CHSS/P&R/35/2 COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Planning and Resources Committee, 17 March 2008 E-learning sources and resources Please note that this report is not exhaustive. It summarises the information I have been able to find to date. I hope to make some of the information available on the University wiki to enable CHSS staff to update/alter/amend as appropriate. Charlotte Waelde March 2008. 1 CHSS/P&R/35/2 E-learning sources and resources 1. Information Services E-learning and IS Skills Development. Section within Library User Services Division Team of seven Give support and advice on the adoption, application and support of e-assessment tools, VLEs/MLEs and e-portfolios. The team does not directly carry out project or development work for individual academics. Nora Mogey e-learning Manager Wilma Alexander e-learning services manager Robert Chmielewski e-portfolio project officer Mark Findlay E-learning advisor On-line testing of e-assessment tools – Questionmark, Respondus etc. Wesley Kerr E-assessment manager – Questionmark; Respondus etc. Jo Kinsley E-learning advisor Support for Web CT Susan Beasley E-learning advisor Lesson Builder Software. Staff training. Developing e-learning IS applications division Stephen Vickers IS support Denny Colledge Carrying out a review of WebCT and other VLEs. Information Skills Librarian for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences; experience in library management, information technologies and information skills training, with particular interest in the support of distance learners, widening access and delivery to non-traditional user groups. Points How does CHSS feed into strategic decision making in the area of e-learning within IS? Does the IS team deliver what is wanted by Schools in CHSS? What do Schools in CHSS want? Is the balance right between IS piloting and developing potential new technologies (such as the use of SMS messaging for students) and that of 2 CHSS/P&R/35/2 ensuring that basic e-learning skills are developed and can be used by academics for the benefit of students? How is the strategy formulated? How are innovative tools/developments/ideas developed locally transferred to being a central resources if the innovation is seen as a useful resource? What about expertise buy-out for developments? Technical/academic interface isn’t always clear – often people have idea of pedagogically what they want to achieve but no idea how to achieve it To what extent should pedagogic support be available centrally. HSS support. Section in IT User Services Abdul Majothi Academic Liaison Director Liaison with senior management – strategic role (50%) Operational (50%) Chris Kant Computing support officer with one third time role to assist with e-learning E-learning queries from academics and postgraduate students may first be directed to School Computing officers or to Abdul’s team. This team will liaise if necessary with the e-learning and IS skills development section. Questions most often asked of HSS support team 1. What is e-learning? 2. What resources are there for developing my project? 3. Technical questions – something is not working properly Points How does the CHSS team interface with expertise at School level? What is the correct balance between support at IS, CHSS and School level? How are technologists and academic staff and students supported in terms of training and advice. Student Support Team. Section within Library User Services. Noel Miller Student Support Web Helpdesk pages. By clicking on the links below you can find quick answers to your questions or take more time to learn about computers and software by working through the online tutorials. Topics 1. Libraries and Open-Access Computer Labs 2. Online University of Edinburgh Resources 3. Basic Computer Use 4. Software in the Open-Access Computer Labs 5. Your Own Computer 6. eSkills Seminar Programme 3 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Note also that there is a student help desk in the Main Library. Points Is there liaison between the student support desk and those developing ‘e’ projects with the intention of ensuring that students are equipped with the necessary skills to make full use of the innovations? If an undergraduate student wishes to utilise innovative forms of ‘e’ technology in their work, where would they go for help? To what extent is there overlap or not with local innovations? 