni))4)/S)1/4 (ri-si), where for each node i, ri and si are the IColless numbers of terminal species in the two subtrees 1 connected by node i (with ri greater than si). Mean(Hi), where Hi is the number of internal nodes Nbar Sackin (1972) 0.09 This paper 0.06 Webb (2000) 0.06 Faith (1992) <0.01 This paper <0.01 between species i and the root. Mean phylogenetic distance between two individuals Dist_neighbour of sister species. Mean phylogenetic distance between two sister Dist_neighbour_spec species Sum of the branch lengths (lengths are normalized PD so that the tree height equals 1). Variance of the phylogenetic distance between sister Var(Dist_neigh_spec) species. + Clarke & Mean phylogenetic distance between two species. <0.01 Warwick (1998) Variance of the phylogenetic distance between Var(Dist_neighbour) This paper <0.01 individuals belonging to sister species Mean phylogenetic distance between two Chave et al. individuals. (2007) Variance of the phylogenetic distance between Clarke & species. Warwick (2001) D + <0.01 <0.01 Variance of the phylogenetic distance between Var(Dist) This paper <0.01 individuals. 4 References: Chave, J. Chust, G. & Thébaud, C. (2007). The importance of phylogenetic structure in biodiversity 6 studies. In: Scaling Biodiversity (eds Storch, D., Marquet, P. & Brown, J.H.). Santa Fe Institute Editions, pp 151-167. 8 Clarke, K.R. & Warwick, R.M. (1998). A taxonomic distinctness index and its statistical properties. J. Appl. Ecol., 35, 523-531. 2 10 Clarke, K.R. & Warwick, R.M. (2001). A further biodiversity index applicable to species lists: variation in taxonomic distinctness. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 216, 265-278. 12 Colless, D.H. (1982). Phylogenetics: the theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics. Syst. Zool., 31, 100-104. 14 Faith, D.P. (1992). Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. Biol. Cons., 61, 1-10. Magurran, A.E. (2003). Measuring biological diversity. Blackwell Science Ltd. 16 Sackin, M.J. (1972). “Good” and “bad” phenograms. Syst. Zool., 21, 225-226. Shao, K.T. & Sokal, R.R. (1990). Tree balance. Syst. Zool., 39, 266-276. 18 Webb, C.O. (2000). Exploring the phylogenetic structure of ecological communities: an example for rain forest trees. Am. Nat., 156, 145-155. 3 20 Appendix S1: Simulation algorithm. Neutral theory and phylogenies 22 In its original formulation, Hubbell’s model considers that speciation events are point-wise mutations, that is, at each recruitment event in the regional pool, individuals have a small 24 probability of belonging to an altogether new species. This is equivalent to the infinite-alleles Moran model with mutation in population genetics, where backward mutations are not 26 allowed (Ewens 2004). The infinite-alleles Moran model does not keep track of the evolutionary relationships among alleles. In our model, for each speciating individual, we do 28 keep track of the species identity from which it descends. This enables us to construct evolutionary relationships among species. 