South Senior Program Message - South Congregational Church

South Senior Program Message
January 2016
A happy New Year greeting is extended to all South seniors and any other readers of this
message. For over 10 years we have visited with a wide pool of South seniors through the yearly
winter/spring ‘Message” followed by the summer/fall “Message.”
Each issue would contain some general remarks and comments with a side piece that laid out the
upcoming unique themed senior lunch schedule, usually the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Our
church family is blessed with a rich body of members who have graced the lunch programs with
sharing stories of their life, their work endeavor and other personal adventures.
The lunch program has been enhanced by the delectable theme lunch that is served up by Ms.
Ginny (affectionately referenced as my culinary intern). The next 6 months shall truly set a high
bar with a dazzling series of varied international foods, due in part to our invited featured guests
and their adventures/travels. More detail shall follow.
Truly, as I put this “Message” to print I am moved with much joy and sentimentality as I/we all
inch closer to my retirement as the Coordinator of the South Church Senior Program. It has been
sheer delight to develop our ministry together, and South has clearly affirmed their respect and
care for its senior members of our church family.
As one would expect many seniors have passed through this life and others entered the passage
of senior. Countless personal home visits have been rendered, as well coordinated visits through
the Pastor’s Aid Ministry. Ginny and I visit our Blossom Hill a couple times annually and linger
about familiar memorial stones, ever mindful of a grand ladies observation “we are all heading in
the same direction.”
I look forward to whatever changes may come as the Senior Program moves with new
leadership….and also being able to participate as another senior in the group.
I expect my presence will still be in connection with many, since any future plans do not have
any departure from South and Concord. And…as Ginny well knows my vision of retirement may
differ from a general norm.
Sooo…lest I get a bit dramatic…let me say how grateful I am to have enjoyed the honor to serve
in our ministry with any and all South Seniors. Like any vibrant and spirited ministry one
receives far more than what one renders.
As I am want to say…my peace and joy to you….and in joyful voice….”this little light of mine,
I’m going to let it shine.”
Program Schedule: January to June 2016
(detail attached)
(Note: January through April the lunch programs shall feature themed lunches in accordance
with the international travel/adventure of the featured Guest. As always lunch is served at or
about 11:30am; early arrival and visit welcomed.)
Jan. 20th……………..David and Lindy Keller
David and Lindy Keller will share stories of their mission trip to Zimbabwe last summer
Feb. 10th……………Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday service…small & intimate. Details to be posted in bulletin.
Feb. 17th………….. Mary / Lou Rosenthal
Lou and Mary Rosenthal will share stories and pics of their river cruise in eastern Europe,
with highlights in St. Petersburg, Russia.
March 16th………….Mary Ellen Kinhan
Mary Ellen Kinhan ( yes Jim’s daughter) will share stories and pics of her adventure to
hike to the Inca ruins into Machu Picchu, Peru.
April 20th………….Helen Fitzgerald
Helen Fitzgerald recently participated in a “Listening Project,” in which she and others
visited and heard stories of local people in Palestine and the region, of life struggles in the tense
and horrid survivor existence
May18th…………Page Cannon
Page Cannon, who shall soon retire from her position with Fellowship House will recall
stories for the House and its anniversary of 50 years service with mentally challenged folk…and
the role South Church played to launch the program in 1965.
June 23rd………Open Date …TBD