2. CHSS Schools Computing Officers and e-learning specialists (including those with a wider role in ‘e’ activities – e.g. marketing) ARTS, CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Architecture, history of art, music Alice Crossland Geoff Lee Ian Gunn DIVINITY Jessie Paterson Website Assistant Computing Officer Computing Officer Computing Officer Proactive in e-learning initiatives mainly on-campus but moving towards eCPD and distance learning EDUCATION (Taken from page showing team involved in MSc in e-learning Jen Ross Technical co-ordinator for the MSc in E-learning programme, and also a guest tutor on the Introduction to Digital Environments for Learning course Fiona Littleton Active in SecondLife development for Education, and others. HEALTH IN SOCIAL SCIENCE Centre for International Public Health Policy, Clinical Psychology, and Counselling Studies and Nursing Studies, Tim Fawns Sarah Millar eLearning developer (MSc and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and MSc in Child Adolescent Psychology eLearning Research Associate (MSc in Child and Adolescent Psychology) HISTORY, CLASSICS AND ARCHAEOLOGY History, Economic and Social History, Scottish History, Classics and Archaeology Karen Howie Computing Officer/e-learning specialist 4 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Moved from Science and Engineering and is knowledgeable about e-initiatives including the ‘clicker’ Stuart Nicol LAW Nick Dyson e-learning support Just been appointed to the PELF project to develop distance learning (MSC in History and Landscape) for Richard Roger and Bob Morris Computing officer Takes pro-active role in e.g. giving tutorials on powerpoint; use of technology in moot court room etc. Erin Jackson Distance Learning Manager Oversight of the e and distance learning activities taking place within the school – currently mainly in the ARHC Research Centre with Distance Learning Postgraduate Programmes; eCPD; the use of eSCRIPT (VLE) by oncampus students Vacancy e-learning Administrative Assistant Undertakes administration for Distance learning and eCPD programmes Liza Bagley Marketing Officer For distance learning and eCPD as well as on-campus postgraduate courses LITERATURES, LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Celtic and Scottish Studies, English Literature, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and Asian Studies (Chinese, Japanese and Sanskrit) and European Languages and Cultures (French, German, Hispanic Studies, Italian, Russian and Scandinavian Studies) No computing officers Mourad Diouri E-learning technologist. PELF employed. Online support for intensive Arabic language acquisition (2007/08) MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AND ECONOMICS (to be renamed SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS) Cameron Dishington Darren Crawford Computing Officer E-learning technologist PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE SCIENCES Philosophy; Psychology; Linguistics and English Language; Linguistics Cedric MacMartin Morag Brown Computing Officers 5 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Mike Bennett Eddie Dubourg Psychology Mike Allerhand Alan Marshall SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES Politics and International Relations; Social Anthropology, Social Policy, Social Work and Sociology. Science Studies Unit; Research Centre for Social Sciences; Institute of Governance; ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics (INNOGEN); Centres of African Studies, Canadian Studies and South Asian Studies. Keith Brown Ian McNeill E-learning PELF funded Computing Officer Social Work Francis Emmerson e-learning development officer Other computing officers in CHSS (via IS team). Paul Caban Management Alan Wilson Management Robert Gormley Student Support Alan Hill SSPS Alastair Dodds Education Fiona Vine Education Points Are there any computing officers/e-learning specialists who should be included 3. Academics interested in/involved with e-learning plus some information on ‘e’ activities within Schools taken, where available, from School reports to Computing Strategy Committee (17 December 2007). ARTS, CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Robert Dow Computing Committee Convenor Richard Coyne Richard Coyne John Lee INFRAR.ED project (interconnected Freeware Artefacts Edinburgh) The Infrar.Ed multimedia database project (spawned from an E-Learning grant in 2005) continues to be a great success, showcasing work from the varied Graduate School MSc courses. The Graduate School has a significant presence on the VUE island in Second Life, with MSc and research projects investigating the bridging of boundaries between second- and real- life. 6 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Fiona McLachlan Use of perception for assessment. Remo Pedreschi Enhancement and Development of 1st and 2nd year courses in Technology and Environment (2006/07) (with Heriot Watt) Architecture, Construction and Industrialisation (P00351) (with Heriot Watt) John Brennan MSc in Architectural Project Management (with Heriot Watt University) Dissertation [M.Sc in Architectural Project Management] (P00332) Architecture and Sustainability (P00333) Design, Value and Architecture (P00349) DIVINITY David Reimer Computing Committee Convenor ‘Work has continued on the use of blogs and a series of flash animated maps has been produced. The pilot look at podcasts has shown that this is at least for the present does not merit further work. The planned looked at online essay-type assessment has been delayed (funding is being sought to investigate this area further). The School is involved in a major JISC-funded cross-College