How to enhances middle-school student`s English spoken language

English spoken language ability
WeiNan Branch of Shaanxi Radio and TV University
Investigator: Wang
Submitted on June 2nd, 2006
In fulfillment of the course “Practical Project Design”
I am mostly grateful to my supervisor Professor Zhang Caihong and Ren Guiling without
whose support and patience this project would not even have got off the ground.
I am grateful to Professor Gu Yueguo for editing us such a good course.
No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing
participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.
Last but not the least big thanks to my colleagues and classmates for their time spent
on brainstorm as well as their support and help.
[Abstract] This study presents a detailed report of the project implemented to improve the
student’s spoken language ability in English learning, through speaking instruction. Based on
the assumption that speaking can help the student understand teaching materials quickly and
easily and thus motivate the students to learn English happily a three –week program was
adopted. We analysis and discussion of shows that speaking English really contributes to
student’s motivation in language learning. However, the program seems to be powerless to a
certain number students. Further research is needed for her measures to motivate the learners.
It about me in the middle of the teaching discovered the student does not dare to open the
mouth to speak English, likes fearing makes a mistake this kind of phenomenon influence
normal teaching, for enhances several suggestions which student's spoken language
proficiency raises.
[Key words:] improve
spoken language
Displays negatively in view of the student in English classroom, is not willing to open the
mouth to speak English, the fear makes a mistake, like this has affected the normal classroom
instruction activity. I embark from the reality; help the student to overcome do not dare to
speak English, the timid psychology that the fear makes a mistake put forward the proposal.
Must carry on the diverse spoken language training, teaches students in accordance with their
aptitude, trains the student to speak English the good custom.
2.Problem identification:
Teaching which appeals to learners’ needs can facilitate learning. It is necessary to investigate
why the students were showing less and less interested, and devoting less and less effort. First
I identify a problem based on my teaching experience. I am at the school is a general-studies
middle school, many students are not good affects the academic record. If we do not change
this kind of present situation, English classroom became teacher a person to say, the students
all listened aridly to be tasteless, directly affected the teaching quality.
It is found that:
Those poor learners report that, due to their lack of vocabulary, cannot follow the
teacher in class, and many times can’t complete the tasks.
Some good students report that vocabulary instruction tends to be so mechanical.
And it is this mechanical practice, in which the students were asked to read and
re-read, write and re-write the new words and expressions that deprived the students
of their motivation.
Quite a number of students report that they are afraid of being criticized and thus
withdraw from classroom activities.
d. The teacher’s methods lack variety.
Second, I used several methods of problem analysis to analyze the problem. They are Socratic
dialogue, Cause analysis, Observation and Brainstorming. After a length problem analysis, I
have drowned this conclusion: The problems that how enhance the student’s English spoken
language because of lacking the essential language environment and so on. I have decided to
do my best to solve the problem.
3. Project objective:
How to Improve middle-school student's English spoken
language ability
4.Project hypothesis:
It is hypothesized that the student’s English spoken language can be enhanced by better
teaching design and organization. Considering the age factors of the students, speaking can
help students understand teaching materials quickly and easily and thus motivate the students
to learn English happily.
5.Project possible solutions:
Taking the above factors into consideration, the following solutions were proposed:
a. Attend class teach English with English
b. Encourage the students to open the mouth to speak English
c. Raise spoken language expression interest
d. Teach students in accordance with their aptitude
e. Correct when the students spoken language expression mistake stage
The student sharpens English spoken language ability six big methods:
The classroom instruction is teaches with study "both sides" the activity. Must enhance the
classroom instruction the benefit, must fully display teacher's leading role and student's main
body function, takes the effective action to stimulate student's study interest, arouses student's
study enthusiasm, lets the student on own initiative, carries out the study on own initiative.
Therefore, we cannot neglect student's main body status, must create the effective method to
help the student to rise sharpens its spoken language ability.