30 Simulation algorithm 32 We use a modified version of Etienne's (2005) algorithm to reconstruct the subtending phylogenies of local communities from the knowledge of the neutral parameters and the 34 scaled immigration rate I=m(J-1)/(1-m), where m is the immigration rate, and J is the local community size. We start by computing the number of immigrating ancestors and recording 36 their numbers of descendants. Individuals are drawn one by one. The jth individual has a probability I/(j+I-1) of descending from a newly immigrating ancestor and a probability (j- 38 1)/(j+I-1) of descending from an already recorded ancestor. In the latter case, one of the j-1 already tagged individuals is selected at random, and its ancestor is the ancestor of the jth 40 individual. Applying this algorithm, the immigration history for the local community of size J can be reconstructed. Once the number A of ancestors is known, the forward-in-time 42 algorithm of Stephens (2000) is used to build a dated phylogeny for the A ancestors. This algorithm starts with two lineages of the same species, and every timestep Tk, where Tk-Tk-1 is 44 an exponentially distributed time with rate parameter k=k(k-1+)/2, and k is the number of 4 lineages, a lineage is chosen at random from the existing k, and it is split in two with 46 probability p=(k-1)/(k-1+). If it is not split (probability 1-p), it is speciating into a lineage of another species. This algorithm is repeated until there are A+1 lineages and the last event (a 48 lineage split) is deleted so that there is only A lineages at the end (Stephens 2000). This procedure ensures that this forward coalescent algorithm is equivalent to the backward 50 coalescent: if the algorithm was stopped when there are A lineages, then the coalescent tree would necessarily end by a lineage split whereas here, it ends either by a speciation event or 52 by a lineage split. 54 References: Etienne, R.S. (2005). A new sampling formula for neutral biodiversity. Ecol. Lett., 8, 253260. Ewens, W.J. (2004). Mathematical Population Genetics. Springer, Berlin. Stephens, M. (2000). Times on trees and the age of an allele. Theor. Popul. Biol., 57, 109119. 56 58 5 60 Appendix S2: Improving the resolution of the phylogeny of Barro Colorado Island’s tropical tree species. 62 Phylogenetic trees are in newick format, with additional brackets [] indicating remaining polytomies, and $ symbols indicating the partial resolution of certain clades. A C++ code for 64 randomly resolving this phylogeny, in respecting these partial resolutions is available upon request. 66 (([([((((Schizolobium_parahybum,(Prioria_copaifera,((Senna_dariensis,(((Enterolobium_scho 68 mburgkii,(Abarema_macradenia,[($(((Inga_laurina,Inga_ruiziana),Inga_punctata),(Inga_oerst ediana,(Inga_nobilis,Inga_sapindoides)))$,Inga_acuminata,Inga_goldmanii,Inga_marginata,In 70 ga_pezizifera,Inga_spectabilis,Inga_umbellifera)])),Acacia_melanoceras),Tachigalia_versicol or)),((((Erythrina_costaricensis,Lonchocarpus_heptaphyllus),((((Pterocarpus_belizensis,Ptero 72 carpus_rohrii),Platypodium_elegans),Platymiscium_pinnatum),Andira_inermis)),[(Ormosia_a mazonica,Ormosia_coccinea,Ormosia_macrocalyx)]),((Dipteryx_oleifera,Myrospermum_frut 74 escens),(Swartzia_simplex_gra,Swartzia_simplex_och)))))),((([((Brosimum_alicastrum,Brosi mum_guianense),[(Ficus_bullenei,Ficus_colubrinae,Ficus_costaricana,Ficus_insipida,Ficus_ 76 maxima,Ficus_obtusifolia,Ficus_popenoei,Ficus_tonduzii,Ficus_trigonata,Ficus_yoponensis)] ,Maquira_guianensis,Perebea_xanthochyma,Poulsenia_armata,Sorocea_affinis)],[((Cecropia_ 78 insignis,Cecropia_obtusifolia),Pourouma_bicolor,(Trophis_caucana,Trophis_racemosa))]),(C eltis_schippii,Trema_micrantha)),Colubrina_glandulosa)),[([([(Croton_billbergianus,((Alchor 80 nea_costaricensis,Alchornea_latifolia),(Adelia_triloba,(Acalypha_diversifolia,Acalypha_macr