CIMS MAINTENANCE Business Requirements for CR – 003 and Nov/Dec 2005 JAD Client: Date: Revision: Ministry of Forests and Range Compliance and Enforcement Branch Dec 19, 2005 1 Vivid Solutions Inc. Suite #1A, 2328 Government St. Victoria, BC V8T 5G5 Phone: (250) 385-6040 Fax: (250) 385-6046 Website: Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements Document Change Control REVISION NUMBER 1 DATE OF ISSUE AUTHOR(S) DESCRIPTION Original draft Page 2 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 PROJECT VISION...................................................................................................... 5 2. APPROACH .......................................................................................................................... 6 3. USER CLASSES ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 PRIMARY USERS ...................................................................................................... 7 3.2 SECONDARY USERS ................................................................................................... 7 4. CONCEPTUAL MODEL .............................................................................................................. 8 4.1 CONTEXT DIAGRAM .................................................................................................. 8 5. BUSINESS PROCESSES .............................................................................................................. 9 5.1 TMTR INSPECTIONS .................................................................................................. 9 5.2 INVALIDATE AND COPY .............................................................................................. 9 5.3 SUPERVISORS TO VIEW SCHEDULES ................................................................................ 9 5.4 PRICING INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................... 10 5.5 PRICING RISK AND PRIORITY ........................................................................................ 10 5.6 MULTI SITE INSPECTIONS FOR ROAD AND SILVICULTURE ....................................................... 10 5.7 SCHEDULING: SITE PRIORITY AND INSPECTION IMPLICATIONS ................................................. 11 5.8 LINKS TO MAPVIEW .................................................................................................. 11 5.9 LINKS TO CUT_BLOCK_OPEN_ADMIN/FTA DATA MODEL CHANGES ............................................ 11 5.10 CIMS MOBILE .......................................................................................................... 11 5.11 LINKS FROM ERA (COMPLIANCE ACTION) .......................................................................... 12 5.12 CIMS PORTAL ......................................................................................................... 12 5.13 FOLLOW UP ........................................................................................................... 13 5.14 INSPECTION ADDENDUM ............................................................................................. 13 5.15 HARVEST COMPLIANCE SUMMARY .................................................................................. 14 5.16 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 14 5.17 RISK ASSESSMENT COPY ............................................................................................. 14 5.18 INSPECTION COPY .................................................................................................... 15 5.19 SPELL CHECKER ...................................................................................................... 15 6. DATA REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................. 16 6.1 TMTR INSPECTIONS .................................................................................................. 16 6.2 INVALIDATE AND COPY .............................................................................................. 16 Page 3 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range 6.3 CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements PRICING INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................... 17 7. INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 18 7.1 TMTR INSPECTIONS .................................................................................................. 18 7.2 PRICING INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................... 19 8. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 21 9. INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 22 10. DOCUMENT SIGN-OFF ............................................................................................................ 23 Page 4 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT VISION The Compliance and Enforcement Branch (C&E) of the Ministry of Forests of Range (MoFR) has an existing production application called the Compliance Information Management System (CIMS). A CIMS working group has been formed and has come up with a number of enhancements to the CIMS application. This document is intended to capture and describe the Business Requirements associated with the application enhancements. Page 5 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 2. APPROACH The approach taken to identify the requirements is to describe each of the requirements as a process in the Business Processes section. Where more detail was required, additional information about a particular requirement has been detailed in the Data Requirements and Interface Requirements sections. Page 6 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 3. USER CLASSES 3.1 PRIMARY USERS The primary users of the CIMS application are: 1. Inspectors – Create Inspections, create Risk Evaluations, assign Site Priorities, and create Commencement Notices. 