1. Model-based Method
The Model-based Method is refers according to English model carries on creatively simulates
May simulate a sentence, section of articles, a dialogue, also may simulate a short written
work or the article The model has provided the standard English which the student must study,
take the model basic structure as the foundation, slightly revises to the model content, if own
viewpoint, were allowed the creative use language
2. Theme-based Method
Enable the training take the subject as the foundation training method which mediates writes
more to have the foreword, the goal more is clear about For instance, you whether can the
sufficient fluent English carry on oral and the written introduction? Introduces oneself is a
subject Introduces oneself after the study the model, must achieve introduces oneself goal
Must choose with own lives the related subject to carry on the practice These subjects may
include: Describes the person the semblance, the disposition, the emotion, discusses between
the person and person's relations, the education, the thing and so on
3. Recitation Method
Recites is the process which English language and the knowledge accumulates, also is trains
English pronunciation, the rhythm, coherent, stops as well as takes a breath effectively sends
the law May choose the material which the student likes to read aloud recites The choice
material best has the sound recording, also the pronunciation intonation is pure
4. Question&Answer Method
Can effective use English inquiry is and the person human relations basic skills The inquiry
may be oral also may be written May own practice, also may practice together with the
schoolmates In the training process, the nature and the quantity are extremely important, must
achieve as far as possible accurately.
5. Step-by-step Method
English studies must proceed in an orderly way. the student to be possible to act according to
own English proficiency training initiative skill, from simply arrives complex, from the
character words and phrases to the dialogue and the chapter, gradually trains
6. Quality Method
Trainings certainly must have the quantification goal. To request the student to formulate
daily front, each week plan. Each late sleeps according to the plan implementation inspects
oneself whether completes the same day training plan. Like not to complete, the search reason,
the adjustment plan. Plan content could be replied every day certain questions, practiced a
dialogue, recited a short written work and so on.
So long as a proceeds in an orderly way, perseveres, fully displays teacher’s leadership and
student's main body status, the student English spoken language expression ability
enhancement is just round the corner.
6. Project Rationale
According to Williams and Robert Burden, motivation refers to “a state of longitude and
emotional arousal which leads to a conscious decision to act, and which gives rise to a period of sustained
intellectual and physical effort in order to attain a previously set goal.” Motivation is one of the most
factors in learning a foreign language. As Darwin said “Just as eating without
liking does harm to one’s health, learning without liking harms memory and retains nothing it
takes in.” Former experiments show that among the factors contributing to success of
learners, motivation accounts for about 35%.Psychological studies indicated that human
beings mainly depend on eyes and ears to obtain information. Experiments indicate that the
information received by ear will remain 60% in memory after 3 hours and only 40% after 3
days, while the information obtained both by ear and eye will remain 90% in memory after 3
hours and still 75% after 3 days. Another study indicated that the development of human’s
ideation is a process from thinking in images to abstraction. The teenagers in middle school
have developed thinking more in images than abstraction.
Application of spoken language
in English teaching will create language circumstances for students and mobilize their
enthusiasm in thinking in images, for the abstract language materials to turn into concrete
images. Hence spoken language ability suitable for the psychological development of
teenagers. It is not only a better way to motivate the students but also helpful to their memory.
7.Design spoken language activity
For this research, I chose the two classes of my students as subjects, one as the Experimental
Group, the other as the Control Group. The experimental and control groups were randomly
selected by spoken langue. Throughout the project, the Experimental Group will receive
special designed speaking instruction, while the control group goes on with its routine
instruction. Before the experimental group tests does not like opening the mouth to speak
English, the control group tests likes opening the mouth to speak English. Before the
experimental group tests English test result general before, the control group tests takes a test
the result to be outstanding. Before the experimental group tests studying English enthusiasm
general before, the control group tests studying English enthusiasm to be very strong.
Step1: Let the students listen to the tape twice carefully, and how to inquire and make the
Step 2: Let the students look the material object to inquire and answer.
Step3: Let them two individual group mutually inquire.
Step4: After performance, I asked all of the students to elect good students to act in front of
the classroom
Homework: use” pen, coat, pencil, marker, blackboard” inquire and reply
Objectives: To introduce our family
Teaching methods: Model-based Method
Step1: Teacher introduce her family
Step2: Read the book; know about Jenny’s Family
Step3: Make up groups and introduce their families each other
Step4: Let the students who want to introduce her or his family
Homework: Talk about your family and write a short passage.
Objectives: To know about Canada
Teaching methods: Theme-based Method
Step1: Give them some geography knowledge of the world
Step2: Told them how to talk about a country.
