Urbanization and Climate Change

Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
Both urban planning and the climate change are closely interrelated. Urbanization can
have a negative impact on the climate change. As the world is really exposed with the risk of
environmental disaster with the change of the climate, planned urban development needs to be
taken by the governments all over world to reduce the risk of the environmental disaster. Two
types of strategies needed to be taken in order to reduce the adverse impact on the climate
change. These two strategies are: the urbanization mitigation strategies and the urbanization
adaptation strategies. These two types of strategies needed to be used properly in order to have
the proper urbanization that reduces the negative impact on the climate change.
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
Introduction: ..............................................................................................................................................................4
Definition and Concept of Urban Planning: ..............................................................................................................4
Definition and Concept of Climate Change: ..............................................................................................................4
Relationship in between Urban Planning and Climate Change: ................................................................................5
Urban Planning strategies to meet climate change: ...................................................................................................6
Summary: ..................................................................................................................................................................6
STUDY, ANALYSIS, AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................7
Urbanization and Climate Change: ............................................................................................................................7
The needs of the Urbanization planning strategies: ...................................................................................................7
Urban Climate Change mitigation Strategies: ...........................................................................................................8
Urban Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: ..........................................................................................................8
Summary: ..................................................................................................................................................................9
Concluding Remark: ..................................................................................................................................................9
Recommendations for Future Research: ....................................................................................................................9
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
Both urban planning and the climate change are closely interrelated. As we need to
develop our local area and do the urbanization. So the government of every country needs to
adjust the urban planning in order to reduce the impact of the urbanization on the climate change.
Urban planning is focused with design of urban environment including different elements
such as land, air & water, transportation environment such as passing into and out of urban
places, distribution networks etc. The main concentration of the urban planning is the organizing
and performing of town and cities including environmental concerns, infrastructure, zoning
etc.Development of the urban planning has great impact on the human life. It directs the types of
the living environments. A balanced urbanization ensures a better place of living for both of the
current and future generation. The role of proper urban planning is now more cited for the
effective tackling of climate change. Urban planning plays an important role in enhancing the
resilience of urban areas, especially for the urban poor people who are most vulnerable to climate
Climate change refers to the change in the earth's weather, including changes in
temperature, rainfall, and wind patterns. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
identified ten indicators of understand the climate change.the indicators. In this case, are seven
indicators i.e. humidity, sea level, tropospheric temperature, temperature over land, temperature
over oceans, sea surface temperature, ocean heat content that are expected to increase, and there
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
are three indicators i.e. sea ice, glaciers, snow cover that are expected to decrease.The effect that
is caused because of the climate change:
Emission of carbon dioxide
Using of fossil fuel
fossil fuel increase the amount of the carbon dioxide and decrease the amount of the oxygen
this cause the green house effect
more heat return caused in the earth
green house effect increases the heat of the interior part
Urbanization and climate change are closely interlinked to one another. Due to unplanned
urbanization the climate change is occuring and world is getting to unsuitable to live on for the
human being. With the rapid urbanization the activities i.e. cutting forests, breeding cattle,
burning fossil fuels etc. which lead to climate change have been increased. Unplanned urban
areas, with high density of people, high concentration of industries, and infrastructure, are more
likely to confront the severe impacts of climate change. Urbanization, a process of shifting from
a rural to a more urban society, is escalating rapidly. A per United Nation’s estimate in between
2011 and 2050, the population of the world will reach to 9.3 billion from 7.0 billion. At the same
time, the number of people living in the urban as well as metropolitan areas will reach to 6.3
billion from 3.6 billion. The cities consumes the 78 percent of the world energy and added 60
percent of the world’s carbon dioxide.
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
Figure: United Nation’s estimate in between 2011 and 2050
Considering the gradual climate change attributed by improper urbanization and the
impact of climate change on human & natural system, a proper urban planning strategy should be
developed and implemented.
As the urban development planning program and the climate change both are closely
related the governments should take the proper mitigation and the adaptation strategies to ensure
the well living place of the human being.
