2007-2008 Directory of Officers Council of Sections Administrative Board 2007-2008 Vice President of Sections (2005 – 2008) Sandra Andrieu, B.S., M.Ed, Ph.D. Louisiana State University 1100 Florida Ave., Box 142 New Orleans, LA 70119 Phone: 504-619-8511 Fax: 504-619-8740 Email: sandri@lsuhsc.edu Chair Lily Garcia, D.D.S., M.S., F.A.C.P. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Department of Prosthodontics 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, MSC 7912 San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 210-567-6365 • Fax: 210-567-6376 Email: garcialt@uthscsa.edu Chair-Elect William Davenport, Jr., Ph.D. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Department of Biomedical Sciences 1001 Shadow Lane, M/S 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106-4124 702-774-2621 • Fax: 702-895-2025 Email: william.davenport@ccmail.nevada.edu Secretary Allen Otsuka, Ph.D., MBA Southern Illinois University 2800 College Avenue Alton, IL 62002 618-474-7211 • Fax: 618-474-7124 Email: aotsuka@siue.edu Member-at-Large Michael Landers, D.D.S. Case School of Dental Medicine 10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 216-368-3876 • Fax: Email: michael.landers@case.edu ADEA Council of Sections -2- Section on Academic Affairs Councilor Dr. Marilyn S. Lantz Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs University of Michigan 1011 N. University Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 734-763-5651 • Fax: 734-763-8046 mslantz@umich.edu Chair Dr. Phyllis Beemsterboer Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Oregon Health and Science University 611 SW Campus Drive Portland, OR 97239-3097 504-494-8515 • Fax: 504-494-8351 beemster@ohsu.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Pamela Overman Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs University of Missouri-Kansas City Kansas City, MO 64108 816-235-2010 • Fax: 816-235-5631 overmanp@umkc.edu Secretary Dr. Leslie Roeder Associate Dean for Academic Affairs The University of Texas Dental Branch at Huston 6516 M.D. Anderson Blvd. Houston, Texas 77030 713-500-4013 • Fax 713-500-4173 leslie.roeder@uth.tmc.edu ADEA Council of Sections -3- Section on Anatomical Sciences Councilor Dr. Jennifer Brueckner Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology University of Kentucky MN255 U. K. Medical Center Lexington, KY 40536-0298 859-323-3780 • Fax: 859-323-5946 jbrueck@uky.edu Chair Dr. Bob Hutchins Associate Professor Dept. of Biomedical Sciences Baylor College of Dentistry 3302 Gaston Ave. Dallas, TX 75246 214-828-8275 • Fax: 214-828-8951 bhutchins@bcd.tamhsc.edu Chair-elect Dr. H. Wayne Lambert Department of Anatomical Sciences & Neurobiology University of Louisville 500 South Preston Street Louisville, KY 40202 502-852-2024 • Fax: 502-852-6228 wayne.lambert@louisville.edu Secretary Dr. Douglas Gould The Ohio State University 279 Hamilton Hall 1645 Neil Avenue Columbus OH 43210-1218 614-292-7805 • Fax: 614-292-7659 gould.97@osu.edu ADEA Council of Sections -4- Section on Behavorial Sciences COUNCILOR (2007-2010) Dr. Elaine Davis (2007 -2010 – Term 1) University at Buffalo 315 Squire Hall Buffalo, New York 14214-3008 716-829-2839 • Fax: 716-833-3517 eldavis@buffalo.edu CHAIR Dr. Kimberley Zittel-Palamara Buffalo State College Social Work Department 1300 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, New York 14216 Phone: 716-878-4767 • Fax: 716-878-3240 zittelkm@buffalostate.edu CHAIR-ELECT Ms. Kimberly Werth Department of Periodontology and Dental Hygiene University of Detroit Mercy 8200 West Outer Drive, Box 69 Detroit, Michigan 48219 313-494-6618 • Fax: 313-494-6627 werthkj@udmercy.edu SECRETARY Dr. Kristin Z. Victoroff Case School of Dental Medicine 10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44106-4905 216-368-6616 • Fax: 216-368-0145 kristin.victoroff@case.edu ADEA Council of Sections -5- Section on Biochemistry and Nutrition COUNCILOR Dr. Alan E. Levine Associate Professor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 6516 M.D. Anderson Blvd Suite 4.109 Houston, TX 77030-3402 713-500-4497 • Fax: 713-500-4500 alan.e.levine@uth.tmc.edu CHAIR Ms. Mary Ann Haag Community College of Southern Nevada 6375 W. Charleston Las Vegas, NV 89146-1164 702-651-5597 • Fax: 702-651-7383 maryann_haag@ccsn.edu CHAIR-Elect Ms. Lisa Harper-Mallonee Assistant Professor Dept. of Dental Hygiene Baylor College of Dentistry 3302 Gaston Ave Dallas, TX 75246 214-828-8914 • Fax: 214-828-8196 lharper@bcd.tamhsc.edu SECRETARY Dr. Larry D. Crouch Department of Oral Biology College of Dentistry University of Nebraska Medical Center Lincoln, NE 68583-0740 402-472-4685 • Fax: 402-472-2551 lcrouch@unmc.edu ADEA Council of Sections -6- Section on Business and Financial