project looking at learner experiences across the first year. The outcomes of this will be of major interest for future planning’. ‘The School will also continue to investigate methods for online assessment and in particular streamline online essay-submissions. The School has implemented a solely online IT Skills module that will become compulsory for all first entry UG students from 2008/09’. Jane Dawson Kirsty Murray also a committee member ELPP People, Prelates and Purgatory: Religious Perspectives in Late Medieval Scotland (2003/04) Sara Parvis Using animated maps and blogging to enhance understanding in history (2006/07) Hannah Holtschneider podcasts (joint work with Physics), use of web 2.0 EDUCATION Jen Ross e-portfolio Research and Development in Education (ERDE) 2005/06 Lindsay Paterson Preparation of Interactive Website for EdD Programme (2005/06) Sian Bayne Hamish McLeod Rory Ewins Brian Martin MSc in E-learning by Distance Learning 7 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Velda McCune Clara O’Shea Ruby Rennie Jen Ross Fiona Littleton Jeff Haywood Dai Hounsell Rowena Arshad On-line Module in Equality, Diversity and Antidiscrimination(2007/08) Ruby Rennie Med. Teaching English to speakers of other languages. It is offered as 100% contact mode over twelve months or mixed mode (2 summer sessions) and by distance learning, on-line elearning in the intervening year. Gavin Reid Literacy and Dyslexia - Planning and Designing Interventions (ED1156) (with OU) Jeff Haywood E-learning strategy and policy (P01539) ICT and teacher education. Brian Cosford Mike Quickfall Tom Conlon Jim Crowther John Bamber (Community Education) active in online approaches to education Jo Inchley Deputy Director, CAHRU HEALTH IN SOCIAL SCIENCE Matthias Schwannauer Computing Committee Convenor ‘Below is a review of the e-Learning activity over the past year. Clinical Psychology: Established e-Learning components for two postgraduate programmes: - MSc in Applied Psychology for Children and Young People - Doctorate in Clinical Psychology The MSc programme also provides reflective logs and activity blogs for CPD and development is underway on e-Portfolios. An increased amount of material is now prepared for e-Learning delivery and advances have been made in relation to the facilitation of social learning through discussion boards. The pace of such developments is limited by the availability of e-Learning support resources and time pressures on academic staff. WebCT provides a barrier for the effective use of existing e-Learning provision as a lot of Clinical Psychology students are dependent to access WebCT from NHS bases where they are on placement; WebCt is not accessible from most of these bases due to a lack of an effective interface. We are therefore forced to consider alternative platforms to host the e-learning component of programmes within Clinical Psychology. 8 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Nursing Studies Establishment of e-Learning provision for both undergraduate and masters; currently we are running a masters and undergraduate course online with developments for several more throughout the year; we aim to establish a complete online masters programme. Ongoing work includes: - We introduced ePortfolios to undergraduates with plans to do same for masters and to incorporate PDP and assessment. - We have started an integrated IT programme for the undergraduates incorporating wikis, online discussion, multimedia presentation skills. - Barriers are staff training time, and staff development time. Counselling Studies Have started work on a phased introduction of WebCT to support the face to face work that goes on in the subject area. Centre for International Public Health Policy CIPHP plans to make available its MSc programmes in global health & public policy, health inequalities & public policy, and health systems & public policy via e-learning. These will be rolled out from September 2008, with at least 60 credits available in 2008-09. Once material is available online, it is planned to use it to develop CPD and knowledge transfer, as well as to support on-site provision. It is envisaged that there will be a post with specific e-learning responsibilities to ensure that all material is suitably prepared and presented for e-learning. It is not envisaged that this will necessitate much extra IT for CIPHP. Some software may be required, in discussion with IS or MALTS. There may be the requirement for an extra PC for an e-learning post, and perhaps for a scanner or other small hardware. Technical support will be requested as necessary from MALTS, IS, or the Online Distance Learning Unit. It may be that more staff will use VPN if they have to access files remotely. eLearning objectives - A need for school and departmental eLearning strategies and objectives has been identified. These will be developed in conjunction with overall teaching and learning strategies. - Appraisal of options for assignments being submitted online so that students can submit remotely, teaching staff can pick up