Project TELL: LIFE SCIENCES/BIOTECHNOLOGY Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Sophia-Antipolis, France Michel Quéré Pier Paolo Saviotti Sandrine Selosse And Université Libre de Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium Jessica Michel Bruno van Pottelsberghe 30 June 2002 Project TELL Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………..6 2. HISTORICAL INHERITANCE………………………………………………...6 2.1 BACK TO THE ORIGIN OF THE MODERN ‘LIFE SCIENCE INDUSTRY’...6 2.2 THE POST-WAR ERA OF THE ‘LIFE SCIENCE INDUSTRY’: THE RANDOM SCREENING PERIOD………………………………………………7 2.3 UNTIL THE EIGHTIES: TOWARDS AN ‘ORGANIZED’ SCREENING PERIOD IN DRUG DISCOVERY………………………………………………9 2.3.1 The first sub-period: A new era with “Happy few” participants…………..9 2.3.2 The second sub-period: Increasing specialisation, money accessibility and a blast of knowledge opportunities…………………………………………...11 3. BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: US v. EUROPE…………..16 3.1 BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY: STATE-OF-THE-ART…………………...16 3.1.1 US Biotechnology Industry Analysis…………………………………….17 3.1.2 European Biotechnology Industry Analysis……………………………...19 3.2 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES..21 3.3 FUNDING OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT………………………….24 3.3.1 Public funding of R&D in Europe………………………………………..24 3.3.2 Public funding of R&D in the United States……………………………..25 3.4 RELATIVE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF COUNTRIES……………….25 Biotechnology and US trade……………………………………………...26 3.5 RELATIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE OF COUNTRIES……………….28 3.5.1 World Distribution of Scientific Publications……………………………28 3.5.2 World Distribution of Scientific Publications (Life Sciences)…………...28 3.5.3 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (NAFTA)………….29 3.5.4 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (ASEAN)………….30 3.5.5 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (EU)……………….30 3.5.6 Scientific Publications (all disciplines) by European Countries………….31 3.6 RELATIVE TECHNOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE OF COUNTRIES………31 3.6.1 The importance of patents in the life sciences……………………………31 3.6.2 USPTO patent grants……………………………………………………..32 Biotechnology…………………………………………………………….33 Pharmaceuticals…………………………………………………………..36 4. INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION……………………………………………..41 4.1 MAIN ACTORS………………………………………………………………...41 4.1.1 Large Diversified Firms (LDFs)………………………………………….41 The life science company………………………………………………...41 4.1.2 Dedicated Biotechnology Firms (DBFs)…………………………………43 4.1.3 Public Research Institutes (PRIs)………………………………………...46 4.2 INNOVATION NETWORKS AND STRATEGIC ALLIANCES……………..49 4.2.1 Opportunities for firms within the life science industry………………….49 Characteristics of large pharma…………………………………………..49 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 2 Project TELL Strategic options for the biotechnology firms……………………………50 4.2.2 Alliances………………………………………………………………….51 Strategic technological alliances…………………………………………51 Strategic biotechnology alliances………………………………………...53 4.3 VENTURE CAPITAL…………………………………………………………..55 5. THE ORGANISATION OF KNOWLEDGE WITHIN THE LIFE SCIENCE INDUSTRY……………………………………………………………………...59 6. SOURCES……………………………………………………………………….63 7. APPENDICES: A—E………………………………………………………….65 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 3 Project TELL Table of Illustrations Table 2.1 Growth evolution of Amgen, 1980-99……………………………………11 Table 2.2 Life sciences: US IPOs…………………………………………………...12 Graph 2.1 Creation of DBFs in the US……………………………………………...13 Table 3.1 Life science industry in the US…………………………………………...17 Table 3.2 Key areas for US life science companies…………………………………18 Table 3.3 FDA approvals of biotech patents, 1982-1998……………………………18 Table 3.4 Source of funding for US life science companies, 1999…………………19 Table 3.5 Summary of life science industry in US…………………………………..19 Table 3.6 Life science industry in Europe…………………………………………...20 Table 3.7 Life science industry in France, Germany and UK……………………….20 Table 3.8 Life science industry in Europe – New Medecinal Products with European Community Marketing Authorisation………………………………………………..21 Graph 3.1 US states with the highest concentration of life science companies, 1999…………………………………………………………………………………..21 Graph 3.2 Independent European DBFs, 2000……………………………………...22 Graph 3.3 DBFs per thousand inhabitants, 2000…………………………………….23 Table 3.9 Government funding or outlays for research and development in selected European countries, 1997…………………………………………………………….24 Table 3.10 Share of NIH funding allocated to US biotechnology centres…………..25 Table 3.11 Cumulative share in US biotechnology exports to the OEDC area, 1999…………………………………………………………………………………..26 Table 3.12 Cumulative share in US biotechnology imports from the OECD area, 1999…………………………………………………………………………………..27 Graph 3.4 Cumulative share in US biotechnology exports from the OECD area, 1999…………………………………………………………………………………..27 Graph 3.5 Cumulative share in US biotechnology imports from the OECD area, 1999…………………………………………………………………………………..27 3.5.1 World Distribution of Scientific Publications………………………………..28 3.5.2 World Distribution of Scientific Publications (Life Sciences)……………….28 3.5.3 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (NAFTA)……………...29 3.5.4 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (ASEAN)……………...30 3.5.5 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (EU)…………………...30 3.5.6 Scientific Publications (all disciplines) by European Countries……………..31 Table 3.13 Biotechnology patents as percent of total patents granted in each country, 1987-1989 and 1999-2001……………………………………………………………34 Graph 3.6 Biotechnology patents as percent of total patents granted in each country, 1987-2001…………………………………………………………………………….34 Table 3.14 Biotechnology patents per million inhabitants, 1999-2001……………..35 Graph 3.7 Biotechnology patents per million inhabitants, 1999-2001………………35 Table 3.15 Pharmaceutical patents as percent of total patents granted for each country, 1987-1989 and 1999-2001………………………………………………….37 Graph 3.8 Pharmaceutical patents as percent of total patents granted for each country, 1987-2001…………………………………………………………………………….37 Table 3.16 Pharmaceutical patents: Percent patents invented at home with rights assigned to a foreign country, 1987-89 and 1999-2001……………………………...38 Graph 3.9 Pharmaceutical patents in selected European countries: Percent patents invented at home with rights assigned to a foreign country, 1987-2001……………..39 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 4 Project TELL Graph 3.10 Percent of pharmaceutical patents assigned to foreign entities for selected regions, 1987-1989 and 1999-2001…………………………………………………..40 Table 3.17 World patent distribution in percentages for key technologies (Life Sciences and Information Technologies) among a selection of countries, 19931995…………………………………………………………………………………..41 Table 4.1 The largest pharmaceutical companies: US and European Union……….42 Table 4.2 Largest US biotech companies, 2001……………………………………..44 Table 4.3 Largest biotech companies in the European Union, 2001………………...44 Graph 4.1 US life science companies per thousand inhabitants for states with the highest concentration, 1999…………………………………………………………..45 Table 4.4 Comparison between European countries and US states for greatest presence of life science companies…………………………………………………...46 Table 4.5 European strategic alliances: Ernst & Young v. CATI, 1996-2000……...51 Table 4.6 Share of international strategic technology alliances: 1980-89 and 19902000…………………………………………………………………………………..52 Table 4.7 International strategic technology alliances, by technology shares………52 Graph 4.2 International strategic technology alliances, 1990-2000…………………53 Graph 4.3 US and European biotechnology alliances, 1980-98……………………..54 Graph 4.4 European biotechnology alliances, 1980-98……………………………...55 Graph 4.5 VC in Europe: biotechnology, 1987-2001………………………………56 Graph 4.6 VC in US: biotechnology, 1987-2000…………………………………...56 Table 4.8 Comparison of Europe and USA venture capital invested in technologies, 2000…………………………………………………………………………………..57 Table 4.9 Early stage venture capital in European technologies compared to US seed financing, 2000……………………………………………………………………….58 Table 4.10 Comparison of Europe and US total technology breakdown by stage of investment in million Euro, 2000…………………………………………………….58 Table 5.1 Major sub-sets within biotechnology……………………………………..61 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 5 Project TELL 1. INTRODUCTION This report aims to provide a framework for discussing the specific characteristics of knowledge generation, accumulation and diffusion in the context of the “Life Science Industry”. The latter is somewhat specific to any other sector and, consequently exhibits very particular regulation mechanisms. This is obviously due on the one hand to the science-based character of the industry, but on the other hand, to the specific nature of the “products” within the industry that oblige the integration of consumers’ preferences and related ethical considerations in a very logical manner. In order to depict the specific regulation of knowledge generation, accumulation and diffusion that result from the original life science industry, we organised the discussion as follows: Section 2 provides a brief historical background of the industry leading up to an introduction of the key factors implicated in the current stage of development. Section 3 is an analysis of the biotechnology industry, providing an overview of both the US and European contexts as regarding geographical distribution, research and development, and the relevant economic, scientific and technological indicators. Section 4 addresses the mechanisms of knowledge generation, accumulation and diffusion in the life science industry by introducing industrial organisation through the main actors and their behaviours. Finally, Section 5 summarizes our key findings regarding the organisation of knowledge within the life science industry while taking a traditional product and/or activity approach in order to introduce areas of exploration for the intended case studies. 2. HISTORICAL INHERITANCE 2.1 BACK TO THE ORIGIN OF THE MODERN ‘LIFE SCIENCE INDUSTRY’ Obviously, an industry does not appear magically on the economic scene. This largely applies to the so-called biotechnology industry or more generally, to the life science industry. In what follows, we will consider both industries as starting from the beginning of the 1980s. Of course, this is reducible in that the history of those industries began long before, and have included all types of economic activities related to the use of industrial fermentation as applied to the manufacture of alcohol, brewing and/or agriculture, more largely. The development of ‘zymotechnology’ (see Bud 1993 for an overview) will not be considered here, even if this application can be thought of as a necessary condition for the accumulation of skills, knowledge, techniques and research protocols for the transition from zymo- to bio-technology to occur. That transition continued progressively in the 1920s and founded the sciencebased orientation of those industries, including joint concerns from disciplines such as microbiology, bacteriology, chemistry and biochemistry. What we will call hereafter biotechnology or, more largely, the life science industry began with recombinant DNA techniques, that is with the discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson in 1953 followed by the 1973 discovery by Cohen and Boyer who opened the door to what would be identified thereafter as “genetic engineering”. Cohen and Boyer succeeded in cutting a section of DNA from a plasmid of Escherichia coli bacterium and transferring it into the DNA of another plasmid. They LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 6 Project TELL then allowed for the ability to change gene structures and related messages and, consequently, impact the production of proteins in a more or less controlled way. As a result, a new era for biotechnology occurred and the founding of that breakthrough can be dated back to the famous Asilomar meeting (July 1975), a very paradoxical start, as the Asilomar outcome being a call for “a pause in research until it could be regulated in such a way that the public need not be anxious” (Bud, 1993, p.175). As a consequence, the beginning of this new era led to a sixteen-month moratorium while waiting for NIH guidelines that were produced mid-1976. Nevertheless, the Asilomar convention can be identified as the starting point of the story. It especially reveals the importance of “genetic engineering” and the emergence of young researchers grouped in a loosely-defined profession, the molecular biologists. 2.2 THE POST-WAR ERA OF THE ‘LIFE SCIENCE INDUSTRY’: THE RANDOM SCREENING PERIOD Until the availability of recombinant DNA technology, the life science industry was mainly associated with the pharmaceutical industry. The latter was essentially driven by a chemistry-culture where design and screening of molecules’ potentialities were the central stages of drug discovery procedures. Secrecy was a master word and the strategic orientation of companies was essentially devoted to the management of a suited pipeline of new products in order to ensure a regular trend for the growth of the company. Drug discovery was as such the result of a random process, because empirical evidence was the main driver of the innovation process. At that stage of the ‘life science’ industry, knowledge accumulation was essentially internal to each company, from research protocols to screening and test processes, including individual libraries of compounds that ensure the originality (and the protection as well) of the molecules under scrutiny. Such characteristics were confronting an increase in importance exercised by regulatory authorities, mainly national-based, where approvals for new drugs were necessary and obtained in accordance to a philosophy of a ‘proof of efficacy requirement’. Then, the portfolio of products of a company in that industry was also a significant barrier to entry because of the blockbuster aspect of the market: a firm was likely to invest for a long time in order to get any approval from regulatory authorities, but financial returns were also ensured, and this mechanism was centrally correlated to the relative quality of a firm’s contents in the pipeline. Consequently, innovative capabilities and related knowledge requirements were mainly directed toward the internal efficacy of large firms, that is to the search of a suited combination of technical and organisational capabilities in order to ensure the successive stages of identifying, testing and securing the effects of the drugs under development. Here, we need to add that the risk associated with the huge development costs of any new drug creates incentives for companies to favour vertical integration, including the control of marketing and distribution networks. In that respect, as those large companies were facing the international market, nations (and their underlying institutional frameworks) were mainly thought of as biased to open competition and a LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 7 Project TELL means of ensuring “local” protection for domestic companies (see Thomas, 1994). The life science industry belonged to the world of large international and verticallyintegrated companies. During this period, two main (and interrelated) changes influenced importantly the organisation and the regulation of the industry: On the one hand, innovative capability became highly dependent on academic research. This obliged firms to develop absorptive capacity, ticket of admission in the scientific community and adjust their organisations and research incentives. As a result, a dense network of collaborative relations emerged where start-ups appear as up-stream suppliers of technology and R&D services, and where large pharma companies provide capital and access to complementary assets. Large pharma companies act as integrators of highly fragmented bits of complementary knowledge where each start-up underlies avenues of developing alternative approaches to drug discovery, being a particular instantiation of the opportunities offered by scientific progress. On the other hand, large pharma companies progressively became aware of the potentialities of new techniques for their research capabilities. At least, they chose two major (alternative) options for exploring their innovative capabilities: (1) improving the characterisation of new molecules to biological targets or (2) improving generic tools and search based on the law of large numbers. But, in both cases, structural change was occurring, promoting a new learning regime within the industry characterised by the emergence of a new set of companies, i.e., academic start-ups (the so-called dedicated biotech firms—DBFs, see section 4.1.2) that specialise in research tools, the latter becoming service providers for pharma companies. Strategy one resulted in a trajectory of increasing specifications of general research “hypotheses”. Strategy two resulted in exploring platform technologies, mixing different types of resources, favouring multidisciplinary knowledge exchanges, and modifying the inter-generational structure of individual knowledge. However, both strategies expressed structural modifications in learning regimes and knowledge accumulation at this stage in the history of the life science industry. If we refer to a layer model to characterise the working and the organisation of the life science industry at this stage, we could argue that large pharma companies were not submitted to radical change. They were able to maintain their leadership, even if they had to build organisational structures able to integrate up-stream capabilities. This is certainly due to the strong regulatory constraints that gave the incumbents an obvious advantage. However, the transition from chemistry-oriented pharmacology toward recombinant DNA technology and molecular genetics has not been an easy one for big pharma companies. As noted by Galambos and Sturchio (1998, p.2), all the previous stages of significant technological transitions within the twentieth century were led by large organisations themselves that succeeded in maintaining their leadership within the transition process: “during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, for example, it was large, vertically-integrated companies that led the industry into the golden age of medicinal chemistry.” LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 8 Project TELL But within the 1980s, small biotech firms have progressively developed niche technologies and related markets which oblige large companies to conduct strategic shifts and significant changes in their collective organisation. Under the pressure of the progress of science and the related emergence of the DBFs associated to sciencebased activities, large pharma companies had to manage the increasing need of establishing alliances or participating in initial public offerings in order to take advantage of the opportunities resulting from the multiple development of recombinant DNA techniques. Technical opportunities and organisational challenges in the respective role of large and small companies have provoked a radical shift in the definition of this industry as well as in the characteristics of knowledge generation and accumulation. 