Admnistration Councilor Mr. John Barch Director of Clinic Operations University of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio San Antonio, TX 210-567-3264 • Fax: 210-567-3261 barch@uthscsa.edu Chair Ms. Juanna Moore Baylor College of Dentistry 3302 Gaston Avenue Dallas, TX 75346 214-828-8222 • Fax: 214-828-8496 jmoore@tambcd.edu Chair-Elect Ms. Ellen Herrick University of Nevada Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane MS 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106-4124 702-774-2543 • Fax: 702-774-2501 ellen.herrick@unlv.edu Secretary Mr. Gary Dryden Director of Finance University of Louisville School of Dentistry 501 S. Preston Street Louisville, KY 40292 502-852-2576 • Fax: 502-852-7163 gdryden@louisville.edu ADEA Council of Sections -7- Section on Clinic Administration Councilor Dr. Lex MacNeil University of British Columbia 350-2194 Health Sciences Mall Vancouver, British Columbia 604-822-5773 • Fax: Email: lmacneil@interchange.ubc.edu Chair Dr. Steve DuLong Boston University 100 E. Newton Street Boston, MA 02118 617-638-5127• Fax: 617-638-5108 Email: sdulong@bu.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Wilbert Milligan Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs University of Pittsburgh 3501 Terrace Street Pittsburgh, PA 15261 412-383-9839 • Fax: 412-648-8219 Email: wim2@dental.pitt.edu Secretary Dr. Leslie Karns University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-774-2656 • Fax: leslie.karns@unlv.edu ADEA Council of Sections -8- Section on Clinical Simulation Councilor (2006-2009) Dr. Frank Licari Executive Associate Dean University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry 801 S. Paulina St. Room 102A M/C 621 Chicago, IL 60612 312-355-3644 • Fax: 312-413-9050 licari@uic.edu Chair Dr. T. Roma Jasinevicius Assistant Professor Case School of Dental Medicine Comprehensive Care Department 10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 216-368-2237 • Fax: 216-368-3204 trj2@case.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Kenneth Allen Associate Professor New York University Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care 345 East 24th Street New York, NY 10010-4099 212-998-9426 • Fax: 212-995-4080 kenneth.allen@nyu.edu Secretary Dr. Riki Gottlieb Department of General Practice Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry 520 12th Street Richmond, VA 23298 804-828-2977 • Fax: 804-828-3159 rgottlieb@vcu.edu ADEA Council of Sections -9- Section on Community and Preventive Dentistry Councilor Dr. Val Spolsky Division of Public Health and Community Dentistry University of California, Los Angeles 10833 Le Conte Avenue (63-041 CHS) Box 951668 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668 310-825-9238 • Fax: 310-206-2688 vals@dent.ucla.edu Chair Prof. Christine Miller Dept. of Dental Practice and Community Services University of the Pacific 2155 Webster Street, Suite 407 San Francisco, CA 94115 Phone: 415-929-6426 Fax: 415-749-3399 cmiller@pacific.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Sena Narendran Case School of Dental Medicine Department of Community Dentistry 10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 216-368-1311• Fax: 216-368-0145 sena.narendran@case.edu Secretary Dr. Douglas Simmons Department of Restorative Dentistry University of Texas Health Science Center Houston Dental Branch 6516 M.D. Anderson Boulevard Houston, TX 77030 713-500-4300 • Fax: 713-500-4108 Douglas.m.Simmons@uth.tmc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 10 - Section on Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry Councilor Dr. Fred Fendler University of the Pacific 2155 Webster Street San Francisco, CA 94115-2333 415-929-6661• Fax: 415-749-3339 ffendler@pacific.edu Chair Dr. Marnie Oakley University of Pittsburgh 3501 Terrace Street Pittsburgh, PA 15261 412-648-8174 • Fax: 412-383-7796 moakley@pitt.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Susan Lee University of California, San Francisco 707 Parnassus Avenue Box 0758 San Francisco, CA 94143 415-476-9884• Fax: 415-476-0858 susanm.lee@ucsf.edu Secretary Dr. Kim Skaggs University of Missouri-Kansas City 650 E. 25th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 816-235-2146 • Fax: 816-235-5472 kskaggs@umkc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 11 - Section on Continuing Education Councilor (2006-2009) Dr. William O. Butler University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Office of Continuing Education 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 210-567-3177 • Fax: 210-567-6807 butlerw@uthscsa.edu Chair Sue C. Felton, Director University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Dental School, Office of Continuing Dental Education CB #7450 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450 919-966-2726 • Fax number: 919-966-8954 sue_felton@dentistry.unc.edu Chair-Elect Carol Trecek Director Office of Continuing Dental Education and Alumni Affairs Marquette University P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 414-288-3093 • Fax: 414-288-8354 carol.trecek@marquette.edu Secretary Lonnie Robinson, Director The Ohio State University College of Dentistry Office of Continuing Dental Education and Alumni Affairs 305 W. 12th Avenue, P.O. Box 182357 Columbus, OH 43218-2357 614-292-2402 • Fax: 614-688-3188 robinson.728@osu.