Step3: Prepare a map of Canada, Canada’s flag, Niagara Falls, the capital city, language, near
Step4: Contrast China and Canada
Step5: Complete introduce Canada
3.Principles to follow
a. Accord the students’ interest and practicability with the contents of the teaching
materials and the age of the students.
b. Adapt speaking to student’s range of knowledge.
c. Create good teacher-student relationship, motivate and encourage them without forcing.
d. Provide a‘stress-free’ and ‘learner-centered’
4.Techniques for Data Collection
During this research four techniques were adopted, namely Socratic dialogue, Cause analysis
Observation and Brainstorming. The methods of problem analysis
I used four methods of problem analysis to analyze the problem. They are Socratic
dialogue, Cause analysis, Observation and Brainstorming.
A: Socratic dialogue:
----Why do we lack speak English the environment?
Because the students often speak Chinese.
----Why do the students often speak Chinese?
Because Chinese is their mother tongue. They speak it everywhere.
----Why do not the students speak English everywhere?
Because the students very little have the opportunity to speak with English.
---Are the students afraid to speak English incorrectly?
Yes. They nearly did not speak English.
The students are not willing to open the mouth to speak English, affect the teacher to
carry on the normal teaching activity. If we do not try to find solution to change this kind of
present situation, English classroom instruction has become "the practice of what I say goes",
arid is tasteless, can directly affect the teaching effect.
B. Cause analysis
1.The teacher spoken language proficiency is somewhat low
2.Lacks the essential language environment
3.The class and grade student population excessively are many
4.Listen to English the opportunity too to be few
5.Psychological barrier influence
C: Observation
As an English teacher, I can witness all these with own eyes in the teaching first line in the
D: Brainstorming
The teacher from trains the students to embark with English conversation ability, my each
class uses several minutes time to carry on English conversation from the teachers and
students to start. I gradually to train the student alone to use English to deliver section of
speeches, for example, between heard every day, discussed is familiar with person, hobby,
scenery and so on.
8. Project Implementation
The students always feel dull and difficult when they first learn the phonetic symbols. This
time, I gave students some example of antithesis, and let them realize the characteristic of the
Example 1:
Teacher (T): Ask me what is this.
Student (S): What is this?
T: Tell me—It is a pen.
T: Tell me—It is a pen.
Teacher (T): Ask me what is this.
Student (S): What is this?
T: Tell me—It is a coat.
T: Tell me—It is a coat.
Teacher (T): Ask me what is this.
Student (S): What is this?
T: Tell me—It is a pencil.
T: Tell me—It is a pencil.
Teacher (T): Ask me what is this.
Student (S): What is this?
T: Tell me—It is a marker.
T: Tell me—It is a marker.
Teacher (T): Ask me what is this.
Student (S): What is this?
T: Tell me—It is a blackboard.
T: Tell me—It is a blackboard.
In this example, ‘ Ask me’ means that the student must say a question sentence while ‘Tell
me ’ shows that the student must say a declarative sentence. But before doing this, the teacher
must explain something about the exchange of interrogative sentence and declarative
The two –way communication can lengthen the dialogue limit less. This is it advantage. At the
same time, if the student wants to give the correct response, he has to think it hard. The
sentence is not easily forgotten which is erected by themselves through thinking, something
with the teacher’s hint. You can talk freely. You can express yourself as well as you can. Talk
about your family.
Example 2:
T: Ask me how many people there are in my family.
S: How many people are there in your family?
T: Tell me there are three
S: There are three.
T: Ask me what my parents do.
S: What do your parents do?
T: Tell me –your father is a teacher and your mother is a doctor.
S: My father is a teacher and my mother is a doctor.
T: Ask me if my father like his job.
S: Does your father like his job?
T: Tell me – sure, he likes teaching very much.
All these responses form a complete dialogue.
A: How many people are there in your family?
B: There are three.
A: What do your parents do?
B: My father is a teacher and my mother is a doctor.
A: Does your father like his job?
B: Sure, he likes teaching very much.
After listening for several times, the students were invited to speak aloud themselves
according .All the students could concentrate their attention in class and everyone spoke
boldly. Within only several minutes, all the students were able to utter these sentence partners,
including the worst students.