2.3 UNTIL THE EIGHTIES: TOWARDS AN ‘ORGANIZED’ SCREENING PERIOD IN DRUG DISCOVERY 2.3.1 The first sub-period: A new era with “Happy few” participants The transition from classical biotechnologies to recombinant DNA techniques occurs in different stages. The first one came from the observation that using those techniques to challenge the production of human proteins was economically interesting. Three major candidates have been targeted by companies: insulin, growth hormone and interferon. Insulin was of course on the top of the list. Until genetic engineering, insulin was produced from animals and, consequently, was slightly different from human insulin. As insulin was intensively used for decades to treat diabetes disease, the market revealed huge opportunities. The same for growth hormone which was until then extracted from cadavers and interferon which was highly difficult to extract from the human body (a tenth of one gram of interferon requires approximately 90.000 liters of human blood to be extracted). Thus, the economic implications of these human proteins were obviously important and resulted in the birth of original start-ups, due to innovative entrepreneurs. Among those “happy few” we identify four exemplified companies: Cetus, Genentech, Biogen, and Amgen. These companies have a few characteristics in common, representative of this first stage in biotech development. These firms first established themselves in the seventies and as such, they were exceptional for the time. They reveal a generation of entrepreneurial scientists that thought of companies as “research boutiques”. As such, they were largely interested in pursuing academic challenges even if they were also motivated by industrial concerns regarding an economic reality which was mainly the production of human proteins. Secondly, they very much had a wide vision of what they could do in order to exhibit economic profitability. This first generation of companies wanted to be “all things to all markets”. They were developing a research strategy that was very large and that did not result in technical specialisation. For instance, Genentech experimentally succeeded in producing the first human protein (Somastostatin) one year after the company had been established. However, Genentech succeeded in producing human insulin by 1982 and a recombinant blood-clotting for hemophilians by 1984. Genentech put Protropin (recombinant human growth hormone) on the market in 1985, Activase (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) to treat heart attack) in 1987, Pulmozyme (recombinant human DNAse to treat cystic fibrosis) in 1993, the famous Rituxan (the first monoclonal antibody approved to treat LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 9 Project TELL cancerous diseases) in 1997, and Herceptin (a second monoclonal antibody to treat metastatic breast cancer) in 1998. If Genentech appears very emblematic of this type of biotech company, it is primarily because it was the first one. But the other members of this first stage of development (Cetus, Biogen, Amgen) follow the same pathway. They all tried to become very diversified in terms of economic applications of their skills and capabilities. Their knowledge base was applied in many various ways. As a consequence, their development included important partnerships with well-established companies in related areas (notably the pharmaceuticals). To continue with the example of Genentech, we have to emphasize that in order to put those products onto the market, Genentech has been obliged to develop alliances and licensing strategies with the big pharma companies: worldwide rights to recombinant human insulin have been sold to Eli Lilly; Factor VIII (recombinant bloodclotting) has been licensed to Bayer. Protropin rights have been sold to AB Kabi (leader on the market of cadaver-derived growth hormone). Rights related to interferon have been bought by HoffmannLaroche, and the like . . . This kind of complementarity with big pharma companies essentially expresses first, that the latter have not anticipated the important potentials of the new biotech industry, and second, that those biotech companies have found an original way to deal with the big pharma companies. They paid as they made progress: “Genentech was the first to ask for an upfront licensing fee and benchmarks for payments—if they don’t hit them, they don’t have to pay us” (Robbins-Roth, 2000, p.27). That complementarity was not the specific characteristics of one company (Genentech), but a sort of common peculiarity of that set of small biotech companies. However, the last incumbent in that set of companies (Amgen) developed a slightly different strategy. Even if the company was also (too) largely diversified (human therapeutics, human diagnosis, animal health care, specialty chemicals), Amgen is the first company to have developed independently some of its products and to go through the different stages of development towards FDA approval and to market. Epogen (a recombinant version of EPO in 1989), Neupogen (to prevent infection in cancer patients in 1991), and Infergen (interferon applied to hepatitis C in 1997) are now products on the market that allow the company to get cash returns and Amgen became one of the leading small players of the biotech industry, and exhibits a fascinating growth evolution as the following figure shows: LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 10 Project TELL Table 2.1 Growth evolution of Amgen, 1980-99 Employees 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 3 36 97 124 178 196 253 344 479 667 1084 1723 2335 3065 3352 4046 4646 5372 5494 6342 Revenues Net Incomes R&D (Bil. US (Mil. US dollars) Expenditures dollars) (Mil. US dollars) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) (Na) 1,1 357,6 182,3 1,4 383,3 255,3 1,6 319,7 323,6 1,9 537,7 451,7 2,2 679,8 528,3 2,4 644,3 630,8 2,7 863,2 663,3 3,0 1100 822,8 The example of Amgen shows how the entrepreneurial stage of science-based startups evolves and consequently, biotech companies of that first generation could no longer be thought of as research boutiques but rather as real players in those new industrial areas. 2.3.2 The second sub-period: Increasing specialisation, money accessibility and a blast of knowledge opportunities A structural shift in the structuring of the biotech industry occurred at the beginning of the nineties. It is mainly characterised by an important increase in specialisation due to the complexity of the problems targeted: “Whereas efforts have so far been concentrated on the generation of biologically important molecules, the next phase is likely to lead to the engineering of pathways and cells” (ACOST, 1990, p.1). The field became much more complex and the epoch of the first-mover advantage in recombinant DNA techniques diseappeared. The renewal was in fact the higher integration of biotechnology with chemical approaches because the development of techniques, e.g., PCR, allows for a kind of industrialisation effect in the understanding of the genes’ materials and activations. This, of course, leads companies to specialisation and a huge set of new activities explored by science-based SMEs. This transition phase has also been favoured by the success of the first generation of biotech companies. At least, the four emblematic figures of successful start-ups LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 11 Project TELL mentioned above contributed to a change in the image and the vision of what the market’s opportunities could be from the life science industry. Consequently, money accessibility highly increased, and took on different forms. On the one hand, initial public offerings support growth perspectives of established companies. The following table lists the main IPOs for US companies at the beginning of the eighties and shows how significant the role of financial ventures on that industry has been, at least in the US context. Table 2.2 Life sciences: US IPOs Company Genentech Cetus Genetic Systems Ribi Immunochem Genome Therapeutics Centocor Bio-Technology General Scios Immunex Amgen Biogen Chiron Immunomedics Repligen OSI OSI Cytogen Xoma Genzyme Imclone Genetics Institute Total IPO Date Amount Raised (Ms #) 10/80 3/81 4/81 5/81 5/82 12/82 9/83 35 107 6 1,8 12,9 21 8,9 1/83 3/83 6/83 6/83 8/83 11/83 4/86 4/86 6/86 6/86 6/86 6/86 5/86 12 16,5 42,3 57,5 17 2,5 17,5 13,8 35,6 32 28 32 79 557,3 Then, venture capitalists progressively entered the game and provided significant incentives to academic start-ups and DBFs. When NIH funds incorporated in research projects’ subsidies are added to that of venture capital, the context becomes appropriate for a huge amount of new companies. The following graph (2.1) shows the growth effect in biotech companies in the US context and clearly shows a favourable period for the structuring of a new industry within the 1980s. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 12 Project TELL Graph 2.1 Creation of DBFs in the US 90 80 New DBF 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 19 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 19 80 19 78 19 76 19 74 19 72 19 70 0 Source: Dibner M., Bitoechnology Guide USA, 1999. With this specialisation and related targeting strategy effects, the model of the biotech company evolved importantly: “Although by 1988 over a thousand US companies were in some way connected to biotechnology, no longer would the genre of the small scientist-driven company define the technology . . . Increasingly, companies were led by experienced executives rather than scientists, even if close relations between university and industrial laboratories did endure and develop” (Bud, 1993, p.193). The explosion of opportunities for the industry came with another crucial event: the development of the human genome project (HGP). We use the latter as a generic term to describe all that phase of research effort devoted to the sequencing of genomes, be it plants, animals or human beings, i.e., the transition towards the genome era. In a first period, the industry focused research investigation on the mapping of the DNA which structures the cells of organisms. Planned from the joint initiative of NIH and DOE in the US, the HGP is expected to be completed in 2003. Currently, the draft of the human genome provides a road map of an estimated 90% of the genes included in any chromosome. The human genome is estimated to contain 30.000 to 40.000 genes, which is around 2% of its genetic material (3164,7 million chemical nucleotide bases—A, C, T and G). The rest may be involved in managing the chromosomal structure and protein regulation (where, when, and in what quantity). However, humans have on average ten times more proteins than genes, due to mRNA transcript alternative splicing and chemical modifications to the proteins: the same gene can encode different proteins. This last remark stresses the importance of the human genome project, not as such but as a kink of impressive structural shock on the industry in terms of learning regimes, knowledge accumulation and economic opportunities. We do not learn so much from the identification of the human genome by itself: here we have to remind the reader LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 13 Project TELL of the image of a dictionary where not only words would not be ordered by alphabetic ranking, but also the definitions associated to the words are not ordered. Therefore, this amount of information is not associated to a clear-cut corresponding knowledge. Even more, there are voices that, pursuing the image of the dictionary, are dubious about the effect of that central allocation of research resources: “If you have a document to read, do you put it in a shredder first?” (Hoch et al., 1996, p. xvii). Anyway, this last point only stresses the need to seriously consider the follow-up from the genome identification period and the entrance into the post-genomics era. Today, we can consider that different (and more or less alternative) research orientations are pursued expressing the increasing specialisation and diversification processes faced by this industry: ï‚· Functional genomics (looking at changes in animal models when a gene with an unknown function is turned on and off); ï‚· Structural genomics (looking at the 3D structure and evolution of proteins and detecting the influence of 3D variations onto their biological functions); ï‚· Positional cloning genomics (looking at regions of chromosomes containing genes that have shown up, according to a specific disease. Starting with the disease, work is performed in a backwards-direction in order to identify gene sequences that are activated in patients and not activated in healthy people); ï‚· Transcriptomics (large-scale analysis of mRNAs in order to determine where, when and under what conditions genes are expressed); ï‚· Proteomics (identifying the constellation of all proteins in a cell and studying their structures and activities; differences and changes in gene expression should allow for identification of proteins which might be involved in the shift from healthy to cancerous cells, for instance); ï‚· And Pharmacogenomics (looking at differences in gene sequences between individuals in order to identify gene mutations that can be used to predict the susceptibility to disease and identify appropriate individual treatments) (currently, 1,4 million locations of SNPs1 have been detected in human DNA). All of these research areas are promising opportunities in terms of identification of new drug discovery, new testing protocols, and new and appropriate genetically-based treatments of diseases. However, no single optimal path is clearly identified to deal with those objectives, and the exploding openness of the life science industry can also be thought of as having competing methods in order to arrive at the best ways in which to deal with the understanding of human functioning. SNPs – Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms – are DNA sequence variations that occur when a single nucleotide (A, C, G or T) in the genome sequence is altered. SNPs can (or cannot) have effects on a cell’s function but variations in DNA sequence can have important impacts on how humans react to (potential) diseases; SNPs are relatively stable from one generation to another and influence how individuals respond to environmental aggressions as well as to drugs and other therapies. 1 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 14 Project TELL What is very significant in this new stage of the life science industry is the need to face very new research methods, protocols, and even scientific disciplines, i.e., to shift the knowledge base of the industry. Bioinformatics directly results from the requirements of the post-human genome project. Determining the sequence of a genome is only the starting process of the understanding of genomics, i.e., of the protein fabrication and interactions. Bioinformatics is a generic term that expresses the need for tackling the huge amount of scientific calculus required to understand the working of the genome. Different orientations can be listed here. The 3D-modelling of proteins, their evolution and variations in time and space (and milieu), the management of gene data banks are all sources of huge amounts of numeric calculation. The introduction and the industrial utilisation of DNA-chips in order to express RNAms and understand protein synthesis (proteomics) requires enormous computing capabilities. If the number of human genes is thought to be 30.000 to 40.000, the number of proteins is thought to be ten times that number. Understanding this gap explains the importance of proteomics as well as the strategic importance taken by bioinformatics within the last few years. Even more than bioinformatics, the post-genome era is a source for higher diversification processes within the life science industry, due to the introduction of combinatory techniques and multiple technologies hybridation: “the interface between biological and non biological substances is important for producing novel sensors and devices” (Hoch et al., 1996, p. xiv). Among the technical devices that are central to the life science industry, the role of electronics appears particularly critical: “When bound to the gate regions of transistors, biological molecules can influence and/or alter the electronic characteristics, thereby providing switching and sensing capabilities” (Hoch et al., 1996, p. xiv). Nanofabrication and sensor research appear as two of the most interesting areas of the penetration of electronics into biology. On the one hand, controlling structures and suprastructures of biological molecules, surface interactions including the fabrication of submicron pores, the orientation of cell behaviours and/or neurons are promising areas of interfacing technologies coming from different disciplines (physics, mathematics, informatics and automation, etc.). On the other hand, sensibility techniques are crucial for the understanding of biological mechanisms. For instance, when antibodies meet their antigens, mass changes occur and sensor research is extremely important in order to identify and understand the mechanisms at stake. Instrumentation techniques is another example. The development of the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) and of the scanning force microscope (SFM) (or atomic force microscope (AFM)) allows scientists to describe and reproduce images of biological molecules or systems in their physiological conditions. As such, it is an impressive support to functional studies of biological systems. Those instrumentation techniques are improving quickly and, as they are noncontact force microscopy, they are very promising in the analysis of molecules or in the working of biological systems in that they allow description of the underlying phenomena without damaging (or at least minimising the damage) due to observation. Then, coming again to the combination of microfabrication and biology, it is really new research areas and disciplines that are now being structured: “Such research requires scientists who are experts in their own areas of reaserch but, at the same time, LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 15 Project TELL are able to traverse the gap between widely disparate fields. It requires an understanding of each other’s languages and capabilities. And, it requires a genuine cooperation between biologists and engineers and materials scientists” (Hoch et al., 1996, p. xv). What currently occurs in the post-genome era largely challenges the proccess of knowledge accumulation that prevailed in the previous stages of the life science industry. Those multiple and combinatorial aspects of scientific and technical requirements impact importantly knowledge characteristics as well as knowledge sources, emitters, receptors and channels of diffusion. This remark can be generalized in order to depict the current stage being confronted by the so-called life science industries. It especially allows one to understand why in this stage, small and very-small companies are acting as exploratory facilities for well-established companies. The multiplication of windows of technical opportunities is so important that many doors can be (and are) opened by alot of companies in order to meet the challenge of the post-human genome area. This leads to an industrial context where knowledge accumulation and its evolution occur through interorganisational exchanges, R&D alliances and networks of learning (see Powell et al., 1996). This context of exploding technical opportunities due to scientific progress goes hand in hand with consequent changes on the market. Where new drugs were still largely coming from the “random screening” period at the beginning of the nineties, this was no more the case at the end of the decade. Kopp and Laurent consider the shift as having been from 20% to 70% for new drugs within the period. In other words, drug discovery is facing a revolution and new drugs and therapies are based on analytical understanding of the actions of those new molecules. Finally, referring to a layer model, this period of the life science industry is very different from the previous one in that the well-established regulation of innovation and knowledge accumulation centered around big international pharma companies largely diseappeared. The structuring of innovative capabilities spread towards a larger set of actors including academics, start-ups, health research associations, etc. To some extent, large pharma companies are losing the control of driving innovation and drug discovery, even if they are able to keep, for entry barrier reasons, the marketing and distribution phases of a drug’s delivery. However, in the last decade, they were progressively losing that control too, under the double pressure of (1) a few small biotech companies that want to become global players (Amgen is the most accurate example) and (2) of managed care organisations that create communities of practices and dispute the control of human health care to large pharma companies. 3. BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: US v. EUROPE Please see Appendix A for background information and notes on research pertaining to this section. 