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 12 - Section on Dental Anatomy and Occlusion Councilor Dr. Sheryl Kane, Maj. USAF, DC Deputy Director, AEGD 99 DS/SGD 4700 Las Vegas Blvd North, Suite 2419 Nellis AFB, NV 89191-6601 702-653-2621• Fax: 702-653-2682 sheryl.kane@nellis.af.mil Chair Dr. Judith Porter Associate Professor, University of Maryland 650 W. Baltimore St. Baltimore, MD 21201-1586 410-06-4027 • Fax: jporter@umaryland.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Charles “Ned” Hill Assistant Professor in Residence, Clinical Sciences University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane, M/S 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 774-2668 charles.hill@unlv.edu Secretary Dr. Richard Green Associate Clinical Professor University of Southern California 925 W. 34th St. Los Angeles, CA 90089-0641 (323) 226-5051 greenr@usc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 13 - Section on Dental Assisting Education Councilor (2006-2009) Linda Stewart, CDA, MA Director, Dental Assisting Program University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 3290 Old Dental Building, CB #7450 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 Office: 919-966-3064 Fax: 919-966-9853 linda_stewart@dentistry.unc.edu Chair Colleen M. Bradshaw CDA, BA Assistant Professor Palm Beach Community College 4200 Congress Ave., Mail Station #32, Lake Worth Fl. 33461 561-868-3196 • Fax: 561-868-3753 bradshac@pbcc.edu Chair-Elect Carolyn Breen, Ed.D, CDA, RDA, RDH Chairperson, Dept of Allied Dental Education UMDNJ-SHRP 1776 Raritan Road Rm. 405 Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 908-889-2419 • Fax: 908-889-2477 breen@umdnj.edu Secretary Celeni McKenzie, RDH Director, Dental Assisting Program Capps College, Mobile Campus 3590 Pleasant Valley Road Mobile, Alabama 36609 251-344-1203 • Fax : 251-344-2923 cmckenzie@medcareers.net ADEA Council of Sections - 14 - Section on Dental Hygiene Education Councilor Lorie Holt, RDH, MS (2005-2008) Division of Dental Hygiene University of Missouri-Kansas City 650 E. 25th St. Kansas City, MO 64108 816-235-2057 • Fax: 816-235-2157 holtla@umkc.edu Chair Joyce Hudson, RDH, MS Indiana University Department of Periodontics and Allied Dental Progtrams 1121 East Michigan Street, Room 408 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-274-5102• Fax: 317-274-1363 jchudson@iupui.edu Chair-Elect Christine Blue, RDH, MS Interim director Division of Dental Hygiene Univesity of Minnesota 515 Delaware Street SE 9-372 Moos Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-5954 • Fax: 612-625-1605 bluex005@umn.edy Secretary Ann-Marie DePalma, Med, RDH Assistant Professor Northern Essex Community College 45 Franklin Street Lawrence, MA 01841 Phone: 973-738-7521 adepalma@necc.mass.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 15 - Section on Dental Informatics Councilor Dr. Elise S. Eisenberg Director of Dental Informatics NYU College Of Dentistry 345 East 24th Street, 813B Schwartz New York, NY 10010 212-998-9790 • Fax: 212-995-4846 elise.eisenberg@nyu.edu Chair David K. Ord UNLV School of Dental Medicine 1001 Shadow Lane, MS7410 Las Vegas, Nevada 89106-4124 702-774-2663 • Fax: 702-774-2651 david.ord@unlv.edu Chair-Elect Athena Tsembelis University at Buffalo 315B Squire Hall Buffalo, NY 14214-8006 716-829-2839 • Fax: 716-833-3517 at2@buffalo.edu Secretary Muhammad F. Walji, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Diagnostic Sciences University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 6516 M.D. Anderson Blvd, Room 300S Houston, TX 77030 713-500-4275 • Fax: 713-500-4416 muhammad.f.walji@uth.tmc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 16 - Section on Dental School Admissions Officers Councilor (2007-2008; completing 1st unexpired term) Dr. Joe McManus Assistant Dean Columbia University 630 W. 168th Street New York, NY 10032 212-305-6318 • Fax: 212-305-1034 jmm10@columbia.edu Chair Dr. Christine Ancajas Director of Admissions University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane MS 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106-4124 702-774-7520 • Fax: 702-774-2721 cancajas@ccmail.nevada.edu Chair-Elect Mr. Kim Bryan Assistant Dean University of Kentucky 800 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40536-0297 859-323-60071 • Fax: 859-257-5550 krbrya2@email.uky.edu Secretary Dr. Venita Sposetti University of Florida 1600 SW Archer Road, Room D4-6 P.O. Box 100405 Gainesville, FL 32610-0405 352-392-4866 • Fax: 352-846-0311 sposetti@dental.ufl.