remotely, reduction in paper use. - Greater use of discussion boards by lecturers and students. Staff can save some time by directing FAQs here and reinvest that time to monitor other discussion threads. - ePortfolios development. - Look into closer integration with face-to-face teaching. - Putting MSc onto secure web space to remove NHS access obstacle. This may also be implemented on the doctorate in clinical psychology eLearning modules. Staff training - There is a need to provide general eLiteracy training for academic staff to enable them to create effective independent and collaborative learning environments online. - We are looking at the possibility of sharing development with the School of History, Classics and Archaeology of the following: o Good practice guidelines for developing online assessment items, lecture slides, structuring course content, using discussion boards. o Online tutorials featuring introductory theory, examples of good practice, a discussion board for staff to raise concerns and questions. Induction sessions introducing staff to these tutorials is proposed. 9 CHSS/P&R/35/2 o Events featuring speakers from our school and other schools, showing examples of what can be done in similar subject areas. There is also a need for coordination of eLearning development across our school and possibilities for a school wide e-Learning support post have been discussed. Anne Robertson Actively pursuing the development of eportfolios and elearning for Nursing studies Tim Fawns eLearning developer (MSc and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and MSc in Child Adolescent Psychology eLearning Research Associate (MSc in Child and Adolescent Psychology) Sarah Millar Graeme Smith Elaine Haycock-Stewart Caroline Watt At the earliest stage of possible development of a 'foundation' award for Nursing (up to 120 credits at level 9/10 probably), to prepare Neonatal Nurses for PG studies. Developing on-line eCPD HISTORY, CLASSICS AND ARCHAEOLOGY Lloyd Llewellyn Jones Computing Committee Convenor ‘In the 2007-2008 academic year, we have 111 courses with either a course website or a WebCT area to support the course. Fifteen of these spaces are currently empty with little activity. The 96 other areas are being used – with use ranging from an assistance with administration to a very comprehensive course site, providing interactivity (such as discussion forums, submission of online work, signing up for tutorial groups, etc). Postgraduates can now submit course work via WebCT rather than in printed copy’. ‘Within the School, we plan to develop an advice service to help support staff in using the eLearning tools available around the University, whether helping them to get started or to develop highly interactive content. We plan to create two exemplary eLearning courses – one campus-based (Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones’ course on Ancient Persia) and a distance learning course (Richard Rodger’s MSc). Through these developments we will: develop good practice guidelines to help staff encourage consistency in our offerings to keep our eLearning offerings simple to find and use (for both students and staff) make more use of centrally available tools such as WebCT, eAssessment tools such as QuestionMark Perception, Confluence, Turnitin, etc. We expect the demand to use these tools and to put material online will expand over the next few years. eLearning has specific advantages for bigger classes. The eLearning Officer intends to start looking at larger first-year courses and initially providing support to staff on these courses. This will be specifically looking at the types of tasks in which eLearning might provide some administrative time saving or an effective improvement on the student’s learning experience, to compensate for some of the face-to-face support it is not always possible to provide. 10 CHSS/P&R/35/2 The School has two new, large honours courses – History in Practice and History in Theory – which will have an online presence. These courses are currently being planned. The School hopes to be able to bid for funding to investigate the feasibility and usefulness of the creation of support material for fieldwork and labs. This might incorporate: Digitising especially interesting pieces from the Childe Collection (a collection of important archaeological artefacts used in teaching) or the Classics Cast collection ‘Virtual Arthur’s Seat’ – preparing the students for field work, supporting them on site and giving them access to revision material. This type of idea might then be expanded and used in other subject areas. Many staff do not have access to software which will allow them to take advantage of using eLearning tools. As a School we hope to get involved with central discussions about how tools should be used most effectively and purchase software required by staff to allow them to be involved with eLearning but with fewer problems. This may be as simple as purchasing a PPT compressor or Adobe Acrobat Pro to allow lecture notes to be put online to as complex