Parasitic weeds of the species Striga, Alectra and Orobanche are responsible for serious reductions of crop yields in semi-tropical and tropical regions in the entire world. The can live on various legumes and grasses. The can only survive when they are attached to an appropriate host plant. The parasitic weeds produce seeds in vast amount which can lay dormant in the soil for up to twenty years. The growth in initialized by hatching agents, the strigolactones, excreted by the host plant. Due to this mechanism the parasitic weeds ensure that the appropriate host is present to profit on. To tackle this problem, some solutions were introduced, like hand weeding, crop rotation with catch or trap crops and the development of resistant food crops. However, the most promising solution is probably the idea of suicidal germination. Spreading natural strigolactones over an infested garden plot would break dormancy of the seeds. Since no appropriate host is present, the hatched seeds will die of starvation. There are several natural strigolactones, which all possess the same backbone. The mechanism which initiates the seeds to hatch is also known. A drawback of the idea of suicidal germination is the fact that the natural strigolactones are difficult to synthesize. Therefore it is economically not feasible to synthesize these compounds on a large scale. This is why a lot of research had been done to develop analogues which possess the same biological activity, but are a lot cheaper to produce. The most known analogue is GR24, one that is also produced by Chiralix. In order to know how useful a newly developed analogue ism its bioactivity can be compared to the values of known natural strigolactones. The goal of this research project is to develop synthetic routes for Chiralix to obtain racemic strigol and racemic sorgolactone, two natural strigolactones. A wide screening of all known routes towards these compounds has been combined in a literature thesis before the research started. Combining the features of the routes eventually led to a synthetic plan. The execution of this plan can not be displayed over here, because this information is confidential. The made compounds can be sold to research facilities for reference bioactivities.