2. Supervisors – All of the functions of an Inspector, plus create District Inspection Plans and manage Inspection Site Assignments. 3. Administrators – Have super user privileges in the application 4. Assessors – Create Risk Evaluations and Assign Site Priorities. 3.2 SECONDARY USERS The secondary users of the CIMS application are: 1. Viewers – Only view information in the application. 2. Non C&E Assessors – Create Risk Evaluations. 3. Commencement – Create Commencement Notices. Page 7 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 4. CONCEPTUAL MODEL 4.1 CONTEXT DIAGRAM This is a simple, high-level diagram of the system boundaries and interactions with other systems. It forms the basis for further decomposition. ESF CIMS Commencement Notice FTA Risk Evaluation District Inspection Plan ERA Site Priority RESULTS Inspection Figure 1 - CIMS Overview Page 8 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 5. BUSINESS PROCESSES 5.1 TMTR INSPECTIO NS A new inspection type for Timber Marking and Transport Regulation (TMTR) is needed by C&E. The TMTR Inspection will be used by inspectors to record inspection information about the transport of logs within the province of BC. TMTR Inspections can be done at a Region or District level and will consist of inspecting one or more vehicles or vessels. For each vehicle/vessel inspected, one or more load slips for that vehicle/vessel will be inspected. 5.2 INVALIDATE AND COPY In a number of situations, a change is required to a completed inspection (one reason for the change is a rename of the site that the inspection is for), however since the inspection is already completed, a change is not allowed to the inspection. To allow for changes to be made to completed inspections, an Invalidate and Copy process will be used. The Invalidate and Copy process will be available to the inspector that originally did the inspection, a FOS, or a CIMS Administrator. The Invalidate part of the process will take the existing completed inspection and invalidate it. The Invalidate will also require a Invalidate Rationale be entered to indicate why the inspection is being invalidated. The Copy part of the process will copy the now invalidated inspection, assign a new inspection number, and give it a status of incomplete, so that the copied inspection can be modified. The invalid inspection should display the text “This inspection was replaced by: {new inspection id}” on both the inspection web page and printed Inspection reports. The copied inspection should display the text “This inspection replaces: {original inspection id}” on both the inspection web page and printed Inspection reports. To support the above process the following changes are also required: 5.3 Invalid Inspections can be viewed by anyone with view inspection privileges. When printing Invalid inspections, display ‘Invalid’ as a watermark on the inspection. Inspection searches can now return Invalid inspections (default is to not show invalid inspections). SUPERVISORS TO VIEW SCHEDULES In order to better manage their inspectors, supervisors need the ability to view the schedules for the inspectors in the districts assigned to the supervisor. The supervisor will need to identify the inspector’s schedule that the supervisor would like to view. In the instance where an inspector has a schedule in more that one district, the supervisor will have to choose a single district to view. Page 9 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range 5.4 CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements PRICING INSPECTIONS A new inspection type of Pricing is needed by C&E. The Pricing Inspection is typically done after harvesting is completed. It is used to check that the information provided in the ECAS submission is correct and that the obligations/actions required by the licensee relating to stumpage were satisfactorily completed by the licensee. Any CIMS user with the privilege of Edit Inspections can create a Pricing Inspection. 5.5 PRICING RISK AND PR IORITY With the new Pricing inspection, a Pricing Risk and Priority are also needed. The calculated value for the Pricing Risk will be used by both C&E inspectors in CIMS and staff in the Revenue branch. The Revenue branch staff will use some other application (to be defined by Revenue branch) to access the value for Pricing Risk. The calculation of Pricing Risk will be done using information from ECAS submissions. The specifics of the calculations still need to be finalized, but will be provided by Revenue branch staff. A Pricing Risk will automatically be calculated at the time the ECAS submission is first accepted/received by MoFR staff. Since the creation of a Pricing Risk will cause a Risk Site to be created in CIMS, the site will be assigned to an inspector and will be automatically put on the inspector’s Active schedule. Subsequently, after the rate status is confirmed, a new Pricing Risk will be calculated. Each time a Pricing Risk is calculated, a Priority will also be automatically entered for the site. The automatic Priority will always be set to the same value as the Risk. At any time after the first Pricing Risk is created for a site, an assessor will be able to go into CIMS and add a new Priority for that site. 5.6 MULTI SITE INSPECTIO NS FOR ROAD AND SILVICU LTURE The site for a Road and Silviculture inspection are currently either a single road section or opening/block respectively. Changes to the site for Road and Silviculture inspections have been requested and are detailed below. For a Road Inspection, the inspection site will be one or more road sections on the same Road (File). If a Non-Compliance or Follow Up is included in the inspection, the inspector will need to indicate, by way of comments, which road section the NonCompliance or Follow Up pertains to. For the purposes of counting inspections, each road section included in an inspection will count as a single inspection. For