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 17 - Section on Development, Alumni Affairs, and Public Relations Councilor (2007-2010; 2nd term) Ms. Joanne Mayne Senior Executive Director of Development University of Southern California 925 W. 34th St. #202 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0641 213-740-0428 • Fax: 213-740-1509 jmayne@usc.edu Chair Ms. Maria Tringale Tufts University School of Dental Medicine 136 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02111 617-636-2783 • Fax: 617-636-2721 maria.tringale@tufts.edu Chair-Elect Ms. Rita A. Startup New York University 345 E. 24 St. New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212-998-9920 Fax: 212-995-3995 rita.startup@nyu.edu Secretary Ms. Ashley Sharp Assistant Director, Alumni Affairs New York University 345 East 24th Street New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212-998-9739 Fax: 212-995-4240 ashley.sharp@nyu.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 18 - Section on Development, Alumni Affairs, and Public Relations Councilor (2005-2008) Dr. Judith Skelton University of Kentucky 1117 South Limestone Lexington, KY 40503-1057 859-323-2796 • Fax: jskel0@pop.uky.edu Chair Prof. Gail Mitchell University of Florida Health Science Center, 1600 SW Archer Road P.O. Box 100407, Room D3-11C Gainesville, FL 32610 352 273-5952 • Fax: 352-846-3818 gmithcell@dental.ufl.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Andrew Spielman 345 E. 24th Street, 1030W New York University New York, NY 10010 212-998-9906 • Fax: 212-995-4240 andrew.spielman@nyu.edu Secretary Eugene Hittelman New York University 342 East 26th Street, 102 New York, NY 10010 212-998-9770 • Fax: 212-998-9761 elh1@nyu.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 19 - Section on Endodontics Councilor (2006-2009) Dr. Roberta Pileggi Department of Endodontics University of Florida 1600 SW Archer Road, Room D10-37 Gainesville, FL 32610 Phone: 352-273-5437• Fax: 352-273-5446 rpileggi@dental.ufl.edu Chair Dr. Marc Levitan Director, Endodontics Medical University of South Carolina 173 Ashley Avenue, Room 440 BSB Charleston, SC 29425-2602 901-830-7110 • Fax: 843-792-6433 levitanm@musc.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Leandro R. Britto University of Florida 5218 James Road, Suite C Jackonsville, FL 32210 904-777-5878 • Fax: 352-273-5446 lbrittoendo@gmail.com Secretary Dr. Merlyn Vogt Assistant Professor Department of Surgical Specialities University of Nebraska Medical Center 40th and Holdredge Streets Lincoln, NE 68583-0740 402-472-1479, Ext. 1 • Fax: 402-472-5390 mvogt@unmc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 20 - Section on Gay-Straight Alliance Councilor Frederick G. More, DDS, MS Professor Department of Epidemiology & Health Promotion New York University 345 E. 24th St, Room 105 New York, NY 10010 212-998-9981• Fax: 212-995-4317 frederick.more@nyu.edu Chair Karl Kingsley, PhD Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane, B234 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Phone: 702-774-2623 • Fax: 702-774-2721 karl.kingsley@unlv.edu CHAIR-ELECT: John L. Zimmerman, DDS Assistant Dean Columbia University Box 20 630 West 168th St New York, NY 10032 646-772-8607 • Fax: 646-365-3144 zim@columbia.edu SECRETARY: Larry B. Salzmann, DDS Clinical Associate Professor University of Illinois at Chicago 801 S. Paulina Street Chicago, IL 60612 312-996-6661 • Fax: 312-996-1981 lbs@uic.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 21 - Section on Gerontology and Geriatrics Education Councilor Dr. Katherine F. Schrubbe Marquette University P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201 414-288-6105 • Fax: 414-288-6381 kathy.schrubbe@marquette.edu Chair Dr. Jadwiga “Iga” Hjertstedt Marquette University 4529 North Morris Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53211 414-288-6036 • Fax: jadwiga.hjertstedt@marquette.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Georgia Dounis University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane Las Vegas, NV 89106 Phone: 702-774-2667 georgia.dounis@unlv.edu Secretary Dr. Mildred McClain University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane MS 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-774-2642 • Fax: 702-774-2721 millie.ncclain@unlv.