as Flash to allow interactive maps to be developed. In addition, we plan to Contribute to the central IS project on the ‘Next-Generation VLE’, to ensure the School’s requirements are represented’. Richard Roger Bob Morris Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones LAW Richard Jones Charlotte Waelde Graeme Laurie Abbe Brown Burkhard Schafer Andres Guadamuz Gerard Porter Landscape and History: Design, Development and Delivery of Distance Learning Courses (2007/08) Ancient Persia Computing Committee Convenor Pro-active in leading web developments (e.g. Google analytics) CHSS e-learning Special Advisor Programme Director Postgraduate Degrees in Law by Distance Learning Academics involved in delivery of distance learning degree and eCPD LITERATURES, LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Andrew Newman Computing Committee Convenor ‘There has been an increase in student demand for and use of WebCT-based materials among UG students, especially the first-year cohort. PG familiarity and ease with 11 CHSS/P&R/35/2 WebCT-type facilities continues to be uneven. Staff ease with and awareness of developments in WebCT and, especially, its full capabilities, is also uneven.’ Jon Usher Learning and Support System for Year Abroad Foreign Languages Students (2005/06) Peter Dayan Comprehensive on-line grammar teaching strategy for Modern European Languages at Edinburgh (2006/07) Robert Hillenbrand Online support for intensive Arabic language acquisition (2007/08) Natascha Gentz The First Emperor: Development of On-line education (2007/08) MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AND ECONOMICS (to be renamed SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS) Paul Caban, School IS Manager Computing Committee Convenor ‘Within the eLearning area, the School continues to innovate and use emerging technologies, including ePortfolios, Second Life, and Streaming Media. And following on from the University’s performance in the National Student Survey, we have identified a need for better management of feedback statistics, particularly in allowing comparison of information across programmes and courses’. Ian Graham E-learning support for Foundational Business Studies (2005/06) Stuart Sayer Enhancing WebCT based learning and assessment in Economics (2006/07) Eddie Cochrane Mary Scotney Exploring use of e-portfolios PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE SCIENCES Morag Brown PPLS Computing Coordinator Alice Turk Computing Committee Convenor, Martin Corley Courseware for experimental design (2003/04) Matthias Schwannauer Sarah Miller RA Academic Project leader responsibility for online components MSc applied Psychology (within clinical psychology). On-line course using WebCT (not distance learning) SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES Ian McNeill Computing Officer 12 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Jonathan Spencer Developing a set of modular web-based units to replace and enhance the existing course provision in research methods (2004/05) Viv Cree (need to check – no information on website) MSc and CPD programmes in social work Susan Wallace MSc Advanced Social Work Studies in Criminal Justice Skills in Practice and Management. Management and Practice Options (P00514) Research Methods and Evaluation (P00513) Social Work Services and Models (P00512) Understanding and Responding to Criminal Behaviour (P00510) Criminal Justice in Law and Social Policy (P00508) 4. Distance Learning Initiatives On-line Distance Learning Unit (ODLU) Led by David Dewhurst (MVM) with Jake Broadhurst (MVM). Have employed a marketing manager – Rachel Ballantyne Intend to offer services to develop business plans and market distance learning programmes. Funding: 20% fee top-slice on new programmes (which would otherwise go to the University). Business strategy currently being developed. Distance Learning Initiatives in CHSS Fully distance learning degrees; eCPD; courses offered to students at a distance ARTS, CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT John Brennan MSc in Architectural Project Management (with Heriot Watt University) Dissertation [M.Sc in Architectural Project Management] (P00332) Architecture and Sustainability (P00333) Design, Value and Architecture (P00349) Dr Remo Pedreschi DIVINITY Jessie Paterson EDUCATION Sian Bayne Ruby Rennie Architecture, Construction and Industrialisation (P00351) Proposals to develop Masters programme – starting with eCPD MSC e-learning Med. Teaching English to speakers of other languages 13 CHSS/P&R/35/2 HEALTH IN SOCIAL SCIENCE Jeff Collin Centre for International Public Health Policy. Proposals to develop eCPD leading to a full Masters degree. From September 2008: MSc global Health and Public Policy; MSc Health Systems and Public Policy. From 2009 MSc Health Inequalities and Public Policy. Graeme Smith Elaine Haycock-Stewart Embryonic proposals to develop Masters programme in Nursing Studies HISTORY, CLASSICS AND ARCHAEOLOGY Richard Roger, Bob Morris Landscape and History: Design, Development and