
Principal Investigators web-page of Research institute ICaR-VU / VUmc
Amsterdam for 2012
Hirsch index
Pediatrics, Neonatology, Nutrition, Metabolism
Harrie N Lafeber, MD, PhD (11-07-1951)
Professor of Neonatology, VU University medical center
Social status: born on July 11, 1951 in Gouda, The Netherlands, married, two children Education:
1975: Medical Degree, School of Medicine, Erasmus University, Rotterdam , NL ; 1981: Ph.D. thesis
on “Experimental Intra-uterine Growth Retardation in the Guinea Pig at the Nuffield Institute for Medical
Research, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK as recipient of a Sophia Foundation for Medical Research
Fellowship, Rotterdam, NL ; 1982: Registered Paediatrician after training at the Department of
Paediatrics, Erasmus University, Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, NL; 1985: Registered
Neonatologist at the same hospital. Positions: 1986 -1990: Associate Professor of Neonatology,
Sophia Children’s Hospital, Erasmus University Rotterdam; 1991-present: Professor of Neonatology,
VU university medical center.
Study of nutritional assessment techniques in preterm infants for measurement of body composition,
such as body fluid compartments, fat free mass, bone density and total energy metabolism. Nutritional
studies with measurement of in vivo metabolism using non-invasive methods like direct and indirect
calorimetry with use of stable isotopes as dynamic tracers for metabolic pathways. Investigations into
the endocrine regulation of pre- and postnatal growth after intra-uterine growth retardation: clinical
studies and experimental studies in the ovine foetus using normal and stable isotopes. Clinical
investigations towards the development of special preterm formula components such as long chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acid composition of oral and of parenteral nutrition, breast milk
fortifiers and special postdischarge formula for preterm infants. Studies on potential reduction of
infections in low birth weight infants by adding pre- / probiotics to the nutrition.
- van de Lagemaat M, Rotteveel J, van Weissenbruch MM, Lafeber HN. Increased gain in bone
mineral content of preterm infants fed an isocaloric, protein-, and mineral-enriched postdischarge
formula. Eur J Nutr. 2012 Dec 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23247928.
van de Lagemaat M, Rotteveel J, van Weissenbruch MM, Lafeber HN. Small-for-gestational-age
preterm-born infants already have lower bone mass during early infancy. Bone 2012;51:441–446.
- de Kieviet JF, van Elburg RM, Lafeber HN, Oosterlaan J. Attention Problems of Very Preterm
Children Compared with Age-Matched Term Controls at School-Age.J Pediatr.2012 Jun14. [Epub
ahead of print]
- -de
Kieviet JF, Oosterlaan J,van Zwol A, Boehm G, Lafeber HN, van Elburg RM Effects of neonatal enteral
glutamine supplementation on cognitive, motor and behavioural outcomes in very preterm and/or very
low birth weight children at school age. Br J Nutr. 2012 Feb 7:1-6. [Epub ahead of print]
-van de Lagemaat M, Rotteveel J, Muskiet FA, Schaafsma A, Lafeber HN. Post term dietary-induced
changes in DHA and AA status relate to gains in weight, length, and head circumference in preterm
infants. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2011;85:311-6.
Lafeber HN, Westerbeek EA, van den Berg A, Fetter WP, van Elburg RM. Nutritional factors
influencing infections in preterm infants. J Nutr. 2008;138:1813S-1817S
[ 6 December 2012]
Organiser/editor of the proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Fetal and Neonatal
Physiological Measurements. Elsevier Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam NL, Member of the European
Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR), affiliate member of US Society for Pediatric Research (SPR)
and European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN),
Organiser ESPGHAN Summerschool on infant nutrition, Noordwijkerhout NL Past Committee
member of the ESPGHAN committee of Nutrition, regulating the European Guidelines for the
composition of infant formula and paediatric foodstuffs. Past Chairman of the Section of Neonatology
of the Dutch Association of Paediatrics