Complex Inheritance Station Activity 1: The Incredibles

Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________ Period: ______
Complex Inheritance Station Activity 1: The Incredibles
Station #1 – Donating Blood
The Incredible Family would like a chart showing which family members can donate and
receive blood from others. Fill out the chart indicating whether or not the donation is safe
or unsafe. If it is safe write “Yes” in the box. If it is unsafe write “No” in the box.
Remember, type A blood has A protein, type B has B protein, type AB has both A & B
proteins, and type O has NO proteins.
Station #2 – Mr. and Mrs. Incredible
Mr. Incredible has type A blood and Mrs. Incredible has type B blood.
However, both parents DO NOT know whether they are homozygous
or heterozygous for their blood type. When they had children, their
daughter Violet inherited type AB blood and their son Dash inherited
type O blood. Mr. and Mrs. Incredible would like to know their exact
Find the genotype of Mr. and Mrs. Incredible by creating a Punnett Square. HINT: Remember that
the inner boxes of the Punnett Square should show the offspring: Violet (Type AB) and Dash (Type
What is the genotype of Mr. Incredible (dad)? Write it on your answer sheet.
What is the genotype of Mrs. Incredible (mom)? Write it on your answer sheet.
Look at the Punnett Square you created. What is the chance of having the following blood types:
Type A?
b. Type B?
c. Type AB?
d. Type O
Station #3 – Dash
Dash recently found out that type A blood is one of the more common
blood types in the United States. In fact, over 30% of the U.S.
population has type A blood. Dash is heterozygous for type A blood.
When Dash gets married, he would like his children to have 100% chance
of having type A blood. Dash would like to know what type of female he
should marry to have this hope come true.
Show a Punnett Square that would make Dash’s hope come true.
What is the genotype of the possible female mate? Write the genotype on your answer sheet.
Look at the inside of your Punnett Square. What percent of the offspring are homozygous for
type A? Write the percentage on you answer sheet.
Look at the inside of your Punnett Square. What percent of the offspring are heterozygous for
type A? Write the percentage on you answer sheet
Assignments_Science 7
Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________ Period: ______
Station #4 – Violet
Violet has type AB blood. Violet knows that type AB blood is the
universal receiver meaning this blood type can get blood from anyone in
the population. She would like a 50% chance of having children with AB
blood. This way, if her children are injured in battle they can receive
blood from the nearest donor. There are three possible mates that
can help Violet’s wish come true.
1. Show the 3 possible Punnett Squares that would allow Violet to have a 50% chance of
having a child with type AB blood.
2. Write the 3 possible male genotypes on your answer sheet.
3. If Violet marries a man with type O blood is it possible for any of their children to have
type AB blood? Show the Punnett Square and explain.
Station #5 – Villainous Blood
Type O blood is considered the universal donor since individuals
with type O can give blood to any person in the population.
“Syndrome” is an evil villain who is heterozygous for Type B blood.
However, he wants to marry someone that will give him a chance at
having children with type O blood. This way, if Syndrome loses any
blood his kids can donate it to him.
1. Show the 3 possible Punnett Squares that would give Syndrome a
chance of having a child with type O blood.
2. Write the 3 possible female genotypes on your answer sheet.
3. Look back at your three Punnett Squares. Which female will give
Syndrome the best chance of having a child with type O blood? Write
this female’s genotype on your answer sheet.
Assignments_Science 7