ostachya))),((Sapium_glandulosum,Sapium_%27broadleaf%27),Hura_crepitans),Hyeronima_ 82 alchorneoides,Margaritaria_nobilis)],((Vismia_baccifera,Vismia_macrophylla),((Marila_laxif lora,Calophyllum_longifolium),(Chrysochlamis_eclipes,(Symphonia_globulifera,(Garcinia_in 84 termedia,Garcinia_madruno))))),[([(Casearia_aculeata,Casearia_arborea,Casearia_commerson 6 iana,Casearia_guianensis,Casearia_sylvestris)],Hasseltia_floribunda,Lacistema_aggregatum,( 86 Laetia_procera,Laetia_thamnia),Lindackeria_laurina,Lozania_pittieri,Tetrathylacium_johanse nii,Zuelania_guidonia)],(Cassipourea_elliptica,Erythroxylum_macrophyllum),Cespedesia_spa 88 thulata,Drypetes_standleyi,((Hirtella_americana,Hirtella_triandra),(Licania_hypoleuca,Licani a_platypus)),(Hybanthus_prunifolius,Rinorea_sylvatica),Spachea_membranacea)],Maytenus_ 90 schippii,Sloanea_terniflora)]),([([(Allophylus_psilospermus,[(Cupania_cinerea,Cupania_latifo lia,Cupania_rufescens,Cupania_seemannii)],(Talisia_nervosa,Talisia_princeps))],(((Anacardi 92 um_excelsum,Astronium_graveolens),(Spondias_mombin,Spondias_radlkoferi)),[(((Protium_ costaricense,Protium_panamense),Protium_tenuifolium),Tetragastris_panamensis,Trattinnicki 94 a_aspera)]),(((Cedrela_odorata,((Trichilia_pallida,Trichilia_tuberculata),(Guarea_grandifolia, (Guarea_guidonia,Guarea_sp)))),[(Zanthoxylum_acuminatum,Zanthoxylum_ekmanii,Zanthox 96 ylum_panamense,Zanthoxylum_setulosum)]),(Picramnia_latifolia,(Quassia_amara,Simarouba _amara))))],(((([(Cavanillesia_platanifolia,Ceiba_pentandra,Pseudobombax_septenatum,(Pac 98 hira_sessilis,Pachira_quinata))],(Quararibea_asterolepis,Hampea_appendiculata)),Ochroma_p yramidale),Sterculia_apetala),((Guazuma_ulmifolia,Theobroma_cacao),((Trichospermum_gal 100 eottii,Luehea_seemannii),((Apeiba_membranacea,Apeiba_hybrid),Apeiba_tibourbou))))),((([( Chamguava_schippii,[(Eugenia_coloradoensis,Eugenia_galalonensis,Eugenia_nesiotica,Euge 102 nia_oerstediana)],Myrcia_gatunensis,Psidium_friedrichsthalianum)],Vochysia_ferruginea),[( Miconia_affinis,Miconia_argentea,Miconia_elata,Miconia_hondurensis)]),(Lafoensia_punicif 104 olia,(Terminalia_amazonia,Terminalia_oblonga))),Turpinia_occidentalis)],(([(([(Aegiphila_pa namensis,(Jacaranda_copaia,(Tabebuia_guayacan,Tabebuia_rosea)),Trichanthera_gigantea)], 106 Solanum_hayesii),((Psychotria_grandis,(Coussarea_curvigemmia,Faramea_occidentalis)),((H amelia_axillaris,Guettarda_foliacea),[((Pentagonia_macrophylla,(Alseis_blackiana,Macrocne 108 mum_roseum)),[(Randia_armata,Genipa_americana,Amaioua_corymbosa,Alibertia_edulis,To coyena_pittieri)],Posoqueria_latifolia)])),(Aspidosperma_spruceanum,(Thevetia_ahouai,(Lac 7 110 mellea_panamensis,(Tabernaemontana_arborea,Stemmadenia_grandiflora)))),((Cordia_alliod ora,Cordia_bicolor),Cordia_lasiocalyx))],(Dendropanax_arboreus,Schefflera_morototoni)),[(( 112 Ardisia_fendleri,Stylogyne_turbacensis),(((Chrysophyllum_argenteum,Chrysophyllum_cainit o),((Pouteria_fossicola,Pouteria_reticulata),Pouteria_stipitata)),Gustavia_superba),Diospyros 114 _artanthifolia)]),(((Coccoloba_coronata,Coccoloba_manzinellensis),Triplaris_cumingiana),G uapira_standleyana),(Heisteria_acuminata,Heisteria_concinna))],(((((Annona_spraguei,(Guatt 116 eria_dumetorum,Xylopia_macrantha)),(Desmopsis_panamensis,(Mosannona_garwoodii,Uno nopsis_pittieri))),((Virola_multiflora,Virola_sebifera),Virola_surinamensis)),([(Beilschmiedia 118 _pendula,Cinnamomum_triplinerve,[(Nectandra_cissiflora,Nectandra_lineata,Nectandra_purp urea,Nectandra_%27fuzzy%27)],[(Ocotea_cernua,Ocotea_oblonga,Ocotea_puberula,Ocotea_ 120 whitei)])],(Siparuna_guianensis,Siparuna_pauciflora))),(Piper_cordulatum,Piper_reticulatum) )),((((Attalea_butyracea,Elaeis_oleifera),Astrocaryum_standleyanum),Oenocarpus_mapora),S 122 ocratea_exorrhiza)); 124 References: Apocynaceae: 126 (Aspidosperma_spruceanum,(Thevetia_ahouai,(Lacmellea_panamensis,(Tabernaemontana_ar borea,Stemmadenia_grandiflora)))) 128 Ref: Potgieter & Albert 2001. 