Delivery of Distance Learning Courses (2007/08) LAW Charlotte Waelde Distance Learning Postgraduate Degree Programmes x 4; eCPD (Medical Law and Ethics) LITERATURES, LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Natascha Gentz First Emperor (Chinese Studies) PELF funded project to develop on-line distance learning eCPD Theodore (Dory) Scaltsas Interested in developing Distance Learning Programme MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AND ECONOMICS (to be renamed SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS) ??? PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE SCIENCES ??? SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES Susan Wallace MSc Skills in Practice and Management. Management and Practice Options (P00514) Research Methods and Evaluation (P00513) Social Work Services and Models (P00512) Understanding and Responding to Criminal Behaviour (P00510) Criminal Justice in Law and Social Policy (P00508) Points Are these all of the distance learning/on-line/eCPD courses we know about? 14 CHSS/P&R/35/2 Are there any other proposals? General Point Some Schools seem well served with e-learning specialists. Law, Divinity and History, Classics and Archaeology being prime examples. Other Schools, such as Education and Social and Political Science(?) have a number of e-learning initiatives but within discrete areas and where support is provided at local level only. Philosophy, Psychology and Language science seems well served by computing officers – but it is not clear the extent to which they may be involved in e initiatives. ACE, Health in Social Science, Management School and Economics and Languages Literatures and Cultures seem to have no general expertise in e-learning although all are involved in some way in e-learning projects either through funded projects and/or distance learning initiatives. E-learning expertise within Schools is at present a mix of Information Services CHSS School provision Staff employed via funded projects 5. Committees of relevance to e and distance learning E-learning steering group (Charlotte Waelde – one more meeting to go) E-learning committee (now Learning Technology) (Stephen Tierney (Law), Hamish Macleod (Education)) CHSS Computing Committee Convenor (Dr Lyn Collins (Executive Dean)) (Charlotte Waelde) Knowledge Strategy Committee (Janet Rennie and Lindsay Paterson (Education)) Research Computing Advisory Group (Abdul Majothi, Hector MacQueen (Law) and David Reimer (Divinity)) Computing Regulation Committee Estates Advisory Group (EPAG) Dr Lyn Collins, HSS Executive Dean IS Committee Learning and Teaching Spaces Advisory Group (Stephen Tierney, Tom Ward, Hamish Macleod) CHSS Undergraduate Studies Committee CHSS Postgraduate Studies Committee 15 CHSS/P&R/35/2 New group IS Communications Group. Convenor Sheila Cannell. Membership to include academic liaison directors (Adbul Majothi) Nick Stroud with ‘cross representation from the IS web group’. 6. Miscellaneous Discussion Fora and committees E-learning Professionals and Practitioners Forum (ELPP) Convener: Michael Begg - Aims Personal and Professional development of eLearning professionals and practitioners Networking opportunities for employees recognising themselves as either eLearning professionals or practitioners To provide support for “eLearning adopters” teaching staff with interest but little experience in using eLearning To identify, where possible, opportunities for research that would increase the empirical base of eLearning Karen Howie, Kirsty Murray, Jessie Paterson, Sian Bayne and Erin Jackson IT Professionals Forum (ITPF) Convener; James Jarvis - Aims The Forum exists to promote the interests, achievements and attainments of the University's IT staff. IT futures group (previously Stargazing group) Convener: Jean Ritchie (IS) - Office of Lifelong Learning and Institute for Applied Language Studies Offers on-line courses. Two available at present. Louise Hayward, Vin Odey Animal Issues Online: Companion Animal Welfare (In association with the SSPCA) Cuna Ekmekcioglu Web Design and Accessibility (run under the auspices of the Disability Office). Information Services websites E-learning news and events 16 CHSS/P&R/35/2 This section carries information about events associated with eLearning, and links to eLearning news and updates. eLearning News Distance and on-line learning information This section aims to provide information and support for staff wishing to explore ways of providing distance and online learning. Learning Resource Centre Manager David Findlay - The Learning and Resource Centre (LRC) provides specialist IT resources in a relatively quiet and spacious environment. We aim to facilitate access to IT based knowledge, and foster the learning of user skills. Our resources are provided on a self-service basis with support staff available at core times; we also provide support through our website and by email. TLA Centre at the University of Edinburgh TLA is increasingly involved with teaching and learning projects which involve an element of e-learning. 17