JD Show Horses agreement


JD Show Horses

2630 Carriage Rd. Powell, OH 43065

This agreement is made on this day of called “trainer” or JDSH), and

Training and Showing Agreement

, by and between JD Show Horses (hereinafter

whose address is

(hereinafter called “owner”).

JDPH agrees to accept owner’s horse named the terms set forth below. for training, as required by owner, under


The horse shall be in healthy and sound condition and free from infections or transmissible diseases. A current (6 month) negative Coggins test, photocopy of registration papers, records of wormings and immunizations must accompany the horse. When horses are confined in large numbers under the same roof, health can be a big problem, especially for young horses. Therefore we require the following:

(1) Flu/Rhino vaccination and deworming 10-45 days before arrival (horse will be revaccinated and will be wormed every 60 days).

(2) Tetanus vaccination within last year prior to arrival

(3) Strangles:

(a) Vaccinated- Horses previously vaccinated require a booster within one (1) year.

(b) Unvaccinated- Horses require an initial vaccination, followed by a booster no sooner than three

(3) weeks after initial vaccination. This is the procedure that is in the best interest of your horse.

(c) Minimum Requirements- An initial vaccination seven days prior to arrival. Your horse will then receive their booster at the appropriate time while in our care.

Please verify which strangles vaccination has been given. We must have a print-out from your veterinarian stating that your horse is in compliance with the above requirements. If the above requirements are not completed, an additional charge will be added to your account per horse for extra quarantine and veterinary services. A veterinarian chosen by JDSH will examine and/or test the horse at the owner’s expense. JDSH reserves the right to refuse any horse found to be in unhealthy or unsound condition.

We highly recommend a Potomac Fever vaccination, especially for show horses.


Training and board are as follows:

(1) Training includes:

(a) Board

(b) Groundwork, riding and turnout in a combination determined by JDSH to best prepare the horse to meet the owner’s goals.

(c) One (1) lesson per week free of charge after 30 days of training.

(2) Board includes:

(a) A safe, clean stall

(b) Hay and grain fed twice each day and in amounts sufficient to maintain weight and condition, and free choice water

(c) Turnout (time and weather permitting)

(d) Adding and removing blankets, sheets and hoods as needed


Owner will pay JDSH for professional services herein described and for board in accordance with the “Rates and

Charges” form signed by the parties, attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Invoices are due and payable as outlined in the “Rates and Charges” form. Upon completing or terminating services under this Agreement, any remaining balance must be paid in full. Owner May Not remove the horse from JDSH possession until all expenses, fees and services have been paid. If invoices are not paid by the Owner when billed,

JDSH shall have a lien against the horse for the value of all expenses and services provided by JDSH. JDSH is entitled to enforce the lien according to appropriate laws which shall include the right to sell the horse to recover all amounts due to JDSH. Any proceeds of the sale of the horse which exceeds the balance due, expenses of sale and continuing board for the horse will be sent to the Owner.


Training under this Agreement will begin and will continue until termination of this

Agreement (see paragraph 11.)


JDSH will train the horse to the best of its ability and perform all services in accordance with generally accepted professional standards. JDSH will furnish all labor and equipment, provide suitable facilities, and care for the horse in a good and decent manner. The amount and type of feed will be determined by the training schedule and by the individual needs of the horse.


JDSH shall have complete control and judgment over the manner of training of the horse and will take necessary precautions for the safe and proper performance of its work.


JDSH will put the horse on a schedule of shoeing, trimming, health and dental care as necessary for its health and performance. All veterinary, dental, and farrier expenses will be paid by the Owner either directly or invoiced by



In case of illness or injury to the horse, JDSH shall have the right to obtain immediate veterinary care for the horse without permission and before notifying the Owner. This is to ensure the protection, health and safety of the horse.


The parties hereto agree that the boarding, care and training of horses involves risks of injury, illness and death and that JDSH and any person associated with or employed by JDSH shall not be liable for the death, sickness, injury, damages (including any consequential damages) to the horse. JDSH will furnish all services necessary for training.

Owner shall be responsible for providing pad and neoprene girth and will be charged for any other supplies needed while the horse is in JDSH care. There items will remain the property of the Owner and will be delivered to the Owner with the horse upon payment of all amounts due to JDSH under this agreement.


If Owner elects to show the horse, Owner will pay all entry fees, stall fees, bedding charges and any other expenses incurred when being shown or transported. JDSH shall not be liable for the death, sickness, and/or injury to the horse while the horse is being loaded transported or stabled at the grounds or show. It is mutually agreed that the trainer shall retain all money received at all shows except futurities. AQHA, NRHA, and NSBA events, versatilities and sweepstakes. In the case of futurities, AQHA, NRHA, NSBA events, versatilities and sweepstakes the winnings shall be divided as follows: the Owner shall first recover his/her entry fee from the horse’s winnings and any excess winnings shall be divided equally between the Owner and the trainer. Any other awards shall be property of the Owner. Any payments due before an event (futurities, AQHA, NRHA, NSBA events, versatilities and sweepstakes) are the sole responsibility of the Owner.


Upon 30 days written termination of this Agreement, with or without cause, by either party delivered to the other, this Agreement shall terminate. JDSH shall be immediately paid for all fees, services and expenses incurred to the date of termination of the Agreement and removal of the horse.


This Agreement is non-assignable and non-transferable except on mutual agreement reduced to writing and signed by both JDSH and the Owner.


This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties. No other agreements, terms or promises, verbal or implied, shall be enforced between the parties unless they are reduces to writing and included in this



This Agreement is made and entered into the State of Ohio and will be subject to enforcement and interpretation under the laws of this State of Ohio.

JDSH (Authorized Agent) Signature

Owner (Authorized Agent) Signature

Address, City, State, Zip

Telephone (Cell and Home if applicable)

Email address