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 22 - Section on Graduate and Postgraduate Education Councilor (2005-2008) Dr. Gerald Glickman Baylor College of Dentistry Department of Endodontics 3302 Gaston Ave. Dallas, TX 75246 Phone: 214-828-8361 • Fax: 214-828-8209 gglickman@bcd.tamhsc.edu Chair Dr. Henry (Butch) Ferguson Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medical College of Georgia 1120 15th Street Augusta, GA 30919 706-721-2411 • Fax: 706-721-6673 hferguson@mail.mcg.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Solon Kao Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medical College of Georgia 1120 15th Street Augusta, GA 30919 706-721-2411 • Fax: 706-721-6673 skao@mail.mcg.edu Secretary Dr. Randolph Malloy Department of Advanced Education and Hopsitals 8000 GSR1 Avenue Building 3100 Baton Rouge, LA 708200 706-721-2411 • Fax: 706-721-6673 rmallo@lsuhsc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 23 - Section on Microbiology Councilor Dr. M. Jane Gillespie Southern Illinois University, Building 285 2800 College Avenue Alton, IL 62002 618-474-7144 • Fax: 618-474-7150 mgilles@siue.edu Chair Dr. Gillian M.P. Galbraith University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 453055 Las Vegas, NV 89154-3055 702-895-2928 • Fax: 702-895-2025 gillian.galbraith@ccmail.nevada.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Karl Kingsley University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 453055 Las Vegas, NV 89154-3055 702-895-1664 • Fax: 702-895-2025 karl.kingsley@ccmail.nevada.edu Secretary Vacant ADEA Council of Sections - 24 - Section on Minority Affairs Councilor Dr. Cherae Farmer-Dixon Meharry Medical College 1005 D.B. Todd Jr. Boulevard Nashville, Tennessee 37208 615-327-6076• Fax: 615-327-6704 cdixon@mmc.edu Chair Dr. Keith Mays University of Maryland, School of Dentistry EPO Department 666 West Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21201 410-706-7047 • Fax: 410-706-3028 kmays@umaryland.edu Chair-elect Vacant Secretary Michael Rowland, Ph.D. Director of Diversity and Assistant Professor The Ohio State University Room 3166, Postle Hall 305 West 12th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: (614) 247-8621 Fax: (614) 247-6599 Email: rowland.1@osu.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 25 - Section on Operative Dentistry and Biomaterials Councilor (2007-2010) Kevin B. Frazier, DMD Associate Professor Department of Oral Rehabilitation Division of Operative Dentistry, AD 3253 Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-2881 • Fax: 706-721-8349 kfrazier@mail.mcg.edu Chair Alan Ripps, DMD, Med Professor Louisiana State University 1100 Florida Avenue, Box 137 New Orleans, LA 70119 504-670-2773 • Fax: 504-619-8549 aripps@lsuhsc.edu Chair-Elect Juan A. Agosto, DMD, MSD Professor University of Puerto Rico PO Box 365067 San Juan PR 00936-5067 787-758-2525 ext. 1149,1150, 1151 • Fax: 787-771-9551 jagosto@rcm.upr.edu SECRETARY Derek R. Williams, DDS, MS, Assistant Professor University of Missouri-Kansas City Department of General Dentistry Dental Faculty Practice School of Dentistry, Room 277 650 East 25th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64108-2784 816-235-2121 • Fax: 816-235-5526 williamsdere@umkc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 26 - Section on Oral Biology Councilor Dr. Mark Wolff New York University College of Dentistry Room 1607 VAMC, Mail Code 9480 th 345 East 24 Street New York, NY 10010-4086 212-998-9666 • mark.wolff@nyu.edu Chair Dr. Anthony M. Iacopino Marquette University School of Dentistry P.O. Box 1881 Madison, WI 53201-1881 Phone: 414-288-6089 • Fax: 414-288-3586 anthony.iacopino@marquette.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Kenneth R. Etzel University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine 3501 Terrace Street, Suite 440, Salk Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15261 412-648-8618 • Fax: kre@dental.pitt.edu Secretary Dr. Andrew Spielman New York University 421 First Avenue, 1030W NYU Mail Code 9468 New York, NY 10010 212-998-9906 • Fax: 212-995-4240 andrew.spielman@nyu.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 27 - Section on Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine Councilor Dr. Thomas P. Shopper Department of Oral Medicine 1100 Florida Avenue New Orleans, LA 70119 Phone: 504-619-8575 Fax: 504-619-8740 tshopp@lsuhsc.edu Chair Dr. John P. Gobetti University of Michigan 1011 N. University Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 734-763-3375 • Fax: 734-264-2469 jgobetti@umich.