130 NB: Stemmadenia placed next to Tabernaemontana because it belongs to the same tribe. 132 Rubiaceae: 8 134 ((Psychotria_grandis,(Coussarea_curvigemmia,Faramea_occidentalis)),((Hamelia_axillaris,G uettarda_foliacea),[((Pentagonia_macrophylla, 136 (Alseis_blackiana,Macrocnemum_roseum)),[(Randia_armata,Genipa_americana,Amaioua_co rymbosa,Alibertia_edulis,Tocoyena_pittieri)],Posoqueria_latifolia)])) 138 Ref: 140 Rova et al. 2002. Bremer & Manen 2000. 142 Persson 2000. NB: Macrocnemum placed next to Alseis because it belongs to the same tribe. 144 Arecaceae: 146 ((((Attalea_butyracea,Elaeis_oleifera),Astrocaryum_standleyanum),Oenocarpus_mapora),Soc ratea_exorrhiza) 148 Ref: Hahn 2002. 150 Annonaceae: 152 ([(Annona_spraguei,Guatteria_dumetorum,Xylopia_macrantha)],(Desmopsis_panamensis,(M osannona_garwoodii,Unonopsis_pittieri))) 154 Ref: Pirie et al. 2006. 156 Anacardiaceae: 158 ((Anacardium_excelsum,Astronium_graveolens),(Spondias_mombin,Spondias_radlkoferi)) 9 160 Ref: Pell 2004. page 66. 162 Bombacaceae: (((([(Cavanillesia_platanifolia,Ceiba_pentandra,Pseudobombax_septenatum,(Pachira_sessilis, 164 Pachira_quinata))],(Quararibea_asterolepis,Hampea_appendiculata)),Ochroma_pyramidale), Sterculia_apetala),((Guazuma_ulmifolia,Theobroma_cacao),((Trichospermum_galeottii,Lueh 166 ea_seemannii),[(Apeiba_membranacea,Apeiba_hybrid,Apeiba_tibourbou)]))) 168 Ref: -Baum et al. 2004. 170 -Alverson et al. 1999. 172 Clusiaceae: ((Vismia_baccifera,Vismia_macrophylla),((Marila_laxiflora,Calophyllum_longifolium),(Chry 174 sochlamis_eclipes,(Symphonia_globulifera,(Garcinia_intermedia,Garcinia_madruno))))) 176 Ref: Gustafsson et al. 2002. 178 Euphorbiaceae: [(Croton_billbergianus,((Alchornea_costaricensis,Alchornea_latifolia),(Adelia_triloba,(Acaly 180 pha_diversifolia,Acalypha_macrostachya))),((Sapium_glandulosum, Sapium_broadleaf),Hura_crepitans),Hyeronima_alchorneoides,Margaritaria_nobilis)] 182 Ref: Wurdack et al. 2005. 10 184 For Fabaceae: 186 (Schizolobium_parahybum,(Prioria_copaifera,((Senna_dariensis,(((Enterolobium_schomburg kii,(Abarema_macradenia,[($(((Inga_laurina,Inga_ruiziana),Inga_punctata),(Inga_oerstediana 188 ,(Inga_nobilis,Inga_sapindoides)))$,Inga_acuminata,Inga_goldmanii,Inga_marginata,Inga_pe zizifera,Inga_spectabilis,Inga_umbellifera)])),Acacia_melanoceras),Tachigalia_versicolor)),(( 190 ((Erythrina_costaricensis,Lonchocarpus_heptaphyllus),((((Pterocarpus_belizensis,Pterocarpus _rohrii),Platypodium_elegans),Platymiscium_pinnatum),Andira_inermis)),[(Ormosia_amazon 192 ica,Ormosia_coccinea,Ormosia_macrocalyx)]),((Dipteryx_oleifera,Myrospermum_frutescens ),(Swartzia_simplex_gra,Swartzia_simplex_och)))))) 194 Ref: 196 -Wojciechowski, Lavin & Sanderson 2004. -Inga: Richardson et al. 2001. 198 Meliaceae: 200 (Cedrela_odorata,((Trichilia_pallida,Trichilia_tuberculata),[(Guarea_grandifolia, Guarea_guidonia,Guarea_sp)])) 202 Ref: Muellner et al. 2003. 