Information Systems Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes May 17, 2010 I. Call to order Steve Vieira called to order the meeting of the Information Systems Advisory Committee at 1:00 PM on May 17, 2010 in the IT Conference Room. Roll call The following persons were present: Steve Vieira, Michelle O’Brien, Bill LeBlanc, Jamie Nash and Sharon Picard. Peter Woodberry, Deb Aiken and Becky Sheldon were absent. Minutes from last meeting were pre-approved through email exchange earlier. II. Information Security Council Steve introduced the idea of developing an information security council which would create working groups to provide policy, guidelines, best practices and plans for addressing the growing compliance demands upon CCRI for protecting personally identifiable information (PII). Manny Correia, Tom Pitts and Steve have been formulating concepts for an introductory presentation to the President in order to gain support for beginning this comprehensive and massive project. With increasing pressure from bordering state legislature (Massachusetts), credit card vendors (PCI-DSS and PA-DSS compliance), federal regulations (FERPA and HIPAA) to comply with various rules and guidelines, CCRI faces a point where, without documented policies and practices, the liability increases. Data breaches and information protection are constant security topics that have been in the news repeatedly for the last five years. The Information Security Council would be the focal point of the college trying to address awareness programs, security standards, data handling processes and best practices for preventing loss of data at CCRI. III. Production Database Changes Steve introduced a document (Appendix A) introducing the concept of the Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM) to address the issue of how changes in production systems can be made in appropriate but controlled fashion. Using two systems combined, the Joint Application Development (JAD) and the Rapid Application Development, changes to Production systems can be expedited while maintaining the database integrity. The text and chart on page three of the Appendix A describes how the system would function. The changes currently occurring in the production database must stop. Software development lifecycles are designed to have a requirements document, a design, user acceptance testing and then implementation in a “live’ environment. Changes that are not considered in this manner could lead to loss of data, inadvertent elimination of data or worse. By having a rapid deployment methodology, IT can assure that the requested work gets resolved quickly while guaranteeing the integrity of the production system for all our integrated modules and users. This system seeks to answer those statements that having a more standardized and rigid deployment system would slow progress and keep people from doing their jobs. Production systems are not for testing. Any time a modification is made in Production, everyone should know what impact that change will have before it occurs. Using the DSDM ensures that we have better control over “untested “ modifications while maintaining a timely delivery of requested operational adjustments. Action Item 1: Steve to bring the DSDM, JAD and RAD to BUG and other users groups to ensure that everyone understands what is being proposed. IV. Security in Banner Production Steve discussed his plans to take the model for security and functional positions delivered to him by SunGard HE and compare that to the current security schema in place in the Banner Production database. SunGard HE sent Steve a spreadsheet describing each of the positions normally occurring on an institution of higher education. Steve also has a current security schema in place at CCRI. He is going to compare those over this summer to develop a proposal to modify the existing security schema in use at CCRI. Steve assures everyone that it is not his intent to take away needed functionality and that that will be carefully monitored as the proposal is developed. On the other hand, as part of the overall security picture, an audit of the current security schema might find some existing privileges and permissions to be exorbitant and so this is an opportune time to measure how that might be modified. Action Item 1: Steve to compare security schemas; SunGard HE proposed versus existing CCRI Banner. Action Item 2: Steve to work with Tom Pitts on tightening the security classes available on campus to a wide number of users. V. Pre-conference Feedback and SunGard HE response Steve wanted to thank everyone for their feedback concerning the Faculty Load pre-seminar attended at the last Banner Summit conference. He has been in negotiations with SunGard HE and has stated that the company is prepared to offer between 4 and 8 hours of training when we wish to schedule. Action Item 1: Steve to work with the various user groups to determine a schedule for the training VI. Training/Test database Refresh Calendar The Banner User Group recently announced that they would accept the sixty day refresh calendar. Though this was announced to start on May 28th, members of the ISAC committee stated that a refresh had been done on May 10th. The CTRN refresh occurred on May 10th to accommodate a visit from the USDOE and the implementation of Banner Workflow. VII. Report Repository Elements Steve proposed a document (from Syracuse University) for describing the data block and reports that would evolve from those structures. In reviewing the document (included in Appendix B), he asked that everyone concentrate on and contribute to the list of items that would be potentially included. By standardizing and using this methodology, it will enable easier long-term searching, maintenance and change management of data blocks and reports. One complaint about the existing report environment at CCRI is the lack of an informed inventory where people can find reports that have already been developed and what potential data would be included in each. Members of the committee are asked to ponder the existing model and contribute other important requirements for logging and documenting the data block and report inventory over time. Action Item 1: ISAC team to contribute additional items for the data block and report inventory. Action Item 2: Steve to complete a new inventory form for data blocks and reports. VIII. Flexible Registration and Workflow Updates Steve stated that SunGard HE is still attempting to schedule resources for flexible registration. Steve also stated that SunGard HE has begun the installation of Workflow. As a result, IT will be visiting individual groups to get specific information customize the application for use at CCRI. The amount of involvement by functional users will be minimized as much as possible to limit resource allocation. Action Item 1: Steve to continue to monitor Workflow implementation Action Item 1: Steve to continue to work with SunGard HE to schedule the Flexible Registration implementation. IX. TouchNet Project Plan Steve stated that TouchNet is scheduled to do their “move the button” implementation services starting in June and ending in early August. This will ensure compliance with credit card handling. Additionally, TouchNet will be moving all credit card handling off-campus thus increasing the compliance capabilities for CCRI. X. Adjournment Steve Vieira adjourned the meeting at 2:05 PM. Minutes submitted by: Stephen A. Vieira Appendix A Normal Change Processing The Dynamic Software Development Method approach Principles There are nine underlying principles consisting of four foundations and five starting-points. User involvement is the main key in running an efficient and effective project, where both users and developers share a workplace, so that the decisions can be made accurately. The project team must be empowered to make decisions that are important to the progress of the project without waiting for higher-level approval. A focus on frequent delivery of products, with assumption that to deliver something "good enough" earlier is always better than to deliver everything "perfectly" in the end. By delivering product frequently from an early stage of the project, the product can be tested and reviewed where the test record and review document can be taken into account at the next iteration or phase. The main criteria for acceptance of a "deliverable" is delivering a system that addresses the current business needs. Delivering a perfect system which addresses all possible business needs is less important than focusing on critical functionalities. Development is iterative and incremental and driven by users’ feedback to converge on an effective business solution. All changes during the development are reversible. The high level scope and requirements should be base-lined before the project starts. Testing is carried out throughout the project life-cycle. (See Test-driven development for comparison). Communication and cooperation among all project stakeholders is required to be efficient and effective. Rapid application development Joint Application Design (JAD) is a process used in the prototyping life cycle area of the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) to collect business requirements while developing new information systems for the college. "The JAD process also includes approaches for enhancing user participation, expediting development, and improving the quality of specifications." It consists of a workshop where “knowledge workers” and IT specialists meet who will ensure the product provides the needed reports and information at the end. This acts as “a management process which allows Information Technology (IT) departments to work more effectively with users in a shorter time frame. 1. Identify project objectives and limitations 2. Identify critical success factors 3. Define project deliverables 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define the schedule of workshop activities Select the participants Prepare the workshop material Organize workshop activities and exercises Prepare, inform, educate the workshop participants Appendix B