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Janet Leigh Department of Oral Diagnosis, Medicine & Radiology Louisiana State University 8000 GSRI Road Baton Rouge, LA 70820 225-334-1799 • Fax: 225-334-1794 jleigh@lsuhsc.edu Secretary Robert Arm Christiana Care Health System Wilmington, DE 19801 302-428-6468 • Fax: 302-428-4812 rarm@christianacare.org ADEA Council of Sections - 28 - Section on Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Councilor Dr. Alice Curran University of North Carolina School of Dentistry Dept. of Diagnostic Sciences & General Dentistry Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450 919-966-2746 • Fax: 919-966-0705 alice_curran@dentistry.unc.edu Chair Dr. Kurt Summersgill University of Pittsburgh, G134 Salk Hall 3501 Terrace Street Pittsburgh, PA 15261 412-648-8635 • Fax: 412-383-9142 kfs8@pitt.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Jerry Bouquot University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston 6516 M.D. Anderson Blvd, Suite 3094F Houston, TX 77030-3402 713-500-4420 • Fax: 713-500-4416 jerry.bouquot@uth.tmc.edu Secretary Dr. Sara Gordon Department of Oral Medicine MC838 University of Illinois at Chicago 801 S. Paulina Street Chicago, IL 60612 312-996-7480 • Fax: 312-355-2688 gordonsa@uic.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 29 - Section on Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Councilor Margot L. Van Dis DDS, MS Indiana University School of Dentistry 1121 W. Michigan St. Room S110A Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-274-5141 • Fax: 317-278-3018 mvandis@iupui.edu Chair Anas Athar, DDS Department of Oral Pathology, Medicine & Radiology University of Missouri Kansas City 650 E. 25th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 816-235-5403 athara@umkc.edu Chair-Elect Dr. John W. Brand Associate Professor University of Nebraska Medical Center 40th and Holdrege, Room 145C Box 830740 Lincoln, NE 68583-0740 402-472-1370 • Fax: 402-472-2551 jbrand@unmc.edu Secretary Jahanzeb Chaudhry, BDS, MDSc Department of Biologic and Diagnostic Sciences University of Tennessee 875 Union Avenue Memphis, TN 38163 901-448-6171 • Fax: 901-448-2671 jahanzeb.chaudhry@utmem.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 30 - Section on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Anesthesiology and Hospital Administration Councilor Dr. William Synan University of Iowa 451 Dental Science Building Iowa City, IA 52242-1001 319-335-7456• Fax: 319-335-7465 william-synan@uiowa.edu Chair Dr. Jeffrey Bennett Indiana University School of Dentistry 1050 Wishard Blvd., R4201 Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-274-5315 • Fax: jb2@iupui.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Paul S. Tiwana Dept of Surgical Dentistry University of Louisville 501 S. Preston Street Louisville, KY 40292 502-852-5083 • Fax: 502-852-5988 paul.tiwana@louisville.edu Secretary Dr. Pamela Hughes University of Minnesota 515 Delaware St. WE 7-174 Moose Tower Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-626-2361 • Fax: 612-624-2669 pamjhug@hotmail.com ADEA Council of Sections - 31 - Section on Orthodontics Councilor David Covell, Jr., PH.D., D.D.S. Oregon Health and Science University Department of Orthodontics 611 SW Campus Drive Portland, OR 97239 503-494-8903 • Fax: 503-494-5777 covelljr@ohsu.edu Chair Lynn Hurst, D.D.S., M.S. University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine 1001 Shadow Lane, MS 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106-4124 702-774-2653 • Fax: 702-774-2651 lynn.hurst@ccmail.nevada.edu Chair-Elect Jaleh Pourhamidi, DMD, MDSc Assistant Professor University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine 1001 Shadow Lane, MS 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106-4124 702-774-2644 • Fax: 702-774-2696 jaleh.pourhamidi@unlv.edu Secretary Donald J. Sanchez, DDS, MS Orthodontic Residency Co-Program Coordinator Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health 5855 East Still Circle, 2nd Floor Mesa, AZ 85206 480-248-8165 • Fax: 480-248-8180 dsanchez@atsu.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 32 - Section on Pediatric Dentistry Councilor Dr. Joan Kowolik Director Pre-doctoral Pediatric Dentistry, Division of Oral Facial Development, Indiana University School of Dentistry 1121 West Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN. 46202 Phone: 317-274-2794 Fax: 317-278-1438 Email: jkowolik@iupui.edu Chair Neva Penton Eklund Associate Professor and Chair Department of Pediatric and Public Health Dentistry University of Mississippi School of Dentistry University of Mississippi Medical Center 2500 North State Street Jackson, MS 39216 601-984-6100 • Fax 601-984-6103 neklund@sod.umsmed.edu Chair-Elect Cynthia K. Christensen Associate Professor and Interim Head Department of Pediatric Dentistry University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 319-335-7485 cynthia-k-christensen@uiowa.edu Secretary Lubna Fawad Assistant Professor Department of Pediatric and Public Health Dentistry University of Mississippi 2500 North State Street Jackson, MS 39216 601-984-6100 • Fax: 601-984-6103 lfawad@sod.umsmed.