3.1 BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY: STATE-OF-THE-ART LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 16 Project TELL 3.1.1 US Biotechnology Industry Analysis Available sources for the life science industries in the US indicate the existence of a population of around 1500 companies acting in different sectors as of 1999. Considering only the population of companies which are still operating, one notes a few structural characteristics that allow for better understanding the life science industries in the US case. Basic numbers form a rough perception of what is at stake within the life science industries in the US context and are expressed in Table 3.1: Table 3.1 Life science industry in the US Pharma Corps. Number of companies Number of employees Revenues Bio-pharma Cos. Other Life Science Cos. Total Life Science Cos. Total (overall) 51 421 828 1 249 1 300 975 215 265 710 63 081 20 671 76 692 28 302 139 773 48 973 1 114 988 314 683 The columns of the table successively consider the large US pharmaceutical corporations, bio-pharmaceutical companies (which are a subset of life science companies identified by a specific focus of their activities on therapeutical issues), other life science companies (including non-therapeutical-oriented companies), and the total of either life science companies or life science plus pharmaceutical companies. Life science companies represent 12,5% of employees for 15,6% of the total revenues (respectively 87,5% and 84,4% for large pharmaceutical corporations). Within the population of life science companies, there is a significant focus on therapeutical issues (one-third of the population of firms whereby one-half of the total employment) even if the relative revenues exibited by that subset of companies is weaker than those of the other life science companies. Finally, it seems that life science companies perform better than large corporations (14,3 % of their employees for 18,4% of their revenues) even if the volatility of the former as well as the infatuation of venture capitalists largely ponderate that statement. Analysing the year of establishment for those companies (see Graph 2.1) clearly indicates a break in the beginning of the eighties. The average of yearly-founded companies increases at least twice, more or less from 20 to 60. The US structuring of those industries clearly shows a change in the structural patterns in the year 1982. A higher rate of establishment of new companies is obviously noticeable after that year. Second, that higher rate of creating companies has more or less stabilized for more than a decade. This impressively impacts structural patterns and progressively defines new industrial areas or sectors, which set-up the so-called life science industry. Third, until the mid-nineties, one can wonder about the hypothesis that the US context is moving from a high rate of companies’ creation toward a consolidation phase associated with an increase in specialisation. A recent evolution which is the relative decrease in the flow of newly-created companies, seems to be sensitive but has to be looked at more precisely, because of possible data bias. However, it makes sense to consider that after a high range of new opportunities to be explored by the first LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 17 Project TELL generation of “research boutiques”, that industry is evolving under the pressure of a higher specialisation that could have increased entry barriers and reduced numbers of newly-created companies. Finally, one has to insist on the fact that Graph 2.1 only takes into account the companies still existing. One can estimate that a set of 1000 to 1200 companies are no longer doing business but could have affected the figure in terms of historical structuring for those industries. The other characteristic is the mapping of the specialisation process followed by those companies. The following table (3.2) expresses the different research areas explored by those life science companies. Major concerns are: Table 3.2 Key areas for US life science companies Key areas Number of companies Cancer Combinatorial Chemistry Cardiovascular HIV/AIDS Osteoporosis Gene therapy Genomics Bioinformatics Breast cancer Hepatitis Cell therapy Cytokines/Lymphokines Lung Cancer Neurological Disorders Alzheimer’s disease Multiple Sclerosis 352 175 172 158 143 137 125 108 105 100 96 78 72 62 52 31 This larger spectrum of domains is complemented by the increasing number of biotechnology-derived products having received FDA approval and been put on the market. The following table is simply indicative and compiles different sources of information to identify the progressive increase in the FDA approval of biotechproducts: Table 3.3 FDA approvals of biotech patents, 1982-1998 Year 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Number of 1 0 0 1 4 2 0 2 4 4 2 5 2 14 13 13 25 FDA approvals From these few sketchy characteristics, it clearly becomes evident how recombinant DNA techniques have opened a huge window of opportunity that also put into question the identification and the characterisation of the life science industry. Until the mid-nineties, the industry appeared to be facing a consolidation phase. Significant increases in acquisitions, mergers and IPOs highlight the argument that a new phase has started for those newly-created companies. On the one hand, mergers LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 18 Project TELL are very few relative to acquisitions; on the other hand, a strong recent increase in IPOs (320 in 1997, 408 in 1999) is evident. Both are indices of a redefinition of the relationships between large and small (including very small) companies and, consequently, of the entry towards a consolidation phase for those industrial activities. 1999 is for instance the first year where the majority of life science companies were no longer privately-funded. Table 3.4 describes the firm-funded structure. It shows what can be interpreted as a re-organisation process for those companies by noticing the increase in the participation of large corporations in those businesses, mainly through acquisitions (more or less 25% of that population of firms are now in the direct surrounding of large corporations). Table 3.4 Source of funding for US life science companies, 1999 Private-funded Public-funded (IPOs) Subsidiary of large corporations Divisions of large corporations Joint ventures Total 48% 27% 17% 6% 2% 100% This consolidation process also makes sense with regard to the average increase in revenues reached by that population of companies: Table 3.5 Summary of life science industry in US Employees Revenues (millions) R&D expenditures (millions) Number of life sciences companies 1995 1997 1999 96.000 116.000 116.000 12,1 23,3 39,7 10 9,62 12,9 1 050 1 070 1 239 Those numbers make explicit the progressive emergence of new products explored by those companies on the market; this stage of their development allows for the consolidation of sales and revenues as well as R&D expenditures. Basically, those activities are taking their place in the industrial system and desire to become active players in the areas of drug discovery and delivery. Interestingly, that consolidation process is not only a result of the life science companies but also that of the large pharmaceutical corporations. For instance, in 1991, less than 20.000 employees were attached to large companies. Those numbers had gone up 3,5 fold by 1999, but only doubled in the case of life science companies (cf. IBI, 1999, p.7). 3.1.2 European Biotechnology Industry Analysis The comparison between the US and European contexts, with regard to the development of the life science industries is generally misleading. There are more and more voices stressing the apparent catching-up of Europe in terms of the structural patterns in these industries. However, this is a very controversial perspective to adhere to and part of the arguments we are developing are emphasising LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 19 Project TELL that structural differences as well as qualitative differences very much prevail between the situations in the US and Europe. The following table (3.6), taken from the Ernst & Young 2000 report on biotechnology, lists, as in the case of the US, a few sketchy structural characteristics for the European life science companies. It clearly appears that the organisation of the life science industry exhibits highly different patterns. More notably, the average number of employees by company is three times less than the similar population (of life science companies) in the US and their revenues are around ten times less. Table 3.6 Life science industry in Europe Number of firms Number of employees Sales (M EUR) R&D expenditures (M EUR) 1994 485 1995 584 1996 716 1997 1 036 1997 1 178 1998 1 351 16 100 (na) 17 200 1 471 27 500 1 721 39 045 2 725 45 823 3 709 53 511 5 368 (na) 1 252 1 508 1 910 2 334 3 164 Interestingly, those structural differences concerning US and European patterns in the life science industry do not seem to decrease, despite the initial perception of a more or less similar number of companies. Looking at public R&D expenditures, that is of course not clearly indicative of future innovative capabilities as well as product opportunities. Kopp and Laurent (2001) also show that the relative effort in public R&D is significantly in the advantage of the US context throughout the last decade. Public support to the life science industry is importantly influent, especially because of the highly science-based character of knowledge production, diffusion and accumulation. Kopp and Laurent (2001) argue that public R&D expenditures across Europe are facing dramatic differences. For instance, French R&D expenditure in the cumulative life sciences is seven times less than that of Germany and eight times less than the UK. This situation seems to be not very useful in disputing US domination regarding the expected economic benefits from those activities. Within the European context, quantitative disparities are sensitive, with regard to national patterns (Table 3.7). Germany is more structured in terms of the density of created companies, and established networks of knowledge production and accumulation with universities and academics. The UK is higher performing in terms of economic indicators; the life science companies in UK benefit from US connections and seem to be more effective in their contact to business opportunities. The French life science industry is less developed and appears to be lesser performing with regard to the recent report provided by Kopp and Laurent (2001). Table 3.7 Life science industry in France, Germany and UK (*) France Number of firms Number of employees Germany 250 340 United Kingdom 280 4 500 10 700 18 400 Source: Kopp & Laurent, 2001 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 20 Project TELL (*) Significant differences in numbers between this data and the OECD data are mainly due to definitional issues related to the “biotechnology” industry. The number of newly authorised medicinal products in Europe did not stop growth throughout the period 1996-2001, as the increase is nearly 50 % (Table 3.8). The licenses associated to these new products are indeed a very important aspect of world competition; these new molecules which result from high levels of research investments, partially allow for the capturing of the capabilities exhibited by various countries in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical domains. These approvals of launching molecules onto the markets reflect not only the performances of a country in terms of production of new molecules, but it also shows the importance of environmental variables such as the legal and regulatory contexts that can benefit from domestic resources and enhance a country’s international competitiveness. Table 3.8 Life science industry in Europe – New Medecinal Products with European Community Marketing Authorisation (*) 1996 24 Number of European Approvals 1997 20 1998 29 1999 30 2000 33 2001 37 Source: European Agency for the Evaluation of Medecinal Products (EMEA) (*) The differences between the above numbers and the numbers in Table 3.3 (FDA approvals) are due to the fact that this data are including all new agreements whereas the previous only include new agreements related to the use of recombinant-DNA techniques. 3.2 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES In order to make the picture of the US life science companies more complete, we must consider further elements. One is the highly concentrated localisation of those companies within the US. The following graph (3.1) expresses the main geographic areas where those companies are located. It clearly depicts high disparities within the US states. Graph 3.1 US states with the highest concentration of life science companies, 1999 1273 TOTAL US TOTAL EUROPE 1570 0 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 500 1000 1500 2000 21 Project TELL 176 Oregon 23 25 27 29 30 31 35 36 37 42 Colorado Minnesota Michigan Washington Wisconsin 53 55 64 New York 74 75 Pennsylvania 98 106 North Carolina 152 332 California 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 No. of life science companies Source: Dibner M., Biotechnology Guide USA, 1999. Four states concentrate more or less half of the companies concerned with life science activities. Obviously, this has to do with the disposal of highly skilled scientific resources and the prestige of a few universities concerned within those research areas. A twin intersect between companies and academics is still a major characteristic for those industries. Thus, they consider it beneficial to be located in the surroundings of those academic actors. Graph 3.2 Independent European DBFs, 2000 60 32 37 39 51 53 55 64 79 93 Spain Ireland Finland Italy Switzerland 235 342 France 448 504 Germany 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 No. of independent DBFs Source : EC, No. 7-2002, based on BID data, p. 33. Graph 3.2 shows the number of DBFs in major European countries as of December 2000. The data excludes public research organisations, companies whose main activities are not in biotechnology, and biotech divisions, and therefore represents firms active in “core” biotechnologies. Here too, a few countries concentrate the main LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 22 Project TELL European companies, even if the essential explanation is less immediately related to the academic resources as in the US previous concentration. In the year 2000, Germany and the UK together accounted for approximately one-half of the 2092 DBFs present in Europe. Of the 504 DBFs in Germany, only 279 are dedicated to biotechnology, uniquely including “therapeutics” activity which is primarily pharmaceutical development. Concerning the corresponding employment data, 73% of Germany’s 16.382 biotech employees (1999) were engaged either by large companies (greater than 500 employees) or by firms engaged in “extended” biotech activities. By breaking down the available German DBF data in such a manner, we begin to understand how the presence of DBFs alone can be a misleading indicator of entrepreneurial activity. Consequently, approximately 4.400 German employees in 1999 were employed by “dedicated” SMEs (fewer than 500 employees), recalling that “dedicated” in the German case refers to both biotech and pharmaceutical development, ignoring differentiation between the two sectors which are most often regarded separately. Similarly, the biotech companies in the UK employed 10.590 workers in 1999, of which 46% were involved in “biopharmaceutical” activity (OECD, 3-4 May 2001). With precautions concerning the variations between measurement criteria in mind, it may be possible to gain a more clear indication of each countries’ respective entrepreneurial landscape by calibrating the number of DBFs using population figures (Graph 3.3). In doing so, it becomes apparent that Sweden is far ahead of other European countries with twice as many DBFs per inhabitant as Switzerland, the country ranked second in this analysis. In fact, the first six countries having the greatest number of DBFs per capita all have a population of less than 10 million inhabitants. One consequence of this fact may be that the small (nothern) European countries may exhibit more specialisation in the biotechnologies; these countries show a large number of small DBFs relative to population. Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway occupy 4 of the six top performing positions. Graph 3.3 DBFs per thousand inhabitants, 2000 0,0300 DBF per 1000 0,0250 0,0200 0,0150 0,0100 0,0050 Sp ai n Ita ly Ire la nd Fi nl an d D en m ar k N or U ni w te ay d Ki ng do m Fr an ce G er m an y Be lg iu N et m he rl a nd s Au st ria Sw Sw ed en i tz er la nd 0,0000 Source: BID, University of Siena in EC, No.7-2002, p.34. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 23 Project TELL 3.3 FUNDING OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 3.3.1 Public funding of R&D in Europe R&D expenditures can be used as one indicator of a country’s potential for future growth and productivity. The trend over the past decade across OECD countries has been a decline in the amount of all government provided R&D funding, and an increase in the share of industrial R&D funding (NSF, 2000, Ch.2). While it is difficult to compare R&D funding for specific sectors across countries, the OECD has published data on public funding of biotechnology, 1997 being the most recent year available. The following conclusions can be drawn from the data: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· The median contribution of government budgets dedicated to biotechnology in 1997 was 3,5%, while the spread was between 0,4% to 13,8%. Belgium (13,8%) spent the largest percentage of its government R&D budget on biotechnology, followed by Canada, Finland and the UK at 10,1%, 8,1% and 7,8% respectively. In absolute figures, the greatest biotechnology R&D budgets (publicly-funded) were found in Germany, the UK and France (OECD, 3-4 May 2001, p.36). Table 3.9 Government funding or outlays for research and development in selected European countries, 1997 Country Biotechnology R&D Total Government Budget Appropriations or R&D biotech/R&D overall Outlays** for R&D Million PPP$ Belgium Canada Denmark Finland* France Germany Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway* Sweden* Switzerland* UK 181.7 261.4 45.2 94.5 560.0 1,048.2 15.0 32.1 78.0 26.8-32.2 65.6 16.4 705.1 Million PPP$ 1,314.0 2,581.0 945.6 1,165.0 12,683.1 15,595.7 229.9 7,329.6 3,069.9 880.3 1,795.2 1,379.7 9,055.7 Percent 13.8% 10.1% 4.8% 8.1% 4.4% 6.7% 6.5% 0.4% 2.5% 3.0-3.7% 3.7% 1.2% 7.8% Exchange rate based on ECB annual average for 2000. *National estimates. **Federal outlays represent the amounts of checks issued and cash payments made during a given period, regardless fo when funds where appropriated. Source: OECD, based on data from the European Commission (Inventory of Public Biotechnology R&D Programmes in Europe, 2000), Eurostat, Statistics Canada, and national sources, OECD compendium, 3-4 May 2001, p.37. Considering the EU as a unit, the European Union Framework Programmes for Research & Technological Development include research funds allocated to the LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 24 Project TELL Programme Quality of Life, the latter programme including money dedicated to research in “life sciences, genomics, biotechnology and health”. The 5th EU Framework Programme (1998-2002) was equal to about 15 billion EUR, of which 2,4 billion EUR was applied to the Programme Quality of Life, again emphasising the point that the latter programme is not exlusively dedicated to biotechnology. The overall budget for the 6th Framework Programme (2002-2006) is 17,5 billion EUR, of which 2,255 billion EUR or nearly 13% will be applied toward the life sciences, biotechnology and genomics for health. However, the primary focus of the above Programme is on increasing the cooperational nature of research across European countries, and these funds only account for 4-5% of the total research budgets for the European nations combined (European Commission, 2001). 3.3.2 Public funding of R&D in the United States The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the largest federal agency in the US funding research and training in medicine, health, biotechnology and related fields such as agriculture. The NIH budget for 2002 was approved by Congress at $23,4 billion dollars, a 14,7% increase over fiscal-year 2001. Clearly enormous disparities exist between the US and EU with regard to government funding allocations for biotechnology and health-related research: US $23,4 billion for 2002 v. EU 2,3 billion EUR for the four-year period 2002-2006. A recent study released by the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. shows that NIH funding is disbursed to research programmes throughout the US, but goes disproportionately to areas with well-established research infrastructures; the largest proportion of the funding going specifically to medical colleges and universities. It is generally understood that biomedical research is the primary practice area leading to breakthroughs in biotechnology. Often, it is from these publicly-funded research environments where a scientist gains knowledge and training that later leads to the founding of a private biotech firm. Table 3.10 lists the nine US metropolitan areas, labelled “Biotechnology Centres”, which received the largest share of NIH funding in 2000. The Boston metropolitan area received the largest portion of funding at 12,2% followed closely by New York at 11,8%: Table 3.10 Share of NIH funding allocated to US biotechnology centres Metropolitan Area Boston-Worcester-Lawrence, MA New York-Long Island, NY-Northern New Jersey Washington, DC-Baltimore, MD San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA San Diego, CA Philadelphia, PA-Wilmington, DE-Atlantic City, NJ Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC NIH Funding ($) 1 422 875 474 1 382 530 715 952 835 848 703 529 044 680 954 889 596 195 344 594 666 368 504 375 867 469 119 754 Share (%) 12,2 11,8 8,1 6,0 5,8 5,1 5,1 4,3 4,0 Source: Brookings Institution, Table 7, p.16, 2002. 