example: if an inspection includes three road sections, this will count as 3 inspections. For a Silviculture Inspection, the inspection will still consist of an opening/block. For an opening/block there are one or more Standards Units (SU) contained in the opening/block. For the purposes of a Silviculture Inspection, the inspector will be able to indicate that one or more of the SUs where inspected as part of the inspection. For the purposes of counting inspections, an opening/block will still count as a single inspection. In the future, there may be a request to create a separate report that will show the number of SUs that were inspected. Page 10 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range 5.7 CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements SCHEDULING: SITE PRIORITY AND INSPECTION IMPLICATIONS Add the values of Site Priority and Inspection Implications to the Scheduling Preferences list of items displayed. These values will be available for all inspection types. When selected in Data Selection, columns for Site Priority and Inspection Implications will be displayed in the Active and Inactive pages of the Scheduling tool. 5.8 LINKS TO MAPVIEW From within the CIMS application, links to Mapview have been requested. The links to Mapview should be available from inspections, risk, and priority for the Harvest, Road, Silviculture, Recreation, and Range business areas. The link will take the user into Mapview. Using the Enforcement view, Mapview display the site of the inspection, risk, or priority that was linked from. For the content in Mapview, Priority information from CIMS will be replicated to the LRDW on a periodic basis (daily or weekly) into the LRDW. The Mapview project will build a Priority layer for the Priority information from CIMS. This layer will form the basis of the Enforcement view. The Priority information in the LRDW should only be accessible to Ministry staff. That is, no one outside of the Ministry should be able access either the raw Priority data in the LRDW, or the Enforcement view within Mapview. 5.9 LINKS TO CUT_BLOCK_OPEN_AD MIN/FTA DATA MODEL CHANGES The FTA application Data Model is changing with the release of FTA 4, which is to be released sometime in Spring/Summer 2006. The Changes to the FTA data model will impact such things as the CUT_BLOCK and TIMBER_MARK entities. This may have a substantial impact on CIMS. Meetings will need to be scheduled to get more information on the proposed changes. Additionally, the FTA application team has requested that CIMS change its referential integrity from linking to the CUT_BLOCK table to linking to the CUT_BLOCK_OPEN_ADMIN table. This will allow FTA more flexibility when changing block labels. After the meetings are held with the FTA team, an approach for dealing with these changes can be developed for CIMS. 5.10 CIMS MOBILE The CIMS Mobile application allows inspectors to document inspections in the field and the upload them the CIMS system when the inspector returns to the office. The CIMS Mobile application requires a number of third party components to be installed on laptops in order for the software to be available in the field. Reducing the number of third party components required for the application is very desirable. The CIMS Page 11 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements application is also going thru a rebranding at the moment, which will result in a completely new interface for the application. CIMS and CIMS Mobile share a very similar interface, so CIMS Mobile will also require a rebranding. In order to accommodate the above two items, the following changes can be made to the CIMS Mobile application: Apply the interface style of CIMS after rebranding to CIMS Mobile. Only the Inspection module (not including Gov’t Statutory Obligations) will be included in CIMS Mobile. All code not part of the Inspection module (for example: Risk Module) will be removed for the CIMS Mobile source. Remove the MSDE component. CIMS Mobile will be modified to use XML files as the persistent data store mechanism. Currently, inspections are uploaded and downloaded using XML files, so the XML schema already exists for the different inspection types. Remove the Crystal Reports component. For the printing of Inspection Reports from CIMS Mobile, an HTML print employing CSS (cascading style sheets) will be used. Additionally, to support other changes made to the inspection module in CIMS the following changes to CIMS Mobile are also required. Include the new Pricing Inspection. Include the new TMTR Inspection to CIMS Mobile. Any changes in CR2 or CR4 that apply to the Inspection Module should be reflected in CIMS Mobile. 5.11 LINKS FROM ERA (COMPLIANCE ACTION) Currently, the ERA application has the ability to create an Incident Inspection in CIMS when the outcome of Compliance Action is selected for a Contravention. This functionality works well and will continue to be required in the future. However, it is possible that an inspection related to the Compliance Action may already exist in CIMS. In this case an Incident Inspection should not be created, but a link between the ERA case and the CIMS inspection should be created. The user interface for the ERA application will need to be changed so that when an outcome of Compliance Action is selected for a Contravention, the user will be provided with a choice of either creating a new inspection, or linking to an existing Completed inspection. If the choice is to create a new inspection, the inspection will be created as it is today. If the choice is to link to an existing inspection, the user will need to pick an inspection with the same site as the Contravention. Once the inspection is chosen, a link between CIMS and ERA will be created and a Follow Up Summary Closure entry will be created on the CIMS inspection for the Compliance Action. 