If you want to ask more about father or mother family members, the dialogue can go on as far
as possible. Speaking refers to the speaker’s full control of the grammar and pronunciation in
communication. Spoken language can be defined as the ability to express oneself clearly,
reasonably and without too much hesitation. After all, the aim of the language learning is to
The two-way communication is more effective and direct, but it is also fit for the beginning
stage. Is maintaining the high enthusiasm in the active process middle-school student to the
beginning to the end and displays the strong interest, the whole staff participation, the
atmosphere is warm. After listening for several times, the students were invited to speak aloud
themselves .All the students could concentrate their attention in class and everyone spoke
boldly. Within only several minutes, all the students were able to utter these sentence partners,
including the worst students.
I give the students some geography knowledge of the world.
I ask them do you know which continent is Canada in?
I ask them what is the different be famous as and be famous for?
How to know a country,
How to talk about directions,
How to study and look the map.
9. Project analysis
The junior middle school student's language ability is if the thought level developments close
correlation. As the junior middle school English teacher, must be as far as possible many to
the student proposed some open style questions, namely can cause the student tousle one's
brains the ponder, may carry on the reply from the differ entangle the question. When the
teacher tells the story, only speaks the opening, does not speak the middle developing process,
or only speaks the process but not to speak the opening and the ending and so on, lets student
fill the blank. Our school student carries on the imagination, the association thought training,
simultaneously carries on the spoken language the development training, uses the stationery
case design which the student uses to carry on the reasonable imagination, then with the
spoken language expression, obtains the good teaching effect.
The teacher tries to give the students as much speaking practice as possible. I use the
dialogues in the textbooks to teach the communicative function, and then after the students
have listened to the dialogues on tape, we examine the stress and intonation of the dialogue
and they practice reading it aloud in pairs. Then I give them more exercises based on the
dialogue and finally get them to make up their own dialogues in pairs. Then I sometimes do
role-plays based on the situation in the dialogue, but I encourage them to add their own ideas
to it .I also do a lot of group discussions and role-plays based on their reading texts. The
students enjoy speaking very much. The teacher give them the instructions for what they have
to do –usually in English, but sometimes I use to Chinese to check they have understood me
–and then it is up to them. I try not to interrupt them when they are speaking, as I want them
to become fluent and not to depend on me for corrections all the time.
Having talked so much about the nature of oral communication and its implication for
teaching speaking skills, you may become impatient of not having an answer to the question
“what exactly should I teach my students in oral classes?” Language teachers, as well as
students, need to become aware of what native speakers do in oral communication if we aim
to achieve speaking competence in English. Such awareness can be acquired though
observation and exploration. Below is a list of considerations that we may have in speaking
activities. Which questions are you aware of asking yourself when you speak in English? Tick
one of the columns: Always, Sometimes, Rarely or Never. When you have completed for
yourself, you could carry out a mini-re-search project by asking your colleagues and students
to complete the questionnaire.