3.4 RELATIVE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF COUNTRIES LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 25 Project TELL Biotechnology and US trade2 The US trade data was extracted from the US International Trade Commission website and compiled by the OECD. Historically, US trade shows a debit balance in all areas except for technology-related products, and it is therefore logical that the US would be the leading supplier of biotechnology products and the benchmark for measurement in terms of biotechnology trade. However, the definition of biotechnology used for compilation of the data is more closely related to “biologics” which exludes all of the advanced biotechnologies and several other important applications whose inclusion could significantly alter the landscape. Additionally, the data represents trade for 1999, in which biotechnology-related products only accounted for 1% of US advanced technology exports and less than 0,9% of imports within the same category. With these factors being taken into consideration, certain conlusions can be drawn from the trade data (see Tables 3.11 & 3.12): ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· US biotechnology trade is concentrated among a small number of countries. In 1999, both US biotechnology 76% of imports and 80% of exports were distributed among seven OECD countires. The main trade partners of the US for biotechnology are not their traditional technology trade partners. Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland emerge among the leading trade partners, with Belgium accounting for approximately onequarter of all US biotechnology imports and exports. (Interestingly, Belgium is acitve only in biotechnology among all technology trade.) When comparing the data for the other three leading countries for US exports, Japan, Germany and Canada, one remarks that Japan and Germany are absent among the biotech imports, while Canada’s share is only 7,2%. Most US biotechnology partners import or export but rarely do both. Belgium, and to a lesser extent the UK, are the only countries which are equally represented with US exports and imports. Closer examination of the trade data may reveal national specializations within biotechnology and weak intra-industry trade patterns. Table 3.11 Cumulative share in US biotechnology exports to the OEDC area, 1999 Belgium Japan Canada Germany UK Netherlands France Other OECD Biotechnology Technology All products 24,0% * 2,4% 20,0% 14,7% 11,2% 15,2% 16,8% 32,0% 9,1% 8,6% 5,2% 5,6% 12,2% 7,5% 5,5% 5,9% 3,8% 3,2% 6,6% 3,7% 17,2% 33,9% 34,2% Source:, December 2000 in OECD; 3-4 May 2001. *Less than 2% 2 All data represented in this section was taken from the OECD compedium on biotech statistics, 3-4 May 2001. Please refer to this document for a complete discussion. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 26 Project TELL Table 3.12 Cumulative share in US biotechnology imports from the OECD area, 1999 Biotechnology Technology All products 26,4% * * 13,0% 7,0% 3,7% 11,7% * * 10,5% * * 7,7% 8,6% 5,7% 7,2% 14,0% 28,4% 6,9% 4,8% * 16,4% 62,4% 56,7% Belgium France Switzerland Netherlands UK Canada Ireland Other OECD Source:, December 2000 in OECD, 3-4 May 2001. *Less than 2% Graph 3.4 Cumulative share in US biotechnology exports from the OECD area, 1999 17.2% 33.9% 34.2% Other OECD 3.2% 6.6% 3.7% France 5.5% 3.8% 5.9% Netherlands Biotechnology 5.6% 12.2% 7.5% 8.6% 5.2% Technology UK 9.1% All Products Germany 15.2% 32.0% 16.8% Canada 14.7% 20.0% 11.2% Japan 24.0% * 2.4% Belgium 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Source : OECD compendium, 3-4 May 2001. Graph 3.5 Cumulative share in US biotechnology imports from the OECD area, 1999 16.4% 56.7% 62.4% Other OECD 6.9% 4.8% Ireland * 7.2% 14.0% 28.4% Canada 7.7% 8.6% 5.7% Biotechnology UK Technology 10.5% Netherlands * * All products 11.7% Switzerland * * 13.0% 7.0% 3.7% France 26.4% Belgium ** 0% 20% LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160% 27 Project TELL Source : OECD compendium, 3-4 May 2001. 3.5 RELATIVE SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCE OF COUNTRIES 3.5.1 World Distribution of Scientific Publications The number of scientific publications within the set of the three major regions of scientific activity (European Union, Japan and United States) continued to grow throughout the 1980's, leaving the US in a dominant position, followed by the EU and Japan (see graph below). 500,000 Japan 450,000 U.S.A European Union 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Source : Rasci Data : Science Citation Index, from EU report on S&T indicators, 1997. Since the beginning of the 1990's, contrary to the American dominance, the growth in the number of scientific publications by the EU seemed to be more steady than that of the US. One can thus expect a relative catching-up of the EU with regard to the US. But, this is not the same for Japan. Indeed, since the 1980's, even if a similar growth pattern in the number of scientific publications is observed, a slower increase in the growth rate since the beginning of the 1990's is equally present (note that the number of publications practically doubled in 15 years), Japanese publications increase but from a sharply lower initial level with regard to the US and the EU. This is of course due to the much lesser importance of Japanese public research infrastructure compared to the United States and Europe. 3.5.2 World Distribution of Scientific Publications (Life Sciences) Publications in the field of the life sciences have also experienced an increase in numbers since the 1980s. The dominance of the United States (actually, the NAFTA) remains. But, the European Union experiences higher growth and is beginning to catch up the US. With regard to the relative parts of total patenting, however, the EU is positioned worse than the US. Asean countries in the life science fields are again rankede third, and their growth rate is sharply stronger than those of both other sets of countries for the reasons already indicated (level effect). Besides, the number of publications have more than doubled in the field of the life sciences for the period 1980-1995. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 28 Project TELL 350,000 ASEAN NAFTA 300,000 EU 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Source : Rasci Data : Science Citation Index, from EU report on S&T indicators, 1997. 3.5.3. Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (NAFTA) Scientific publications of the NAFTA countries increase globally but this is mainly due to the domain of life sciences, followed by engineering, physics, chemistry, earth and space sciences and finally mathematics. Life sciences represent an important part of scientific publications; in fact, they represent more than 50%. Intra-discipline growth does not modify significantly over the period 1980-1995, and does not engender significant change in the composition effect. On the other hand, the growth rates in publication numbers vary according to scientific disciplines. Indeed, publications in the life sciences and engineering demonstrate more or less the same growth, which is relatively more important than that of any other discipline. The relative part of publications in the life sciences, with regard to the total, is still significantly higher. 300000 Earth and space sciences Engineering Mathematics Physics Chemistry 250000 Life sciences 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Source : Rasci Data : Science Citation Index, from EU report on S&T indicators, 1997. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 29 Project TELL 3.5.4 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (ASEAN) 80000 Earth and space sciences Engineering 70000 Mathematics Physics Chemistry 60000 Life sciences 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Source : Rasci Data : Science Citation Index, from EU report on S&T indicators, 1997. In the Asean countries, publications in the life sciences are always the most important with regard to any other discipline. In that case, the discipline following life sciences is physics, followed by engineering and chemistry which have more or less comparable proportions of publication numbers. Publications in mathematics and in earth and space sciences appear in a marginal way. The strongest progress returns to the life sciences, followed, again, by physics and engineering for which the number of publications has also more than doubled in 15 years. On the other hand, if one compares with the results obtained in the US, it is noticed that the scales are in no way the same. Indeed, the American publications are on the order of 75-120.000, while the Japanese publications are on the order of 10-30.000. 3.5.5 Distribution of Scientific publications by discipline (EU) 300,000 Earth and space Sciences Engineering Mathematics 250,000 Physics Chemistry life sciences 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Source : Rasci Data : Science Citation Index, from EU report on S&T indicators,1997. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 30 Project TELL The scientific publications of the European Union are the most numerous in the field of the life sciences. Following then are physics, engineering and chemistry. Publications in mathematics and in earth and space sciences are the least important. If one compares the European results with those of Japan, one remarks that the EU records the same order of scale as the US, and thus exhibits sharply more important results than those of Japan. In term of the growth rate, the discipline which showed the strongest progress for the period 1980-1995 is engineering, followed by physics, earth and space sciences, mathematics, life sciences and, to finish, chemistry. The publications in the field of life sciences exhibited, in value, the strongest increase and still represent the main discipline. However, the other disciplines showed strong growth in publications; some have even more than doubled. Nevertheless, in relative terms, one can notice that the publications in the field of life sciences in Europe experienced decline. 3.5.6 Scientific Publications (all disciplines) by European Countries 250,000 UK 200,000 S FIN P A 150,000 NL L I IRL 100,000 F E EL D 50,000 DK B 0 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Source: Rasci Data : Science Citation Index, from EU report on S&T indicators, 1997. Here, the three major dominant countries are again, and respectively, the United Kingdom, Germany and France. They are trailed by Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Spain. With regard to the effects of the citations among the European countries, the numbers are practically the same as those exhibited in the analysis for scientific publications. The growth of the first three countries is rather important and similar for each, even if France exhibits the highest increase in the rate of growth, as France has doubled its number of scientific citations over the 15-year period. 3.6 RELATIVE TECHNOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE OF COUNTRIES 3.6.1 The importance of patents in the life sciences Consistent with the “Information Revolution” that heralded the boom in information technology, economic value in biotechnology is also knowledge-based. The major cost associated with innovation is associated with original research and development, while the costs of production and distribution are relatively low. Patenting of LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 31 Project TELL biotechnology is the same as for other patents: product information is published along with the right to exclusivity for a limited amount of time, meaning others are prohibited from capitalising on the invention or innovative idea. Patent protection is of particular importance for life science companies, because most of the development costs are incurred to prove one, that a drug or technology works, and two, that it is safe to be placed on the market. It has been widely regarded that in the absence of patent protection, both explicit and tacit knowledge would be readily transferred through numerous channels due to the dynamism of the life science industry and the highly-skilled characteristics of the work force. In theory, a competitive company would be able to copy an original discovery and reproduce it with very little investment once the safety criteria concerning the discovery had been satisfied.3 A European directive is currently in place identifying the criteria that must be fulfilled in order to obtain a biotechnology patent within a European Union member state (OJ213, 30.7.1998, Directive 98/44/E, p.13). However, most companies active in the life sciences will opt to patent in the US regardless of their origin or market focus. The reason for this is two-fold: First, patenting in Europe is currently a complex and expensive matter in which patents are awarded either on a national basis or through the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich. Filing with the EPO means that the inventor does not need to file with each individual member state, yet the patent must still be translated into several languages. Currently, a typical European patent (applied for approval in eight member states) costs approximately 49.900 EUR, of which 25% (12.600 EUR) is attributed to translation, while the same patent applied for in the US would cost just 10.330 EUR (Europa, 5 July 2000). The proposed Community Patent regulation intending to slash costs and encourage European patenting may be adopted by the end of 2002 Secondly, and especially pertinent to pharmaceutical companies, Europe’s health care market is highly fragmented while the US market remains the largest and most homogenous. Thus, for companies with global intent, a USPTO patent grant and FDA approval provides the most growth opportunities. In conclusion, the most accurate measurement of innovation in the life science industry is obtained by using the USPTO patent database. 3.6.2 USPTO patent grants This report includes a USPTO search on biotechnology patents granted between 19872001. The search was performed first using USPTO Class 435 as the definition of biotechnology; this is the same definition most commonly employed by OECD to 3 However, it is worth mentioning that as biotechnology evolves, new discussions are emerging which illuminate the complexity actually involved in replicating many biotechnology-related manufacturing processes. Many of the new drugs, intended to replicate proteins found naturally in the human body, must be administered through methods other than pills, increasing the difficulty in manufacturing. The increased complexity of the manufacturing processes increases the risk of a safety hasard occuring in production and is also a common cause of FDA drug rejection. One result of these manufacturing risks, has been the rise of the contract industries, some of which specialise in manufacturing, thereby working to reduce the hasards of vertical integration. Discussed in BWOnline, 25.3.02. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 32 Project TELL gather biotechnology statistics. For illustrative purposes, a second search was performed which defined biotechnology more strictly, in which each patent must include the terms “sequence” and “DNA” or “sequence” and “nucleic acid” in the contents of its abstract. The two searches based on the different definitions of biotechnology allow one to compare the number of USPTO patents granted in the “extended + core” biotechnologies with the “core-only” definition of biotechnology whose activities must involve the use of recombinant DNA. As with biotechnology in its broadest definition, the pharmaceutical industry data was obtained by performing a search limited to USPTO Class 424 concerning drugs (method applied is that of Dernis et al., 2001). As mentioned previously, the patent search is intended to be primarily illustrative, thus the selection of certain countries within the report was done in a subjective manner and based on limited presuppositions. Please refer to Appendix B. USPTO patent grants, 1987-90 for the complete data set. Biotechnology For the US, the “core” biotech definition reduces the number of patents issued for the broader biotech definition to approximately 10%. Although the actual percentages vary widely across countries, the following holds true for all countries employed in the search: The number of patents granted within the core, recombinant DNA definition is a small fraction of all patents granted to the given country within Class 435. The number of biotechnology patents granted to the US between 1987-2001 far surpassed the number of patents granted to any other country in the search (Table 3.13). However, when comparing the number of biotech patents granted as a percentage of total patents granted to a country within each three-year time period, a different picture emerges. Denmark only obtained 306 biotech patents during 19992001, compared to 11.920 biotech patents granted to the US. However, Denmark’s biotech patents for this period represent over 16% of all patents granted, compared to just 6,4% in the US. Concerning biotech as a percentage of all patents granted, the US is second with the Netherlands falling into third with biotech patent production at 5,7%. It is interesting to recall that in a previous section, Germany exhibited a markedly high number of DBFs. In terms of biotech patent production however, only 2% (700 patents) of all patents granted in Germany were attributed to biotech during 1999-2001. Europe, as a total of the countries selected for this analysis, showed biotech patent production at 3,3% or 89.740 patents. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 33 Project TELL Table 3.13 Biotechnology patents as percent of total patents granted in each country, 1987-1989 and 1999-2001 COUNTRY BIOTECH PATENTS 1987-1989 1999-2001 United States Canada Japan Europe, selected Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom 2 394 58 512 467 21 23 15 80 205 19 41 4 37 28 13 15 476 528 1261 2 973 114 306 108 520 700 76 287 38 111 209 650 TOTAL PATENTS 1987-1989 1999-2001 115 265 5 765 55 664 52 523 1170 747 800 9 323 24 688 3 991 3 254 477 2 994 4 495 1861 PERCENT 1987-1989 1999-2001 2,1% 1,0% 0,9% 0,9% 1,8% 3,1% 1,9% 0,9% 0,8% 0,5% 1,3% 0,8% 1,2% 0,6% 0,7% 240 547 12 775 101 792 89 740 2 935 1891 2 306 14 035 34 969 6 104 5 039 904 5 663 5 422 13 682 6,4% 4,1% 1,2% 3,3% 3,9% 16,2% 4,7% 3,7% 2,0% 1,2% 5,7% 4,2% 2,0% 3,9% 4,8% Source: USPTO patent database. Graph 3.6 Biotechnology patents as percent of total patents granted in each country, 1987-2001 Source: USPTO patent database. US 18.0% 16.0% Japan 14.0% Europe Percent 12.0% 10.0% Belgium 8.0% Denmark 6.0% 4.0% France 2.0% Germany 0.0% 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 Three-year period 1996-1998 1999-2001 Netherlands A surprisingly similar picture emerges when the number of biotechnology patents granted per country is calibrated by population figures. Denmark still exceeds the US under the population criteria. However, the US produced more than 50 times the number of biotech patents than Denmark; we cannot ignore the importance of sheer LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 34 Project TELL volume when comparing the resultant figures but rather interpret the numbers as an attempt to illustrate the presence of a “biotech culture”. It is still clear that the smaller European countries, along with Switzerland and the Netherlands, rise to the top as the top performers within this criteria. Four of the major European economies, UK, France, Germany and Italy, along with Japan, show the smallest number of biotech patents per inhabitant, which may be an indication of the ability for relative specialisation within the smaller economies. Table 3.14 Biotechnology patents per million inhabitants, 1999-2001 Country Denmark United States Switzerland Finland Netherlands Canada Sweden Belgium United Kingdom Japan France Germany Norway Italy Population 2001 (millions) 5,4 281,8 7,3 5,2 16,0 31,6 8,9 10,3 59,6 126,8 59,6 83,0 4,5 57,7 Biotech patents, Period 1999-2001 No. of biotech patents/million inhabitants 57 55 29 21 18 17 12 11 11 10 9 8 8 1 306 15 476 209 108 287 528 111 114 650 1261 520 700 38 76 Source: USPTO patent database. Graph 3.7 Biotechnology patents per million inhabitants, 1999-2001 60 No. of patents 50 40 30 20 10 Fr an ce G er m an y N or w ay Ja pa n D en m U ar ni k te d St at es Sw it z er la nd Fi nl an N d et he rla nd s C an ad a Sw ed en Be U lg ni iu te m d Ki ng do m 0 Source: USPTO patent database. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 35 Project TELL Appendix C measures the percent growth in biotechnology patents from one threeyear period to the next. No clear patterns emerge, other than in Italy where the percent growth has consistently declined over the 15 year period, resulting in an average growth per period of 47,7%. Most countries exhibited their highest percent increase in growth over the periods 1993-95 to 1996-98. The increase is logically correlated to a burst of innovative activity resulting from the mapping of the human genome during this time frame. Pharmaceuticals4 In terms of drug-related patent activity, France shows that an impressive 7,2% (14.035 patents) of all patent activity in 1999-2001 was attributed to pharmaceuticals. Taking only patent data into account, France is shown to be particularly strong in this sector relative to the other countries included in this analysis. Not only is the percentage of drug-related patents invented in France high, but during this same period only 17% of these patents (all of which were invented within the country) were assigned to another country for use. The only other country that guarded more pharmaceutical patents domestically during the same period was Japan, who assigned a mere 13% of pharma patents abroad (Table 3.16). In absolute terms, the number of patents did not vary greatly: France, inventing 1009 drugs and assigning 168 of these patents abroad, compared to Japan inventing 955 and assigning 128. Denmark, Belgium and Canada experienced the greatest increase in pharmaceutical patent growth as a percentage of total patents granted over the most recent periods. Italy and Sweden both experienced a decline of less than one percent, while the UK remained relatively constant at 4,9% in 1996-98 and 4,8% in 1999-2001. The UK led the pack with the highest percentage of pharma patents between 1993-95 but was overtaken the following period by France, and most recently by France, Denmark and Norway. Again, one must take into consideration that the number of pharma patents invented both in Denmark and Norway is very small compared to the amount of patents invented in the UK (107, 49 and 653 respectively). 3,9% of Europe’s patents, as a total of the selected countries, were pharmaceuticals in 1999-2001, comparable to 4,2% of patents in the US. In absolute numbers however the US invented 10.188 pharmaceuticals, while Europe invented 3.558. 4 Due to the search mechanisms, the US was only included in this analysis for the years 1999-2001. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 36 Project TELL Table 3.15 Pharmaceutical patents as percent of total patents granted for each country, 1987-1989 and 1999-2001 COUNTRY PHARMA PATENTS 1987-1989 1999-2001 United States Canada Japan Europe, selected Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom 2 335 60 404 669 16 7 6 191 220 48 34 8 34 79 40 TOTAL PATENTS 1987-1989 1999-2001 10 188 453 955 3 538 126 107 46 1009 903 177 183 49 157 223 653 115 265 5 765 55 664 52 523 1170 747 800 9 323 24 688 3 991 3 254 477 2 994 4 495 1861 240 547 12 775 101 792 89 740 2 935 1891 2 306 14 035 34 969 6 104 5 039 904 5 663 5 422 13 682 PERCENT 1987-1989 1999-2001 2,0% 1,0% 0,7% 1,3% 1,4% 0,9% 0,8% 2,0% 0,9% 1,2% 1,0% 1,7% 1,1% 1,8% 2,1% 4,2% 3,5% 0,9% 3,9% 4,3% 5,7% 2,0% 7,2% 2,6% 2,9% 3,6% 5,4% 2,8% 4,1% 4,8% Source: USPTO patent database. Graph 3.8 Pharmaceutical patents as percent of total patents granted for each country, 1987-2001 8.0% US 7.0% Canada 6.0% Japan Percent 5.0% 4.0% Belgium 3.0% Denmark 2.0% France 1.0% UK 0.0% 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 Three-year period 1996-1998 1999-2001 Europe Source: USPTO patent database. Table 3.16 and the corresponding Graph 3.9 both aim to provide deeper insight into each country’s activity within the pharmaceutical industry. Part of the patenting process is to indicate the “inventor country” in which the patent was actually developed. The inventor then indicates an “assignee country”, which is not forcibly the same country as the inventor country. By looking at the percentages of pharma patents invented in one country and assigned to another, descriptions of a country’s LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 37 Project TELL pharma activities arises. A reason for this may be that one country may be particularly strong in pharma R&D and yet have a poor representation of large pharma companies within the population. Therefore, many of the patents could be assigned to big pharma located in another country. Likewise, an R&D centre may be located in one country while the proprietary headquarters are located elsewhere. An example of this could be Switzerland: A few large pharmaceutical companies are located in Switzerland, yet on average 60% of pharma patents invented in this country were assigned to a foreign country between 1987-2001. This may be interpreted as an indication of Switzerland’s strength in pharmaceutical R&D. Table 3.16 Pharmaceutical patents: Percent patents invented at home with rights assigned to a foreign country, 1987-89 and 1999-2001 COUNTRY INVENTED 1987-1989 1999-2001 United States Canada Japan Europe, selected Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom 2 335 60 404 683 16 7 6 191 220 48 34 8 34 79 40 10 188 453 955 3 633 126 107 46 1009 903 177 183 49 157 223 653 ASSIGNED ABROAD 1987-1989 1999-2001 * 31 34 163 5 3 0 33 35 12 8 5 18 50 34 1279 145 128 809 72 49 22 168 241 80 88 11 77 134 325 PERCENT 1987-1989 1999-2001 * 52% 8% 24% 31% 43% 0% 17% 16% 25% 24% 63% 53% 63% 85% 13% 32% 13% 22% 57% 46% 48% 17% 27% 45% 48% 22% 49% 60% 50% Source: USPTO patent database. *Search not performed LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 38 Project TELL Graph 3.9 Pharmaceutical patents in selected European countries: Percent patents invented at home with rights assigned to a foreign country, 1987-2001 90% Belgium 80% Denmark 70% France Percent 60% 50% Germany 40% Italy 30% Netherlands 20% Sweden 10% Switzerland 0% 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 UK Three-year period Source : USPTO patent database. As shown above, over the 15-year period, the UK and Canada have both consistently decreased the amount of pharmaceutical patents that were invented domestically and later assigned to foreign countries. This is significant in that it may indicate the growing strength of domestically-located pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, Italy and the Netherlands have both increased the number of foreign-assigned pharmaceutical patents. This is likely attributed to cross-border strategic alliances which have placed R&D centres in these countries. It should also be noted that both France and Japan, and to a lesser extent Germany, have carefully guarded the rights to the majority of the pharmaceutical patents invented in the home country. Japan assigned rights to a foreign country for only 13% of its pharmaceutical inventions in the past three years. France assigned 17% of its pharmaceutical patents, and Germany assigned 30%. This may be viewed as an indication of the relative strength of the vertical-integration of the pharmaceutical industry in these countries; pharmaceutical firms are large and profitable enough to encompass both upstream R&D activities and downstream production and marketing and sales. Graph 3.9 shows the percentage of pharmaceutical patents that were invented in one of our selected European countries and assigned for use in a non-European country. As a whole, the European countries have not dramatically changed their patterns of invention and corresponding assignment, increasing non-European assignment of pharma patents over the 15-year period by only 2 percentage points, from 22% to 24%. No clear comparisons can be made concerning European activity with regard to the other countries in the sample. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 39 Project TELL Graph 3.10 also shows the foreign pharmaceutical assingments for Cananda, Japan and the US over the periods 1987-89 and 1999-2001. Canada experienced a 20% decline in the number of pharma patents that were invented in Canada and then assigned to a foreign entity. Canada is the only country in this sample to experience a decline; although the assignment percentages appear to be very high, one must recall that the numbers referred to are relatively small: 31 and 145 pharma patents in the respective periods, as Canada does not appear to be particularly strong in pharmaceutical development according to this criteria. Again referring to the absolute numbers of pharma patents assigned abroad by Canada, 31 and 145, it is worth noting that these numbers are comparable to the amount of pharma patents assigned abroad by Japanese inventors/firms (34 in 1987-89 and 128 in 1999-2001). However, the percentages for Japan with respect to the number of pharma patents invented in the country are much lower (8% and 13%). Rights to use of the Japanese invented patents have largely remained within the country. The US also assigned only 13% of pharmaceutical patents abroad during the most recent period. A further study would need to be conducted to understand what differences exist between the knowledge governance mechanisms in the US and Japan, other than the difference in sheer patent volume. As discussed, the homogeneity of the US market provides multiple opportunities for alliances and collaborations at home. It is possible that the Japanese pharma patents originate almost exclusively with the pharmaceutical companies that have a need for them, unlike in the US where universities play a large role in the invention process. Graph 3.10 Percent of pharmaceutical patents assigned to foreign entities for selected regions, 1987-1989 and 1999-2001 60% 52% 50% Percent 40% 32% 1987-1989 30% 1999-2001 22% 24% 20% 13% 13% 8% 10% 0% Europe, selected countries Canada Japan US Source: USPTO patent database. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 40 Project TELL Information Tech Life Sciences Table 3.17 World patent distribution in percentages for key technologies (Life Sciences and Information Technologies) among a selection of countries, 1993-1995 Technology Medical imaging techniques Recombinant vaccines Recombinant drugs Monoclonal antibodies DNA sequencing Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Recombinant proteins Membrane separation processes. Low-energy components Flat screens Broadband communication Intelligent networks’ technologies Optical fibers EU *CH 24,8 0,9 30,0 0,4 21,0 1,0 30,4 1,7 25,6 0,6 41,3 0,3 25,8 0,9 36,9 1,6 16,5 0,0 21,7 0,7 48,7 0,9 35,7 0,3 37,4 2,7 JP 8,9 3,2 6,1 9,3 4,2 8,5 5,8 9,6 28,0 51,3 10,4 5,3 17,3 US Others World 64,5 0,9 100,0 55,4 11,1 100,0 65,2 6,7 100,0 51,8 6,7 100,0 62,4 7,2 100,0 42,5 7,4 100,0 60,4 7,1 100,0 46,1 5,7 100,0 51,7 3,8 100,0 23,5 2,9 100,0 35,4 4,6 100,0 56,8 1,9 100,0 39,8 2,9 100,0 Source: OST Data from the European Patent Office. *CH indicating Switzerland. The above table (3.17) tends to show how the US is dominating what is identified as the key technologies. However, the contrasted aspects between life sciences and information technologies is very significant. Regarding the genetic modification of plants, the EU is very close to the US in that it occupies the second ranked place in the world for all of the listed disciplines combined. One can also note that on average, the European positioning is quite similar in relative terms and that the dominance of the US context is more or less affected by the role played by Japan. If the latter appears effective in information technologies, this is not the case for life science technology. Resultingly, the US occupies a relatively stronger postion. 4. INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION 4.1 MAIN ACTORS 4.1.1 Large Diversified Firms (LDFs) The life science company As it was previously pointed out, the transition from the so-called random screening period to the one characterized by the adoption of new biotechnology techniques was essentially determined by a radical change in the knowledge base of firms in a number of industrial sectors. The sectors that could benefit from biotechnology were the pharmaceutical, agro-chemical, food, environment, etc. Early investment concentrated on pharmaceuticals due to a combination of profitability and ease of application of the technology. The potential of the new biotechnology was considerable also in other sectors, although greater hurdles had to be overcome there in order to make biotechnology operational. During the 1990s firms active in chemicals and pharmaceuticals realised that important synergisms could be obtained by using a common knowledge base in order to supply the different and sometimes highly heterogeneous markets of the different sectors mentioned above. In other LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 41 Project TELL words, companies started focusing on the economies of variety that could be obtained by exploiting a common knowledge base (Lemarie, Julien, 2002). This concept of the firm, defined essentially by its knowledge base rather than by its outputs, was called the life science company. It has to be observed that even in the random screening period knowledge based synergisms occurred, and that they were based on the knowledge of chemistry, mostly organic chemistry. The switch to biotechnology as the core of the new knowledge base of firms was on the one hand responsible for the increased accuracy of the screening process and, on the other hand, for the redefinition of the boundaries between firms and sectors. For example, in the random screening period the types of knowledge required to produce pharmaceuticals and pesticides were similar, both based on organic chemistry, but very different from the type of knowledge required to produce seeds. The transition to biotechnology increased the similarity between the knowledge required to produce on the one hand pharmaceuticals and pesticides and, on the other hand, seeds. This change helped to redefine the boundaries of firms and sectors by bringing seeds within the pursuit of the life science company. It is to be noticed that the definition of the life science company corresponds also to the growing emphasis placed in general on knowledge as opposed to physical capital and to material goods as the basis of firms' and economies' performance. Thus an important trend in firm strategy in the 1990s was the evolution from their previous structure towards the life science company. Table 4.1 The largest pharmaceutical companies: US and European Union United States Merck Pfizer & co European Union BMS Pharmacia Corp Eli Lilly Bayer Glaxo Astra Aventis Sanofi Zeneca CA (1) 47,7 32,26 19,42 13,84 11,54 30,27 (€) 29,5 16,5 R&D (2) 2,46 4,8 2,26 2,26 2,23 2,5 (€) 3,68 2,69 78100 NA NA 59000 Employ ees 41.134 116900 100000 54000 17,67 (€) 6,5 (€) 2,98 (€) 1,03 (€) NA 30000 (1)&(2) Million US$ For all its apparent attractiveness, the concept of the life science company seems to have been already superseded by new organisational forms. At the end of the 1990s several large firms, most notable amongst them those that had initiated the transition towards the life science company (e.g., Novartis), backtracked and separated their agrochemical from their pharmaceutical subsidiaries. This type of behaviour is now common as to be considered the norm amongst large firms in these sectors. The reasons for this extremely rapid change of strategy have not yet been analysed in great detail, even if some potential determinants seem to be clear. First, although the knowledge base required to supply the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, etc., markets could be considered similar, the markets in which these products could be sold were very strongly heterogeneous. For example, the regulations to be complied with, and especially their geographical and inter-temporal distribution, differed considerably amongst the sectors. This seemed to be of limited relevance during the life science company (brief) period, but acquired a renewed importance recently. Thus, the LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 42 Project TELL barriers to the acceptance of the new biotechnology are very different in the pharmaceuticals and in the agrochemicals and food sector. Genetic engineering is welcome when it promises to cure previously incurable diseases but it is strongly opposed as a source of food of new plant varieties including genetically modified organisms (GMOs). We could say that the heterogeneity of the selection environment for the outputs of the life science company increased recently to such an extent as to deny the potential benefits due to the exploitation of a common knowledge base. In general we could say that whether the firm is defined predominantly on the basis of its outputs or of the knowledge it uses depends on the relative heterogeneity of the outputs produced and of the knowledge used for their production. This of course implies that the dominant criterion for the definition of the firm may shift in the course of time depending on the evolution of markets and of knowledge. The result of abandoning the life science company strategy has so far been the separation of pharmaceutical from agrochemical activities. Pharmaceuticals continue to be highly profitable and to absorb the majority of the investment. Agrochemicals face much more substantial barriers to the acceptance of their products embodying the new biotechnology. Whether these barriers are temporary or permanent will certainly affect the future development of firm strategy in this sector. Clearly, the presence of these barriers is very specific to the life science industries. For example, similar barriers do not exist in electronics or in IT. This shows how important are the selection environment and its variations in the course of time as determinants of sectoral and firm boundaries and of firm strategy. A further factor affecting the development of the biotechnology based firms is the maturation of their knowledge base. The extent to which the commonality of the knowledge base of firms can be a determinant of their behaviour and performance is likely to be greater in the early phases of development of a new technology. In these phases the knowledge base of the new technology is not yet highly differentiated and firms are mainly worried about internalising it. When the technology matures the knowledge base is likely to become more specialised by application, and the synergisms based on knowledge are likely to be outweighed by the need for specialisation. The recent behaviour of both pharmaceutical and agrochemical firms cold also be influenced by trends of this type, in addition to the growing heterogeneity of their selection environments. 