Grade 9/10 Understand Transcripts and Graduation Requirements Update Four-Year Plan 1-2 Class Period(s) Objective/Goals: For students to understand transcripts, DPS graduation requirements, the credit system and a four-year plan. What ASCA/DPS Standards and Competencies are you addressing? Standards: ACADEMIC DOMAIN Standard B: Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options, including college. Standard C: Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community. Competencies: A:B2: Plan to Achieve Goals A:C1: Relate School to Life Experiences Preparation: Photocopy pre/post tests. (2x the number of students) Obtain students’ career cluster goals, if possible. Photocopy Know-Want-Learn (KWL) chart. (1x the number of students) Obtain and copy your high school course booklet. (1x the number of students) Obtain an overhead projector and markers. Make an overhead of DPS High School Requirements. Make an overheard of sample transcript. Obtain and Photocopy a sample transcript. Cover up name, student number, address, birthdate, etc. (1x the number of students) Make an overhead of the Four-Year Planning Tool. Photocopy the Four-Year-Planning Tool. (1x the number of students) Bring pens or pencils. Activity Description Pre-test: One week prior to giving the lesson, pass out the 9/10th grade transcripts/grad requirements pre- test. Have students complete and collect. Collate the information. Determine information that the majority of the students know (this will help guide you on what activities to include in the lesson and where to “take time”). Keep the results to compare to your post-test results. Note those students who may need extra help with the information. 1) Warm-Up (5 minutes): Introduce yourself, describe what a school counselor is and what you do. Acknowledge that although this may be a review for students who attended 9th Grade Summer Academy, the information is very important for all students to learn and be prepared to use. 2) Lesson (50 minutes or more): Pass out the Know-Want-Learn (KWL) chart to every student. Instruct the students to fill in what they already know about credits, transcripts, graduation requirements in the KNOW section. Once they are finished, ask for volunteers to share what they wrote. Instruct the students to fill in what they want to learn in the WANT section. Once they are finished, ask for volunteers to share what they wrote. Note: Modify the lesson below, if needed, according to level of knowledge of the class. Discussion/Instruction: Place DPS High School Requirements on overhead and refer to as needed. The students can take notes on their KWL chart. Explain: A) Students need 240 credits to graduate. -That equals about 60 credits a year. -Each high school year is divided up into 2 semesters. -Students need to take an average of 30 credits per semester. -Some classes are year long, some are one semester long. -One semester class is usually 5 credits. Year-long classes are 10 credits. -In order to earn at least 30 credits per semester, you should take at least 6 classes. B) Students earn credits by getting an A, B, C or D in a course. -Again, most one-semester courses are worth 5 credits. -If you fail (earn an F) in a course, you do NOT earn any credits and will need to repeat that requirement. C) There are 2 types of classes. - There are core or academic classes which include English/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. -There are elective classes which include PE, Fine Arts, World Language, and many more. -There are both academic and elective requirements for high school graduation. D) Review requirements for each subject: -Language Arts: 40 credits total -Math: 40 credits total -Science: 30 credits total -Social Studies: 30 credits total -PE/Dance, Citywide Marching Band, or ROTC: 10 credits total -Electives: 90 credits total -Academic Electives (World Language, AVID, Gear-Up, AP/IB courses): 10 credits -Fine Arts or Career & Technical Education: 10 credits -Other Electives: 70 credits Answer any questions if needed. Place sample transcript on overhead. Pass out sample transcript to each student. They should take notes on the transcript if needed. Explain what a transcript is, what information can be found on it, what it is used for, etc. Check for transcript understanding; ASK: -What classes did this student take their 9th grade year, 2nd semester? -How many credits did this student earn their 11th grade year, 1st semester? -What academic electives did this student take their 10th grade year? -Is this student on track to graduate with 240 credits by the end of their senior year? State: To ensure that you all take the necessary courses, complete the required credits and stay on track to graduate, you will choose your courses and fill out the Four-Year Planning tool. If possible, pass out each student’s career cluster goal. They should choose courses that support and align with their career goal. Pass out a Four-Year Planning Tool and high school course booklet to every student. Place Four-Year Planning Tool on overhead and refer to as needed. Introduce the high school course booklet and how to read it. Looking at the English/Language Arts row, guide students through the process of filling out the blank squares and demonstrate how to fill in the squares on your overhead copy. Tell the students to find the upper division writing or world literature courses in the booklet. Guide students to find one that sounds interesting, one that would possibly support or align with their career goal, and have them write that title on their planning tool. Guide students to other English/Language Arts courses in the booklet so they can fill in the last year of English/Language Arts. Instruct the students to fill in the rest of the Four-Year Planning Tool using the course booklet. Counselor to walk around and assist as needed. If time, show the students the Extracurricular Activities and/or Community Service row at the bottom of the tool and discuss the importance of these experiences. Also, point out the Assessments row and inform them of the tests, especially required tests, they will be taking each year. Remind the students that they should be choosing courses that support and align with their post-secondary education and career goals. 3) Closure (10 minutes) Instruct students to fill out what they learned in the lesson in the LEARN section of their KWL chart. Once students are finished, ask for volunteers to share what they wrote. Collect. Collect Four-Year Planning Tools- make sure the students’ names are on them. You will need these tools for a later lesson where the students enter them into Naviance. Collect the course booklets. Pass out post-tests for student completion. Collect. Pre/Post Test Data Collection: Type of Data Process Data Perception Data Results Data Data Collected How many students took the pre- test? How many students took the posttest? Collate answers: determine the number of correct answers for skill (what did they learn) and knowledge (can they apply the information) questions, the totals for the attitude questions. Achievement/Achievement Related Data: Long term intent is to improve GPA, increase course enrollment patterns, graduation rates.