1. Is my pronunciation correct?
2. Is my grammar correct?
3. Did I choose the right words?
4. What is the appropriate collocation of this verb/noun?
5. What should I do to encourage the conversation to go on?
6. Should I show support and understanding to other speakers now and then?
7. How do I start the conversation?
8. What should I say to end the conversation?
9. Where should I put my hands and how should I stand?
10. Should I ask other speakers to join in?
11. Is the topic I chose appropriate to everyone?
12. How should I make my request sound polite?
Does your result fit this conclusion? In speaking activities, we tend to focus more on
linguistic aspects rather than on communication techniques. That is, you have more ticks
under always and sometimes for the first few questions in your questionnaire and more ticks
Understand the rarely and sometimes for the later questions. I worry more about using correct
language than about how I are managing or organizing the communication, but as we shall see,
communication techniques are also important a speaker and a listener. Misunderstand or poor
Understanding in listening may lead to break down in communication. Speaker and listener
are constantly changing roles in conversations. Speaking involves responding to what has
been heard. Our ability to understand is more extensive than our ability to speak. All the
statements are true in natural oral communication. As teacher, I should not ignore the role
listening plays in speaking. Present English teaching attention training human relations ability,
therefore in the classroom has the massive English information transmission and the exchange,
the student heard the activity greatly strengthens In the activity, the teacher often is each
words and phrases which highly vigilantly the listener student uses, once discovered the
student in the pronunciation, the intonation, in the grammar has any mistake, immediately
breaks the correction, this kind sees wrong investigates, even breaks student's dialogue way,
not only has interrupted student's mentality, has affected student's integrity expression,
moreover continuously for a long time hence, whether there is will the student consideration
and the worry be own sentence grammatical error, excessively many attentions language form
accuracy, but also some students always thought own English foundation is bad, the
pronunciation intonation is nonstandard, fears the aperture, deficient self-confidence,
Gradually can lose the spoken language expression the desire Therefore
In teacher's to
student human relations language wrong, should pay attention to the strategy, to does not
cause the student to have the fear of difficulties, does not dampen its enthusiasm is the
principle, neglects student's mistake as far as possible, adopts the encouragement, firmly the
manner corrects its mistake, the psychology which the elimination study for fear that mistake
but does not feel opens the mouth is anxious, is the student frequently unceasingly obtains the
successful happy experience, the enhancement spoken language expression self-confidence
and the desire The teaching practice indicated that, sometimes jams "in student”, namely
occurs when expresses the barrier, if immediately rescues, since frequently could be the
student has the psychology, causes the attention not to be
completely expresses with difficulty
centralized, independently
The teacher must raise the student self- integrity
expression, first should understand the student, the familiar student’s state-of-art, easily do not
have to open the mouth to rescue May inspect, the inquiry, guides them to focus the attention
as necessary, gradually fosters the independent integrity expression the custom
In the education teaching, must consider student's individuality difference, the teacher wants
fully to understand the student, the teaching and the training while faces majority student's,
achieves on “not to place an upper limit on, gets down must guarantee a minimum. “Hangs
acts according to student's different disposition, the characteristic, adopts different method,
achieves carries on the teaching with a clear goal, separately raises and sharpens their hungry
spoken language expression ability If the disposition extroversion student, lively is bold,
responds rapidly, regarding this a kind of student should adopt nitpicks law." Deceives;
enthusiastic at the same time, to them severely from high request Let them say to, said, said
good; Disposition introversion student, movement slow, the reaction rate is slow, should adopt
the drive law, “emphatically accompanies the good custom which aunt can they dare to
mediate is willing to say, encourages them to dare to speak the inquiry. Teaching students in
accordance with their aptitude, this solves in spoken language expression question most
important method.
This paper is the result of the action I conducted, which aimed at motivating the students
through spoken language., which was assumed to be capable of cultivating motivation in
middle school learners. In order to solve the identified problem, several solutions were
implemented during the action research. The students’ spoken language ability are improved.
I should encourage our students to be good listeners and good speakers to ensure a
successful communication. The spoken language teaching took English teaching the organic
constituent, English teacher should have the goal, have the plan to have in teaching practice
takes and strengthens, this talks regarding the student overall English result enhancement and
the thought ability raise as well as the student, begins, to move the brain ability and the
quality development all has the positive instruction and the promoter action. I pay great
attention to the students spoken language through the teaching practice in to improve student’s
spoken language .The student’s spoken language ability have the enhancement. The students
are interest in studying English.
Of course there are some problems with it. Still one student in my class thinks they don’t
like speaking English. I shall help her to analyze the problem further using the scientific
methods and design some new tasks to solve the problem.
Reference books:
1. 扶忠汉<<双向式英语>>,北京三环出版社.1990
2. 周流溪<<中国中学英语教育百科全书>>. 东北大学出版社.1995
3. English Language Teaching Methodology
Appendix A
The timetable of the project
Stage Week
Select the proper title of the project How to
improve middle-school student’s English
spoken language
Analyze the problem using scientific
29__May, 12
methods of Investigation.
1. Analyzing
/teacher’roles/students’roles, etc
2. Analyzing the possible causes of the
identified problem..
Design a problem-solving project
13__May, 26
1. Formulating the project objectives and
2. Making a lesson plan
3. Preparing materials
4. Proposing dates collection method:
Carry out the project
27__June, 16
1. Report
implementation of the lesson plan.
2. Report of the data collection
Evaluate the project
17__June, 23
1. Critical comment on my own teaching
by checking my subjective comments
against the collected data.
2. Suggestions for future teaching.
8,9,10 June,
Write the project report
24__July, 14
Appendix B: The methods of problem analysis
I used four methods of problem analysis to analyze the problem. They are Socratic
dialogue, Cause analysis, Observation and Brainstorming.