204 Moraceae: 206 (Sorocea_affinis,((((Perebea_xanthochyma,Poulsenia_armata),Maquira_guianensis),[(Ficus_b ullenei,Ficus_colubrinae,Ficus_costaricana,Ficus_insipida,Ficus_maxima,Ficus_obtusifolia,Fi 11 208 cus_popenoei,Ficus_tonduzii,Ficus_trigonata,Ficus_yoponensis)]),(Brosimum_alicastrum,Br osimum_guianense))) 210 Ref: Datwyler & Weiblen 2004. 212 References: 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 Alverson, W.S., Whitlock, B.A., Nyffeler, R., Bayer, C. & Baum, D.A. (1999). Phylogeny of the core Malvales: evidence from ndhF sequence data. Am. J. Bot., 86, 1474-1486. Baum, D.A., Dewitt Smith, S., Yen, A., Alverson, W.S., Nyffeler, R., Whitlock, B.A. & Oldham, R.L. (2004). Phylogenetic relationships of Malvatheca (Bombacoideae and Malvoideae; Malvaceae sensu lato) as inferred from plastid DNA sequences. Am. J. Bot., 91, 1863-1871. Bremer, B. & Manen, J.-F. (2000). Phylogeny and classification of the subfamily Rubioideae (Rubiaceae). Plant Syst. Evol., 225, 43-72. Datwyler, S.L. & Weiblen, G.D. (2004). On the origin of the fig: phylogenetic relationship of Moraceae from ndhF sequences. Am. J. Bot., 91, 767-777. Gustafsson, M.H.G., Bittrich, V. & Stevens, P.F. (2002). Phylogeny of Clusiaceae based on rbcL sequences. Int. J. Plant. Sci., 163, 1045-1054. Hahn, W.J. (2002). A phylogenetic analysis of the Arecoid line of palms based on plastid DNA sequence data. Mol. Phyl. Evol., 23, 189-204. Muellner, A.N., Samuel, R., Johnson, S.A., Cheek, M., Pennington, T.D. & Chase, M.W. (2003). Molecular phylogenetics of Meliaceae (Sapindales) based on nuclear and plastid DNA sequences. Am. J. Bot., 90, 471-480. Pell, S.K. (2004). Molecular systematics of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae). PhD thesis. Louisiana State University. Persson, C. (2000). Phylogeny of the Neotropical Alibertia group (Rubiaceae), with emphasis on the genus Alibertia, inferred from ITS and 5S ribosomal DNA sequences. Am. J. Bot., 87, 1018-1028. Pirie, M.D., Chatrou, L.W., Mols, J.B., Erkens, R.H.J. & Oosterhof, J. (2006). ‘Andeancentred’ genera in the short-branch clade of Annonaceae: testing biogeographical hypotheses using phylogeny reconstruction and molecular dating. J. Biogeog., 33, 31-46. Potgieter, K. & Albert, V.A. (2001). Phylogenetic relationships within Apocynaceae s.l. based on trnL Intron and trnL-F Spacer and propagule characters. Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard., 88, 523549. Richardson, J.E., Pennington, R.T., Pennington, T.D. & Hollingsworth, P.M. (2001). Rapid diversification of a species-rich genus of neotropical rain forest trees. Science, 293, 22422245. Rova, J.H.E., Delprete, P.G., Andersson, L. & Albert, V.A. (2002). A trnL-F cpDNA sequence study of the Condamineeae-Rondeletieae-Sipaneeae complex with implications on the phylogeny of the Rubiaceae. Am. J. Bot., 89, 145-159. Wojciechowski, M.F., Lavin, M. & Sanderson, M.J. (2004). A phylogeny of legumes (Leguminosae) based on analysis of the plastid matK gene resolves many well-supported subclades within the family. Am. J. Bot., 91, 1846-1862. 12 252 Wurdack, K.J., Hoffmann, P. & Chase, M.W. (2005). Molecular phylogenetic analysis of uniovulate Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae sensu stricto) using plastid rbcL and trnL-F DNA sequences. Am. J. Bot., 92, 1397-1420. 254 13 Appendix S3: Compatibility with neutral theory of the imbalance levels of 2,000 256 published phylogenies. 