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
As the world is really exposed with the risk of environmental disaster with the change of
the climate, planned urban development needs to be taken by the governments all over world to
reduce the risk of the environmental disaster. So the government of every country needs to adjust
the urban planning in order to reduce the impact of the urbanization on the climate change.
Urbanization, a process of shifting from a rural to a more urban society, is increasing
rapidly. A per United Nation’s estimate in between 2011 and 2050, the population of the world
will increase to 9.3 billion from 7.0 billion. At the same time, the number of people living in the
urban as well as metropolitan areas will reach to 6.3 billion from 3.6 billion. Although cities
includes only 2% of the world surface areas, they consumes nearly about 78% of the world’s
energy and produce more than 60% of the world’s carbon dioxide level. This high carbon
dioxide level attributed by the improper urbanization makes the towns and cities and towns
across the world heavily vulnerable to the world climate change. People in the urban areas across
the world will be affected by the rising of sea levels, inland floods, frequent - stronger storms &
cyclones, and periods of extreme heat & cold. For the human being to live on safely in the world
the issue of proper urban development is very crucial.
Urban planning strategies are needed to make the environment suitable for the living of the
human being. Other needs are given in the below:
To make the urban planning suitable
To ensure the environment to be living
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
To make the urban planning not to change the climate adversely
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared climate change mitigation
as the technological change and substitution that decrease the resource’s inputs & emissions per
unit of output with respect to climate change (Know, 2014). According to United Nation
Environment Program (2013), climate change mitigation strategy means to efforts for decreasing
the emission of greenhouse gasses. Climate change mitigation strategy includes with
implementation of programs and policies to decrease GHG emissions and increase sinks (Revi,
2008).United Nation Environment Program (2013) pointed out usage of low carbon energy
resources (nuclear and renewable energy), improvement of insulation of buildings, and climate
engineering as the climate change mitigation strategies. addressed four climate change mitigation
strategies, namely - extent & allocation of settlement development, new housing areas,
renovation of energy system, and planning of renewable energy system. As per Hall, Dawson,
and Barr (2009), climate change mitigation strategies include using of clean energy sources
(green environment), making older technology more energy efficient, and expanding forestation.
Several researches on the climate change have pointed out adaptation as a necessary
ways for addressing the impacts of unavoidable climate change (NRC, 2010). Adaptation to
climate change strategy can be thought as undertaking of direct actions to minimize probable
negative effects of climate change before and as they happen (Füssel, 2007). As per Carmin and
Robert, Urban climate change adaptation strategy can be framed as a vital response to urban
systems for building resilience to predicted climate change impacts (Carmin and Robert, 2012).
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
Nelson and Adger (2007) in their research paper addressed the management of urban growth in
the climate sensitive zones, relocation of buildings, and building of proper infrastructure as the
climate change adaptation strategies. Juhola and Westerhoff (2011) founded promotion of land &
wildlife management practice, establishment of building codes for extreme weather events, and
choosing of tree plantation & forestry practice as the climate change adaptation strategies. Ngigi
(2009) stressed on the development of climate change adaptation maps at the local, regional, and
national level as a climate change adaptation strategy.
The climate change has great impact on the human lives. So to have a healthy life we need to
ensure proper urbanization strategy to which are mitigation strategy and the adaptation strategy
in order to reduce the impact of the climate change and reduce the adverse change in the
environment and live a happier life.
In the conclusion it can be said that urbanization is needed in our society to develop the system
of our life. This urbanization is needed if we need improvement in our life. But this improvement
has relation with the climate change. Urbanization causes adverse effect on the change of the
environment. So, proper strategy needs to be taken to reduce the negative impact of the climate
change. The strategies those can be taken are mitigation strategy and the adaptation strategy of
the urbanization.
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
In case of the future research it should be kept in mind that the urbanization’s negative impact on
the climate change can be reduced using the two strategies named urbanization adaptation
strategies and urbanization mitigation strategies. As in this research paper secondary sources of
data are used so there may exist deviation of the actual primary data. The future research needed
to be adjusted based on the time and location of the research activity.
Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
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Proper Urban Planning for Climate Change
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