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 33 - Section on Periodontics Councilor Dr. Dwight McLeod Southern Illinois University 2800 College Avenue Building 285, Room 1104 Alton, IL 62002 618-474-7023 • Fax: 618-474-7124 dmcleod@siue.edu Chair Dr. Grishondra Branch-Mays University of Maryland Baltimore College of Dentistry 666 W. Baltimore, Room 3-E-22 Baltimore, MD 21201 410-706-7153 • Fax: 410-706-3028 grb001@dental.umaryland.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Peter Loomer University of California, San Francisco Dept of Orofacial Sciences 521 Parnassus Avenue Box 0650, C-628 San Francisco, CA 94143-0650 415-502-7896 • Fax: 415-502-4990 peter.loomer@ucsf.edu Secretary Dr. Sawati Rawal Assistant Professor Department of Periodontology University of Tennessee Health Science Center 875 Union Avenue Memphis, TN 38163 901-448-6920 • Fax: 901-448-6751 srawal@utmem.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 34 - Section on Physiology, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics Councilor Dr. Gary Jeffers Department of Oral Surgery University of Detroit Mercy 8200 West Outer Drive P.O. Box 19900 Detroit, MI 48219-0900 313-494-6678 • Fax: 313-494-6666 jefferge@udmercy.edu Chair Dr. Ted Pate University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston P.O. Box 20068 Houston, TX 77225-0068 713-500-4519 • Fax: 713-500-4520 ted.d.pate@uth.tmc.edu Chair-Elect Dr. W. Choong Foong University of Detroit Mercy Department of Biomedical Sciences 8200 West Outer Drive P.O. Box 19900 Detroit, MI 48219-3580 313-494-6631 • Fax: 313-494-6643 foongwc@udmercy.edu Secretary Dr. David Shaw University of Nebraska Medical Center 40th &Holdrege Streets Lincoln, NE 68583-0740 402-472-2551 dshaw@unmc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 35 - Section on Postdoctoral General Dentistry Councilor Dr. Heidi Crow University at Buffalo 355 Squire Hall, 3435 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14214 716-829-3555 • Fax: 716-829-3554 hccrow@buffalo.edu Chair Dr. Meredith Bogert Temple University 3223 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140-5096 Phone: 215-707-5934 • Fax: 215-707-2840 meredith.bogert@temple.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Russell Bergman Department of Dental Medicine Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg 2545 Schoenersville Rd. Bethlehem, PA, 18017 Phone: 484-884-2315 • Fax: russ.bergman@lvh.com Secretary Sheryl L. Kane, Major, USAF, DC 99DS/SGD Support Flight Commander Deputy Director, AEGD Residency Mike O’Callaghan Federal Hospital 4700 Las Vegas Blvd North, Suite 2419 Nellis AFB, NV 89191-6601 702-653-2621 • Fax: 702-653-2682 sheryl.kane@nellis.af.mil ADEA Council of Sections - 36 - Section on Practice Administration Councilor Dr. Dave Dunning University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry 40th and Holdrege Streets Lincoln, NE 68583-0754 Phone: 402-472-1325 • Fax: 402-472-5290 ddunning@unmc.edu Chair Dr. Richard Callan Medical College of Georgia 706-721-2881 • Fax: 706-721-8349 rcallan@mail.mcg.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Dunn Cumby University of Oklahoma 1001 Stanton L. Young Blvd Room 55 P.O. Box 26901 Oklahoma City, OK 73190 405-271-4949 • Fax: 405-271-4789 dunn-cumby@ouhsc.edu Secretary Dr. Marcia Ditmyer University of Nevada, Las Vegas 1001 Shadow Lane, MS 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106-4124 702-774-2646 • Fax: 702-774-2721 marcia.ditmyer@unlv.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 37 - Section on Prosthodontics Councilor Dr. Lisa Lang Department of Prosthodontics University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, Mail Code 7912 San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 210-567-6450 • Fax: 210-567-6376 langl@uthscsa.edu Chair Dr. Luis Blanco Oklahoma University 1201 N. Stonewall Avenue P.O. Box 26901, DCSB 544D Oklahoma City, OK 73117 405-271-5346 • Fax: 405-271-3006 luis-blanco@ouhsc.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Sharon Siegel Department of Prosthodontics Nova Southeastern University 3200 University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2018 954-262-7379 • Fax: 954-262-1782 scsiegel@nova.edu Secretary Dr. Nachum Samet Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences Harvard School of Dental Medicine 188 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 617-432-1790 • Fax: 617-432-0901 nachum_samet@hsdm.harvard.