4.1.2 Dedicated Biotechnology Firms (DBFs) “Dedicated biotechnology firms (DBFs) are primarily university spin-offs that mobilize scientific and technological knowledge and transform it into potentially commercially useful techniques and products. These firms are usually formed through collaboration between scientists and professional managers, backed by venture capital. Their specific skills reside in the knowledge of new techniques and in research capabilities” (EC, No.7-2002, p.1). Life sciences encompass a wide range of scientific disciplines; biotechnology is one part of the life science industry, but it too is not limited to one industrial sector, but rather encompasses a set of technologies and activities ranging from agriculture to health care. Most biotech firms begin as small, research-intensive companies, or DBFs. It is important to regard DBF activity for the following reasons: ï‚· DBFs are efficient organisational solutions for navigating an increasingly complex space of scientific discovery and technological innovation in which no single firm can lead in all areas; LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 43 Project TELL ï‚· ï‚· DBFs intermediate in knowledge transfer from research-oriented universities to private firms with downstream capabilities; DBFs “promote and are crucial agents in markets for technology and division of innovative labor, in the context of a system in which control rights can be allocated to maximise innovative output in conditions of incomplete learning”5 (EC, No.7-2002). Table 4.2 Largest US biotech companies, 2001 CA (1) R&D (2) Employees Amgen Genentech 3510 2212 865 526,2 7000 5000 Genzyme 1220 244 5200 Chiron 1141 344 3736 Biogen immunex 1043 959 314 204,6 2000 1550 (1)&(2) Million US$ Source: Annual reports 2001. Table 4.3 Largest biotech companies in the European Union, 2001 Qiagen CA (1) R&D(2) Employee s 294,39 29,88 1557 Shire Pharma ceuticals 979,43 18,97 NA Innogenetics Powder Ject 59 176,85 23,8 49,68 580 1000 Genset 29 41,7 487 Celltech 216,40 67,04 NA (1) & (2) Million EUR Source: Annual reports 2001. Two different pictures emerge from an immediate comparison between the largest biotechnology companies in the US and EU (Tables 4.2 & 4.3). Large differences exist between the American and European companies. Turnovers exhibited by US firms are sharply higher than those of the European firms, more than 10 times on average. With regard to R&D spending, the same remark can be addressed, even if this can be thought of as a consequence of the previous point. High differences also appear when the number of employees is considered. These data put into light that the largest European biotechnology firms are sharply less important than the largest American ones. Even if the range of differences is less significant than for turnovers, it impacts quite considerably private research capabilities that are thus weaker in Europe. This has important consequences in terms of industrial organisation for the life science industries. The situation faced by the US context is one of consolidation of those industries, implying a significant process of mergers and acquisitions whereas the European situation is one of emerging capabilities mainly through the setting up of academic start-ups. Therefore, both contexts are sharply constrasted. 5 Arora A., Gambardella A., Pammolli F., Riccaboni M., 2001, The Nature and the Extent of the Market for Technology in Biopharmaceuticals, NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA; and Lerner J. and Merges R., 1998, The Control of Technology Alliances: An Empirical Analysis of the Biotechnology Industry, Journal of Industrial Economics, vol.46, pp.125-156, in EC, No.7-2002, p.28. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 44 Project TELL A common argument for the relatively slow birth of enterprise in Europe has been the social and legal frameworks in place across European countries which: “tend to discourage risk-taking and business creation. Obstacles include bankruptcy rules that may preclude further ventures, regulatory uncertainty, lack of liquidity in the risk capital markets as well as more mundane problems such as stigmatisation of failed entrepreneurs and barriers to the reintegration of entrepreneurial scientists into academic careers” (EC, 9 April 2001, p.10). Consequently, by analyzing the social and legal environment fostering the development of DBFs in the Scandinavian countries certain insights may arise which will allow the development of more general policy and practices to be applied at the European level. As discussed, the European country rankings for the presence of DBFs changes dramatically when measured as DBFs per thousand inhabitants (refer back to Graph 3.3). In the US however, the state rankings are surpisingly similar when calibrated by population figures. California, the leader in terms of the number of life science companies present (332) falls to sixth place with population as a consideration (Graph 4.4). Massachusetts, previously second with 152 firms rises to first place with regard to population; Maryland (74) rises to second; and North Carolina (106) and New Jersey (98) remain at third and fourth places respectively. Rather than being an indication of specialisation as may be the case for the small nothern European countries, it is more likely that these states represent the presence of true “centres of excellence” with developed mechanisms for knowledge transfer between multiple actors, namely public research organisations, academia, and private enterprises. 0,030 0,025 0,020 0,015 0,010 0,005 so ta a in ne M va ni ra do ol o nn sy l Pe to n C hi ng go n W as O re ni a n al ifo r C co ns i ey rs Je ew W is a ol in Ca r or th N N yla M ar sa ch u M as nd 0,000 se t ts Life science companies per 1000 Graph 4.1 US life science companies per thousand inhabitants for states with the highest concentration, 1999 Source: Dibner M., Biotechnology Guide USA, 1999. A direct comparison between the top-ranking European countries and the US states shows that Sweden, with 2,6 million more inhabitants than the state of Massachusetts, is similar to Massachusetts with regard to the number of DFBs per 1000 inhabitants at 0,0260 and 0,0239 respectively (Table 4.4). Germany and the state of California LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 45 Project TELL represent the greatest number of life science firms for Europe and the US. There is a very large difference between the two in terms of both population and DBFs per 1000: Germany exceeds California in poluation by 52 million inhabitants, yet has fewer DBFs per 1000 (0,0059 v. 0,0098). Table 4.4 Comparison between European countries and US states for greatest presence of life science companies No. of DBFs Population (Mil.) DBF per 1000 No. of DBFs Population (Mil.) DBF per 1000 Europe US Sweden Massachusetts 235 152 8,9 6,3 0,0260 0,0239 Germany California 504 332 85,9 33,9 0,0059 0,0098 4.1.3 Public Research Institutes (PRIs) Even if highlighting the importance of science-based industries is not new in economics (Pavitt, 1984), there is an obvious shift in the analysis of the importance of science in the working of economic systems for the last two decades. The so-called transition towards a knowledge-based economy is the final stage of this evolution that results in a significant increase in scientific influence on technology-based industries. Among the scientific disciplines, the case of the life sciences is certainly one of the most emblematic for such a qualitative change in the importance of scientific resources for industrial applications. With the info-com industries, life sciences represent one of the thematic areas which has been the most influenced by development in basic research and scientific resources. There are many reasons for the increasing importance of basic research in those sectors. First, life sciences are facing quite a recent revolution as we already noted through the blast of opportunities associated with the so-called third generation of biotechnology. Second, scientific progress evolves quickly and creates an insecure environment for firms in that the innovation process becomes very risky as investments can rapidly become obsolete, with regard to radical change in technologies. Third, downstream activities in production processes related to life sciences (be it for discovering new medicine products or new GMOs) imply high sunk costs in terms of development and clinical testing, legal agreements, and distribution networks. The life cycle of producing a new product in those areas is still very long and the timing of scientific progress conflicts with the importance of irreversible investments associated to related economic activities. Fourth, life sciences have been confronting a real breakthrough since the 1990s that questions the ability of large diversified firms to identify suited strategies in order to survive. In that respect, the importance of DBFs as integrators of new knowledge that we already mentioned is highly important to secure their innovative behaviours. Consequently, the hybridization between public research institutions and large diversified companies through the mediation of small academic-based companies has became very significant. Fifth, this same scientific and technological breakthrough importantly LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 46 Project TELL modifies the nature (the aim and the modalities) of interaction between public research and large companies active in life sciences. Whereas the pre-existing situation was one where large companies were using public research as a main provider of new compounds to be screened and as a punctual problem-solving resource through standard contractual agreements, the renewed technological context obliges large companies to be much more aware of the deep consequences that opportunities from those techniques explored by small companies can have on their own research organisation and, consequently on their economic viability. The new economic context results in the need to consider public research institutions as an actual economic actor that influence significantly knowledge dynamics within the life science industries. Consequently, this emphasizes the importance of connections between those institutions and traditional economic actors, be it LDFs or DBFs in this case. Collaborations between scientific institutions and industry can take on several forms. In fact, science-industry relationships can cover at least three major types of connections. First of all, contractual agreements are still a major type of relationship that links public researchers to private ones. The most significant inflection here lies in the fact that private scientists are now really competing with public ones in that they both benefit from research contexts (money and physical equipment especially) that, by and large, are as favourable as those of the public scientists. As large companies progressively considered the need to be aware of the technological breakthrough, they invested considerably in in-house research in order to absorb these new capabilities and become attractive also to the public research scientists. As a result, private research is quite impressive and the increase in joint-results (not only patents but also publications and citations) has been quite enormous in the last decade. Indeed, contractual agreements between public and private science have evolved not only in quantitative numbers but also in qualitative contents, as private research in large companies became much more accurate within the last decade. Interactions among scientific and industrial actors also include mobility of individual researchers who leave (temporarily or definitively) the academic environment to take positions in firms. Of course, it is the case of temporary individual mobility which strengthens the interactions between public and private research because individuals are alternatively facing both types of research environments and are more attuned to identifying the opportunity which can explore at best joint interests for both. Associated with that debate on the importance of scientists’ mobility is the role played by doctoral and post-doctoral students (Quéré, Ravix, 1997). The latter appear as a crucial population to influence and structure the pursuit of joint opportunities between public and private research. They really perform in bridging both types of environments and promoting the diffusion of knowledge in both directions (emergence of basic research knowledge from industrial problems vs. emergence of private opportunities from basic research resources). Finally, the third type of interaction lies in the creation of new companies from academic resources. There has been a significant increase in the number of companies created by scientists within the last decades. This is a general trend for many European and non-European countries. Of course, that phenomenon differs from one discipline to the other, and the life science industry, again, appears among the few disciplines that are on the top of the list for exploring new entrepreneurial LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 47 Project TELL potentials from scientific opportunities. There is interesting debate around the characteristics of researchers who wish to exploit their knowledge and want to create a company, an academic start-up. High-ranked researchers are not neccessarily the best candidates. To succeed in academic entrepreneurship requires complementary skills to scientific ones (social and marketing interactions, finance and economic capabilities, etc.) (Quéré, Ravix, 1997). Therefore, the individual profiles of the academic entrepreneur is not linearly correlated to his (her) scientific capabilities. The way in which academic entrepreneurs are inserted in industrial networks, including SMEs’ incumbents as well as large diversified companies, directly impacts its economic viability. This variety of collaborations has important consequences on knowledge dynamics in the life science industry. First, modern biotechnology requires change in the organisation of R&D in large companies. Consequently, the availability of academic scientists remains an important cause of success in the adaptive behaviours of large diversified firms. Darby and Zucker (1996) show how the local availability of good scientists increases the speed of adaptability of large companies. In other words, the importance of localised knowledge in facing the adaptation of large companies to the third generation of biotechnology is obvious and they highlight the influence of physical proximity for speeding the knowledge dynamics and diffusion as well. More, Darby and Zucker (1998) also stressed differences in institutional arrangements, laws and regulation mechanisms as explanatory variables for the density of connections between public and private science. They conclude to a higher local effect in the case of the US, as compared to the Japanese context. What appears extremely helpful from those works is the need to identify public researchers (and public research institutions) as key actors in the process of knowledge generation that conduct the innovative patterns for the life science industry. Indeed, what is needed is a better understanding of the mechanisms that govern localised innovation systems (Antonelli, Quéré, 2002). That observation leads to a sort of paradoxical argument: whereas the importance of star scientists and consequently of local contexts through the existence of specific localised interactive learning is obvious in the case of the life science industry, star scientists are nevertheless concentrating in a few prestigious universities which render the evolution of science-industry relationships very exclusive for a few spatial areas. That concentration phenomenon has previously been pointed out for both the US and the European contexts. However, what is extremely curious and influential for policy-making is that paradoxical aspect of the importance of localised knowledge coupled with the concentration of key academic resources in a few locations. From that observation, one can derive two implications: either the life science industry will increase its geographical concentration by an increase in the location of companies in the surroundings of star scientists because academic resources will remain one of the main drivers of the knowledge dynamics, or the location of (large) companies can continue to be spread geographically but this will imply some particular knowledge transmitters and/or specific knowledge channels that will compensate for the concentration of academics on a few prestigious universities or research institutions. By and large, the current role played by DBFs can be more or less discussed in the line of that remark. The importance of public research institutions on the dynamics of the life science industry induces significant differences in the organisation of that industry, as compared to other sectoral patterns. One cannot understand firms’ innovative LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 48 Project TELL behaviours without considering the location of key scientists in those related activities as well as the interaction mechanisms that firms can establish with them. Public research institutions have became central actors actually embedded in the innovative dynamics for those areas. 4.2 INNOVATION NETWORKS AND STRATEGIC ALLIANCES 4.2.1 Opportunities for firms within the life science industry As presented in its historical context (for the full discussion, please see section 2.2), the strategic needs of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries foster a codependency, generally with the big pharma companies occupying the dominant position. Forms of collaborations between the two may include but are not limited to: joint research activities, licensing of technology and product patents, co-marketing and co-promotion, and mergers and acquisitions. Characteristics of large pharma The large pharmaceutical companies have traditionally been vertically integrated, channelling millions of dollars into R&D in order to identify a few prospective drugs that then must survive clinical development and trials. Those drugs that do gain approval are marketed and sold through extremely efficient channels that include large forces of sales representatives present in local markets. Very few prospective drugs ever become the “blockbusters” that will drive top line sales growth, making the drug development process extremely risky. Yet, the return on investment for a successful drug is high enough to sustain several enormous global players. Consequently, it is important for the large pharmaceutical companies to ensure a plentiful product pipeline in order to ensure the continuous development of marketable drugs, as well as compensation for patent expiry. The pharmaceutical drug industry in 2000 was characterised by a number of large consolidations, primarily undertaken in order to increase R&D capabilities, increase efficiency, and cut costs through the realisation of synergies so that short-term savings can be funnelled back into the R&D budgets (E&Y, 2001, p.2). Apart from organisational cultural clashes (of particular importance in cross-border mergers), one large risk associated with consolodition is that of a heavy “corporate” culture that quells innovation. One way large pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline have dealt with this issue is to spin-off independent research entities that essentially became fully-owned biotech companies. The independent entities are managed as DBFs, yet knowledge is transferred directly towards product development within the large pharma company. Apart from the outright acquisition of DBFs and their proprietary knowledge, another way for pharmaceutical companies to fill their product pipelines is to strategically ally with a biotechnology firm. The “core” biotech firms are positioned up-stream in the value chain, meaning they are most often much smaller and much more specialised than the pharma companies, and are primarily engaged in the early phases of research and discovery. With the completion of the sequencing of the human genome, an enormous amount of data was made available to manage, process and exploit; consequently, there has been an explosion in the number of firms in niche areas LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 49 Project TELL related to proteomics activities (moving beyond gene identification to protein identification) and the “platform technologies” (tools enabling research and discovery). (See the full discussion in section 2.3.2). In an interview Ernst & Young (2001) conducted for their annual life sciences report, industry expert and former CEO of SmithKline Beecham Jan Leschly identified the four main drivers for today’s successful drug development as: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· New technologies such as genomics, proteomics, high throughput screening, chiral and combinatorial chemistry and electronic data transfer; Molecular diagnostics, which roughly equates to “personalized” drugs/vaccines; Bioinformatics technology that translates the enormous data available into useful information; and The growing impact of consumers on healthcare systems (p.3). Strategic options for the biotechnology firms Biotech companies must employ strategic decision-making in order to survive in the globally competitive environment of the life sciences, where each firm is in a race for discovery or innovation. The up-stream biotech firms can roughly be grouped into two categories: “discovery-making” or “technology-making”. Both groups rely heavily on companies further down the value chain as customers; these companies being of course the pharma giants. Many