A: Socratic dialogue:
----Why do we lack speak English the environment?
Because the students often speak Chinese.
----Why do the students often speak Chinese?
Because Chinese is their mother tongue. They speak it everywhere.
----Why do not the students speak English everywhere?
Because the students very little have the opportunity to speak with English.
---Are the students afraid to speak English incorrectly?
Yes. They nearly did not speak English.
The students are not willing to open the mouth to speak English, affect the teacher to
carry on the normal teaching activity. If we do not try to find solution to change this kind of
present situation, English classroom instruction has become "the practice of what I say goes",
arid is tasteless, can directly affect the teaching effect.
B. Cause analysis
1.The teacher spoken language proficiency is some what low
2.Lacks the essential language environment
3.The class and grade student population excessively are many
4.Listen to English the opportunity too to be few
5. Psychological barrier influence
C: Observation
As an English teacher, I can witness all these with own eyes in the teaching first line in the
D: Brainstorming
The teacher from trains the students to embark with English conversation ability, my each
class uses several minutes time to carry on English conversation from the teachers and
students to start. I gradually to train the student alone to use English to deliver section of
speeches, for example, between heard every day, discussed is familiar with person, hobby,
scenery and so on.
Appendix C: Teaching notes
Week 1:
Objectives: to grasp the special question sentence and its reply
“What is this?’
‘It is.”
Teaching methods: Question Answer Method
Step1: Let the students listen to the tape twice carefully, and how to inquire and make the
Step 2: Let the students look the material object to inquire and answer.
Step3: Let them two individual group mutually inquire.
Step4: After performance, I asked all of the students to elect good students to act in front of
the classroom
Homework: use” pen, coat, pencil, marker, blackboard” inquire and reply
Objectives: To introduce our family
Teaching methods: Model-based Method
Step1: Teacher introduce her family
Step2: Read the book; know about Jenny’s Family
Step3: Make up groups and introduce their families each other
Step4: Let the student who wants to introduce her or his family
Homework: Talk about your family and write a short passage.
Objectives: To know about Canada
Teaching methods: Theme-based Method
Step1: Give them some geography knowledge of the world
Step2: Told them how to talk about a country.
Step3: Prepare a map of Canada, Canada’s flag, Niagara Falls, the capital city, language, near
Step4: Contrast China and Canada
Step5: Complete introduce Canada
Homework: write a short passage to introduce Canada
Appendix D: Project rationale
1) The role of speaking in class and its purpose-I would like to give the purpose of
communication, making it as close to real-life as possible. Classroom speech is not to be
judged as performance, but has the role of speaking for real-life communication. This means
that the students should feel relaxed and free about speaking to each other in English class.
2) The role of the students- I want to let the student feel spoke English on likely to speak
Chinese. They should come to realize that they can speak English each other, and help each
other, especially in speaking as it is not skill they can practice on their own.
3) The role of the teacher-students should realize that the teacher has many roles.
4) In the classroom, not just that of evaluator .I would like to demonstrate these different roles
so that the students realize when the teacher a major instructional role in class and when I take
only a major in helping role. I would like students to get used to being responsible for their
own learning and not depend on the teacher all the time.
5) The type of spoken class task used –I think all of the above can be deal with by designing
and better management in spoken class. If I use different teaching methods, such as pair work,
group work, supply more practicing chance, then I am sure that the students can take part in
their actors, and their participation must be improved a lot.
6. Appendix E: Diaries
Date: A pril10, 2006,Monday
In the classroom, my duty is the help the suggestion and the instruction but the students
are the study main body there the students must participate in the classroom activity and
through make these to move studies .Let the students the familiar thing say several achieved
extra politest.
Date: April17, Monday
In the teaching design, I should fully realize studies enthusiastic and the participation
degree importance to the students are good at transferring each student to participate in the
study the positive initiative.
Date Apri25, Tuesday
Acts this kind of role I should provide significant, the interesting duty for the students do,
let the students positively participate in the classroom each link, encourage them mutually to
exchange, and mutually cooperates. Jordan also further pointed out the teaching also should
be the dissemination typical language location, through the classroom activity, like the role
acting and the imitation and so on moves organizes the classroom instruction, vividly causes
the classroom instruction atmosphere, to be interesting.