5.12 CIMS PORTAL The following items have been requested for the CIMS Portal Page Page 12 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements Include a count of Compliance Actions Requiring Reinspection. The count will include all inspections that were created with a Compliance Action by the inspector, but where another inspection to verify that the Compliance Notice has been complied with, has not yet been completed. The second inspection does not necessarily have to be completed by the inspector of the first inspection. Note: this is related to a change in the Inspection Addendum section. Include a count of New Risk Sites Assigned. The count will include all the Risk Sites that have been assigned to the inspector within the last x number of days. The x will be an application configurable variable. 5.13 FOLLOW UP For Follow Up the following changes have been requested: When adding a follow-up include a mandatory Follow-Up Reason that will consist of selecting on of the following values: Weather Conditions, Time, More Information Required, Expertise. Modify the label text Comment/Notice to read Notice. This applies to both web pages and reports. Remove Notice from label “Comment/Notice” 5.14 INSPEC TION ADDENDUM For the Inspection Addendum the following changes have been requested: When the value of Site Priority is undefined, change the text to read one of two values. No Risk Defined – will be displayed when there is no risk for the inspection’s site. No Priority Defined – will be displayed when there is a risk for the inspection’s site, but no priority has been set for the site. When No Priority Defined is displayed, make the test a hotlink that will go the Site Priority page for the inspection’s site. Rename label Satisfactorily Complete to Remediation Satisfactorily Complete. Rearrange Inspection Reasons on the Addendum: o Switch reasons 5. Verification of compliance notice or other order fulfilment and 12. Licensee request o Move reason 2. Re-inspection recommendation (from a previous inspection)/Inspection Trigger Identified to the bottom of the list. o When Re-inspection recommendation is selected, provide the ability to link to an inspection on the same site that had a Compliance Notice. Provide a method (button/checkbox) to set the status of a site to Complete within the scheduler, when the inspection is Completed. This will mainly be used when the inspection is being done as a final inspection, however there may be other reasons for the setting the scheduler status to Complete. Page 13 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 5.15 HARVEST COMPLIANCE S UMMARY For the Harvest Compliance Summary the following changes have been requested: For all General Requirement descriptions the part(s) of the description in brackets should be removed. This applies to both any web pages, and reports. For example: Soil conservation (disturbance, etc.) would become Soil conservation. Detailed explanations for each of the General Requirements should be added to the Robo-Help documentation. General Requirement Item 8 should be split into 2 items Forest Health and Fire Protection. This will require that current requirements 9 – 11 be renumbered 10 – 12. 5.16 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY For the Compliance Summary for all inspection types the following changes have been requested: When a General Requirement is assigned a Compliance Status of Yes or Not Inspected, provide the ability to add an optional comment for the General Requirement. (This may be accomplished by moving all of the General Requirements to a detail page.) Continue to be able to attach documents at the inspection level and, now, be able to attach documents at the General Requirement level. Note: it has been requested that the documents be printed as part of the inspection report, however, this may not be possible due to the different types of documents that may be attached to the General Requirement. 5.17 RISK ASSESSMENT COPY Sometime after a Risk Evaluation has completed on a site, it may be necessary to revisit that site and update the Risk Evaluation. After a Risk Evaluation has been completed on a site there may be other sites in the surrounding area that have similar risk values. For the above two reasons, a Risk Evaluation Copy function is required for CIMS. The Risk Evaluation Copy function will be provided on all Completed Risk Evaluations. The copy function will first prompt the user to select a site for the Evaluation (the site from the copied evaluation will be provided as a default), the individual that completed the evaluation, and the date of the evaluation. Once the previous three pieces of information have been entered, the Risk Evaluation will be copied. All information from the original Risk Evaluation with the exception of the site, completed by, evaluation date, licensee, and evaluation status will be copied to the new Evaluation. The values for the site, completed by, and evaluation date will be set to the values that were entered. The value for the licensee will be set appropriately for the site, based on the same rules used when creating a new evaluation. The status of the evaluation will be set to Incomplete. Once the evaluation has been copied, it will be treated as any other Incomplete evaluation. Page 14 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 5.18 INSPEC TION COPY The Inspection Copy function is to be provided on all Completed Inspections. The copy function will first prompt the user to select a site for the inspection (the site from the copied inspection will be provided as a default), and the date of the inspeciton. Once the previous three pieces of information have been entered, the Inspection will be copied. All information from the original Inspection with the exception of the site, inspection date, licensee, general requirements, and inspection status will be copied to the new Inspection. The values for the site and inspection date will be set to the values that were entered. The value for the licensee will be appropriately for the site, based on the same rules used when creating a new inspection. The values for the General Requirements will be set to NA. The status of the inspection will be set to Incomplete. Once the inspection has been copied, it will be treated as any other Incomplete inspection. 