of these biotech firms identify as an endgoal their own acquisition by a big pharma company; acquisition provides cash in exchange for innovation and minimizes the biotech firms exposure to the risk associated with struggling to survive as an independent entity. As the biotech industry matures, one also witnesses the emergence of related “contract industries”; these “extended” biotech companies provide the core biotech firms with an option for growth and development beyond large pharma. The goal of contract industries is to provide horizontal services, e.g., clinical testing, manufacturing, marketing and distribution, that will allow a core biotech firm to move further down the value chain without creating fixed costs (E&Y, 2001, p.3). Another strategic option for the biotech firm is to attempt to achieve critical mass in order to attract the attention of potential investors and become a vertically-integrated firm. This strategic approach continues to be difficult to achieve and uncommon. However, with the maturation of the industry, many biotech firms have managed to grow considerably in size. Since 1995, American biotech companies with market capitalisations greater than 1 billion EUR have increased in number from 7 companies to 50, while Europe experienced an increase from no firms to the presence of 10 in 2000 (E&Y, 2001, p.48). In sum, biotech firms in 2002 face a much larger number of strategic options than anytime in the past decade. Currently, the trend is for biotech firms to ally themselves less frequently with the big pharma, in order to enter alternatively into strategic alliances with biotech firms involved in complementary activities. In 1998, 86% of biotech alliances were with pharma companies, while in 2000 this number decreased to 64% (E&Y, 2001, p.48). LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 50 Project TELL 4.2.2 Alliances Strategic technological alliances Databases exist which track the development of these biotechnology-based collaborations. Strategic research partnerships may be contract-based or informal in nature. The Cooperative Agreements and Technology Indicators database (CATI) is compiled by the Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT) and covers international collaborations announced in newspapers and journals. While the CATI data is useful in capturing the essence of trends in technological transfer activity, extreme caution must be exercised with regard to the data. As most biotech-related newspapers and journals are published in English, CATI’s bias is toward American companies and undertakings, with 80% of all CATI technology alliances involving the US (OECD, 3-4 May 2001, p.23). Furthermore, many biotech-biotech alliances involve small firms whose size may not have attracted enough attention to merit publication. The CATI data contrasts sharply with the figures obtained by Ernst & Young on strategic alliances. E&Y data shows a 54% increase in the number of strategic biotech alliances in Europe from 1996 to 2000, while CATI data demonstrates a slight decrease in the number of alliances for the same period. Table 4.5 European strategic alliances: Ernst & Young v. CATI, 1996-2000 Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Strategic alliances (E&Y) Total biotech alliances (CATI) 123 179 160 261 403 102 71 79 70 87 Source: E&Y, 2001; CATI database maintained by MERIT and made available by NSF According to CATI data, in 2000, 574 new alliances were formed worldwide in the major technological sectors: information technology (IT), biotechnology, advanced materials, aerospace and defense, automotive, and (nonbiotech) chemicals (NSF, 2002). In total, 6477 technology alliances were formed during the 1990s, compared to 3826 between 1980-89, a growth in the number of technological alliances of 69% from one decade to the next. Between 1990-2000, the US participated in 80% of these alliances, while Europe and Japan were much more active at the interregional level (Table 4.6). LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 51 Project TELL Table 4.6 Share of international strategic technology alliances: 1980-89 and 19902000 Percent Interregional Intraregional Total alliances 1980–89 United States 62.9 37.1 Europe Japan 64.8 78.3 35.2 21.7 2,445 1,904 1,073 1990–2000 United States Europe 48.8 76.4 Japan 88.6 51.2 23.6 5,187 2,784 910 Source: NSF, 2002. With regard to the specific technologies, the number of international strategic alliances in biotechnology obtained its highest level yet in 2000, with 35% of all technological alliances. This increasing partnership activity may again demonstrate a global maturation of the biotech sector. It is interesting to note that the number of IT alliances peaked in 1995, and 2000 represents the first time that biotech alliances outnumber the number of alliances in the IT sector (See Table 4.7 and Graph 4.2). Table 4.7 International strategic technology alliances, by technology shares Percent Year Information technology Biotechnology All others 11,4 1990 50,1 38,4 10,8 1991 54,6 34,7 19,9 1992 46,7 33,3 24,1 1993 39,7 36,3 27,0 1994 41,4 31,6 20,2 1995 41,6 38,2 24,8 1996 41,8 33,4 28,6 1997 36,0 35,4 22,2 1998 41,8 36,0 32,6 1999 38,4 29,0 34,7 2000 32,1 33,3 Source: NSF, 2002, Figure 4-24. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 52 Project TELL Graph 4.2 International strategic technology alliances, 1990-2000 60,0 Percent 50,0 40,0 Information Technology 30,0 Biotechnology 20,0 All other technologies 10,0 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 0,0 Source: NSF, 2002, from text table 4-12. A close examination of the CATI data shows that technological strategic alliances tend to be cyclical in nature for both the US and Europe. US and Europe peaked in the number of such alliances in 1995, most likely as a result of activity in the IT sector (Appendix D). Strategic biotechnology alliances Please refer to Appendix D. International strategic biotechnology alliances, 1980-98 for the following discussion. US biotech alliances peaked at 162 in 1997, dropped sharply in 1998, and then reached 170 and 168 alliances in 1999 and 2000 respectively (Graph 4.3). Europe, on the other hand, peaked at 102 biotech alliances in 1996, and the alliance activity remained somewhat consisent throughout the remainder of the decade, increasing again in 2000, but not reaching the peak in alliances experienced four years prior. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 53 Project TELL Graph 4.3 US and European biotechnology alliances, 1980-98 180 Total biotech alliances US 160 Total biotech alliances Europe Number of alliances 140 120 US-Europe biotech alliances 100 80 60 40 20 19 80 19 81 19 82 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 86 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 0 Source : NSF, 2002, from text table 4-12. It is also worth noting that the vast majority of European strategic alliances in the biotech sector occur between a European firm and an American one (Graph 4.4). During the past decade, the peak in intra-European alliances occured in 1994 and 1995 when the number of intra-European alliances approached 30 and 37%, respectively, of the number of alliances that took place between US and European firms. One reason for this may be that the US firms were in more advanced stages of development during the 1990s, and have been thus actively seeking out complementary partners, many of which were in Europe. However, as a whole the majority of European firms may have been in growth phases in which strategic alliances or partnerships would have been premature. The beginning of this decade heralds a new growth period for European biotech, in which the firms have entered into expansion stages of development that make them much more attractive as strategic collaboration partners. Furthermore, the advancement of new platform technologies opens up new niches for which biotech firms enter with the idea of becoming a supplier for another biotech firm engaged in complementary activities. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 54 Project TELL Graph 4.4 European biotechnology alliances, 1980-98 120 Europe-US biotech Europe-Japan biotech 100 Number of alliances Europe-other biotech Intra-European biotech 80 Total European biotech alliances 60 40 20 19 98 19 97 19 96 19 95 19 94 19 93 19 92 19 91 19 90 19 89 19 88 19 87 19 86 19 85 19 84 19 83 19 82 19 81 19 80 0 Source : NSF, 2002, from text table 4-12. 4.3 VENTURE CAPITAL Venture capital plays two critical roles in the support and development of biotechnological innovation. First, venture capitalists provide financing, primarily to small and promising companies that may not have been able to obtain funding elsewhere because of the high-risk nature of entrepreneurial activity. Second, venture capital firms provide managerial advice that is essential to the development of a young firm. The VC firms often employ industry experts such as doctorates in the life science disciplines to participate in management teams, providing well-informed directives on both research and commercialisation. The amount of venture captital that was channelled into the development of European biotechnology in 2000 was in excess of 1 billion EUR, a 58% increase in the amount of VC money applied toward biotech in 1999. The average investment deal size also increased from 1,1 million EUR in 1999 to 1,4 million EUR in 2000 (compared to the average deal size of 1,8 million EUR across all technologies in 2000). There are essentially three reasons behind this growth: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· Biotech investment as an alternative to the devaluation of companies in the high-tech sector (namely, internet technology); the improved performance of biotech share price and the public capital market’s positive response to biotech IPOs; and the increase of corporate venture activities by the large pharmaceutical companies themselves. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 55 Project TELL Graph 4.5 VC in Europe: biotechnology, 1987-2001 1200 1017 1000 Million EUR 844 800 644 600 346 400 200 57 70 182 118 145 95 88 62 58 250 73 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 0 Source: EVCA. Graph 4.6 VC in US: biotechnology, 1987-2000 3,000.0 2,458.6 2,000.0 1,500.0 1,102.7 515.8 675.6 1,229.5 1,031.8 20 00 19 99 19 98 19 97 454.9 19 96 500.0 19 93 278.9 19 92 19 91 309.6 19 90 19 87 0.0 395.5 19 94 67.0 19 89 500.0 586.4 355.5 19 95 1,000.0 19 88 Million Dollars 2,500.0 Source: Venture Economics in NSF, 2002. The amount of VC money invested in European biotechnology in 2000 was 9% of the total amount of 11,5 billion EUR invested in all technologies while in the US, biotechnology consumed approximately 3% of the 98 billion EUR of the total technology-oriented investment (Table 4.8). In both Europe and the US, biotech was ranked 5th in importance among the major categories. However in Europe, software and related services placed first in importance accounting for 37% of the total, while communications drew 17% of the total in the US making it the most important sector. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 56 Project TELL Table 4.8 Comparison of Europe and USA venture capital invested in technologies, 2000 EUROPE European Sector Mil. EUR Percent of VC American Sector US Mil. EUR Percent of VC $1=1.082 EUR Software & Services Communications Internet technology Semiconductors & other electronics Biotechnology Computer Hardware Medical Total 4 219 2 175 1 843 1 356 1 017 441 413 11 464 37%Software & Services 19%Communications 16%Internet specific Semiconductors & 12%other electronics 9%Biotechnology 4%Computer Hardware 4%Medical & Health 0%Consumer-related 0%Industrial & Energy Other products & 0%services 100% 14 080 16 026 44 257 14% 17% 6% 6 127 2 661 2 263 3 601 2 105 890 6% 3% 2% 4% 2% 1% 5 990 97 999 6% 100% Exchange rate based on ECB annual average for 2000. Source: PwC, 2000 and NSF, 2002. Measuring the percentages of VC money in its various stages of investment gives a fairly good indication of the stage of development for the technology as a whole. Investment can be roughly divided into the early and later stages of investment, and then further separated by the intended use of the VC funding. Early stage investments occur in a sequential manner and include: seed, start-up and first-stage financing. Most venture capital investments are targeted at the more secure later stage investments6: expansion financing, acquistion financing and management/leveraged buy-outs. The table below (4.9) indicates 10% of all early stage VC money in Europe was invested in biotechnology. Software and services was the dominant consumer of early stage financing at 39%, followed by internet technology and communications at 25% and 17% respectively. The data given for the US includes seed capital only, money that is usually used by the entrepreneur to prove a concept, thus ommitting financing used in the start-up and first-stages. Only 1%, or approximately 12 million EUR was used for seed money in biotechnology in 2000, whereas 44%, or 561 million EUR in seed money was used towards internet specific technology. 6 Since 1982, 59 to 79% of venture capital disbursements were targeted at these later stage investments (NSF, 2002). LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 57 Project TELL Table 4.9 Early stage venture capital in European technologies compared to US seed financing, 2000 EUROPE European Sector Mil. EUR Software & Services Communications Internet technology 256 468 57 Medical/Instruments/Devices 114 4 560 % of VC as Seed $1=1.082 Money EUR 146 11% 363 26% 607 44% Mil. EUR % of Early Stage VC 1 769 39%Software & Services 755 17%Communications 1 141 25%Internet specific Semiconductors & other electronics Biotechnology Computer Hardware Total US American Sector Semiconductors & 5%other electronics 10%Biotechnology 1%Computer Hardware 73 13 30 5% 1% 2% 3%Medical & Health Consumer-related Industrial & Energy 41 11 NA 3% 1% NA Other products & services 106 7% 1 388 100% 100% Exchange rate based on ECB annual average for 2000. Source: PwC, 2000 and NSF, 2002. The 468 million EUR directed at early stage financing of biotechnology comprised 46% of all VC money directed at the biotech sector in 2000. The European technological sectors whose predominant amount of VC investment came in at the early stages were: Internet technology at 62%, biotechnology, and computer software and computer services both at 42%, an indication of the strong growth potential in these sectors (E&Y, 2001, p.8). The following table (4.10) compares the amount of money in the early and expansion stages for Europe and the US for all technologies combined. In terms of proportion, the amount of money in the early and later stages in Europe is approximately equal (4.561 v. 4.612 million EUR), while the US has almost three times as much VC money directed at the expansion stages. Venture capital investment clearly occupies a much larger role in the US business culture, as VC money for technologies in Europe was just 11% of the amount raised in the US. Table 4.10 Comparison of Europe and US total technology breakdown by stage of investment in million Euro, 2000 Investment Stage Early Stage Expansion VC Subtotal Management buy-outs Other Total European Biotech 468 288 756 175 86 1 017 Europe Total Tech 4 561 4 612 9 173 1 824 367 11 464 US Total Tech 22 452 61 202 83 654 2 986 13 709 22 452 Exchange rate based on ECB annual average for 2000 ($1=1.082 EUR). Source: PwC, 2000 and NSF, 2002. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 58 Project TELL While data on strategic biotech alliances (see section 4.2.2) indicates a considerable maturation of the biotech industry throughout the 1990s, analyzing the destination of venture capital within the industry reveals the relativity of this statement. As noted, 46% of all venture capital in 2000 was invested in early stage financing, and another 28% in the expansion stage, meaning that just over three-fourths of VC money was invested in “young” firms. Thus, we can conclude that the industry as a whole is maturing with regard to its importance relative to all technologies and the VC culture is gaining in importance in Europe, while the explosion of knowledge related to the sequencing of the human genome and new related niche activities may be aimed at promoting a higher degree of specialisation at the beginning of this century. 5. THE ORGANISATION OF KNOWLEDGE WITHIN THE LIFE SCIENCE INDUSTRY This report has worked towards the creation of a sketch of the life science industry, resulting in a descriptive framework from which a few concluding remarks can be drawn. First, it has been shown that the life science industry is one of the most fascinating science-based industries. It is perhaps one of the most impressive examples of the difficulty of depicting innovation dynamics, as the set of characteristics influencing the dynamics in this particular industry is enormous. We list more or less its complexity by identifying the key actors in the innovation dynamics: namely the large diversified firms (LDFs), dedicated biotechnology firms (DBFs), public research institutions (PRIs), public authorities and consumers’ associations. The various ways in which these actors intersect underly the large complexity of industrial organisation in this industry. That complexity results from the important dependence between factors internal to firms and factors related to their environment (mainly science, public authorities and consumers). This complexity induces a few characteristics that seem to be specific to the life science industry. On the one hand, instead of spreading homogeneously, the location of the actors within this industry is very much concentrated around science-based resources. This stresses the role of localised knowledge in that local interactions appear to be influencing significantly innovation dynamics. However, the relevance of localised patterns for this industry has to be counterbalanced by the increasingly obvious importance of international strategies. Here, for instance, the trends exhibited towards an internationalisation of patenting strategy for companies are also obvious and shows how localised patterns must be considered with regard to the globalisation of related or expected markets. If the sources of innovation have to be anchored because of the previous complexity, this industry is also one of the few ones in which knowledge dynamics are rapidly diffusing globally, due to its science-based character. Finally, concerning these characteristics, one must also insist on the contrasting patterns exhibited by the European countries with regard to the US context in facing these same sets of constraints. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 59 Project TELL From those observations then, the report concludes in two major hypotheses that must be further addressed: The one is that the current working of innnovation dynamics in the life science industry proves a relative weakness of the LDFs which have historically been the major drivers of knowledge dynamics in this industry. This is not to say that they are no longer innovative, but only to insist on the difficulty they are currently facing in order to insure the continuity of their oligopolistic control on the life science industry. They largely failed to integrate scientific opportunities in the 1990s, due to a kind of blindness regarding the evolution of scientific opportunities. They are now trying to compensate for the difficulty of integrating new knowledge by connecting more or less formally (see the evolution of alliances in section 4.2) with DBFs. In any case, they are finally trying to control innovation dynamics (and knowledge discontinuities) by maintaining oligopolistic powership through size and reputation effects. The other is the importance of the DBFs which prove to be the main drivers of knowledge dynamics during the 1990s. They express to some extent a kind of shift from an economics of research where LDFs were quite effective, toward an economics of knowledge where it is not only a matter of R&D budgets, but also a matter of exploring, combining, and adapting science opportunities with the understanding of life mechanisms in a larger sense. For certain, not all of the DBFs yet have all the capabilities in hand to compete seriously with the LDFs. However, in some areas, one can wonder if what has appeared in other industries (like the “Bill Gates success” in information technology) is reproducible in the life science industry. However, to be more precise, one can insist on the fact that the exploding opportunities induced by the post-genome era mainly benefit DBFs, even if DBFs have not yet supplanted the incumbents due to the complexity of the set of actors that has to be necessarily taken into account. Let us summarise the basic arguments leading to now: The life science industry offers a curious example of a science-based industry because of the huge number of constraints that must be faced in order to manage innovation dynamics properly. Not only are scientific resources and basic research centrally at stake, but demand concern is also very active: patients want to have an increasingly important role and increasing control; product definition is under the scrutiny of ethical issues; public authorities want to control experimental phases, clinical testing protocols, as well as more largely offer legal guidance for innovation dynamics. From that complexity of constraints results the complexity of industrial organisation which attests to the difficulty of managing knowledge and innovation dynamics in those fields. LDFs are confronting integration problems with absorption of required knowledge, whereas DBFs are facing co-ordination problems to articulate complementary resources and shift from specialised to globalized opportunities. Going further with the understanding of knowledge and innovation dynamics in this industry requires some analytical clarifications in order to face the complexity of industrial organisation in those areas. A few methodological considerations have to be addressed at this stage. We have first to insist on the fact that the life science industry is no longer competing on well- LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 60 Project TELL established markets and related products. Competition is about knowledge advances and firms’ capabilities. Therefore, there is a need to look at the industry by considering the type of competencies and capabilities developed by its companies. This is why we must try considering economic issues in those areas by referring to an activity framework (Richardson, 1972) which reveal themselves to be more appropriate to deal with knowledge dynamics. Exploring the specific characteristics of activities developed in the life science industry allows for a better understanding of the rate and direction of innovation process in those areas. At least, at the end of this first investigation into the industry, one can wonder about the existence of different sub-sets in the life science industry that are confronting similar economics problems. Regarding the current dynamics in those fields, we can identify at least three major sub-sets that are more or less diverging in terms of purposes, targets and economic applications (Table 5.1). Those major sub-sets are nevertheless intersected by common features with regard to technological progress and development. Table 5.1 Major sub-sets within biotechnology Health Care Diagnostics Gene Therapy Genomics - Structural - Functional Medicines Monoclonal Antibodies Proteomics Stem Cell Research Agriculture/Aquaculture/ Animal Health Environment/Marine Biotechnology/ Industrial Applications Agriculture Environment Genetic Modification Bioremediation - Bioaugmentation Biocides - Biopesticides - Bioenrichment - Herbicide tolerance Marine Biotechnologies Aquaculture Marine Biotechnology Products Animal Health - Creation of new pharmaceuticals and diagnostic products Domestic Animals - Development of new medicines - Cleaner industrial and environmental and treatments products and processes DNA Typing Bioremediation Industrial Applications Food & Beverage -Chiral and combinatorial chemistry Biomass-Derived Energy Bioprocessing -Biological polymers -Bioreactors Bioconversion, uses Biocatalysts for -Fermentation -Genetic modification -Bioprospecting Interestingly, these three major sub-sets are inter-connected by a fourth dimension of the industry which can be labelled as Key Technologies. The latter is transverse to each of the three sub-sets of applications, and include common basic technological requirements in the understanding of fundamental mechanisms (like cell culture, cloning techniques, protein engineering, or hybrid technologies, for instance) (see LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 61 Project TELL Appendix E for an illustrative diagram). From that ‘key technologies viewpoint’, there are economies of scale to be obtained by keeping common parts of the knowledge dynamics in each of the three initial sub-sets. However, there are other considerations that favour a divide (not to say an increasing divergence) among those fields of applications (IPR systems, ethical issues, demand concern, and legal frameworks, for instance). This ordering of the life science industry through an activity framework is something to be further explored because it helps to qualify the characteristics of knowledge dynamics as well as the rate and direction of innovation. The case studies that are planned for the next workpackages of the TELL project will explore some specific aspects in the workings of some of these sub-sets. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 62 Project TELL SOURCES Boston Consulting Group (July 2001), “A Revolution in R&D-Part II, The Impact of Genetics”, BCG Focus. Biotechnology Industry Organization (3 June 2001), Editors’ and Reporters’ Guide to Biotechnology, 5th Ed., Bud R. (1993), The uses of life, an history of biotechnology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy (2002), Signs of Life: The Growth of Biotechnology Centers in the U.S.,Washington, D.C. Bureau van Dijk (September 2000), Amadeus: pan-European financial database, Update 71. BusinessWeek Online (25 March 2002), “Biotech: The challenges facing this young industry don’t end with drug discovery and FDA approval” by Catherine Arnst and Arlene Weintraube. De la Mothe J., Niosi J. (2000), The Economic and Social Dynamics of Biotechnology, Boston, Kluwer Academic Press. Dernis H., Guellec D., van Pottelsberghe B. (2001), “Using patent counts for crosscountry comparisons of technology output”, STI Review, 27, OECD. European Commission (2002), Innovation and competitiveness in European biotechnology, Enterprise Papers No 7-2002, Enterprise Directorate-General. European Commission (9 April 2001), Towards a strategic vision of life sciences and biotechnology: consultation document, COM(2001) 454 final. European Commission (2001), European Competitiveness Report 2001: Chapter V: The competitiveness of Eruopean Biotechnology: a case study of innovation, pp. 97-136. EUs Europa: The European Union On-line, including Official Journal 213 of 30.7.1998, Directive 98/44/E; and Commission proposes the creation of a Community Patent, http://europa/, 5 July 2000. Ernst & Young, Integration: Ernst & Young’s Eighth Annual Life Sciences Report 2001 (March). Galambos L., Sturchio J. (1998), “Pharmaceutical Firms and the Transition to Biotechnology: A Study in Innovation”, Business History Review, vol. 72, issue 2, pp. 250-278. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 63 Project TELL Hoch H.C., Jelinsky L.W., Caighead H.G., (1996), Nanofabrication and biosystems, Integrating materials science, engineering, and biology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. ISIC industry codes were obtained from Amadeus, a pan-European financial database published on CD-ROM by Bureau van Dijk. US version of SIC codes is available via the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) of the US Department of Labor: Kopp P., Laurent T. (2001), Biotechnologies et hautes techniques: le retard français, France Biotech Objectif 2010, McKelvey M. (1996), Evolutionary Innovations: The Business of Biotechnology, Oxford, Oxford University Press. National Science Foundation, Science & Engineering Indicators 2002. Oliver R.W. (1999), The coming Biotech-age, New-York, McGraw-Hill. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Money for Growth: The European Technology Investment Report 2000. eyforGrowth_2000.pdf. Robbins-Roth C. (2000), From alchemy to IPO: the business of biotechnology, Cambridge, Mass, Perseus Publishing. Senker J., van Vliet R. (1998), Biotechnology and competitive advantage, Europe’s firms and the US Challenge, Cheltenham, Edward Edgar. Thackray A. (1998), Private Science, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press. United States Patent and Trademark Office patent search database. US CIA. US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Van Beuzekom B. (2001), Biotechnology Statistics in OECD Member Countries: Compendium of Existing National Statistics, Ad Hoc Meeting on Biotechnology Statistics, OECD, Paris, 3-4 May. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 64 Project TELL APPENDICES LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 65 Project TELL APPENDIX A Background and notes on research The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the global life sciences industries, emphasizing Europe’s performance in the biotechnology sector. The intent of the report is to provide a basic understanding from which an in-depth analysis will be performed later at the country level (to include Belgium and France). Where named, “Europe” includes the following OECD countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The report presents information gathered from several sources, but relies heavily on data obtained from OECD, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and Ernst & Young’s European Life Sciences Report 2001. Due to the globally dynamic nature of the life sciences industries, and the rapid growth phases of the European sectors in particular, much of the data does not allow for international comparison. Most countries exhibit wide variations in biotechnology definitions and criteria for measurement; this diversity merits precaution in sections of the report where crosscountry comparisions were attempted. Of primary importance is the international adoption of a uniform set of definitions for biotechnology. Many countries classify biotechnology companies as either “core” or “expanded”, but the definition of a “core” biotechnology company varies widely between countries. A “core” biotech company is generally involved in the active use of recombinant DNA. However, a key characteristic of the current biotech industry is the emerging importance of the non-core companies that develop “platform technologies”, i.e., the companies that develop tools to manage the massive amounts of data resulting from the sequencing of the human genome. Thus, a set of definitions for biotechnology is required to address both the core and advanced forms of biotechnology. OECD currently employs US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) “class 435: molecular biology and microbiology” as a working definition for biotechnology (the complete definition is available at The life sciences include a wide range of scientific disciplines whose aim is to study living organisms. For the purposes of this report, we have limited “life sciences” primarily to include biotechnology (including the genetic modification of agricultural products) and medicines. Agriculture minus core biotech activities has been ommitted. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 66 Project TELL APPENDIX B. USPTO PATENT DATABASE SEARCH Country United States Population (millions) 281.8 USPTO Patents Granted Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to a foreign country* % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted *Due to complexity of this search, data are only presented for the most recent period. Canada Total patents granted 31.6 Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented here, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted Japan 126.8 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted THREE-YEAR PERIODS 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 115265 2394 2.1% 130711 3325 2.5% 148403 4705 3.2% 185198 10381 5.6% 240547 15476 6.4% 119 207 341 939 1128 2335 3232 3812 6998 2.0% 2.5% 2.6% 3.8% 10188 1279 13% 4.2% 5765 58 1.0% 6997 76 1.1% 7049 113 1.6% 9733 273 2.8% 12775 528 4.1% 2 5 6 35 82 60 31 52% 1.0% 98 44 45% 1.4% 139 59 42% 2.0% 287 110 38% 2.9% 453 145 32% 3.5% 55664 512 0.9% 66703 783 1.2% 70479 945 1.3% 81410 1174 1.4% 101792 1261 1.2% 67 Project TELL Japan (Contd.) USPTO Patents Granted Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted Europe, selected countries 317.5 404 34 8% 0.7% 574 44 8% 0.9% 604 61 10% 0.9% 781 89 11% 1.0% 955 128 13% 0.9% 53800 486 0.9% 54854 678 1.2% 52343 943 1.8% 63751 1860 2.9% 92950 3119 3.4% 16 41 76 242 368 Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to a non-European country % of patents invented in Europe, assigned outside Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 683 163 24% 1.3% 846 200 24% 1.5% 1053 249 24% 2.0% 2314 551 24% 3.6% 3633 809 22% 3.9% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 1170 21 1.8% 1318 12 0.9% 1474 26 1.8% 2252 51 2.3% 2935 114 3.9% 2 2 6 18 20 16 5 31% 1.4% 29 16 55% 2.2% 38 21 55% 2.6% 78 48 62% 3.5% 126 72 57% 4.3% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Belgium 10.3 Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 38 48 47 114 151 68 Project TELL Denmark 5.4 USPTO Patents Granted Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Finland 5.2 3 3 7 35 50 Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 7 3 43% 0.9% 18 7 39% 2.2% 18 8 44% 1.9% 59 33 56% 4.1% 107 49 46% 5.7% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 800 15 1.9% 1063 27 2.5% 1086 33 3.0% 1649 77 4.7% 2306 108 4.7% 1 3 3 12 8 Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 6 0 0% 0.8% 6 0 0% 0.6% 9 0 0% 0.8% 33 10 30% 2.0% 46 22 48% 2.0% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 9323 80 0.9% 9993 131 1.3% 9657 157 1.6% 11037 375 3.4% 14035 520 3.7% 6 11 15 60 73 Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") France 59.6 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 747 807 952 1436 1891 23 25 63 181 306 3.1% 3.1% 6.6% 12.6% 16.2% Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 69 Project TELL France Germany (Contd.) 83.0 Inventor country 191 226 259 685 1009 Invented, but assigned to foreign country 33 36 49 129 168 % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad 17% 16% 19% 19% 17% Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 2.0% 2.3% 2.7% 6.2% 7.2% USPTO Patents Granted 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 Total patents granted 24688 24128 21978 25491 34969 Biotechnology patents 205 258 334 531 700 Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 0.8% 1.1% 1.5% 2.1% 2.0% Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Italy 57.7 4 10 22 34 67 Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 220 35 16% 0.9% 262 58 22% 1.1% 311 62 20% 1.4% 572 161 28% 2.2% 903 241 27% 2.6% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 3991 19 0.5% 4474 42 0.9% 4297 62 1.4% 4949 75 1.5% 6104 76 1.2% 0 3 6 6 2 Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 48 12 25% 1.2% 78 24 31% 1.7% 116 33 28% 2.7% 184 67 36% 3.7% 177 80 45% 2.9% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 3254 41 1.3% 3360 88 2.6% 3113 110 3.5% 3647 222 6.1% 5039 287 5.7% Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Netherlands 16.0 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 70 Project TELL Netherlands (Contd.) Norway 4.5 USPTO Patents Granted Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 34 8 24% 1.0% 40 12 30% 1.2% 53 20 38% 1.7% 128 37 29% 3.5% 183 88 48% 3.6% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 477 4 0.8% 390 13 3.3% 433 9 2.1% 601 24 4.0% 904 38 4.2% 0 0 1 2 3 Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 8 5 63% 1.7% 12 4 33% 3.1% 22 7 32% 5.1% 46 9 20% 7.7% 49 11 22% 5.4% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 2994 37 1.2% 2561 24 0.9% 2599 41 1.6% 3539 70 2.0% 5663 111 2.0% 0 5 4 16 23 34 18 53% 1.1% 38 11 29% 1.5% 54 25 46% 2.1% 123 54 44% 3.5% 157 77 49% 2.8% Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Sweden 8.9 Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 0 4 5 30 41 71 Project TELL Switzerland 7.3 USPTO Patents Granted Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") United Kingdom 59.6 0 0 2 9 19 Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted 79 50 63% 1.8% 82 50 61% 1.8% 75 41 55% 1.8% 173 106 61% 3.9% 223 134 60% 4.1% Total patents granted Biotechnology patents Biotech patents as % of total patents granted 1861 13 0.7% 2231 19 0.9% 2698 30 1.1% 4723 173 3.7% 13682 650 4.8% 0 0 5 20 62 40 34 85% 2.1% 55 45 82% 2.5% 98 74 76% 3.6% 233 170 73% 4.9% 653 325 50% 4.8% Biotech patents ("sequence", "DNA", "nucleic acid") Pharmaceutical patents Inventor country Invented, but assigned to foreign country % of patents invented at home-assigned abroad Pharma. patents invented as % of total patents granted LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 4495 4529 4056 4427 5422 28 39 78 81 209 0.6% 0.9% 1.9% 1.8% 3.9% 72 Project TELL APPENDIX C. AVERAGE PERIOD GROWTH RATE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY PATENTS IN SELECT COUNTRIES, 1987-2001 COUNTRY THREE-YEAR PERIODS 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 A B C D E United States 2394 3325 4705 10381 15476 Canada 58 76 113 273 528 Japan 512 783 945 1174 1261 Europe, selected 486 678 943 1860 3119 Belgium 21 12 26 51 114 Denmark 23 25 63 181 306 Finland 15 27 33 77 108 France 80 131 157 375 520 Germany 205 258 334 531 700 Italy 19 42 62 75 76 Netherlands 41 88 110 222 287 Norway 4 13 9 24 38 Sweden 37 24 41 70 111 Switzerland 28 39 78 81 209 United Kingdom 13 19 30 173 650 Source: USPTO Patent Database. LIFE SCI/BIOTECH PERCENT GROWTH A->B B->C 39 31 53 40 -43 9 80 64 26 121 115 225 -35 39 46 C->D 42 49 21 39 117 152 22 20 29 48 25 -31 71 100 58 AVE. 3-YR GROWTH RATE D->E 121 142 24 97 96 187 133 139 59 21 102 167 71 4 477 49 93 7 68 124 69 40 39 32 1 29 58 59 158 276 62.5% 78.7% 26.3% 60.9% 73.4% 104.3% 69.0% 65.3% 36.5% 47.7% 67.7% 104.8% 41.3% 75.3% 214.1% 73 Project TELL APPENDIX D. INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC BIOTECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCES, 1980-98 Total US alliances Biotech alliances: US-Europe US-Japan US-other Intra US Total biotech alliances of which international 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 139 126 200 177 234 235 292 318 367 357 312 287 394 444 497 639 578 497 477 5 6 3 10 6 8 2 12 9 12 1 23 7 7 0 13 14 7 2 28 22 16 3 27 24 14 0 39 28 11 3 36 21 6 4 36 16 6 5 23 11 4 4 13 18 1 1 16 40 5 5 33 42 10 7 57 62 7 6 58 59 6 6 60 75 13 7 53 49 14 6 93 47 6 2 53 24 14 28 16 45 22 27 14 51 23 68 41 77 38 78 42 67 31 50 27 32 19 36 20 83 116 135 131 148 162 108 50 59 75 71 95 69 55 170 168 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total biotech alliances as % of total alliances with US, 1980-98 17 22 23 15 22 29 26 25 18 14 10 13 21 26 27 21 26 33 23 Share of foreign biotech alliances out of all US alliances, 1980-98 58 57 49 52 45 60 49 54 46 54 59 56 60 51 56 54 64 43 51 Share of European " Share of Japanese " Share of Other " 21 25 13 21 29 7 20 27 2 26 26 0 27 14 4 32 24 4 31 18 36 14 4 31 9 6 32 12 10 34 13 3 50 3 3 48 6 6 36 9 6 47 5 5 45 5 5 51 9 5 30 9 4 44 11 2 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 74 Project TELL Total European alliances Biotech alliances: Europe-US Europe-Japan Europe-other Intra Europe Total biotech alliances of which extra-European 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 102 94 127 111 166 240 242 236 266 320 203 166 233 235 257 330 261 224 245 5 0 0 6 6 1 2 5 9 2 1 3 7 2 0 11 14 0 0 10 22 7 3 27 24 1 1 9 28 4 1 18 21 1 4 24 16 6 3 12 11 4 5 8 18 0 1 2 40 3 5 10 42 4 3 10 62 6 6 19 59 6 2 22 75 6 7 14 49 1 3 6 47 2 1 9 11 5 14 9 15 12 20 9 24 14 59 32 35 26 51 33 50 26 37 25 28 20 21 19 58 48 59 49 93 74 89 102 67 88 71 65 79 70 70 87 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total biotech alliances as % of total alliances with Europe, 1980-98 11 15 12 18 14 25 14 22 19 12 14 13 25 25 36 27 39 26 24 Share of extra-European biotech alliances out of all European alliances 45 64 80 45 58 54 74 65 52 68 71 90 83 83 80 75 86 90 85 Share of US " 45 43 60 35 58 37 69 55 42 43 39 86 69 71 Share of Japanese " 0 7 13 10 0 12 3 8 2 16 14 0 5 7 Share of Other " 0 14 7 0 0 5 3 2 8 8 18 5 9 5 Source: CATI-MERIT database supported in part by the NSF, Science & Engineering Indicators 2002, text table 4-12. 67 6 6 66 7 2 74 6 7 83 2 5 80 3 2 LIFE SCI/BIOTECH 75 Project TELL APPENDIX E KEY TECHNOLOGIES Cell Culture Molecular Cloning Cellular Genetic Modification Protein Engineering Hybrid Technologies Animal Microelectronics + Biology Biosensor Technology Materials Science + Cell Biology Tissue Engineering Semi-conductor Manufactuing + Molecular Genetics DNA Chip Technology Information Technology Bioinformatics Technology 76