258 Treebase extraction and phylogenetic trees preprocessing: We extracted 2,000 published phylogenies from Treebase ( 260 (Accession numbers 705 to 2704, the 704 first trees in Treebase are not numbered in the same way which renders their automatic retrieval less easy) using the R package apTreeshape 262 (Bortolussi et al. 2006). Following the method of Blum and François (2006), we automatically removed putative outgroups used to reconstruct these phylogenies. This was 264 done by detecting subtrees descending directly from the root and having only one or two species (R scripts available upon request). If the trees contained polytomies, they were 266 randomly resolved using the routine “multi2di” of the R package APE (Paradis et al. 2004). Out of these 2,000 trees, 1,660 contained more than 5 species, and these were used to 268 compute the statistic B1. 270 Neutral simulations: For each observed value S of the species richness in the 1,660 trees, we simulated neutral 272 trees of the same richness produced under Hubbell’s model with various values (C++ code available upon request). As decreases, the regional pool size necessary to produce a given 274 species richness increases. To avoid computer memory saturation, we fixed 1,000,000 as a limit to this size, and stopped simulations when we reached this limit. Specifically, we started 276 by simulating 30 phylogenies with equal to 1,000. We then repeated this simulation step after dividing by 2, until the 1,000,000 limit was reached. For each of these simulated 278 neutral trees, we computed the B1 statistic. For each richness value, all these neutral simulated values of B1 formed a range consistent with the neutral assumption. 14 280 282 References: 284 Blum, M.G.B. & François, O. (2006). Which random processes describe the tree of life? A large-scale study of phylogenetic tree imbalance. Syst. Biol., 55, 685-691. 286 Bortolussi, N., Durand, E., Blum, M.G.B. & François, O. (2006). apTreeshape: statistical analysis of phylogenetic tree shape. Bioinformatics, 22, 363-364. 288 Paradis, E., Claude, J. & Strimmer, K. (2004). APE: Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution in R language. Bioinformatics, 20, 289-290. 290 15 292 Appendix S4: Computation of the regional pool sizes for the four tropical tree plots. 294 This computation is based on the comparison with Latimer et al. (2005)’s results. They consider the regional pool for fynbos to be the Cape Floristic Region which extends over 296 50000 km². They further report a density of 0.1, 0.25, 4 and 8 individuals per m² for trees, large shrubs, shrubs and shrublets respectively. Thus, if one assumes that trees, large shrubs, 298 shrubs and shrublets occupy one quarter of the area each, this leads to an average density of 2.6 individuals per m², and eventually to a regional pool size of Jfynbos = 1.3*1011 individuals. 300 According to Latimer et al. (2005), speciation rates should be larger in the fynbos than in 302 tropical trees. This implies that the regional pool sizes for tropical trees observed in a plot should be larger than (plot / fynbos) * Jfynbos. We used the value reported in the text of Latimer 304 et al. (2005) of 697 for fynbos.To convert, these sizes in number of individuals, we used a density for tropical trees of 500 individuals per ha. Plot plot Minimal Pool Size ( * 1000 km²) BCI 571 2130 La Planada 345 1287 Pasoh 534 1992 Lambir 2491 9292 306 For comparison, Fine & Ree (2006) report a value of 9220000 km² for the Neotropics, and of 308 5903000 km² for the Asian Tropics. This means that regional pools for tropical trees extend over continental scales. 16