5.19 SPELL CHECKER A very useful feature for users of the CIMS application would be to have a checker available on comment boxes in the application. Currently, the application is investigating an approach to be used to provide such a feature for Once a spell checker has been implemented in ERA, the same approach can be in CIMS to provide spell checker functionality. spell ERA ERA. used Page 15 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 6. DATA REQUIREMENTS 6.1 TMTR INSPECTIO NS A TMTR Inspection will consist of the following information: Inspection ID (M) Inspection status (M) Location (O) Inspection Date (M) Inspection Start Time (M) Inspection End Time (M) In Attendance (O) Inspector (M) Agency (Multiple Agencies can be added) (O) Initiative (Provincial, Regional, or District) (M) Purpose of Checks (Education, Compliance, Enforcement) (all three could be selected – at least one must be selected) File # 1 (Arcs/Orcs) format (M) File # 2 (Arcs/Orcs) format (O) Vehicle/Vessel Details (can be multiple – must be at least one) Operator/Markholder (should be linked to an entry in the Client system) (O) Vehicle (M) Vehicle Driver (O) Load Slip (can be multiple per Vehicle/Vessel – must be at least one) Load Slip Number (O) Timber Mark (O) Timber Brand (O) Non-Compliant (M) Follow-up (M) Additional information that can be recorded for a TMTR Inspection will include: Non Compliance Information when a Load Slip is marked as Non-Compliant. Follow-Up information when a Load Slip is marked as Follow-Up. Images for the Inspection. Images will be stored at the Inspection level. However, C&E would like the ability to store inspections against individual Load Slips as well. While this is possible, it is unlikely to be included in the first release of the TMTR Inspection. Follow-Up Closure information for items requiring Follow-Up. Inspection Notes after the inspection is Complete. 6.2 INVALIDATE AND COPY Invalidate and Copy will require the additional information to be added to an inspection: Link to Copy inspection from Invalid inspection. Link to Invalid inspection from Copy inspection. Invalidate Rationale (Mandatory whenever an inspection is Invalidated). Page 16 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range 6.3 CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements PRICING INSPECTIONS A Pricing Inspection will consist of the following information: Inspection ID (M) Inspection status (M) Timber Mark (M) Road Section (only for Timber Mark for a Road Permit, in this case at least one must be present, but can be more than one for the same Road Permit) Licensee (M) Inspection Date (M) Inspection Start Time (M) Operator/Contractor (O) In Attendance (O) Inspection Method (one of Ocular, Recce, Detailed Survey, File) Location Inspected Text (M) Location Inspected (one of Partial, Complete) Conformance Items (Yvonne and Mark still need to provide list) Conformance to each Conformance Item (one of N/A, Not Inspected, Consistent, Inconsistent) Comment for each Conformance Item. Non-Compliant (M) Follow-Up (M) Inspector (M) Digital Image (O) Additional Checklist (O) Other Checklist (O) Email (O) Fax (O) Mail (O) Hand Delivered (O) Received By (O) File # 1 (Arcs/Orcs) format (M) File # 2 (Arcs/Orcs) format (O) Additional information that can be recorded for a Pricing Inspection will include: Non Compliance Information when the inspection is marked as NonCompliant. Follow-Up information when the inspection is marked as Follow-Up. Images for the Inspection. Images will be stored at the Inspection level. Follow-Up Closure information for items requiring Follow-Up. Inspection Notes after the inspection is Complete. Page 17 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 7. INTERFACE REQUIREMEN TS 7.1 TMTR INSPECTIO NS Client and Operator / Markholder to be removed from this section. MOFR label to be changed to inspector. Initiative to include choices for Provincial, Regional, District, or Single Stop. Purpose of Checks to be Check Boxes. Load Slips to be surrounded by Vehicle/Vessel details. Details are Operator/ Markholder that will map to a client, vehicle, and vehicle driver. Rename button to Add Load Slip. Figure 2 - TMTR Inspection Page 18 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range 7.2 CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements PRICING INSPECTIONS Add “file” as an inspection method. Remove Activity Status Section and Replace with location Inspected Section. Page 19 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements Allow a comment for each conformance item. Figure 3 – Pricing Inspection Page 20 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 8. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Typical performance requirements for the Ministry of Forests and Range apply. Page 21 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 9. INFRASTRUCTURE REQUI REMENTS Describe any infrastructure requirements for the system Webade 4.x Jrun 4.x Crystal Reports 10 Oracle 9i Page 22 of 23 Ministry of Forests and Range CIMS Maintenance Business Requirements 10. DOCUMENT SIGN-OFF The undersigned have read and agree with the content of this document. Yvonne Roslin-White Systems and Training Coordinator Compliance and Enforcement Branch Ministry of Forests and Range Date Mark Ismay Information Management Group Ministry of Forests and Range Date David Simpson Project Manager – Vivid Solutions Inc. Date Page 23 of 23