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 38 - Section on Student Affairs and Financial Aid Councilor Dr. Carolyn Booker Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry P.O. Box 980566 Richmond, VA 23298-0566 804-828-9953 • Fax: 804-828-5288 clbooker@vcu.edu Chair Ms. Marla Frohlinger Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine 3200 S. University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328 954-262-1107 • Fax: 954-262-2282 marlaf@nova.edu Chair-Elect Ms. Cheryl White Associate Director of Financial Aid University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey New Jersey Dental School ADMC 1208, 30 Bergen Street P.O. Box 1709 Newark, NJ 07107-1709 973-972-4376 • Fax: 973-972-7436 cwhite@umdnj.edu Secretary Jack Long DDS Associate Dean for Student Affairs Baylor College of Dentistry 3302 Gaston Avenue Suite 503 Dallas, TX 75246 214-828-8232 • Fax: 214-874-4572 jlong@bcd.tamhsc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 39 - Special Interest Group on Career Development for the New Educator Chair Dr. Patricia “Tish” Nihill University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Restorative Dentistry, Managing Partner 801 S. Paulina, Rm 204J Chicago, IL 60502 Phone: 312 996-5125 or 312 -355-0524 Fax: 312 996-3535 Email: pnihill@uic.edu Co-Chair Dr. Madelyn Coar Director of Predoctoral Endodontics University of Alabama at Birmingham 1530 3rd Avenue South, SDB 406 Birmingham, AL 35294-0007 Phone: 205-934-1141 Fax: 205-975-6544 Email: mcoar@uab.edu Chair-Elect Dr. Dieter J. Schönwetter, Education Specialist Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry D009-780 Bannatyne Avenue The University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 0W2 Canada Phone:204-480-1302 Fax: 204-789-3912 Email: schonwet@ccumanitoba.ca Secretary Dr. Oksana Budinskaya Clinical Assistant Professor Restorative/Diagnostic Sciences Baylor College of Dentistry P.O. Box 660677 Dallas TX 75246 Phone: (214) 828-8991 Fax: 214-874-4551 Email: obudinskaya@bcd.tamhsc.edu Secretary-elect Dr. Christine Wankiiri-Hale Univ of Pittsburgh, Clinical Faculty, General Dentistry , Team Leader 3027 Salk Annex 3501 Terrace Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 ADEA Council of Sections - 40 - Phone: (412) 648-8093 Fax: (412) 383-7796 Campus Phone: (412) 383-9975 Email: chwst11@dental.pitt.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 41 - Special Interest Group on Cariology Chair Dr. Mark S. Wolff New York University College of Dentistry 345 East 24th Street New York, NY 10010-4086 212-998-9666 mark.wolff@nyu.edu Chair-Elect Dr Margherita Fontana Microbial Caries Research Facility DS-406 School of Dentistry Indiana University 1121 West Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-274-5626 mfontan@iupui.edu Secretary Dr. Douglas Young Department of Restorative Dentistry School of Dentistry University of the Pacific 2155 Webster Street San Francisco, CA 94115 415-749-3308 dayoung@pacific.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 42 - Special Interest Group on Dental Hygiene Clinical Coordinators Chair Gayle Ball Co Chair Karen Ridley Phone: (734) 763-3369 Fax: (734) 763-5503 Email: kjr@.umich.edu Co- CHAIR [provide name, title, and full mailing address] Co –Chair Pat Campbell Phone: (214) 828-8342 Fax: (214) 828 -8196 Email: pcampbell@bcd.tamhsc.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 43 - Special Interest Group on Foreign-Educated Dental Professionals Chair Dr. David B. Nielsen, DDS, MS Associate Dean, Postgraduate Studies University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry 2155 Webster Street San Francisco, CA 94115 415-929-6489 dnielsen@pacific.edu Secretary Patricia King University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry 2155 Webster Street San Francisco, CA 94115 Phone: 415-929-6688 pking@pacific.edu Special Interest Group on Implant Dentistry Chair Dr. John D. DaSilva Harvard School of Dental Medicine 188 Longwood Ave., Suite 206F Boston, MA 02115 617-432-3881 Fax: 617-432-1440 john_dasilva@hsdm.harvard.edu Special Interest Group on Legal Issues Chair Ms. Cheryl DeVore Ohio State University College of Dentistry 305 W. 12th Ave., 1159I Postle Hall Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: 614-292-4250 • Fax: 614-292-7619 devore.2@osu.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 44 - Special Interest Group on Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) Chair Dr. Ron Attanasio University of Nebraska Medical Center 40th & Holdrege Streets Lincoln, NE 68583-0740 Phone: 402-472-8820 Fax: 402-472-6681 rattanas@unmc.edu Tobacco-Free Initiatives SIG Chair Jacquelyn L. Fried Division of Dental Hygiene University of Maryland Hayden-Harris Hall, Room 3-G-31 Baltimore, MD 410-706-7773 jfried@umaryland.edu ADEA Council of Sections - 45 -